THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T H IK T IK T H YKAK S.H.S. DEFEATS TEAM AT DROVE H P K I N O K I K L I ) . L A N K C O ! W I 'V . O R E G O N I Carlton Named Baptist Deacon COMMITTEES FOB LODGE AGE NAMED T ill ItS liA Y . J A M M tV 19 1933 Principals Plan Luncheon Meet EASTON FUNERAL THIS AFTERNOON No. W rites . . . The Other Maa Membership of Church Board Assistant State Superintend­ Increased at Quarterly Ses­ Founder of I. O. O. F. Honor­ ent to Speak on Recent Prominent Valley Resident sion Held on Thursday Educational Trends ed With Special Program; Dies at Home of Daughter New Officers in Charge in Eugene Tuesday IhMialon to Invreaa« repreaenta Principal» of all grade school» Snntn Clnrn Comet Tonight for Third Encounter With Springfield Toeeere FIRST SNOWFALL VISITS VALLET Warm Waathar Matta Whtta Flakes;! Traffic Daisy Only Damage Locally don on the church hoard and the Committee appolnlmeats for the hM’ ,n< more ,han ,w0 classroom. MORE SNOW P R E D IC T ID Jesse Saaton, reaident of Lane ^election of Roy Carlton aa a new ¡year 1S33 were announced at th e 1 * UI “ luncheon meeting at county for more than 60 year», died — <• • I deacon for a term of els yvara were weekly meeting of Juanita Rebekah Many Visit Snowfields on Mo« ta Eugene Satur Bt tbe home of bJ> daughter. Mr„ St. Mary'a Bm o nil Player» the prlnvtpul reanlta of the quarter­ lodge Monday night. New officer. ‘ n°°? “A They w111 h”“r William Irvin. 46» Fifteenth Ave- Kaniie; Coast Resorts ly meeting at (be Nuptial church took charge of the meeting for tbe Robert J Maaake. Halem. assistant Visit City 8. 7 ‘ay for nue East in Eugene Tuesday even­ Plan Outing Soon laat Thuruday evening. First Enei. r first time since their Installation. 'state superintendent of public In­ ing following a short Illness He Members of the church alao de­ struction talk on "Recent Tenden­ waa 78 years of age. Hprlngfleld residents who awoke Mra. Minnie Olrard. Mrs. J. W cided at the meeting to cancel tb« cies In Education” be will deal par Springfield high ach Wednesday morning to find them­ Mr. Easton waa born In Peaa- Tanner, and Mrs V. J. Daniels are M ia. Germaine Amlerion, l l i l l i - annual spring teachers' Inatltute. hall team won their fir Ct " lea- selves In need of snowshovelS to members of the finance committee. , * * * " ** ect on , marsh, Sussex county. England, on N. !>., it p rr.e lm t ol the A potluck auprer was aerved In Cot­ bon». gin- gum» Tuemiay evenli clean their sidewalks may expect Mrs. Alice Doane and Mrs. Pearl * ,, M MM' "• . . . September 24, 1866: He married French W ar-Hruir» I lub, organized tag» Grove anil now havi er ut Portland during Ih r Legnai con­ Ih» basement preceding the bual- Hchantol are members of the flower more of the same weather during . . . ' pf Pa " * * ' there In 1878 and came to Waiter- ventage of 600, having In» . 'r vention She married Allx-ri Ander« neaa meeting. committee. ,W" “ ““ 'J " Pr“" de «M lsnd in 1882 He had the next few days according Io tho and will alao speak flrat gam» with tJnlv»«y I. u n-o at Anger, France, in weather man. Those who like to made his home there since that Five were appointed on the Ways week earlier. BROTHERHOOD MEETING see the white, clean snow may not This la the Drat meeting of this time. D . „ , und means committee. They are Knby M. Ayer», one of the ___ Coach Marlon ilall did nut uae FOR MONTH IS MONDAY Mrs Glenn Stone. Mra. D. O. Flaher, ,ype ‘° be h”1'1 ,n the «"■<* »"'> Mr. Easton waa nngaged in hop popular and moat prolific of the mod­ have to go far If the weather ob­ any aulwtltullona In the game at raising In England and on coming em fiction writer», is the author of server 1« right in predicting more Mias Edna Swarla, Mr. Ernes! arra“«*^ bf Laurence Mof- Cottage drove which ended 23-16 Election of Off tears la Schsdulad; Black and Oswald Olson fltt. county school superintendent - to America continued the samel ***, »«rial. "The Other Man,* snow for the western half of Ore­ gon. The flrat hulf of the game waa Potluck Suppar at S:30 and Mr. Moffitt will also speak on th e, vocation for many years. First he , “ t0 Mrs Grace latnsbery, Mrs. Tan cloae fought and ended with a 1-7 Spaakar Are Planned semi annual state examinations. helped operate yards for others f Pauline said ~ m»Ugl . The first snowfall which began Barbara said job ner, and Mra. Clara Taylor were acorn with Collage drove trailing i and later he and his son, operated Saturday when a light misty rain • • D™"“ • • didn't know. named IruMteoc to serve fur one { yards of their own for many years. . . . W hat do goo think? One a Officers for the year will be changed to snow covered the entire Lineup» for the two team» were! year. m a k a for mighty in te re s ts re elected next Monday night at the Willamette valley and added more Sprlngflald 23 C. Orova IS During the p a t several years Mr It may be found io “The Mra. Carrie Jarrett waa re-elected than a foot to the »now In tho Up­ Hawke (8) F Horn (4) Z. T. Collins Pioneered Many meeting of the Men's Brotherhood and Mrs. Easton have been spend per- Cascades. Hartman <8» -. F Thlea (41 Parts of State; Funeral o f the Methodist church. The meet­ captain of the degree team for the ing the winter months with their year. ing will begin with a potluck sup­ C Thurman (6) I'nwera (4) i son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Both snowfalls were accompan­ Services Held Monday per at 6 30 at which time some Members of the entertainment Hqulrea (1) Ü I'M (I) Mrs. Will Irvin In Eugene. They ied by warm weather which soon committee for January and Febru Wilton (3) a Ihiaiuiberg ( I ) Zs< hurlah T. Collins, pioneer Ore­ outside speaker will lie present. melted moat of it. Neither «no have lived there since November I A nominating committee will ary are Mrs. l-ee Putman, Mra. Elva I ^eavy enough to cause any damage gon settler and Indian fighter, died Cochran; Official. ----------- I of this year. ln this vicinity aside from «lowing Hprlngfleld aanl a alrnngor team at hla home, 1708 Thirteenth ave­ present Its report. Thia waa to Ailams, and Mary Louk. Night Watechman at Giustina Survivors include his widow. A short program honoring Mill Found Dead Friday down train schedule« ln the moun­ agalnat Cottage tlrov» than they nue east la Eugene, Haturday even have been taken care of during Mrs. Ruth Harriett Easton; three the December meeting which hail Thomas Welldy. founder of the I. O .' tain«, and making motoring danger­ had don» again«t If. It. 8. 'Brink' Ing at the age of 84 years. By Searching Party children. Mrs. Mabel Schwering, to Im cancelled because of the rush O. F. lodge In the United Htatea. ous and disagreeable. Mr Collins was born In Wash Hawke's Injured font has recovered — ......... Waltervllle, Mrs. Lucy Irvin, Eu-! ----------- of Chrlatmaa activities. waa held following the buslnese nicely and the roach baa had time Ington county, Ohio on August 2. The snowfall waa quite general Peter Fred Pederson, employed 6ene. Arthur T. Easten. Walter- Annual Report Being Pre- P. J. Bartholomew 1« president of i meeting. Mrs. Putman read a bio to reorganise hla squad since lua 1848 and croaaed the plains over over the entire Pacific Coast In­ night watchman for the Giustina r,Ue: »even grandchildren. Mrs. pared; Use of Facilities graphy of the founder during this brothers Bawni„, ner.r wbb Andrew Gabriel. Miss Ruth Schwer­ cluding California. Many of the win­ Ing Tom Williams, guard, who la the North Platte route with hla par­ the Brotherhood. Show Increase for Year part of tbe meeting. ter resorts in fhat state have not now playing with Pleaaant Hill. ents when he waa 16. There were found dead Friday morning by bis ing. Mrs. Rube Montgomery. Mrs | The appearance of Morris Hlewart 34 wagons In the train when It PROBLEMS TALKED AT brother. Chris Pederson, Robert Joe Slavens, Jesse and Walker' Two new members were added hail sufficient snows ao far to make for practice thia week brightened crossed the Boiler road over the? Evans and H. F. Brown, members: Schwering, and Gall Easton. He to the Board of Directors of the winter sport« successful. Now with DISTRICT LEGION MEET the Hprlngfleld prospects. Hlewart Cascades. of a searching party who began 1,80 ><*»»• three great-grandchll- Springfield public library at their the latest snow they are busy ad­ la a new man. but »hows promise looking tor him when he did not dren. meeting held in the new library vertising special outings of all Hla life was broken up by fre ; Relief of the needy will be one of becoming a valuable man for quent moves. When the family |of the major projects of the Am- show up after his night's work. A member of tbe Church of Eng- quarters Thursday afternoon of kinds. Oregon also Is turning her at­ tbe team Finding of his body a short ais- land- Mr. Ea ton bad been attend- last week. The new members of arrived In Oregon they settled al>erlcan l-eglon posts In Oregon this I lance from where be had parked in* the Presbyterian church In Eu- the board are Mrs. Milton V. tention to winter sports quite Two other games remain on the ('ullage drove where he remained year its waa decided at the dls- hla bicycle Indicated that he had *ene »Ince coming to the United Walker and Mrs. Walter Scott. Mra. »rnestly now. Sunday saw more Hprlngfleld schedule for thia week for six years In 1X7» he went to trlct meeting of the I-eglon with died shortly after arriving at the States. Emery was re-elected president of than 60 automobile« drive up tha They are both "B" league games, Ashland to work on a ranch, but Htste Officers held In Eugene on McKenxie to Lost Creek ranch and but are plenty tough. A victory noon enlisted In the Oregon Volun Thursday evening of last week. Ray Wide Range of References, mill. He had not been working, Funeral services will be held I the board. this afternoon from the Poole-Gray-1 other members of the Library beyond for outings. Many stopped In either nr both of them would leers under Captain Applegate to Talbot, district commander, pre Used in Gathering Material during the night mean a great deal for Hprlngfleld fight in the Modoc Indian war. He sided. Mr. Pederson was born In Den­ Bartholomew chapel In Eugene at board „ g Mrfl c R Wheaton. Mrs. at Lost Creek Ranch where they for Popular Lecture enjoyed toboggan rides and ski 2 o'clock. Rev. Milton 9. Weber, l . K. Page, Mra. William Rouse. In the athletic world. Tonight they wsa stationed al Yanex on the lava The question of the State Aid mark slxty-one years ___________ ago and came jumping. Others drove on to tha to America when he "was 21. He p“ ,or of the Pr«*byterlan and Mrs. E. E. Potter. meet the Hants Clara team on the beds from December 1872 to Janu Commission was taken up and It H. F. Irvin, a successful corpora­ x great Increase in the use of bowl’ where more timid akl riders loeal gymnasium flour at 7 o'clock. ary 20, 1873. returning to Jackson­ wa the opinion of those present tion lawyer of Loa Angeles who lived In Nebraska and Kansas for ln Eugene, will be assisted by Rev The teams have met before und ville in 1876 when he waa dis­ that this needed revision, but quit his business practice to travel many years before coming to Ore- H. R. White, rector of the Eptsco- the facilities of the library waa were able to try their skill. __ ago. He Pa' church, in conducting the fu- noted during the past year accord- Saturday sees the start of tha each bolds one victory over the charged should be retained. about the country delivering a lec­ gon and Dexter five years other. ture on "Jesus of Naxareth.” will was a member of the Lutheran n€ral 8erT,ceB Interment will be ing to Mr„ i>aTid Saltsman, llbrar- big winter carnival in Portland He did not give up hla adventur­ ¡an. Many people who have no em- which will move to Mt. Hood dur­ Then Saturday comes one of the ous career rt this time, however, TWO STUDENTS ATTEND give thia lecture tonight at the church and of the Danish Brother- made in Mt. Vernon cemetery. Six friend« of the deceased, Vem . pioyment are spending much time ing the week-end. The entire next moat Interesting games of the sea- as he soon went to Hurprlae Valley Methodlst church. heod OLDER BOYS' MEETING week will be devoted to outings ami. the Hl. Mary'a Hprlngfleld con­ and to Llnkvllle, now Klamath Mr. Irvin gathered his Informa Survivors include hit brother, Caldwell. Milton Ashley, Marvin in the library she reports. Drury, Lester Millican, Everett and sports on the slopes of the test also to bo played on the local Falla, where he was employed by tlon for the lecture from historical !1 hrls- »t Dexter with whom he had The annual report of the library George Marx and Jay Paulson re­ Wearln. and Dell Benson will act mountain. Prominent ski riders floor etartlng at 7 o'clock. Ibe government to make 100,000 presented Hprlngfleld high school records entirely Independent of (be been living, two other brothers. la being compiled now and will be as pall bearers from vartous parts n t th e cown,ry HI Mary'» high srhnnl In Eugene shingle shnkea for us» at Fort Kla­ Frederick Pederson and Severne Bible and has been appearing be­ given to tbe Library board soon. at tbe annual Older Boys' Confer­ will be present to entertain and la rated aa one of the strongest math lie next went to Gold Beach ence held at the Baptiat church in fore packed houaea everywhere he Pederson; and one sister, Katrina compete for valuable prlxes. “B" league teams thia season. They for a while before returning to Eugene laat week end. The confer­ has been, winning tbe admiration Pederson, all living In Denmark. MANY ATTEND SUPPER Several members of the Lane have an entire experienced team Cottage Grove In 1880. Graveside funeral services were ence Is sponsored by the Northwest Of both ardent church members County Obsidians are planning AT CHURCH ON FRIDAY carried over from laat year'« squad held at the Pleaaant Hill cemetery lie next moved to Hquuw Cre- k Council of Young Men's Chrlstlas and others who seldom attend ser­ trips to Mt. Hood during the week­ and are making a determined ef In central regon but returned to associations and delegates are vices. Sunday afternoon at 2:30. The Nearly 200 persona attended the end. fort to cop the district league chum Cottage Grove to marry Mary El The weekly prayer service at the service was conducted by Dr. E. V. chosen from Hl-Y organisations In chicken pie cafeteria supper at the plonahlp Thia game will be watch dore Demewood. Ijiter they lived al each city in the district. The boys Baptist church has been cancelled 8tlvers and Poole-Gray-Bartholo- Methodist church Friday evening. MANY MEN APPLY ed with Intermit both here and In Colfax. Washington. Prineville. will attempt to re-organlse a Hl-Y this evening ao that members of mew chapel had charge of arrange­ Officers School, Evening During the meal a program with Eugene where two other teams are Goshen. Collage Grove, Creswell, dub at Hprlngfleld high school. the congregation may hear the ments. FOR NEW ROAD WORK Meeting and Social Plan­ vocal and Instrumental music was scheduled to meet Hprlngfleld. lawyer speak. In Butte county California, he Dal presented. These numbers included Ainolher game ha« been sche­ lea, then at Wendltng. Hprlngfleld, ned for Lodge Official More than 125 men have made PLAY CAST TAKEN TO Mrs. C. F. Barber, violin, with application for work at the new DEATHS EXCEED BIRTHS dule,) for Hprlngfleld high school West prlngflcld. and Eugene. Plans for the entertainment of Mrs. W. N. Gossler as her accom­ road camp opened Tuesday of this gym next Tuesday evening when SEE CHINESE PICTURE EIGHT PERSONS TAKE Survivors Include his widow, RECORDS HERE REVEAL Mrs. Monnie Hauser. Salem, as­ panist; Mrs. Jane Ketels. vocalist, week by Lane county court and the lziwell will send her bneknlball Mrs. Mary Eldora Collins; four DRIVER EXAMINATIONS Members of the cast of "Nothing «quad to this city. The number of people dying dur­ sociate grand matron of Order of with Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter, ac­ Sluslaw officials below Mapleton. daughters. Mrs. O. (>. Voss, Port­ companist and vocal solo by Ken- Rut the Truth,” three-act comedy land. Mrs. L. It Millican. Walter Friday the thirteenth, was not a ing the year 1832 greatly exceeded Eastern Star for Oregon when she The camp was started with the vllle, Mrs. Ray (). Perry, Dreway, presented by the Dramatics class very strong day for Glen Bonn, lie- births during the same period in makes her official visit to Cascade ueth Roduner. with Mrs. Milton V. idea of giving employment to many RED SOX GIRLS WANT st the high school last term were lodge were discussed at the meet­ Walker as accompanist. ot the single men who are passed MORE COMPETITION and Mrs. F K. Frills. Roseburg; guests of their advisor and coach. ense examiner, who was here Fri­ Springfield according to records ing of the local group Tuesday Rev. and Mrs. Dean C. Poindex by in distributing moet of the other and 18 grandchildren. day of laat week to give examina­ kept by Dr. W. H. Pollard, city phy­ ter directed games and social acti­ employment. They are to work for Funeral services were held Mon­ Miss Bernice Conoly. at a theatre tion» to applicants. Only one person sician. Births for which certificates evening. Despite the fact that they have party at the Fox-McDnnald theatre braved the supposed Jinx and took have been Issued here number 42 Mrs. Hauser will make her In­ vities following the supper. day afternoon al 2 o'clock from periods ot 30 days at a time and lost a large percentage of their In Eugene Wednesday. The picture the teat during the morning. Seven while deaths total 63. spection of Cascade chapter on Members of the Ladles Aid had will receive room and board and a basket lull I gaums ao far thia sea­ tha Veatch chapel In Eugene. Rev they was was "The Mask of Dr. Fu others took the test during the This is not necessarily a trne February 7 and will spend the charge of arrangements for the af­ wage of 50 cents dally. son. member« of the Red Hox. girls J. C. Templeton officiated and Inter­ Manchu.” barometer of conditions, however, afternoon here conducting a train­ fair. ment was made In the laiurel Grove Their work consists of clearing afternoon. Imskelball team of Eugene and The teat la both written and de­ as only those children born within ing school for officers. the right-of-way for the new Slue- Hprlngfleld. want to schedule more cemetery. Members of Hprlngfleld A social evening will be held fob ' law highway between Mapleton and monstrative. After passing a satis­ this district are registered here. A contests during (he next few weeks I. O. O. F. lodge number 70 had MY FATHER'S BUSINESS lowing the official inspection dur - MANY SPRINGFIELD FOLK Florence. Their first work Is to be They are a good basketball team charge of the graveside services SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC factory written teat the applicant Is large percentage are born In hos­ YEAR'S JURY LIST the construction of a suspension given an actual driving teat. A fee pitals In Eugene and are registered Ing the lodge session Mrs C. A and will pul up sufficient nppoal Mr. Collins was a member of the Swarts has been named chairman T L A K S JU R Y LIS I bridge across the 9iuslaw river at "About My Father's Business." of 60 cents Is charged those per­ there, although their home is in this tlon for moat group« thinks Muxlne local Odd Fellows lodge and wore of a committee to take charge of city. their camp. n 60-yesr membership Jewel at the sons who apply for renewal of their Many Springfield people were la the I heme of the message at the Snodgra a. member of the Red Hox this social. She will be assisted by I Tools and a camp foreman, C. W. Sunday morning worship service license. named on the Jury list prepared Although they have lost many time of his death. Mrs. W. N. Dow and Mrs Helena at the Methodist church at eleven I this week by the county clerk. Welt. Is furnished by the Sluslaw gamee, moat of them have been by MRS. PRIVAT ENTERTAINS Perkins. o'clock. The Church school meets There were nearly 500 persons list- National Forest office. very small margins such aa the HIGH SCHOOL PLANS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Thirty men will be used at a ed from all parts of the county. at 8:46. The Epworth leagues at FOR KENSINGTON CLUB game al Hants Clara Monday even­ POPULARITY CONTEST 6:30 p. m. The evening preaching The first Jury panel will be time and then a new crew will be MOCK RADIO BROADCAST ing when they garnered the short HIGH SCHOOL CLASS Mrs. E. E. Fraederlck. Mrs. R. L. drawn by the sheriff early In Feb­ given employment. end of a 28-26 score. A contest to name the most popu Is nt 7:30. A cordial Invitation to Members of the Sophomore class Drury, and Mrs. E. E. May were TAKE SALEM TR IP TODAY ruary for duty during the February all these services la extended by lar boy and girl In Hprlngfleld high of Hprlngfleld high school present­ guests of the Kensington club when term of circuit court. Thirty-one ARETANIA TO SEND school Is now belli? started under Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor. More than 40 Springfield people ed a radio program during the as­ that group met Friday afternoon names will he drawn at that time FRIDAY, TH IR T E E N T H 18 the auspices of the Girls' League. and students In the clvtcs class at DELEGATION TO MEET at the home of Mrs Edward Privat. sembly period at the high school Springfield people named on the BIRTHDAY OF CHILD Each class will name two candi­ SPECIAL LODGE DRILL Friday with Everett Chetwood an Mrs. Ijtwrence May wa« the as­ Springfield high school left this Jury are William Baines, Jessie morning for Salem to view the Plan« to «end a delegation from dates for the contest. Three hnve CALLED FOR FRIDAY announcer. sistant hostess. How would you like to have your Bertsch. J. E. Cross. Carl Carpen­ Hprlngfleld to the annual state already made their selections. The The next meeting of the club will workings of the legislature and to ter. John Crabtree. Hattie B. Drury. birthday fall on Friday the thir­ Numbers on the program Included All officers und members of the convention of World Wide Oulld to freshmen have chosen Lillian a vocal solo by Wilma Lewis, piano be held January 27 at the home ot visit the various state institutions. John Hammitt, L. R. Hack. John teenth? That happened to the In­ be held nt Corvallis on- February Trlnka and Robert Calkins as their drill team of the Neighbors of solo by Eunice Rhlnevalut. tumbl­ Mrs. W. N. Dow. A potluck lunch­ Several local people took students Ketels. Sr.. Hattie E. Myers. M. J. fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil- IS anil I» were discussed at the representatives. Hophomorea will Woodcraft lodge are urged to at­ ing act by Henrietta Lyons and eon will precede the business meet­ to the capital In their automobiles. McKlln, L. K. Page. Leota Roden- more Oliver Daniels who was born This educational trip was planned meeting of Aretanla guild of the be represented by Mary Hmltaon tend a »pedal final Joint drill with Wyetta Spriggs, tap dancing by ing and social afternoon. bnugh. Pearl Schantol, Charles here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the Eugene groups Friday night, for Wednesday but had to be post­ Raptlst church held at the home of and Carter Hartman. Bobby Rebhan, and reading by Mar­ Stephen. Rachel Thatcher. Mrs. E. Otto Smith on Water street, Fri­ Members of the Junior class Wed­ January 20, In preparation for the poned according to W. E. Buell, Mrs. Maude Chase In Garden Way jorie llart. and acrobatic stunts by N. Thompson. W. P. Tyson. Theron day. January 13, 1833. Mr. and Mrs. principal of the school and leader Tuesday evening. Delegate« to the nesday chose Echo Tomseth and public Installation of officers of Mary Hmltaon. LAYMEN START TALKS Thompson. D. L. Wooley, W. J. Daniels operate the tavern, "Sign of the trip. convention will be named at a Bruoe Squires aa their representa­ both lodges which will be held Janu­ Wallace. Abbie Wheaton and A. L. of the Fir” at McKenxie bridge. ON VALUE OF CHURCH tives. The senior class la expected ary 26. A similar practice was held future meeting. Although her first birthday was Yarnell. Mrs. Chester Chase led the dla- to name their caudldatea this week­ Thursday evening of last week. MRS. BARTHOLOMEW HAS Starting last Sunday laymen of PINE CIRCLE NEIGHBORS on Friday the thirteenth, It may be end. euaalon on a chapter from the lunik. long time before this happens ERGATHA WEDNESDAY the Methodist congregation will INSTALL AT JUNCTION •Tatdy Fourth Daughter" during LIONS CLUB TO HEAR GIRL SCOUTS ENTERTAIN again. give short three to five minute the meeting. EIGHTH B' GRADE HAS Ida Adams, district guardian for FOR BOYS ON SATURDAY Members of tbe Ergatha Sunday talks on the subject, "The Value of ORCHESTRA ON FRIDAY school claes of the Methodist the Church to the Community" dur­ Neighbors of Woodcraft, went to CHARGE OF PROGRAM LEGION MEETING AT Members of the Hprlngfleld Lions church were guests at the home of ing the service each week until Junction City Monday evening Nearfly 40 boys and girls attend CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR A two-act play and a song num­ dub will be entertained with music Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew Wednesday February 6. Dr. W. H. Pollard where she installed new officers of ed the party which the Springfield PLANS HARD TIM E PARTY WALTERVILLE TONIGHT ber. "The Old Family Toothbrush" by an orchestra under the direction afternoon for their regular meeting. spoke laat Sunday and Frank Bailey the lodge in that city. Three past Girl Scout troop gave at the Metho­ Members of the Christian En­ The regular aeml-monthty meet­ were the features of the program of Jlnt MacManlman when they hold A short business meeting and a Is to be the speaker the coming guardians of Pine circle of Spring- dist church Saturday evening for field. Mrs. Edith Laxton. Mrs. Jue- member« of the local Boy Scout deavor of the Christian church will ing of American I^eglot»'post num­ presented at the Lincoln Junior their regular noon meeting Friday social afternoon waa held. Mrs. Sunday. tta Taylor. Mrs. Myrtle Egglmann, troop. Miss Eunice Gerber. Q4rl sponsor a Hard Times party In the ber 40 will be held at Waltervllle high school Friday. Menihera of the at Taylor hall. A report from the George Prochnow and Mra. P. J. and Mr. Adams also attended the Scout director, and Glen Martin, social rooms of the church Friday tonight. Tho meeting will begin etghlh-B clasn were In charge committee on Iatdlea' Night plans Crow were asstatlng hostesses. The TOWN TEAM LOSES Installation. Boy Scout leader, had charge of evening at 7:30. Alta Manning. with a potluck supper at 8:30 and Those taking part In the program will be given at the meeting. N. L. next meeting place will toe a>n GAME TUESDAY NIG H ! Jewel Helterbrand and Dawn be followed by a business session, were Ruth Keeler, Elva Boyles, Pollard and I. M. Peterson are on nounced later. arrangements for the party. the program committee. Church will have charge of ar­ according to P. J. Rortholomew, Bessie Cox, and Clara Brooks. Hendershott's basketball team LIONS QUARTET HEARD rangements. All young folks of adjutant. ODD FELLOWS HAVE ON ARTISAN PROGRAM defeated the Springfield town team P.-T. A. MEETING TO the community are Invited to at TWO LOCAL MEN AT JUNIOR BASKETBALL In a game at the Y. M. C. A. gym­ MEETING WEDNESDAY The Springfield Lion's club quar­ BE AT H. S. TODAY tend. NEEDLECRAFT MEETING nasium Tuesday evening. The score DISTRICT MEETING TO GO TO WENDLING tet was heard In a short program was 26-16 at the half, and atood at Regular meeting of the Hprlng TO BE HELD TODAY Visiter from Wendllng — E. D. Monthly meeting of the Spring- over the radio station KORE In Rev. Dean (’. Poindexter nnd Dr. The Junior high school basketball field 1. O. O. F. lodge number 70 60-30 at the cloae of the period. Reldmond of Wendllng wss a bssl- field Parent Teacher association Eugene Tuesday evening. The mem­ Lineups for the teams were: Mra. P. J. Bartholomew will en­ W. H. Polluril motored to Halsey team from Lincoln school will go was held at the lodge hall Wednes­ will be held at the high school thia ness visitor In Springfield Saturday. bers of the quartet. Dr. W. C. Reb­ Wednesday evening to attend the Wlrth (13) .........F Leathers (6) to Wendllng Friday to play tho bas­ day evening with the newly In tertain at her home thia afternoon Mattison (2) han. Veltle Pruitt. D. B. Murphy afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mothers of for the regular meeting of the meeting of the Methodist Men's ketball team there. Wilson Taylor stalled officers In charge of th» McDonald (8) . F Eugsne Man Hers—Charles M ar­ students In the school will have Needlecraft club. Hhe will be as­ Brotherhood» for this district. H. E. Is captain of the Hprlngfleld boys meeting. A social evening was en­ Berger (10) .......C..... Ernstlng (8) and Merton Ferebee song over the shall of Eugene was a visitor la charge of the program and refresh radio during the Artisan program Thatcher (8) Hlattery of Eugene was the princi­ Iutndrum (2) ....G and Roy Qulney, principal, Is their joyed In the club rooms following sisted by Mrs. R. L. Drury. A social 'Bprtocfleld Wednesday meats. ..... Nice (4) from 8 to 8:30. coach. Coleman (7) ..... O the business meeting. afternoon la planned for the guests. pal speaker of the ovenlng. LOWELL HERF TUESDAY DIES SAIURDAT PETER PEDERSON OIES « I DEXTER NEW MEMBERS LAWYER SPEAKER COMES TONIGHT Star Inspection On tebruarv 7