lying Champ 10269624 ELECTRIC HOTBEDS HIGHLY PRACTICAL Baseball Now tinder Wav for 1933 i Coat of Installstlon Not Very Great; May Be Used Twice During Season GRUDGE MATCH How to have the advantages ot . electric heat for hot beds or pro- I pagating benches at reasonable | coat L described In a recent bulletin from the Oregon Experiment ata- Wrestling (ana will flock to the I tion written by F. E. Price and C. Eugene Armory tonight If they are J. Hurd, agricultural engineers. really as interested in thia Jensen Though of comparatively recent Achlu feud as they profess to be. origin, the electric soil heating de­ Seldom does a promoter have as vices have set the pace among farm strong a match fall right into his electrical equipment for quick popu- lap aa did Herb Owen with hta two ! larit.v. principals on the curd for tonight. Even before the experiment sta Perhaps It was a bit of fate. When : tion workers had perfected the Walter Achiu entered the ring last equipment to the point where they week to referee the match be­ were ready to recommend it gen tween Jenaen and Rob Roy he erally, growers and especially pro­ worked hard and after repeatedly pagators of ornamental plants, were warning Jensen of his fouling tac­ ’ Installing the equipment then being tics. proceeded to give the decid­ experimented and were getting sat­ ing fall and match to Roy. isfactory results that demand fot Jensen Immediately demanded a more information was inslsteant. match with Achlu on threat of leav­ The present illustrated bulletin ing the county for good. Achlu de­ ■ is the result of the extensive experi­ feated the strong man from Elkton The fact that she has no name does menting that has been carried on In a Portland match, and won a not discourage ‘ ’ Number 3 3 " , this at Corvallis and with cooperators decision in Eugene when Thor white leghorn owned by George Eng- in commercial work in various land of Inglewood, Calif. She holds tangled himself up in the ropes al­ the American record o f 330 eggs per parts of the state. Costs and pro­ most strangling himself. year and she’s in training for t»e cedure have been carefully worked Jenaen haa won two matches Chicago World F u r this year. out so that the bulletin as issued from Achiu so the contest tonight forms a handy guide to anyone con­ will be for the best three out of TAX LEAGUE DEMANDS templating installing such equip­ five matches. ment. or it will help answer the DOC BOARD REMOVAL GuatavU Johnson of Minneapolis question of whether such equipment a large Finlander, will be at the Members of the South Lane will pay in a given situation. Armory to meet Toby Wallace of county Tax League this week went Has Superior Advantages Salt Lake City in the 45-minute on record os approving a plan Advantages listed for the electric special event preceding the grudge whereby the county dog control beds over the usual manure hot­ match. board would be eliminated and its beds Include automatic tempera­ duties taken over by the sheriff, ture control at any desired point, “SHEPHERDS OF SOULS“ clerk and assessor. These three resulting in better quality planta; SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC men would act on all claims for rate of growth can be controlled, damages and the sheriff would plants can be grown to transplant­ "Shepherds of Souls." will be the make all investigations and dis­ ing site more quickly, and the elec­ sermon theme Sunday morning at pose of all unlicensed or sheepkill­ tric beds can be used two or more the Methodist church, at 11 o’clock. ing dogs. The plan is said to be an times in one season. Soil heating cable costs only $5 for a 6x6 foot The evening message at 7:30 will economy move. At the same time, R. J. Morris, heed, and a thermostat from $5.75 be: "Grounded Generators” The church school meets at 9:45 deposed county dog officer, yester to $11. so installation casts are not a m. The Epworth League at 6:30 day declared through his attorney, excessive. Advantages of the electric beds p. m. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter will W. W. Harcombe. his intention of preach at both services. carrying his suit against Lane coun over greenhouses for plant growing A cafeteria supper will be given ty for salary alleged due him on include much smaller initial cost, at 6:30 Friday evening. Chicken pie an old contract, to the supreme elimination of need for extra cold grames. elimination of use of ’flats' will be served. A program and com­ court. for the seedlings, and elemination munity singing will take place of much labor hy the new method. about the tables. Among the num­ N. O. W. GETS READY FOR For cut in propagating beds for bers on the program will be solos LARGE INSTALLATION cuttings the electric equipment has by Jane Ketels and Kenneth Rodu- given such amazing results that its ner. Violin solos by Mrs. Barber ac­ Advance night for the new of­ effect is being felt in the industry. companied by Veda Gossler. Follow­ ficers of Pine circle, Neighbors of Cuttings are rooted In a fraction of ing the program there will group Woodcraft, was held here Wednes­ the usual time and some species games led by Dean Poindexter. day evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. never before propagated that way The newly elected officers who will are rooted with ease. DISTRICT MEETING OF be installed at the joint installation LEGION BODIES TONIGHT ceremonies to be held at the new W. O. W. hall in Eugene. January SNOW SPORTS POPULAR Announcement haa been made of 26. took charge of initiation exer­ W ITH YOUNG FOLKS NOW the district meeting of the Ameri cises for Oakley Mac-quire. Each week-end now sees more can Legion posts and their auxili­ A committee of five was appoint­ aries to be held at Le Duke's cafe ed to plan for some benefit affair to and more young people in the Up­ in Eugene this evening at 6:30. The be held in the near future. Members per McKenzie county enjoying the district comprises posts in Lincoln. of this committee are Mrs. Ida snow sports which are so easily Benton, and Lane counties. Adams. Mrs. Stella Lewis. Miss reached in the vicinity of Lost Meiba Mellon, Mrs. Alice Doane, Creek ranch and the Obsidians camp. Fire at Rebhan Home and Mrs. Daisy Pugh. The highway has been opened Fire whicn broke out near the Merchants III — Dallas Murphy to a point one-fourth mile beyond furnace in Dr. W. C. Rebhan'a home at 8:30 thia morning caused but and J. Fulop have both had seiges the Obsidian cabins and a large little damage before It was extin­ of the influenza during the past space has been cleared in which to turn automobiles around with­ guished A small part of the timbers week. out much difficulty. were burned over, some electric Chains are not absolutely neces­ Leaburg Resident Here— Mrs. J. light wire was damaged and the sary, but should be taken along as , W. Clawson of Leaburg was a busi­ asbestos lining on the top of the furnace was ruined by water. It ness visitor in Springfield Wednes- i well as a shovel for emergencies. The bowl, a large ampitheatre Is not known how the fire started. ! day. about a mile and a half above the Obsidian cabins on the Foley ridge trail, is one of the most popular places for ski riders. Ring Work of Oriental Rouses Ire of Elkton Man Who Demands Contest T akes Both QUALITY and LOW PRICE to M ake E conom y Start the New Year right by trading at the W HITE FRONT GROCERY, the home of quality foods. 1 ,.JF ¿¿A When ' ’ Babe'' Ruth .tarts to limber up fur another seaaea of swat, fans may k -iw that an other big league rare it in the offtog . . . The '•llabe’* now works out in a New York gymnasium taking off weight and getting ready for the train mg ramp call, now but a few weeks away. Sa, Cafeteria Meal NEED FOR WATER CAUSES OIL FINO at Church bridav Like the fretful boesy who kicked over nu oil lamp and start­ ed the Chicago fire, a thirsty cow struck a spark of genius In the mind of a farmer and caused a backyard well to gush gold and her­ self to be displaced by a roaring lion. Chicken pie will be one of the dishes served at the Methodist church Friday evening at the public cafeteria dinner which the Ladies aid is planning. Serving will start at 6 o’clock in the church base ment. A musical program will be pres ented during the evening following the supper. Rev. Dean C. Poin­ dexter will have charge of this entertainment, it has been an­ nounced. BROKEN SLICE PINEAPPLE, large size 2’/ 2 cans 2 for 25C PILLSBURY PANCAKE FLOUR. Large, Pkg. TOILET SOAP, 4 for BIX BISCUIT FLOUR ........................ 1QC 25c 6«/MARY MARS-HALL Printed silk dresses and frocks, now making their appearance for a new season, have evidently fol­ lowed a cue from winter apparel's popularity in bright colors. Prints being shown have bright colored grounds such as pumpkin, light reds, romantic greens, gold, light blue and rose as well as gray and beige. And a FREE 35c TICKET to McDONALD THEATRE FREE YO-YO g e n u in e ‘ D uncan " /w ustC AL YO-YO 3 5 < V A L U E M E T A L CAN T be BOUGHT IN STORES F R E E IN EACH PACKAGE O F £n££9 7 h e n c k o c lic io u s QUICK COOWHG CefCAL OATriWHGAT BASE -fly Albert T. Reid NOW YOU J U S ’ TR.Y To / z FftC X ; OW WHAT Y O U O W E M E A M D I T ’S F IN IS H FO R. Y o y / , HE OWES ’ at G ur T en cents aho I'Z ’S TB-VINÖ TO S IT OUT OF IT« K ' -Ta' r» < How disappointed your friends are if you have no Telephone! ip - l GE PKG. ANNOUNCING Wright & Sons W A IT A MIMUTE , F E L L O w J - ft/ u Thurston EARL B. GILMORE It was thirty years ago that the late A. F. Gilmore bad to havq^ water for his dairy herd. He was sinking a well in what is now the heart of Log Angeles' exclusive residential district. But instead of securing water, up came black oil and It all looked black for the Gil­ more family. Water was his need. Gil waa no one's need. New Industry Born. Mlssea Edith Ruder of Junction But he thought out a means of cis Elston, treasurer Mrs. Rennie transforming the black of failure | Kooier will entertain the group on City, Velma Smith of Franklin. Alice Calvert of Eugene, spent Sat­ into the gold of good fortune and January 19. A. A. Johnaton came home from urday night with Miss Hasel Bd- he turned hla attention to the use of oil for road building. He pio­ 'be hospital Saturday night. While mlaton. neered in that field, developed ma at work at Kern-KIhb-'« near Cres chinery and built thousands of I cent lake last week he had two miles of highways. To him goes bones broken In his toe when a the distinction of pioneering the barret of oil dropped on his foot good-road movement that has made- this Pacific Coast ths mecca and Mr. J innston's home Is at Leaburg.' Four new members, Charlotte marvel of motorist« from the world j Alien. Pearl lengle, Mrguret Slav over. jn i and Alvina Deadniond were Automobiles were yet to come. honoi guests at a party given by the What refining of crude oil was car-' tied on was done to secure kero-I Girl Scouts at Leaburg All are new sene (or lamps, such as the bossy members of the troop. kicked over, and a little gasoline i Mrse. J. B. Barreau entertained with four tables of "600” at the for gasoline stoves. home of her mother. Mrs. W. C. Program Launched. After the death of the founder of Th>ene< Friday. the company. 1918, his son Earl II. The Workers' society will meet Gilmore succeeded to the presi-' Friday afternoon at the home of dency. Then, at a time when re­ Mrs. Fred Easton at Walterville trenchment programs were Insti- j (he Walterville Ladles Union tuted over the entire country, he gathered his forces together and Al l Hoi lety is meeting at the home launched an aggressive expansion of Mrs W iliam Hucka Thursday program that has placed him afternoon. among the leaders in movements to restore prosperity. Through an In­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS tensive campaign of advertising Notice Is hereby given that the and selling to back up a better product, his name Is known as a undersigned has been appointed as Executor of the estate of C. L. symbol of progress. Olsen, deceased, by the County Court of Lane County. Oregon. All To Visit Mother—I’. J. Bartholo­ persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pres- mew left Thursday for Portland ent the same, properly verified to to visit his mother, Mrs. W. A. Bar the undersigned, at the office of tboiomew. His mother has been 111 Wella & Wells, Attorneys, Bank of Commerce Building, in Eugene, recently. Lane County, Oregon, within six month« of the date of the first pub Itcatlon of thia notice. To Brownsville— Mrs. E. E. Pyne, Date of first publication January accompanied by her mother. Mrs. 12th, 1933 Nellie Jordan, and Mrs. Bert Doane, MARTIN P. OLSEN. Executor made a trip to Brownsville yester­ WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. ( J 12-19-26 F 2 91 day. Mrs. Jordan remained at Brownsville for an Indefinite stay. CITATION This Debt Repudiation Has Ootta’ Stop e 4 f Fake crop ruckels have liecomu ■ arly American Inventor Greatly Increasingly unprofitable In Oregon Improves Use of Glasses In recent years as farmers have With BI-Foci I Lena learned to seek uuhlased Informs Eye doctors all over the United Hon. usually available from Ihe ex­ INatee are now planning special tension service nr experiment sta window displays and oilier features tion. before putting out gisid money for next week honoring Benjamin (or "tulrade" cropi, reports 0, It, Franklin on Ills blrih which was llyslnp. head nt farm crops at Oro January 17. 17»« according to Dr. gon State college. Kila C. Meade, Eugene optometrist, "In the old days a promoter who has secured a large husl of could get into a district and unload the famous Inventor to be u»ed ns a lot of fake material and he gone before responsible agricullurel su a pari of her display. Ihorlllea heard almut It.” says lly Franklin Is credited with Ihe In­ slop. "Wider use of farm news­ vention of the first bi focal glasses papers. the radio, and exlenalon and which have been gradually Im­ research workers have done much proved from his lime until we now In Oregon Io prevent (he e rackets have Ihe attractive eye glasses of getting very far." today. He wore glnssca when a young In From Fall Creek — Mr and man and was about 40 years old Mrs. Claude (llaspey of Fall Creek when he discovered that I hi* bi­ were visitors In Hprltigflnld Mon focal lens greatly Improved hla day. sight and eliminated much of ihe Inconvenience of the old method of Coburg Man Hero— M E Mulvey carrying two palra of gluaaea lie went further uml made them octa ot Coburg was a business visitor In gun In shape, being convinced that Springfield Wednesday. they were easier on his eyes and CALL FOR WARRANTS more attractive. These he named Notice la hereby given that (he Colonial lens, one form of which la still being shown among School District No. 19. In ijuie displays of smart modern eye County. Oregon, will pay at the of­ fice of clerk uf said district, all glaasea. warrants Io and lorludelng 3491, dated November 1». 1933 Interest ceasiM after January 14, 1933. C F BARBER, Clerk. Bedroom Pieces In design the patterns are brush Admitted to Hospital— Sherman or freehand motifs. They are model­ R. Conrad was admitted to the ed in simple tailored effects. The Eugene hospital on Wednesday. patterns seemingly are selected to Visitor from Worldling— Mrs. T. harmonize well with current colors J. Garrett of Wendling was a visitor in winter coats, which shows that the designers are at last recogniz­ in Springfield Wednesday. ing the need of giving the wearer an opportunity to be well dressed Leaburg Resident Here — Mrs. Charles Carter of Leaburg was a without purchase of an entire new costume. visitor in Springfield Saturday. The illustration above portrays one of the popular new spring print H ere from W a lte rv ille — Mrs. A. A. Campbell of Walterville was a models. It is a pumpkin ground with a romantic green and black pattern. visitor in Springfield Wednesday. 33c Walnut growing Is one farming enterprise etlli showing (sir profits even under present adverse condi­ tions. geueral reports Indicate, hence there le considerable Interest in the business. It Is a long road ami a fairly ex pensive one, however, from i'u* land to a 13 year-old bearing walnut orchard, points out . 8. Barrier, farm management specialist at Ore­ gon State college who te conducting in cooperation with the federal de partment of agriculture an econo­ mic study of walnut growing, atari ed at the request of the organised growers. To bring an orchard to profitable bearing, which is ordinarily IS year« of age, eoats a total of $341 per acre, according to records obtain ed from 41 growers. Of thia amount $161 per acre Is the first rnst ot land suited to walnut growing. $43 1» the coal of planting anil the first year's operations, and $14.19 per acre is the annual coat thereafter, granting that other crops are grown between the tree« to cut down the cost. All of this is not cash cost, of course, particularly In the case of an orchard grown on a general (arm The average caah outlay for grow­ ing costa was found to be $75 per acre, mostly accounted for In trees, taxee and hired labor. A preliminary report of Ihe study Is available free in mimeographed form. Mr and Mrs Walter Edmlston from Eugene were In Thurston last The Walterville Neighbors of Monday They are planning to build Woodcraft held Installation of offl- a new house here aa soon ns Ihe cer» Friday evening Three officers weather rettlea. Mias Inex Eyler returned to who were III will be installed In two I ortland last Sunday where she la weeks. The McKenxie tledsldes have taking nursea training at St. Vin­ scored two Interesting wins this cent hospital. Mrs. Stotersted and daughter, week. They won a non-orheduled Katherine, visited friends at Drain game with Thurston Monday night with a score of 34-13. This Is Tliurs u few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Safely who ton's first defeat of the year, but hav been living at Roseburg since will not affect Thurston’s confer ence standing, being only a practice their marriage have moved to Eu­ gene. Mr Safely Is employed with game. a petroleum company. The Leaburg Ladles' Aid society ' Mr. and Mru. Ralph Bonney and had annua) election of officers at daughter, Shirley Mae, returned Its last meeting Mrs. Marion El from Klamath Falls Tuesday where ton was elected president. Mrs they have been visiting Mr Bon­ Walter farter, vice-president. Mrs. i T. O. Becker, secretary. Mrs. Fran-, ney's father and family. Our high quality and low price will appeal especially to FAKE CROP RACKETS NUT ORCHARDS PAY; BENJAMIN FRANKLIN MEET OPPOSITION HERE COSTLY TO ESTABLISH MADE FIRST BI-FOCALS I McKenzie Valley all thrifty people. CAMAY THURSDAY. JANUARY 12. 1938 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR