THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, IMS CRACKERS AND MILK ARE PARTY REFRESHMENTS » HAI.KHI.A DIKH HAI.EMMKN, 1) F. lloalnry. years guar. your« frna, live deal, pulil dally, Ida I hiiiim . Writ« 6l»3 Delta Bldg,, law An galea. Cal. ear to supply famnui line (if liuuxe bold rixm I h Id nleaily cualomnra. Muni I»» MMllMfliil w ith |2T.Ml u week nl atari. Write Albert Mllla, Houle M gr , 222« Monmouth, t'ln vlnnutl. Ohio. D B L IV K ItY R O U T E M A N with GRANGES HAVE JOINT MEETING SATURDAY Wlllakenxle grange eiilerlulned for the J ii «pi, t and Wultervllle grange grnupn at a large meeting held at the Wlllakenxle grunge hall The program wan furnt lied by the vlaltlng grnupn and refrenhtnentn Suggests Birth Control When young people of the f'hrlat- lan church planned a hard Ilmen party for Friday evening they did nut uvarliHik the detail of refreab- iiientn which no frequently vary from the general them*' of the no- clal, but aurprlaed the guent by offering milk and cracker« In the place of the uaual refrenhtnentn. About 35 were pre eat for the party which wan nponnored by the Chrlnt Ian Kndeavor under the direction of Mina Altle Manning, Dawn Cnnrch, and Jewel llelterbrand. N O T IC I T O C R E D IT O R S NOTICE la herey given that the undernlgned haa been appointed Executrix of the eatate of A. O. Ilrauer, deeeaaed by the County Court of lain« County, Oregon. All pereona having clalma against aald eatate are hereby required to prea- ent the name properly verified aa by law required, to aald Executrix at the office of Well« A Well«. 840 Willamette HI. In Eugene, lu»ne County, Oregon, within nix month« from the date of the flrat publica­ tion of thin notice. Date of flrat publication January B, 1033. IK'HE K. ItltAUEK. Executrix. WKLLM A WKLI.H. Attorney«. Federal Judge Paul Jones al l 1,-vi'leiid, lectured a 46 year old lasitt gglng inulher o f 10 children sail i t|>i <'.mt o f the 11 th, on birth c e l’ - fora aenln lug her to 13 I T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y Visit« or. Coast — Mrs. Olivia Agad Man III—T. C. Barker la Wti-knuiii la vlnltlng al Marshfield quite III al hl« borne lu this city. for a few days. , HI at Heme—Rev J. T Moore la Hara from Csdar Flat—II. t'oaoly 111 al his home this week. uf tha Copoiy Bulb farm at Cedar Vida Man Harz— Hen Mlnney of Flat was a business visitor In , Vida was a bunlndzn visitor In Hprlngfleld Tuesday Hpilngfleld Tuesday. Visit In Corvallis— Mr. and Mr« Hara from Vida—D. J. Donobo ol F H Flanery and children motored to Corvallis Bunday to visit with Vida transacted bu Iness In Spring field on Monday. relatives. Recovering from Flu — »klgar Vida Paopla Haro—Mr. and Mrs Arthur Mlimey and Frank Mlnney Louk Is recovering thia week from '¡I Vida were vl Hors In Hprlng­ a n -vere attack of Influenza. fleld Tuesday. Choir to Practice— Member« ot MORTGAGE ADJUSTMENT the Christian church choir will bold AIM OF NEW COMMITTEE their regular w»«kly practice at Group Told T h a t B2 Percent of Farm s Hava Loans; Incoma Shrinkage Is Factor the home of Mra. Ella lombard thia evening It has been announced. STATE SCHOOLS TAKE SIC SLASH — Business Directory First copl«» of "Tha Oratpan Democrat" a naw magastne publica­ tion to ba Issued twice monthly by The Oregon Democrat PubllahliMt Company ware distributed tbla week under Portland data line of January 30. Carl C. Donaugh la given aa president; Vernon Wil­ liams. business manager and treas­ u r e r ; and Frank Tierney, managing editor, of tha publishing company. The Initial Issue Is printed on straw-colored book paper In brown Ink and Is 10 by 14 Inches In alae containing 16 pages. • Biennial Report of Higher Education Board Cuts Ex­ penditure« One-Third That higher education In Oregon has already gone far with economy In state affair« by reduction In ex­ penditures of about 22 per cent in the past two years, and will cut still further to more than 31 per cent on the banla of prospective In­ come from prevent authorized sour­ ces. Is shown In the biennial report Visits at Salem— Marlon L. Cor- of the state board of higher educa­ ner visited with friends at Halem | tion recently Issued for dl trlbutlon to members of the legislature, state during the past week-end. officials and libraries. Doctor Is Hara— Dr It P. Morten The published report provided sen of Medford was a visitor In tor by law contain« 161 pages and Hprlngfleld Tu»«day of thia week : Includes the report of the board for Carrlas Mail— LeRoy Nice car the system as a whole, the report rled the city mail two days this lor the University of Oregon sub­ week In the absence of Orson ' mitted by Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, Vaughn, regular carrier, who la re­ prexldent there during the 1931-32 quired to take a twieday vacation biennium, the report of Oregon State college by Dr. W. J. Kerr, each month. formerly president there though Goes to Seattle— Joe Williams now chancellor of the system, and stopped In Hprlngfleld for a short the report of the normal schools while Saturday morning while en submitted by J. A. Churchill, di­ route from hl« home at Rainbow rector of elementary teacher train to Seattle. Ing. Mabel People Hera — Mr and Mra. < barlea Carson of Mabel were A voluntary statewide committee Hunduy guests at the borne of Mr. authorized to aet up a system of , Car on'a sister and brother ln law, county and local farm mortgage ad , Mr. and Mra. Murlon K. Adams. (J 5 1 1 1 8 26 F 2) Justnii nl committee« haa been pro Marcola Man Visits—c . F Mattl- vlded for aa the outcome of a re­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S aon of Marcola was a business TREASURY DEPARTM ENT Nolle» la hereby given that the cent preliminary gathering of In ■ Office of the Comptroller of the undemlgnml haa been appointed aa terested ugrli ultnral and busmens Visitor In Hprlngfl»ld Monday even Currency, Wunhlngton. D. O., Executor of the eatate of C. L. representative« held at Salem re- lug. H»- left Tuonday for a abort Oleen, deeeaaed, by th» County rlalt at Marshfield. November 10. 11132. Court of laine County, Oregon. All cently. At thia meetirg which waa Not cu I hereby given to all per peraona having clalma agalnat aald called by Paul V. Marla, director | Weak-and Visitors — Miss Nina noun who may have clalma ugalnal •atata arn hereby notified to proa- of extension at Cregon State col ' Hoeaou of Eugene and Halem was u Salaries Reduced Returns from Hospital — Mrs. "The Elrat National Hank of , nt the name, properly verified to lege, a t mporary organization com ¡ week-end visitor at the home of Tracy was brought home from the Average annual reduction for th» the undernlgned. at th» office of Hprlngfleld," Oregon, that the name Well« A Weil«, Attorney«, flank of millet- wan authorized to net up a 1 Mrs. C. I. Oorrle. Hr. Mias Ho» on Pacific Christian hospital Monday past two years amounts to 31.161,- muat be preaented to Lloyd II. Commerce Building. In »Jugene. permanent tat» organization. In a Red I'roan staff worker. Hhe had undergone an operation 291, as compared with the average Kelley, Itecelver, with the legal Ionic County, Oregon, within six expjendltures for each year of the Personnel of the state com m ute- there. proof thereof within three month« monlhn of th» date of the flrat pub which bus now been named In an ; Visits Fern»— Mra. O. L. Cle­ 1929-30 biennium, the report shows. llcallon of thia nolle». ment »pent the week-end on their from thia date or they may be dis- Dinner Guests—Dr. and Mrs. Mil- Curtailments effected by the board Dale of flrnl publication January follows; lami near Thurston, returning to ton V. Walker and Mr. and Mrs included salary reduction through­ allowed. 12th. 1833 M em bers of Com m ittee Hprlngfleld Tueaday. Mrs. Clement Paul Baaford were dinner guests out the system already in effect MARTIN P OI.8EN. Executor / F (J AWAI.T, Acting Comp­ Bay W Gill. Manter. Oregon S late | WELLS « WELL«. Attorney«. and the children are living In of Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Dow Satur­ ranging from 5 to 16 per cent, which troller of the Currency, Grange, Montavllle Station, Port­ ( J 12-18-26 F 2 9) Springfield during the school year. day evening. Involved savins» at the rate of ( F 10 ) land. NOTICE 3182,000 per year. L. II. Mi Bee. President, Oregon' Entertain With Dinner— Mr. and Visit« Mother — Mr. and Mrs O F F IN A L H E A R IN G In order to meet further shrink­ N O T IC E Mra. Russell Myers entertained Fred Montgomery and son, John, Notice la hereby given that the Farmers’ Union. Dallas, Oregon. O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T undernlgned. Martha Mendnll. Ad Raymond II. Iteter. Oregon State i with a dinner at their home near of Corvallis spent Sunday In Spring- age in Income from present author­ NOTICK It» HEREBY GIVEN mlnlatratrlx of the nutate of Martha ised sources, additional curtail­ that the undersigned haa filed her Huntnr, deceoned. haa filed her H u rt lcullural society, Medford, Ore ■ Hayden bridge Friday evening. field visiting with Mrs. Rosa Mont­ ments for the system aggregating Members of Mr. Myers' Sunday gomery. mother of Mr. Montgomery. »'Inal Account aa Administratrix uf final account In th» County Court i gon. 3830.000 are outlined by the board the eatate of Hophronla A. Ilowe, of loin» County. State of Oregon.) »'red Phillip«. Oregon Wool Grow school clan« were guentn. Visits on Coast — Mrs. Elva In Its report, part of wbicb will be deceaned, In the County Court of and that January 3let. 3833, at ten era a «delation, Baker, Oregon. » the Htale of Oregon for lame Coun o'clock In Ihe forenoon thereof at Returns to Work—Horrace Noll- Adams left Saturday for Tillamook made up by further reducing salar­ H erm an Oliver. Prealdent, Ore ty, and that aald Court haa fixed tie- Court House In Eugene. Iwne eth mho baa been III mith the flu to spend the week-end visiting with ies so that the total ent under the Monday, the SOth day of January. County, Oregon, at the office of gon Cattle and Horne Italsern' as- for several days haa recovered and relatives. She returned the first of 1931-32 base will range from 9 to 1933. at the hour of ten o'clock A nald court, haa been fixed by nald soilatlon. John Day, Oregon. 27 per cent. Additional drastic sav­ returned to hla work Monday with the week. M In the County Court Room of Court an the Kmc and place for George Fullenwlder. Prealdent. the Court H S U S In luine County, hearing and considering and acting ing; in the salary account are be­ the Hlllatrom construction camp Entertain at Bridge— Mr. and Oregon Dairymen's aaaoclatlon, Oregon, at Eugene, aa the date, oh aald account. ing made by heavy reduction In near Lea burg. lime and place for the bearing of Mrs. C. F. Barber entertained at Dat» of first publication Decern- Carlton, Oregon. number of staff members, made nald »'Inal Account and of objec ber 29th. 1932. their home »'rlday evening at a ('. F. Emaraon. I’renldent. East­ Former Resident la Parent—Mr. possible through consolidation of Ilona. If any, thereto, and for the MARTHA MKNDELL. Admin- ern Oregon Wheat league. The Dal­ and Mra. Dela» W. SelloD. 1640 bridge party for a number of their certain departments, decreased en final nettlement of aald eatate. latratrlx les, Oregon. 1!) 29- J 6-12-19 26) E L IZ A B E T H H MII.LH. Ad Sixth Avenue West, Eugene, are friends. rollment. and complete elimination »'red II. Cockell, President. Ore­ the parents of a baby daughter born mlnlatratrlx of the KZatate of of some former activities. Drive to Roseburg—Mra. C. G. Hophronla A. Ilowe. deeeaaed gon Poultrymen’a association. Mil­ to them at the Pacific Christian N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E Van Valzah and infant child left E xp erim en t W o rk H it REAL PROPERTY I " i t Clt a HAILEY. Attor­ waukee, Oregon. hospital Monday evening. January Sunday for their home at Roseburg Continuing appropriations restric­ NOTICE la hereby given that by ney« for Admlnlatratrlx. Dean H. Walker. Prealdent, Ore­ 23. 1933. Mrs. Sellon was formerly virtue of an execution and order after visiting with Mrs. C. I. Gorrie. ted to branch experiment stations, (Il 2» J 6-11-192«> of sale Innued out of the Circuit gon Hop Grower« association. Inde­ Mias Maude Brattain of this city. Sr. Miss Margaret Gorrie took extension work and similar projects Court of the State of Oregon for pendence, Oregon. Mrs. Van Valzah to Roseburg. She in agriculture and home economics Lane County thia 23rd day of Dec­ Glenn 11. Marsh. Prealdent, Ore ) Discuss Plana— Plana for tne was accompanied by Mrs. Lillian —the only state income outside of ember. 1932, upon and pursuant t o ; gon Cooperative council. Hood' church activities for the coming England of Eugene. a (buree duly given and made by the millage now coming to higher year at the Christian church were nald Court the 22nd day of Dec River. Oregon. education—will be automatically Robert W Sawyer, Prealdent. ember, 1932. In a null pending dlacuaned by the Board of Deacons reduced through shrinkage In coun­ METHODIST SCHOOL therein In which Clifford P. Thom Oregon Reclamation congree«. at their meeting held Monday JEWELER ty approprlaGons which are match­ non mid Ellen M Thornton were Hend. Oregon. DIRECTORY PRINTED ed by the state, the report points Repairing a Specially night. Thia wan the second meet plaintiff« and F J. Berger. Mary E. Berger and othera were defend : Oregon Hanker« Aaaoclatlon by Ing of the group, a similar one hav­ onL Springfield, Oregon Copies of the Gooding college bul­ anla, which ex NEW MAGAZINE IN T E R « FIELD IN OREGON I.acrosse la sald to be the oldeat game played on tha North Ameri­ can contlnent. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB STATE OF OREGON FOR THK COUNTY OF LANE. RUTH YOUNG, Plaintiff, ve. J O H N DAVID YOUNO. Defendant. TO JOHN DAVID YOUNO, DE­ FENDANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATK OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer th» complaint filed against you In th» above enUtled suit within four weeks from the date of the flrat Miss Violet Wellfoader, 17, at publication of thia summons, and If Detroit, has Itaea ,-hoaea Miahigpsa’s you fall so to answer, for waat winter queen to preside at iaa eara4- thereof, the plaintiff will apply to rala and later go to Chicago aa guest the court for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exist­ • ' an ice fete there. ing between plaintiff and defend­ lowest possible cost.” the board's ant, and granting to th© plaintiff report concludes. "Effort is being an absolute divorce from the de­ and that such decree fur­ made In all case« to retain as many fendant. ther provide that the plaintiff hav» as possible of the most essential the care and custody of the minor type.« of work In the various Instl child of plaintiff and defendant, to­ wlt. label Lou Young, and that the tutlons. defendant be ordered and required "While reductions have already by said decree to pay over to the been such that efficient service Is plaintiff the sum of 320.00 per threatened In many phases of work, month to assist In the siyiport and the board is deeply conscious of the maintenance of said minor child, and that defendant be ordered and economic emergency through which required by said decree to pay over the state is passing and Is resolved to the plaintiff the sum of 326.00 to make the best of the situation.” . suit money and the further sum of ' 350.00 attorney's fees, and that said decree further provide for such Probate Started—The Inventory .other and farther relief as to this : and appraisement of the estate of court may seem equitable'in the I premises. the late Albert E. Senseney, who CHARLES A. HARDY, Attor­ died In California recently was filed ney for Plaintiff. Postoffice Ad- dress, Eugene, Oregon. in probate court In Eugene Satur­ day. The estate amounts to about Date of first publication January 19. 1933. 31.006. (J 19-36— F 2-9-16) i Let Dairymen Split Profits with you - The dairy industry pays a dollars and cents dividend to every citizen and business in this community. Dairy incomes go directly back into the community, increas­ ing individual profits and lowering the cost of living. Dollar for dollar there is more food value in milk and dairy products than any other food. Edw. G. Privat “There is No Substitute for Good Butter and Other Dairy Products” ASK YOUR DEALER IN SPRINGFIELD OR EUGENE FOR MAID 0 ’ CREAM PRODUCTS Springfield Creamery Co. Reliance Life Insurance Co. Mr. Merchant: Your biggest job in 1933 is to convince yourself Sport Shorts Funeral Directors there’s Business to be done. Advertining will help you. THE WILLAMETTE PRESS SPRINGFIELD, OREGON