The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 16, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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] Sport Shorts
Pacific Association Remains
Independent and Accomp­
lishes Work Quicker
Harry Wright Wins Second
Place in Cross Country Ski
Race; Day la Busy Ons
Til» American Football Vouch»»
association will recommend few
change in Ihe rule» to lh« Fuotbnll
Hulls Cnmuilltee They will pro­
pose that when Ihe ball Is downed Much Bunk Spread About
closer thtin leu yards Io the slde- Mineral Needs of Stook» It »hull be brought out to til
Snys Nutrition Chemist
Ion yard line. Tills is designed ti
do iiway with the "step out" play
What about the much tllscu soil
with Its «listing of a down
need of mineral supplements Io the
s s •
dairy, poultry or other livestock
Aiuos Alonso Rtagg, aged 71. will ration T
leave (he Cnlverslty of Chicago to
In answering this question Dr J
become head (oolbail coach al the R Haag, -nutrition chemist at the
College of the Pacific, Stockton Oregou Experiment station, wurns
at one» Ihut mineral feeds are not
• a s *
auhallliiles for careful feeding prac­
MailM Min, coach of Ihe Univer tices, nor can they lie Intelligently
slly of Michigan's swimming team, milled to the ration by Ihe shot guu
has announced a war again»! dop method of giving the animals some
Illg of amateur swimmers, such aa, highly touted commercial mlzture
he says, "was done by (he Japan of uncertain con ten I
eae in (he 1932 Olympic Oinnea."
Dr. Iluitg has been devilling care­
Mnun anya It la eatabllriied that
' oxygen, or some stimulant,'* was ful research to the question of min
adiuluistered to Japanese swim eral supplements lo various feeds
triers wllhlti ten minute« of the lint» and baa formulated the following
(hey eutered the water for the brief guiding prlnrlplea In regard lo
finals of Ihe races at 1 am Angeles (hem;
laat slimmer ll will be recalled
1 Make sure that Ihe ration has
that Japanese won five of Ihe sis been carefully choaen with respect
10 Its mineral content as well as
with respect to other nutrients It
Syracuse I'ntveralty ba» dropped may be found, for »sample, that Ihe
ezlra phosphorus needed can be
all spring sports. More signs of
most economically by such
hard times bitting the colleges.
product ns wheal bran
• • •
Nearly 200 persons, some coming
Final settlement" checks totaling
from Cottage Grove, and oilier sec­
$24.000 » mi their 1932 wool clips art i
tions of lame county gathered al
being received thia week by Wil­
boat Cr ek ranch Sunday to be
lamette valley and Southern Ore­
come spectators and participants
gon msmbrrs of the Pacific Cooper !
in the large t winter s.tow carnival
ative Wool Growers.
yet sponsored by the Obsidian club.
Theee wool checks represent bal­
Weather conditions were dis
ances due members in this territory I
I agreeable during the morning, but
t n wool marketed through the as
i Ibis did not deter large numbers
sociation. and are particularly wel­
from enjoying the mow,
come at thia time of the year when
The ski races for both men and
growers need money badly. The
women were held with their start
O tp ta ia Giles Stedman, o f Ihe S.8.
members received advance pay­
ments at the time the wool was de­ American M erchant, was accorded ing aud finishing lines in view of
livered. representing approximate-1 great honors when he landed 2*2 men ihe store building.
in N ew Y ork, the crew rescued from
Thsax two men top the list as possible member« o f P reoideal sleet
ly 75 percent of the value of the the sinking E veter C ity during a rag
Bryan Ryan, dtmlnufllve ski rider Roosevelt'« rabin et, according to late W ashington reporta. . , . They are
clips at that time. Since then the ! in. *
from Eugene, again won first place ( le f t ) Senator C arter Glaaa o f V irg in ia , aa Secretary o f th e Treasury and
in mid in can.
market has worked up so that In •
in the nine mile cross country race (r ig h t) Senator Thomas J . W alah o f M ontana, aa A tto rn ey General. . . ,
many cases the final settlement J
for men. His time was one hour, J a o M l A. F a rle y. ia o&uscted to be named 1‘oaUuaatW Gee»— 1
checks equal the amount of the ori­
twenty-one minutes and ten si
ginal advance, says Kdgar L. bud-'
onds Harry Wright came In a close
wick, assistant manager of the Pa­
second, only one minute 22 seconds
cific Cooperative.
behind Ryan. Wright started first
in the race and was told that he
Approximately 875 separate wool
was leading the field at several
lots are included in this pool which
is now being settled, this being Rob Roy Injured in Portland, places along the course. He, as well
only one of a number of pools hand­ Will Be Unable to Appear
most of the spectators believed
led by the Pacific Cooperative,
on Special Event
th“‘ he had won ,he rac* * h»n he
was the first to finish, but a check
pioneer wool marketing association
which has been operating In this
Yaqui Joe. Sonora Mexican, and ° ‘ lapsed time gave first place to
Must Get Aoesaa lo Salt
Tho New York Yankees have of
territory for twelve years. Six and Thor Jensen will meet tonight In Ryan, who won a nine foot pair of
2 Farm anlmala need acceaa lo
fered llube Ruth a salary of $50.000 «immon salt even though »unto la
a quarter million pounds of wool the Eugene armory in what pro- ridge top Swedish racing skis. Paul
was marketed through the Pacific mises to be one of the most exdt- L*tt«rty. coming in fourth and dl-
for the coming baseball season added to (he grain mlzture.
in 1932.
That a a cut oi $26.000 The Babe
Ing matches held there in months, rectly behind Ed Lewis. won third
2. In goiieroue regions Iodine
says thal'a too much ot a rut. No
Q uality I t Checked
Both wrestlers have been winning : P,ac« in the race.
Ninety per cent of the wool in their matches and each believes I In the shorter class B race which
doubt a comproml e salary will be needs may be met by feeding small
quantities of pottaaalum Iodide once
agreed upon.
the Western and Southern Oregon that he will be the winner tonight, was four and one-half miles long
week, particularly lo pregnant
• • •
pool graded into the Combing and
The Mexican-Indian has Jnst re- ; Greer Drew won first place In 36
cows, sheep and hogs. One table-
Clothing lines and the average net turned from the 'South and made minutes. Aubrey Francis came in
Texas League ball players have
spoon full of a solution made of
price on these grades is approxi­ his first appearance on a bane second.
had their aalarlea cut an average of
three ounces of potassium Iodide
mately 12c a pound. The remaining county mat last Thursday evening
forty per cent.
Ruth Randall won first place in
to a gallon of water will do.
10 per cent consists of locks, tags when he defeated Rob Roy In an the ladles three-quarter mile race In
s s s
4 When lime only Is deficient.
and defective wools.
exciting battle.
six minutes and forty-five seconds.
The (4tnle Cnlverslty of Montana 11 meal one will prove an economical
All wool delivered to the associa­
Roy was scheduled io meet Joe
Eleven couples were entered In
G«aa Vsashe, noted V n ite ra ity o f 1
tion from western and southern Reno of New Orleans in the spe the mixed relay race.
cent Pacific Coast Conference sea­
Pennsylvania m iler, ia burm ug up the '
Oregon Is graded and the settlement rial event tonight, but he was In­
5. if the ration Is likely to he
son without winning a game.
Competing equally with the races Indoor tracks, stepping the three
statements which accompany the jured in Portland Monday night
• a s
deficient In calcium or phosphorus,
W hen Mrs. M olly Brown Qsrraa,
checks list the grades into which and will be unable to wrestle for | for the attention of those present in the A n t m id-w inter meet lie hold
Bill Carr, Pennsylvania's sensa­ one or two pounds of stgrlllsed bone
of W est Branch, lows, boarded Hr»»-
each grower's clip was placed and several months. Owen is seeking | were a pair of 12 foot tandem skis the, indoor m ile n v n rd .
tional qiiarter-niller. will not run meal may be added to each 100
the average price received for each another opponent for the New Or­ used on the slide east of the ranch
that distance ugaln (his year, ac­ pounds of grain mlzture.
laat fa ll, the told him In d irertly how
grade. This information is valua­ leans boy and will have a prelimin­ house. These skis were in use COMMITTEE TO STUDY
cording to Igiwson Robertson, hla
hard timrw had rum r upon her, , , ,
6 It Is good practice In rrgliMUl
ble to a grower in improving the ary match tonight.
She had been the p residen t'• teacher
farm anlmala show a craving
MORTGAGE PROBLEM years ago in the lillle country school.
who took a ride on them declared
quality of his clip.
Carr la essentially a dash man, and for bones, slicks and dirt, lo allow
that this was their first experience
By eareutive order o f the President,
See B etter Y ear Ahead
A Lane county committee to meet M o lly 's son, Charles C arraa, below, will be better off, physically, run­ free acceaa to aterlllzed bone meal
with skis, but enjoyed it greatly.
The Pacific Cooperative Wool
ning the 100 and 220.
Um$er such circumstances rows
Some of the better ski riders rode with the state committee In work­ went to work this month on n rural
s s s
Growers, after two years in the
will probably consume lees than no
them over the jump and twice they
National cooperative, in 1932 re­
Dr. Marvin A. Stevens, head pounds a year unleae the deficiency
want to the top of the hill and mortgages on farms and other pro smiling again.
(Continued from First Page)
turned to the independent method
coach al Yale for five years, has la accute.
tried to ride down over a fallen tree perty was appointed this week by
of operation which it followed from Foreign-Mission program which the to the bottom. Both times they suc- L. R. Breithaupt. secretary and O. U. O.-O. S. C. BASKETBALL been named coach of the freshman
7. The use of mixtures contain­
1921 to 1930. The 1932 wool was
football team. Charley Root, former ing large amounts of limestone,
Methodist church will undertake as ceeded ‘n crossing the tree but fell M. Plummer, president, of the state
sold through its own sales organi­ an Easter service this year. He farther down the slide.
freshman coach, la now head coach oyster shell, or calcium carbonate
zation on an orderly marketing al o explained a campaign which
Eugene Boy Scouts are planning
Five men have been named on F irs t Y ear Team s to Close Season The two men have simply changed la best confined to those sections
plan, permitting the association to
where calcium la likely to he a
W ith Series of Two Games
he is now conducting to secure the an outing at bos Creek for either this committee which has (). 8.
make final settlements compara­ necessary funds to keep the mission
major deficiency. Such mixture«
T h is Week-end
this week-end or for the following Fletcher as Its secretary. They are
tively early In tne year.
"Hunk” Anderson baa been sign­ are usually of lltlle value In regions
workers at their stations during week-end.
Frank Harlow. E. A. McCornack,
The aaaociation is looking for­ the year. He said that a few busi­
Oregon Btale college basketball, ed to a one-year contract aa head where alfalfa hay or other legumes
Elmo Chase, and Mr. Fletcher, all
ward to a good year in 1933. It ap- ness men In the East had already
team will play University of Ore-, ‘«‘»“»H coach at Notre I>ame An- are fed In liberal quautltlea.
ffl rials. ra,
pears, says cooperative o
, 50000 and ,ha, , hp church WESLEY FOUNDATION IS of Eugene, and O. A. Nichols of gon Webfoota at Eugene Saturday / ‘erson was assistant to (he late
Cottage Grove.
that the long decline in wool prices, omcials were now tryinK
A meeting of the local county night, February IS. In Ihe second K»u‘e Rockne for seven years
which commenced In 1924 Is defi ,ain , he reeded , 150 000 from mpm.
• • •
in each qounty Is plan contest of a four-game series. The
nltely over and it is reasonable to ber8 as free.w,„ contributions,
Dr. 'Charles G. Howard of the
third game will be played at Cor
To make the game of golf more
expect gradually rising m arkets,
University will speak at the 5 ned to be held during this week. vallls, March 3 and the final at Eu «gelling, Gene Sarazen proposes
during the next five years. While |
Mission Work is Defended
o’clock Vesper Service at the
It will never do for our dear
gene March 4. Oregon state won elghl-lnch cups.
Supporting the work of Mission
there may be no increase in wool
Methodist church Sunday evening, county gathering as yet.
teacher« not to receive Home Val
the opening contest by the score of
s e s
consumption during 1933. there is j aries 1,1 general. Dr. Edwards said. jjis theme will be "Wesley Founda-
The farm mortgage readjust­ 31 to 21.
Prices at hockey matches In New i «»tinea, must have been tho
certaln to be less wool produced tbe name of Jesus is the best and tlon." This has to do with the ment Idea in Oregon has been dev-
_ w_______
on any
any athletic
athletic , Tor*
I York nave
have ,M’rn
been reduced
reduced and
and at at- ’" thoughts
» » in n of aeveral enterprluInK
in the United States due to the fact mos‘ favorably known in the world wor), ot tbe Methodist church eloped by specialists at Oregon conteat between Oregon and Ore- ‘«»dance has Increased materially, »‘udenta at Springfield high school
that not so many ewe lambs have today
One hundred years ago among ,he geverai hundred Metho State college who have made ex
Tuesday. As a result all members
gon State Is usually of little weight
been kept for restocking purposes when missionary work was first d(8t 8tudpnt, at the University,
haustlve studies Into present con­ because of the terrific feeling and
of the faculty, not exempting tho
and a very large percentage of the starting there were few places
„The Revealing Words." will be ditions and who believe that some
principal, nor the secretary, each
rivalry between the two scboola.
ewes In the eleven wstern states where it was felt advisable to est the theme of the morning message adjustment is needed to equallz"
received a number of theee con
Having recorded a highly suc­
are ag'd. While any real comebark ahlish po ts. principal of these be- ot Rpy
c . po|ndexter pastor valuations In the state
veyore of lender sentiment ', only
cessful season thus far. thp Oregon
for the wool business Is necessarily ,nF Liberia. Today w» are confront-
A laige audience attended the
Nearly 200 sets of automobile llc- some of the aenilm nls were not
State freshman basketball team
dependent upon improved general
with the problem of finding vesper service at the church last
Fall Creek Man Here— Ham Far
will wind np Its 1933 hoop play ens® plates were sold at the Lane ' »» v«ry tender, bill rather quite
business conditions, the wool grow­ means of keeping worker, in all Sunday whpn , bree oW favQrlte ley of Fall Creek was a visitor In
this week-end In two games with counitty sheriff's office during the ¡ outspoken.
ers have more reasons for optimism parts of the » o n d .
gongs were depleted In tableau un- Springfield Wednesday.
the Oregon frosh, the first al Cor ,,r*t ‘,,,lr days sloce the Governor
One particular aeries of comic
than the producers of many other i Nothing is helping so much to der the direction of Mrs Jane
vallls Friday night. February 17. at •llt»*d ihe bill Saturday authorls- Valentines which s«emed io have
change the map of the world as the Ketels. They were "Nobody Knows
7:30 o'clock and the second In Eu *»k “ 92.60 license plate good until been prepared In large lubleta to
work of Christian missions, he con the Trouble I've Seen," "I Want to
gene Saturday night as a prnllmln Ju,y L “»Is year.
be torn out sheet after sheet, were
O. 8. C. Arts Prof. Honored
| eluded He also declared that 65 Be Ready," and "Swing Low Bweet
ary to the Oregon-Oregon State var
The special rate for the balance signed by the Woodshop Gang.*
One of the bighe-t honors accord-, percent of all students In mission Chariot." The words were song by
The seventh grade rooking club slty game.
I of the fiscal year was authorised by
Miss Vogel’s clans of the second
ed artists in this country has been j schools of China were Christians Mrs. Ketels and she was accom- Is progressing very rapidly. Mrs
In the two games played earlier <he legislature as relief measure, period of the afternoon made a real
given J. Leo Fairbanks, professor and that 45 percent of those who panted by Walter Lee, banjo and John Hendprer la leader and meet­ this season with the Oregon babes. Many holding the belief that this
celebration of the day and held
of art at Oregon State college, who ‘ graduate enter into definite reltgl Harry Fandrem. guitar.
ings are being held every Thurs­ the rooks took one by a 29-27 score would enable farmers and others forth with a regular party and pro­
has Just been unamimouslv elected ous work.
Characters in the tableau were day at 2:16.
while the frosh chalked up a win *n who own autos but who are not gram. taking up only such subjects
to membership in the Architectual
Music is Provided
portrayed by Mrs. Ida Oantz. Will
The eighth grade marketing class the other by a »core of 31 to 27.
now using them to operate them ¡ aa history which delved Into the
League of New York. Only a few
Musical numbers given during Foss. Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee. Dorothy Is looking forward to the Market­
and become consumers of gasoline time of 'first dates.' and geography
men in the entire west have been the evening service included "Trust and Joan Ward. Joy Rebhan, Aleta. ing Day Excursion to be held Febr­
which Is carrying a four cent state ' which delt with such questions as
invited to membership. Professor ¡n the Lord,” arranged by Maz Bertsch. Ruth Pollard, Margaret uary 18. The seventh meeting of the
o,,e'c’*n‘ ‘«‘‘oral tax.
the location of the 'Seventh
Fairbanks i noted for his designs sticker, ung by the choir; and Jarrett, Florence May, Faye Hol- clnb was held In the assembly ball
Several plans for reduced license Heaven.’ Their teacher received an
of beautiful and practical rural , "The Publican." a vocal solo by verson, Doris Marie Robinson, Bea Monday. A program committee had
Oregon Four H clubs can claim for the n‘,*t y”ar «‘»rtlng July 1. attractive although quite heavy
homes, as well as for his painting Kenneth Roduner. Mrs. Milton V. trice Carson. Evelyn Johnson, Luc been appointed and presented a
membership In the select group of hav*' ',,'en »“ «t-ed. but the one pro luveller composed of a beautiful
and sculpture.
Walker accompanied at the piano. Me Davis and Doris Gerber.
very good program. The next meet­ enterprises that made a higher re- v,<Jlng for a flat $6.00 fee for plates heart about three Indies In dla-
He was formerly at the Univer
Meetings of laymen and pastors
Between the numbers negro melo- ing will be held tomorrow.
cord In 1932 than In 1931—on the *o,mI ,roln Jul>' ‘° January 1. 1934.1 meter eut from red cedar wood and
slty, being transferred to Corval were held throughout the day yes- dies were played by the musicians
Member of the A division of the basts of total enrollment at least and ‘hereafter a fee of $6.00 annual- suspended from a chain made of
Ila last fall.
terday with many prominent vlsl- and Freil Buell sang "Going Home." seventh grade will present the pro The annual report Issued by II. C. Iy ‘° f« ‘her with another cent tax llnka of a heavy brass chain.
tors here to take part In the see-
After the Epworth League pro- gram at the assembly period on Seymour, state club leader In the on ga«”Bne seems to lie gaining
Most of the grade schools had
; sions. The Primary Task of the gram the young people adjourned Prlday.
Oregon State college extension ser ’h*' most favor among the leglsln Valentino parties In their rooms
We wish to thank our many church was the general theme of to the home of Rev. and Mrs. Dean
Girls of the eighth grade defeat vice, shows that total enrollment ,ora “‘ Salem.
during the afternoon.
friends for their kindness, syt"-1 the rally.
|C. Poindexter where they enjoyed ed the sophomore girls team at the for the year reached 20,202 com
—— — — — — _ _ _
pathy and beautiful floral offerings
Dr. Andrew Warner, Portland, dl- an evening of games and an im- high school In a basketball game
pared with the previous record
in oar sad bereavement.
rector of religious education for promptu program.
laat week 18 to 21.
mark of 19,119.
Mrs Annie L. Moore,
Oregon and Washington, Dr. E
- --------------------------
The Junior high school basketball
Profits of the club members
Herbert Moore,
wards, Bishop Lowe, and District
Walterville People Here _ Mr. teams lost two of three games to from their projects skidded to low
Lois Moore,
Superintendent, M. A. Marcy, were and Mrs. Lawrence Millican of Marcola Tuesday evening at Mar er levels along with those of their
Margaret A. Morris.
on the program.
Walterville were visitors In Spring- cola. The girls game was won by elders, however, the gro?<s income
field Wednesday.
Marcola with a score of 8-2. The dropping 28 per cent and the net
seventh grade boys lost with a Income about 30 per cent. At that
Here from Coaet Region — Ed score of 19-9, the eighth grade boys the total net profits wore about
Soule was a visitor In Springfield won their game 34-19.
$64.000. Lane county led with the
from the Burntwood section on
Lineups for Ihe games were:
greatest total enrollment, followed
¡the Newport highway.
Girla* Gam»
by Douglas, City of Portland, Mar­
Springfield 2
Marcola 8 lon, Clackamas, Multnomah and
Major Operation—Mrs Ray Nott Stratton
Price Washington, (¡lose to 1800 volun­
underwent a major operation at the Withers
Wold teer local leaders guided the 2184
Pacific Christian hospital In Eu-i Wilson ................ C.
Benton clubs organized. Without their de
gene Wednesday morning.
Cole voted service club work would be
G ......
Kastman Impossible, says Seymour.
Johnson ............. O ............
Bubs—Marcola, Green.
Arthur Calvert from Junction
Seventh Grade Boys
City was in Thurston Wednesday Springfield 9
Wa must condense our stocks to make room for
Marcola 19
on business.
Choice cuts of m eats are less expensive today than
13 Price In the Matter of the Estate of Peder
new shipments to arrive.
Rudolph Nelson, Deceased
The Community Bridge club m et1 McPherson
4 Rlller
Notice Is hereby given that the
they have been for years. This Meat M arket m ain­
¡with Mrs. Needham on Wednesday Robertson
Miller undersigned, Bertha Marie Nelson
Felt Base as low as
Taylor. 7
2 Whpelor has been appointed by the above
Sq. Yd.
tains the same high standard of quality as it has for
court as administratrix In j
Mrs. Ray Baugh returned last Pederson 2 .......... G
Wllaon entitled
years. Come in today, or phone.
Sunday after spending a week with
9 x 1 2 Gold Seal Rugs
Eighth Grade Boye
sons having claims against said
relatives at Shedd and Junction Springfield 87
M arcola 19 estate are required to present said
claims duly verified to the said ad­
llolveraon 11
2 Baker
ministrator at the law office of C.
Walter Edmlston has the baseP ed erson 2
8 Rlller
A. Wlntermeler In Eugene, Oregon,
ment dug for his new home.
¡Carson 18
2 Rogers within six months from this 16th
E. C. STUART, Prop.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall who have been Cole 3 ...
2 Johnson day of February, 1933.
4th and Main Sts. Phone 63
at John Price»’ for the past several Prlvat 1
3 Drew
months have moved In with Mr
Subs: Marcola—Eckland 2, Wil­ C. A. WINTERMEIER,
Circle to keep bouse for him.
son; Springfield—Gorrle, Fletcher.
(F 16-23— M 2-9-16)
YaquiJoe Meets
Jensen Tonight
Church R a lly
Lincoln School Notes
Inlaid and Figured
at Lowest
S 6 .9 5
Wright & Sons