THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1933 LEGION SEWING CLUB HOLDS MEET THURSDAY THE RPRINOFIJCLD NEWS T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y NEW FARN CROPS SHOW PROMISE MANY ATTEND HEARING LANE POULTRYMEN TO RED CROSS COMMITTI ON STATE LIQUOR BILL HEAR SPEAKERS TODAY FOR YEAR ARE One of the larg • t crowds of per Poultry Specialists from Oregon Members nt Ilia American leg io n Bartholom ew on Finance. ¡auxiliary »awing club mat at the sons to attend a public hearing on State Collage to Conduct an on Junior W o rk, and Tyson a legislative art during this set hum» of Mr». I’. J. Bartholomew Oentlet lit— Dr N W, Emery I» Businas« Vlaltor— Hain Swafford All-Day M eat In Eugene Named Vice-Chairman ¡Thursday att«rnuon of laat wuok III at hl» home this week. alon gathered In the House of Re; of Leaburg was a bualneaa visitor Thre» BprlngfloM me a wore I Io aaw clothes fur fam ilies of needy In Springfield Munday afternoon An Interesting all-day meeting for named on the annual commute» State College Offers Inform a­ resentatlves e bam h r In the stall W altervllle Farmer Her»— A. A. l«x-«ervli:e man Thay will man! eapltol Morday evening for tbr poultrymen la being held today at report of the Lane County Red tion on Crop Change Pros­ open consideration of two liquor V jelta Moth»«- Sam Nelaon of ¡»gain February 0. at the homo ol Campbell of W altarvllle was a bust- the Chamber of Commerce In Eu­ • roe» announced during the weeh NoTIt'K I» heray given fimi Hie lies« V lid tor In Springfield Tuesday. Weiser. Idaho la here thia week to pects for This Season modification laws now pending be gene under the direction of the nniler«lgnei| ba« been appointed Mr«. F. 11. Ilamlln. nd by Mlaa Mary Annin, execntlvu visit his mother. Mra. P. L. Nelaon .... . : fore the lefIslature according to Lane county Poultrymen'« Associa­ secretary. Executrix uf Ilia natatn of A. 0.1 — ———■ — — ■ Vida Resident Here—C B. Allen I Mr. Nelson owns an apiary In Idaho U lial p f the new crops, and wbat w „ po„>rd y I'ourl of Lane County, Oregon. Alt *n ^rom Camp Creek— Mr aril agent. Laaburg Man Her»— Charles ami Friday. of the finance committee for 1*33. ones? That farmers aro always tng both bouses. par "II« liuvlng claims ugnlimt »aid Mr«. J M Tipton of Camp Craak Walter Carter of Laaburg were keenly Interested In these matters *»•“•« urn hereby required In praa were vl llora In Hprlngflalil Tuna The program for the day Is a» servlo« under C. E. Lombard, chair­ Here from Roseburg — H ilda ani lha «ama properly verified an « .» bualneaa visitors In Springfield Is shown by (be high proportion of man. The |