TUVHHDAY. FBtWUAnV 28. 1983 Snow t in « — Hr, mid M r* w . C. Bobhan and tw o daughters. Joy and Bobby, Mlaa Clara Jonoa and Mlaa Mina I'etaraon, «p»nt Hun day al Ih» snowline a l la i t l 'r M k ranch N O T IC B O F H E A R IN G N iit ? 5 v ’,|N * L * CC O U N T M BLP W A N T B D — M ALE T E A and C O F F E E ItO U T K M E N T hm A. “ •‘ “ •‘ ’’ HV G IV E N hai Ih., undrralan. d ad m in istrato r do« . . á . m l . X á ' D b f t hU aw , 1 « ^ ' PAQB THRSB T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y < 4 « Jooper Résidant Hara— M n Roy lA>». of J . apar « a . . v l.lto r in 4 I N C T 0 I H tvprlngfleld on Monday. 5 iJ î 2 f2 2 L S ? S i£ ï W lnbory Man H are— John Uolden o„ .„ .« u . , anca of U b .n o n « a , « g l . t o r H aa a guest at th« Monday. hprlngfleld hotel on Collects Bounty— Em ery Hyland M arriag e Lieenaoa laouad of F a il Creak collect od S10 from the During the past week County county bounty fund for one cougar C lerk W B. D illard has granted pelt Tuesday m arriage llcenoea to tha follow ing: James T ucker and Eva R o th ery; Visitors from Idaho — M r and both o f Eugene; James Ryan and T '‘m Idaho Mabel Bower, both of Eugene; W il­ I were visitors hare at the home of Mr. and M rs R. L. D rury over the liam East and Louise W ilhelm , both of Eugene, and to M anley Crawford I ivaeh-ond. and Fauatlne Blackm ar. Poplar V isits Slater— Mrs L o ttie Craw Montana. ord of Oregon C ity and her son. Itan dall, of Corvallis drove to N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G ON F IN A L A C C O U N T Hprlngfleld Tuesday afternoon to spend George W ashington’s birth- N O T IC B 18 H E R E B Y O 1VBN: day visiting a t the home of her sla­ T h a t the undersigned, aa executor ter, M rs. W. H. Pollard. T h e visitors of the Last W ill and T estam en t of i h arlotte R. Donnelly, deceased, returned to th e ir homes Wednes­ has filed hla account fo r the final day afternoon. settlem ent o f said decedent's «««eto In the County Court for Lane Coun­ ty, Oregon, and that S aturday the FEWER ACCIDENTS IN 28th day of M arch. 1833, a t the o f W ln b e rry transacted bu Inesa In Tonsils Rantovod— Ua Malosh Hprlngfleld Halurduy. underwent a tonsil operation at the office of a local physician Wednes­ Thurston Man Visits— Ed Upland day morning of Thurston, vlaiiod friends In Recovering from lllneoa— Mrs. H. Hprlngfleld on Monday. E. M a le y , who has been III at ber W a lte rv llle Man Haro— F a rre ll home for several day». Is now re­ McQuInn of W a lte rv llle was a bust- covering. ueaa visitor in Hprlngfleld Monday Has Operation— E m ery Mlchard Vida Reaidant Vial to— Hen Min- sen underwent a m ajor operation al dun.,1.0. »» M . I i e t h , Admini.,r. , o r I. T ”,T n‘. Of the E -ta te of David Ito « , Mo I H ," " ,ord «J»i w er.it r, Palo Alto. Call- ney of Vida was a visitor In Spring the Pacific C hrlstlau hospital In Eu Q iia m s v , — . ,b ,lb ’ d,,<,'«»*'d. fornla. M r and Mrs. Hoover are field on Haturday. gene Friday morning. FORESTS REPORTED S x ' S . t “ . £ " S U . * 5 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ‘ *' , I A Y Attorney tor Estate living out of suitcases" until the V is ito r from Pongra— Moy Harley M inor Operation— Oswald Olson I wo deaths and 503 non-falal ac been fixed by s^ld Court*0 «« the FROLIC IN SNOW SPORTS -------- - 8 19 2:1 M **> fourth of M arch. Thay w ill have of I ’engra was a visitor In Spring submitted to a m inor operation at . . . , ----- N O T IC « TO C R B O IT O R S * * ry l *’ “ " ‘ ak » " » ’ field Haturday. l idents occurred In the work of "m e and place for hearing object- the o ffice of a local phy Id a n Tues Memhera of the C hristian church Notice la hereby given that th, lb " " 1 wb" " ,hey ’" • * * Washington the V . H. forest service In O re g o n 1 lon’ H»*»*to. and for tbe s e ttle day morning. Sunday school classes taught hy j has Inmn duly appoint- that day M r. Hoover w ill accom In from Fall Creak— W illia m and W ashington during the calen-1 “ ’ " r o b f r t h , v ?,r,lt ,,f **•» lb « estate •» > •(« of of pany pany the the new presldi-ut to the Capl M elvin T r a ile r and A A. E E Cole Cole spent spenl ¡¡’ > • ■ " " l , r ' a ,r l,‘ ,,f H ale of F all (.'reek was a buslnesa d ar year l»32. according to rep o rt! cutor of the Last W lfl and T e a t Ml a t Signal— Mrs John Baxter Saturday playing m ............... - a - — « - a - I » u n t e o . - - I ............... hl* Klan* ho not contera. visitor In Hprlngfleld Haturday. am ent of C harlotte R Donnelly was reported to be quite III at ber Just Issued by the regional office 1 ■¿oat Creek ranch They were a, all pemona having claims ■ ■ ■ M i l A n " . " t 1 I I P' plate rem ainin g there to listen to “ * deceased. home at Signal the firs t of the at Portland, Oregon Cedar F la t Men Haro— John and I by Itev Jb* 8a,d e s lale are hereby required *' 8 s u o e a o r’» Inaugural address. Douglas Het ra ft, laborer, was L L RA Y . ^ tto rn eT fo r Estate. week. George H a rt of Cedar F la t were IF V e llle P ru itt and II (I. H n .ltI, ,! 'J ‘ ." * W ' •■•'na. duly verl , Instead he w .ll mo. M 2-8-18-23) fleti as hv í«w . . . J '" 'J vori I ■"»'••«o ne w ,ii meet llop ver * * • '“ * ■ *" Hprlngfleld Monday. struck by a fallin g tree w hile sleep­ ... M ' l rs L ,',1 flea of W ells A ^ W ells *B ' f t % ,b " ra,lroad "(«Gon. shortly a fte r ■ V is ito r from Camp Creak— Mlaa ing In a tent on the M ount Baker N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E N O T IC I FOR P U B L IC A T IO N < o-iim eice Bldg., Eugene li" I an'., " ' “"h " ,,d ,b ''y wl11 ,Bke a traln ,wr Gladys Chase of Camp Creek spent national forest last fall, and killed III a t Homs — Mrs. C arl W lltee REAL PROPERTY Dapartm snt of t h . In te rio r, O .n .r a i f r ’. ^ 't k » » b ln «Í» months ' N » York 10 <••«<* a ship which Is I w a: III at her home the first of the the week-end In Hprlngfleld visiting In s ta n tiy. James Dumont, who sus­ N O T IC E Is hereby given that by Land O fflea at Roaoburg, Oregon, fr l " « t : i r . , Hec. 8 and W E I I H * W e T I ? a caused by fallin g, slipping, use of which T h e Pacific Savings 4 Loa„ more com plete control than It has ' fi®1* * of Gulp Creek was *a Lol 4 H. h , ». Tow nship 30 B. Range for E I' ' 8 ' Attorneys Returns to P o rtland — .Miss Abbie tools, failin g of trees and other Association, a W ashington corpora I E. W illa m e tte M eridian, has filed K" 1“ ’ been since the first a d m ln b lra tln r < * ll,llo r 1,1 Hprlngfleld Friday. ( F Ï H I Ï 3 - - M 3) Massee left Wednesday for her objects, and liftin g or pulling. tlon was p la in tiff and Paul Moore. notice of Intention Io m ake r in a l' o f Woodrow W ilson, which began V is it from Blue River— M r. and Portland borne a fte r spending two three year Proof, to eslabllab claim Most o f the Injuries were to the Ethel B. Moore, his wife, and others Just tw enty years ago. At that tim e Mrs. C. It Scott of Blue H iver were were defendants, which execution N O T IC I T O C R E D IT O R S to the land above described, before weeks here visiting with her sister. back, 48 In all. N e x t in o rder are and order of gale was to me d irect­ only a few persons on e ith e r side visitors In Hprlngfleld on Friday. H A. Canaday. Register. D 8. laind N o lle« I . Mra. N. W. E n ifry 38 knee Injuries, followed by some ed and commaeded me to sell the O ffice, at Roseburg, Oregon, on the undersigned b“ reby <*»<” > that the ol ot the A tlan tic anticipated the great 2».h day ot M .rc fT |»33 la m u t o r S E ____ . , .. ¡fo rm of In ju ry to 37 eyea, 38 feet. real property h ereinafter described F all Crook Resident H« uropean W a r. and few er still had Mrr. ( btlniulit nauiea aa wltliesoes: Teutan \ , ' * * t Wl11 ao««•• 'h a t the United w ith frlo n d . In Springfield F riday, ¡m a jo r operation at the P a c ific ; , I X u l [ “ . ¿ i d " Saturday the 26th day of M arch. and lly New ntun, a ll of H anal. O re qualified a l anav Yet It la the events which occurred | Christian hospital Io Eugene H a tu r-; M. at the southwest door of the W eek-end V is ito r— lam i e T ro tte r ! L argely because of the i day. ' V a » , ,. ,. a . ,- a n a „ » v . .............. ..... “ favorable fire season, 1932 showed i ° i n tn Hoose ln Enitene, of Jasper spent the week-end here * hlcb ,b e ” n*'«tl States and all the visiting at the home of M r. and Mrs. Ila r i McPhei-son. Pollard spent Haturday at Cottage I * d“ th’ " nd 575 non fa ta > ™ ’ ub]e< t to redem ption as provided IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E at 234 M ain M tr i^ t^ u L i!* »,Pn * r “° n re" ‘ of ‘ h1- wor,d are " » ‘•ring Grove looking a fte r business affair» e' dent Bccordin« to ,h « « P o rt for b_y J.“ » ; aB and R l A*i'.**.,i?il‘ O H h G O N FO R L A N E gon, w ith in six m o n th i* tv....', ! By a ll odds tbe biggest Job ahead Brother V is it» —Irv in H o llis te r a r ­ of the closed bank there dur ng the “ ** NOrth PaC,flC ,OTet,t 8erTlce Interest of the defendants ln said COUNTY. î " î * 7 ’f 5 Î ,a the same being I ,,f Roosevelt adm inistration io rived in Hprlngfleld last F rid a y to .s u it and of a ll parties claim ing by. In the M a ile r of the Katat» of Peder dated and published t h . r u « .. •> absence ot F. G. H avem ann, who Is i through or under them or any of visit with his brother. Ren H olll Rudoluh N e ls o n Dei-eased tl... « « . e d ih u " yf ’ ,œ " I *b‘' “ 'Uustm cnt of the International Hudolph Nelson. ___ ____ _ Rudolph Nelson. Det eaaed this 2nd day of Feb ru arv T m j them In or to the follow ing des­ IB. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S N ode» Is hereby given that the C H A R I.E H K J M P H R r v ’t ! situation. w ..h respect o f anbts ster. P Exe i N otice is hereby glveo that the cribed real property, to-w it: undersigned. B erth a M arie Nelson u U m M i P l H H R k B v Y . a cutor of the iLaat " w i i | and Kr" w ,n* ,,f ,h '' »»d 'he ,-f Beginning a t a point in the Form er Resident H ere __ Miss ! underai«ned has been appointed Ad- Vids People H are— M r and Mrs has been appointed by the above East line o f Almaden Street re y '" d e c " 1 ° f J“ m M B Pc®Pb ,ort ,eler e n title d court aa a d m in is tra trix In tw enty-nine (29) feet South of * o"f f ^ u n f t y 1^ th'-li above entitled E state; all per-11. M P E T E R S O N * A ttn rn » upon which the prosperity of the A. T . Donoho of V id a w ere busi­ Spring,ie,d now of Porttond. J the N o rthw est corner of L ot six sons having claim s against said said estate ' ‘ noy for j United States s till greatly depends, ness visitors In Springfield S a tu r­ (6 ) In Huddleston's Addition to Miss May Stevens of T u rn e r, spent i Al! persons having claims against day, estate are required to present aald rreM|ii!i" * We,lB- Ha" k ««imln a lra iln n w ill not consent to Returns to School— Miss Barbara 18. 1933 By A. E. Hulegaard. Deputy. ( F 16-23— M 2-9-16) County. Oregon, w ^ thlft'iix" m o w h i i * * ,,o' ,,“ nd of ,h e A m erican Legion B arnell returned to h er classes at ( F 23— M 2-9-16-23) Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN from the date of this notice. for *mm«-dlatn payment of the de- Springfield high school M onday fol Naturopathic Physician ,b ,,''d an'1 Mrst published Febru fP rr‘,d bonus certificates held by lowing a week's Illness at her home 1833 ¡veterans of the war It also seems Phone 91-J Hoo O peration— Ted Lenhart un­ 1933 * la"* pub ,lra,,o n M arch 2. " » I* Io predict that there w ill be a J F H 8 F u W E I I i) ¡' o m p le te re o rg a n lx a tlo n o fth e s y a - derw ent an operation at the Vet ( Iff Ir e Hours: 1 to 5 I*. M H A R O L D J W F I ih . l te M o f ,-artn* ,o r ln»aHd and dis erans hospital in Portland Thursday 408 Fourth Hlreet of tbe estate of Husa'nns R “ bl,>d ’ e t" rana whose ^low ances of last week. W ashington. I). C., Feb 23— T he Hln ralla hi» national io n i pan y *•'« final la ftlo m e n t of aald «atntv naada a mora n in i Iniinodlalnly J " C” ° “ ‘ F <'«urt for Lan« Coun ' lust of the Hoover fa m ily ’s pars., a l effects have been taken out of the ■; % = S s = rrvvlouM MXpttrlutic House and put on bodrd a but maat ba phyalc ' a lly ablt< and *ort Itooui of Maid Court. In the aovenim kovo n ent ship, which w ill take w illin g to sorvien 200 IMI steady oon ’" ¿ 'f ( ''’ u rl Mouse, in Kuanna. ' them I through the Panama C anal to ■ muoia on m a u la ir r route and „ V i 00* ln th« fo re -1 the Mi a ,e island N avy Yard In Han lay for «bou. ^ . h a X ' _____ r ô d ^ \ „ ? , r ()Ur, “ ? „ " r d . ; , - -------- ■ work 8 hours u day for about a the lim e and place for hearing k*raoc,8co B a X Prom there It w ill »J7 IMI weekly. W rite Albert M illa ,'••N *'« Ilo n . Ih. reto ,„1(| r o f t ’ nnm - - he u short haul by I ruck to the Houle Mar.. 2284 Monmouth, Uin- ; ’ • ‘ ’-»••meat of said estate. fc d w . G . P r iv a t JEWELER KeixUriug a Sporiulty Hprlngfleld, Oregon General l.«w Practice Bowers, deceased. ( F 2 9 18 23— M 2) : anta the new ambassadors nnd m inisters se»2. It nlono has great power Eleven (11) and T w e lv e (12) con­ w ith whom It Is certain he w ill re­ of beauty and expression and Is tain one acre each, more or less, perhaps the most In tric a te and A m erica's representatives which Is In Lane County, Oregon. place delicately constructed organ In Bids therefore may be made to abroad, nnd tho hundreds of other the e n tire human body. W illia m Curtis, a d m inistrator of Presidential appointees who m.URt1 said estate, at his home In Spring- bo Im m ediately put In office and 1 Safeguard and Protect Them field, Oregon, or at the office W ith Perlodlo Exam inations of Frnnk B. Reid, 208 T iffa n y B uild­ confirm ed. In all, there are some­ ing. Eugene, Oregon, a tto rn ey for thing like 150,000 G overnm ent posi­ DR. ELLA MEADE said estnte. tions over which the President per­ W IL L IA M C U R T I8 , Adm lnlx sonally, or his Cnblnet, h are unres­ Optomttrlst tra to r of the Estate of Nancy C. tricted power of rem oval and ap­ Eugene 41 W est 8th Conrad, deceased. pointm ent. (F 2-B-K-U— M I ) Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Our Printing is unsurpassed A modem equipped plant is here ready to turn out any kind of printing from the smallest to the largest job. Collects Bounty— How ard M ont­ gomery of Ix*ahurg collected 212 from the county bounty fund S a tu r­ day for one bobcat and one cougar pell. In press equipment and with linotype composition we are prepared to give service equal to any. Numbered among our customers are some of the largeat F orm er Residents V is it — Mrs. F rank Deete and son, W illia m , form er residents of S pringfield, now living at Roseburg a rriv ed here F ri­ day to visit w ith friends here and In Eugene. buyers of printing in this part of Oregon. Surely it is not necessary to patronize mail order houses for printing, when your money might stay at home and purchase as good or better printing. Comes In From Bridge — P. O. Daniels of M cKenxIe Bridge w»s a visitor In Springfield Monday. M r. Daniels operates a service station and resort Just oast of M cK enxIe Bridge. Patronize your own taxpaying, payroll industries and Ore­ gon will come through O. K. V isits at Homs — Miss M ary Elisabeth W h itn e y, teacher at M ar- cola, spent the week-end here at the home of her parents, M r. and Mrs. H a rry W h itn ey, w hile attending the "B" league basketball games In E u­ gene. The Willamette Press Business Printers Springfield REVIVAL MEETINGS V E L T IE P R U IT T , E v a n g e list LAURENCE SUNKLER, Soloist and Song Leader S p rin g field C h ristian C h u rch F rom F eb ru a ry 2 6 to M arch 1 9 EVERY NIGHT AT 7:45 EXCEPT SATURDAY Hear the Gospel of Salvation and the Songs of Redemption ◄ Josus said: Jn. 14:6: "I am the Way, tho Truth and the Life" Road Jn. 17th Chapter Eph. 4: 1-6. Matt. 28:18-20 EVERYBODY W ELCOM E !