paos D M ¡ K THURSDAY. JANUARY 2>i. It>33 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS poun GRADE TEAMS TAKE TWO LOSE ONE BALL GAME LIST M Y. W . C. A. Girls in Homeland Costumes STLYE PROBLEMS ARE DISCUSSED BY EXPERT 'First Lady" Secretary Six Rulea ter Well Oreeted Stout Woman Are Given by Col- logs Extension Worker Springfield Boys Win; Girla Uose In Basketball at Wendling On Friday Night • ________ i Seventh and eighth m ade buy» ■ Specialist* to Discuss Prob- basketball teams from the Lincoln 1 lams at Two-Day Meeting school defeated their opponents In j two Rame« at W endling Friday eve- In Salem February 1. 2 Tailored suits and the big vogue nlng. The girls from the Sprlng- A program devoted entirely to for mannish apparel brings the field school lost a close game by economic problems of the «lair.» In­ shirt waist or blouse back Into the oue point. dustry Is In prospect for the for -j i,'meIlght for spring. Many of the Many of the teachers and stu- tleth annual session of the Oregon gbtrt waists are severe In line to, dents from the Lincoln school at Dairyman's association scheduled cu ck lB wm , mannish mode, tended the games. Roy Quinsy. prin­ ter the chamber of commerce room«. Qjjjer tw ists however retain their < ¡pal. Is coaching the teams. In Salem, Februay 1 and 2. The d e-1 {en,,n(ne distinctiveness, such fori The scores and lineups for the tailed program Just Issued by P. M ingtaace M , he puffed sleeve as tames were: Brandt, secretary of the association ; shown on the ,ower flgure, , h, Seventh Grade Boys and chief in dairying at Oregon gketch Wendling 10 State college shows markets, con aWrtwatat dre ses made of wool Springfield 17 4. J. Smith sumption, the outlook for dairying e|)g suede jackets ofteV T*Jrlor- - 2. Dillon and similar questions holding »•»* (wlthoal coI| „ s, reversible shorter ________ Puttee Robertson. 8 cehter of attention. Mills McBee. 7 Oeoerge Fullenwider of Carlton McBurney McPherson is president of the association and _____ 2. Craiger will preside over the Salem ses­ ........ 2. C. Smith sions. Following is the condensed Shackleford — / program; k "Associated Friends of High­ To be well dressed the stout wo er Education" Sought in man should observe »lx rules. »« cording to Mra. Azalea Baser. ex All Parts of Stnte tenaion specialist In clothing, tex- | tile» and related arts. In conduct A concertml effort will lie made Ing the clothing clinic over KGAC | during the mouth of February and recently. Theae basic rulea are: the (Irxl half of March to build up o strong organisation In Lan» coun­ IX, not wear tight undergarment . ty of friend» of higher education they euiphualae the curve» of the 1 according to Mrs Ralph Martin. figure. I chairman of Hie membership eoin F Be conservative. never wear ex 1 lulltee. t remea. 1 The purpose of Ihe organisation lie aure that your clothing fits Miss Malvina Thompson uf New ' lo he known us "Associated Friends well but la not tight in any pari Verb, will be the oOlclsI see rotary to ¡at lllglier Education" lx the crea IXi not wear elaborate sleeves; Mra, Franklin D. Roosevelt when ilhn of a body of local people who the latter takes up her duties as I they emphasise the breadth of the •• first lady of the land" on March 4. »re vitally Intereatcd In the run- ahouldera. 111uuaI Ion of higher education and IXi not emphasise any cross llnea; I who are willing lo axxlat In defeat­ uch as a broad band across (be ing proposals to cripple the proper hips. | functioning of the same. Emphasise lengthwise lines In the Objects of the association as set center front and center back of forth on the reverse side of mem­ Young Women’s Christian Association homes la dttas throughout costumes. bership cards which are being Is the country are featuring ‘ NstiveUnd Evenings «trU For (he slim woman. Mrs. Sager surd on payment of annual dues Wednesday. February 1 Eighth Grade Boys every lami dos native «astumaa and tell of home lands. Hsrv aw Elaine emphasised three rulea, a.» follows. of 26 cents state "that the ohjecta Springfield 27 Wendling 23 10:30— President's opening ad Swaiwon Ftalaad. »nd Marioara I'abel of Rumania la native costumo« at ¿y CARLHG ETZ of the assiH-latlon shall he to do Accent the outside Unas of the drea- and appointment of commit- I). Richardson. « F 4. Smith a Detroit, iM ieE) Y. W. U. A. evening any and all things the organisation figure, shoulder«, sleeves or hips Holverson. 11 F 4, Craiger There 1« a man In New York who deems necessary or advisable for i Carson, 10 C 11. Able ! L Have clothing fit; too loose cloth 11:16— "Who Voted for the Oleo A Grand (Jum pion makes »lon.ooe a year selling gags the protection of higher education Cole C. l’a llée Ing will emphasise the thinneas nt Tax Bill." Chester L. Mulkey, Mc­ —Jokes to comedians. In the slate of Oregon, and to fos N. Pederson G 2, Wordin the figure. ? Minnville. • • • ter amt promote any and all meas­ S 2. Dillon I’se flaring lines rather than 1:30—"The Dairy Situation," Roy Some men here «re wearing ures. policies and activities which straight llnea. C. Jones. W estern federal extension Girla Game shoe« made of goat skill. the organisation may deem necaa- dairyman. Mrs. Sager pointed out (hal In Springfield 12 W endling 13 • • • ■ary or advisable for the promotion "Foreign Markets for Oregon J, Hughes general the bottom of the skirt, an Vest. 1 of the welfare of higher education They are flavoring a certain Dairy Products.” Arthur J. Farmer. 5. Shackleford kies and feet need study. "The be­ Stratton. 11 tn the »tale of Oregon Portland Chamber of Commerce. Stratton ginning styles of 1*33.“ she said, brand of lipstick here with differ­ Wycoff It should lie the further object ent brand» of wine. Wine flavored "Expansion In Domestic Markets ' "call for medium and long skirts .......... Craiger •at Wilson klasea that's the Idea. to promote and organise similar or- A. E. Engbretson. Astoria. Roberts The longer the skirt the taller the E. Johnson • • • aunlsatlons In every section of the "Increasing Consumption in Ore­ figure appears. Long skirt« atao add Abercrombie Lloyd _____ -date of Oregon 1» the end that ’ Portable fireplaces with electric gon Markets." Paul Adams, man­ dignity and age. Thick ankle« anil .................. Mix there shall exist throughout the "logs" are very popular here, ager Oregon Dairy Connell. large feet are not so noticeable with state a well knit, active organisa­ • • • Thursday. February 2 the present atylea aa they were a tion for the protection of higher 10:00— Dairy products demonstra­ TALKS ON SMALL-TOWN few years ago when skirt« were A chandelier, weighing »tx and a «duration and the promotion of Its tion, Mrs. Ada R. Magne. Oregon half tons, the largest single light knee length." CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE welfare." Dairy Connett. »AA of Its kind ever built, In the matter of fitting dress pat Ing fixture "Some problems In Retailing Individuals In each part of Lane "Small-Town Chambers of Com­ lerns. Mrs. Sager advise« extremely has been Installed In the auditor Dairy ' Products." L. A. Walrad. swagger coats and skirts, and fancy merce" was the subject of a radio large and extremely small persons turn of the Roxy Theatre In Radio county have been named lo enroll knitted suits are recommended in Gresham. members In the organisation. II. E. talk given Sunday. January 22. by to find a pattern which will fit the City. A single comb white leghorn “The Basis of the California sportswear. Blouses showed the in­ Dr. Julius Klein, assistant secretary Maxey has been designated for • • • shoulders and then alter It to con [ rooster, owned by D r. E. L Denison, Dairy Cattle Market," Roger W fluence of the tailored suit, with of Commerce of the United States. Aprlngfleld and has received regis­ form to the buat and other body ' u f iliic a g o . won the grand eham- The moat widely read lasik In Morse. Extension dairyman. O. S. C. many club collars, bows at the neck­ He will speak from Washington piunship st the New York Poultry measurements before cnttlng the New York Is the telephone direc­ ter of metnherehlpe and the Indivi­ line. and simpler sleeves. Boucle, how in which 3,000 birds competed 13:00—Cattle club luncheon. dual membership cants over the coast to coast network of tory. dress. Mias Alice Rhinehart posed the champ 2:30— “The Regional Agricultural chenille, and polka-dot sephyr the Columbia Broadcasting system . • • • -.- th!» photo. "Good style," the clothing ape Credit Corporation." Ernest W il­ sweaters were recommended for Dr. Klein upheld the view that clallst concluded, "la produced not The depresalon has reduced the spring. liams manager Portland branch. students of business matters should by following the latest fad nr the number of telephone« In New York The sim plest type of mannish not concentrate unduly upon the big “Recent and Proposed National • • • newest idea, but by choosing from Mannish For Sport Farm Legislation." M. N. Nelson. shirtwaist made to accompany the industrial centers and money-mart ; Probe Stock Market many suggestions those that will tailored suit is developed in white A Fifth Avenue Jeweler Is selling O. S. C. of the country, but should also best express the character of Ihe a »65 gold case for peppermint Jersey with pearl buttons. It Is also gcrutioile u(mogt care the Business session. Individual, that will auit her fare loxenge«. 0:30— Annual banquet. Marion available in the market in shirting condftiong sentlm enU . and efforts and figure, that will accent her • • • silks and cottons. There are also communitieg Two New Importations lo Be hotel. good points and hide her leas at many shirtwaist dresses for country weU lllanc was brought down appointed to conduct the Senate in the Broadway store In Eugene the year This would leave another gravp 1<>c-1 d|fflcultieg throUgh en The 1. O. O. F lodge at Walter ‘ A (eh-graph company In >few from Canada where he had been B anking Committee investigation of before Saturday night. 30 per cent or half of the total ergUc concerled effort Urging , hal tl. *' ' Stock M a rk -L vtlle held a party to welcome their York for a fee will cull you up each winning popularity as x lightweight, receipts for the last half of the (be 8mall-town chambers of com new members and newly Installed year to remind you about your and McCarthy halls from Twin year. officers. Melvin Couch Is noble wife's birthday, your anniversary Falx. Idaho. j merce be loyally supported. Dr. grand; Miner Wegner, vice grand; anil other days when gifts are ex ' Klein also discussed their principles, A flip of a coin will determine Lawrence Millican, secrotary; J. II pected. problems, and possibilities for even which (wo go on first. Both match«« e • e Devor. treasurer. broader usefulness in the future. will be main eventa and of equal There are nearly 70.000 natives of time limit. Clinton Conley underwent an Mrs. Rennie will entertain the Mannish wear is getting the call Turkey living In New York. operation at Pacific Christian hos­ Leaburg Aid society at her home The Achlu-llelhert match lint for sport sad in about wear this • • • pital a few days ago. Mrs. G. E. Jacoby entertained PLAN FERTILIZER USE Thursday was a draw and Roh Roy spring. Lillian Harvey of Germany, ] Thursday. January 26. There la a night club here which won two of three full» from Bunny Mr and Mrs. Frank Cumm from several tables of 500 at her home Lllah Wearln was hostess for a here for screen work, wore this suit TO BOOST TONNAGE with sweater upon her arrival la the I party of nine of her young friend» is becoming famous for Its Monday Martin. northern Washington visited Mr last Saturday. Those present were U n ited Staten Cumm'« sister. Mrs. Ira Oray. from Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Laird. Mr. and | at her birthday party Saturday morning hreakfaats. Polk county farmers who have • • • Wednesday until Friday, when they Mrs. Danstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Staf- lost prospective hay crops through afternoon. Child 1« III— Herbert McNett 1» W.* C. T. U. Has Meeting The W altervllle grange held Its A shop here la offering scented III at the home of his parents thia left to visit other relatives in Cali-j ford, Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb. Grace t|,e December freeze are oonslder- Origin of "Dark Horse” fornia ; Mitchell, Jack Mitchell, Lyman Tin jag using more landplaster this v/cefc. Mr«. Mel Rice entertained at her meeting at the N. O. W hall Tues­ leather gloves for women. The Ladies' Aid society quilted a \ ker. Mvrna Laird, Elizabeth Hoi spring as applications to remaining Everyone knows what is meant home Tuesday afternoon for the day evening. Several of the mem quilt for Mrs. Ira Gray during the comb, Sheridan Stutz. Neva Me legume crops, such as alfalfa. by a “dark horse" but few know members of the Springfield W. C. hers were unable to be present be­ past week. Peek and Del Stutz. They will play clover and vetch, reports J. R. Beck. the origin of the epression. The T. U. This was the regular month­ cause of Illness. Mrs. William Platt suffered a again February 15 at Staffords'. county agent. In western Oregon phrase was first used by Thackeray ly meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ynakam and stroke of paraly is last Sundav. She i Miss Veda Daley who Is attending tb|g material will almost always in­ in his "Adventures of Philip." Said little son have been visiting Mrs. Philip, referring to some talk about is seriously ill and her children are Monmouth State Normal school crease the hay yield of legumes if Yoakam's parents. Mr. and Mrs. j. Leaburg Man Here — Howard H. O'Dell. all at her bedside. Her daughter spent the week-end with Lora Laird put on early enough, thus tonnage a candidate for parliament: Miss Florence Platt arrived Tues at Edenvaie. "Well, blee my soul, he can’t Montgomery of I.eaburg was a vial H. C. Page and F. W. Page. Thos can be boosted to replace acres day from California to be with her Word has been received of the frozen out. Many substitute crops mean me. Who Is the dark horse tor In Springfield Thursday morn­ Easton, J. H. O’dell, E. E. Potter Miss Ruth Dozier is suffering marriage of Miss Gertrude J. Dilley are ai„0 being planned. ing. he has In his stable?” and several others around have lost with blood poisoning in her face. of Goshen to Stanley I. Torvik at horses as a result of staggers. Mrs. Bert Mathews spent the Longview, Washington. Miss Dilley Mr. and Mrs. John Holm, Mr and Albert T. Reid pa ¡t week end with her daughter. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Henry Hansen attended the T ill» nt ore is til ways prepared to serve your every Mrs. Lem Drury at Jasper. Dilley of Riverside Park, Goshen. congregational meeting of the Cen­ Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gray motored She i a graduate of the Pleaant Hill tral Lutheran church In Eugene need from our large stock of quality groceries. Becuuse to Lowell last Sunday and visited high chool and state normal school. Monday night. of the rapid turnover here our stock Is always fresh, Mrs. Davenhlll and daughters. She has been teaching sin ce gradu- Members of the senior d a s from and iip-to-the-niinute. Loren Edmiston left Monday for ating. M. H. S. this year are Beth Jen Portland to be gone several days. Beryl Beaver who was taken to nlngs, Fordyce Wllllan, Jay Paul­ We strive constantly to serve this com m unity Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh and ■ the Eugene hospital last week for son, Robert Marx, Mary Amend, better. family motored to Junction C ity , an operation for appendicitis is re­ Znla Klckbush, Luclla Millican, last Thursday and spent the day i ported to be doing nicely, George Marx. with Mrs. Baugh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hills who was The W altervllle Christian church Mrs. James Calvert. taken to the hospital last week fol­ Workers society will hold Its next Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harlot and lowing a severe attack of the tin meeting at the home of Mrs. Marvin sons from Vaughn spent last Sun • will be able to return to her home Drury Feb. 9. Their church night LARGE PKG. day with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence this week. will be held at the Waltervllle Gossler, Rev. and Mrs. E. V. Stivers A benefit card party was held school house Friday evening at 1 POUND were also guests for Sunday dinner at the home of Mrs. E. Giustina at 7:30. 3 POUNDS THIS IS EXCLUSIVE with them. Pleasant Hill Tuesday afternoon. The meeting of the W altervllle Mr. and Mrs. Ted Turel from Cot- The proceeds go to the fund being Ladles' Aid society was em itter this x O r FAfcM HOME tage Orove visited ln Thurston last raised to help keep the county home week due to Illness In the family >£O N SU M PTIO M , week. demonstration agent. of Mrs. M. J. Wearln at whose home Happy Davison from Portland Thursday night recreation games ! it was to be held. Mrs. Wearln will was visiting friends in Thurston and program will be held at the < ntertaln the club In two weeks. last week-end. he recently had a P kasant Hill gymnasium. Candy, bad accident ln which one leg was popcorn and refreshments will be ! badly hurt and he Is now going on sold. The money raised going to- . TOWN BOYS WIN OVER 3 POUNDS ward the fund for the home demon­ crutches. CROW HERE ON MONDAY Miss Martha Moon Is spending stration agent. som e time with her sister. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Preston and two Springfield’« Town basketball William Barnett. She had her ton­ children are leaving Pleasant Hill team defeated the Crow Independ­ sils removed by a Eugene physl for California this week. ent« In a game at the high «chool clan Tuesday. gymna«lnm here Monday evening To Start Logging Operations ; by a «core of 20-2». The «core at mckenzie blend Loan« Decrease . $14.000,000 the half was 22-9. t Everett, Wash. Logging opera­ Lineup« for the game were: A United Press report from tions at the Sauk River Lumber Crow J Springfield W ashington. D. C. says loans on company camp oust of Darrington Hg««el QUARTS , Mattinoli, 1 ...... F stocks and bonds to brokers and will begin within 30 days, it is an­ I Leather«, 2 ...... F Gherman 49 POUND SACK dealers by reporting Federal Re­ nounced here Fifty fallers and j Rrnatlng, 14 ........C... T. Holbm,I serve member banks ln the New buckers were put to work la-t week Wright Cox, 6 ................ O York district decreas 'd »14.IWI0.000 in preparation for resumption of G. Holland Thatcher, 3 G in the week ended January 18. to a activity there. Operations, It Is F. Hqnlre«, 2 .......... 3 total of »367.000.000, the Federal said, will be dependent upon mar­ -tT T 'A e J J ket conditions. Reserved board reported. ’V . ét/MARV MARS-MALL >’w LITTLE OLD . EWYOBK Zzhf /i 1 Twin Program On Armory Card 5I I McKenzie Valley afeFACT FI Thurston Upper Willamette irish-Murphy Co. W efre Prepared The Primadonna Takes Her Bow EGGS AND DRISSED POULTRY E.Q.UAL Y eah , big B o r - you a n o WHO E lse ? ONE TENTH OF £ the entire farm PRODUCTS OF THE INITED STATES. Sperry Oats Royal Club Coffee 29c 79c 15c Grape Nut Pop Corn 15c Purex 10c Flour 69c