THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIIIItTIBTH YEAH SPRINGFIELD, l«ANK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1!>33 REACH SUMMIT Rebekahs Have Boys «As Guests ON SKI OUTING Harolil Soleim and Harry Wright Spend Week at Cabins on Highway FORTY FOOT DR'FTS SEEN Ifc ■■ Four Feet Fri K _ * Falls On Pole Brick r f j n Within Three . << w Chamber Backs Rural Phone Cut Boy Scout Troop Put« on First Aid Demonstration; Thirty-One Attend Monday was boy night at Bull ckali lodge and Members of that organisation entertained for 31 boys Including 22 members of the Hprlng field Boy Scout troop. Evnrel Cajole, senior patrol leader conducted a first aid demon- slrullon with Ihe troop and then ’Isa Dorothy Girard led In th • play- ■if game* during Ihe latter part evening Clarlne Pulman, Mrs. Elva Annins and Mary Ann Ixmk were mem tiers of the committee In charge of refreshments. Wluti i ports tans who ski across country last week nnothor ro-orit buna up tor th­ io shoot ut In the lint ore ot u *k trip from l/ist Creek ranch to lh> summit of the McKonsl« puss and to spend one whole week making this trip and luklng snow r-ndlngs at each mile post. When Harry Wright. Springfield and Harald Soleim, late highway employee, at McKenzie bridge reached lx»*t Creek ranch last Sun day afternoon they had completed just sni h a trip and brought back with them many valuable observa (Ions of condition* on the high Cas Civic Institution Continues to cades ut this season of the year. Cain Popularity Despite P m Heavily Blanketed Indications that the McKenxie Curtailed Service pa s opening will he conalderably An Increasing use of the faclll- delayed next spring were contained In ihelr findings which showed that Ilea of Springfield's public library huge drifts of hard snow 15 to 4<> Is noted In the annual report re­ feet deep now lay across the high­ leased this week by Mrs. David way where It winds Its way across bailsman, librarian. The report shows that a total of the lava beds- Heavy snowfalls and storm »187 volumes have been loaned which raged across the mountain out during the past year Thia In­ during the week made the outing clude 8798 books of fiction ano exceptionally difficult. Thcae also 383 non fid lou works A total of I49fi magazine* have made the trip more valuable ns a been loaned. tact flndltyi expedition. Ixwvlng lx>st Creek ranch on New hooka addi«d to the library Monday morning, January 23. total 132 volumes An additional Wright and Holcim spent nine and Increase was made to the library In one half hours making the trip to the form of a donation of a set of 1*01« Bridge shelter where they cnmmerrtal law hooka for reference found th* cgbln door snowed In purposes. This was given by Mrs. and snow hanks reaching to the KBxa Wlnxenreld eave on each side of the building Mrs Millon V Walker and Mrs Nine feet of snow were found on Walter Scott wore added to the Ihe roof and the rhlnin y had beet, membership of Ihe library hoard smashed by the weight. Ihe first of the year. Mr*. N. W 4 4 HALF COjPLETEO Request of Rural Users for Lower Prices is Endorsed Springfield Team to Invade at Springfield Meeting Eugene Saturday for St. Mary’» Contest Support to the rural telephone users In their effort to . . . are low er switchboard rates from the Pa clflc Telephone and Telegraph cotn- pany was given in a resolution passed by the Springfield (’hurnbei of Commerce at a meeting Wednes­ day evening. The chamber author­ ised the secretary to draw up reso­ General John J . Pershing as G rand M arshal w ill load the In ang v- lutions and forward them to th> ■ it parade at W ashington on M arch ' newly organized rural telephone V when President start Reosevelt Is association and to the Ixtne conn inducted la te »Hire, n g o u a as Ad­ ty legislators. m iral ('a ry T Grayson, Chain > t II»« le-oieurnl Committee. The Chamber or Commerce con curred I d a resolution by the Tilla­ mook Chamber of Commerce ask Ing the congress to pass legislation authorising lower interest rates on farm loans held by the Federal Ixtnd lianks. There are two farm loan associations In f-ane county and many ferlerai land bank mort gugea are held on property here. L O W E L L T R IP L U W tL L World Wide Juniors Plan Trip to Annual Meeting In Cor­ Students Start Work Monday vallis in Near Future on Last Half of Pioaent Year for Five membera of the Junior _ _ _ 18 _ _ Wsoks NEXT World wide Guild of Springfield n n n n eg r « reOP«» _ _ _ Baptist church will attend the an - i O ^ D RECORDS ARE nual Guild convention for the state . . of Oregon at Corvallis on February r ™ ? " <>f I Makes Small Inroads on IX and 19. Honor Rolla at Schools Delegates were elected Friday afternoon at a meeting of the group Despite the great number of i held at the home of Mrs. Kenneth i Tobias, leader. They are O.yle I ““ Chore. Louise Coglll. Jennie Jack ^ m T " ^ ' n 1" COOdlUved prosperity's return. Both the honor rolls tar the third In the percentage column. also held during the afternoon. six weeks period, and tor the first The U. H S. regulars were too Delegates from the senior guild semester which marks the close of much for Springfield's team, and ; will be named later. the first half of the school year »re piled up an early lead which caused printed this week. Jean Eberhart, their coach to pull out his first string men and send In An Interesting incident la reveal­ ed in the high school honor roll a second squad. With these players where two families each having on the floor Springfield launched a three students in the same grades furious drive which moved the at school hare had their name» on score from 19 18 at the quarter to Newton Lindley Funeral Ser­ The chamber received communi­ 27 24 for the finish. Miss High Resigns Place at the honor rolls for each six week» vices Held From the Jasper cations and copies of a bill author­ Lineups for the game were: period and for the semester. Brattain; No New Faculty ising chain banks In Oregon sent U. H. 8. Church on Tuesday Springfield These are the Kickhusch and V ail Member to Be Employed Prominent Lane County Resi­ by Repre entatlve McCornack and Graham 9 F 9 Hartman families. Zula Kickhusch and Flor­ Newtoo Lindley, reside«t of Ore­ Huntington. Both said that If Robbins 4 F . 10 Hawke Resignation of Miss Helen High dent Succumbs to Illness; ence Vail are memners of the sen­ gon for (he post 42 years died at chain bank legislation were passed Ig oc ______ (' Funeral Held Monday 5 Thurman as second grade teacher and music ior class. Evelyn Kickbosch and his homo at Natron Sunday follow­ they would try to make the law Morris 3 G — Squires Instructor at the Brattain school I Elizabeth Vail, members of the Jun­ ing a short Illness, lie was born suited to the Springfield situation ! Mann 5 Charles W. Allen, one of the Me- ior class, and John Kickbuah and G .....Wilson was announced this week by F. B at Monroe, Wisconsin, on February Subs: U. H 8.—Tingle. Ray 8o Flanery, school board chairman Kenlle »a"«?'» most outstanding Warren Vail of the (reshman c I» m . A highway committe- conalsting 1X5» and was married to Mias »t Vida The honor rolls tar the period» of Harry Stewart. John Pyle and ward. Booth. Stafford 5. Rex So III health was given as the rea on re"id‘‘nt•- dled Cora E Smith In ifeptember, 1X91. ward. McKenxie 1, Carson. for the resignation which became i ,Mt Thnr»d»y evening following follow: M. It Huntly wan appointed. They moved to Eugene 42 years effective at once. ® lingering Hines« of several Ray Murray—Referee. L IN C O L N SCH O O L ago and later moved to Natron. There will be no vacancy at the i month8 duration, Springfield now has a percentage Junior High He 1« survived hy four daughters. of 250 with one victory and three school and no new teacher will be • Born at Roxbury, New York, tn Scholarship—Elizabeth Johnson, Mrs. Dan Driscoll, Eugene; Mrs. defeat« so far this season. The employed as a result of the reslgna SePtember 18«2. Mr. Allen lived Vila Weight. Lots June Wilson Roy Borden, Cottage Hill; Mrs locals have five games yet to play tlon stated Chairman Flanery. Mrs. there for ei*ht J'ear’ unlU he Bernice Barnes, Ethel Gott. Flor­ Ernest Funk, Florence; Mrs. Claire on their “A" league, schedule aie I Alene Bastard will take over th» with hi* Parent" to Scranton. Pen ence Roberts. Bernice Smith, June McHenry; two sons. William and have a chance to defeat Cottage music instruction and Miss Eleanor n ,7lvania where he graduated from Berg. Hazel Nesblt. Jeannine With­ Albert Lindley, of Route I. Spring |Grove again and possibly Roseburg Smith will take over the teaching hiKh 8cho°*' ers. Henry Chase. James Hebert. He attended Keystone Military field; one brother. Alfonso Lindley, here. The Roseburg boys are said >f the second grade. The two sixth Edna June Yarnell, Selma Clement. Jefferson. Oklahoma; one alater to play a winning game on their grades will be combined under the academy tar his preparatory work Attendance—Bernice Barnes Ros­ Four Springfield Members At­ Mrs. Ida Huldert. Munroe, Wlacon and graduated from Bucknell col­ own floor and stopped U. H. 8 direction of Miss Dorothy Girard coe Cole. Elmer Chase. Floyd tend Demonstration Meet­ lege in 1892 with a bachelor of arts sin: and II grandchildren. when they Invaded the Douglas Green, Margaret Meek. Lol« Juno In languages degree. While there he ing in Eugene Saturday j eoilnty city. The other two games Funeral service« for Mr. Lindley Wilson, Geneva Wycoff, Dale Car- acted as captain and coach of the with Eugene high will be Interest­ were held from the Natron church son, Elmer Downes. Earl House Twenty women attended the 1 ing. but it is improbable that football team which was unde­ Tuenr^y morning at 11 o'clock. Mervyn Mulligan. Dale Robertson. o’clock luncheon meeting of the feated. Springfield will garner a victory 1» Dr. E V. Stivers officiated and In­ Scott Wright. June Berg. Elva Boy­ With the opening of the Univer­ terment was made In Mt Vernon P. T. A. hot lunch committee Wed either of these. les, Lillian Butler. Sadie Scott, Jen­ ne day afternoon at the home of sity of Chicago to 1893 he entered Nina Feet on Root The percentage column for each | Emery la president of the board cemetery. Poole-Gray-Bartholomew Mrs. W. O. Burch at which time re­ nie Jackson. Ruth Keeler. Ilia the Divinity school. al«o doing pos»- (In the way up they made care­ Other members are Mrs. L. K chapel In Springfield had charge of team In the league today Is: Louise Putman. Juan Stratton, ports of the county-wide meeting graduate work and playing football ful readings of each mile and found Page. Mr». C. E. Wheaton. Mra. WII arrangements. W L Pet Oliver Adams, Glen Anderson, Gor­ held Saturday In Eugene were giver« Eugene Upon graduation here he became several large drifts across Dead llaiu Bouse and Mra E. E. Pottei 1000 Eugene Junior Chamber of don Baldwin. Harold Foss, Deimaa by Mrs. O. II Jarrett, Mrs. Ids Ro eburg professor of English and athletic Horse grade The snow was very ««7 The library was recently moved INDEPENDENT TEAM Commerce Outing to Bring director at Alma college. Alma. Glaspey, Joe Keever. Laverne Mc­ Adams. Mrs. Cornell and Mrs I I'niversity High »oft and skiing was dttftrtltt con from ikecond and Main xtreeta to Pherson, Earl Pederson, WII-on Fifty to Mountains WINS ROUGH CAME Church. Michigan. He later taught ancient Springfield The next day. Tuesday, they the Wlnxenreld building between 250 Taylor. James Hebert, Robert Kee­ languages and coached at Whitman hoveled the auow from the root Fourth and Fifth. The building lx Representatives from each P. T Cqltage Grove ooo Springfield's Independent basket A. unit In the county met at the Sunday will he another big day college. Walla Walla. Washington. nan. (India* four feet on the ridge, nine open only two dayx a wwk, Wed The team with the highest per­ Semester In 1904 together with W. D. feet on the east side and eight feet itesduys and Saturday« during the hall team won a rough contest from Eugene high school Batunlay where centage will represent this district in the mountains as many people Thurston here Monday evening 34 drive up there to participate In the Barnes, Ister Judge of Deschutes Scholarship—Based on semester on the west side houra from 2:00 nntll G:00 and 21. This was n regular American demonstrations were conducted In In the state tournament to be held snow sports. Members of the Eu- county. Mr. Allen established White average»— Ulla Weight, Lois Jane methods of preparing hot lunches In Salem about the middle of Know fences at West lava ware from 7:00 until 9:00. League scheduled game. Spring by Miss Gertrude Bkow. home dem­ March. g?np Junior Chamber of Commerce Rock ranch on the Deschutes river. Wilson. Sadie Gott, Ethel Oott. Flo­ the two decided to remain Indoors Unemployment, which means a field's next game tn this hsigue will onstration agent, and Mrs. Lucy Another caine which will be In­ will hold their big winter outing at He later took up lands In the forest rence Roberts, Bernice Smith, June Wednesday and Thursday. They great amount of leisure time for be with Cottage Grove on their Case, of Oregon Slate college at teresting to watch Is the one be­ Ixist Creek ranch Saturday night reserve and established a ranch Berg. Hazel Nesbitt, Jeannine With­ recorded 10 Inches or new «now many people, has caused a great floor on February 9. Corvallis. tween Springfield and St. Mary's and Sunday and approximately 50 known as Allendale. This he sold ers, Henry Chase, Jamee Hebert, Wednesday and 20 Inches the tai Increase In Ihe use of the llbrury The lineups for the Monday game are expected to attend in that party in 1919 to settle near Vida where Joe Keever. lowing day. Thursday was very Several problems of local Interest to be played on the Eugene school's thinks Mrs. Bailsman. Thia Increase were: Many Springfield people have al­ he developed a fine herd of Jersey floor Saturday night. St. Mary’s Attendance— Elmer Chase, Ros­ stormy and the now became very In the number of patrons coupled S p rin g fie ld 34 Thurston 21 including the matter of showers for has already defeated the Spring- so Indicated their intentions of cattle. coe Cole, Floyd Green. Margaret wet In the evening causing It to with the elimination of one of the girls at the high school were talki«l I-oathcrs 3 6 Russell —F. Mr. Allen married Miss Florence Meek, Lois June Wilson. Earl field team here and nosed out a driving up to the snow sports Sun eel tie and pack somewhat. open day« made necessary by fin Nice _ .............. F 8 Grant over although no action will be victory last Saturday night over day. E. Stabury. a native of Vermont House, Dale Robertson, June Berg, Shelter Almost Crushed uncial conditions, means Ihnt all Ernsting 11 .... C... 6 Gray taken on these matters until the the U.- H. S. team at McArthur Last Sunday a total of 65 auto­ and teacher in a private seminary, Scott Wright, Elva Boyles, Ilia Friday morning they awoke to these people have to be nerved dur­ F. Squires fi O Platt next meeting of the entire P. T. A. court. St. Mary's I- out after the mobiles were counted at Lost on February 14, 1909 Louise Putman. Juan Stratton, find It very windy They put on ing two days. Mattlaon 5 G __ 2 Harblt body on the third Friday of this "B" league championship and from Creek.. The road was open only to Survivors of Mr. Allen Include his Harold Foss. Delmas Glaspey, Joe their skis nnd started for the West month. The sixth grade mothers Cog 6 .............. ...B the ranch and was quite narrow widow, and the following children: Keever, Geneva Keever. Nora Lan­ Lava cabin which they found al are to have charge of the program. her performance so far this season Passing vehicles ahead usually Thatcher 4 8 John Alien, Metola Allen of Eu­ ning. Helen Lyons, Jane Phalr, she could become a leading con­ most crushed by the weight of tl»c MISSION WORKER LEAVES Everett Squires: Referee. tender for the “A” league champ­ meant getting stuck in the snow gene; and Louise Allen of San Dorothy Ransdell, Betty Steln- snow on Ihe roof. Outside they ON EXTENDED TRAVEL last Sunday as the road was not Diego. California; and several hauer. Maxine Valuer. HIGH SCHOOL VOTING ionship os well. found 12 to 14 Inches of »now on opened wide enough tar two traffic brothers and sisters. Mrs. Eliza­ LOCAL PEOPLE MAKE Miss Hattie Mitchell left Monday Next Tuesday the Springfield the level places where the wind FOR POPULAR STUDENT' F irst Grade lanes. There was also a shortage beth Travts, Mrs. Minnie Wagner team will travel to Lowell for a could sweep II without making for Portland and cities In the Mid­ Attendance — Dorothy Holmes, OWN JIG SAW PUZZLES and Mrs. Sara Beidleman of Scran­ Wanda Hensen, Helen Johns, Ger­ dle West and South where she will Students at Springfield high return game, and on Friday will of parking space at the ranch. drifts. Chains are advisable in making ton. Pennsylvania, and George Cas­ Tin« wind quit blowing during the do field work for the African Mis­ Several Springfield people have school this week began casting entertain the Cottage Grove boys aldine Meek, Joanne Ward. Bar­ the drive up the river. The road is well of Binghampton. New York. afternoon tint the going was diffi­ sion In the Belgian Congo of which built Jig saws recently and are now votes for their choice of the most here. bara Anderson, Billy Careiton. Rod­ in good condition, but from Blue While at the University of Chi­ ney Chase, Johnnie Lockstrom, cult as some of the drift* weie hard she Is a staff member. Miss Mit­ equipped to make the popular Jig popular students in the school. The River bridge on up there will be cago Mr. Allen became a lifelong nnd others soft and the snow be chell expected to be away three saw pussies. Two of the best saws contest Is sponsored by the Girls' STREET DEPARTMENT Bobbie Thomas. considerable snow which reaches friend of Alonza Stagg. athletic di­ months or longer and may be called which we have seen here are those I-eague and each vote costs a tween them wet. CLEANING OUT SEWERS a depth of four feet at Lost Creek Sem ester rector and was given All-American to return to her duties In Africa built by E. E. Fraederlck and N. L. penny. Proceeds revert to the Girls' Snow Fences Are Aid Billy Careiton, Johnnie Lock- ranch and two feet at McKenzie football honors one year. Hnow Fences at West lave were while on the present tour. Pollard. Mr. Fraederlck la not very T-eague fund. Each class Is repres Members of the street depart­ Bridge. These measurements are In Lane county he was president strom. Geraldine Meek. Joanne Hhe returned to Springfield Bat much Interested In the puxsle manu­ ented In the contest by one boy and nearly covered by the large drifts ment of Springfield are busy this snow depths on open level ground, of the county fair board and active Ward. The candidates are: week cleaning out city sewers which had been formed back of urday with her slater, Mra. D. B. facture. but has started work on a one girl. 8econd Grade them. They proved, however, that Murphy from Ashland where they wood turning lathe which he hopes Freshman class—Lillian Trlnka and which have become clogged. Tues­ not the height of the banks along in many other community enter­ prises. He was a member of the I. Bobbie Black. Elizabeth Boylee, to have ready soon. He la building Robert Calkins; sophomore—Mary day and Wednesday they dug up a the sides of the road. they are advantageous In prevent- had been visiting Ihelr parents. Obsidians who were to have held O. O. P. lodge, a vice-president of Lois Chase. Pauline Clement, La Springfield people are well ac the machine In his second hand Smitson and Carter Hartman; Jun­ - log cuts from filling In quickly. large section of the sewer in front There was it nine foot drift over qunlnted with Miss Mitchell, many store during his free time each day ior. Echo Tomseth and Bruce of the high school and cleaned it a ski trip last Sunday gave up the the University of Oregon club, and Vonne Johnson, Dale McBee, Cleone Squires; seniors. Marjorie Proch- out. There are two or three other idea when they were unable to a member of Phi Gamma Delta Putman. Betty Quiney, Helen Sev­ West Lava cabin nnd Iho roof of of them having heard her speak erson, Melvin Shannon. Rex Strat­ now and George Marx. The contest places which will he cleaned out at drive beyond the Lost Creek store fraternity. the cabin was sagging nlmost to about hor mission work nt differ­ M. E. CHOIR CONCERT and had tn hike and pack their sup Funeral services were held Mon­ ton, Ray Stratton, Dorothy Stein­ will continue tar two more weeks. this time. Ihe breaking point from the heavy ent gatherings In the city. DRAWS LARGE CROWD plies into the cabins about two day afternoon from the Veatch metz, Kathryn Alice Thompeon, wet snow. miles away. None of the party chapel In Eugene at 2 o’clock. Rev. Claire Toomb. Oerald Uchytll, John Saturday measurements were MANY NEW STUDENTS A full auditorium of 250 people CAFETERIA OPENS AT E. S. WILSON FUNERAL made the trip over to the bowl Bryant Wilson, pastor of the Bap Shearer, Jackie Bill Vaughn. Stan- taken on up to the summit. A ENTER HIGH SCHOOL attended the evening services at H. S. ON WEDNESDAY HELD HERE SATURDAY which is three and one-half miles tint church of Eugene officiated and lley Malo. heavy wind and storm was raging the Methodist church Bunday to beyond the store, and which would the body was sent to Portland for Semester which they had to fight going In A total of eighteen new studentR hear the musical concert presented The cafeteria conducted by the Funeral services tar E. 8. Wil­ have to be covered on foot or with cremation. I«ols Chase, LaVonne Johnson. both direct loin. It was here where hnve been enrolled at Springfield hy Ihe choir under the direction of domestic science class at the high son. former resident of Springfield, ski. Melvin Shannon, Dorothy Stein­ I hey found the heaviest blanket of high school this week for the open­ Kenneth Roduner. school during the noon hour was who died at Moscow. Idaho on Wml- The Obsidians will hold their an­ MRS. DOW HOSTESS TO metz. Kathryn Alice Thompson. large drifts some as (loop ns 40 feet. ing of the second semester accord­ Mrs. Emellnne Roach. Paul Pot­ resumed again on Wednesday of nesdsy of last week were held at nual winter snow carnival and out KENSINGTON MEMBERS Jackie Bill Vaughn. Shovel Snow from Roofs ing to Miss Ina Clement, office sec- ter, Fred Buell and Mr. Roduner thia week. Sandwiches and hot ing on the upper McKenzie a week Third Grade Returning to the cabin they relary. Two-hundred nnd ninety- were soloists. A quartet, Mrs. W. K. dishes will be sold each achool day Ihe old I. O. O. F. cemetery In Eu­ from Sunday. Attendance—3rd six weeks—Jim­ Members of the Kensington club shoveled the snow from the roof five students were enrolled at the Barnell, Miss Evelyn Buell, Fred tar a small charge. They will be gene Saturday. Rev. Dean C. Poin­ were guests at a one o'clock pot­ mie Smith, Howard Carrels, John and wvint down to Pole Bridge achool for the first semester. More Buell nnd Paul Potter sang "The prepared under the direction of dexter officiated. Mr. Wilson was 70 years old at the time of his MANY ATTEND CHURCH luck luncheon held at the home ot Ogilvie, Wayne Seaman. Vernon cabin when« they found four feet ol than 30 of this number come In King of Love My Shepherd Is." Mlsi Ruth Morrison, domestic sci­ death. Poole - Gray - Bartholomew new snow on the roof which had from the McKenxie valley district NITE EVENT FRIDAY Mrs. W. N. Dow, Friday. Mrs. Don­ Smith, Ida Howes, Margie Sever­ Mrs. Milton V. Walker was the ence teacher. chapel in Springfield had charge of ald S. Toomb was a guest. Sixteen son, Charlotte Lanning. fallen since Wednesday, They re nnd others come from non-hlgh organist and accompanist for the arrangements. •em eeter Nearly 110 people attended the members were present. moved till« ngnln and Sunday re school areas surrounding Spring- choir and soloists. MANY ATTEND MASONIC Howard Carrels, John Ogtlv'e, The next meeting will be held on monthly churrh night program at turned to Ixist Creek ranch taking field. the Christian church Friday even­ February 10 at the home of Mrs. Jimmie Smith. a new set of readings bn the des­ SOCIAL LAST WEEK RODUNER RECITAL TO NIEL CILLONS TO TAKE Fourth Grade Mary Kessey with Mrs. Harry cent which took only five and one- SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS BE GIVEN NEXT WEEK ing. Program numbers included a Whitney as assistant hostess. Blxty people were present for the Scholarship— six weeks — John reading by Frank Anderson; piano CAMP TRAINING WORK half hours. potluck supper and social evening Carrels, Gerhard Coll, Eugene Mil­ CANDY SALE SATURDAY Five feet of snow fell while they Kenneth Roduner. director of th<- solo. Mrs Roland Moshler; and a Nlel Olllons will leave tomorrow at the Masonic hnll last Thursday ler, William Morgan. Sidney Ward, talk by Rev. Veltie Pruitt The lat­ were on the mountains and their N. O. W. MEMBERS WORK Member« of the Queen Esther for Fort Banning, Georgia, where evening. Following Ihe supper the Methodlst church choir will give a ter part of the evening was given Poggy Wright. readings show an average of more ON CARNIVAL PLANS recital In the School of Music audi­ Attendance—John Carrels, Ger­ than two feel more snow on the Sunday school dnss of the Christ­ he will take a four-months course members of Liberty hslge and torium on the University campus over to games nnd a short devotion­ down trip than the first readings ian church held a candy sale Bl In the communications department their wives played cards and on Thursday, February 9. starting al led by Miss Uldine Oartln .Mrs About 25 ladles, members of Pine hard Coll, Wilma Keeler. Betty Taylor's store Saturday. They are of the United States Army reserve danced. John Henderer, I. M. Pet Morgan, William Morgan, Merle made going up. at 8 o’clock. Miss Teheresa Kelley Ren Hollister and Mrs. Oscar circle Neighbors of Weedcraft, met A. Swarts were in Nice, Robert 8hearer. Alvin Thrum, Thomn had charge of the program. All Ihe readings taken hy Wright raising money with which to re­ corps. He has a leave of absence arson nnd at the home of Mrs. Nellie Carr will he Mr. Roduner's accompanist. Refreshments were served under Tuesday evening to work on a piece Leone Ware. and Soleim nre now In the posses­ decorate the Sunday school class from the tax collection department charge. The recital Is open to the generai of the sheriff’s office and will re­ Semester sion of Haymond Walsh, resident room. public and a large number of the direction of Mrs. Glenn Rob­ quilt anil other articles which will turn from the southern camp just GIRL SCOUT OUTING AT Scholarship— John Carrels, Sid­ be sold or given away at a fun car­ highway engineer. In Eugene. He Springfield people are planning to ertson. In time to attend the state National also has a diary of the trip which LEGION MEETING AT nival planned by members of the ney Ward. Peggy Wright, McKENZIE BRIDGE SET attend. Guard camp In June. Attendance— John Carrels. Ger­ Iho two wrote. The highway de­ BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE lodge tar the near future. TAYLOR HALL TONIGHT hard Coll, Alvin Thrum. partment In no wny sponsored the Girl Scouts of Lane county will HOLD PARTY ON FRIDAY Fifth Grade Regular semi-monthly meeting of PRISCILLA CLUB WILL trip, declared Walsh Wednesday, hold their annual winter outing nt LIONS TO MEET AT HOSTESS AT LUNCHEON Scholarship— six weeks— Flora hut they nre Interested In Ihe find Springfield American I.eglon post McKenxie bridge Saturday, Febru­ HAVE MEETING TODAY Thirty young people of the Bapt­ HALL HERE FRIDAY FOR MOTHER SATURDAY Bertsch, Wanda Burch, Shirley lugs of Ihe ,»arty. Measurements number 40 will he held this even­ ary 4. This will be a one-day outing ist church held n party Friday even Haack. Alberta Keeler, Wlnlfreo were taken at Ihe mileposts and In ing nt Tnylor hall according to P. Mrs. Frnnk Logan will he hostess and each girl Is exported to furnish Monthly meeting of tho Spring- Ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gertrude Wilson entertained J. Bartholomew, adjutant. The at her home this afternoon for the her own transportation to and from field Lions club will be held Friday Clarence Caudell. Miss Vernloe at her home Saturday at a one Lyons, Beryl Robertson, Albert the center of the road. There Is now four feet of snow meeting will be preceded by It pot­ regular meeting of the Priscilla Iho snow snd her own food. Miss noon at Taylor's hnll. Dr. W. C. Hawke, Miss Dorothea Frese and o'clock luncheon honoring her Shtarer, Frank Stuart. at Ixist Creek ranch and two feet luck dinner for the l«etgon and l e ­ club. The meeting Is tn begin at 2 Alice Spurgln, county scout execu­ Rebhan and Voltle Pruitt *'ll hnve Mrs. Caudell were In charge of ar­ mother. Mrs. W. H. Riddell of De­ Attendance — Frank And gion auxt'lury at (:80. al McKenxie bridge. o’clock. tive Is In charge of the outing. charge of tho program. rangements. troit. (Craelnded as «> ANNUAL REPORT JASPER RESIDENT run library out t J Guild Delegates SCHOOL YEAR IS Named hriday U.H.S. TAKES U S I GAME EBDM S.U.S. TEACHER QUITS POSITION DERE G L E S W ALLEN FISSES IT VIDI P .IA IS GIVEN I PUN TRIP TO SNOW SUNDAY