The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 19, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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    T 11V HS I >AY JANUARY IX, 11133
Drama Contest
Gets Under Wav
liv e session
Roy-Martin Get
Armory Places
There have been several do» '» I
spectors and snoopers—more state
R adioed W onders From N ew O cean Depths,
employes—and more tax-eaters.
bills Inlr.Hluc.Ml In both houses,
10. "In the main they put the bur­
lull even the number of llieae hill’
den of taxation on the poor man
Is less than usual during niosl sea
who can least afford to pay In the
slons as far advanced a» this one
case of tobacco, it is estim ated that
tine writer attribute» this 1« the County Divided Into Five Dis­
' Fast, Clean Wrestling Match
95 per cent of the tobacco users do
knowledge among the lawmakers tricts; Home Agent Benefit
Retail Merchant* Give Rea-
Predicted for Tonight:
not have sufficient income to re
that any program adopted h « ‘ *•“*
Parties Are Started
aona for Opposing Enact­ quire the filing of minimum Income
Achiu Meet* Hiebert
little chance of success, and fall
ment of Law in Oregon
Division of the county lulo five
tax returns.
ure of It will certainly he used a«
All local wrestling fans ought to
11. “Both cosm etics and tobacco
political propaganda during foath districts for the dramatics coutuat
COLLECTORS UNPOPULAR are already taxed to the breaking
be happv the»* days. Herb Owen,;
o be xponaored hy the Lane County
coming election»
promoter for the Eugene W restling
point by the Federal Government.
Dramatic and Recreational league
Small Operators See Their For example, six cents out of the
t'ommiKslon. could hardly arrange
Two of the inosl lutereatlng hill» was announced during the week-
a more variable list of matches
Introduced at Salem this week ate end
Eventual Elimination; Pre­ ten or fifteen cents paid by the
than he ha given the fans of this
the "Gin" marriage law. patterned
smoker for a package of cigarettes
Creswell, Goshen, and Plrasanl
dict Mail Order Increase
sport during the past few months
goes to the Federal Government
after that of California where three lllll comprlae (he (Irat district;
Some like them tough and rough
day»' notice 1» required before a Mohawk, M iK eosle, and Wlllakeii
Strenuous opposition to the en­ Thus, a man who sm okes a pack
mid they hove had plenty of these
couple may he married The Oregon lie the second district; lllvar Head.
actment of a selective sales tax age of cigarettes a day, already
kind of matches with either Thor !
Federal Government
law Ilf pasaedl would provide the Hunt* Clara, W lllagellaple, (he third
which has been Introduced Into fXv pays the
Jensen and Wildcat Pete In the
Oregon legislature and which 18,8,- 121 SO a year tax for the privilege
county Judge with power Io ap dlatrlcl; Irving. Crow and Elmira,
ropes. Then again there frequently
prove Immediate marriage In • er fourth; and Alvador«, Juncllou City
clared to sin gle out tobacco pro of smoking.
have been some exceptionally clean
12. "At the present tim e the Gov­
ducts, cosm etics, and kindred aril
and Riverview, fifth.
tain caaes.
and fast matches betw.-on aui It i
d e s and malt extracts to bear a ernment requires a 10 per cent tax
Three playa will he given In each
The other mea nre or measure» dlatrlcl by the different group» and
men aa Refc Roy an I Bunny Martin ,
state tax Is being launched this on cosm etics such as toilet powd
there are two of them, deal with the best III each district will be ett
who ate to headline the program ;
week In all parts of the state by ers. toilet soaps, face powders, etc.
highway» The firs! would put a tered III the county finals to It«
the Associations of Retail Merch­ —and a 5 per cent tax on denti
moratorium on all highway con hold In Eugene early In March
Most of the wrestlers try to give
ants with headquarters at Portland. frices such as tooth pastes, tooth
at ruction, recoiial ruction and re Chairmen of each district will meet
the crowd what they want, a good
According to the Association of­ powders, etc. Certainly neither re­
alignment work In the slate for Io make necesaary arrangement».
scrappy bout with Juat enough
ficers the bill, as introduced, re­ tail druggists nor the public can
Dr. Wm. Uebee. noted American deep-sea explorer, went to new depths,
the years 1933 and 193« The see
2,200 feet, almost a half mile down, in a new hathysphere oft Bermuda
rough stuff to make the fans rile
quires every dealer In these articles afford to pay another tax on these
The roles of the contest declare
island, from where he broadcast by radio to millions of Americans about
ond measure would prohibit the thal olio art playa »hall he given
In their seats without starting out .
to purchase and carry a stock of items.
the wonders of the phosphorescent creatures habitat mg at that depth. It is
pion harm to ri tor ivjg. overs i a t i —
sale of further highway bonds In and llielr lim e ahull not exceed 4U
side action.
tax stamps of varying denomina­
13. "Where the unit of sale is
estimated that water pressure at that depth is about 5,000 tons Photos
held ol farmerette» who competed
the slate, despite the fuel that the minute« Winner» of each district
The special 45-mlnu'e event will a novel Lirin yard pentathlon si Lo»
tions. and to place stamps on each smail it is impossible for the retail­
show Dr. Bcbee, just before descending and deck crew w-ith Miss Gloria
Highway Oommlaskrn still has must be named before February lit
Hollister, secretary, who earned on the radio coinersation with Dr. Bebee.
bring Walter Ach’w and Harold Angeles County Fair.
taxed article at the rate of one er to pass the tax on. Under pres
>.ome 119.000 of an authorised Issue The dramatics com m ittee shall
Hiebert. Scandinavian of Portland.'
cent for each ten cents or fraction ent highly competitive conditions
Establish Contract Bridge Supremacy
which has not been sold
together. Achiu was defeated In an
of retail value.
and small profits, it is ruinous to
select and schedule all Judges, and
Ideal Hi-School G îirl
exciting match last Thursday bv J
A list of seventeen reasons why absorb the tax.
What the effect of such mea In ilie final contest» each commun
the proposed tax is unfair to the
sures. If passed, would he In Ore Ity entered shall receive lit) from
14. "It Is significant to note that
small retailer has been prepared similar taxes have been considered
gon la the subject of much dts the receipt*, the remainder of the
by the opponents of the bill which and rejected by legislatures of
cusslon One thing Is certain high money to la- retained hy the drama­
Includes asaocistions of grocers, thirty-one different sta te’.— In all.
way obligations already Incurred tics association.
shoe dealers, druggists, furniture 9« attempts have been made, with­
The flrat of a »«rlea of parties
will have to he met.
dealers, autom otive dealers, cigar out success, to place the burden on
planned for all part» of the county
lo raise funds with which to carry
dealers, fuel dealers, radio dealers retailers who are already paying
and others. Their statement is as more than their share of taxes.
on l he home demonatrallon agent
follow s:
MEETING JANUARY 28 work will he held at the high school
15. "As an indication that this
Benefit Card Party Friday it
al laiwell Thursday evening
1. “S elective sales taxes are method of raising revenue is un­
Postponed for One Week,
Announcement of the annual Other will be held al l<atham aftkool
wrong In principle because they tax popular with the public, selective
Lodge Practice Friday
meeting of Walamet lloy Seoul Ertday at * o'clock.
one class of merchants and con­ sales taxes have been overwhelm
council to b« held al the Chamber
sumers for the benefit of all. They ingly defeated wherever submitted
Because of conflicting meetings,
of Commerce room’ In Eugene on
Ths* evergreen forest of Siberia
are only a subterfuge for general to the vote of the people.
the Iuka circle benefit card party
Saturday. January 29. was mad« la the largest »Ingle maaa of coal-
sales taxes, but in even more vici­
1«. "To summarixe, a selective
and social scheduled tor Friday
this week by II II. Salle«, aooul fers in the world.
ous form, as they expose every sales tax is discriminatory, unfair,.
evening at the home of Mrs Pearl
executive. The meeting will begin
class of business to special taxation destructive to business, unpopular,
Sears has been postponed for one
ut 6:30 with a turkey dinner pre
2. "They are destructive to busi­ and ineffective as a source of reve­
Early examples of veneered fur­
week when It will be held at the
pared and furnished by the Troop
ness because they add to the ex­ nue. It is properly termed a ’nuis­
niture can he traced back lo anci­
home of Mrs. Wanda Barnes.
Mother's club.
pense of doing business and reduce ance' tax
ent Egypt when it was made for
Many members of Iuka circle are
consumption. In these hard times a
H W Adams, superintendent of kings.
17. "If retailers submit to the
also members of the Neighbors of
Doris Heytun, 17, has been named
few cen ts tax added to the sales above taxes, they may expect to
the ideal high school girl oi greater trhools at Corvallis, will be the
Woodcraft and will have to be In
price of tobacco, cosm etics, etc., is have additional taxes imposed upon
The scoring included principal speaker and will talk on
Highest Pira Lookouts
Eugene Friday evening to attend
This team-of-four, Harold S Vamkrbilt Willard S Karn, P Hal
sufficient to curtail sales. For ex them from tim e to time, until even­
course, marks, activities and achieve­ "Americanization." Other speakers
__ Arlaona. elevation
Mt. Thomas.
ample— The average annual per tually they will be carying the
will Include Hr. O. F Stafford and y m fw,,
lh „ highest point used
Cup. the classic bridge event of the year. This is the only major bridge play
Joint installation ot officers for the
capita consumption of cigarettes entire state burden."
R. C. Merrill Eagle »routs will | as a forest fire lookout in
in which Mr. Vanderbilt regularly takes part. He is the donor of the cup.
in the United States is 924 cigar­
present a play and the latter part United Stutea. Other high peaks
circles has been set for January 26
ettes. The average in states having
of the evening will be given over used by the U 8. Forest Service aa
Cone Crop Best in Years
Newly Installed officers of Iuka
special tax taxes Is only 411 cigar­
lo the election of officers and a I fire lookouts are Twin Slater«. II,-
The crop of cones on Douglas fir
circle led by Mrs. Nellie Carr, new
ettes— less than one half.
discussion of future plana for
Hock. 11.434. and Sleepy
is the heaviest since 1923. says the
president, will take charge of the
3. "They fasten on the merchant Pacific Northwest forest experi­
Scout Council
Includes Cat. 11.151, all in Colorado; and
In two very interesting gum a ot
regular meeting of Iuka circle to be
the expense and odium of collecting ment station. This augurs well for
troops In all of Lane. Ilenlon and Mount lluod, Oregon, 11.225 feet.
basketball the Lowell team went
held this evening at the home of
from the public the most unpopular the natural reforestation of logged-
Part of Lincoln counties.
down to defeat before the P le a -
Mrs. Alice Doane.
and obnoxious form of tax ever de off land within the range of seed
ant Hill team s at Pleasant Hill
State* Share In Foreat Receipt*
The people of Oregon re­ trees, if fire is kept out.
Friday night. January 13. The girls
For the fiscal year ended June
jected a tobacco tax by referendum
score was 34 to 17 and the boys'
In 1928 by a vote of more than two
PRISCILLA HOSTESS 30. 1932. the state of Orefon re­
Merchant Recovering — Julius score 27 to 25. The boys game was
ceived 938.547 58 and Washington
to one.
Fulop is slowly recovering from an very exciting the last few minutes
Members of the Priscilla club 948.462 37. being oluMjuarter of the
4. “They foster bootlegging and attack of the influenxa. He has of play. The Lowell boys tied the
Amos Alonio Htagg would rather'
will be guests of Mrs. Edward Pri­ annual gross receipts from the 22
penalise legitim ate merchants in been able to come down to his score then made one basket putting
be actively engaged In coaching the
when that organisation meets national forests located In these
favor of the unscrupulous.
store for a short while several them in the lead. In the last few
lowliest high school football team
at her home this afternoon at 2 two states. T hese amounts, to be
5. “They encourage cut raters to days this week but is too weak to seconds of play Pleasant Hill drop­
In the land than accept the retire­
o'clock for their regular meeting A u-ed for road and school purposes,
absorb all or a portion of the tax remain very long.
ped the ball into the basket twice
ment the age limit at the University
social afternoon with refreshments were returned to the counties In
as a m eans of unfalar competition.
, in succession winning the game
of Chicago forced an him or to take
Is planned.
I which there are national (or.-sts
8. "They open the doors of the
W endling Men H e re — C. O. Stal- ; for Pleasant Hill. A large and ex­
the 98,000 Chicago was willing to
Prof. Unterberger oi Koenigsberg
state to ruinous mail order com­ berg and M. E. Emery, both of cited crowd witnessed the game.
pay him for doing nothing he told University, Germany, claims devel­
petition from adjoining states. Wendling, were visitors in Spring-
The senior class of the Pleasant
I his fellow coaches the other night opment oi a chemical for parents
(N ote) No state can tax interstate field Saturday.
which will determine whether an un­
Hill high school held a party at
In New York at the annual dinner born child shall be a boy or girl. It
the home of Bonnie Jeanne Tinker
of the F<>otball Coaches association. is claimed the sex has been deter­
7. “They lay the foundation and
Ill at Home— Earl Pyle is con­ Saturday night, January 14. In*
mined 77 out o i b U c a s e i.
set up the machinery for the collec­ fined to his home this week with
door croquet, indoor horseshoe,
Helge (Bulge) Bost rum. 38-year-
tion of special taxes, inviting future illness.
table tennis, crocklnole and card’
. old ice hockey defense man of the
legislatures to add more and more
were played during the evening.
Chicago Blackhawks. carries 243 LEGISLATURE IS SLOW IN
articles until the business of the
surgeon's stitches about hla anal- GETTING DOWN TO WORK
state Is honeycombed with ruinous
Samuel Insul! Today
tional division defeated the W estfir
taxes from which no class of busi­
Virginia H yru t, Oaklyn. N J , om 7’
team Monday night at Lowell by
Tw o Measures W ould Alm ost E li­
t - k Felix— pedigree unknown— to j
• • •
ness is safe. Example— South Caro­
a score of 40 to 16. The Lowell
«union cat and dog show at
Miami plana a tournament ot or-
m inate Highw ay W o rk in State
lina started with a tobacco tax. It
-, where for the third anJÇPB football games to compete
team is composed of graduates
During T w o -Y ear Period
has added other articles from time
from Pleasant Hill and Lowell high
itb California’s tournament of
to time until it now taxes some 50
school. They have not been defeat­
rosea. It will be an annual affair.
different commodities and still falls
Aside from the dramatic show
A th Y our D e a le r in Eugene or S p rin g fie ld F o r
ed this year.
far short of collecting the amount
which Governor Julius Meier and
"An open tenuis tournament, with State Treasurer Rufus Ilolman
Tile senior play. "The Jade Neck
estim ated
lace" a contribution of mystery
professionals and am ateufs meeting atagw)
Hal„nl Tll,,aday dur,Ilg
tobacco tax alone.
on the same basis, is a certainty by
ar niw,u
the ,1(iard
and comedy, will be presented after
8. “They are unproductive as a
1 Û Q 4 »• a So
„ clzxzvlav-rxo
K ce U
H I 'T
II ri xa n
declares I Big
the tournament. The cast chosen
source of revenue and are uncer­
I of Control very little political ex­
1 professional tennis star.
is as follows: Bert. Roger Fair-
tain and unsound as a basis of state
citement seem« to have been
• • •
field; Biff. Robert Hammond; Dick.
Income. (Exam ple): Statistics show
aroused so far during the leglsla-
Ralph Greenleaf, the pocket bil­
Jack Doane; Hetty, Bonnie Tinker;
that where they have been tried,
liard champion, won his ninth
Julianna. Mildred Sw ift; Mrs. Lee
they have yielded less than ene
straight match In concluding the
Margaret Upton; Doris, Florence
third of the estimated revenue and
world's title tournament the other
Jordan; Margery, Evelyn Phelps;
further that such revenues show a
night In New York.
stage manager Cecil Drew, sales
constant decline from year to year
• • •
manager Caryl Lord.
as consumption is curtaailed and
Army will play ten football games
“bootlegging" and mail order busi­
Senator H. C. W heeler son, Allen,
Ladies' Drest
i next fall. A newcomer to the sche­
nesses gain footholds.
and (laughter, Hazel, returned to
Pumps and
dule Is the University of Illinois
9. "They are difficult and expen­
Salem for the legislature.
which will be played October 1 In
siv e to collect. It is comparatively
The Hult mill at Lowell Is work­
Styles for
easy to collect from a few of the
Samuel Insull, as he appeared at
• • •
Street. Ser­
larger merchants, but to collect Athens, Greece, while combatting ex­ When working about 30 men are
Dldrlkson has
viceable Wear.
from the myriads of small shops tradition on request of the U. S. State employed.
turned professional. She is regarded
where these articles are sold would Department to face charges in Illinois
courts as a result of the r,,!!--..« of
by experts as the country’s greatest
require an army of collectors, in­ !.. ...........-1
woman athlete.
• • •
The University of W isconsin has
An unusual photo of the seldom
A number of church activities
pictured man, J. Pierpont Morgan dropped rowing as a major sport.
American bank head, snapped reetr*
hav« taken place the past week It
• • •
lv Sv an -Sr» ll-ill S r - - • I'.;' I
this section.
A. Lew!-:, I j 1913, chinned him-,
Mrs. William Hucka entertained
self with two hands 78 times.
the W alterville Ladles Aid at her
Brown Kid
home Thursday. Mrs. Wearln Is to
Some time ago there waa a tug of
entertain the group In two weeks.
Arch Support Oxfords
war between two army company
They will work on a quilt for Mrs.
Mrs. Lum Mays and son, Frank team s in India which lasted 2 hours,
Heels, Outstanding
Campbell, from Signal, spent sev 41 minute».
Tuesday evening the Fun Night eral days In Thurston last week.
• • •
of the Presbyterian church was
Ml s Helen Eyler entertained a I Back In 1912 M. Paullquen of
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. number of friends at her home la s t ! Paris stayed under watesr 6 mln-
Sunday In honor of Mrs. Eyler p it s, 29 4-5 ceconds.
The Workers Society of the Brown who left Tuesday to Join ,
• • •
Christian church met Friday after­ her husband In Brussels, Belgium > Melanccmas, an ancient boxer, at
noon at the home of Mrs. Fred Eas­ They expect to return next fall.
lc ft the
w ,thout h‘ T
ton at W alterville with 17 present.
The Thurston bridge club
ing given or received a single blow,
The home of Mrs. Marvin Drury with Mrs A. II Mathews on Wed
feet which In those days was re-
was chosen as the next meeting nesday evening
•a ld e ‘1 " the ^ rfpcllon
Before or after you
Mrs. Needham and son, Ray and of Bclf-defense.
cide upon what kind of
Mrs. C. D. Swearingen entertain­
Mrs. Teeters motored to Cottage
meat you wish we invite
ed the Deerhorn Bridge Club at
T re e Grow th
Grove last »aturday for the week­
you to come here and see
her home Tuesday afternoon with
On the best soils young Douglas
what choice cuts we
A Splendid Assortment of
two tables In play.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh enter fir trees grow more than 3 feet In
have to offer you.
One of the most Interesting 4-H
Naturalizers. Brown and
tained for dinner last Bunday In
d u b s of the valley Is the Forestry honor of John Edmlston’s birthday I height each year; on the poorest
Black Kid Pumps and
soils, less than 1 foot per year.
Our prices are never high as
club at Blue River.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
buying here regularly will
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neal recent­
John Edmiston, son James, and
P in t Beetle Active
ly entertained the high school at
daughter Hazel, Mrs. Stella Mc­
on afternoon luncheon.
The pine beetle killed over half
Pherson from Springfield, Walter
Platt and sons, Kenneth and Roy. a billion feet of ponderoea pine tim­
B. C. STUART,’ Prop.
The Ladles’ Aid society met with ber on the national forest! of Ore­
Taken to Hospital — Miss Violet
4th and Main Sts. Phone 63
James was taken to the Pacific Mrs. Ira Gray on Wednesday. They gon and Washington during the
past summer.
C hristian hospital Tuesday evening are quilting a quilt.
Selective Tax
It Oppoted
New Officers In
Charge of Meet
Upper Willamette
S p o r t S h o r ts
Ice Cream
Springfield Creamery Co.
One of the Greatest 2 for 1 Sales in History ...
E v e r y P a ir
E x a c tly
I McKenzie Valley
2 for 1
Always a Choice
Cut For Our
« • •
S 5 .5 0
£ 6 .9 0
S 5 .5 0
£ 1 .0 0
Buster Brown Shoe Store
£ 6 .9 0