PAOB Form School Year Is h a lf Complétée (Continued from First I “age) t-hirhv llaack. Warren Ingram Junior Laxtoa. Wtntfr *d Lyon« Dorothy Mulligan, ■aryl Rols-rtaor Dav© Smith, Bmui.i lam S tra tto n Frank Stuart. Valentine Vchytil Sem ester Scholarship— Flora Herlsch Wan da Burch. Sherley Hauck. Bory Robertson, Albert Shearer. Frank Stuart. Attendance — Frank And rson Shirley llaack, Warren Ingram Junior Laxton, Beryl Robertson Emma Lou Stratton, Frank Stuart Valentine Uchytll. B R A T T A IN S C H O O L F I r a t G rad e Attendance—Charles Martin. Rav Nott, Bobby Robinson, lone Van Lydegraf. Second Grade Attedance—Waudla Buzzard, Ret ty Campbell, Joyce Church. Nadvne Neet, Virginia Lee Pohl. Barbara Walker, Victor Evonuk Thomas Bacas. Richard Martin, Richard Flanery. T h ir d G rade Attendance— Bob Gardner. Ellis Roberts, Fritts Smltson. Betty Pat Aldrich. Mary Alice Bartholomew. Lois Phalr, Ruth Phair. F o u rth G rad e Scholarship—< Dorothy Flanery. Edith W’ar, Virgie Buzzard. Iris Klinefelter, Gloria Green. Ethel Ruth Fulop. Attendance— Raymon Bainbridge. Billy Hack, Bob Adams, John Meek. Myron Robinson. T I H ’HSDAY. I'E B B l'A ltY 2. 1933 TUR SPRINGFIELD N W S Thompson. Sophomore Six weeks -Jerry Clark t'harlr Cole. Mary Elkow. C lilr lladl y Margaret Jarrett. Helen Marx. M ir garet Miller. Herschel O'Quinn. I.;- Verne Push. Doris Robinson, Edna Seversor, Frances Stiles, Mar.- Trotter. Finals—Jerry Clark, Charles Cole. Luclle Davis. Mary Elkow, Clair Hadley. Malcolm Hansen. Margaret Jarrett, Helen Marx. Margaret Mil ler. Herschel O'Quinn, Doris Robin son. Edna Severson. Frances Stile* Mary Trotter. Juniors Six weeks— Ruth Button. Erma Easton. Beatrice Elmer, Wayne Kendall. Evelyn Kickbusch. D> Etta Sandgathe. Elisabeth Vail. Final— Ruth Button. Erma Eas­ ton, Beatrice Elmer, Evelyn Kick­ busch, DeEtta Sandgathe. Elizabeth Vail. Seniors Six weeks — Virginia Christie, Melba Harris. Jewel Helterbrand, Zula Kickbusch. Marjori* Proch- now, Dorothy Robinson. Marceline Seavey. Waive Townsend, Florence Vail. Final— Donald Brown. Stella Brabham. Virginia Christie, Robert Elmer, Melba Harris, Jewel Helter brard, Zula K ickbuch. Marjorie Tochnow. Dorothy Robinson. Aug- ust Rodakowski. Marceline Seavey, Florence Vail, Gerald Vo.vtanek. At t EN DEATH BRINGS EXPRESSION OF BOARD Sim-Back Gingham rps HIGH SCHOOL Freeh men Six weeks — Lester Anderson Barbara Harnell, laM oyn* Black Charles Clement. Russell Cooper Roy CandalL Lloyd Harris. Edwa i Henson. George Irvin. John Kick busch. Florence May. Warren Vail. Final—Lester Anderson. Barbara Barnell. LaMovne Black, Charlo*. Clement. Roy Crand’ll. Ed» id llcn scn . John Kickbusch. Ploren■ <* May. Drucile Ogilvie. Albert Rod i konskl. Warren Vail. W here Roosevelts W ill l ikely Worship Members of the Latte County Fair Board at their meeting held In Eu gene Monday. Jat.uury SO. passed the following resolution which they sent to the family of the lat ■ W. C. Allen, president of tile Hoard until his death at Yldu last week Resolved; That since the last j m eting of the Fait Board there has des artist from our mid .t one of! our most highly re ported mem ! hers, one who has served in the capacity of Its president a id on ! who has labored earnestly in ihc behalf of the lam e County Fair i Therefore It is fitting that we her j -Î ft » V i \ St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Washington, D. C. which Fraaklia D. Roosevelt and fa m ily w ill most likely sttco.l while occupying the W hile House. The insert is o f Dr. C. Ernest S m ith, pastor o f the church PHONE GROUP ELECTS DIRECTORS AT MEETING P ré s id e n t o f C o u n ty A sso cia tio n A sks A il L in e s to Join in R a te C u t D riv e Greater cooperation of all tele phone users In Ijsre county and especially those who are served by rural lines in Joining the recently organised Lane County Rural Tele- phone association was asked this week by E. E. Schrenk, Creswell, president of the group. k k/MARY MARS-MALI -» > > The popularity of the cape suits at the winter resorts Indicate« thnt they are going to be prime favorites throughout the land when spring truly makes her bow. . . Cape suits art* utmost universally lus-oming and have an air of casual swank that all good sport things have. And there is no one length tor. capes, which might make them difficult to wear for some. There are long CHURCH WILL TRY EARLY VESPERS Rob Hoy Schedtilod to Ex. Muthodiat« to Ho«r Spanker change Effort« With Rudy on R tiu in nt 5 O'Clock Sor- Viteln of Mexico City vico« Sunday Lvuning by express to the family of Mr C. j W. Allen our heartfelt sympathy In their bereavement, and make this an expres ion of the recognition of oar loss In his death Be it resolved, that copies of this resolution be sent to the family and to the newspapers of Lane county. R. II. Thompson, vice president F. K. Chambers, director. Mabel H. Chadwick, secretary. Bere is a summer «un s trie , ss • o r a by Helen K ra keu r o f Ne» York in a pre senson v ie » nt l ' a l a Beaeh. I t is a blue g in g h a a sua back Leseti drm« « it h k a itte d white h *L Italian Io Meet Jensen Tonight After Jack McCarthy, Twin Falls. Idaho wrest ler, null Thor Jensen. Elkton, had tuhcu a fall uch on the weekly wrestling card at the Arm ory last Thur day they rolled out of the ring and McCarthy «r.ihhed a package from the lap of a spec tutor and finished Hi thundering Jouseu with a hump on the head Jeitsvti was given the decision on a foul although McCarthy seemed to lie on the road to hold the Elkton storm king to a second fall. Thia week Herb Owen has brought another wrestler back Io Eugene In meel Jensen He will have Joe Reno, nil Im p o rliitln n from New Orleans here for the conLat I tonight. Roh Roy, Scotchman and de cendent of the famous highlander, will meet Rudy Vltela of Mexico I City In the special 45 minute event E v e n llig Services a l ih phuiìli wlll !>•’ nf v i’H p r n H uitiht) ni a Mi lltodlst iti lUk» iiMlur»» <»‘»’U x k h I h i ' I ì i i r «'Yt'iiiiiM u t'ttm lli a l i H o* ; |h>an C. l ,t»ll»tl«’Ml »r’i M lllhiU tirr nicut (o r Ih«» wvnk r iitl T h lll wlll t1 Mti ••x|»«’rhw«‘ili unii iimy or inai lin i I h » c o n iti;ite ti h«» MMys. Th» fir t of these vesper a or vices will bring Miss M ehliuinn. former si Iliad teacher and ntlideilt In ltd« sla. also a school teacher In Call forula fur many year#, who will ■ tieak on "Sovlei ItiiMHla, an Experl ineiil In C oopeiutloh.” Part of the time Nile was III Russia he was ell «aged a# teacher at the Hoviet Cnl verslty lit Moscow Hhe spoke before the education club at tho university this Week Anna Devries, a gradual« o f Ih e Royal Dutch Conserviitory nt Am ■ terilaiu. and for a nutoiler of years enntt.'cted with the Musical Arts III tllute of Han Pruni'lsro, will give two piuiio soma at the servlcn The subject of the mom Ing ser ¡vie« at II o’clock wlll lie "The H n n ie L s n B e in g .’* R ev. Pidiidexler wlll preach Iuka Meeting to Be held Tonight HEBEKRHS GOESES OF EO.O.f. LODGE Many Attend Benefit Card Party Friday at Home of Mrs. Wanda Barnes Music, Two Shirt Skit« and The Epworth league wlll meet for llielr usual program at 6 o'clock Jokes Feature Program following I ho vesper service. Given Wduesday Night Regular meeting nf Iuka circle number 37, I «»dies Auxiliary if the G. A. R will he held this evening at the home of Mrs. N ellie Carr, between lAiurtli and F'lfth on D street. Forty people attended the bene­ fit card party which the Circle members sponsored Friday evening at the home nf Wanda Barnes. Eight tables of 50fl were in play. High score prize for ladies was won by Mrs. Rosa Montgomery and Percy Briggs took the high prize for men. A supper was served following the card session. Funds raised at these card so-1 clals are used hy the Circle In carrying on their work among the needy people of this community. Mvu turned the conventional USED CLOTHING IS tublea and entertained the ladle# DEMONSTRATION TOPIC Wedueitduy night when member# Fifth Grade of the I. O. O. F. lotlge number 70 Scholarship—Jane Apger. Oscar Remodeling of old elollilng was entertained with a program for Farnsworth. Eugene Fulop. Andrew- th*. subject of an all «lay deiuoiislra- members of Juanita Itebekuh lodge. Gott. Dallas Knight. Jesse Lanning. llell inlidllclcd Tuo day al liexter More than 100 of the 300 indivi­ Ruth Martin. Bruce Maxey. Marian About s i attended the prowram by Miss Gertrude Skew. Imine dent- dual lines in the county were sign ­ Phair. Bobby Pollard. Arthur Pro- which opeued with the uluglug of oiistrntloii agent Ladies attending Post G rad u ate s ed up as members following the chnow, Chester Schiewe. Jimmie Six weeks—Wilma Lewis. America hy the entire group and brought old doth«# which they Francis Grover Cleveland, #en o Slam, Jam es Richards. Robert the form er President, acted his pan Final— Lucille Clearwater. Wil- meeting held in Eugene last Thurs­ musical number# by John Lorah wlshisl Io have remodeled and were day night. Many have signed since as v illa in so well in a play at Roali>> Strand. ma Lewis. uud Fred Louk. Till# wa# followed given helpful suggestions by Miss the other evening that he was hisse< ihat time, but it is vitally neces­ Attendance— Bonny Findley. Eu­ hy recitation# and Joke# by Lee Hkow , , , which pleased me immensely ' * sary that all lines take a firm stand gene Fulop. Howard Kllnfelter. Dec t’Utmuu uud Elmer I'yne. mid two said M r. Ctevaiand, '*t>ers>um hi«», for rate reductions if any succ ss bert Koch. J esse Lanning. Ruth RED SOX WIN TWO fo r a v illa in mess# applause ” group vtitertaiument«, a courtroom is to be expected at an early date. Martin, Bruce Maxey. Marian Phair. skit, and a shadow ahow depicting GAMES TH IS WEEK Bob Pollard. Arthur Prochnow. . ! ahdul Abulhulu Amir, Roland Rural telephone subscribers who Jerold Siem sen. Jimmie Slam. Creswell and Lowell girls basket­ attended the meeting were told O h io ’s Maschke Case ' MoBh‘* r •“*» Ute «on« for th« Mrs. Robert Steele was host««« James Richards. ball teams were defeated this week that they should pay their annual L. _____________________ J .liadow play and wu# ur< om puiiled to the Deerhorn Bridge club at h«r Sixth Grade by the Red Sox team composed of $9.00 phone bills as no action could uj) Mr«. Mushier. home Tue -day Several special Scholarship— Frank Bennett. Mil­ Eugene and Springfield girls. Mon­ be expected before they were due. Refreshments were served follow guests Were present besides mem dred Billings. Dean Wilson, Robert day night the Red Sox team de It was also stated at the meeting I >ug tho program. hers of the club. Mrs. C. D. Sw ear­ Nice. Dean Van Lydegraf. Emma I ■ feated the Creswell girls there 23 that It was unnecessary to pay th "■he committee tu charge included ingen was awarded the prize tor Jane Sm ith, Peter Chace. Clarence to 12. bills under protest because any re- u e e > ttliiu tii, and Elmer Pyne, pro­ high score and Mrs. LyU* Hast- Clark, Paul Nott, Lawrence Thump Wednesday night the Red Sox duction which might rsult from the gram ; Elmer Fludley, Roland Mo lugs received ihe consolation prize. The eighth scraHe ha»k«*tt>a]| t. arn *°n- team defeated the Lowell girls 20-22 present action would be reflected shier, and John Lorah. refresh­ Mm. Earl ThleDes wlll entertain the def« a tod the independent team from Attendance — Mildred Billings, in a fast rough game at the Baptist back , o those who have paid. ments. the high school 14-4 at the high club st her home In two we-lu. Marte Briggs. Robert Nice. John church In Eugene. One of the Red A constitution providing for an Bthool ryninaxiuni Tuesday after The Deerhorn P. T A. wlll meet Phillips. Theodore Prindel. Lor-j Sox girl was removed from the nuaI m eetings to be held the first noon. The lineup*« were: W islae day night. February 16. at raine Squires, Dean Van Lydegraf, game on personal fouls leaving her , Saturday after the first day of the NO ACTION ON SCRIP E ig h th G rad e In d e p e n d e n t, the achiMil house Mrs. J. W Foun Dean Wilson, Roberta Putman. Le teammates to continue the gam>* New Year and for memberships Holverson 1 ............ Ware TAKEN AT M u t I IN L m ‘1», r«»fr**Mhm«*nt rommlWt»«» «hair* roy Church. Clarence Clark. Robert with only five players. They did of rural line« at 50 cents per line. I). Richard on 5 2 Schantol 1 foun. annnuitc«»* nr» nl«t fui*hh>n«*■ That Is because they are in three school won two of three games with ttie merits of either plan was al family attending bringing one dish pieces, the cape and the skirt re­ Marcóla Friday evening. The eighth “THE NEW OCCUPATION1 lowed during the Meeting. Im medl-!nf tbelr own selection -will lie a versible« and the little Jacket work grade boys won their contest 26-8 SUNDAY CHURCH TOPIC sloly after the session which lusted f. ature that night. February 14. a Ing for contrast or harmony as de­ in a rough, hard-fought struggle about two hours, the uommitteo j Valentine party will he a part of Mr«. Needham and »on. Ray Mit sired. when worn either with or with Dick Richardson high point Rev. Veltle ITuitt wlll preach on members retired Ur another room I the Grange meeting. Cookies, sand- chell. and mother, Mr«. Teeter«, without the cape. man for Springfield with 10, and Ihe subject, "The New Cccupation' and started a careful luveatigatton wlches and coffee wlll lie the ro­ The sketch shows a checked Riller with 6 for Marcóla. motored to Cloverdale last Sunday at the Sunday morning service at of each plan. freshments served. to visit Mrs. Caatleman, who has tweed which fairly shouts spn»„ The seventh grade boys lost their the Christian church There will The first story of the N. O. W. Regardless of what plan is used been very ill with quinsy and sport wear, as Illustrated. The cape game to the Marcela team 10-23 be special music. - hall Is now being remodeled for the and the skirt are both reversible, It will first becumo necessary to heart trouble. They report she is with Robertson high with & for The Christian Endeavor will Use nf severnl lodges thut meet St plain on the other side. They are Springfield and Fisher 12 for the lie unsured that merchants will at Improving. meet at 6:30, and In the evening W altervllle. Including the I O. O. F. cept and puss out the script us Mrs. Alberta Davenhill and Mrs. 1» greens, blues, tans, greys, navy victors. the paator will deliver u special the Iteheknh ami the Grange Glen Powers from Ixiwell were in and black and white. A close score 6-5 gave the Spring sermon to the young people of the money. Various plans of refunding Mrs Mary Bnrreau left recently Thurston last Sunday. I -------------------------- field eighth grade girls a victory church. The choir will Ing special the script Issue were offered hy the for New York via bout from Port­ sj cakers. Loren Edmiston with som e Eu 1 MANY C HURCH PEOPLE over the Marcóla girls. Stratton music. land. ladters received Wednesday gene friends sppnt the past week HEAR EVANGELIST made 4 for Springfield and Nielson u o io n .from Mrs. Bnrreau postmarked As end at Neskowin. 3 for Marcóla. MR. AND MRS. ELKINS torlu stale they were awaiting the N O T IC E Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jenkins ana Forty-five members of the Christ­ HAVE ANNIVERSARY Ktr>rni*H NtibHldtrig to rnwH tho tmr O F BALE OF R E A L P R O P E R TY daughter from Roseburg spent the ian church of Springfield attended Bank Receiver Here— Mr. anil I a;..'.-.:-«-1 at the mouth of the ( ’ohnnhln B Y A D M IN IS T R A T O R week-end with Mr. Jenkin's parents, the E vangelistic services at the Mrs. Lloyd H. Kelley are here from IN THE COUNTY COURT GF THE Mr. and Mrs. Larson Wright iit w ill While was host for u dance Mr. and Mr . B. K. Jenkins. 'Fairmount Christian church in Eu­ Silverton today looking after busi­ STATE GF ORKOON FOR LANE tended the golden wedding anni at his place Friday night. Ml 31 COUNTY. REXALL REXILLANA Walter Edmiston began excavat- gene W ednesday evening to hear ness affairs at the First National versary of Mrs. (.arson's prandpnr- McKenzie Bedsides won an In­ ANTISEPTIC MILK OF DELICIOUS Evangelist Joe A. Detherage speak. bank. Mr. Kelley Is receiver for In the Matter of the Estate of ent . Mr and Mrs. W. I). Elkins, In teresting game over Westfir Tues- Nancy C. Conrad, deceased. SOLUTION MAGNESIA COUGH Monday, which will be modern with Miss Uldlno Gartln sang a solo as the bank here and for a national NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN that Eugene Tuesday evening. The af­ day evening hy a score of 49 to 20. SYRUP fire place and hardwood floors. a part of the service. In pursuance of an Order of the fair was held at the home of Glenn Ill a proctite« g u ille the Bedsides hank In Silverton. County Court of the State of Ore­ Elkins, a son of the elder couple. second team lost to a Springfield gon for the County of Lnne, made -By Albert T. R M and entered of record on the 301 h i larem o E lk iis, another son. ana, team hy a narrow margin. day of January, 1933, In the matter Harrold Hlkine a grandson, were t Lllnh Weaver was hostess Io a of the estate of Nancy C. Conrad, also present for the evening. pnrty of severnl young friends for PURETEST ilis-eased. authorizing and directing her birthday recently. RUBBING ALCOHOL him to sell the hereinafter des- Gets New Car— F. II. Flanery Is Rev. Ralph Clark will conduct Here is a tremendous saving! ertbed real property belonging to said estate, at private sale, the un now driving a new automobile preaching services at Leahurg Hun- Buy this iull pint of Puretest (lerslgned administrator of the es which ho purchased recently.