THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIKTIVril YEAlt 8PRINOKÍKLI), I^ANK COUNTY. OREGON.THt’ItHPAY. KEHKL’AItV l«i. 1933____________________________________________ Winner Named CHURCHMEN END Scout Troop Has PARENT TEACHER I wo New Patrols MEETING AT H.S. DISTRICT RALLY Bv Student lioy Scout troop and the addition Pounder's Day will be observer YOUTH if I wo II*w pairóla with leaders by Ih» Hprlngfleld Parent-Teacher ( nd assistants waa completed hare association at their February meet Dr. Edwards, Chicago, I “ Un, weekly lileslliig Tuesday Ing to be held at the high school Holds Mission Work ant © „ ur,.h pr(M)1 Pleads for Support DEFENDS COUNCSLMEN GET Vote FINANCIAL REPORT Echo Tomseth. Bruce Squire* Chosen as Most Popular Operation Expenses Held Be­ at Local High School low Budgeted Sum, But Warrant Debt Grows Echo Tomseth and Bruce Squire« Names of Four Patrols, Lead­ Founders Day to Be Observed Holding Young People Held ers and Assistants An­ nounced at Meeting With Special Program by ‘Createet T o k of Church Eugene Studentst By Biehop Here Iteoritutilsatioii at the Hprlngfleld LOWE No. 6 were cboaen the moat popular girl RECEIPTS TUMBLE and boy In the Hprlngfleld high TAX school Tuesday morning following a three weeks’ contest which closed Hear Request for Fire Whistle at Each Conflagration; this week. Both are members of the Junior class. Oppose Civil Service The senior class candidates. Mar­ The City of Springfield operated jorie Prochnow and George Marx were runnersup In the contest 13072.9« within the 1932 budget for which was sponsored by the Girls the twelve months period ending league. Selection of candidates wa- Dac‘’"‘b« « - ,h” <="•» made an a basis of vot which was so much below the anticipated : receipts that the warrant debt actu­ wore sold for one cent each. ally Increased >6,226.72 In all funds Sophomore candidates were Mary for the year according to the annual Hmltson and Carter Hartman. Lil­ I audit report of C. A. Horton, public lian Trlnka and Robert Calkins re-I accountant. presented the freshman group Operating expense« were kept Funds derived from the content are used by the League In carrying within the amount budgeted in all departments excepting that of on Its activities at the school. lights and water where the amount budgeted was found to be insuffici­ I ent even under the drastic econo­ mies effected a year ago. The >3254 budgeted for this Item waa over­ drawn 1 5 0 1 . A larger sum has been Included In the budget for 1933 which should be sufficient to cover that item. 1« the total number to 4. dent Having H im young poopla for Ih« "I •It lutjole la continued as sen A «pedal program featuring a church, and I hi> regaining a t I h e , M •rol leader with l.loyd Harris “Melodramatic Farce” to be pree­ powar of the church to reclaim assistant. dited by the Concert Melody human wreck« are the I wo Imniadt- a of thn four patrols and Makers of Eugene will be given. atn and major laaka now facing the th lers are: Thia entertainment group con-lsta church. K patrol: Hubert (’alkies, of 24 Eugene school children who "If these are mil the greateat leader, Roland Farnsworth, assist­ provide vocu, and Instrumental laaka of Ihn church Imlay, Ihan I ant leader. music, dance«, and reading*. am at a loaa myaelf In trying to Fox patrol: Hubert Lajole, leader Htudenta In (he sixth grade, advlae pastors," declared Bishop and llob Richardson, assistant taught by Mian Dorothy Olrard. will Tltua Ixiwe. her« last nlghl In ad leader. give a demonstration of their work. W aving farew ell as he set sail on an eleven day cruise, his last vaeatioo drnaalng the closing seaaloa of the Bob White patrol: Mark Hmlth : and there will be a Yo Yo demon­ before taking over the Preuideacy, F ran klin D. Rooeevelt looked fo rw ard district rally of Methodist pastor* leader. and Hrott Wright, assistant stration. to a real rest and relaxation from cares. Aboard w ith him was his cousin, und laymen of the Houthern Salem loader. K e rm it Roosevelt, son o f form er President, Theodore Rooeevelt Photo A short business meeting will shows K rr in it Roosevelt, President elect Roosevelt and Vincent Astor, boat, district. Black Rear patrol: Vernon Posey, ul >o be held at which time reports and upon whose yacht. The N ourm ahal, the cruise is beiag made. Th e s ta rt Just prior to the Ill-hop's ad leader and Oliver Adams, assistant from the committee Investigating was made from Jacksonville, Fin. drees, the large audience In the | leader. Olenn Martin la scoutmaster. the reusability of Installing showers Methodist church here had heard and dressing room« for girl* will Dr J. It Kdwsrds, Chicago, secre­ be heard. tary of the Board of Foreign Mis­ All parents of children now at sions. of the Methodist church, tending school here and others in­ plead for a greater willingness to terested are Invited to attend. Six shots were fired at I*resident-elect Franklin D. share what wealth we have with Members oi (he local association Initiation Planned for Meet­ The budget provided for >14.- other» so they may carry on their also wish to remind the members Hoosevelt last night in Miami, Florida, and in a few minutes ing to Be Held Tonight at 615.71 for operating expenses of life work on mlaalon fields. ____ _ which warrants in the sum of >11,- of tho free nutrition lecture and (he country was startled uh the report was broadcast. Mr. Home of Mrs. Lansbery Parents Are Lauded 542.75 were actually written leaving dlacusalons which start at the Mc­ Roosevelt was uninjured but Mayor Anton Cerntak, of a continued spiritual flame In th e ,C a m e to Oregon F rom Nebr- an unexpended balance of >3072.96 Donald theatre In Eugene Friday Two new members will be inltla- Indlvldual la needed to bring about aska in 1902 to Farm Near morning with a lecture by Dr. C. E. Chicago, and four others In the audience which were listen- in the amount budgeted. Total re­ ing to an nddresH by the president-elect were struck as the ted Into Iuka circle number 37, ceipts for the year amounted to greet progress, and the one bright' Thurston for 26 Years Hunt, and which will contluue each °f the o. a . r . >24.055.11, while warrants written «pot In the church of today Is that j ...... Friday morning for six weeks. The bullets whizzed through the air. : tonight at the regular meeting to , , . , . , while everything else has changed. William Truman Culver, resident lecture, but not tho discussion, will liuiseppi Zingara, an Italian bricklayer, is the name of heW at the home of Mrg Grace tor the same period amounted to still that spirit of the parent In of the Thuratkin vicinity for many he broadcast over radio station >25.744.80, leaving a deficit of >1,- the would-be ansanain and he has told officers that he plot­ I-ansbery at 8 o’clock. lending their children to lb» church tear« passed awuy at hl* home In KDRK at 10 o'clock 689.69 In actual operating expenses. A special membership drive is : ted to kill King Entanual of Italy 10 years ago. remains steadfast, declared the Eugene Monday morning. February Warrants and interest paid dur­ now being conducted by the Circle : Bishop In opening his address. 13, 1933, following an attack of Mr. Roosevelt had come ashore from the Vincent Astor ing the year totaled 920,878.02, or SPRINGFIELD H. S. WINS to continue until the state conven- ' Ho many parents bring their chll- ' acute heart trouble. H» was 52 >4866 78 less than those written. COTTAGE GROVE GAME yacht, on which he had been on a fishing trip, to make a tion early In the summer. Initiation Warrant* outstanding January 1, dren to churrh when they are small ; years old. having been born at Cam speech to some 10,000 people gathered there. fees have been waived during the but the great concern of the church bridge, Nebraska, on November 28. 1932 amounted to >39.209.04. Hprlngfleld high school basketball time of thé member drive a* ao add­ officers today la tho loss of young 1830. The budget comparison at the players last night won their second ed inducement to affiliate with the | people during the early teen's. Mr. Culver came to Oregon In close of the year as shown tn the game from Cottage (¡rove, 17 to 5. "There Is no more sublime task I 11*01 from Nebraska and waa mar organization. audit report Is as follows: for any minister or layman than Io rted to Miss Zora Baugh on October ,n “ rol**h battle on the local gym­ First meeting of the recently or Budgeted Expended nasium floor. This Is the second hold t»v#ry child committal to th«* 1. iuo6 Auditing------- > 200.00 > 144.60 "A" league victory of the Spring- church.’* ho nddod. They re*l W. Mott, corporation com­ courage, hut It la the oldsters who society held Tuesday evening at T o ta l_____ >14,615.71 >11.542.76 Mrs. Weber was born at Fair missioner. to the governor has been Members of more distant lodges are now the greateat cause of worry SENIORS PRESENT FINE Ihe Chrlstlun church. The evening’s Warrants issued >11.542.75. bault, Minnesota on October 1, 1868. received this week by the News as can be determined by examining PROGRAM AT ASSEMBLY meet ng began with a potluck din who attended Included one from Balance, >3.072.96. and lived there until coming to Ore­ office. Idaho, one from Iowa and two from the morning newspapers and read ; j ner at 6:30 In the dining ro in gon in 1909. She was a member Members of the City Council ex­ In addition to statistical Informa­ Ing of Ihe many middle-aged peo-1 "What the Well-Dressed Women which had been beautifully decor Pendleton. Shall Wear Five Years from Now," j aled in Ihe Valentine theme. tion and legislative recommenda­ pressed opposition to legislation pie Involved In various troubles Numbers on the program present­ of the Methodist church. "There never was a generation I * “ <’>•’ ,l>-«ne of a skit and prln- Survivors include her widow. tions. this report contains a very now pending in Salem whereby al. Devotions were led by Mrs. Ro- ed following the regular lodge meet­ Joseph Weber; two daughters. Mrs. complete account of this depart fire and police departments in When the young people were moreirlP»! feature of the program ....... Innd Moshler The topic being ing included: willing to accept a dean cut chat - «"’<«> hl*>' Krtda’r studied by the society Is "Seedtime Guitar solo LaVerne Pugh Edna Smith and Mrs. Carolyn Trai­ ment's activities over the past two towns with populations over 1600 tenge If II lu free from bunkum, j ,lur,,'« ,hp ««"tar assembly period in Chinn." The Murphy Moshler Tap Dance Bobby Rebban ler; and one son. Edward J. Weber. years in ridding the state ot finan would be handled by civil service but I pity those who try tn M|,p by the senior class under the dlrec quartet sang. An Original Poem O. W. Tanner all at Creswell; two sisters. Mrs. clal racketeering. Although the fls commission to be created locally. Mrs. Ida Adams Mal>el Harchis. Fairbault. Mrs. M. cal year ended June 30, 1932. the Their contention was that the crea- something over on them." he con j lion of George Marx. Five senior Following this a fellowship hour Readings ttnued. In discussing present young boys. Jay Paulsen. Mux Oakes, Arlo was held during which several arti­ A skit by men of the I. O. O. F. N. Soper. Pine Castle. Florida; four report has been brought down to tion of such a commission in a city Atkinson, Oscar Clement, and Allan brothers. R. W. I-each. H. P. I-each the end of the calendar Year In the size of Springfield would be an people. cles o China were read and lodge with vocal continuity by- Hchantol did the modeling A. R. Leach, and W. A. I-each, all order to Include a digest of each of extra expense. Chinese proverbs were quoted Roland Moshler with Mrs. We provide Institutes and other George Marx as "Shampoo, th e, the fourteen cases In which con- The question of blowing the fire living in Minnesota. Chinese games were also tried. Margaret Moshier accompanist. advantages for the young people Magician" also carried hla audl- j victions have been secured against whistle at the steam plant of the "Wedding of the Painted Doll." within Ihe church, but to cite >>nly ence with him the principal financial outlaws who Mountain States Power company presented by the Christian En­ one example. In one community ERCATHA CLASS HOLDS Two vocal numliers by the senior FRIENDS CLASS PARTY have opejated tn Oregon, says Mr every time there Is a fire In the deavor with Wilma Lewis sing­ where the pastors boasted of the girls trio, "Farewell'to Arms," and VALENTINE PARTY HERE Mott. EATS KRAUT. WEINERS city was brought before the coun­ number of yotiut people In their ing the vocal music. "8o Tired,” were well received ----------- cil by a delegation of residents. churches II was found that only 40 Members of Ihe trio were Blanche! When one member of the Friends The rooms were beautifully deco­ Mrs. E. G. Prlvat was hostess at Members of the council held that percent of those within the age Hates. Virginia Christie, and Juan j Class of the Christian church Sun , rated for St. Valentine’s day and her home Tuesday afternoon for KENSINGTON MEMBERS _ _ v their present policy of allowing the refreshments which centered group 13 18 were In the church ! Ita Seamans. the monthly social meeting of the , day school, suggested saurkraut and HAVE VALENTINE PARTY j|rg to use his own Judgment Pastors do not complete their tasks The program on Friday of this ’ welners as refreshments for their arourd large angel food cakes were Ergatha Sunday school class of the In the matter of sounding this gen­ when they care for those within week will be presented by the post-¡party everyone thought It a Joke, served. Members of the Kensington club eral alarm would continue. Methodist church. Mrs. Wm. G. Mrs. Clarine Putman was general Hughes and Mrs. Roy Palmer as were entertained Friday afternoon thetr church, and they cannot do The Joke was on them however, graduate students at the school Allowing of routine bills was also their work alone, they must have " up ”t tfce meetlng when they had enjoyed the party committee chairman, assisted by sisted. Twenty ladles were present: at a Valentine party at the home the helping hand of willing laymen Mrs. *' Mary ” Kessey. ** Mrs. ” H a r r y _________________ al the home of Miss Alta Manning Mrs. Elva Adams, Mrs. Nellie Jor- and spent the afternoon working of " *' HOSTESS AT PARTY Must Regain Powsr Tuesday evening and were served <>»»■ PY»® and Mrg Maude on a quilt. Whitney was the assistant hostess a ir 'C P t n I rC IH M When a human life Is wrecked FOR FRIENDS FRIDAY those foods ns their refreshments, i *’arker Mrs. W. E. Buell will be hostess Mrs. W. N. Long was a guest at the SPRINGFIELD LEGION some extra power must be brought MEETING IS TONIGHT Of course there was cake and cof Next regular meeting of the at the next meeting In March. She meeting. During the afternoon Mrs Miss lone Rhodes entertained at fee as the desert. About 25 attend , ••>dK*' *rouP * nl b® held on Mond