THURSDAY. F W H R V A R Y J Q M ^ HIE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TW O THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Tliusattay at Springfield. Lane County. Oragon. by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS T tifC liirP r v tt^ r lio y lug the building of sarno through to a successful Issue. He was not a very old man. In comparing his age with my own, I find myself two years older than he. 1 shall look forward Io meeting him In that upper and better world where death does nol enter, and where we shall go no more out for ever. I give n»y »yiwpathy Io Mrs Moore, and all the old memb re of the M. K. church In Springfield. Oregon. Yours truly. It. W, Stlilth, Portland, Ore Portland. (Ire.. Feb 10. 193,1 It Is with deepest feelings of sor row that I read In your lasue of Entered as second c la » matter. F. bi nary Ï4. 190», at the poatofttee. February 9. of (he death of Jam« Spring!,eld. regou T. Moore. He was one of no dear M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E •at friends. During Ills pastoral« »1 US One Year In Advance Jl.SO S.x Months © Oou tu wer M * u co of the Springfield M K. church ami 50c Two Years In Advance >2.50 Three Months while the new church was lu pro "Oh. no. I merely had a previous Inc's happy laugh, anil he cheeked Pauline »a* only too ready Io cess of construction we worked his wandering thought« with n firm THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1933 obey. This headache fitted In nice engagement." together, and I learned to value hand. Dennis' eve« darkened He ha I Jim m y- Pa. will you give me a ly with her scheme of things It his friendship greatly. There Is not HIGH SPEED LEGISLATION "Ungrateful devil!" he apostro­ gad spanking right now? seemed providential when, about thought about thi woman mur u cltlsen of Springfield hut whst |*a Why, Jimmy? High speed law m aking is the way the legislature ap­ half past three, she peeped into than he cared to remember tlnrln • phised himself and turned to gre-’t should look with feelings of «rat I peared to us in a visit to Salem last Friday. Even though Barbara’s room and found her still the past tedious weeks, and he had her a« «he came In. What noire j lude and appreciation upon the M “ jim m y- Because I'm going swim looked forward to seeing her with a could one desire In a wife? She was they are accused of being slow aud doing nothing in a fast asleep. K. church and pasturage tu Spring- mitig. and I don't want to he think queer sort of pleasurable antletpa loving and pretty ard charming She was all ready to meet Dennis couple of hours we watched them vote on a dozen bills and field. and give him credit for bring- Ing about It while l‘m there and yet----- —one of the doctors was bringing tlon. shoot great bursts of oratory at several more. But when Was It in a dream that the hud "Doughnut» for tea!” she »aid one considers the m ountain of 700 bills before the legisla­ him home In his car. a man named kissed him and implored him to gaily. "You »oe I remembered how Stornaway, with whom Dennis had ture it is tru e that even at high speed it will be Impossible speak to her* Looking at her now fond you are of them.” struck up a great friendship. to dispose of everything in 40 days. Dennis allowed her In ln«tall hint It would be so wonderful to have he was sure It must have been Of one thing we are certain the legislative mind must But the memory of her lips on his i In a corner of the couch, submit- him home again. The momenta Green anti while color* of General Petroleum are be plenty agile. While we were listening bills were voted seem to drag Everything had was real enough. I ting with a good grace to he klsaed dliplayed by our Hint ion. Our attendance too are clad on in the house on substitutes for circuit judges, oleom ar­ Dennis looked at Barbara s lipa, : before she gave hla his tea in natty green and white uniform*. garine tax. delinquent children, etc. The body seem s to gone perfectly, the house looked a artificially reddened, and felt "Where's Barbara?” he asked. picture, so Pauline thought with swing from one subject to another with out hesitation even The color* aland for quality and good service In ashamed Thank God. Pauline never "She's Just coming In. I think she though they were as far apart as the poles. For expressing pride as she wandered about, un­ made her face up—no rouged ¡thought we might like to have a gaaollnea and oil*. Hold at the home of General hXhyl, able to settle to anything their views on subjects they probably know little or nothing Violet Ray and Motogaa all leader* In their claaa. The little maid came to her cheeks and darkened eyes Almost little while alone." I'aullne said about law m akers can even surpass editors. angrily he contrasted the two wo­ “Oh!” Dennis frowned He wish breathlessly. , The 40 day session ends this week and we heard sev­ "Oh. please, madam, the fruit men. Pauline with her simplicity ed. He wished he could cure Paul­ eral legislators say they would have to end soon too because hasn't cotne for dinner, and It s and wholehearted devotion to him ine of her sentiment. 5th and A Street« Springfield when the $3 a day pay stops they would not have anything early closing day What shall we self, her Interest and happiness in Barbara camo Into the room to eat on. A good many men no doubt m ake a real sacri­ d o r the mall things of life, her pride "Do I Intrude? I'm Just dying for fice to go to the legislature and for the most part they are Mistress and maid stared at each in her home, her loyalty and sweet- tea. No. please don't gel up. Mr an honest, intelligent lot. It is a difficult m atter though other aghast; then Pauline said : ness—and then Barbara Stark, O'Hara." to separate greed and selfishness from im partiality and firmly: A woman of the world, spoiled "Why don't you call him Dennis.- justice when it comes to m aking laws. “I'll go round to the shop uiyself and Insincere. A poseuse who had Pauline asked "'Mr O'Hara' seems We suppose that four-fifths of these 700 bills before the There's plenty of time before the 1 been taught by an unhappy experi­ so silly and formal." The lateat and beat known fiction atory and cur­ legislature were not originally brought to Salem by the law­ master comes. She went on her er­ ence» no doubt brought about by "Well, If he doesn't mind." Bar­ rent event m agazlnea published are alwaya to be found m akers them selves but by their friends, organizations, tax ­ rand with cheerful readiness, al­ herself, that life was a bitter Jest bara said with a charming smile on our rack*. Moving picture magazlnea and even the payers and individuals who think that there "ought to be a most running down the garden and that faithfulness aud loyalty "Delighted," Dennis mumbled were nonexistent And yet once— "No doughnuts for me." Barbara technocrat publication aa well aa oilier apeclal publica­ law”. Certainly no one legislator could think of 700 things path. tions are here ready for you. Thia la one of the ser­ th a t need regulation: he would be doing well if he could It was the slamming of that gate Just for a moment—he had seen a «aid. I have to consider my figure." think of seven. But such are the rights and privileges of the that woke Barbara; she started up. glimpse of the real woman hidden "Barbie! when you're as slim as a vice* of the drug atore. people in this great democracy of ours to bring in all the conscious of having long overslept, beneath all the veneer of artificial ■ willow," Pauline protested "Oh. bills they can think of when the legislature is in session and glanced at the clock beside her Ity; or had that been the sham d ear—what Is It?" —for the little and this the real woman who stood tuald hud appeared at the door. and propose a lot m ore at election time by initiative. bed—half-past three! before him now, cool, unruffled. "Very well. I'll come" "We Never Bubatltute” "Heavens. What waste of a llte- Of the im portant m easures yet to be enacted there re­ She put down her cup and left m ains the revenue bills and the autom obile license fee legis­ the room "Domestic caret, you lation. see!" she said archly to Dennla. The third house or “observers” is larger than the There was a little silence when legislature this year. H unger m archers, farm ers, lawyers, she had gone office holders, utility officials and a lot of others are in , Dennis spoke suddenly. "Are you evidence in great droves. Every time we turned around . really afr .hl that one doughnut will some one would ask us “w hat we were down here for." spoil your figure?" After a dozen or more replies of "nothing.” we finally told Barbura laughed "Not one. but one curious questioner th at we "want to get the boys out ; one might be the thiu end of the of the trenches by C hristm as.” 1 wedge to other things that would." Now that the im portant orders have been handed down He frowned. "Such uonaense! to the legislature from the "th ro n e” we expect to’ see it i You’ve got a beautiful figure.” Pure candy la a splendid food for the children. It la adjourn for two years before March 1. What the devil had made him .— ---------- -------------- — concentrated food in a moat palatable form. Make It a say that? "I beg your pardon." he FOOLING TH E VOTERS habit to alwaya have a generous supply of our candy muttered sullenly. "Not at all." Barbara's voice was on band, and let the children eat it whenever they wish. One of the difficulties which our national and state gov­ quite serene. "It's a great achieve­ ernm ents have to face whenever a question of taxation ment to have extracted a compll comes up. is the fact th at the great m ajority of voters do not ment from you." regard them selves as taxpayers. This is m ore particularly "The truth Is not a compliment.' true in the cities than it is in rural comm unities. The great "Where the Bervlce Is Different" "I think It Is from you." m ass of industrial workers, owning no property themselves, "Many thanks." Dennis said grim- have had the belief impressed upon them th at taxes are paid 'By the way. I feel that I ought only by the rich. And this belief is carefully cultivated by a ! to apologise for smashing you up." GJ - qggii common type of politician, who poses as the "friend of the "Smashing yourself up. you common people" and carefully conceals the fact th a t every “W as it a dream th a t she had k issed him and Implored him to mean.” tax is always passed on to the ultim ate consumer. speak to her? Looking at her now he was sure it must have been.” "Well, you hurt your wrist. Is It The reason why efforts on the part of taxpayers to ob­ tain a reduction in "public expenditures and relief from the time." She bathed hurriedly, dress­ almost insolent In her self-posses­ better?" “Nearly well, thanks. I've had burden of taxation have such a hard time of it is frequently ed and went downstairs; her head sion. Are you using the right am ount of milk to Insure th at the politicians and officials concerned are afraid of the ache had not gone, and she felt a "Oli, my dear—Dennis—Dennis— massage. It's been a very small Inconvenience. I'm an Idle person, little heavy and depressed. speak to me.” a healthy diet for your family? About one quart of non-tax paying voters, to put it bluntly. Perhaps he had dreamed those you see, with nothing to do.” milk for each child and a pint for each grownup each We think th a t this is all wrong. It results in putting The little maid heard her In the "Better for you If you had." words, perhaps they had been the day la desirable. too heavy a burden upon a few, and too light a burden upon hall and came from the kitchen. She looked at him with wide A C O M P L E T E D IE T the many. We think that m ethods of taxation which would “Can I get you anything, madam? conjuring of a semiconscious mind, m ake every citizen realize th at he, too, is a taxpayer, would Mrs. O'Hara said I was to go up founded on the thing that Pauline eyes, Milk la the only food that contains all of the prin­ eventually result in a great deal more interest and in a t­ presently and see If you were I had told him—"She does love some- "Oh, why? she asked, ciple elem ents of u well-balanced diet. It mukea bone, one—frightfully!" He met her gaze squarely. "It tention to the conduct of men in office and the extrava­ awake.” muscle and blood, and promotes growth. Was he the poor devil, then—or would keep you out of mischief.'.’ gance of public officials. "I’ll have some tea. please." Bar­ Be Sure It is Pasteurized. -------------------------- There was a time in the early history of our country bara was at the door of the drawing the lucky man? It all depended so; ASK YO U R D E A L E R IN S P R IN G F IE L D OR EU G E N E when none but taxpayers were perm itted to vote. The poli­ room. "Why, what lovely flowers!" much upon which way one looked D O LLAR DAY R O U N D T R IP FOR ticians have changed all that, and so long as they can fool she said. "Are we expecting visi­ at the question T IC K E T S W IL L BE SO LD Dennis O'Hara sighed restlessly Announ(M,ment of piana for , the average voter with the idea th at he is the beneficiary, tors?” and shifted his stiff leg He wish three^jay „faring of Dollar Day w ithout cost, of a governm ent which is entirely supported The maid giggled. "The master ed with all his heart that Barbara r„lin(ltrlp transportation over the bv the rich, thev can keep them selves in their jobs. madam! He's coming home! It wag had gone away before he came * • ________ ------------------ to be a surprise, and-—oh. dear. 1 home. She was an Irritating, dts Washington's birthday week-end, Since the six inch limit on fish is abandoned there believe there he Is. and the mist­ February 24. 26 and 26. was made seem s to be no reason why any of us should come home ress out! Oh. dear, what will she turbing Influence. today by the Southern Pacific co~> “Oh, Dennis—darling!" with a blank, even if we have to rob the fish cradle. The cent-B-mlle train rides will say. not being here to meet him! -------------------------- Pauline burst Into the room like a be In effect between all points on It's long before his time, too.” whirlwind and flung herself on her |he Ilnea ln alx western I^ast year there were 745,300 autom obile accidents in She heard Dennis' voice and the knees beside him. "And I wasn't which 29.000 people were killed and 904,800 injured in this States, accordlng to Cari Oison, here to meet you! Oh. what a local agent. Final return llmlt. he country. The automobile w ar rages on all fronts unabated. pleasant voice of another man. "No. 1 won't come In. thanks. shame! Does your leg hurt very «ald, wlll be March 7. We suppose that part of the trouble with Japan and You've seen enough of me during much? Oh. It Is lovely to see you Ground-breaklng ceremonies fur China is th at most of their people never heard of the League the last month. Some other time. back home.” San Franclsco's Golden Gâte brldgi- Don't overdo It. now—good-bye.” Her arms were round his neck, scheduled for Sunday. Feb- of Nations. • _ A moment, and Dennis was In the and she was kissing him rapturous- ruary 26. will be an outstanding N ature seem s to have provided plenty of snow in the hall. He did not look 111 except ly; even his coat came in for a attraction In the West, It was polnt- that he was thinner and walked share of attention. m ountains this year. ed out. and many persons are ex- with a stick. The little maid was Steady my dear child! Dennis pec|P<| avail themselves of the greeting him excitedly. glanced over his wife's head to ,owfarw excur«|„n to attend the "1 do hope you're better, sir, It’s where Barbara stood, hut she had ap®ctgcular celebration, nice to see you home, I'm sure.” calmly turned and walked out of . . ■ ■ "Thanks." the room. He gently put hla wife Barbara waited for him to ask for from him. "You'll have the maid In , Pauline. But he did not—he came the room In a minute." he protest ELECTRICITY across the hall unassisted, slowly ed. C M v T H «