THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T IIIH T IK T II YKAIt S P R IN G F IE L D , IzA N K C O U N T Y . D ltK G D N T i l l H .SDA Y, F K U lt t ’A R Y -'3, 1933 SOUP SUPPLIES NEEDED B i P.T.A. Secretary of State Covered Dish Luncheon, Busi­ ness Meeting To Be Held Next Wednesdny 00618625 Lions Working On HEBL' Veltie Pruitt and Laursnc* Sunkler Will Conduct a Three-Weeks' Drive CARNIVAL COMES Pro^ram 10 IM FRIDAY H.S. BASKEIBALL DEASON NEAR END Assignments of Places on Broadcast Made Friday; Big Top to Include Main Per­ Hear H. S. Musicians formance and Large Num­ ber of Side Shows Assignment of parts for (be I Play Roseburg T h ar* Tonight I and Seek Early Closing Came with Eugene High Ladles' Night, Radio Entertainment, be presented sometime next MUCH MAGIC IS PROMISED CLIMB OUT OF CELLAR month by the Hprlngfleld Lions Large Crowd Attends Anni­ Much Special Music by Solo­ club were assigned at their meet­ School Medicine Chest and versary Meeting and Pro­ Douglas Tournament Starts; ists, Choir and Quartets ing Friday. Moat of the prominent Girls' Shower Rooms to gram at H, S. Auditorium Winner to Meet St. Mary's, and popular radio entertainers will Planned for Meeting Benefit from Proceeds Lane “B" League Victors he presented tin the program Anotbar appeal (or more contri Plana for a series of rw lvitl rna ae one who will and song leader, who will direct the quartet were Mlsw Lewis, Miss Vlr- under one roof. Mra. W. O. Iturrh. president ut Manor Uagnno was picked by final game with Eugene from March a’ an Important part In party a f special mualc. »tain Christie, Miss Juanita Sea Hprlngfleld P. T. A. s during the Kooeevelt sdinlaln The Karnlval will be replete with wsted artists as one o f the twenty 3, to Saturday night of this week The camtiulgn will continue for oions and Mlaa Ruth PuUard Mias The Parent-Teacher association a main show and a large number wart haa nti fid fashion maanequtBJi or Monday of Next week. The game three weeks with services each in the U . A. . . . Then in a later Ruth Morrison accompanied the of aide show attractions In each haa been sponsoring the hot dish will be played on the local gym­ jarfffiftg Aamhed unofijf the lirut lira, evening at 7:48 excepting Saturday singers. plau alnre early last (all with con of the class-rooms, says Miss Ann •Jid terlarnd the mod»* I and aiAUM nasium floor. Honrs of rodemptlon and eermona the per skatrty. tlnually Increasing success. They Vogel, advisor for the Girls’ League - 8 ringfield will probably lose of salvation will feature the revival. do not attempt to feed the student which Is sponsoring the affair. both of these games, but she has Sterling Hunday evening Rev. ' cl‘mbed out of the cellar position who live too (ar from school to got Buford Roach and his high school Prilllt will open the series of meet­ home (or their noon lupch. but th e y ' ( by defeating Cottage Grove. The musicians will he there early to ings with the subject Why I Be­ do try to provide each child who . Roseburg squad puts up a formid­ call the crowds with their melodl lieve In a Personal God." A men’s ri-malna at the grade school with n | able defense and offense on their «us tunes. quartet from Eugene will sing sev­ howl of hot soup to cat with his j home floor which only Eugene high To Demonstrate Pills ers! numbers and Mr. Sunkler will regular lunch which ho brings from Falling Snag Fatal to Woods­ alng a solo. j has been able to break. While here Opening the main event program homo or with a cup of hot choco­ man Working Near Maroola last week they defeated Sprlng- will be the presentation of “Magic The morning sermon will be from late which la served each M ed nee­ ------------ field 32-16 in a rough game. The on Monday Morning the subject, "God's Power Honee." Work Among “American In­ Pills, In one of the first perform­ dle y. Thor«- will be special music at this dians," Subject of Classes ances In this country. T he e won-) Lodge Has 34 Guests at Social acore 8lood l3'10 ,or ,he ***•&>« at fontrlhutlonr have been so gen- Jease Wycoff, 44, resident of service also. the half. , derful pills have the power of trans­ During Six Weeks School Meeting Here Monday; i ronsly made when called (or that Hprlngfleld und the McKentle val­ The lineups for each team were formation and the audience will The Christian Endeavor will meet Surprise Party Next 4 few weeks ago it seemed there ley during hla entire lifetime, was as follows: First m eetings of the three “d u ally see those who eat them at 6:30 for their study period. were sufficient supplies on hand. accidentally killed while ut work 1C Springfield __________ . . . Scouts and 21 girls lrl„ Re-eburg 32 Subjects of the revival sermons classes In the School of M ision s be transformed from what they are to Thirteen Girls together with the dally cc.ntrlbu for the Flacber Lumber com pany, b„ d e„, during the opening Ing held at the Baptist church were wba' *key woul'’ to be- This Is who are not "afftliat^d" with "the McCarthy 4 ___r _ 6 Hartman lions they ure receiving from such above .Marcola Monday morning,* week of the campaign ......»_ ...... 6 Hawke llm " the public wHl be Scout movement were guests Mon­ Campbell were an attended by 48 Hunday evening. The “ »• sources as the Hprlngfleld Cream He had been felling trees with nuunced this morning Palmer 9 -----c ... 2 Thurman by Rev school will continue for six weeks allowed to witness the Inside wora day night of the Rebekah lodge fol- ery which provldos some fresh milk Htevo (lender on. Marcola. and Pruitt. They are: and anyone Interested In the study *»«• **»«■ «tunt. , lowing thelr rPKular bug(npgg mppt. GSIIins 17 — _o... ___ 2 Wilson each day. to last until the end of they had Just cut one tree when Miller ___ ___G _____ Squires What *ubJ«ct, "The American Indian” Is Other numbers on the main event ing at the I. O. O. F. hall. Monday. February 27: the colil weather. The number of Henderson nutleed a dead snug Think Ye of Christ T" The game with Roseburg has Invited to attend. program to-b e given In the audi- Members of the troop were pres- been advanced to tonight so the studeula availing themselvea of the break from the top and atart to Tuesday. February 28 •T he The classes are divided Into three Includes numbers by a „ov ented In a demonstration of tae.r basketball players w T nb “ ee ta food and the continued cold wen ' full down on hla asslatant. He call- World's Create t Hook" r r m in u liin in r .ln io e m ^ ia i. h a v a tr i/» Jack Tax*b W I11<« » -d r ills ... and . songs b y S _ c o u t L e i d Z r . . . a groups, Junior-Intermediate, young eltv *«Y boy«' trio. Williams, Mor z- . , U, . ther has necessitated heavy with n t for Wycoff to move, but was too Wednesday. March 1: “How to people, and adults, and commence rU Stewart, and Isimar Brattain; Eunice Gerber after which a p ro o irt arn,Tal ’ rh,ch tbe E.......b- Depression?” at 6:16 each Hunday evening and »•« including j berta Putman, and a recitation by ter and 30-3 at the half. Then Frltx until the warm spring weather ar- the side of the head causing s h-m gunixatlon will hold their regular, _____________ 1 horses, seals, and dogs. Va Su Tommy Putman. Kramer, Eugene coach, sent in his rlv"K orrhage It was late afternoon be practice at th church tonight In-1 Shamlgo. the chemical magician Eva Look gave a talk on T h e , reserves, using six substitute play- A covered dish luncheon which fore the body could be brought out stead of at the homes of the mem- j MRS. H IL L DIES AT will demonstrate such stunts as Chlef Faults of the Modern Mother"; ers during the evening, had been planned at the home of of the woods to Sp£)ngfleld bers as haa been done for the past | COTTAGE GROVE HOME ,he creatlon of «moke without fire, and Mrs. A lice Doane answered "B” 'eague games for Douglas Mrs \V. (J. Burch Wednesday of Wycoff was born at Vida on the several weeks. ------------ ) condensing the blue of the Med- with a talk on "How the Modern ‘ county will be played at Roseburg thia week waa postponed one week ,,|d Wycoff place on Novemb-r 22. - Mrs. Eva Ambrose Hill, wife o t 1 elerranean into vapor. He catches Daughter Could Be Improved.” on Friday and Saturday of this because ef the holiday Wednesday 1888. lie married Mlaa Flossie B A P T I S T PASTOR W IIL Earl IIIII of Cottage Grove, and tbe «tars In the dipper and brings It will tie held next Wednesday at (tonne In Eugene In 1908. They Scoot garner led by Miss Gerber week The wlnner« “ »ere will have 8E VESPER S SPEAKER „„„„ 0, _ to play SL Mary’s from Eugene. 1 o clock A business meeting will moved to Hprlngfleld shortly after he held nt the Bruttalti school the! wards and have lived here most ot and doughnuts served by „ . Mrs. | wh,<’h Sat',n1a? n'xht " won - j ; “ d " ° " • “ £ ■ ■ “ . x i , . . - m X " the — "B” Morning worship at the Methodist home Saturday evening at 7:30. same afternoon at 3 o clock. . tbl. tim e since then. He has Iw-en Curiosity Sho« in te r» .« . and M ary Ann Louk O iri Scouts tz ’ A fte r ,hts P1“ ?0" h ,s been Birthday Cake Lighted employed by Ihe Fischer Lumber church Surday will center about i She leaves her widower, two the sermon theme. “The Christian.” brother:. Boyd Ambrose. and ( oniedy. drama anti mualc all had J company for the pa t ten years, "Noodle Inn ” win offer Chinese aan« «ongs during the eating of t h e : w.l.nner refreshments. trict. which In all probability will their parts on the Parent-Teacher Survivors Include his mother, The quartet and the choir will sing Harold Ambrose, both In Washing and ,ea lo ‘he visitors. prograni held ut the high si -I kmi I ^ rg Einma Wycoff. Eugene; hts the anthem "The King of Love My ton and one sister. Mrs. Delma Liv A surprise program was an be S t Mary'8 wl" <’’>»»«'>«» the Cne of the mo t interesting and nounced for next Monday evening Eo«ene hi«h tettm to a game to det- auditorium lust Thursday evening widow. Mrs. Flossie Wycoff; four Shepherd Is." by Shelly. Kenneth Ingston. of Elma Washington educational side shows wll be the by the committee. ermine which of the two schools to observe the savonth an niversary! children. Ronald. 22. Hlldred and Roduner will - Ing the solo. " C h rl.t, Mra. Hill was bom at Yoncalla museum. “Ye Okie Curiosity Shop­ Went I p Into the Hills." by Hlcharu „„ January 10 lgg- ar)(| wag shall represent the district at the of Ihe founding of the organisation., Mildred, 20, twins, and Geneva. 16; married on July 18, »913 at Van- pe." Here will be exhibited the A large crowd was present for j four brothers, t-nauncey, txiater, Hageman. state tournament to be held in Hev. William G Taylor, pastor of Waghlngton 8he hag „ Te<, • ab”ut Abrabani POST GRADUATES OFFER Salem the middle of March. the monthly meeting to witness the Archie, all In Eugene, and Chester, and "O’ owned by Eugene high has already lost one lighting of the large cake w lth !|n Washington; and three sisters; the Baptlat church, will spe»k at at Cottage Grove state 1919 where ^ “Co1" 8 H IG H SCHOOL PROGRAM Mrs. Kester. A coffee mill 200 game to St. Mary’s and the sup­ seven candles These were lighted Mr, B,ha Bear, Leahurg; Mrs. the vesper se r v i,e an the subject gh<> wag „ mpnther as will o'clock torlan church, of the Order of East- years old will be displayed "8 " ‘ Conquerors," « at o 6 octoca. Graduate students at Spring remacy of the two teams is uncer- one each by the principals of the Flora Yale, McKenxie Bridge; and World The Sunday school wBI meet »t ern Star, and DaUghter« of the N ile .! to llec“ ona Hindu. American v ,.u ----------- / J fleld "high school presented t h e ? “1“’. Eu*ene biKb Players have city schools, one by Mrs. Hannah ) ¡slellle Price. Eugene. 9 45. Indian, and geological articles. The Junior Epworth league f ^ , . , , , gvr T l c . eg w - re held T ueg l.ep lty, first president of Ihe local weekly assembly period program more he,Bbt tban tbe “B” le*«“ e Funeral services will be held The real purpose of the Karnlval P. T. A., ona by Mrs. W. O. Burch, from Ihe Poole-Gray Bartholomew la to meet at 4 o'clock and tho day at 2 o'clock from the Presby­ Friday morning under the direction cbamPioD e*P «ri«ea. The entire S t gue says Miss Vogel. The proceeds In honor of the two founders of the day. Thursday, and from the Green­ Numbers on the program con Mary'8 8quad wb,ch d ei®*ted Lx>- ~ Cameron, officiating. Interment was w ill be used to purchase medical gtgtpd vocal «ok, bv Wilma wel1 ior tbe county championship P. T. A. E N T E R T A IN W IT H BRIDGE made in the Eugene Maaonic ceme- wood cemetery at 1:30. Dr. E. V. A mlxetl program of orchestra Stivers will officiate. FOR V IS IT O R S SATURDAY tery apply on the cost of Installing numbers, tap dancing, piano solos, trio. Malcolm Hanson. Leonard ,o*e,ber for tb® ‘br®® years showers and a dressing room for yo yo exhibitions nnd other mini Mr. and Mrs Harry Whitney en SCOUT MASTER TR A IN IN G the girls In the basement. This has Ruth and Lawrence Chase; b an jo!under tbe ’ am ' coacl1- hers was glveu by the Melody ADJUTANTS B EH IN D IN Icrtulned at thelr home Saturday C O U R S E S T A R T S T O N IC W T been made an objective of the Lea­ duet. Bessie Stuart and Irene Man- LEGION MEMBER D RIVE at “ brld *" p »«»’ f » « »un, S T A R T S T O N IG H T Makers, students of the seventh ley; and vocal solo numbers by CREAMERY MAKES ONLY gue this year. It Is a worthy one eighth anil ninth, grades of Eugene her of thelr out of-town friends, j A g,x weeks course for pro.pec- and they expect the people of Hasel Wilson. Bessie Stewart and ONE GRADE OF BUTTER schools under the direction of Z Contest Closes February 26; Win Their guests Included Mr. and Mrs , lve «coutmasters and others 18 Lela Squires, with Miss Ruth Mor- - ------------ » Hprlngfleld to assist them by at M Cox. ners to Be Feted and Harry Rapp. Rosehnrg. Mrs Robert yt,ara or ,llder w(„ g, art , on, h, rison as accompanist at the p ian o! Only one grade of butter put out tending the Karnlval. Students lu the sixth grade of the Fed By Losers Hanning. Roseburg. Charles Nor , he c hanlber of c omn, erc<. roomg and Miss Manley with the banjo, under the “Maid-O-Cream” label is Braltalu school under the direction ----------- i Ion. Corvallis. Harry Norton, Suth in Eugene under the direction of and piano solos by Alton Roberson, made at the Springfield Creamery. of Miss Dorothy Girard, presented Members of the Commander's! «f'ln. and Mr and Mrs. Frank Sid H. B. Sallee, scout executive for this W R IG H T PLANS T R IP --------------------------- This Information Is announced by demonstrations, readings, vocal and team are holding a substantial lend * p" <’Y Springfield, OVER S U M M IT ON SKI PROPERTY OW NER CAN ,b e creamery which this week re- district. Classes will start at 7 Instrumental numbers over the adjutant's team In th e, Mr nnd Mrs Itnpp nnd Charles „’clock and will last for thrw hours P A Y O N I V <50w o o l T A Y CeiTed a number of ‘”e discussion periods. . . the excellence of Its butter and its to pay a school tax . , . . . . days last week observing snow con ■ taxpayer March 2. al which lime winners In j b„rg |)f thp ,odge Bn„ , he,r O. S. C. C APTAIN LEADS , . v , , . , , refusal to put out cheap brand-s, ditlons and enjoying the opportuni­ levied by a local school district the local creamery has developed a !»?/ 1 Hbruary W |jj held tonight. A potluck sup- CHURCH M ISSION GROUP IN BASKET SCORING ties such a location has to offer for without paying any of the other | I wide trade throughout this part of 38, will he feted and fed by the per will be held at 6:3« and a dance A T T E N D S A l R A N V M F F T snow sports. taxes of the same year charged will be held following the supper. ' fc N P S A L B A N Y M E E T Oregon as well as on the Portland With n total of 157 points In 14 losers. against the same property. The snow Is getting harder there conference gumes, Captain Ed Mr. Moffitt thinks this opinion j and Seattle markets. A four-piece orchestra has beeu en- 8 ls repregentatlyeg of thp chrlgt. now than it was two weeks ago Lnwls of (). 8. huskethull squad, SCHOOLS TAKE PARTIAL gaged to play for the evening. Ml!4glonary gO(.lety , hp ch r,gt. when Wright and Harold Soleim may prove a possible solution for practically Is sure of winning John Henderer. C. A. Swarts, and lan ehurch ftltpndpd thp wp n,®mb®r8 of ,h e World Fellowship meeting held at CAND ID A TES AT M EET county in operation. Wright Is now planning to sk, Lewis n o d s only 16 points In his Wednesdny. February 22. George comm ittee In charge of arrange- Albany on Thursday. Friday and over the summit to Bend before last two games agulnst Ihe Univer­ Washington's birthday, was a hnlf m«nta. , Ml88 o«"®ya Wykoff and Maybell Saturday. They were Mrs. R. E, March 5, to attend the winter car­ B IR TH D A Y DIN N ER HELD sity of Oregon to set a new all holiday for students at the Lincoln Lansberry were initiated Into Iuka —------------------------- Moshler, advisor. Marjorie Wad­ nival to be sponsored by the Bend time northern division scoring re­ and Brattain grade schools. They PAST M ATRONS A T T E N D A T H EN D ER ER HOME circle. Ladies auxiliary of the G. A. dell, Mary Hadley. Dawn Churchr Skyline Trail club. — — ! r . at their regular meeting held cord. Skeet O’Connell, speedy held class programs during the! M E E TIN G IN EUGENE Pearl Helterbrand. and Mrs. Carroll --------------------- — Mr and Mrs. John Henderer en tagt Thursday evening. Orange forward, who has toaniod forenoon and dismissed al noon. A t1 Adam8 GUILD HEARS REPORT tertalned at thelr home Friday Plans were also made at the with Lewis In scoring more than the high school the first two classes Members of the Past Matrons Third prlxe In a poster contest evening with a birthday dinner meeting for the Joint meeting and half of Oregon Stale's points, has were held after which a suitable j club of Cascade chapter. O. E. S. OF C O N VEN TIO N WORK wag won by the Hprlngfleld delega- honoring the birthdays of Mrs. George Washington program given 98 points. program was given and the sin were guests of the Paat Matrons tlon with a poster made by Dale Members of Aretania guild of the Henderer and Mrs. Harry Stewart at the Eugene armory Wednesday dents dismissed at 10:30. club of the Blue River chapter In Daniels and Elva Moyer, neither of Baptist ehurch heard reports Tues- Bridge was enjoyed following the afternoon in conjunction with mem- FIVE FROM SPR IN G FIELD Flags decorated the city streets. Eugene last Friday aflernoon. whom could attend the meeting. bers of Rich Mountain circle of , day evening of the state Guild con- dlnner- the City Hall was closed, as was Those from Springfield who attend-! __________________ ON M ARCH JURY LIST I ventlon held at Corvallis on Satur­ Guests for the evening were Mr. Eugene. the postofflee, otherwise there was ed were Mrs. C. A. Swarts, Mrs MRS BERTSCH HOSTESS day and Sunday. The meeting was and Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mr. and ) Tbe meeting last Thursday was Five residents of Hprlngfleld no genem l observance of the day G .rtrude Wilson. Mrs. E. E. Fraed held at the home of Mrs. Gene Mrs. Harry Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. held at the home of Mrs. Grace b«re. crick, and Mrs. C E. Wheaton. Each "*"0 PRISCILLA GROUP hnve been chosen to serve on the Chase. Junior guild members and f arl Olson, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Poll Lansbery. Six visitors from Eugene of th ese ladles h ive served as m at-' . . „ Circuit Court Jury list for the Mrs. Ernest Bertsch entertained others Interested were Invited to ard. Mrs. E. E. May, Miss Florence attended the meeting. March tern) of court which will GOSHEN R E S ID E N T DIES I rons of Cascade chapter. May, and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Long. nt her home here last Thursday attend. begin March 6, having been post­ BODY IS SH IPPED EAST afternoon for members of the I’rts- Gayle Chase represented the Jun­ DIN N ER CLUB M EETS poned one week from FebruaVy 27. MRS. H EN D ER ER TO BE cilia club and for Mrs. C. A. Swarts, ior World Wide Guild at the ses­ COOKING CLUB M EETIN G ! Motions will he heard February AT L. C. M O F F IT T HOME Mrs. Ida May Cartbey, Goshen.| KEN SIN G TO N HOSTESS an Invited guest. Bridge and quilt­ sions. Aretania guild was repres­ PLANNED FOR T O N IG H T 28, by Judge Sklpworth. died Monday at the Pacific Christ ing occupied the afternoon. ented by Mrs. W. O. Taylor. Doro­ --------— 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mofflttt enter- Hprlngfleld people on the list Inn hospital nt the ago of 60 years Members of Ihe Kensington club Members present were Mrs. E. Q. thea Frese, Miriam Rice, Ina Hub- Metnber.« of the Christian ehurch tained at their home Saturday from which the Jury panels for She was the wife of Earl E. Cart will he guests of Mrs. John llend- Prlvat, Mra. William Curtis, Mrs. bard, Mrs. Gene Chase, Mrs. Homer Cooking cluh will be guests this evening with a dinner for Mr. and each enso will he chosen are J. E. ney. Tin- body was shipped to Nor- erer at her home Friday afternoon W. H. Stearmer, Mrs. Riley Snod­ Chase, and Mrs. Chester Chase. evening at the home of Mrs. Elva M tr . Clayton F. Barber. Mr. and Cross, John Ketels, Hr., M. J. Mc- folk, Nebraska by tho Poole-Gray for thelr regular meeting. She will grass. Mrs. E C. Stuart, Mrs. Wil­ The Springfield delegation had Adams. This will be the monthly Mrs. Walter N. Gossler, Mr. and Klln, Rachel Thatcher, and Abbie Bartholomew chapel. No funeral he assisted by Mrs. Clarence Chase, liam Rouse, Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee, and charge of part of the decorations meeting of the ladles who cook the Mrs. Henry Fandrem a.nd Mr. and Wheaton. services were held hore. assistant hoateaa. the hostess. tor the convention. meals for the Lions club. I Mrs. Clifford Wilson. MANY STU D E N TS ARE FED llE S S f WYCOFF DIES III WOODS STA R TS SUNDAY EVENING to BAPTIST START MISSION STUDY U S HOSES IO GIRL SC0U1S