THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T llllt T lin ’ll YKAIl _HPIUNOKIBLI>, LANK COUNTY? OUKlJtJN I I lim s b A Y , MAIK J ? GO.OPFAAM WORK England’* Kraut y Queen Many Subject* Taken Up for Diacueeion During Monthly Brotherhood Gathering INSTALL NEW No. S ¡DEBATE TEAMS ¡S ta te B a n k s LANE-PACIFIC HOAD MEETJONIGHT C lo s e d B0ÜF IS FORMED SPIRITUAL IllS OF WORLD TOLD Springfield - Eugene Squads Governor Order* Four Day Creswell, Goshen and Spring- Open Season With Dual field People Come Before I , Moratorium to Prevent Match** There Local Chamber Croup Deposit Withdrawal* DISTRICT MEET MONDAY | All banka In Oregon cloned TO PROTECT HIGHWAY Dougin* County Contest Fri­ thl* morning and will remain Committees Appointed and day; Short Debate Season closed until Monday. March Meeting Will Be Called to 6, on order of Governor Julius for District Schools Perfect Organization OFFICERS Head of Co-operative Farm Speak* on Work. Plan*, and Idealiam* of Member* (’«op! rally«, farming, trees. and a number of other lesser maltura were taken up for dlaruaalon at the monthly meeting of the U -' «dial | Melt’s Urol herhfHHl hi day night. Alaon Bristol, manager » operative farm now In b x north w eal of Hprlngfleld. ex •> aome Of the difference* In plan of lire from that whlrh 3 people of today are following explained their organisation, aril tiee, and ultimate goal, aud anawei wl a barrage of questions |>ut to him by thoae In the audience. i k Rev. Pruitt Place* Depression as Seventh Plague in Evangelietic Sermon ANSWER SAID SPIRITUAL Recovery Will Be Expansion of Spiritual Life and More , Just Distribution Meier, who declared the Hprlngfleld high nchool’a debut­ To perpetuate the Pacific high­ ing a uaon opena Unlay wltb Eu four-day holiday to protect Being named " E n g in e d ’a t^uera Painting a picture of the present way on Its present location, and to the Oregon hanks following W a C . Bullitt, American diplomat economic depression as a beginning o f B e a u ty " Is aa honor to th rill any gone high school and If the local promote It as the main north and now is Europe, around whom rages a g irl . . . but when aurh an award ear- teaiiia urn successful the debate the closing order which was tempest is a teapot, as to whether he of the seventh plague referred to In rtea a »2,(MM) rash prlxe, then oae aeaaon will lust ’ until Monday. issued in California last night. south arterial highway through-' is a weret embassy for President the Bible, Rev. Veltla Pruitt. Wed­ woiilit tw a« hsepv na M i n l.aura out the county plans were made' : otherwise II will close the name day Telegram« wore aunt to all Ore­ for the organization of a Lane-Pa elect Roosevelt or Col. House io nesday night, continued hla series j Il open«. of evangelistic services at the gon bank« this morning by the clflc highway association at the ob tain in g debt inform ation. The rea on for thia Is the small Huperlntendent of Bank«, ordering Christian church preaching on the meeting of the Hprlngfleld Cham­ number of entries In debating In them to remain closed for three topic. "How to End the Deprea ber or Commerce Wednesday even this district and a decision to ell- day«. Thursday. Friday and Satur ■Ion." lng. A large delegation from Cres­ minute the round-robin m eets such day, March 3. 3, and 4. The Bible In the 1M7-1S Chap­ well. Goshen and Eugene were pres­ ua were held lust year, substituting ters of Revelations speaks of saves ent and discussed plans to protect Stop C a lifo rn ia W ith d r a w a ls Instead, the dual debate method. Plagues which shall Infest the and promote the highway. T h l. afternoon at 1 o ’clock team« I „ Th” i ? ’"” d°®" not renec‘ on world. We have already passed Committees were appointed from) fr o m Eugene a n d 8*rlngfta!d Or‘* ”B banka’ through six of these, each of which each of the districts represented to i W ill d e b ate both th e negative am. I PreT,Dt has been definitely marked starting He cloaed hla remark* by an Rebekah and I. O. O. F. Com­ affirm ative s .d « . o f t b . duration- . J * ? , “ I T formulate the plans and near call a future larg.- Eurene and St M a rv ’a SUrt‘n< T CUrrenCy general meeting In the ‘ S ta r t revolution, down mittee* to Direct Entertain­ bouncing that every Friday night la • R eso lve d : T h a t at leant om -half T * ” *" ° Ot ° f ,he to elect officers and formulate a ® ’ Fr,daY to Determine to tb® World War which was the ,f T... .„ T . . T T T " )r’< " n '*“"*« »“to California fol OpM-bouae night at the farm and ment Are Announced of all state and local revenues policy for the new association. : Contender in State Play I "a 'd Pruitt extended the llrolhrrhood an Invi­ lowing th»lr holiday announcement, "Each of the six plagues have Plana for a trip to latrane w hen I should come from sources other the governor stated tation to visit them Many of the Those appointed include Jerry ! tangible property." The debates Ba.-ketball at Springfield high real calam ities, but even the members of the Hprlngfleld I. O. O Clark and F. A. Russell, Creswell llrolhrrhood members later Indi­ Notices posted on the doors of officially concluded concluded on on i World »r did did not not affect affect peoples people waa "‘f'clally w orla w w ar cated a desire to accept the Invita­ F lodge and Juanita Rebekah lodge will I»- held si Eugene high school Lane county banks state that they H. C. Bond. Eugene J C Holbrook school 1 was wheB I “ O< WorM- T*“ tion aud visit the farm In a group will present a program were dis­ and Professor Victor P. Morris will ure closed until March «. by order Goshen; and John Pyle, Harry’ " T ? * ’ * thU Stewart and M B. Huntly Spring fle’d ’ team loat to Eugene 1248 I” affliction Is reaching Into all act as Judge and critic for both cusse« al the weekly ----- Itebekah V in n W ill S CI .. . . . . . . . meet ... - , No date for . »»ea- the visit was net of the governor. field. ’ tb® closing game of the district part-'' ° t the world. The old problem of trees again I1"* brr*’ Monday nlgbt. Th« tenia debates, lie will sward a decision The new association will not P!“i <* t . leaT,n< Eu* ene champions "Sto and Business Goes On disobedience have bobbed up at the meeting when ,lr ’’ dal" *"* ,or ,bt’ Ptogrom I« to one or the other of (he schools. Every effort Is being made to only look after the Pacific h igh w ay! ° f th® “A" league teama of ,h e brou*ht on tbe depression. We use Friday night Myrtle Creek and members complained (bat trees s4“ r ubject In dual debates lo lb« city were set so clo e to the Kr,”M" ••I'x k are members of the to local business men. Most •-------- - «_ ...... county, ................... I tion. j lng something to eat. drink and for road» In « Iuine with the ' curb that II was Impossible to drive representing the Oddfel- determine the Douglas champion­ The winners of the two stores are expected to follow the view to seeing If the money Is w ise-' . ™ <* da; e ™ n,n‘ 3t ><«y-. "B” an automobile along the edge of (he l"WM "" program The s h ip . chamP‘° na ° t county 1 Admonition I, Solution pavement without having t h e l r it<'b*'kab «roup Is represented by m eets will debate Monday at some lead of the McMorran and Wash ly and economically -pent without T*® «»lutlon of the depression automobiles scratched by the tips ^ r* kllllm« Ulack. Mrs. Batella place us yet unannounced, for the burne store where Mr. Hicks, man unduly burdening the taxpayers. de,eated ««rdnor. Douglas "B" win j DerS 1110 Saints from Eugene Problem lies In the admonition of the branches The matter will hr and Mrs. t'larlne Pulman district championship. Winners of ager. announced that merchandise and that It Is fairly distributed The chamber directed the secre the*5 three «*“>« «®rles with "3 ^ek J ® _ P’” !t the Kingdom of A number of skits, song*, and short i the district championships will will be sold for cash or exchanged taken tip with city officials. for checks drawn by reliable peo­ tary to write Senator McNary urg Euf?6ne n,«h‘ »n effort and »•« Ridhteousnens and All meet nt Salem this month to deter­ playa are being planned for the af One lone walnut tree on the park­ ple. Those who have charge ac­ tag he promote the case of the T Wr®“‘ th® ri added unto mine the slate championship. ing o f (be church property also fair Members on (he flower and en Springfield .wludents of public counts will continue using them canalization of the Willamette dla,rtct in the ,ta le tournament. If th*®’ h® declared, ra m . In for a great deal of discus­ Pro«Perlty Is Just around the cor- for • •**> the • speaking under the direction of and others who have satisfactory river before the waterways com ° De te>ln WtM th® flrat two Kalnea sion The tree In particular discus- lerlalnm ent committee -------------- — credit ratings will be given charge m lttee of congress and especially ner. but the corner Is not the one T lrd„W "1 “Ot Ptayed Ion Is very warped and twisted ,,,<,nlb March were announced Miss Bernice Conoly, huve been ......... sw w v i, w m p rtl U llll I W IN U H ] - - - w vw i . . . i h o t t l u a . l l « . ’T »»..— _ _ . . . ... emphasize flood control. Hprlngfleld players lost --------- em- two I we 8 w k - “ ta »ne with special and aome wanted to cut It off and n 81 f **** Meeting. They are . Mra. Nellie studying the question to be debated acounts. game« In closing their present sea on spiritual things, a pros- Several meeting are being held * ’>«»• Mrs. K E Moahler and Mrs for several weeks. Two members of graft a new lop. Olbera advocated 8On whlch waa notable because of P°rity which will enable all to ac- the debuting team. George Murx In Eugene this morning and some MAIMY A T T F N n M f ik iT u i v removal of the tree and the plant­ N e llie Jo rd an A I I t N D M O N T H L Y the ,afck of traln^ reaerTeg quire the necessities of life, and The surprise program planned for and Virginia Christie, gained con­ plun to relieve the Immediate short ing of a new one. W II Myers will MASONIC SOCIAL NIGHT players with som e experience was wbich places spiritual values above age of cash will probably be an­ this week centered about a play, "It siderable experience last spring as Investigate and take whatever ac­ about the extent of the team last alm ighty dollar, he concluded. Pays to Advertise" with the follow members of the local school squad. nounced later In the day. tion he deems advisable. Fifty . people attended the month- fall when Marlon Hall began The church filled --------------- -- iu v .u v m u - .«H wU«~u t Coach uadi M arion M ali b eg a n c vn u rvu a auditorium u u iio r iu m was ruled tng In the cast: Lee Pulman, Elmer The hank holiday is not a new They now comprise the negative C h u rc h W o rk T a lk e d ly social which members of Liberty casting about his first starting line- ,or thla »ervice and good audiences Itu^h Sutton and Frances idea. These* holidays have been Much time was also given over to pyne. N ellie Pyne. Cora Hinson, team Masonic lodge sponsored at their up. Many others turned out for haTe been turning out each evening a discussion of the material work Stella Eaton and Clarlne Putman Hllles will uphold the affirm ative.1 working in cities and states In varl hall last Thursday night for their practice, but good players have to atnce the revival campaign began A program of games will be fea Frances Stiles Is a new student atj*”*“ Part« ° f the United State« for which the Brotherhood could do for wives and members of their faml be developed. Sunday evening. Hprlngfleld high school, but had "hurt periods of tim e for many their church It was Indicated at tured for next week’s social hour lie.-. A potluck supper was enjoy Last Thursday Roseburg took Special emphasis is being placed months. experience In debating last year. the meeting that the vacant church ed at S: 30 and the U tter part of the 8prlngfleld 22-14 on their own on "»us*' « the evening services, Miss Conoly, debate director. Is lot would be available to someone CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR evening was given over to dancing Boor, and Monday night brought Laurence Sunkler stags solos at for a garden If there waa any re TALKS INDIAN MISSION herself an experienced debator, ATTEM PT TO ENTER and cards. I. M. Peterson. John the final game for-the district, all each «»rvlce and special musical having been a member of the Wo­ quest for It for (bla purpose. DOCTOR OFFICE FAILS Henderer. and C. A. Swarts were other team s having aiready com- nunib®rs are always offered, Announcement of iho district Mr a“d Dallas Klee, former men's debate team of the Univer­ members of the committee In pleted their schedules. — - Pruitt —- will preach Tonight » Rev. Brotherhood meeting to be held at vealdenls of Eugene, now In charge sity of Oregon for two seasons. on “Salvation.’’ The Murphy-Mo- An attempt to gain entrance to charge Brownsville on March 23. was made of ,b ® White Swan Indian Mission, shier quartet will sing. I the office of Dr Milton V. Walker MRS. PARKER HOSTESS by I*. J. Bartholomew, retiring ***• ““ Iv of Ila kind maintained LIONS CLUB MEETS L io n s Q u a rte t to S ing failed last night it was discovered SEVENTH GRADE GIVES president. He announced that he b> ,b <’ t’hrlstlan church, provided TO AENEAS CLUB MEET AT NOON ON FRIDAY when he cam e to his office this Friday. "The Pre-Eminent ChrUt" PROGRAM AT LINCOLN will attend the meeting which will *bt' program for the meeting of the will be the subject of the sermon. morning. The lock on the door had ‘--------- Members of the Aeneas club start with a 8:30 dinner and offered Christian Endeavor society Sunday Regular meeting of the Spring been Jimmied and the door-stop The Lions club quartet' quartet. Dr. W- W. c C. - Students in the Seventh grade were guests of Mrs. John C. Parker Io take a carload with him. evening Mlsa Onldla Smith, week- field Lions dub will be held at Tay- had been pried open In an effort to presented the program at the Lin at her home Tuesday for the re- Rebhan’ D B MurPhy. Veltle Pruitt New officers of the Brotherhood ,laV Bible school teacher, was In lor hall Friday noon. W F. Walker release the lock indicating that this coin school Friday afternoon. The galar monthly meeting of tbe or- . Ferebe® 8ln« at tb® were Installed by Rev. Poindexter charge. Mr. and Mrs. Rice explain­ and J. Fulop are members of the had been the work of amateurs, numbers on their program were: ganlsation. Five guests were pres- j h " " D° ’ er T icea held and Itegan I heir work Monday even­ ed their work and exhibited some program committee. ___________ _ | Reading, Shirley Seavey; dialogue, ent besides the members Thev „ ing They are L. L. May. president; of the things made by the Indians Reports on the work of the differ- Leaves Hospital— Mrs. K. W. "Aunty Puxxled” ; tap dance, Helen were Mrs. E. E. May, Mrs W alter D B ^ " nlnR next -Monday evening H H. Poller, secretary; Dr. W. H on that reservation. etit acts for Ixtdlee Night are also I Carney of W altervllle was dismiss- Lyons and Patsy Patmore; and a Scott, and Mrs. Maude Bryan all m ' Pr“1? h“8 announced that be Pollard, treasurer; Rev. Frank 8. M K. Hayes, adult superintend­ expected at the meeting. ed from the Eugene hospital on play. “The Recovery o f S la n v ” a t Snrimrftaia . - a , "Conversioo w,n Preach a ’ series of sermons on of Springfield, and Mrs. Dell Hoi- ( ’lento, chaplain, and Wm O. ent for the C. E. was present and ’ comb, and Mrs. W. E. Holdrldge of i?, ,7 Hughes, J P. Vaughn. P. J Hart ho also addressed the ooclety. Rand. Oregon. AH ,h ese " •» « ■ H -tic services lomew and J F. Bailey as first, sec­ M r« W c . 8tart at 7:45 an<* «veryone Is In- mrs. w . v , Wright will entertain »_ v ond. third and fourth vice-presi­ KENSINGTON CLUB HAS f o r ‘r t h e o i n x h u vtted *» to come and hear . and take her 1. home , f° r H t dents. ' ODGE PLANS FOR ,'IM E PROGRAM EUGENE WINNER IN FINAL GAME GUESTS FOR MEETING A potluck dinner waa enjoyed by the men previous lo their meeting. Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee aud Mrs. Riley i The Ladles Aid will serve the Hnodgrass were guests at the meet' dinner for the March meeting It lng of the Kensington club held was announced. Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs John Henderer. Mrs. Clarence DEGREE STAFF A rrF P T C ’ ***"* Waa a’'■lg,“n, hostess The U tU R EE STAFF ACCEPTS afternoon waa spent playing cards ________ _________ WALTERVILLE INVITE a"d pu«nng jig sa w puzzle« to. ------------ gether. Member, of the D.-greo Staff of The next meeting of the group Juanita Rebekah lodge laat night will lie held March 10 at which accepted the Invitation of the Wal time they will bold a one o ’clock lervllle Itebekah lodge to pul on potluck luncheon at the home of the Initiation there the Utter part the president. Miss Edna Swarts __________________ of March. j A sp ecial m e e tin g or the local BANK CASE HEARD grou p was held at th e I. O. O. F. R v u m r 'c . bull At 7 o'clock Wednesday even- WEDNESDAY ln<. 1 __ The law milt brought by R. O. R A R R A D A R A D A 1C I i m i Masters against the Commercial BARBARA BARNELL ON Stale lUnk (now In liquidation) ------------ be special music at each service Mrs. Mary Keeter, elderly Spring- OD that day. field resident, who knew Lincoln The Bible school will meet at when he lived in Illinois and who 9:45 and the Christian Endeavor possesses some of the items which at 6:30 In the evening. he once owned, spoke of her ac- ------- ------- ------------ qualntance with the man Friday CHURCHES UNITE FOR evening at the monthly church WORLD ’DAY OF P R A Y E R ’ night program. Mrs. Veltle Pruitt W rKAYER had charge of the program, and Ladles of the three Protestant Mrs. Fern Richards, the refresh-1 churches In Springfield will hold a ment8’ Joint m eeting at the Methodist ■■.fe- x" K is s j tendent of Banks. In an effort to ,lav® cashier's checks declared l»r«ferred claims was heard yester ,laX bX Judge Sklpworth In circuit ' »’«rt. After hearing the arguments for b° tb «Ides the Judge ruled for l tbe defendants. Many Hprlngfleld P«*>l>le were called as w itnesses for the trial. S ,-* LARGE CHICK ORDER ASSESSOR DEPUTY FOR SHIPPED ON MONDAY SPRINGFIELD NAMED BANKRUPTCY IS FILED MRS. ADAMS HOSTESS FOR ^COOKING CLUB FOR DRUG STORE HERE A petition In bankruptcy Was filed Wednesday, Mnrch 1, hy the Hotels Drug Store No date for the hearing on the petition has been set according to Con Dillon, re­ ceiver. The store closed Tuesday. Old Clasamatss Visit Arthur Frewlng, Alberta wheat farmer, and Hnrry Frcwlng, his brother who lives nt Tigard, were In Hprlngfleld Tuesday to visit with Dr. W. H. Pollard. The three men attended grade school together when boys at Tigard. Mr. Frewlng reports that with high prices of gasoline and low grain prices, he loses money every tim e he sells a bushel of wheat. His crop last year amounted to 90110 bushels. church Friday afternoon to observe MRS. DOANE HOSTESS the annual "World Day of Prayer." AT CARD PARTY FRIDAY Mr" w H- H»R*rd and Mrs. w. H. ------------ Gantx, presidents of the two Metho- Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Doane enter- dl*‘ Mission groups will have tained at their home Friday night charge of the Methodist participa­ tor members of the Iuka circle, *•«*> In the program. Represeota- Ladles of the G. A. R. at a card lives from the Christian and Bapt- party. Five hundred was played •*< churches will also take part ta with Mrs. Daisy Clover winning the program. A social meeting will high prlxe and Mrs. Eggimann the be held after the meeting. Last consolation prlxe. Arble Lansbery year the gathering was held at the was awarded the door prize. j Christian church. PROGRAM IN EUGENE l,nd A A 8 ‘ hramm. stale superln ----------- Mr. and Mrs W. K. Barnell and daughter, Barbara, aud Miss Ruth Morrison will attend Iho Masonic dinner In Eugene this evening. Miss Barnell will entertain during the dinner hour with xylophone solos and will he accompanied by Mlsa Morrison. Sunday morning the pastor will T H IIR rM rD C IID uizrane P"‘a<'h °" "The Faml‘y Ood" CHURCH GROUP HEARS "Is the Bible In sp lred r will be the ANECDOTES ON LINCOLN sermon subject. There will A consignment of 2000 baby H. P. Markusen of Junction City chicks from the Nelson W hite Leg­ will again assess Hprlngfleld pro­ horn poultry farm went out from perty for 1933 taxes It was an­ the Springfield Southern Pacific at-1 nounced Haturday by Ben F. flee Monday. The shipment waa Keeney, county assessor, when he made by express and was the first released a list of deputies which he , of several orders which the farm has appointed for the county. will ship this season says R. B. The deputies are to start work Nelson, proprietor. on March 1, and are expected to have completed their task by June 1. There are 19 deputy assessors LEGION MEMBERSHIP CONTEST UNCERTAIN In the county. Sixteen members of the cooking club of the Christian church attend led the monthly meeting and social gathering held last Thursday even­ ing at the home of Mrs. Ely» Adams. Following the business | meeting games and refreshments wc:-e enjoyed. PAST MATRONS TO HONOR MRS. KETELS All members of the Eastern Star are Invited to nttend a tea to he given at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Wilson, Saturday. March 4. from 1 the hours of 3 to S o'clock. The ; tea Is being given hy members of the Past Matron« club of Cascade chapter In honor of Mrs. Jane j Ketels, a member. 7 T H IR T Y -F IR S T PR ESID EN T o f the U N IT E D S T A T E S I With the deadline for the Am­ erican Legion membership contest reached last night officials of the local post are In a quandry as to which side Is the winner, the at>- Jutants or the commanders. It seem ed like a tie late Wednesday afternoon. Final decision In the con test will be announced tonight when the Springfield post holds Its regular semi-monthly meeting at W altervllle. CALLED TO INDIANA BY DEATH OF FATHER Dale Summers will leave today for his home at Ossian, Indiana, where his father died Wednesday morning. Mr. Hummers has been living In Springfield with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Eggl- niann, for the oast three year*. His mother Uvee at Assain and he plans to re: