THVHHI>AYt JANUARY 12, 1»33 — THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS MANY CLUBS RECEIVE WORK CERTIFICATES EIGHTH GRADE DIRECTS PROGRAM ON FRIDAY 1« to spread among the people of tht. .U te , and ..p e c la lly .m o n , our leader*, a true conception of the Importance of public health In the «octal economy of the state. Take® Trip— (¿ um (jarlxxlen left Everyone must be made to realise Springfield last week and for an eg« that the maintenance of health st tended trip to Indl.nap.dla, Indiana pt r Capita Co.t of Education high levels la vital to public wel­ fare." Orivaa to Brldgo— W H. Adrian Work Less Than Half of made a business trip to McKenzie Average for Nation bridge Friday of last week. HIGH SCHOOL CLASS u i.i» « . . . . . . "rhe *ery cNectlvcncaa of the TOW N AND V IC IN IT Y O U PEOPLE N E » ™ GROUP MRS STUART M a 'U A M T W FOR PRISCILLA Ml M e m b er« of eighth A grad« at the ' Twenty Knur II dub* which huve inrnpletid project« loo percent Lincoln school had charge of the Regular meeting of th» Priscilla i were l«au»d achievem ent certlfl program given there Friday. Nuro Rainbow Raaident Here— Mr«. club waa hold last Thursday after 'cat«« by tho «tale office and tbeaa her« Included a abort play, a duet George William« of Rainbow wa» noon at th» hum» of Mrs. Enoch I Wore being distributed thia week by Lot» Wilson and Margaret Meek, a visitor In Hprlngfleld Monday. Stuart Mra. Jack Hchrlvner waa as­ by It C. Kuehner,« count and a cornet solo by Htophon Klee, sistant host»««. Bridge was enjoy­ leader. Jasper Man Hars—J D Jam«« B oise Dtd you ««« that p«d«a- ed by the members. MAN WITH CAM WANTED For Right dub« with a metnbemhlp Irlan who wun «truck by the auto of Jaapttr wmm a bualneaa visitor Those present were Mrs. John ||»««I Iva «11(1 «off«» rout«. No I,,» a< In HprliiKflHri on Monday. In till» part of lam e count dure the driver to try It ugaln? ><>l>«rl»nc<> needed Muat bo hu 11* 1 Parker. Mra. Ernest Bertach. Mr*. have completed their work. Tht tied In make 83250 u wonk id Norman Howard. Mra. E. O. Prt- Visitor from Thurston — K. E r J «tart. Writ» Albert Mill«. itout« name of each dub and the leader* n ’’ A dam « O rego n S ta te B oard o f H e a lth In TO WATCH LEGISLATURE vat, Mra. William House. Mra. Noy«« No; did tho autoiat take Whittaker of Thurston waa a bu«l- Mgr., 2226 Monmouth, Clncln lire u« follow«: "Jolly Needlework up the challenge? of Junction City wa* a vi Iter «t the preventing a„y ,« rlol>4 Frank Ixigan, Mrs. W. H. Steam ier, nail. O, ne«a visitor In Hprlngfleld Friday M r"".^ M Members of the high school r ,,"nM . ‘‘“T i “ ’' 1“',1“ ’ POr" a<,oua disease during the era," Mr«. Edith Page, W altervllle. B oite— No. II« aald It nearly Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. Mra. John pa" ‘ " a " y y~ " ba" th " ' civics class taught by W. E Buell ’Hprlngfleld Cookery," Ml«« Murlo broke hl boari to page up the In from W altsrvllla—A. A. Camp ie e k end CRAZY CRYSTALS Tomaeth and the two hostesses. are planning a trip to Salem next Htatea, Camp Crock; "Dexter chanco, hut that ho had to meet a bell of W altervllle waa a business A Mlimral Water Treatment. Of creating a feeling of security Mrs. H. H. Schaffenberg was a Wednesday at which time they ex Cookery." Mra. K I'arvln. Dexter train. Brings a Health Itnaort to You. visitor In Hprlngfleld Tuesday. guest at the meeting. Examiner Here— Mr. and Mra arnon« the population and at times pect to visit the several state In­ 30 K 7th, 22 W 8th, Eugene, Ph 1704 "Cookery," Nela F Anderson. Dox I Lloyd Kelley of Silverton were in a demand for the elimination ol The next meeting of th» chib N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE Jasper Resident Her» Mrs. Ira stitution« and also watch the work ter; "Mother«' Helper,i Cook, Springfield the flrat of the week. ,he Bo,rd • • 8 “»»leas tax eating will be held at the home of Mra. REAL PRO PERTY Hlgglna of Jasper waa a business Ing« of both houses of the state Mr«. J It. Kl»h, Cha«« Gardens NOTICE la hereby given that by Mr, Kelley Is receiver for the na : "r*an*aatlon, »o aaya, a atatement legislature. Edward Privet on January 18. Bricklayer (Ural day on Job) visitor In Hprlngfleld Monday. U umm I can t work here there'« "Creswell Cookery," Mr« II Koun virtu« of an execution and order tional hank at both Hprlngfleld and rrom the office of Dr. Fred- tain. Walker; "Dunknrs' Cooking.' of sale laaued out of tho Clreult erlck D Stricker, health officer, no plat'« to park my auto. At H ospital— A. A. Johnston of Silverton. GRADUATE STUDENTS IN Mr». W II Anderson, Cha«« (Jar t ourt of the Htato of Oregon for Lea burg waa at the Eugene hospi­ TELEPHONE ALMANAC jtbla week. Lane County thia 23rd duy of Dec­ Ito«» No. you won't do W« can dona; and "Busy Malden Hewing CHARGE OF PROGRAM ember, 1822, upon and pursuant to tal for treatment Monday. FOR 1933 PUBLISHED The statem ent reads In part aa only uaa brh klayer« who h am their Mr«. Ne|« Anderaon, Doxter. n decree duly given und nutde by follow«: own chauffeur«. Graduate students attending «aid Court the 22nd day of Dec­ Leaburg Man Hara — Clifford The 1833 volume of the Tele­ high school had charge of the regu­ ember, 1832. In a «ult pending Wilt of Ixiaburg waa a bualneis ; The modern health department KOAC FARM PROGRAMS therein In which Clifford P. Thom Dr. George Brown received word act« as the official agency through phone almanac published yearly by lar Friday activity period program N O T IC i T O C R E D IT O R S »on and Ellon M Thomson were visitor In Hprlngfleld Saturday. ¡last week of the death of his which the community engages in the American Telephone and Tele­ last week Their program Included FOR JANUARY GIVEN plaintiff« and F J. Berger. Mary NOTICE la horny given that th» Springfield Man III— Hoymand mother In Pasadena, California. Mr »uch activities which will protect graph company has been distribu­ harmonica solos by Lawrence E. Berger and other« were defend- undersigned haa been appointed There will im only two Four-H unta, which ex.-rutlon and order Wetzel) of Hprlngfleld was admit- | Brown visited hl* mother last «uni­ It from the effects of disease and ted among patrons of the company Chase, violin solos by Eldred Glaa- Executrix of the ««tat« of A. G. Itrmier. d»c«a«eri*ing that those publication January 6. 1832. start at 7:30. Banket ball game« will »ell at public auction for ca»h. sub­ Francisco. H. C. Wheeler. L. E. Parks. E Y wt>° aro not Informed in regard to ject to redemption us provided by bo broadcast on tho other two law, ail of the right, title and In­ ItOBK K. BRAUKII. Executrix Swift, and Bruce Wheeler, elders Publlc health work should take this Mohawk Man Here — Claude WKI.IJt a WEI.LB. Attorney«. nights. terest of the defendant* In «aid (J 612 18 26 F 2) Downing of Mohawk was a busi­ Allen Wheeler. Bert Fegles, J. W. opportunity to present a so-called Thro« other broadcasts of Intor- ult und of all parties claiming by. ness visitor In Hprlngfleld on Mon Wheeler, Je«s Phelps. F. F. Cooper ®conott*y measure that would crlp- through or under them or any ot and Ernest E. 8< hrenk. deacons; ! ple the disease prevention work In oat to farmer« will be given during them. In or to the following d es­ day. TREASURY DEPARTM ENT the month "Preparation» for i-amb cribed real property, to-wlt: Mra. E. Y Swift. Mr«. P. N. Laird, this state. Thia feeling of security In the long run you can always do better at your Office of the Comptroller of the Ing" will let dlacuaaed by Oran M. Beginning at the Southweat Recovering from Flu— Mrs. Grace Mrs. Maggie Stewart, and Mra. Is due to the fact that we have had home owned store. You not only make a saving on Curroucy, Waahlngton, I). C., Ntdaon, profeaaor animal huaban- corner of Ixit Klve (6) In Block Milligan Is recovering this week 7-elma W. Williams, deaconesses; no severe epidemica In this state your purchases but you help to success an institution Hix (() In Hbeltnn'a Addition to November 10, 1832. dry at (). H ( ’. on January II. On which pays taxes to support your school and city as Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, from a serious attack of the Influ Allen Wheeler, song leader, ana for a number of years. In the pres­ Notice 1« hereby given to all per January 18, Mr. Nelaon will dla- ence of a eevere epidemic very lit Mildred Swift, pianist. and running thence North 78 and enza. well as provide employment for your neighbor. aon« who may have claim* agalnal cuaa "Lambing Practice«," and on 3-6 feet, thence Ea»t 46 feet, tie effort would be needed to secure Women of the Pleasant Hill com­ We’re proud of our big, complete stock of quality "The First National llunk of January 26. "Growing and Market­ Visits Mother— Mrs. Lulu Ix*«ter thence South 78 and 3-5 feet and funds to protect the public, for foods. We’re doing our best to give you the best thence West 45 feet to the place returned to Portland Saturday after munity held their regular meeting Hprlngfleld," Oregon, (bat the «am« ing Lamb«." Thetfe three program« service. Of beginning, being the West 46 visiting here with her mother, Mra. with Mrs. L. D. Garmlre Wednes the simple reason that the public muat bo presented to Lloyd H. will begin at 7 p. m. feet Of aald Lot Five (6) and the day of last week. Mrs. Ehrman Is alw ays ready to make a mad Kelley, Receiver. with the legal Mary Magill. Weal 46 feet of the South 11 and Gulstina and Ml«« Belle Olson act rush for safety In the presence of proof thereof within three months 4 5 feet of «aid Ixit Four (4) In Works In Eugene — Mra Elalo Man In H ospital— E. K. K lein ot ed as h ostesses during the after an epidemic of any fatal communi­ Block Six («) In Shelton'« Addl from till« dale or they may be dla- Pollard »pent Tuiwday working at tlon to Eugene, lam e County, jy® »d lln g was admitted to the Eu noon. The time was spent In sew ­ cable disease. An epidemic of al lowed. the Bank of Commerce In Eugene Oregon. gene hospital for treatment Mon ing for the Red Cross and complet plague or virulent smallpox would E. (1. AWAI.T, Acting Comp­ a««latlng In preparing a statem ent Dated thin 23rd day of December day. Ing a quilt. The next regular meet­ com pletely paralyze the business Pint Can 1932 troller of tho Currency at that hank. of this state and would undoubted­ ing will be held January 18, the H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. ( r 1«) Guest at Hotel— Wayne Fergu Large Package ly cause heavy financial losses place will be announced later By A. E. Hulegnard. Deputy N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S aon of Trent, Oregon, was a guest many times in excess of the cost ID 28— J 5 1 2 18 26) It. C. Kuehner. county club agent, of prevention. at the Springfield hotel on Satur­ NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN: N O T IC E plans a 4-H party for Pleasant Thst Herbert E Walker has been IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE day O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T "The present tendency to cut Hill district and vicinity. Four-H i appointed admlnlalratnr of the STATE OF OREGON FOR THE public health expenditures is of NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN estai». of Edward C Morgan de- Marriage License Granted — moving pictures will be shown COUNTY OF LANE. that the undersigned haa filed her ceased, by the County Court of i »»)« Walter Hockley. Elmira, and Paul­ after which som e time will be spent grave concern to all those interest­ J. B. Young. Plaintiff, Final Account as Adminlstratrlz of County. Oregon AU persona having ed in the state's welfare. Nothing ine Courtright. of Springfield, were on recreational work and games. va. the ratal« of Hophroula A. Howe, j claim» against «aid e«tuto are re- can be more certain than that in i laude C. Stover, also known as IsKUi-d a marriage license by the de. eased, 1» the County Court of qnlred to present them, with proper C ’ '("'"q. A -.J " ? /" ' al,,o„ l,nnw" «« The Pleasant Hill high school the past the activities of the state the Hlate of Oregon for M n e Coun voucher« within «lx month» from wire AMp w o “ " « ,sto v «,r- his county clerk this week. basketball team s went down to de­ ty. and that »aid Court has fixed the 22nd day of December 19.12 at nn.t‘w* n' J * ” ^ la n o Steele, health department have not been Flakes, Package Monday, tho 30th day of January,! the law office of L I. Ilay In the T ’5“ ,h ”rln’‘ Befendanta. Daughter Born — Mr and Mrs. feat last Friday before the strong over-extended. The state health 1833. at the hour of ten o’clock A Miner Building. In Eugene bragon YoT are“ h ± h «»r for the the sum sum of of son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett Parks, a regular on the boy's team 5 cents per capita. The state of ELIZABETH II. MILL«. Ad Notice la herebv a lv e n ih .i defendants, or received a broken collarbone while and Zella Mauney guard on the a?nce ¿ “.r o h B m i % ? mlnlatratrlx of the Kntate of H e n ry J H a n e k a m p . on th e 8th d a y Oregon has never spent enough playing Sunday at his home on girls’ team were unable to play Hophronla A. Howe, decea«ed u . ’ i r>i, '" t paid hv i,inin" " ’ "«h to derive fully the great benefits because of illness. executor with the win ann« x. mi . or In te re s t at 7 per cent from r w i* Fifth street. POTTER « BAILEY. Attor­ that sanitary science and modern Spread — Jar tho ««late of Joh in Han«*kamp. r.‘' be‘ scrvcd’T y hospital In Eugene on Friday. Jan members of her cooking club at her hearing nnd considering and acting ¡’“’’•■•hlng thia summons for four uary 6- 1933 home Tuesday. A short program on said account. weeks | n the Springfield News, of I of Pittsburgh, Pa. Date of first publication Decern ■ S prln*5,*‘ld. Ore., and that you an-1 Former Resident III— Mrs. Lloyd was given and the girls worked on t>er 29th. 1932. ""p r 'b® "»"J® four weeks front the Elliott of Santa Clara Is quite 111 their first lesson. MARTHA MENDELL. Admin Whkh ” her home this week Mrs Elliott Wendling’s basketball team de­ H. D. ALLEN. At'orney for Plain- wlR be remembered here as the feated the eighth grade at the Lin Coun- "Peclflod, I will on Friday tho 13th txih >It“*Pn'» W t ' ° n 8 ,tu r d»y . »be day of January, 1933. nt the hour Roy Smith left Friday for Portland 14th day of January, 1933. at th« of 1C o’clock A. M. at the soJthw««i after spending a few days here to WOMAN LOST hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. nt the door of the County Court House 20 POUNDS southweat door of the County Court In Eugene. Lane Coun?y Oregon attend the funeral of Albert Sen nre»«., ln„ Eu,'pnp' Lane County, offer for sale and s e l / a t publ"c seney. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Bock IN 4 WEEKS mihS °H Br ®al®. “ d »< auction for cash, subject to redemp- and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith of p“ b,,c auction for cash, subject to tlon ns provided by law all of the Merced, California, also left Friday Mrs. Mae W est of St. Louis, Mo, redemption ns provided by law, all right, title nnd Interest o f th e «« writes: "I'nt only 28 yrs. old and of the right, title and Interest of fendants, .n said s.Bt and of 1 » for their homes. weighed 170 lbs. Until taking one lll n lr i"» Par,lp" clninUng by. through or un box of your Kruschen Salts Just 4 Return« Home— Mrs. Ella Lom­ weeks ago. I now weigh 150 lbs. I all parties claiming by. through or der them an“y o f them, .n or to under them or any of them since the following described reni nmn bard returned to Springfield last also have more energy and further the 18th day of November. 1932, In ertv. to-wlt described real prop week-end from the East where she more I've never had a hungry mo­ or to the following described real B,oLk *' °®” rS® W. Llll's hu« been visiting since the death of ment." property, to wit: Fat folks should take one half Addition to Eugene, Lane County" her mother. Her daughter, Miss Beginning at a point Fifty (50) teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts In a Oregon; Also feet South of the Northwtwt cor­ 5 3 '/ of itiHldo workers Maurine Lombard, has been sub­ glass of hot water ln the morning Beginning at a point 30 feet ner of Lot Six (6) In Block Four­ should have their vision North and 50 feet 6 Inches East stituting for her at the Lincoln before breakfast — It's the SAFE, teen (14) of Elins Stew art’s Ad­ harmless way to reduce as tens of of the Southwest corner of Eu­ school during her absence. aided. Hl-Pocals will save dition to Eugene, thence run thousands of men and women gene F. Skinner’s D. L. C. Noti­ fatigue a n d prem ature East 6« 2-3 feet to the East line know. fication 2181 In Township 17, Visit Mayor— Mr. and Mrs. T. O. of said Lot Six (8), thence South break-down. for your health's sake ask for and South. Range 4 W est of the Wil­ Fifty (60) feet, thence W est I lam ette Meridian, and running Knnrhus and son. Gudmund of Eu­ get Kruschen at any drug store— 66 2-3 feet to the Enst line of i thence North 217 feet, thehfce gene called at the home of Mayor the cost for n bottle that laets 4 SPRINGFIELD. OREGON Are you haudlcapping your- Jefferson street, thence North: East 60 feet. South 217 feet, and weeks Is but a trifle 2nd If after along East line of Jefferson! thence W est 5o feet to the place and Mra. W. P. Tyson Saturday the first bottle you are not Joyfully telf? evening for a short while. Mayor satisfied with results— money back. Street Fifty (50) feet to the place of beginning, all being In and a of beginning, all In Eugene, Lane part of tho City of Eugene, Ore­ Tyson Is recovering rapidly front County, Oregon. DR. ELLA MEADE gon. his serious lllnea« but is still very Billswlggle— I suppose In these Dated this 14th day of December, Dated thia 14th day of December, weak. He waa out for a shqrt auto­ times you live In apprehensive tre­ Optometrist 1932. 1932. H West 8th Eugene mobile ride Saturday, his first pidation, don't you? H . L. B O W N . S h eriff, H. L. BOWN, Sheriff, By A. E HULEGAARD, Deputy. Dinkleproof—No; I live In the By A. E. HULEQAARD, Deputy since he became 111 before Christ­ (D 15-22-29 — J 5-12) mas. (D 15-22-29 — J 5-12) suburbs. Ùpper Willamette Irish-Murphy Co. Trade With the Home Folks Pancake Flour Salad Oil 15c 10c Brown Rice Sweet Potatoes 10c Sandwich Business Directory - ST m S z ™ « « « ; — 13c 15c Snap lO c Edw. G. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. Lincoln School Notes Call on Us When in Need of Any Kind of Printing...» Funeral Directors Have Headaches THE WILLAMETTE PRESS