PAGE TWO fHE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. MARCH 2, 19.13 tions where a drouth resistant for­ her first marriage Not that atty of that Is Important age crop I needed for sheep pas hut I set It down as of possible III lure. Hi Published Every Thuusday at Springfield, V *n e County, Oregon. by 11etest while we are talking about Ute new president • • • B L U E ......................Inaugural gown Thirty years ago a president'» daughter gave her name to a new shade of blue. "Alice Blue" was so named It can e It was I lie favorite color of Alice lloosevell, now Mr Nicholas l.ongworfft Mrs. Fruukllu Himsevelt hit given Iter name to another Me' shade of blue. It Is called "Eleanor llltte” and ahe will wear a costume of thia eolur at her first Whit House reception on March t II i ilescrlh'd tvs a shade of liyaelulli blue, between a gray blue and a blue-gray If anybody knows wltat that moans. If thia starts tit,* women of Am erica lo buying new dress mutei'lals Is will he a good thing for the re vlval of liualness T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S M. E. MAXEY. Editor Entered as ascend e ia * mattar, February 24. IMS. at the postofflce. Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Ona Year In Advance ----- J150 Two Years in Advance tZ.SU Six Mentha Three Moutba RUBYM. A YRPS © OooMJkAV bcSAu co Hunfoln Is closely related lo al­ it tried out III Doug lai county tor about Iwu years slid lies proven highly aueeeasful both tur grilling purposes and seed pro dtli'lloll As Ihe seed must now he il iiported from England, the Increas It g demand for It may I ad lo u rather targe calc seed production, Hcholll believes falfa. It has he Then she laughed to herself. "What's the Joke? Let s shar • It!" ably, mist' derstoed her 0. S. C. MAN CO AUTHOR ,"i »in w outlet ii g ho» you » I There waa nothing in the world k In the tar he said Would you prevent Barbara from going olf at like my friends." rath ’f not go? I'll explain Io OCR NEW PRESIDENT W ITH CABINET MEMBER " i h. all right, I expect! Sto m 'Hara," any moment If ahe so w.sited She We lake this occasion to extend our compliments to the was free, ami she had plenty ol aw ay likes t i l l e r « I told you Appointment of II A W.illaee, ' Sit tied!" Barbara said violt nth new president of the United S tates and to wish him the money, but there was nobody with "Yea—did he say anything about 'What do you take me for? I editor nf Wallace's Parmer, a see retail of agriculture lu the l ever breathe a word I'll never apeak g iea test possible m easure of success in his effort to lead the ! whom she wished to take urh a Pauline?" "Only that she was young Just to you again.” tell cabinet lil'otlglll delight In one Journey. nation out of the slough of despoud. of Ills close friends and associates They drove to the Albion In But If she had been married to a kid." It is a H erculean task which Mr. Roosevelt and the new Dennis O'Hara—ahe brushed that "Yes." Barbaras heart contract alienee on llm Oregon Stale collage staff Congress face. There has not been, in recent times at least, thought quickly aside, and want ed. She was much older than Paul Hr E, N II less titan associate prof "You wait. I'll fetch them.' Bar such an opportunity as lies before the new adm inistration. hurriedly to her bath cssor of farm crops, were not unly Inc. In experience If nol in actual bara said She was out of the ear At the sam e time, no new Adm inistration has come into the college ela a m ales hut have since before he could atop Iter. In the Jerry Barnet rang up while she years She wondered if she would control of our governm ent, since Lincoln's time, which was lounge she met Dennis. dahorateil lu writing a lexlbook have stood a bettor chance with | was dressing. "Should have rung be­ confronted with such perils. on corn growing (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) fore." he explained. "only I thought Dennis if she had met him sooner—■ SANFOIN IS SUITABLE AS Wallace aud Hrcssittatt both were We give President Roosevelt and his advisors credit for you’d be asleep. Tired myself this before her marriage, before ahe had cultivated this hard, cynical util the highest motives of patriotism . We think no one can morning. Awful!" DROUTH RESISTANT CROP graduated lu agrlcullure at Ames, tude toward life, to hide from the Iowa, In 1920 They worked togeth deny that Mr. Roosevelt’s record of public service, beginning "I'm as Iresb a a daisy,” Bar Hunfoln, a new perenlal legume er for a number of yeara on corn with the legislature of the S tate of New York, as Assistant bar a told him cuttingly. “And I will world her hitter hurt and dlslllus- ’ pasture crop, may aoon find an Ini hre di ng. and in 1923 published th« Secretary of the Navy during the great war, aud as gover­ have to tell you It’s all off for Wed lotiment. She had done it so well that everybody accepted It now as it edition of a ta il, “Corn and ! portuut place In southern Oregon, nor of New York for the past four years, has been a record nesday." Iter real self—all except Pauline, saya Harry Hcltoth. federal lucrolto Corn tirowing." which hue been re of forward-looking, aggressive and intelligent effort for the "Oh, I sa y !” that la— simple little Pauline who mist af the Oregon Extension sta vised twlre since and la now ex- common good. "Yea; I've got some people com­ loved her and believed In her In (lull at Corvallis. The plain Is a teuslvely used as a text throughout But the situation which confronts the new adm inistra­ ing up from the country." Barlmra spite of what other people said. long lived hardy legume with a the corn hell Wallace's father waa tion is one filled with pitfalls and uncertainties. We think explained coolly. "And I’ve got to eretary nt agriculture uttdnr the ' large root system making II well Here comes the train," Jerry th at the nation at large realizes, as it never has realized show them around. Awful bore!” I adapted to south*111 Oregon condi­ Harding Coolidge adm lnl Iratlou broke In upon her thought». and “Who are they* Didn't kuow you before, that our desperate situation in America is on all she drew her hand front his arm FRANK PA R K ER fours with the economic distress which is felt in every q u ar­ had any country relations." aud hurried forward. Pauline was at “I haven't. It's Pauline aud Dennis ter of the globe. We do not believe, and we do not think the window, smiling and eager Bur | th at Mr. Roosevelt believes, th a t the United States, in this O'Hara They’re tired of rusticating bara aaw Dennis lay a hand on her P R E S ID E N T S and doubla-0 critical juncture, can lift itself by its own bootstraps. And and want a change” shoulder and heard hint say: "Walt “Well, you'll want a fourth, ao Franklin Roosevelt I Ihe third one of the great uncertainties is how far the nations of till the train stopa; there Is pi utv We art' t*qulp|H' grease your auloinoblh' accord* i successive President to h a w a Europe will go in cooperating, along lines which our nation what about tue?" of time." ¡ng to (lie m akers chart, Insuring perfect lubrication. Barbara hesitated, then she double “o ' In his name. He la alao can accept, tow ard bringing about an economic re-adjust­ We use only Un1 best quality lubricant» In the hands of Then It stopped. and Pauline laughed "Oh, very well. You'll like m ent on a world-wide scale. , the third president whose surname ¡‘Xperlenct'd service men. opened the door and almost fell into Pauline, she's pretty and — Inno I la the same as that of one of hls T h is is the home of th e leading gasolines her friend's unresponsive arms. T hat is not to imply th at there are not m any serious cent.” ¡predecessors We have had two V IO LE T BAY. MOTOOAS. amt GEN ER AL E T H Y L phases of our domestic situation which cannot be remedied “That's another word for stupid." How lovely to see you again It i Presidents Adams, iwo Presidents Stop at llit' Green anil While colors. by intelligent and courageous action at W ashington. It “You think so ’ Well, you must seem s yeara. We’ve brought an aw Harrison, aud now two Presidents seem s certain that, in the beginning of his adm inistration Judge for yourself. They're going to ful lot of luggage. I don’t believe II Roosevelt. at any rate, our new president will have the whole-hearted stay at the Albion—deadly respect­ will all go In one taxi!" .. Mr. Roosevelt Is the third presl and effective support of our new’ senate and house of rep­ able isn't it? I thought a little sup­ 5th and A Streets Springfield I made Jerry bring his car." Bar dent of Dutch descent. Martin Van 1 resentatives, and that sort of team -w ork to result in speedy per after a show on Wednesday bara said coolly, though her pulses Buren and Theodore Roosevelt he- action, so far as legislation can be of benefit. night. Reserve a table somewhere, were raring. She Introduced them. ; tug the other two. He Is IlkewDe will you?” Mr. Barnet— Mr». O’Hara. Mr. the third president elected in his The country’ is still in the dark as to the exact m ethods “All right, but I shall see you to­ O'Hara.” fifty-first year. and policies which the new adm inistration will undertake to night? We re .going to the Venners’. Dennis and Jerry shook hands If there Is litck lu odd numbers m ake effective. But we believe there is a very general It seem s ages since last night.” "It's very kind of you to have met President Roosevelt ought lo have desire to give the new president th freest possible hand, "All right." us," said Dennis, looking at Bar­ plenty of It. and to clothe him with authority beyond that which has She rang off, frowning. If only bara. been bestowed upon any executive, except in war time, in Jerry wouldn't be so slavish. No “Not at all Get a porter. Jerry. I M A S O N S presidents the sincere hope th at he will thus be able to act swiftlv aud doubt som e women would love such effectively. don't call this much luggage, my (hie of llit' leading Heller» on the coast 1» Eggi- devotion, but she found it Irritating. President Franklin Roosevelt is child.” she told Pauline when It was imom's eotigli drops made right here in Springfield. We do not think, as we intim ated, that any new presi­ He ought to have married a woman collected. the thirteenth member of the Mu Only two other brands of nationally advertised drop» dent taking office for the first tim e has ever had the im­ like l*auline. They got into the car—Dennis In sonic Order to be president of the' ei'lip»«? our» in sule», No other cough drop can l>ei»t Barbara spent tbe morning at het portunity which is offered to President Roosevelt. At the front with Jerry, and the two girls United States. I have often heard our» in quality and t ffcctlvene»» a» a cough remedy. sam e time, we are not unmindful, and we are sure Mr. dressmaker's. Madame Celeste had behind. some of my Masonic brethren say Roosevelt is not unmindful, of the trem endous responsibility som e new creations freshly arrived "We've got tickets for a show to­ that every president has been n Pleasant to take Eggimnun's cough drop» have from Paris that morning, so she un­ which the nation is laying upon him. night." Barbara said; "and we've Mason, but that Is not true. found a ready m arket everywhere. truthfully said. She showed Barbara Washington was Master of hls We most heartily wish him the best of luck. booked a table for supper after all her most expensive and exotic ward.” lodge Monroe. Jackson. Polk, llu i hanan, Johrson. Garfield. McKIn) models, but Barbara would have Oh. but Dennis ought to rest." LET'S VOTE BOTH STATE AND FEDERAL none of them. ley, Theodore Roosevelt. Taft an d ! Pauline broke out agitatedly. ^ h i f i " the* t t a r v h * la "I'm going to change my style,' “Nonsense." There was a sharp Harding were Masons. There Is no j The Oregon legislature is about to provide for calling a she said coolly. "Show me some convention for action on the proposed repeal of the thing simple— black or white— noth­ note in her husband's voice. “It's Masonic record to prove thnt Jef not nearly so tiring sitting In a ferson was a member of the order.) eighteenth am endm ent. Delegates are to be Elected from ing Oriental." train as It Is trying to drag myself but there Is collateral evidence' each county on the basis of 10,000 population and will be "But, madame—" C ele.te was the ' ab"out "the‘ which Is taken and accepted Mnsnn- pledged wet or dry. picture of grief-stricken amazement. I ically as indicating that he was. Pauline's face quivered For the sake of consistency and to relieve the muddle Barbara cut her short. Mr. Taft waa not a Mason before course. If you're not tired—” she “You heard what I said—some­ we are now in with a state constitutional am endm ent and he was elected, but the Grand faltered. They reached the hotel. That Y ou Ar© Eating the Home Creamery Butter no enforcem ent law the legislature should also provide for thing sim ple in black or white. It "We ll call for you at half-past Lodge of Ohio made him a "Mason you haven’t got anything I can go voting on the state constitutional am endm ent. No doubt it seven,” Barbara said. "No, we won't at sight” between hla election and ( wil either be repealed or retained as the state votes for or elsew here.” come In now—you'll want to un- hls Inauguration against the eighteenth am endm ent repeal. While we are mad- “ ,terly mad pack. So glad you've come." President Roosevelt was recently voting on liquor we might as well vote on the whole ques­ she told herself as she drove away Hhe blew Pauline a kiss and lean- Initiated Into one of the Masonic tion—either clear the slate or write law th at is law. Any "But it's nice to be different som e-; back with a dgh "Tak > me home 'he Tall Cedars of Leb- times— it's as good as a holiday.' Jerry. I feel exhausted." anon. o ther solution will not be satisfactory to either side. ard she thought again of Dennis. „ . "You go dress and come back No butter is put out by this creamery unless it If they could have spent a holiday for ,ne and bp ,a,p - „ajd „ „ R E L IG IO N S ................ of presidents ALL NATIONS TRYING FOR SELF SUPPORT bears the Maid-O-Cream label, which is the trade mark together! For a moment »he let bara at her door. President Roosevelt will lie the for good butter. All nations of the world are trying more and more to her Imagination have full play. She He was amazed, whi n on arriving ninth member of Ihe Proie tant become self supporting. T hat is more the reason for falling and Dennis down by the sea. walk­ again at the flat he found her dress- Episcopal church to be president of Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for off of our export trade than even the world depression. We ing hand in hand along golden sands ed and waiting. the United States. It Is a curious m ight as well m ake up our minds th a t as the world becomes with the fresh breeze blowing in “Great Scott!" he whistled look- thing that this small denomination more enlightened nations are going to trade a t home and their faces. They would be young ¡ng her over from head to foot. Bar- should have had more represents buy in the foreign m arket only such items as they can not together with everything else in bara |aughpd -oo you ,,ke me? No (Ives in the White House than any e »on orgotten. She wrenched j j|pRt|ck — bo earrings—no nothing of Ihe other branches of the Uhrlat- produce economically. We m ust cut our surplus for export in those commodities which we can not sell abroad apd fol­ her wandering thought« back to youvp aIwayR ^ en UMH(J to .. Ian church. There are lea- than two sanity. Dennis did not love her and. Hp drew „ quJck breath low lines which we produce exclusively in this country. million Episcopalians In America even if he did. how soon would they -.Jovp . Bu( the compared with nearly eight million grow weary of each other? No, no same -you're divine." Baptists, hut only one President, HOW TO PAY BILLS WITHOUT MONEY It was far better as it was. Pauline She swept him a mock curtsey, Harding, was a Baptist. w u the wife for him. There are nearly twenty million her eyes bright with excitement. A man about town tells us a story of six men who owed Pauline was the kind of woman j Jerry took her hand and, bending. Roman Catholics and none has ever each other $100 but could not pay. One was a hotel man • been president. One president. Cool and when a traveling m an stopped a t the hotel one evening to make a home for such a man as kissed It. And yet it was by his choice “I’m almost afraid of you. and •*•<«’. » Congregatlonallst, one. he borrowed $100 from him until morning. The hotel man Dennis. that they were coming to town. yet—” Suddenly he caught her to Garfield, a member of the DI clples ( ailed the gioup together and the six men handed the $100 Why had he done It? Barbara told hlm “B a r b a r a -d a r lln g - of Christ, one. Hoover, a Quaker bill around am ong themselves until they were all paid. He then returned the money to the traveling man, who left herself she did not know, could n o f 8be wrenched herHe|f free from two. Van Buren and Theodore pasH,onate arrn„ Roosevelt, belonged to the Dutch town. All six men had the same am ount of money the next guess, and y e t- d e e p down In her Reform church. Both the Adamses. day but they all had their bill paid. What the world needs is heart there was a little fluttering - , ^ t mp g^ _ beaiit! Hpai(t," hope that It was because he wanted Jerry Barnet waH , r| , wi(b Fillmore and Taft, were Unitarians more traveling men with money. t o ,e e h e r : anger. ------------------ $ ------------------ - Johnson. Grant and McKinley, w- re You're a fool!” she told herself) "ADyone wou|d you,d nev,.r Methodlsta. Jackson, Polk. Buchan pityingly a^aln and again, and could bet.n kll,Ked bpfore_ what ,,IP dplirp an, Benjamin llarrlaon and Wood GIVE COMMITTEE SUPPORT on y remember that It Is better far |H (bp niatte, y other times you've r,,w Wilson were Presbyterian > 1 he new relief com m ittee appointed by the governor to never objected. Oh, I ay, chuck It, The Eplscopallans'include Washing adm inister federal loan money in Lane county is going to wise and have no paradise at all. Barbara!" for she had begun to sob. I°n> Madison, Monroe, William have a real job on its hands trying to fairly distribute the Barbara made Jerry Barnet go j tearlesBly, but with infinite pathos. Henry*Harrlson, Taylor, Pierce and $20,000 loan. To begin with the com m ittee has a problem with her to meet th e. O'Haras. It He bad nevpr H(;pn hpr K,vp way Arthur. to settle the controversy in regard to whether to give gro­ was a pouring wet evening, and to emotion before, and he was an Any woman who sweeps a rug 1 don’t imagine ft makes any par- cery orders or money for road work. The com m ittee des­ New York looked at Its worse. Bar gry and distressed. It was almost Ocular difference to what church is working h r one eenl an hour. erves the cooperation and support of the general public. bata slipped a hand through Jerry’s If with her new mode of d resa ln g jb e president belongs. Two of them It is a thankless task bristling with criticism they are un­ arm as they walked up and down as she had changed her nature too. | Lincoln and Coolidge had never Tho* it what If Is on ihe aver* dertaking. the platform. "Chuck It!" he »aid again, u been members of any church before "You look very young to-night,” choke In hls voice. "1 didn't know *bey became president. But every age to operate an e/eetric vacuum AUTO LICENSE, BOOZE AND TAXES LEFT ! he said. He pressed her hand close I'm awfully sorry. It's not us If I’ve president of the United Statos has cleaner. So oheco It electricity Elbert Bede, reading clerk of the House, writing from to his side. "I like you In that get- never kissed you before, or any been a deeply religious tnnn, ns j up. New, Isn't it?" Salem, sum s up the situation down there thus: other man” every man must he If he l< to com- that for a few pennies you can “Oh, I ’ve had It some tlmsF “I know !” Hhe struggled In vain maud the confidence of the people, "l'p to date we have regulated mosquitoes, bed-bugs, bablea, oara said carelessly, but she flush for composure. “I k n ow -I'm cheap • * * hies, chiropractor . frogs, osteopaths,, doctors, lawyers, merchants, «lean every rug in your home. ed and wondered what he would say ' - gP<.ond hand!" Hhe laughed vail GRANDFATHERS.................a few dentists, whales, dogs and bulls. In fact we have been able to control if she told him It was all new and antly. "Don't take any notice. Oet Although one of the youngest See your dealer today. everything satisfactorily except expenses, and they have been cut ma­ expressly bought for Dennis O'Hara m„ a (lrlnlc." presidents, Mr Roosevelt Is one of terially front two years ago. The appropriations have been cut mil­ She had not slept a wink all Jerry brought her the drink. Hls the few who were grandfathers lions and expenses of the session Itself have been cut thousands of , night; she had lain awake like an hand shook a little, and hls eyes ; when they were elected. Mr. Hoover ! dollars.” excited girl waiting for the man were ashamed, though he could nol was also a grandfather, hut from she loved. have explained why, then hack for nearly a hundred . . absurd!” she . scolded ,, herself. t , I "Sorry!” he said hoarsely. "Bewit-1 years I cannot find n record that When the new president takes his first dive into the . . . "So fter all the experience I ve had of | ly «„fry! I'd rather have died than any president was a grandfather at new $50,000 White House swimming pool, he will no doubt Ihe time of hls election. Washington have the forgotten man in mind. It Is one thing to talk like men. Of courae. It won t last—It's llpHet you. Awful! " Just another of my fancies." She "Idiot!” She forced a smile, and had no children at all. John on, a liberalist and another thing to act like one. tried to believe In her own word», drained the glass he gave her "For Adams and Jefferson were grand­ ------------ «------------- but It was difficult. She had loved t get It. It's too many I t-c n lg h t s - fathers, and so I believe was Mon Light company officials deny th at they invented the Dennis for so long—more than a my nerves are upset. I’ll have to roe. William Henry Harrison, who jig-saw puzzles to keep folks up late at night. The Idea year—and a year was a great time put some color on after all, I look a lived hut a month after Ills Innugtt originally is supposed to have come from a woman who to Barbara. And now Dennis was sight.” ration, had a grandson who later found a torn up letter to her husband coming to New York. In anothei sh e kept him waiting ten min­ became president, but I believe ------------ 1------------ moment she would see him and utes, and he avoided looking at her there was no other President than read the usual almost angry dis­ as (hey left the flat together. He those I have named who had grand­ When they get all their officials In jail down In Medford approval in his eyes She gave a It looks like the good people of Jackson county will have to little stifled laugh, and Jerry look­ was a bungler, but somewhere at children at the time of hls election. the hack of his slow mind he real­ Mrs. Warren Harding was a call in officers from outside counties to let them out. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY ed down at her. ized that he had hurt her Intoler- grandmother, through her son by THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1933 s’ JIÜCK'SRID« Complete Greasing Service “ A ” S tre e t S ervice S ta tio n E g g im a n n ’s C ough D ro p s are leading sellers R G G I M A N N ’S This Label is Your Guarantee MAID 0 ’ CREAM PRODUCTS Springfield Creamery Co. DO Y O U K N O W '»■f y-/ Jbrtfieprice q f i t Few Cai'pfe T H A T