PAGE POUR m ie SPRINGFIELD NBW8 Joe Reno Meets Yaqui at Armory Each Seeks Another Match With Jensen; Mobley to Meet Opponent on Card County Agent's Office Head­ quarters; Seek Adjustment By Cooperative Efforts THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23. I»33 Prizes Offered bor Attendance FUM MORTGAGE iGROUP IS BEAD! Eugene P.-T. A. Council to Give Gift to Units Showing riolitf Garden Work Backed Rest Representation uy Agricultural Council at Meeting on Tuaaday The Joes have it this week. Yaqui ! Announcement of two prise* foi Joe. the Sonora Indian, ai d JoeI That the ban« County voluntary th e beat attendance Ml lire liutrl I I . 8 . M e n * fr ill, of Goutl'll, was Reno will meet each ether In Hú­ (arm mortgage adjustment commit­ Hon lectures In» leg given each Frl ■.let led presld* lit of the l.ane Coun mala wrestling event at th Eu tee 1» now reedy to offer Ita ser­ ilny morning at the McDonald ty A ll I. ultui al r out,dl ut tliu an gene armory tonight. vices in any case in which it is theatre In Eugene wad made today mini inueliug ol Hie orgu ilsutlmi Rex Mobley will meet an oppeii requested to act Is the statement by Mi- O. II U ih m I. m em b er of Hie belli in Eugene on Tuesday, Feb­ ent who has not yet bee- a:, of F. B. Harlow of Kugene, chair- * , com mt lt*v In charge o f sp ea k er) ruary 21 tltller Officers elected tiounved in the special 45 nitnu’e man of the committee. This com­ Two prises will be offered, una were D. A. Niehola, Cottage tiiu v ., event. mittee held a conference In Eugene to the Cult within lire illy limit vice p ie s li.e u i, ami V. 11. Duvls, It i n Monday of thia week with L. R. I-as I week Thor Jen eu won a of Eugene, mid another to the out It 2, Eugene, secrelury tr. tlstll or, Breithaupt, of Corvallis, secretary match front the ludían before * side Culls, for Hie best total nt All egl.iilUve qiuillllIH e of four of the state farm mortgage adjust- large crowd which overflowed to I lendguce nt Hie meeting* which ar uieutbers wag elected aa follow nn nt committee, and William L. the upstair.! balcony. Yaqui claims ! hold i aeh Friday nt 10 30. Tie V. A. Parker, illaehiy, F. K. Cham Teutsch. assistant county agent David 8. Barry, 73, veteraa Jensen deliberately faked a chokirg ¡ : lecture lor Ibis week will be given bora, it II, 1, Eugi ire; Elmo 11 leader, and discussed work that the Sergeant at Arms of the V. 8. Senate, spell and took him off hia guard ' bv Miss Mabel Wood, mouther < 0 8lr Malcolm Campbell, bold r of the world auto speed record, and ch ase, It it. 2. Eugeti»; mid Ar­ committee can do and methods of suspended in an unprecedented action to win the thirst and deciding fall by that august body for writing a hi* fatuous rebuilt Bluebird" In which he established Hie new win Idi 1 «I Oregon faculty thur F, it H e. It It 2, Eugene procedure. of the match after each had one magazine article for The New Out­ land sped record of 372 mile per hour yesterday on the rained This will be the second In Hie ser Reports of project I'on illllH ees In order that the services of the look in which he said some members fall. les of six, the fir t having been beach speedway. Daytona Beuch. Florida He says his tuchoiiieler >utlining programs in crop improve­ committee may he made convenient of Congress took money for then Harold Helbert and Reno went |given Iasi week by Dr C E Hunt ment, dairying, poultry, general, to everyone in need of them, the votes, faces the ire of veteran Sen­ the full 45 minutes In the special - ndicuteil a speed of .»30 miles per hour. ____________ The lecture* are broadcast over livestock, mid rodent control were committee has arranged for the of­ ators » event to a draw. . _ " ' " ’ ,1*1110 slatlnu KOBE from In 30 io fice of County Agent O. 8. Pletchet L L O N F IL E F A T A L I I no, hui the dlaeussion period oiisidored mid adopted A program The match tonight will probably C R E A M E R Y M EN A T T E N D lu horticulture will lie prepared to be headquarters (or committee C O N G R ES S C O N S ID E R S deslgnate an opponent for Jensen j C O N V E N T IO N M E E T IN G S TO LOWELL YOUNGSTER during the ensuing half hour Is not later In cooperation with Hie lathe activity. Information on procedure M O R TG A G E R E L IE F B IL L next week. Reno claims he already ¡ —■ ~ , broadcast. ------------ County Horticultural society. Thia in obtaining the comm ittee’s ser­ has defeated the Elkton wrestler.: John I». Pyle spent Wednesday Betty LaVarne Howard. 5. duugh _. work will he curried on In coopera­ vices may be obtained at the Coun Washington. D. C . Feb. 23—A hill ami Yaqui claims that ho can. Th'’ S“"'a ' ,ara P T A l”*' afternoon In Corvallis attending ter of Mr and Mrs William How tion with County Agent O. H. ty Agent's office or from any mem <8-56391. designed to provide for the m sotings of the Oregon Cream ard of Lowell was fatally Injured Fletcher. Tile Council also voted her of the committee. Ioans or advances by the Recon lerymen who are holding their an­ Saturday afternoon when she ran ture with an attendance of six unanimously to cooperate with the Has No Legal Status struction Finance Corporation for nual convention there. His son. Into a carpenter's file while playing Mr Harlow reports that at the the purpose of securing postpone­ Emory, will attend the meetings at her ho.m amt punctured her CLASSES S T A R T W O RK ON ounty court lu currying on a re­ lief gnrdeu program along Ihe lln», conference held In Eugene it was ment of foreclosures of certain today. bronchial tub«. Thia uauh « m I exc«»« (olluwed last year and authorised emphasised by representatives of mortgages for a period of two years U w hl«M>8000 or less. ulmtuated with a Impression party ginia Christie. Hernadlne .McFnr operative farm northwest of Spring C H R IS T IA N "C H U R C H • • • tory arrangements independently. as held at the liupilst church Wed The bill proposes that >500.000.- land, and Nathalie Edmislou; Jun field will be the principal speaker In eight years the University of Members of the state committee 000 be made available for payments nesduy by members of the senior N IT E " TO BE F R ID A Y lore. Alys Thatcher. E. ho Toniaeth. at the monthly ineetlug of the Meth at the conference reported that they to mortgage holders on behalf of Southern California football teams - Harry WI Ison, Dorothy Hart; nils loiiury society. Articles for a - odist Men's Brotherhood Monday had word that similar credit coun delinquent debtors provided that have scored 2.563 points against 417 night. He will discuss the organi- Monthly "Church Nile' program sophomores. Mary Smltson, Ruth hill, cross box to be packed and cils or committees in other states mortgage holders agree to foreclose by- their opponents. ' «alIon and operation of the furm at the Christian church will be held Pollard. Faye Squire*. Verlln I'osey hipped to one of the missionary have already proved highly benefi­ over a period of two years, and to Friday evening starting at 7 30 tin Eunice llhlnevnull. and Donald Wn posts of the church were worked It I» said that the game of foot and maDnW' Wh,Ch “ Wort,B< cial even where comparatively few accept a reduction of interest rate der the direction of Mrs. Veltle son The entire freshman class on during the allday session. 1 out. cases are actually handled. Most to 4 per cent on total delinquencies ball actually originated in Greece in Pruitt. A short program to be fol will work a* a committee In pre creditors and debtors both are The loans would be made through 500 B. C. Parent* of Son— M r. and Mrs. T ra n s a c t* Business— Paul Myer* lowed by game» and refreshments paring their skit. • • • ready to do the fair thing if infor the facilities of the Reconstruction .„, i ...... Orel O'Brien of lilac Itlver are the ¡of Hayden Bridge transacted busi­ Is planned M rs W a lle r Richards ' T 1 "* ‘-augnieresque program I* Deck tennis, which originated on mat ion is available on which to Firance corporation. will have charge of th. ness here on Wednesday. ' re* the annual fun program sponsored parents of an Infant son born to manta. base such a settlem ent, it was said. One hundred million dollars also trans-Atlantic liners, is a good game 1 by the high school. Each class pre them lu Eugene an Friday, F eb la addition to Chairman Harlow would be made available to Federal for any time of the year. A rubber ! pares a skit, the nature of which runry 10. 1933. This I* their flrat Visit* from Fall Creek — Roy or rope ring and a net is all that la and Secretary Fletcher, the Lane Joint Stock Land Banks and to re­ Home from Coast — Mrs. ‘ <" » mystery until the night of th. baby. Mrs. O'Brien was Mis* Brewer of Fall Creek visited friends County com m ittee consists of O. A. ceivers of such banks where delin required. Wickham returned Monday from showing, und Judges select the win l |,'ram''" Dragier, in Springfield Wednesday. Nichols, Cottage Grove; and E. A. quent mortgages are held. nlng act which entitles the class Princeton and Dartmouth will r e • McCornack and Elmo B. Chase, of | months visiting with relatives at No loan would be made, accord­ W s lts rv llls Man H s r* — F K producing It to extra points In Hu new football relations November 11 Eugene. ; Reedsport. ing to the proposed legislation, un­ Whitaker of Waltervllle waa a , activities cup com esi. this year. The 1933 game will be less the R. F. C. is satisfied that visitor In Springfield Wislneaday C H IL D R E N A R E G U E S T S the mortgagee has first protected played at Palmer Stadium. Prince , Mrs. Ida May Cartney died Mon ton. Another game Is scheduled for , N O V E L T Y F E A T U R E S FOR A T O. E. S. P A R T Y H E R E his mortgage rights by paying ac­ the same field November 24. 193» day morning at the Pacific Christ­ There have been several changes crued delinquent taxes for the mort­ ian hospital In Eugene. She was the DANCE ARE A N N O U N C E D In location made here In the past Thirty children were guests at a gagor and that the mortgagor, after William Harrldge. president, the wWe of Earl E (’«rtney of Goshen. few days exercising ordinary diligence to Children's party which members of Special refreshment* com lstlng American League, predicts "a much They i,ved 0,1 ,h “ ™n<'h formerly Ira Elston of Leahurg has sold hl Any Couple Contemplat­ Cascade chapter. Order of Eastern meet accrued interest and principal better balancer! race" during 1933 owne<* hy the Smiths at the foot farm property one and a half miles of French barbecued hum and chips Star held at the Masonic hall Tues­ payments, has defaulted thereon ing Murrltigo Monday, Feb­ will be served free at the Willamet- He points out the second division l o i Sml,h h,1> between Goshen and east of Leabqrg to E Howells. Lea day evening. over a period of six months. i le I’ark hull room Friday and 8m ruary 27, will find It to clubs have been strengthened by (>'easan( Hill. Mrs. Cartney was 111 i__ burg power plant superintendent ..rdnv ntehi > i Senator Steiwer has expressed A potluck supper and impromptu nn,i Mrs Mr., jçiMton ci , . Imv»’ not rom urday night to dancers, it has biw-n trades. The New York Yankees are ,or many weeka following an oper Mr Ihelr advantage to contact - “ r. iinn program was featured at 6:30 with his intention of urging early action i t . il00ounc«<1 by A. H Loud muiincer standing pat. atlon. The body was shipped to Nor pleted Mr. J o ii i ' h ut the plans for a new location manager the regular business meeting of the on this measure in the senate and Music Is rurnlshed by Len Hoyt • • • fork. Nebraska. but will visit for a time with rela­ because of the emergency character Chapter at 8 o'clock. and his 8 Royal Collegians. Spe­ William T. Tilden, 2nd. one of, A ,,or three of vacation for tives at'Chehalla, Washington, Mrs. Gertrude Wilson, Mr John of the proposed legislation the FOX-McDONALD Theatre cial dances are sponsored at the the greatest of all tennis players the B |pa* u‘* tournament which took A new family have moved t„ u , , ........ ' u Ketels. and Mrs I. M. Peterson house is expected to make special (lia r F lat i a . .1 1. |Mirk ol Ihu flneat In now a professional, says he will re- P*ace *n Eugene last week, the c m ar fia t leasing the I'nvne col Kugene - Phone 2468 . ... , were members of the committee in arrangements to enable this ses ion 'he late, every wiwkend tire from active play late this year *tudents of Pleasant Hill settled tage of the congress. charge of the event. He intends to establish a chain of rtown ,o th e,r studies Monday. Six Mr and Mrs McMahan are «oon tennis clubs. 'w eeks exams will be given Monday to move from the Harbet property Attend Lodge at Lorane— Four •DAD- M U R P H Y H O LD S • • • and Tuesday following a vacation lust cast of Hendricks bridge. members of Springfield I. O. O. F. B IR T H D A Y D IN N E R never lacks for Washington's birthday The country Mr. and Mrs. Alden who have lodge No. 70, Ernest Black, Elmer Mrs O. Stutz and Mrs. E. B. Tin­ leaned the Irvin Estate farm north sports. In one section of the coun Findley. Lee Putman and Elmer Mr. and Mr,. I. E. Murphy enter ker have Issued invitations to the west of Hendrick s bridge are also I Pyne, drove to Lorane Wednesday talned with a birthday dinner at try there is an archery tournament. Pleasant Hill boys and girls who leaving soon. evening to attend a lodge meeting their home 1442 Oak street, Eu The baseball spring training ramps played In the B league tournament ■Mr. and Mrs. Greeley Caln «re gene. Sunday on the occasion of will open In another month or so. In Eugene last week ard to Mr. and Basketball Is in full swing all over buildliig a cottage near Ihe Waitsr- Mr. Murphy's seventy-second birth Mrs. Price and Mr. and Mr . Eber­ day. They had as their guests the country. Billiards tournaments hart for the seven o'clock supper to vllle school house on Oscar Milli­ their sons and daughters, and their are being held nightly. Bowling Is be held at the Tinker home Satur­ can’s farm which they will occupy while Mr. Cube Is assisting Oscar James Edmiston had the misfor­ families. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Ear becoming more and more popular. day night, February 25. Millican with his work. The' Cube's tune to have a 22 bullet to pass hart of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Court tennis Is at its height, in “Bill" Baker and Frank llelgel have leased Ihe^George Easton pro through his foot Just below the Ernest Anderson and daughter. ome sections dog racing Is a great sport Fencing classes are to -of J’'«’a*a"‘ » " " e f t Monday of this perty the past "two years. ankle bone last Thursday afternoon. Patty, Eugene, Mr and Mrs. Dallas found In hundreds of gymnasiums We‘>k ,or ,h " h,ll:1 on a Pr<*P ec‘