T l IVR8PAY, FKnnVARY 9. 1983 THE SPR INO FIELD NEWS FOUR Neut Faces On Wrestling Card PUBLIC INVITED TO SHOW OUT P.T.A. TO HAVE ( HEALTH LECTURES Are You One of the New Income Tax Payers? IUKA CIRCLE OFFICERS TO ATTEND DALLAS SERVICE GROVE BALL TEAM IS HERE TONIGHT Mrs Wanda liante«, department Junior vice pi«Hildetit. and Myrtle Kggliiiann. past president of the Ladles Auxiliary uf the 11 A It In Yaqui Joe. Joe Reno. Rex Mo­ Oregon. will drive to Dellas Bunday District *‘B" League Tourna­ bley. and Rob Roy All Series of County-Wide Nutri­ Tandem Skis to Be Exhibited morning lo attend special service» i ment Opene Wednesday; Billed for Armory Co tion Meetings to Be Held at Annual Obsidian Carni­ at one of the local churches at St. Mary's Are Favortiee Each Week in Eugene i which time Mrs Frelda Peterson, val Event on Sunday New blood is bring injected Lit.' ’department patriotic Instructor, the weekly wreslliug program at Springfield high school will play I'lans tor a series of weekly lev An lnrltmton to the general puo j will present a picture of Abraham host tonight to the Collage Grove the Eugene armory this we>k. lures and question boxe on nutri­ lie to attend the winter »now sports . Lincoln. Herb Dwen. matchmaker for 'he tion to be sponsored by the City basketball team when they play « carnival of the Obsidiana at Lost Eugene commission, has lined up and County Council of the Parent I Mi Barnes and Mis. Kgglmatin return game on the local floor al Creek Sunday wax issued this N E 1 IN C O M E two promising matches for tonight Te0 • IO4 •4 •31 Slssgie of the county a realisation of the making any predictions about the from Sonora. Mexico, has been here I x series of six free lectures to j Joyce Stillman, posed this new recreational advantages which the DRAMA CONTESTS START outcome of the game tonight. The M arried, before hut that was many months bp gtTen each Friday morning start • 104 • 143 •4 4 no la x no tax •4 mountains of the county have to eoilfure at the national hairdressers' ao children AT WILLAKENZIE FRIDAY return of "Brick" Hawk« to the conclave in New York. It is known as ago. He will he matched against ing February 10. at 10:30 at the Fox < offer and they have done much to the half moon curl . . . and -it is pre­ lineup following a week's Illness that Scotchman. Rob Roy. who la McDonald theatre have been plan M o rrtrd , •8 8 • 12** •2 8 popularise snow sports on the Me- dicted that it will be popular during no lax no lax n o la x First of a aeries of dramatic con with the flu hgs brightened tho out I child himself an importation, for the „ed by the committee In charge ' Kenste. .coining months. lests to determine the winners for leak for aucceoa tonight Hprlng- main event battle This work is a part of the national , M arried , • IIS Mcmbert of the outdoor organiza no lax no tax • 12 •7 2 no lax the county will start Friday night fleld has one victory over the Grove 1 children Rex Mobley. New Orleans, will P. T A. educational program tlon will spend Saturday night at al WlUakcngle grange hall when hoy». I be In the county tonight for the All lectures will be broadcast M arried , the Obsidian cabins, packing their •» 7 •3 2 Mupleton, Mohawk McKenaln and The game to have been played no lax no tax no lax no lax first tltme to meet Joe Reno In the over radio station KORE from 3 children bedding and food In on skis and Wlllakcntie granges will compete Tuesday evening at Isiwell was priliaiinar.v event. Joe Reno, tt will 10:30 to 11:00. A discussion per-i toboggans. They will return to with one act plays for (he right to postponed at their request because be remembered, tamed the wild lod and question box to be held i Lost Creek ranch Sunday morning represent their district In the coun of lllno,«». Il will he played on Tues Abovo are chartod laconic tax Rgurco which should he of special iati rvat Thor Jensen in their match last during the next half hour will not for the start of the sports. These to all, inasmuch as new tales apply nnd various incomes are effected ia differ­ ty tournament. day. February II. week. be broadcast. Everybody Interested ; ent ways. The above table supplements the outline as given la ouj Washing events will include races for dif­ County Club Agent to Ex­ Mapleton will prtweul "Kidnap- ---------------------------------- n these meetings are invited to at­ Saturday night the Ht Mary'» ton Column at the left. Only personal exemptions have l>een deducted in the ferent groups, chief of which will ing Hotly“ aa ihelr play. ’’Th« team drubbed the local team 31 10 hibit Scenes of Historical tend any or all of them, if possible. ahovo chart. You way have other deductions to further reduce your tax. he a cross-country race up the creek Bishop's Candlestick" Is (he Wills In a game played on the Rt Mary's Places at Free Program a Q A /"it4 e speaker 1>r charl< ‘" E Hunt **•< th* and return via the highway. i j p O r l tJ /lO r r S for this week Others who kenzle play title, and “Detour floor In Eugene. The half ended 15 A pair of nine-foot ridge top rav­ Ahead” the Mohawk McKenzie of 10, and also marked the close of Motion pictures sowing Eour-H ----------- will give lectures on following Frl ing skis has been presented to the club members visiting istorical faring. The University of California at days are: Miss Mabel Wood of the j AUTO SHOW the Springfield scoring for the even Obsidians by Tom Kaarhus of the place« of interest in the Eastern Los Angeles wishes to take over University of Oregon faculty; Dr. J Elimination contests will be held In«. BRINGS CIRCUS Ford-Nelson Planing mill in Eu part of the country will be shown the Poughkeepsie regatta. Shiuthern C. L. Bihwertng. the third; Miss In*the other four districts during This clever HI Mary's team now gene as firat prise in this event. the next two weeks. at a free program to be presented California promoters are ready to Wood the fourth and fifth, and Miss “C m ’ on, kids hero comes tho seems to be headed straight for an ca llio p e! Ooh, clou ns an d w ild an« This county-wide contest is spon at the Springfield high school next guarantee expenses. Gertrude Skow, home demooatra- Another feature of the outing will tmala, F re o h iu o n a d e , look it. C l r - • sored by the Lace County Drama­ easy “B" league championship and • • • tion agent, the sixth. be the use for the first time in Wednesday evening. February 15. cue w ee k! Gee. dud, can I s o lo tic and Itocreatlonal association, un­ then the supremacy of the beat “A’’ Bill Tilden, famed amateur pro- Members of the committee In Lane county of a pair of tandem by R. C. Kuehner, county club Portland r* der the direction of Miss Gertrude league team In thia district. skis which Mr. Kaarhus has Just leader. Other entertainment fea­ fessional tennis player, made his charge of the meetings are Mias C h ild re n u f th is se ell»;i In n u m ­ Skow. home demonstration agent far: well appearence in New York Alice < apps. Miss Moselle Hair, bers « ill bo d e b a tin g th a t h e a t e d made this week and which will he tures are also planned The "II" league tournament la set Local club sponsors are anxious the other night when he engaged A. L. Lomax. and Mrs. Good given their first trial Sunday morn­ jto open In Eugene on Wednesday to pic since the an n o u n c em en t o f to have all parents of club chil­ ing by Harry Wright and Mr Hans Nusslein of Germany in a n : th e 1933 N o rth w e s t A u to S h o w In HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS of next week and will continue tor dren attend the meeting. Others • xhibition match. Many followers GRADE TEAMS WINNERS Kaarhus. the P o rtla n d p u b lic a u d ito riu m th a the balance of the week with games HEAR STORY OF SILK srheluled all day long starling at The Introduction of tandem skis are also urged to turn out as the f ternla regard Tilden as the great )N MARCOLA BALL GAMES w eek o f F e b ru a ry 31 to 26, in c lu ­ sive. _______ 8 o'clock In the morning Into this country Is something dis­ purpose of these functions is to est player the game ever produced Motion pictures and a lecture Because th e g re a te r G tlm o ro C ir ­ tinctly new here. The Idea of tan acquaint the parents with the work Springfield seventh and eighth describing the various processes If Mt Mary's can defeat the “A” e u x e c ln tllla tln s en ter t a i n me u t dent skia Is old in Norway where which is being carried on among Tulane's boxing team includes a grade basketball teams of the Lin­ tro u p e whose voices aro w ell and operations usixl in the manu­ league team she will probably re­ their sons and daughters. Mr Kaarhus grew up and has been one-legged athlete. Don Kerr, a real­ coln school again won three games k n o w n but who never before buco facture of silk were shown before present the district In the state used somewhat in the eastern part from the Marcola teams at the ap p ea re d p u b lic ly outside Loa A n ­ ly remarkable performer. the high school student body Wed­ tournament at Haletn In March Tha LATEST COLD SPELL IS 0 0 0 of the United States. Springfield high school gymnasium geles, w ill provide th e e n te rta in ­ nesday morning at the assembly Catchollc team hae already de­ m e n t fo r th o P o rtla n d e x h ib itio n ‘ Differing from the ordinary ski HARD ON FARMERS HERE During the 1932 football season Friday evening. perlisl by Russell Junes, for the Me feated Eugene. Hprtngfleld. Univer­ which averages seven feet and six Yale experienced a gate shrinkage The lineups and scores tor the a fte rn o o n s and evenings. Morran anil Washburn» store In Ku sity High and Cottage Grove Their The sudden drop in temperature M e m b ers o f th e circus cast, o n ly Inches, this pair Is twelve feet long games were as follows: of »200.000 gene The film is educational as big opportunity will rome If they which was experienced in the Wil­ • lig h tly less th a n tho yuuugslero o o o and about five inches wide. Toe har­ Girls well as entertaining are able to heat Roaeburg and Eu lamette valley Tuesday and Wed­ w ith th e circus t h r ill In th e ir ness ia attached to each pair In Springfield 10 M arcola 0 gene again. Lipstick is used by members of nesday, together with the continued blood, a re lo okin g fo rw a rd w ith de­ two places four feet apart and four Withers 1 ...... F--------- Eastham lig h t to tho P o rtla n d trip . It Is re­ RELIEF WORKERS BUSY snow blanket which has covered college fencing teams. Don't get F Price ] p o rted . feet from the tip and end of each the ground in many regions is alarmed. It’s used on the tops of - Stratton 9 W ITH QUILTS TODAY BIBLE SCHOOL WORK ski. ....C.... .............. Wald foils, sabers and epees so a "touch’’ : Vest T h o o ld -tim e circus b ackg ro un d, causing farmers some trouble. BENEFITS FROM SALE Two sets of ropes, one fastened Wilson .........C............ Benton rod lions, blu e-g reen panthers, This is especially true In the Mc­ may be noticed on the white unt Members of the community re to rings in the tips of each ski. and Johnson ........ O Cole b r ig h t lig h ts and le a th e r-lu n g e d form of an opponent. Kenzie valley where the ground lief committee headed by Mrs. A rummage sale for the benefit of the other fastened Just behind the Lloyd O .... — Green b a rkers, th e big te n t an d side­ George Gerlach are holding an all- the week day religious Bible school has been covered with snow since shows, w ill fo rm a v iv id ly co n tras t­ front rider’s feet are held in the Subs: Springfield— Butler. The Olympic Games held In Lo December and feed stores are day meeting and quilting party at work In Hprlngflehl was held In Eu­ ing buckg.-uund fo r th e glossy new hands of the riders and used to ; Seventh Grade Boye Angeles last summer returned a net dwindling rapidly. their sewing rooms on Fifth street gene Haturday under the direction cars an d strip p ed an d m oving ac­ steer with. Springfield 13 M arcola 11 The continued cold weather and profit of approximately »200.000. I oil ay. Tho Indies brought their of M rs. P. J Bartholomew. Lillian cessory gadgets to occupy m ors The usual Obsidian dinner will Taylor 10 ..... F............... 2 Hiller • • • frozen ground is making replanting th a n 32,000 square feet o f flu or covered dishes with them and wilt Trlnka and Ituth Htratton assisted be held at their cabins late Sunday McBee 2 ............ F .„........... 4 Price space a t P o rtla n d 's big a u d ito riu m . of grain crops which were frozen have a potluck luncheon. her. Boston is going to have cheaper afternoon and anyone wishing to C............... 1 Miller in December a difficult problem. I baseball this coming season. The Robertson 1 attend this are urged to notify Dot I L. McPherson G Wilson Lamb flocks are also suffering number of 50-cent seats has been Dotson at his photo shop in Eu­ 4 Fisher due to the cold, wet weather and a • increased. Saturday has been des­ W McPherson G NOTHING DOES SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE AS YOUR TELEPHONE gene. Subs: Springfield — Pederson. CIRCUS FREAKS shortage of green feed. ignated as 'Ladies Day.” , Mn-e of »he snow has been clear COME TO SHOW Keenan. Burnett. • • • ed from the highway at Lost Creek Eighth Grade Boye Professor P op W easel and Salm Gene Sarazen'g suggestion that Springfield 25 afford!rg greater parking space for M arcola 20 llo w e . S lip and Slide, th e fu rio u s ly the size of the golf cup be Increas­ automobile . Those who have D. Richardson 8 . F ____ 12 Riller fu n n y clowns, the W e T h re e T rio , ed to eight inches, doesn’t make Holverson 1 chains will find it much easier driv­ F............... Rogers o th e rw is e the Iron -Jaw ed ladles. much of a hit with Bobby Jones, Carson 11 _____ C..... — 8 Eckman C lif f C la rk , th e b a llyh oo m an. and ing from McKenzie bridge up al grand slam champion of golf. “It Pederson ............ G__ _____ though they are nol essential. A Drew m a n y m o re o f th e fe a tu re d a rtis ts might make an interesting game,’’ Bartholomew 3 G.............. Johnson o f th o g re a te r G ilm o re C ircus cast shovel is a very useful tool to have , along on the trip, however. Subs: Marcola, Wilson. Spring- w ill fu rn is h th e e n te rta in m e n t tre a t Ay C ARL H. GETZ said Bobby, the other day. “but it wouldn't be golf.” Last Sunday fifty members of the Mary musical comedy field, Oorrle. Cole 2. Fletcher. Pri­ a t th e co m in g 1933 N o rth w e s t A uto • o o Show a t th e p u b lic a u d ito riu m In U gh i op era a la r, who w ill a p p e a r Eugene Junior Chamber of Com vai. Robertson. At 22 west 17th street is the De P o rtla n d . T h e du te la F e b ru a ry n t th*» I ’m ! a u to ahnwr F e b ru ­ merce and equally that many mem­ pres Ion Cafe. Joe Judge, who wore the uniform 31 to 29. Inclusive. E veryb o d y hae a ry 21 to . »i v . !i th e furnoue O H - bers of the physical education de- of the Washington Senators from • • • h e ard th e voices o f these s p a rk lin g BASKETBALL GIRLS TO m ore Circus. partni at and classes at the Uni New York has a Prosperity Em 1916 to the close of the 1932 season, p e rfo rm e rs . A ll In th e N o rth w est versity spent the day at Lost Creek blem Corporation, a Prosperity ha- signed with the Brooklyn Dodg PLAY AT THURSTON w ill have th e o p p o rtu n ity to m eet Cleaning-Out Hollywood | th e m taco to fa re nt th e com ing Laundry. Prosperity Textile Cor­ ers. T h e Red Sox < l r l . b a s k e tb a ll exhlblt> w h e re rnor„ t h i n , , 0 • • • SURPRISE BIRTHDAY poration and prosperity this and team w ill play the Thur«ton girls A m e ric a 's finest: au to m o b iles w ill Betting at the four major race prosperity that. DINNER IS GIVEN to w n te am th e r e th is ev en in g . be on d isp la y. • • • . tracks in Maryland declined appro­ Last night the girls defeated t h e -------------------------- M rs. W. C. Rebhan was guest of New York undertakers complain ximately »10,000.000 during 1932. Santa Clara girls high school team The total wagers In the pari-mutuel honor at a surprise birthday dinner business is terrible. 19-29 on the Baptist church floor N. O. W. GROUP HOLDS • • • machines amounted to »35.306.392 given In her honor at the W. C. VALENTINE PARTY HERE Cab«- home near this city last night.1 The other day a New York de­ as compared to »45.232.587 in 1931. in Eugene in a rough gam e. Their most Interesting game of ----------- Mr. and Mrs M. R Irish. Mr and j partment store displayed Rus-ian This Is a decline of almost »20.000.- the week was with the St. Mary's Members of Neighbors of Wood- Mrs. Dallas Murphy, Miss Clara royal Jewels valued at a milllot 000 over 1928. None of the tracks girls which they defeated 33-32 In j craft lodge held a Valentine party earned full dividends. Jonee. and Dr. and Mrs. Rebhan dollars. a spectacular game on the Eugene ' at th e I. O. O. F hall Wednesday • • • were invited for the turkey dinner team's floor Monday. The Red Sox evening following the regular lodge General, famous Indian peacock and birthday cake. The Kansas City baseball club ol gjriR scored 10 points in the final meeting. Miss Melba Mellon, cap- at the New York Bronx zoo, got am­ the American Association has been three and one-half minutes of the tain of the drill team had charge N o th in g w ill please your loved ones m or* »L— g ’«rents of Son— Mr and Mrs. bitious the other day and flew into acquired at a reported price of contest. of the social affair. Refreshments telephone call. e Cheshire are the parents of a den occupied by grizzly bears »40.000 by E. Lee Key er. of Des -------------------------- were enjoyed late In the evening. >aby son born to them at the That’s the whole story. There’s no Moines. Iowa, a Western league On special occasions or day by day, how much the |„ „ Home— Mrs William Stacy more peacock. ne of Mrs. Cheshire’s parents, telephone means in your home! Saving time. Get­ owner, and Tris Speaker, former reported to be 111 at her home • • • and Mrs. H. E. Gerber In Mooting Postponed— The Joint ting things done. Shielding from danger. star outfielder and Cleveland man {b| H wneg, Murray W. Garmon, investigator The International Music Hall in ingfield, Thursday morning a ' meeting of the Home ami Foreign ager. from the Department of Itobor, is in Radto City here has a weekly over-i iruary 9, 1933. ■ Mission societies of the Methodist Hollywood to “ clean o u t” rack­ head of »120,000. church were postponed Tuesday The Pacific Coast baseball league eteers, aliens, white slavers, illegal T he P acific T elephone and '«' li . f . c , raph C ompany • • • * afternoon because of the funeral of naturalization and smuggling of Ori played to 2.260,000 persons in 1928 An army of starling birds, esti Hualn( jbh Office: 126 -4th Street Telephone 72 The Waltervllle Grange will meet Rev. Moore. entais. and last season to 975.000. * * _______________ ______» mated at 50.000 made a night sanc­ at the N. O. W hall Tuesday even ie Pb-asant Hili high school tuary of the exterior of the Metro­ Ing, February 14. A Valentine' etball teams defeated the Mo­ politan Museum of Art here, the party will be a feature of the meet ll teams at Wendling last Fri other night Naturalists declare Ing. The first story of the hall j The g rls score was 29 to 11. this vast conclave of birds here fo Bert Weaver received a severe i was recently remodeled by John ' boys game which was much be one of the most curious phen Fountain and Carl Dehne and will blow on the head last Wednesday er ended with a score of 21 to omena ever witnessed in New York while falling a tree. A limb falling ! In future be used by the I. O. O. F„ City. tor Pleasant Hill. Rebekahs and Grange. and striking him quite hard. • * • ie Lowell AH Star team of the A number of parties were held For five years Central Park police tonal league were undefeated Several ladies from Thurston mo-1 this past week. Included among the 1 last week when they were have watched a certain character tored to Eugene last Friday and j larger were the surprise farewell en by Wendling at Wendling. occupy the same bench in the park. spent the day quilting for Mrs. Mc­ party complimenting Mrs. J. C. y will play Leaburg al Leahurg The other day he was missing In­ Arthur in Eugene. Those going In-, Ayers of Leaburg. when 40 neigh­ vestigation howed that, the man eluded Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. bors and friends gathered at the iday night. be Lowell teams were deti ated had been ejected from hts room John Price, Mrs. Ira Gray, Mrs. home of Mrs. Burrell Slavens.. Mrs. Y O U W O M E N W H O HAVE ELECTRIC lakridge last Friday. Th - boys for not paying his rent. He stayed Arch Shough, and Mrs. Dean Beals. Ira Isham and Mrs Delmar Boyer e was 33 to 23 and the girls away from the park to find an­ Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver, Bert assisted Mrs. Slavens In entertain­ RAI IG E S are forturtote. For you tho cooking of other place to live. o 23 Weaver and Mrs. John Edmlston ing. J. W. Fountain gave two reci­ a meal it a pleasant arcotrpliihmcnt. You plan * • • ke Lowell All Stars who were motored to Junction City last Sat­ tations. your meal, ploco it in tho oven, tot tho limo and A recent Tuesday was the 100th toted by the Oakridge national Vern Caldwell was pleasantly urday and attended the funeral of tomporafuro controls . . and tho oloctric rongo ue team in a non-schedule anniversary of the purchase by the H. C. Bushnell. surprised Friday evening when a e at Oakridge last Friday de­ United States of the last of three does tho roil. You con loavo tho kitchon, loavto The Community Bridge club held number of friends from Eugene arcels of land upon which stands a meeting with Mrs. Helen Eyler staged a surprise party at the Cald­ ed the Oakridge team i at ideas tho houzo if you wis!, confidant in tho knowledge the old 8ub-Treasury building on last Friday evening. Members met well home In Waltervllle. Hill Tuesday night, that your meal will bo perfectly cooked, p ip in g the northeast corner of Wail and he Trent Helping Hand club Lloyd Koozer invited a group of with Mrs. Dean Beals on Wednes­ hot, ond ready lo servo when you come baak. the Dexter Thimble club met Nas«au streets. The Government day of this week. his young friends to his home Fri­ he Lewis West home at Trent usually finds the patriotic societies ' Tho turn of a switch does II all for yoo. Mrs. Ray Baugh motored to day evening. About 30 were present. Monday. Miss Skow was pres- up in arms at every suggestion to Shold last Sunday where she Is The Ix-aburg Ladles' Aid society ÄPCTR/OTY for the clohtes renova'lon pro sell the property and is reported to spending this week with her sister met at the home of Mrs. Rennie have refused an offer of »15.000.000 A large crowd attended The Koozer Thur day afternoon. About Mrs. Bob Davis and family. MOUNTAIN STATES POWM COMPANY 1 servicto t meeting will be for tho Help- for It some years ago. Mrs. Ray Rennie, who has been 20 were pr«-sent. Guests from a Hand club on Monday. Febru- ill with flu for sometime, is in Eu­ distance were Rev. and Mrs. Ralph ;«•* « » bwp. Burned in Accident— Mrs. L. M gene with her brother and family, Clark who were also dinner guests 20 at the Frank Kimball he’oe. Shannon was painfully burned waive of the ladles of the Pleas at the Koozer home, Mrs. Bert Dr. Carl Phetteplace. Hill community met with Mrs. about her face and hands Monday The play “A Strange Bequest’ Vaughn of Fall Creek, and Mrs. it Ins Monday night to practice in an accident at her home. was taged by the Thurston high Brown senior of Lebanon, who Is their play “Twelve Good Men Royal Neighbors Meet — Mrs. school last Wednesday evening. It at the home of her son, Ixirenzo of- True." They will compete with Elsie Lambert was hostess at her was coached by Miss Dlllah Endi­ Leaburg. hen and Creswell February 24. home Wedn«-sday afternoon for the cott, assistant teacher, and pres­ Rev. and Mrs. P. J. Luvaas of he Woman’s (Tub of Plea ant regular meeting of the Royal Neigh­ ented by the dramatics class. It was the Central Lutheran church in will meet next week, Wednes bors of America needle dnh. This well received by a good size audi­ Eugene were recent guests at the with Mr». Court Ltottln. was their monthly meetitng. Momb home. ence. Club Sponsors Travel Pictures Daddy!' LITTLE OLD EWYORK Away from home on Valentine's Day? ¡ McKenzie Valley Upper Willamette Thurston worn e n b r o u g h t u p t o u s e E L E C T R IC IT Y ( NOT K N O W iid c je r v I s