WOMAN CHECK ARTIST WALKS OUT OF JAIL FLEXIBLE BENTS POSSIBLE ON FARM Mrs Minnie P (louhi, the assert- »<1 "Clara" .»f tuuriy questionable cheeks, I* niinin ul liberty, havina ««raped (rom Ik« Benton county College Profeeeor Devi#«» a Jail last Thursday "Clara'' In reputed to Ito III« Plan of Unifying Ca#h writer of ninny hail check» In laini' Rental» With Incom« CRAZY CRYSTALS i county nuil was rneently urrosled at A Minorai Wuter Treat muni an gparlnienl In Corvallis. Mn> line of the farm price Index In llrlng* n Huulih Kaaorl Io You. 111 K 7th. ¡12 W Hth, Kugena, I'h 1704 w''rk'“1 MUggested im a possible mean« of Ih» miinllcr town* to gel litem Io giving clunllclly to cash rental con- Conversation cash her check« tract# on farm« by L. It. Itrelthaupt, Mae "I've »«licit «Inc» H »'clock extension economist at Oregon NOTICK TO CRKOITORS (nr my liunhunil and It'a now 7:30." Slate college, whu point« out that K ilo-"W lii'ii worn you to meet NOTICK IN HEREBY GIVEN: wide fluctuation* In farm price« That Herbert K Walker him been In recont year* huve linpraaied both him?" appointed administrator of the I renter« and owner» with the need Mnc -"At 6:0(1 o'clock." »«tat« of Kilwaril C Morgan, de-i . . . . . . reused, by the County Court of Lane I"’ * « • *"M r,« ,d "rrangemeBt. The Oregon fnrm price Index 1» "Dili you give your wlf» lliul llt- County, Oregon All persons having lle lecture on economy you lalked claim» against «aid e«tatn are re- |iubll*hiMl earh month by the exten- Ijulred to present them, with proper ; ,« rvlce and conntllutea a sea- about?" voucher*, within «lx month« from nonally corrected average of the "Yea," the 22l»il day of December, 11132, at “Any result 7" the law office of L. I.. Kay. In the farm price of 16 commodities that "Yen. I've »ol Io give up nmokliiK Miner Building, In Kugene, Oregon. accounted for more than »0 per cent HERBERT K WAl.KEIt Ad- of the fnrm ca»h Incom« from crop expensive cigars," mlnlatrator of the Kntate of and livestock production from 1926 Edward ('. Morgan, deceased. to I»3«. NOTICK TO CREDITORS L. L. HAY, Attorney for K*tate. Based on Five-Year Period It) 22 2»- J 6-12-19) NOTICE la her«y given (hat the undersigned hn* beeu appointed Thl» five-year period I» taken a# Executrix of I he »«tale of A. U. NOTICE TO CREDITORS normal, or 100 per cent. A««umlng Notice I* hereby given that the Ilrauer, deceased by the County Court of lam e County, Oregon. AllI undersigned ha* been uppolnted an Hint a given farm would have rent­ persons having claim« again«! «aid Executor of the estate of C. "L. ed In normal times at »500. then «slate are hereby required to pre» -j Olaen, deceased, by the County under prlcen nuch a» prevailed In •n t the sam e properly vertfled a* Court of lame County, Oregon. All l»2ÿ when the Index wan 10», the by law required, to «aid Executrix persona having claim« agaln«t «aid at the office of Wells A W eill. 840 ealate are hereby notified to pre« , rent would automatically raine to Willamette Ht. In Eugene, lame «ol the »am«, properly verified to j »646. llut under prices such a* a County, Oregon, within six month» Hie undersigned, at the office o f y e a r taler wto-n the Index was only from the date of the first publics Well« 4) Wella. Attorney«, Bank of . , i,„ null,math- (loll of thia notice Hale of first Commerce Building, In Eugene. , publication January 6, 1933. Lane County, Oregon, within six U,,Y reduced to »420. For October HOKE E. BRAVER. Executrix. month • of the date of the first pub j 1931 the Index wa* down to 55, WKI.I.H A WKI.I.N, Attorney«. llcutlon of tbla notice. which would put the caab rent In « hate of first publication Junuary 1 the Instance given down to »276. (J 6 12 1» 24 F 2) I 12th. 1933 Kuch a plan 1» actually being fol MAHTIN 1». Ot.SKN, Executor TREASURY D EPA RTM ENT lowed already In some part« of Iowa WEI.LH 4» WKI.LS, Attorneys I J 12 1» 28 F 2»t Office of the Comptroller of the I where »uch contract« have been Currency, Washington, 1). C„ j written. It ha» Hie advantage of NOTICE November It), 1932 removing the element of risk and OF F IN A L HEARINQ Nolire I« hereby given to all per Notice 1« hereby given that the therefore encourage« good farming sou» who may have claim» «g«ln«t undersigned, Martha Mendell, Ad rrotn a long time viewpoint which 1« "The Klrel National Bank of mlnlslralrlx of the esta le of Martha ,in ^ v a n ta g e to owner, renter and Hprlngtleld. " Oregon, that the game the"“ only Ctourt community generally. Brelth- inuat be presented to Lloyd H. ,,f | , , n„ County. State of Oregon, »upt explain«. Kelley, Receiver, with the legal and lliat January 31at, 1933, at ten. ■ proof thereof within three month« o’clock In the forenoon thereof at unTUPDC from Ihl. Hat. or they may I.....I. allowed. PAO» Tl IB 8PRINOFIBLD NEWS TIIURHDAY, JANUARY 1». 1988 ^ ’'oHIc'e'’ o? S C H 00L MOTHERS .ahi court, ha* been fixed by »aid HONORED AT LEAGUE TEA i TOW N A N D VICINITY 1 Led by Mrs Myrtle post department provident, and at present department secretary, aev- era! members of Iuka circle number 37. went to Eugene Saturday after­ noon where they Installed Ihe new officers of Rich Mountain circle Mrs Egglmann. also a former mem­ ber of the Rich Mountain circle, waa the Installing officer. Mrs. Wanda Barnes was first assistant conductress, and Mrs. Alice Doane was assistant conductress. Others who attended the Installa­ tion from Hprlngfleld were Mr«. Susan King, Mrs. George P. Hoff­ man. Mrs. Pearl Hears, Mrs. Edith Laxton. Mrs. Stella Lewis and Mrs Nellie Carr. j Here from Fall Crook— W Toy W altervllle Man Here— A. A lor of Full Crook wm a vtoltor 1» Campbell of W altervllle was a busi­ ness vlePor In Hprlngfleld Mondiy. Hprlngfleld Saturday. Visitor from Wendllng— Mrs. A. Wendllng Man Mare—Guy Patte« of Wendltng was a busi tie»» visitor Rogers of Wendllng was a bu llies* visitor In Hprlngfleld Haturday. In Hprlngfleld Haturday. • Collects Bounty— W. J. Yale of Leaves Hospital — Hhermun It Conrad was discharged from the McKenxIe Bridge collected »10 from the county bounty fund Haturday Kugene hospital Monday. for one bobcat and (wo coyotes. Here from Oekrldpe— L. C. Max Resort People Hero— Mr. and well of Oakridge wa« a visitor In Mrs. A. J. Kubn. proprietors of Cas Hprlngfleld Friday. cade Resort, near McKonxIe bridge, Here from W altervllle— L. C. were business visitors In Hprlng­ Maxwell of W altervllle wa« a busi- fleld Tuesday morning. neat vlallor In Springfield FYlday. Parents of Boy — Mr and Mr* Visitors from Wendllng— C. W. Karl Tracy of Jasper are the par­ Evan« of Wendllng wa» a visitor In ents of a baby son born to them at Hprlngfleld Saturday. their home Monday morning. Janu­ Here from Bridge— P. O. Daniels ary 16, 1933. Bryan Caulspaugh, wall known Northwest auto racar and former holder of world 1 mil« circular dirt track record, congratulates Wilbur Shaw at the completion of the trials at Oakland Speedway November 27th wlfkn Shaw shattered Saulspaugh’s record with a speed of 102.098 miles per hour. of McKenxIe Bridge w xi a visitor In Leaves for Kels»—Mrs. Don Mor Hprlngfleld Friday. rtson I Marjorie Mattison) left Mon­ Wendllng Resident Here— Karl day for her home at Kelao, W ash-, Bailey of Wendllng wa» a visitor In Ington. Hhe had been visiting with ber mother. Mr». ('. L. Mattison, Hprlngfleld Huturday. since Christmas. In from Camp Creak—George WII Return from Portland— P J. Bar Ban of Camp Creek was a visitor tholomew returned Haturday from In Hprlngfleld Friday. Portland where be bad been visit­ Varieties, Time of Planting, Creswell Resident Here— Mrs. J ing his mother. He was accom and Other Information Are Harris of Creswell visited with panted by Willard Maxwell and Given for Farmers Here Harry Holden. friend* In Hprlngfleld Friday. Is likely to be unsafe for use In February planting because of de­ layed germination. For wheat cop­ per carbonate dust Is best, and 'or ! oats and barley, cereasn. Corn: On farms where grain is I grown solely for home feed and re- ' seeding Is necessary, com Is the best bet. It can be grown more ' cheaply and will yield more pounds - of grain to the acre. Alfalfa: Preaont aituatlon again With much grain and conaider- emphasize« the value of alfalfa. It Bon Born— .Mr and Mrs. Walter Hprlggn are the parent» of a baby able fall sown retch froxnn out by can be seeded on fields where grain »on born to them at the home of the December cold weather In west­ has frozen out without re plowing the father's parents, Mr and Mrs. ern Oregon, E. R. Jackman and D. as a firm seed bed is essential. Ed Spriggs, Sunday night, January D. Hill of the farm crops depart­ ment hare Juat Issued a series ot 16, 1933. suggestions In response to many CLUB MEMBERS HEAR Inquiries regarding time, methods LECTURE AT MEETING and varieties to be used In reseed­ ing. Following are a few of the con­ Members of the Happy Hour club densed recommendations made. beard an illustrated lectnre given More details may be obtained from by Professor Nowland B. Zane of any county agent. the school of architecture and allied Legume Hay: Success of Febru- arts at the University nt their meet­ ------------ ary vetch planting depend* on aphid ing Monday afternoon at the home State Station Director Names «Uuatton and possible May and of Mrs Dean C. Poindexter. Kenneth Roduner sang three 10 Greatest Achievements June ralns “ f'ebr“»r’r •*<«”« «• , done beat bet is to use heavier rate groups of vocal numbers and was for Agriculture gach M 60 of oatg and 76 accompanied by Miss Teresa __ . . ,, . . . . pounds vetch. Disc la,.d before seed- Kelley, student at the University. What he considers the 10 greatest , Tea was poured during the social single accomplishments of the Ore ' possible, gon Agricultural experiment station Winter Oats: If oat stands are hour by Mrs. N W. Emery and have been listed by Dr. W A. S ch o h*“1'? thlnned “ b«»t*r ,o reeeed Mrs. L. K. Page. Mrs. Larson Wright and Mrs. W. enfeld. present director of the sta unle“ remaining plants are vigor- tian who Joined the state college and * nd * falr^ free of weeds N. Gossler were Joint hosteeses. staff but recently and hence had If February seeding is possible, no connection with the work he Gray Winter Is beet. If not. Victory LEGION AUXILIARY BUSY lists as most outstanding. Here is will yield better. The usual rate of bis list which necessarily omits fall seeding. 10 to 12 pecks, is fol­ SEWING FOR NEEDY FOLK many achievem ents others might lowed In February seeding. Wheat: Rink and Jenkin appear g Members of the American Legion place at the top: worst Injured. Reseeding is best auxiliary sew ing club sewed sev­ Fruit Cleaning Heads List eral pairs of pajamas and two 1. Discovery of a method of re­ done with sam e variety if possible. dresses at their weekly meeting Hodd and Jenkin are probably beat moving spray residue from fruit. for earijT s e ^ g . ’ and'M aiquls"or held last Thursday afternoon at the This emergency achievement saved Huston for late seeding. home of Mrs. W. H. Pollard^ The Oregon's crops In the crises and Is Barley: For early plantings from 1 clothing is being made for children now slandar* the world over. 2. Discovery of the cause and February to early April. OAC No. ot needy ex-servtce men. control of infectious abortion In 7 has consistently given highest yields except on bottom land. I M o th er-' Dorothy. you have dis- cattle. The "Oregon system ” of After that. Hannchen. New Ben obeyed mother by racing around control put this state In the front Beardless Is good bottom land varl-, and making all that noise. Now you rank in this vital work. ety If seed Is available. OAC No. 7 can't have that piece of candy, 3. Introduction of Federation has given better yields than Han Father (entering a few ®inutes wheat. This variety, which aver­ nrhen on bottom lanBs from April later)—"Why so quiet, little one. ages from two to five bushels above Dorothy— “Ive been fined for others, ts now the most widely plantings. ________________ ___ Smut Treatment: Formaldehyde sp eed in g." grown wheat In the entire north­ RESEEDING IDEAS COME FDD» O.S.G. Here from Wendllng— Mr*. Hetb Byers of Wendllng wa» a visitor In Hprlngfleld Sunday. Winberry Resident Here M. E Ooodwla of Winberry was a visitor In Hprlngfleld Monday. Visitor from Vida— Mrs. ('. W, Alien of Vida was a visitor in Hprlngfleld on Baturday. Leaburg Man Here— Arthur Fra xee transacted business In Hprlng­ fleld on Saturday. Here from Jasper — Mrs. Roy Ixive of Jasper wa» a visitor In Springfield Saturday. BEST EXPERIMENT RESULTS LISTED Visits Friends— Mrs. Verne Cald­ well of W altervllle visited with hearing and considering and acting Mother« of girl» at Springfield troller of the Currency friends In Springfield on Saturday. on ««Ijl «ccount. high school were honored there FYI ( F 10 ) Date of first publication Decern , afternoon with a tea-and pro- Visit at Camp Creek— Mrs. John im *I* zftln IB32 I * Moscop and daughter, Ellen, were MARTHA MENDBLL. Adm in-!«™ » ,h “ o lrl*’ , * W 1' NOTICE Those In the receiving line w ere! ca|ierg at Camp Creek Sunday even Istratrtx. OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Misa Anne Vogel. Olrl»' league ud ] ,ng. (I) 2» J 6 12-19 26) NOTICK I» HEREBY GIVEN vl»or; Ml»« Marjorlo Prochnow, Vialta Parente— H. F. Franklin I« that the under«lgned has filed her p reld en t; Ml*» Bernadlne McFar­ NOTICE OF SH ER IFF'S SALE Final Account aa Administratrix of here this week to visit with hl» land. vice-president; Ml»» DeEtta REAL PROPERTY the ««tale of Hophronla A. Howe, NOTICE 1« hereby given that by Hundgathe. secretary • treasurer; parents, Mr. and Mr«. W. T. D. deceased, In the County Court of the State of Oregon tor L ent Coun virtue of an execution and order Ml*« Aly* Thatcher, social promo- Franklin. ly. anil that said Court has fixed <>f «»1« l»»ued out of the Circuit ter; and Mia* Marian Shipley, re- Business Visitor«—C. W. Gilbert Monday, the 3ttlh day of January. Court of the State of Oregon for and Harvey Geiger of Wendllng 1933 at the hour of ten o'clock A I-»"' County thl* 13rd day of Dec porter Commlttee in charge of the affair were bu«lne»s vLdtora In Spring- M In the County Court Room of «mher. I»32. upon and pursuant to the Court Hou«e In lain« County, » decree duly given and made by were M I hh Jewel llelterhrand and Oregon, at Eugene, a* the date. "«W <’»urt the 22nd day of Dec Ml«» Theda Rhode», refreshment»; field on Haturday. ■ Im., mol olm-e for the liearlns of ember. 1932. In a «ult pending Deerhorn Man Hera Dick Pot­ said Flna|P Account mid of objec therein In which Clifford P. Thom Ml»» Melba Harris, decoration«, and ter of Deerhorn wan a visitor In Ilona. If any. thereto, and for the »on and Ellen M Thomson were Ml»» Thntcher. program, final «ettlvment of «aid estate. plaintiffs and F. J Berger. Mary Hprlngfleld Monday. ELIZABETH II. MILLS. Ad E Berger and other* were defend- mlnlalratrlx of the Estate of ant», which ex -cullon nnd order 4-H SEWING LEADERS TO Portland Man Heri -L. C. Bur Hophronla A. Howe, deceased of «ale wa* Io me directed and coin- HAVE TRAINING S C H O O L of »’orti*«» * a" an overnight a nail KY Attor nmnded me to sell the rest property ---------— i gueet at the Hprlngfleld hotel Fri POTTER A BAILEY. Attor hereinafter described to »atlsfy cer- n ey. for A dm lnl.tratrlr (>|n #n(, A training school for club leader* day. II) ,i> J I I I . 19.8)----------- cr#e , he Sheriff of i.» n„ In the county in the Hewing project Visits from Fall Creek— Mrs . I'ounlv. iiri-gon will, on Saturday. H l l t i l Y A U l l i r P C t O r V ,h “ ZRth (la)r nt January. 1933. at has been nrranged for Saturday. Dave Glaspey of Fall Creek spent D U M I lC s s U l r c v l U I J lh(, hour of , , Oo (1(.It Five (5i In Block nomics club work. home here Friday evening. Oregon conditions. This pioneer Hix (6) In Shelton'» Addition to A ttorneyat-tjiw Included In Ihe instruction will Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, Mayor Out—W. P. Tyson, mayor work by Dean A. B. Cord ley was City Hall Building and running thence North 78 and be the conducting of a »ewlng club of Springfield, made his first offi­ forerunner of subsequent disease Sprlngfle'.d, Oregon 3- 6 feet, thence East 46 feet, »election of material* to be found thence South 78 and 3-6 feet and at home, preparation and uae of cial visit to the City Hall Monday and pest control work that makes commercial fruit growing possible. since his llltsess. thence West 45 feel to the plnce of beginning, being Ihe West 45 flour sack*, what to do at club 6. Development of the Oregon V isits Parent»— Mr. and Mrs small seed Industry through Intro­ feet of said I.ot Five (5) and the meeting*, and a round table discus W est 45 feet of the South 11 and «Ion. Thl» L» Ihe first o f a serie* Lewis McBee of Oregon City are 4- 6 feet of snld Lot Four (4) In of m eetings that will be held for here visiting al the home of his duction of new forage crops. The Industry Is based largely on 20 new Block Hix (6) 111 Hhelton'» Add! tlon to Eugene. Lane County, the lender* In all projects, and will parents. Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. McBee Introductions by the station. deal to a large extent with subject Oregon. W heat Yields Increased of Pittsburgh. Pa. Roseburg People Here— Mr. and Dated thia 23rd dny of December. matter Information. Arrangement» 7. Improvement of old summer Mrs. Al Murch and Dr. nnd Mrs. 1932 for tho meeting» are being made by 11. I,. BOWN. Sheriff. C. O. Van Valsah of Roseburg were fallow methods In eastern Oregon. the county club agent. By A. E. Hulegnnrd. Deputy. week-end guests here at the home This Improved system Is credited (D 29 J 6 12-19 26) with increasing yields about six of Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah Hepreaented By Little Emily had been to school bushels per acre. C IT A T IO N for the first time. Dinner Quests—Mr. nnd Mrs. D. 8. Control of liver flukes in sheep E. H. TURNER "Well, darling, and what did yoy R Fullerton of Wendllng were Sun­ and goats. The station found the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE learn?” asked her mother on day dinner guests at the home of snail alternate hosts of the flukes STATE OF OREGON IN AND 84« A St. Hprlngfleld. Ore. FOR LANE COUNTY Emily'» return. Mr. and Mrs. William Gantx this and devised m ean s'of eradicating "Nothing." sighed Emily hopeless week. In the Matter of Ihe Estate of them. ly, "Pve got to go back again to­ Martha Wallace. Deceased. 9. D iscevery of the value of sul Home on Saturday — Mrs. C. POOLE - GRAY To Adeley J. Demit. George T. morrow." fur as a fertilizer. On alfalfa and Knouse was dismissed from the Wallace, Ira V. Wallace, Thomas BARTHOLOMEW other legum es ot* many Oregon Wallace, Ira Wallace. Clarence Wal Pacific Christian hospital and SUMMONS soils hay yields were Increased a Ince, Nora Sibley, Marlon Ndl»on brought to her home In Springfield Frailer. Homer I. Frazier. Clint T. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ton or more per acre. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Saturday. l"Yazler. Martha Carter. Hazel M Formerly Walker-I'oole 10. Discovery of a new and slm COUNTY OF LANE. Green, George W. Ernxler and all Vinita Sister—Mrs. A. C. Case ot pie method of fowl pox control. A other persona nnd parties Interest- RUTH YOUNG. Plaintiff, vs. JOHN DAVID YOUNG. Defendant. KI'GKNE 11th SPRINGFIELD Myrtle Point 1» visiting with her new system of vaccination makes ed In the estate of Mnrthn Wnllnce, TO JOHN DAVID YOUNG, DE­ sister. Mrs. Genevieve l»rak. and unnecessary further losses from Deceased. nnd Cburnelton, 228 Main FENDANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Telephone 723 Phone B2-J IN THE NAME OF THE STATE her daughter. Miss Margaret Case, this devastating poultry disease. OF OREGON: Dr. Schoenfeld selected th e s e , OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ In Eugene this week. You are hereby cited and required I from scores of others listed In a to he and appear In the County quired lo appear nnd answer the Moves to Oklahoma—Mrs. T. V. npw condensed report on agrlcultur-! Court of Ihe Slate of Oregon. In complaint filed agninst you In Ihe mid for Lane County, at the court­ above entitled suit within four Ogden' and daughter, Rosie, are aj r«gearch accomplishments said to room thereof In Eugene, Oregon, at weeks from tho date of the first leaving this week for Jay. Okla- return jo to 16 million dollars a ten o’clock In the forenoon of Hatur- publication of this summons, and If day, the 18th day of February. 1933. you fall so to answer, for want homa where they will make their ypar to the state. More than 300 then and there lo »how cause. If nny thereof, the plaintiff will apply to home In the future. Mr. Ogden went problems are now under Investiga there be. why license and authority the court for a decree dissolving to Oklahoma some months ago an d j(lon and more than 100 others re should not be granted to W nlterjthe bonds of matrimony now exist I’rlre, as administrator of the es-1 Ing between plaintiff nnd defetid- Is now living on a farm In th a t, quMte<| have been discontinued or tnle of said Martha Wallace, d e-' ant. and granting to the plaintiff state. They will move their house not gtarted for lack of funds, ceased, to sell, nt private sale, Ihe an absolute divorce from the de­ hold goods. ---------------------------- real properly In the petition for fendant, and that such decree fur­ Enters N .v y -V e r n c Gerber, son VETERANS PENSION TO ther provide that the plaintiff have such license described, towlt: Lot number One and the North the care nnd custody of the minor of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gerber, left BE RADIO TALK SUBJECT hnlf of Lot number Two In the child of plaintiff and dofendant, to- Block number Four of C. Cole's wlt. Ishel Lou Young, and that the Hprlngfleld last Thursday for Seat W Means, former member First Addition to Mnrcola. Ore­ dofendant be ordered and required tie where he p anned to enlist In gon; Also beginning at the North by snld decree to pay over to the the United States navy. This w ill, of congress and now actively oppos- 53'/ of Inutile worker» west corner of snld Lot number | plaintiff the sum of *20.00 per be Mr. Gerber's second enlistm ent. In* members of the National One and running thence North month to assist In the support nnd he having completed one about a ! Economy league which seeks to r e-. ghoultl have their vl»lon 100 feet, East 150 feet. South 100 maintenance of sBld minor child aided. Hl-Eocato will save (luce governmental costs by ellmi feet and thence W est 160 feet nnd that defendant be ordered and v,.„r fatigue a n d prem ature nating many of the p«n«ion» for required by Bnlil decree to pay over to the place of beginning: break-down. To obtain funds with which to lo the plnlntlff Ihe sum of *25.00 Play In Sno'jvflelde—Mr. and Mrs veterans Including those of the pay the debts, Just clnlms ngnlnst suit money and Ihe further sum of W. N. Gossler. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Spanish-American war. will be Ihe estate of snld deceased and the *50.00 attorney's fees, and that said Are you handicapping your- expenses decree furtiier provide for such Barber, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford heard In a national radio address of administration. telf? WITNESS Ihe Hon. Fred Fisk, other and further rollef as to this Wilson spent tho week-end at the Friday evening from 7:45 to 8 County Judge In nnd for Lane Coun court may seem equltablo In Ihe i Wrlght ,,,),)„ on Horse creek. Sun- o'clock. Mr. Mean« will speak on tv Slate of Oregon, nnd ex-offlclo premises. , .. . . .u ...,i ludgo or said court, with the seal CHARLES A. HARDY. A tlor-, ‘’»V ‘h“* w,,nt ,o ,he bowl above the National Radio Forum hour DR. ELLA MEADE of snlil court affixed, this llth day i ney for Plaintiff, Postofflce Ad-j l«>»t Creek for snow sports. Harry from Washington, D. C. and his Optometrist of Jiinunrv 1933. dress, Eugene, Oregon. Wright and Ruth Randall of Eugene voice will be heard over all Pacific 41 W r it Bth Kugana W. B. DILLARD, County Clerk, I Date of first publication January , , of obsidians on an out- coast stations affallated with t h e , WESTFALL. Deputy. 19. 1933. I , By , HIItYL National Broadcasting network. ( J 12-19-26— F 2-9) (J 19-26— F 2-9-16) ,n« to the aanl0 p,ace' r. o AWAI.T. Acting Comp <'»«''1 «» the time and place for Edw. G. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. IUKA MEMBERS INSTALL OFFICERS AT EUGENE Breaks World’s Speed Record NOTICK TO CRKOITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Ad­ ministrator of the estate of Albert E Senseney, deceased, and baa duly qualified aa such. All par­ sons having claim s against said estate are hereby required to pres­ ent such claim s duly verified with proper vouchers attached, to the undersigned at the office of I. M. Peterson at 234 Main street, Hprlng field. Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice, the same being dated and published the first time this 19th day of January. 1933. CARL B. SENSENEY, Admin­ istrator of the Estate of Albert E Senseney. Deceased. I. M PETER8ON. Attorney for said estate iM IIU S À I» MATINEE DAILY 1 P. M. NOW ALL SEATS ANY TIM E CHILDREN 10c Thursday - Friday - Saturday CLARA BOW In “Coll Her Savage” ▼ Coming February 2nd •STRANGE INTERLUDE’ Call on Us When in Need of Any Kind of Printing.... Funeral Directors Have Headaches THE WILLAMETTE PRESS SPRINGFIELD. OREGON