PAOB THREE THE HPRINOFIELDNEWB TIIVllHDAY. FEBRUARY Ifi. 1»33 ALL COUNTIES BUT ONE Twenty loglalalur«« have old ag» ix-nalon bill» up for h 1, I i «I 1933 It. Bristow of Natron transacted tiers of the American l-eglon post tests of the farmer i Interested, with Oregon ul ten o'elqck In the fore come under the control of a virtual ward Keeping This Industry lini« of last publication Murch 2, the result that farmers them selves noon, has been by said Court fined btislne s in Springfield on Hatur dictator. Stalin In Russia, Musso­ on Safe and Sound Basis Mission Group Meets— Members have since raised and certified an aa lh« time aud place for hearing 1338. day. MINNIK It l'l.ANK, Admlnla lini In Italy and now Hiller In tier i of the Senior Missionary society of adequate amount from each county object luha thereto, and for final Iralrli of the estate of II. L. many are manifestations of the fall-1 It coat Oregon walnut growers, aetllenient of said ««tat«. the Baptist church met at the home to match the state and federal In from Fall Creak— Mr. and Mrs Clank, deceased. lire of the peoples of those coun- only 9.2 cent» per pound, on the W II Mi BETII. Administrator Dave (lab-apey of Fall Creek were of Mrs. L. A. Tobias Tuesday even­ funds needed to Insure continua­ of lh» K»tat« of David Boss Me- WKI.I.H A WKI.I.H. A I tor noy» tries to manage their own uffulrs 5 average, to produce the 1031 crop, for Katate. hualnexs vis,tors In Springfield on ing at 7:30. Belli, deceaaed tion of the work. seccoasfully. ' yet It cost them 17.4 cent« per IF 2 9-18 33— M 2) 1». L. BAY, Attorney for Katate. Friday. Heavy reductions have been made I hear a great deal of loose talk pound Io produce the 1929 crop. Camp Opens Again—The Booth IF »11123 M 2 » ) Io the effect that "what America ’ The natural question la. how come?i Cedar Flat Folk Hera— Mr and Kelly logging camp at Wenrillng In all these county budgets over the SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE needs Is a dictator." I don't think j The answer Is given In tho latest: Mrs. Joe Hart of Cedar Flat tran­ was opened again Monday follow past two or three years. In keeping NOTICK TO CRKOITOR8 HTATK OF OKKOON FOB THE we need anything of the kind, anil i progress report, the second Issued., sacted business in Springfield on lng a shut-down of several days last with the retrenchment In other Notice Is hereby givtm that the COUNTY OF LANK lines, says F. L. Ballard, state coun­ undersigned ha» been appointed Ad­ don't think that the vast majority on the cost of producing English Friday. week during the cold weather. ty agent leader. Most of these re­ ministrator of the Katate of I’eter RUTH TOUKO, Plaintiff. va.-JOIIN of Americans want to be organised, walnuts In Oregon as determined ' DAVID YOUNG. Defendant. F I'ederaen, deceaaed, by the Coun­ dactions were submitted voluntar­ Collects Bounty—C. M Peck of California People Here— Mr and dlscipl'tied and controlled In the by field aurveya of more than 100; ty Court of Lane County. Oregon. TO JOHN DAVID YOUNG, DE­ Wendllcg collected the »2 county Mrs. Elmer Cole have arrived here ily by the agents. The staff now In­ way that people living under a die-1 representative walnut groves in the FENDANT: All persona having claim« against clude« 28 county agents, six assist­ said »«tale ace hereby notified to ___ _________________ IN THE NAME OF THE HTATK tator have to submit to. slat», conducted by the farm man-; bounty on one bobcat pelt at the this week from California to viait ant agents, and eight Four-H club present the same, properly verified, OF OREGON: You ar« hereby re­ We have never failed yet In Am , agetnent department of Oregon office of the county clerk Friday. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. td the underalgneil. at the office of qulred to appear and »newer the agents. v is it Salem — I. M Peterson Cole at their home north of Spring- Well» « Wells, Bank of Commerce complaint filed against you In lb» erica to work our own way out of Htale college through federal fin llldg., Kugene. Lana County. Ore above entitled suit within four our troubles, and I think we are on ani l*« under tho Purnell fund One .ind „ R Maxey rna(1(. a buslnees field. MR. AND MRS. ADAMS gon. within a ll months from lh« weeks from the data of the first the way out now. Inter sting result of the Investlga tr|p , o gal,.m y rjday visiting th W ashington People Here — Mr. dat» of the flrat publication of this publication of thia summons, and If ENTERTAIN FOR CLASS tlou Is proof of the Idea that here a ,lrr present system of govern- long tim e Industry reaulrlng rather year TREASURY OKPARTMKNT iho «».I „ cuatody I.. 4 U _ minor * . . . . . . Diner—Say. waiter! How many principal entertainment. Mrs. the oa»«, care and of a the ment socialistic—-which It p r e d i I h»avy Investment over a enalder- Visits Parents— Mrs. Elwood lx- times have 1 called yon? Office of Hie Comptroller of the child of plaintiff and defendant, to- Adams is the class teacher. wlt. label lx.u Young, and that the I « ally I«. »”1« period «f F « « and small child of Alptns are visit- ’ Walter — You'll have to keep Currency. Washington. D. C., defendant he ordered and required All the signs of Ih» time are may be expected. Thus, i >ur y lng at the home of her parents. | NOTICE TO CREDITOR« November 10. 1032. count of that yourself—I have other by said decree to pay over to th e , i„ in. r.-aalna government I reveal-d that the average Invest Sheriff and Mrs. C. A. Swarts. thia things to do. Nul ce la hereby given to all per plaintiff the sum of »20.00 per pointing to Increasing government Notice Is hereby given that the per farm, applicable to the If not ownership ' and .1 , ment sons who may have claims agalust month to assist In the support and I al control. —.................................. , . u 117 588 week. undersigned has been appointed National Bank of maintenance of said minor ch ild ,, operation of public utilities, natural walnut Industry ■ • Executor of the Last Will and "The Flrat Oregon, that the «um ej“ ,nl ,h »i defendant and Visit in Portland—-Mr. and Mrs iiiKi w» t >•»««•■.m be srn ordered u iu n ru U JM1 , resources, means of transportation | or »591 an acre for the bearing wal Testam ent of James B. Pumphrey S. C. RELIGIOUS Hprlngfleld," Carl Olson spent Sunday in Port ! ! required by said decree to nay over and communication It would not ! nut orchard Anyone Hanning to and of his estate, and has duly must be presented to Lloyd H to the plaintiff the sum of »25 00 SURVEY IS STARTED qualified as such. All persons hav­ surprise me. If I were here to see It. rush Into the buslne s for quick land visiting with their son and Kelley. Receiver, v tlh Die legal suit money and the further sum of ing claims against said estate are daughter In-law, Mr. and Mrs Rus­ proof thereof within three months »50 00 attorney's fees, and that said to find the UBlted Htntes twenty profits Is Invited to ponder this A religious survey of the Oregon hereby required to present such sell Olson. from this date or they may be dis­ decree further provide for such years from now owning all of the fact- State college campus has been claims duly verified with proper other and further relief aa to thia mine», otl wells, railroads, telegraph Being a new Industry, practices vouchers attached, to the undersign­ allowed. Power Man III— E. W. Albers, started under the auspices of a ed at the office of I. M. Peterson court may seem equitable In the and telephone lines, radio broad I have not been so well standardized large eastern foundation as part of at 234 Main street, Springfield, Ore- F (I AWAI.T. Acting Comp­ premises. lea a tltg system s, electric light a n d ! but that there is the greatest varla auperintendent of the Mountain CHARLES A. HARDY. Attor­ Its national study. The Pacific gon. within six months from the States st<-am plant here was con troller of the Currency. ¡power plnnts. steamship lines, and tlon In costs and method», the sur ney for Plaintiff, Pontofrlce Ad- coast survey Is directed by Dean ; date of this notice, the sam e being fined to his home with illness the ( F 1» ) dr»««, Kugene. Oregon. other enterprtaee which are eaaen-’ vey has revealed. From the ludv P hi,ip A Parsons of the University , f ^ d a ^ “ o ^ F ^ h X " U i x “ ’ Date of first publication January ¡tlally monopolistic In their nature. when rinallv completed, fs expected first of the week. of Oregon. Oregon State has a 1». 1»33. CHARLES PUMPHREY. Exe­ Rancher visit»— Paul Brattaln And, Incidentally, If any more to conn- authentic Information (J IBM— F 2 »1«) cutor of the Last W ill and provately supported chair of reli­ which will aid the Oregon Industry , Rr hpr<> fn)m pa,Mley Ttglt)ng Il won't people slop paying tax« Testam ent of James B. Pumph­ gious education in addition to tne NOTICE TO CREDITORS to beconie so firmly estnbll»hed on rey, be long before the nation or Its ¡and looking after business matters. ’J work carried on by church founda : ( Mrep V deceased. ™ £ Attorney for Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Notice 1» hereby given that the governmental suh-illvlslons own all sound practices that It can grow Mr Brattaln operates a large rane tions and campus Christian assocla . . egtate and prosper In competition with , in the eastern Oregon section. Naturopathic Physician undersigned have been duly ap- th« land. ! pointed Executors of the estate of i other areas, as Its future depends Phone »1 J Hunnnns 8 Bowers, decnasiel. by C O -O P E R A T IO N . . . In a new way largely on production costs, leaders Visits at Bend— Marlon Coyner. 01 A group Of sixty three unemploy say. assistant to Lloyd H. K elley, as O regon. All p4*rN<>nM having clalina ’ o ffice Hours: 1 lo 6 P. M. - receiver »„■ for -•■- the . First ------------- National C opies of F indings Free against the said estate are hereby ,"1 N*** Vorw ’t«"1'"'“» "»•n "r" 408 Fourth Street required to present said claims, opening up a cooperative store with Tho new mimeographed report Is bank of Sprlngf'eld. spent the week- duly verified mb by law required, at m e aid of manufacturers aud Job by A. 8. Burrier, associate econ-1 pn(| at Bend visiting relatives, ' tif’ f'om’i nen-e^tidg.^K ^gen.? ''ano b,'r" "f ,"•'rrha"'ll",' n” k,nd" omlst In farm management, and C. Son Born — Mr. and Mrs. Clif County. Oregon, within six month» Th,‘> ftr* K«*ttlng their rent on u E. Schuster, federal nut specialist ford Bunch of Wendling are the par- from the date of this notice. ’ percentage tutsl of »ales, and their: at the Oregon experiment station. , JEWELER It includes InformaUou on walnut | » baby born t0 ‘h,,,n 81 Dated and first published Febru­ merchandise on »-.onslgnment. RcpalrtnR a Spi i lalty ary 2. I»33 This Is the only one of hundred. farm acreage. Investment in the en- the Pacific Christian hospital Date of last publication March 2. perhaps thousands, of cooperative , erpr| a0, distribution of the cost Kugene on Thursday, February SiirltigfleliJ. Oregon , t»33. . fforts at self help which are being |o( production, comparison of 1929 1933- JESSE 0 . WELLS, At Forest Grove— Miss Anne M e-, Law Practice HAROLD J WELLS. Executors made In all p a r ts jd the Cnlte»i an(| 193i c o ^ta, variations In cost General drove to Forest Grove FTi ) of the estate of Susanna 8 States. Some will succeed and an4 effe<.t of yield on cost of pro Bower», deceased I M .PETERSON vili not. but out of th»ni {dcctlon. day evening returning to Spring I ________(F 2 9 16 23—M 2)________ A llctney at-lxiw may grow valuable lessons which The report may be had free from f,el(, Mnnday evening. Her sister City Hall Building can be applied when good time« the college or from county agents. NOTICE TO CREDITORS underwent a major operation for come again, and which will make it 8prtncfl«:d, Oregon appendicitis while »he was there. Notice Is herohy given that the I undersigned has been appointed Ad easier, because of this experience, P. CUTS FARE TO At Outing— Mrs. Eella Cantrell. inlnlslrator of the estate of Albert to meet th« next economic crisis. SEE “OLD IRONSIDES' MiBs Eleanor Barton. Orville Can- ________ |E. Senseney, deceased, and has | heard from an Enxllsh friend ., , , .U 1 trell. and Elmo Long comprised a 5 5 .............................. - To enable school children, their | , . sons having claims teachers and parent, to see the U I x” i ^ h s id J n 's the great British «-«wiperatlve soci­ eetate are hereby required to pros 8. S. Constitution (Old Ironsidesl aP « ‘ « “"<” > • 8 ” 2 * * ’ " »nt such claims duly verified with ety are getting through the de­ ! proper vouchers attached, to the pression much easier than the gen at the time of It. acheduled exhlbl- ‘•8rnlval 8t Lo,,t C w k S “n of PHluburg)). Pa. I undersigned at the office of I. M era) run of the people. lion in Portland. May 10 to 22. I,a3r- Peterson at 234 Main street, 8prlng The hardest thing for most Am­ Southern Padlflc will name round field. Oregon, within six months Spend Week-end at Snow— Mr T this new low pries yon can't afford to be without the Coleman Of the date of (his notice, the same ericans to learn Is teamwork. . Instant-Gas Iron. W ith h you can do your work better, do It trip fare, from S. P. points in Ore- and Mra Larson Wright and Mr. I being dated and published the first easier and do it faster . . . cut ironing time one-third I gon to Portland of one-half cent ( an