THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPHINOKIKIJ), LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURBDAY, JANUARY 26. I«33 T H IR T IE T H YEAH U.H.S. BALL TEAM COMES M M H. S. GIRLS NEED Airport Is Given New high Rating ELECTION MEET GINI FACILITIES PHONE COTS FOR FARMER ASKED Springfield Bneketbell Boy» Certain They Can Win Con- te»t on Home Floor _____ c. P. T. A. Would Remodel Lower Northeast Hall Into Dreeeing Room, Showere Lane County Rural Telephone Association Organized at Glenwood on Saturday Department of Commerce De­ signates Springfield Muni­ L. L. May Chosen President of cipal Field as C3X M. E. Brotherhood for Year; Others Named Springfield's municipal airport ha» been awarded the rating (if SECOND MEET TONIOHT LIBRARY NEEDS TOLD ( 3X n«id by the Department ot APPROVE PHONE INQUIRY COBURG TEAMS L • . * 8 C om m erce according to word ret- © Reductions in Switch Board Hot Lunches at Schools to Be her* laat week by Jim Mac Limited Tax Exemption torj St. Mary'» and Lowel • ’ Charges and Share of Long Parsonages Used as Resi­ Manlman. field manager. Continued Throughout Cold League Contendere, D Distance Toile Asked dence by Pastors Sought The addition of illumination for Weather Says Workers Local H. S. Player night flying and the erection of one Organisation of the Lane County A'pp al» for donation labor to Im­ more hangar of the »lie larger than . Member* of the Men'« Brother- . Hprlngfleld high ai-hoola bi Rural Telephone assoclatloa sad now there would h,M X* ut tbe Methodlat church went prove facilities at the Hprlngfleld the largest one ball team ha» been buay durlni CMgr«s»maa elect Terry t ’»roea- high school will probably tie made entitle the field to an A3 rating. «■ " * " rd »« lhe,r «""»‘hly meeting the sending by that body of a reso­ pant week, playing many g* '»r of Kcbraak»,- »ay» the »10,000 soon a» a result of action taken at auch a« 1« given the Swan Island Monday night a» approving the In alary la loo much »ail prevents Con- lution to Charles N. Thomas, com­ with " I f Ivagu» team*. The the monthly meeting of the Parent- airport In Portland. In the opinion »eatlgaUott of telephone rate, and dents have baan buay with preps.«» grvMuaaa from ««'»Ï « true pklB M m issioner of public utilities for Ore­ M rr,ce whkh ° overD<,r Julius Tcu.her association at the high of government Inspectors. lion» for ihelr flnul eamlnaltnos o f the people*« need« He goe» to gon. asking for an Investigation of W .vliingt"» oa March 4. . . . Meier ha» requested. They dlrect- school Friday, and have not playad any of Iha more The rating given on »afety and . . . . , _ . , .. switch board rates and an equitable , ... , ed their secretary to »end a letter Importnot name« with the "A" lag- Two high school faculty member» availability of field excels that of distribution of long instance toile Profesaoi Auguste Piccard, noted Belgian scientist who went U n mile» . , . , .. , , . to the governor telling of their appeured before the P. T. A. m eet­ any other airport In thia vicinity In _ gui* was effected Saturday morning ' action. They did not take any action high in the stratosphere, is sow in America fo r a leetare t o v He thinks ing to preaent requests for Improv the points on which the fields are ascension in bis foetal ball should lx made at a northern latitude They will open up again neat when representatives of slm eet 1M on the request of rural telephone a o f balloon Am erica during 1834 ¿ernuae o f our neameas to the magnetic pole, thus menta Ml»« Muy Hewe« preaented judged. These Include location.' Tuesday. however, whan the tint rural telephone lines gathered St line» that they be Included In the being better -ible to study the cosmic rag He says it w ill not be ne ce ssa r y the need for more »helving for length of runway«, »Ixe of field, yeralty high five coma» to the the Glenwood school In West proposed Investigation although fo r him to again make the trip , but only direct the work. P ro f. Piccard, tmoka and for magazine racks and freedom from natural or artificial Hprlngfleld gymnasium for a return Springfield. the matter was taken up for discus­ ( l e f t ) was greeted at New Y ork by his tw ig brother, Jean Piccard, o f 1 locker« In the library. Hhe feel» hasard» such a« electric or te le »am». Thia will ba a good game. M a iw k n l l i o n . Delawe — sion. Another meeting has been called _____ certain that the necessary mater- phone wire«, houae» or treea. and Hprlnaflald lost the flrat game to for the Eugene Chamber of Com­ The men also went on record as the Eugene boy« at McArthur court merce tonight at 8 o'clock. T h e as­ Entire County _____________ I favoring a measure now before tne : two weak» ago. but think they ran sociation invites all private lines I state legislature whereby church Salem to Attend Junction Tj,e B econd project preaented to I win on thalr home floor. The Eu to send representatives to the m eet parsonage« within a certain valua­ City Meeting Friday the association I» that of providing gene prop loam 1» »1»« »marling Ing at which time further action tion and used for such purpose be dre«»lng room», shower» and lock- under defeat In a hard fought bat may be taken. There are nearly 300 . made exempt from taxation. Monthly meeting of the M ra (or the girls gymnaatam claaaes tie with Eugene high Ihl» weak such lines In this county and every L. L May was chosen president ' They will make every effort to da- t'ounty Chamber of Commerce will Th)g waa preaentad by Mia» Ann effort Is being made to have each of the Brotherhood for the next feat Hprlngfleld to retain »econd *’•' beM at Junction ( Ity Friday v„ge|. No facllltle« for girl» athlet- place in the district i • « » ’* •» « “ » announcement» |pB wpr,. pr„ v|d,.d when the gym- year to succeed p. J. Bartholomew Eugene and Springfield Cir­ Glen Wood Talcen in as New represented at the meeting. Four things were set out in the ' Other officers are 8. 9. Potter, sec- cles to Hold Joint Installa­ There will be no "A" league U f , * " k «* “ ' ° ” #r,8n' na.lum wa» built. At the pre»ent Member at Meeting Friday; resolution adopted Saturday ae ob­ trie, tournament th l. year e. , . h -ecrelary. time , h„ , lrto have „„ drea.tag Methodist Singers to Present r e t r y , to succeed Howard Hughes; Musicians Are Heard tion Exercises There jectives of the association. They " Dr. W. H. Pollard, re-elected treaa- game played will raise or lower the Geglslatlre matter» now under room« or «bower» It wa» first pro Many Famous Numbers on urer; and Rev. Clemo as Chaplain percentage .lan d in g of each tea m 1 con.lderatlon by the H om e and posed to build theae In the gym- Members of the Springfield Lions ; are; Flnal preparation for the Joint Program of Evening to succeed U. O. McElhaney. New in,ta llatlon of officers of Pine* c7r- club were complimented for their i 1. To Join In the application _ _ to __ end the team with the highest per Senate at Salem will occupy the na.lum. but later plan« call for the vlce-presldents are Wm O H ughes,! cla number 45 and Eugen„ clrc|e success in carrying on the work of reduce rates now pending before rentage will represent the dl.trlcl >na)or part of the evening The an dosing of the northeaat hallway In Members of the Methodist choir J. P. Vaughn. P. J. Bartholomew. llumber jg, Nelghborg of Woodcraft their organization during these tbe commission i . . „ r n > n , e n i a t Halem 1I re Ijine county ' delegation at the basement In the stain tournament at naiem .. and ,.v the remodeling will present a musical concert at and J. F. Bailey, first, second, third ' t0 held at the new Woodman times by Ed. Shea, Portland, dis­ ... March S S ....I. Hprlngfleld u ..c in.f t e l . l has h . - nlavnd ...... ................... 2. To Invite other rural or city In played, Salem headed by Senator II. f of this together with the room . . . . now the church Sunday evening under and f(JUr|h re8p<,c t,vely only two "A" league games to date Wheeler, and Including Kepreienia used for finishing manual training hall In Eugene tonight was made trict governor of Lions clubs tor lines in the state to Join with us. the direction of Kenneth lloduner A. B. Anderson was taken In as here nl(?ht , hp rpgu,ar meet Oregon, In his official visit to the and has a standing of 500 percent | Hvge E A M ctornsck. Karl lllll. products. Into suitable quarter». The program will begin at 7; 30 and 3. To procure and present facts new member, and announcement in_ nt th_ Springfield den at their semi­ and arguments to the commission. V II a ha» 750. and Eugene high . »«'d C. A. Huntington, and Elbert ; Only a minimum amount of work wit. contain the following numbers: a wag made , t (he meetlnK th>| J ield ^ rcle. Bede, editor of the Cottage Grove would be required here and warm monthly meeting Friday noon. He 4. To get a fair rate or > onsidot (Xerxes*, dues In the organisation would be . ’ * ” *’ la ” " ° **11 atten0 . ... Sentinel and reading clerk at the water for the showers could be pro-! 1. Ilan<»i-I— "Largo was introduced by W. F. Walker, onr own echange. x . . . ,he Installation inclnde Mrs. Minnie Mrs. Walker. The St arv « earn * ‘ legislature, will attend the meeting elded from the heating plant, reduced from »1.00 to 60 cents for ... „ . . „ Vm. . .v i Hi»ner. Portland. Grand guardian; past district governor, and spoke Handel — “Where 'ere You “T his action was made necessary this year only. This is the annual . ,, ,. the S p rin g e . >y» r anlj dlacuaa measure« now pending A comm ittee of three, Mr«. Oeno- and Mrs. Ida Adams. Springfield. at length on the work of the clubs because the last rate was too high; ntght in . / ; m; which ¿ " d- ^ |and problrMa facl„ lhe „ w m a k er. vleve Ixiuk. Mra. Ira Nice, and Mlsa Walk." Paul Potter. fee for the entire year. over the entire state. ’ district guardian for the district g acorn of 29 10 At the half the Handel—"Trust In the Lord," Music was furnished by Jim Me farmer8' Income« have dropped off Mrs. Mary Mile« of Eugene will Vogel, were named to make an In . —.« a by the .h men ™ was enjoyed h be- «, from Alban>' to Grants Pass. Actual scorn Stood 16 ». T he lineup» were Choir. Manlman and Fred McKinney. M r .i°” r haK: the 8er’ ,ce « » » * * « • • served . .. a « *«_ S t Mary'» »**• “ ,a *k on *b* recreational facl- veatlgatlon of the work and sup- . a. . . al installation for both c rcles will be S p rin g fie ld 2. Llddle—"The l-ord la My Shep­ fore Duridn l,t,M °* Or**“n and Lane county. p||ne needed and to report at the the business meeting. • . . __ ™ MacManiman played a group ot h*8 dr°PP«l one-fourth M n a. made by Mrs. Fields, past guardian Hawke F herd," Fred Buell. slide trombone numbers with Me shown by the la8t L“ « Coun‘J' d‘- The next meeting of the Brother- - B Kobe w l" Illustrate ker talk with an next meeting of the P. T A. to he w X. at a which VI v ai llarlm an F 3. Stainer—"God So Loved the hood, time new o •»» ffic e r s, I the Eugene group, Kinney as accompanist, and Mr re' tory “ d the ‘«'«Ph“»« company Guthrie exhibition of oil painting» done by held at the Brattaln »chool In Feb- will take charge, will be held on Springfield drill team under McKinney plaved some piano solo.. ,akM 8,1 the lon« Thurman C World." choir. to»8 " Chrtslensen A. Fulton. ruary. The comm ittee will aak the Squires G Stainer— "What Are These February 20. starting with a potluck the direction of Mias Melba Mellon, This statem ent of reason* for Toman Junction City ladle« will serve a »»«oclatlon to contribute some The acceptance of Glen B. Wood, Wilson G referee sapper prepared and served by th e , ta Ptai"- win P“t on the degree work That Are Arrayed.” choir. their action concludes the resolu­ dinner at « 30 preceding the bu«l money to the fund and may ask Everett Squlri men. Their March meeting will be witb M'88 Dorla Girard as musician, principal at the Brattain school, as tion prepared Saturday. 4. Schubert—"Ave Marie," Mra. a I k .- ..m a 1» scheduled with ne«» meeting which will be presided the school board for assistance. Vol a new member of the club was an Roach. - an open one at which time the The Eugene group will entartain nounced. Mr. Wood was present for The committee handling business HI 5. ('adm an— “ L et This Mind lie ladies of the church will serve the with a dinner at S:3ff th7s evening for thia work. the first time at the Friday meet affairs of the association consists The clever Ixiwell ”B" le a g u e , deni In You," Paul Potter and choir. for officers of the circles In both supper. Hot lunches are »till being served tag. of the following men from various team also defeated Springfield here j Shelley—"The King of Uswe In the two grade »chool» and will Action on a Ladies’ night pro- parts of the county; F. L. Petxold, Tuesday of this week liy a score My Shepherd la.” Mrs. Barnell, Officers of Pine circle to be in gram was deferred until the next chairman. Crow Stage route. Eu- be continued until the end of the of 30 20 Ixiwell nosed Hprlngfleld Evelyn Buell, Fred Buell. Paul stalled are Mra. Juetta Taylor, past meeting to he held February 3. cold «eaaon It was reported at the «4 gene; Ernest E. Schrenk, secre­ out of lh e "A" lengue district tour Potter and choir. guardian; Mra. Glenn Stone, guard meeting!. Sufficient supplies of e tary, Goshen; W. W. Hawley, Had­ nament last year, and with practl 8 Mendelsshon— "If With All Ian neighbor; Al Pohl, advisor; soup stock and vegetables are now ley ville; Guy B. Knox, route 3. Eu­ rally the sam e lenm bark this year Your Hearts." (Elijah I Ken­ Daisy Pugh, magician; Minnie Gir­ available It Is believed, but the com­ gene; Fred G. Knox, route 3, Eu­ they are expected to offer St neth lloduner. m ittee needs more potatoes and ard. clerk; Sadie Baldwin, banker; gene; Frank J. Rennie, Thurston; Mary's a »iron« rnce for the "B' 7. Gounod—"Saint Cecilia Mass," Rachel Thatcher, attendant; Jewel more volunteer workers In the pre- J. W. Hmith. route 3. Junction City; |<-Mue championship Kyrie, Sanctua. Renedlctus. ------------ Helterbrand, flag bearer; Mrs. Myr- prration and serving of the soups and G. C. Lawrence, Goshen. Local People Would Reduce l.tneupa fot^ this gsm e were: 8. Handell — "Largo" (Xerxes) Came to Oregon From Neb* t,e Eggimann, correspondent; and and cocoa. Lowell Sprlnflflsld Present Hunting and Fish­ Farmers in the McKenxle vallej Mrs. Walker. raska in 1902; Died Near Dor1’ Glrard mu8lrlan: Ginn stone. The program for the meeting was I, Winfrey Hawke. 4 F are said to be especially active In The personnel of the choir Is as ing Fees by One-Half _ „ . _ . . inner sentinel; Alext Stevens, outer arranged by the high school «, Ktntxly Dexter Last Thursday 8entlnel. AHce 8enlor guar. llartm sn. 3 F the effort at rate reduction. Lines follow s: mothers and faculty and included 14, Mooney Public Invited to Card Party 20 and 23 were represented by J. W. Thurman, 3 3 Agtt atloii for reductions In hunt Soprano— Meadanies 9. S. Potter, Funeral services for Mrs. Mar-:dian_ . , „ , . violin solo» bv Eldred Glaspey; a 7. Walsh Ing and . fishing Squires. 2 G license for resident» n ,,.,.,-,, at Home of Mrs. Wanda Fountain and Lawrence Millican at Noah Helterbrand. Sam Sweeney „ . . . . one act plav with Mra Lee Putman. Willis Bertsch, W. C Rebhan W. garet J. McKay, who passed away 4, Roubles of . Oregon Wilson. 3 G the Saturday meeting. Lon* time began here Inst week ! __ Barnes Tomorrow Mrs. Delay Pugh, and Mr». Ira E. Buell. W. K. Barnell. Leota at her home near Dexter last Tburs and Mamie Richmond are the ingo- Vest with the circulation of a petition residents of the valley state that at. Rodenbough, W ’llfred Cook, E. W day following a lengthy illness. lDg managers. .N ice; reading. Mr». W. O. Burch; Marshall and Squires officials. to the state legislature asking that Details for the benefit card party one tim e they paid as low aa »1.60 Albers. The MI bsps Helen Crandell, were held Sunday afternoon from J vocal solo. Mlaa Wilma Lewis; This game was close fought at the matter be considered and re­ which Iuka circle number 37, for switch service. Later they were talks by Mis» Hewe» and Mi»» Londelle Williams, Dorothe Mae the 9chwerlng chapel In Creswell lim es ending In an S3 tie at the ductions made if possible. Ladies Auxiliary of the G. A. R. raised as wages and Incomes went RED CROSS NAMES Potter. Theo Bartholomew. Doris Vogel, and a report of the first at 2 o'clock. Rev. W. S. Burgoyne. end of the first quarter and 19-25 at will sponsor tomorrow night at the up until they were »3 and »4 during More thun 200 Hprlngfleld bu I Ine^ ,|n< the p. T. A. at Blue Myers. Edythe Walley. Edna Platt. pastor of the Methodist church of HEADS AT ANNUAL MEET home of Mrs. Wanda Barnes. Fourth warttime. Further advances made the half. neaamen and other resident» have Mi(IlnUln g(.hoo, near Cottage Alto— M> »dames N. W. Emery, that city officiated. Wednesday nlghl both the town signed the petition which a»k» fot Orov<> by Mrg Bur(,h who aUended and B. streets, were planned at the during later years sent the fee up A. B. Van Valxah. W. N. Dow. Tlpp. Mrs. McKay was born In Jackson p- J- Bartholomew, W. P. T y so n , and high school teams defeated a reduction of the hunting and fl»h regular meeting ot the circle mem­ to »9.00 In 1924. they say. Mrg , kf( En<1,c(>tt wm have E. Fraederlcks, Jane Ketels The county. Michigan on July 21, 1842 A nd L - c - M o ffit t to R ep res en t visiting team s from Coburg The Ing license from »3 to 31 50 for | chap|t<> <(f (he bers last Thursday evening at the on her birthday Saturday afternoon. meetlng at the MLses Myrna Bartholomew. Eve­ and was married to Samuel A. Me-' City on Official Board town team won 37-11. anil the high males over 14 years and would Ladies’ Aid society was omitted this home of Mrs. Alice Doane. lyn Buell. Velda Bartholomew. Kay at Rock Island. Illinois. They j school boys 24-12 Thurman wa» abolish the need of license by fe­ Ilraltalii hu'lding. Esther Crandell. Bridge and 500 will be played Petitioners for lower switchboard moved to Creswell from Nebraska L. Chambers was re-elected high man for Hprlngfleld with 12 m ales and children under 14 year». Tenor— Paul Potter, Frank Bar­ in 1902 and have lived In that vicin­ chairman of the Lane County Red during the evening and refresh­ rates declare that they are paying polnta. Springfield high hnd won a It also »»ks that the combination ASSESSMENT AGAINST tholomew. Sam Bartholomew. Don­ ity since. Mr. McKay was a veteran Cross association at the annual ments will be served. One ticket »6 and »9 switch charge« annually previous game with Coburg 22-11. BANK SHAREHOLDERS ald Rrown. hunting and flnhlng license be re­ whereas a few years ago they paid of the Civil war and died In 1920. meeting and luncheon held at the will cover all charges. duced from »5 to »2 annually. Baas—Fred Buell, Fred Ixiuk. One son. Cassius, died at the family (Tsburn hotel In Eugene Wednesday This party had been planned for only »6. They also demand a por­ BOUNTY COLLECTIONS Notices of aaaeasment of Indivi­ Efforts will he made to gain sup­ noon. Geeorge H. McMorran was the past week but was postponed tion of the long distance tolls for W. E. Buell. W illis Bertsch. P. J. home a year ago. FOR WEEK ARE HIGH port for the proposed reduction dual liability for »hares held In Bartholomew. elected vice-chairman; Frank L. one week because of other conflict­ their own lines. Their contention Surviving relatives Include three plan In other parts of the state ac­ the First National Bank of Spring- KYstth to Match Our Needs," will daughters. Mrs. Cora Ferguson. Eu Armltage, secretary-treasurer; and ing lodge functions. being that they own their lines and Payment of bounty funds to hunt- cording to those pushing the plan field of 100 percent of Ihelr par be the theme of the sermon to be gene; Mrs. Myra Gossett of New Mary Annin, executive secretary equipment and are responsible for value have been sent to all stock­ era and trappera amounted to a here. given at the 11 o'clock morning llano. Ixmlslana, Mrs. Meda Dean. the upkeep of the lines. L. C. Moffitt. P. J. Bartholomew. large sum during the past week holders In the closed bank. service by Rev. Dean C. Poindexter Agatha. Idaho; and two sons. Bar and Mayor W. P. Tyson were ODD FELLOWS ASKED The meeting held at Glenwood The hank was capllallxed with ■«-cording to reports from the office TO MEET TONIGHT, 7:30 Saturday Is the outgrowth of many HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS »25.000 and collection of thia pastor. The Sunday school meets ney S. McKay of North Bend and named members of the board of dl of the county clerk. at 9:45 with classes for all ages, rectors from Springfield. Other discussions and complaints heard One man, Archie Williams, at SELECT THEIR MOTTO «mount will be sought from share­ and the Epworth League will meet Walter McKay at Creswell. AU members of the Springfield members of the board Include rep at many rural telephone meetings holders In proportion to the num­ Rainbow collected »19 from the fund at 6:30 In their rooms. resentatlves from various parts of I. O. O. F. lodge, number 70, are during the past few weeks. That RED SOX GIRLS WIN 'We Came. We Studied. We Con ber of shares they Individually ns follows: »3 for coyote, 3« oh bob- asked to meet at the hall tonight the county. they Intend to offer a legal battle hold In an effort to liquidate the eat«. and »10 on a cougnr. Others quered." TWO GAMES TH IS WEEK STUDENT EXAMS GIVEN Reports were heard from John B. at 7:30 to practice for a program for reductions Is Indicated in the Theae wordR were chosen as the bank. who collected were M. H. Brown they expect to give for the Rebe­ designation of W hitten Swafford Only two more weeks remain In »3 for one coyote; Ted Harper. motto for the senior class at Spring- AT SCHOOLS TH IS WEEK Coming from behind members of Patterson on first aid work and kahs in the near future. as their attorney. the Red Sox girls basketball tea m 1 fron’ Frank Riggs on life-saving Hprlngfleld. »4 for coyotes and »2 field high school al a class meet which to file claims of deposits Examinations are being taken In have overwhelmed Ing held Wednesday morning. two teams Mr. Riggs reported that plans were at the hank according to their ad­ for n bobcat. George Marx and Marorle Pro- vertised call for such claim s which all the schools of the city this which they met this week. Monday "»» b«ln8 “ ad® t° provide a llfe- CLIFF WILSON SHOWS Frldny payments were made as WILD BIRDS COME TO week. At the high school the stu­ they defeated the Marcóla girls smird at each swimming pool In follow»: Ike Allen. Oakridge. »10 chnow were chosen the moat popu­ are due on or before February 18. SIGNS OF IMPROVEMENT dents are taking their midterm 46-8 In a rough one-sided game ‘b® county during the next summer for coyotes and »2 for a bobcat; and lar boy and girl In the elaas. They FARM BARNS FOR FEED finals having completed the flrat Wednesday the girls went to Thur months. will be entered In the high school LEGION GIVES SUPPORT L. (I. Holman »10 on bobcat». Definite signs of improvement sem ester of work. The grade school ston to play the high school girls Farmers in several parts of the popularity contest which the Girls Dangers to many fam ilies now TOWARD PENDING LAWS pupils are taking their regular six there and won 33-14. The game was residing in the lowlands was point- In the condition of Clifford Wilson McKenzie valley are reporting that League la sponsoring starting on KEEPING LORD'S DAY who has been seriously 111 at the wild birds and especially quail are weeks examinations, and Junior a prlllmlnary to the Thurston-Cot «*> <”»» a‘ ‘b® meeting. Many faml Tuesday. Hprlngfleld American Ix>glon post Pacific Christian hospital where he SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC coming right up to their barns these high students at the Lincoln are tage Grove town team game. llp8 hav8 °n ‘° tracts of land number 40 voted to go on record as underwent an emergency operation which are subject to high water days seeking food while the ground busy with the state examinations. last week-end were reported today Rey. V sltle Pruitt will prench on MASONS TO HAVE SOCIAL favoring several bills now up for during the spring when snows in la covered with snow. Many of the Report cards and the honor roll will REBEKAH LODGE PLANS Mr. Wilson has been suffering from the subject "How to Keep the MEETING TH IS EVENING enactment or change at the state be Issued nert week. the mountains start melting. farmers are putting out feed for legislature In Salem at their meet an Infection to his neck which sud Lord’» Day." at the 11 o'clock ser­ BOY SCOUT PROGRAM John Pyle attended the annual theae birds which often sit around A potluck dinner al «:30 to be Ing last Thursday night. vice at the Christian church Sun meeting and represented Spring denly became serious. their houses In large numbers. MRS. DOW HOSTESS FOR The favored the aoldlera' nnd day morning. The subject of the followed hy cards and dancing will Monday night will be Boy Scout flel(, ft, thp gather|ng Four fresh falls of snow during feature the monthly social night sailors’ commission appropriation KENSINGTON LUNCHEON night at the Rebekah lodge and evening sermon will he “The New __________________ Girl Scouta Meeting Set the past ten days are reported from Desire." There will be special which Liberty Masonic lodge Is hill; the mothers' aid law amend all members of the 8prlngfleld Regular meeting of the Spring the Deerhorn district making ooaat- Members of the Kensington club troop will be invited to attend. A ILLNESS DELAYS ANNUAL music at both service». The Sunday sponsoring at the lodge hall tonight men!; the creation of county child field Girl Scout troop will be held ing and snowballing very popular school m eets at 9:46 and the Christ for their members and wives. John welfare boards; and the retention will hold their regular meeting at social meeting will be held^and re REPORT OF LIBRARIAN at the Methodist church this after In that vicinity. The greatest depth the home of Mra. W. N. Dow, Frl freshm ents will be served. All lodge Henderer, I. M. Peterson and Tom of syndicalism law» In Oregon. Ian Endeavor at #:30. ________ noon at 3:46. Miss Eunice Gerber the snow has reached at any one Hwarta are the committee members A potluck dinner was held before day afternoon. Preceding the bust members are asked to bring sand- p ue (o illness during the past leader will have charge. tim e varied from four to five Inches. the business meeting at Walter ness and social meeting the ladles wlches. Mrs. Clartne Putman. M rs., wepk o{ Mrg Saltsman city MONTHLY CHURCH NIGHT In charge of arrangement». At Vida and Leaburg It has reached will have a potluck luncheon at 1 yllle. Elva Adams and Miss Mary Ann librarian, and of Mrs. L. K. Page, PROGRAM TO BE FRIDAY a depth of ten Inches at times. Vida Man Enlists — Archie L. o’clock. TWO ENTERTAIN W ITH Lonk are In charge of the enter- secre4ary of tbe Library board, the Donoho of Vida has enlisted in the LEGION SEWING CLUB VO talnment. annual report of that Institution will The monthly Church Night pro­ DINNER ON SUNDAY United States army and la station­ not he available this week. They gram of the Christian church will MEET T H IS AFTERNOON AENEAS MEETING IS ed at Vancouver barracks for train­ BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE Librarian III— Mrs. David Salts Miss Barharn Adams and Mlsa hope to have It completed soon. be given In the social rooms Frl POSTPONED TH IS WEEK ing with the Seventieth infantary. PLAN PARTY FRIDAY man. city librarian, ha« been 1 1 1 Regular meeting of the Sewing day evening under the direction of Erelyn Harris entertained at the with Influenza (luring the past Regular meeting of the Aeneaa home of the latter Sunday with a club of the American Legion auxl Mra. Ren Hollister. Sandwiches will Young people of the Baptist Pictures Shown— Motion pictures Collects Bounty— Delwln Klntxley be furnished by members of the surprise birthday dinner for Sam llary will be held thia afternoon at club which was to have been held week. depleting Shrines of American His­ church have announced plana for a of Lowell collected »4 county boun Sweeney. Guests present were Mr. the home of Mrs. P. J. Bnrtholo at the home of Mra. John Parker Bible Study class. Fall Creek Man Here— E. E. Gib- ty money on two bobcat pelts at tory were shown at McKenzie party to be held Friday »venta*. Sweeney, Dorothy Mae Potter, Lu­ inew. Clothe» for the needy faml was postponed this week due to son of Fall Creek was a business the office of the county clerk Wed bridge Wednesday evening by K. C. The affair I» to be given at th* Ill at Horn»—Mr». Pratt Holver cille Millican, Erwin Fountain, Ro­ Ilea of war veternns will he made the Illness of the hostess. No date home of Clarence ciaudell. Kuehner, county Four-H leader. visitor In Hprlngfleld Wednesday, j nesday. has beta set for the next meeting. bert Millican, and John Dale Adams. during the afternoon. son Is III at her home this week CHAMBER TO HEAR STATE PROBLEMS .O.W. INSTALLS STATE OFFICER T NT LIONS CLUB CHOIR WILL GIVE MUSICALCONCERT uX.“ «»X.7 k "™.’ . - ......... . ........... PEIITION ASKS LICENSE SLASH w M’KAY FUNERAL IS AT CRESWELL BENEFIT FOR IUKA FRIDAnVENINU