TUUR8DAY. FEIHUJAIIY ». 1»33 T O T PPRINOPWLD NEWB F i r m i n ' O il C o m p a n y R ip o r t i HUhra.Mll— Th«. F arm iin ' Union o il company of Polk county report- I «Ml total huilu»«« of »22.262 36 In Itn flrat 10 tnonlha operation. at Ul« I annual mooting Just held H»m» «o1 stockholders attend««) and received! Ihalr second patronage dlvldnndj Outlook for Paying Markot Arrangeiueuta wer» mad« for other j Doubtful; Live-at-Homo Planting« Are Urged 1 farinera to Join the oil company and ¡ M ALE H E L P W A N T E D MAN W IT H « A lt N EED ED IM the Farinera' Union by assigning i The trend of demand, supply, mcdlat.'ly to fill vacancy loca., i heir patrunaao dividend« In pay --- . liidit for a •her*. «.» . i . u.k ...a ... I rices coata of farm product« arocerv rvu.i route Muat , ...I... mol ■ imuki lie oe «sil«ri».. . . . . . . . . i . i . . a . n . i t . Inual due. The company aervea ,h" 7«»r •» Hideflnlle. Io make *37 M weekly to atari; farmers In both Polk und Marlon bu‘ “ ,h»t " » '» b- noire later. Hteady Job, atuady pay luuntlea necea ary for farmers to again for willing worker. W rite Albert plan operatlona on a llve-ai home Milla, Houle Mgr., 22M3 Mon j basis. acci.i'dliig to the flrat dlvlalon mouth, I'lncluiiatl. I). SUMMONS of the 1933 Oregon farm outlook i IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E I Just role« aed by the college egten Hoaaburg Vi al tore— Mra Lillian HTATK OF OREGON F o il T i l l ,«„„ COUNTY OF LANE a. rv.«e. England and Mlaa Jeannine With- The report contain! aectlons on era left Haturday to apend tba HUTU YOUNG. Plaintiff, va. JOHN the general price lev«), farm price« HAVU) YOUNG, Defendant. week end at Itoael.urg vlaltlng with TO JOHN DA VID YOUNG. DK and Income, the demand outlook, Dr und Mra. C. O. Van Vallali. FKNDANT: farm coata and on plunnlng the OF SINGLE CROP ° r ™ J e H7 A T E f“ r '" w ith several c h a r t. BUTTERMAKERS TO MEET AT O. S. C. FEB. 20-23 BREAKFAST IMPORTANT MEAL OF EACH DAY Economical Mer.ua Ltated In Leaf- let By N u tritio n Specialist at Stata C o lle g i To North Dakota— H. Trlnka left the flrat of the week for his bum» Starting the day with a good, sub at Dickinson, North Dakota. atantlal breakfast I . an Important Down from Rainbow — W. G factor In healthful living, accord Ing to nutrition specialist«. That | Bundy of Rainbow waa a visitor In such a breakfast need not be ex ftprlngfleld on Tuesday. pen.lv« Is a point made by Mlaa W alterville Man Hara— Horace Luoy A. Case, nutrition specialist Morris of W alterville waa a visitor In the extension service, who ha« In Springfield Monday. prepared for free distribution a leaflet giving suggestions for In Visitor from Camp Creek — expensive breakfast dishes. In ad­ Harold Strunk of Camp Creek was dition to general suggestion, and « visitor In Hprlngflcld Saturday I I recipes, two sets of menu, are Coea to ftnove— W illiam Moyer Included, one for the outdoor work­ and his fam ily spent Sunday in ers and one for Indoor workers. Cereal« xuch a« rolled oats, corn snow sports at Loa Creek ranch. meal and coarae graham can tic Visitor from Foil Crask — Dave purchased In large quantities, In Glaapey of Fall Creek waa a visitor cloth «acka at a considerable sav- In Springfield on Friday. Ing. say« Mlaa Case. Wheat and Jaapar Man Hare— John Akers corn In condition aa harvested, can he taken to the near««! mill to be of Jasper was a visitor in Spring- cleaned and ground for a «mall field on Tuesday. charge. Unground whole wheat ban Drive to Snow— Dr. W. N. Dow a variety of uaea In the home, many and F. B. Flanery drove up the M o > /> °*b«r and further relief aa to thia past three months to keep it from Currency, Washington. D. C - i court may aeem equitable In the come down m ateriallf during the laat year, but the exchange value going on a warrant basts, and while November 10, 1933 ! premtaea. we are not making money— due to Notice 1« hereby given to all per CHARLES A. HARDY, Attor- of farm products for the thing« aona who may hava claims against «,,r •'••'" tiff. Poatofflce Ad- which make up the co«t of farming the fact that we are loaning funds can be realised by making bread at ..«.w «, . c, .. . „ L . dress. Eugene, Oregon. Down from Mountain»— Mr. and at a rate of Interest slightly lower “The Flrat National Hank of of flr„ pub|,catl„ n January haa decreased, according to index home. - uggests Miss Case. Another Mr> g R 8 ^ >t( of R ,w tamp number« given In the circular. than what they coat us— we are in Springfield,'* Oregon, that the same < 19. 1933. One feature of the outlook cir­ money »aver Is cooperative buying down Friday to transact business a very fa ir financial condition with must be presented to Lloyd H. <’ea8e<'- I . M . PETERSON. Attorney for ent such claims duly verified w ith !1 proper vouchers attnehed. to the estate, I ( F 2-9-16-23— M 3) NO TIC E OF C H A T T E L undersigned at the office of I. M. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Peterson at 234 Main atreet. Spring SALE field. Oregon, within six months NOTICE of the date of this notice, the snme OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given by the un­ BY A D M IN ISTR A TO R i being dated and published the first time thia 19th day of January, 1933. IN T H E CO U N TY CO URT O F T H E dersigned that under and pursuant I S T A T E OF OREGON FOR I.A N E to the terms of that certain chattel CARL B SENSENEY. Admin­ mortgage dated November 8th. CO UNTY. istrator of the Estate of Albert In the M atter of the Estate of 1930. wherein Leonard B. Pillsbury E Senseney. Deceased. and Fred Pillsbury were mort I. M. PETER8ON. Attorney for Nancy C. Conrad, deceased. said estate. N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N that gagors and Wm. Bartels was mort- i In pursuance of an Order of the gngee, which mortgage was on County Court of the State of Ore­ November 10th. 1930. recorded In C IT A T IO N Book 22 page 472 of the Chattel IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT OF T H E gon for the County of I,ane, made mortgage records of Lane County. and entered of record on the 30th STATE OF OREGON IN AND day of January, 1933. In the matter Oregon, and securing payment of a ' FOR LANE CO UN TY promissory ^ ote of even date for 1 In tho M atter of the Estate of of the estate of Nancy C. Conrad. the sum o f »245.82. due on or be­ (loceaHed, authorizing and directing Martha Wallace, Deceaaed. fore ninety days, and which note To Adeley J. Demit. George T. hltn to well the hereinafter des­ nnd mortgage were by an lnstru-1 Wallace, Ira V. Wallace, Thomas cribed real property belonging to ment dated October 19th, 1932 and Wallace, Ira Wallace, Clarence W al­ «old estate, at private sale, the un­ Extra Large Double Textured Cannon Turkish lace, Nora Sibley, Marion Nelaon dersigned administrator of the es­ recorded on October 25th. 1932. In H e a w L L Unbleached Yard-wide Muslin Yd. towels 19c; 3 for . ..................... Book 26 page 199 of Chattel Mort- ' tate, of said Nancy C. Conrad, de­ Frasier, Homer I. F railer, Clint T. : x s n' , ; £ £ « . . „ b i . « , » . « Y ,r d .w id e m u . « » . ™ ceased, will upon nnd after the 3rd Frasier, M artha Carter, Hasel M Men's Heavy Union Suits, Long Sleeve, Long Legs Green, George W. F ra ile r and all day of March, 1933. proceed to sell “ 9-« Unbleached Sheatlng. 81 Inches Wide. Yd. other persona and parties Interest­ nt private sale to the highest hid Boys' Heavy Union Suits, Heavyweight ed In the estate of M artha Wallace, der for cash nnd subject to the confirmation of said Court the fol­ made. I will on the 16th day of Deceased. Crown Jewel Cotton Batt February. 1933, at nine o'clock Sheet Blankets, 70 x 80, Extra Large IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STA TE lowing described real estate, to-wlt: The Lot . numbered Forty-six A. M„ at the restaurant In Cot­ OF OREGON: Ladies' Girls' Arch Support Sport Shoes, All Cut Grade Broadcloth in all Shades, Yd. (46) of H. L. and T. B. Stewart's tage Grove, Oregon, commonly Yon are hereby cited and required to. Pair plat of acreage Lots, being a part known as "Fred's Place" sell at , to be and appear In the County of James Ebbert Jr. D. L. C. No. public auction so much of the fol Hope Muslin, Bleached. The Very Best, Yd. Court of the State of Oregon. In r Men's Oxford, Dress Shoes, Work Shoes, Special 74. Notlf. 3314, In Township lowing mortgaged property as shall and for Lane County, at the court­ Yd. T ’ hree straight lines were Seventeen (17) South, Range bo necessary to satisfy the unpaid peather Proof Best Ticking, Lot. Pair .......................... room thereof In Eugene, Oregon, at Three (3) West of the W illam ­ balance of snld promissory note, photographed through two ten o'clock In the forenoon of Satur­ to-wlt, »266.26 with Interest there­ 9-4 Pequot Sheeting, 81 Inches Wide. Yd. ette Meridian In Lane County, $7.50 Men's Arch Support, Genuine Kangaroo day, the 18th day of February, 1933, different bifocal tenses al the on at 8% from March 7th, 1932, State of Oregon. then and there to show cause, If any Shoes, Pair .................... . left an ordinary bllocal with AH of Lota numbered 18, 19. 20 together with the costs and ex- Heavy Yard-wide Outing Flannel, Yd. there be. why license and authority penaes of said sale, together wllh I curved tnp reading pert causing and 21. In Block numbered 2 of should not he granted to W alter Men's Heavy Work Shirts, Sizes 14’/ 2 - 16'/a Valley View Addition to Spring- »25 00 as attorney fees, to-wlt: 6 Marshall Field the Finest Dress Prints, Yd. such displacement that one of Price, as administrator of the es­ tables; 18 chairs; 8 napkin hold- j field. I.ane County, Oregon, ac­ tate of said Martha Wallace, de­ Fast Color, Ladies' House Dresses the three lines DISAPPEARS ers; 16 salt shnker«: 8 sugar Extra Large Ready Sheets, Each cording to the official plat there­ ceased. to sell, at private sale, the ENTIRELY bowls; 9 stools; 1 long counter; ] of In the office of the County real property In the petition for Marshall Field Make, High Grade House Dresses, in l griddle; l steam table com- Heavy $4.00 Nashua Wool-Mixed Blankets Clerk of Lane County, Oregon. such license described, towlt: At the right, UNIVIS, the plete; 3 ice boxes; 1 coffee urn; : 1 j w j »» All of Lots numbered Eleven modern bifocal with straight Lot number One and the North All Sizes ................... ........................... 40 glasses; 30 spoons; 40 knives; Belmont Fast Color Print, New Patterns Yard-wide, Yd. (11) and Twelve (12) of H. L half of Lot number Two In the top reading part accuralslg 40 forks; 3 tanks; 5 insets; 30 Stewart and T. B. Stewarts Plat Block number Four of C. Cole's defining the inres lines .. — No. 2 of Acreage lots, being a ¡WE CUT TH E PRICES !N EVERY DEPARTMENT SO DRASTICALLY. TH A T THE KEENEST BUYERS WILL ADMIT First Addition to Marcóla. Ore­ subdivision of the Jns. Ebbert Jr. "Blind ares" displacement In gon; Also beginning nt the North­ Donation Land Claim No. 74, In f ' i X ’ f t f S i A r ^ l T H E S E GREAT VALUES - HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE LIKE TH IS IS VERY SELDOM PUT ON SALE AT SUCH west corner of said Lot number ordinary bifocals causes stumb­ Township Seventeen. South One and running thence North ling. uncertainty Unlvls Range Three West of tho W il­ 100 feet, East 160 feet. South 100 RIDICULOUSLY LOW P R IC E S - Btfnmls have no blind cres and lamette M eridian; snld Lots feet and thence West 160 feet other equipment and furniture, show oblects accurately In their Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) con­ to the place of beginning: cooking utensils and everything tain one ncre each, more or lean, true positions they are To obtain funds with which to In connection with and n part of, which Is In Lane County, Oregon. pay the debts, Just claims against belter for efficiency, comfort, or which may hereafter he added Bids therefore may be made to the estate of said decensed nnd tho safety to and become a part of that cer­ W illiam Curtis, administrator of expense« of administration, tain restaurant buslnoss known Demonstration Without W IT N E S S the Hon. Fred Fisk, snld estate, at hla home in Spring- as "Fred's Place" 817 Main Oblige tlo i County Judge In and for Lane Coun­ field. Oregon, or nt the office Street. Cottage Grove, Lane Couna ty, State of Oregon, and ex-offlclo of Frank B. Reid, 206 Tiffany Build­ ty. Oregon. Judge of said court, with tho seal ing, Eugene, Oregon, attorney for Dated February 7th. 1933. of said court affixed, this 11th day aald estate. DR. ELLA MEADE BESSIE BRASW ELL, Assignee W IL L IA M C U R T IS , Admlnls of January 1933. of Mortgagee trator of the Estate of Nancy C. Optometrist W. B. D ILLA R D . County Clerk, FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for Conrad, deceased. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON By S IB Y L W E S T F A L L , Deputy. ■ugene 41 Wee« Bth I Assignee. Irish-Murphy Co. QUALITY - SERVICE and PRICE Business Directory 23c 5c 5 1 .1 5 89c 7 9c 95C Sale Is On New Sale Is On Now Fulop’s Dept. Store uarySalc Never Before Have We Offered Such GREAT VALUES at Such Low Prices Compare Our Prices and Merchandise with Any Store in Lane County 5c 6c 19c 39c 9c 8c 16c 34c 9c 12c 59c 5 1 .9 8 9<; Cash Only 50c 69C 44C 25c 5 1 .9 8 59c No Credit FULOP’S DEPT. STORE ( J 11-19-36— F 1-8) . (F 1-8-18-28— M 2)