my, whai a mlstuke. I road it Guilt when II was Quill What a change | II makes. The Good I Julies of Ihe church had discovered (hat Ihelr paslor's wife wm a little short on bed clothing, and al Ihelr Iasi ahi meeting. Hlsler M arose and said "Dear Misters. I move Hint we piece them a quill." Hlsler I’ a'd. "1 see- ond the motion." Sister K, chair- woman of Ihe meeting, put ihe question, all In favor say Aye, and amidst clapping of hands everyou» pro ent shouted, "Aye " No guilt there, hut II l i e * qillll, under which the pastor anil his wife could lie and breathe out prayers for the sue- cess of the i ear's work, and for a spec'al blessing t i l l the ones who had been so (aoeghtful. Yours truly, H W Smith Wipo Your Specs Bro. Smith Pttrllund. Ore,. Jim. 7. 19.1.1 Dear old Springfield New* M A I L S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Just u little pleasantry from an Washington. I». C . — P re s id e n t Ou* Year In A d v a n ce----- »160 six Month» ,1.00 Old Huhsicrlhcr only the change of i elect Roosevelt Is already making Tw o Yaara In Advance — ,2 50 T hree M o n th . 60c a letter hut what a difference. his Influence felt In Washington. I think we are always looking for Everything wa» «et for the enact- Count; Official Newspaper kept trying* to picture the years; the ready, waiting g lor : ment of general manufacturer's for him The footman! som ething sensational. When we years ahead. glance nt Ihe front page of the THURSDAY. JANUARY 12. 1933 passed him. John caught a wall of i sales tax law. with both the Re­ Jehu had an uncanny imagination. scent, a man with a scent, possibly morning paper we look to see what John had re (reshed himself in the publican administration and the He kept saying to himself, "This is yarZum Jez/pAme The area door ! happen'd yesterday that was startl Democrats in congress In favor of dr” s,n* “* the mirror A PLAN FOR RELIEF WORK rot. this is bally rot." He kept con opened Tashi and the f v tman brought appr»isingly. The deep tan of the . pen up pictures of John Breen, per­ out and were strapping a patent leather ; Ing. Who got killed. Who was held An expansion of the relief program without unduly in­ it. «hen «.>rd came from Albany was being leeched out by the city of juring haps even .1 dm Van Horn, lolling on (lie rear carrier II w i, ill up anil robbed Who was sent Io the creasing the cost to the taxpayers is needed in l^tne countv. that Mr Roosevelt had different shadows. He brushed hack his stiff about the world, the lucky husband of trunk leal enough. John looked Then was i Insane asylum Who ran off with Idias- and that killed it. The belief * “ ’r Re »mtled so like Gilbert Van The greatest need is to provide work and with the excep- is growing here, however, that R ”rn- . R* hardly cared What did a very attractive woman, a wealthy plenty of room fc«r an tiler trunk I tie an other man's wife. What are the woman constantly followed by admir area d >r clanged behind the men He t,on of road work this has not been done. This work should .. ' Josephine want ? Japanese doing In the Chinese? ad not be technical, or require much skill and no big invest- there will yet be some cooperation Alter dinner they u t in the familiar ing glances, and sly comment In the thought lie saw Josephine pail ihe Inflnllem. Client What do you think of III« That belief is strengthened by the library. "I leased the house, you know, years to come he would drop out of the heavy library curtains and look out. nient for equipment by the county. Well, when I gel my Springfield I Idea of giving Ihe money hack to fact that Norman H. Davis, who after Gilbert’s death. They changed famous company of the unknown few He must lie quick. Again he read Ihe Our suggestion is that Lane county loeate on some of has been Mr Hoover's principal »Imost everything, everything but this Engineers would no longer refer to note, it was very concise, it was in­ News, of course I want to know ' the hank and asking for a light him, seriously, among themselves. sistent. its most accessible timber tracts, which have been taken emissary in Europe, spent several 1 ,h< ri*'nl A fire was crackling what has taken place In Spring- i *«ntencei for delinquent taxes, a wood yard where hundreds of unem­ , * „ _ m the open hearth, a wide deep chair, L awyer- Rotten! How would you | field that Is Interesting Ho glntic ployed men might work for a nominal wage taken from the da. s in conference with Mr. Rooae- Van Horn's chair, was near tie glow ! ing down the front pngo I read be able to pay tue then? velt. Mr. Davis is a Democrat, and of Hames. John, standing till Joscjhine county relief fund. Without having to buy stumpage the j "Church Membership Gives Guilt admirer and supporter of the curled on the lounge, u t down. Tashi wood cut in this manner should ultimately bring the countv an "Ilow did the detectives discover incoming president. He Is under brou«k‘ • *r,y and Josejdiine lit a ' to their Pastor." Um. Pm. I said, somewhere near cost of production. cigarette. Then she jumped up. John some pastor has gone wrong! Well. I lhal Ihe gangster was disguised as stood to have given Mr. Roosevelt had a cigar and she lit a match, cupped In disposing of the wood cut by this method the coun­ I bet It wasn't the Methodist a woman? comprehensive picture of the the flame in her hands and held it for ty should as far as possible avoid direct competition with a European ! preacher, for I know Dr. Pollard "He pussed a m illiner» window situation and the noces him. bendnig close to him. Tashi had local retail wood dealers. There are sections of this and sity for early action not only in the gjne i wouldn't stand for any ihing like without looking In." other western states where wood must be shipped in for matter of consideration of the war Josephine drew her feet up on the i that, I bel he would give him a hundreds of miles. These sections have their relief problems debts, but also the disarmament lounge, and prepped by cushions, blew I.eaty Is that fellow McFall all dose of medicine Glut would make too. It is possible an exchange could be made with other conference and the International smoke wreaths toward the lire. Tashi him wish he hadn't. And Sister Van right to take on a fishing trip ' returned with a tray. Both took counties of wood for Idaho or Washington potatoes, wheat, monetary conference. W>.'< Is, he? Huy. besides doing Vulaah would give him a piece of Cstracs. corn or other products which in turn could be furnished thè Ihe looking he'll think up lies for “John, you must tell me about your i her mind with no uncertain sound F irm on D eb t S tan d poor in Lane county. adventures, in South America" And Dr. Emery would tell hint when Ihe whole bunch Political Washington hasn't re­ a long while they talke i. aimless­ he came Io hwve hla teeth ex am in ed Then there is a possibility of wood being furnished ceded a bit from the attitude held For The n vises cf the city were dim. state institutions, maybe in lieu of some of the millage taxes by both Republican and Democra ly. , that some dentist In Home former Evelyn Newbrlde nail Iwo um Memories grew about the flames I. hn the state extracts from Lane county. I pastorate "has pulled your wisdom brellns given Io her and as she tic leaders that there can be no glanced up at the painting c f Gilbert Hern, lifelike under the light. i tooth, nud you need to have It re needed only one she took tho other, The third method disposal would be to wholesale wood cancellation of the war debts ow Van Then they sat in silence Suddenly , placed." Brother McElhuney would (he girt of Handy MarCIInlch. hack to the retail dealers. ing by Europe to America. That Josephine reached in a fold of her refuse to bring him any more tur- to the store and asked If It could W e- have never been an advocate of government in there will have to be some revi­ bodice and drew forth a package, hand­ 1 alps. Bro Chris. Hansen, he's a be exchanged for a gentleman's to John "These bel ng to you, business and we are aware that some of this wood business sion o f terms, perhaps in some John—I've kept them, you see." The ! new one | | used to curry his mall umbrella, for her husband She was would be In competition with wood dealers. Hut the state case a reduction of the Interest letters were in his hand, the outpour­ on H F. D. No. 2 |. H e’d tell him. i told II could not be don«. has three large print shops and the federal government a rate, perhaps in other cases an ar- ings of his fresh enthusiasm, the ones “John was on fire, he kissed het Ifu tally, carelessly. He held her I hens ure not laying very well la te ly .' "Bui. why not?" asked Mrs New close and lick ed into her eyes. "Why can't we get married, now. large bureau of printing with many contract plants. These ra,,Kemen< which win benefit Am in which he told her cf the aqueduct, so no more eggs until after Ihe re­ bride, “your firm's label 1« on the are in competition with our printing plant every day in the t‘rican industry in return for con and of his plans. She had kept them t«. night?" formation. through it all. She stood befi re him, um hr el la." cessions, is quite generally admit­ year and have lessened our volume of business b'v many .. ........... W " against the firelight, a presence out- Newer and greater w rks w uld rise. ! The whole overwhelming problem Poor old fellow I said, he must "Yea. madam," replied the clerk, hundreds of dollars. People seem to think that the printing ted. lined, her shimmering dress aflame An linen would forget him. long before hi- » I"' ‘ '•fore his eves, I sephine and have surely been careless Lot me "but It was put on when the utn Washington is still applauding uneasy fear held his breath. “John, death. situation is all right and we have never heard of any wood f reign lands, palace hotels, long h urs dealers shedding any tears for us. so we think that in this Secretary Stimson's reply to the and then she was on her knees, her Su h -breams came to him He trie • in e x ile 'edr "ins, caresses, kisses. look al that heading again o h hrella writ* recovered." head buried in his lap. sobbing Her t? enthuse himself witii visi.n» of endcai t.siitv her rich hair turn' line time of emergency we might permit the county to at least i inquiry transmitted from the new soft breasts pressed against his knees, Josephine, with mind | ictures of s. ft over white pillows in a cataract d premier of France through Ambas go into the wholesale wood business to dispose of its sur­ her hair glowed under him in the light. nights, velvet nights t f love, and lone « Id Soft whispering allurements ador Edge. The head of the “I have always loved you—o/tcays plus after other means have been exhausted. delict vus mcmings, in bed "Rats." he Stupid dinners, tiresome people, alien She looked up. tears glistened like kept repeating The inactivity of the towns, queer uninteresting time te- No one has a right to make any profit out of services French government asked the Am­ stars: oh. she was beautiful! afternoon was wearying »troying plav: cnat< I <>redom Thcrs or the poor at the expense of the taxpayer. The quicker bassador to find out from his gov- I In* three best motor fuels In their c I uhh are here His cigar haver1 tbe ownlripiece. Col- MOTOGAS MoHt tulleB for Ihe tnonev. u*i u™ 'ooke^1d->wn, on, tkem ; “I'll be lack fi r my small trunk to- Perhaps she had seen him. The cur- This is our solution to relieve the situation partially , question on to the State Dep; rt while Josephine poured out her heart i night. A m jt.r trij He ld my mail." \ OLIET-RAY Anti-knock. *a“» were drawn to. Even then she there may be others just as good or better. The important ment and Mr. Stimson replied, in John, caressing her. his hungry s ul GENERAL ETHYL Ihiublc-powcrcd. thing is that we do something rather than dole out to all effect: 'T h e first necessary step crying for love, held her close. Life, John grew nervrus. as the time ml«ht l< c mtng down, running eagerly toward him. The great car frightened TIU h guHoline in a leader alt over (he world. A comers. came Io» his oeyarture He kept is for France to pay ns that ,19.- what is it? What are the things that wondering what he w. ul d do. Jo- him. It would carry them far, far ir ia i couviticeH everyone. count? Why are » c here? In the sub­ 1,1 forever 000.000 that was due on Deccmbei conscious half-light ;f the mind, under sephine certainly was a superb woman TO TAX PRODUCTION IS SUICIDE The ,hnei ’ hort le,‘ " b r,l« l 15th. After they have paid that the patter of love, he seemed t: know. The experiences of the night bekre ,L?n‘" He need «° in feverish impulse, poured keif gripping him. He hardly knew : W e would not mind so much digging for a little more then we will talk about the rest of Josephine, *ncm 5th and A Street» Springfield forth her strong affecti m. She had whether he had captured her, c r j •• ment. "Tell everybody I'm gone, f> r the rest of us. Business and industry is about 40 per cent" much concerned over the effect in "I am tired of this place. We will a few days." arranging hundred million dollar off normal and with that fortv-percent went profits be America of it» failure to pay. it is leave, John, leave it all. W'e will travel, foundation. We must stop planning Mr. Wild of the rid aqueduct fight «ause it has been impossible t3 adjust overheads in anv- not “ going " 'I * too far to say that Eng we will live in sunshine. The w rid came in as John was leasing He had and begin to rebuild the tenements much t; effer us." Josephine an ! Offer y. u full charge of construc­ thing like the same ratio especially with mounting taxes land's stock is higher than it has has John sat on tlie wide 1 unge, he hel! n t seen Wild f r years. It was with tion. as Lirect r and Chief Engi­ and falling prices. been in many years, and France's her. her head on his shoulder, her a genuine pang i f regret that he hur­ Desperate illneaB m ay develop fro m m in o r a ll- neer. The city needs you Prices should rise on all products but not because of is lower. Reports received by the hands clasping his. It had leen a long. ried rut, and valkcd up Fifth Avenue A lison S tx a v s s . menlH Im properly attended. L ife m ay depend upon Ihe in the c x l dusk S • he severed < ne of sale taxes or debts. A rise in prices should go to the labor Foreign Trade Bureau of the De­ long road, but at last, at last The h'ouse d-or opened; it was only th se I s allies men feel f r each other, q u a lity o f Ingredient« and tin» accuracy o f eom poum i- “You know I've sold the h, the-. th sr str ng bonds of friendship trans­ Tashi, hut John Breen without look­ producers and other productive source if we are ever to partment of Commerce indicate Ing the phvHiciun« prescription. going t build an annex to the cending esen love; 1 ve which demands ing, turner! hastily and walked "east have good times. There must surely be improvement at that -om eihing like a national boy­ are hotel next door Everything is chang­ so much because f its giving toward Madison Avenue, across Park the source of production if we are ever able to improve cott against French goods is being ing, the people arc changing The best We are a pharm acy dedicated to accuracy and Avenue, toward Third. Halfway down quality. ' employment and create wealth to pay debts and taxes promoted among the women of Am­ New Yorkers m w live abr ad most of As he walked north, lie gradually the bCck his attention was attracted bis pace. He w iuld get to to a lighted window of a basement which are now demanding 50 per cent of our national in­ erica, that many millions of dol­ the time. Oh, John, how glad I an. that increased I -i-tin e al eight o'clock. It was a resident and within was a scene that lars of orders for French garments, you found me." come. To increase the tax and debt burden on property sp'rndid i !ea i f hers to start the jour­ paused his steps. A mother, seated John was on fire, he kissed her consumption or business, at this time can mean nothing ladies' underwear and the like have ney ' y night, in that huge luxurious • “We Never Substitute” ly; * * re,es»'y- He held her close , charU. rolling like a separate little with chi ' n her lap, both looking up but suicide even for the purpose of balancing budgets. This been cancelled, and that the tourist bn?V in sn < assurance into the face od and looked into her eyes. Why cant „ liv r-r ;v r s, the sm >th r .a ’s of the method will defeat its own end. f g 1 ending over them. John travel to France has been sharply- we get married, now, tonight.- ; j r sey, unJtI a d „„ „ -rhf B rtti, ! transfixed. Slowly he W idening out of the income tax base to include more reduced. “No, John, dear No! no! We will Curtains w add be drawn. The driver turned : slowly he started to retrace his No Elaborate Inaugural people who have some net income and increasing higher leave tomorrow—night. I have so many and f . tman. autormtons, efficient step's. things to settle. The movers ani si r n xientities, I oking ahead, might think Mr. Roosevelt insists upon sim bracket rates seems to us to be the only solution to raise Suddenly the full impxtrt of the de- age people will be in early temerr w. I their heads off, for all she nr he cared. cision he had yet failed to make came any additional demanded tax revenue at this time. The plicity In connection with his in wiant to get some of my things it! order. It was this flair for unusual adven­ upon him. As his tine mind grasped the person with a net income can pay something after he has auguration. He ha., said that this Go back to the club, like a good fc y, ture which made her so entrancing his step quickened. "My work had necessary living expenses while those who have no net is no time for the states to spend tonight. Get your things packed. I will Jchn w-ndered what she would wear. . facts . . or my Josephine . . . which?” T here is little difference in the cost o f good and Income can pay nothing no matter what kind of tax is immense sums sending in National put my things in the small car trunk. As he turned east, past the hotel, he he muttered aloud as if seeking to poor candy. Hut there Is a big difference In taste and We’ll take the coach, motor t ¡Phila­ stopped for a m ment. His hand was know that all the years were summed placed on their property or the goods thev must buy with­ Guard troops to take part in an In­ delphia, get married, Jchn, at last. An-1 in his p.-.ckef He should have sent up in those few words. wlKdesomeuess. Good candy is a food th a t is unsur­ out severe hardships. 7 augural parade, and that he doesn’t then, after a svhile, we can c^vne Lack flowers, frought a ring, rr have done love wins,” said John Breen, ----------- -------------- see the need of an expensive and and settle things here, and go, g assay a half dozen things that any c .mpetent a _ ‘‘First passed as un energy builder. great light of happiness coming to elaborate Inaugural ball. He prob for a few years. Oh I am so tired of lover wauld have attended to. His his face. THE BUSINESS OF KNOWING FACTS hand fished up an envel'pe. He remem­ ably will accept an escort of the New York." He pressed the hell. Josephine, her­ Good candy has always been o u r goal us candy The deeper we get into the mire of industrial and busi­ Philadelphia City Troop, the im Late, very late, John Breen kissed bered the note amid the crowd of things self, stood in the door before him. In m akers and sellers. Eggfm ann’s candy is not only good that came to him on leaving the club. her eyes was that look which only one ness depression the more clear it becomes that one of the pressive equadron whose black Josephine and left. principal causes of our present situation was the reckless horses and black horsehair plumes hut we have one o f the largest selections in th is part John’s last day in the realms of un­ With the sight and handshake of old man ever sees . . deep into the soul. Wild, in the flurry, he had forgotten "Mv love . my first, my only love,” certainty passed swiftly. He got up it. overconfidence of supposedly “big” men in the unsupported in their silver helm ets have been o f Oregon. said Josephine as John Breen took her early, tubbed and t k a brisk walk assertions of other “big” men * * „ , He stood in front of the Van Hom in his arms. Then he sent off a cable to London. O.1 = house. He was about to go up the steps TH E END Lincoln’s ‘‘Cannot accept China post.” That, for Then he thought. Perhaps there was that! He packed a small trunk, whist­ time. The City Troop is gome times s-mething in the note he should know, Insull and his companies. He walks into a bank and asks called "The President’s Own.” Its j ling the while. Several times he almost before leaving with Josephine? He tore Harboar’ and Pug. "No use. for a loan of millions. Nobody takes the trouble to inquire function has been to escort the In­ phoned 'Whsrr tho Hnrvlca la Diltwrnnl’ I'H wire frem Philadelphia." Were open the envelope, under the street whether the securities he offers are any good or not; they coming and outgoing presidents as they to be married before, or after? light. His eyes followed the brief lines, Hyd«—Too bad about Blaine going blurred and clarified, and magni­ blind. What will he do for a living? “ "x - 801(1 at a certaln price on the Stock Exchange, i they ride together from the W hite He wondered. Josephine had a very they fied. His coat seemed very warm He and that is enough for the bankers. They loan him the House to the Capitol, and then puzzling way about her. Seek Oh, he’s In Chicago now—on hocked his stick ever his arm and money, and now it turns out that the securities represented serve as a bodyguard for the new He called her up at noon. “Come stepped nearer the light. A huge black the police force. nothing, or practically that. after dinner,” she laughed deliciously. president as he goes back to the |! "There's a mx>n tonight, for the elope­ car had come to rest behind him, sil­ Judge--If you were in that house ently. a great car with curtains drawn ivar Krueger, the Swedish “Match King,” likewise built White House alone. ment. We’ll pick up your things as we It was behind him with dimmed head­ for no dishonest pttrpxise why were you up public confidence, until the biggest bankers and invest­ go through Thirty-ninth Street. Gord­ lights, like great eyes, as if a monster in your stocking feet? It is quite likely. Washington un Prisoner I heard there was sickness ment houses lent him hundreds of millions on his word der. tands, that the inaugural cere­ ey, dear, till eight.” Something I eavesdropper was trying to read the I in the family i alone They had no way of knowing, of course, that he had monies will consist of nothing more like a kiss, or a smack, over the phone note also. 1 He had several hvurs on his hands turned crooked, but they could have found out the facts than the Incoming president taking John glanced up at the lighted win- | "Did you notice those modern feml- He sat and smoked. What a washout dows. He seemed to hear the notes nine touches in her apartment?” about the worthless "securities" he unloaded on them. the oath of office on the east front We heard of one European representative of an Ameri­ of the Capitol building, facing the the old town was! What a place. Still, cf the piano. Josephine was evidently "Yes, there were cigarette ashes on can bank who nearly lost his job when he advised his boss Capitol Plaza, in which a crowd of k . would never be lonely again He singing, playing. She was no doubt everything “ to lay off Ioans to Krueger. 100,000 can easily gather. The oath but ,he outlook Is that there will Mitchell, may be the only Demo- Job as president of the Hudson The very men who were trapped into parting with will be administered, as usual, by not be tlme to do that before the crat not In Mr. Roosevelt's cabinet money intrusted to them by depositors and investors, by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Present session comes to its legal The Secretary of Agriculture, Mr Motor company of Detroit, Is ex pected to resume that Industrial reason of their own misplaced confidence In men like Insull Court, attired in his robes of of en