THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T H IK T IK T H YKAR HPK1NOWKLD, l*ANK COUNTY, OREGON.TIH'KHDAY, JANUARY 12. 1»3S CITY EMPLOYEES) LionsStart Work NEW SCHEDULE LODGES INSTALL On Ladies Night FOR 1933 NAMED FOR BASKETBALL NEW OFFICERS I urns Now To National Problem« Committee to Hold Meeting - • and Suggest Entertainment Mayor Sand« Note Approving University High Takes Open­ Joint Meeting of Rebekah for Annual Event Re-Appointment of All and I. O. O. F. Bodies Held ing "A" League Game 34-21 Preeent Worker« at Hall Here Monday in Eugene Tuesday I Preliminary plane fur Ladle* _____ Night. annual gathering of Nona COMMITTEES ARE NAMED Mnd ,he)r W|¥M Werw dlw.UMWl „ COTTAGE GROVE IS NEXT _ _ the meeting of the dub held Frt-' Protests of Sewer System A r e day n(XJ„ x committee, it k . Loa« of Tom William«, Guard, Heard at Meet; Present Maxey. W K Bareell, Veltle Pruitt. and Injury to Hawk« Keen­ W. K. lluell, and John F. Ketels, Mains Held Too Small ly Felt By Coach Hall Library Opens In New Location NO INCREASE IN TUITION IS SEEN Many Patrons Ute Facilities of City Institution; New McKenzie Valley and Spring- Hours Are Given field School Boards Talk Over Problems Tuesday Springfield's city library, opened I In Its new location for the first j time Wednesday. experienced «A C TIO N PENDS CHANOS Elective and appointive officers of Springfield 1. O. O. F. lodge number 70 and of Juanita Rebekah lodge number 36. were Installed at a Joint Installation ceremony held at the I. O. O. F. hall here Mon day evening. veritable rush both during the I I afternoon and evening as patrons New Scale of Chargee May Bg sought reading m aterial am ong the issued Before Opening o f magazines on the tables and bcaiksi — - * was appointed to consider plans. Next School Year 1 on the shelves. All city employees r r . eap- They were ankxd to meet before A new basketball schedule foi The library had been closed for Ernest Black was Installed as There can be no change« In the polnted for another ten _ lay the nest regular club meeting o n ! Springfield high school, listing all new noble grand of the Odd Fel­ a week and a half during which , financial agreements with the Me nlghl at the regular moot* st­ January 20, and report at that time. "A" league and other practice lows. Other electivo officers Instal time all equipment and fixtures Kenxle high school district now ing of the City Council. Mi © Donald Ralston, student at th e 1 games was released at the school were moved from the old bank «end,„ g th, „ M led were Elmer Pyne. vice-grand; Kugene Bible college, was Intro-I this week by Marlon Hall, coach, I* Tyson, who baa been III fo building at Second and Main streets j Springfield, during the baleec« of Oswald Olson. secretAry; and Karl time, was unable to attem. 'lured hy Veltle Pruitt. He gave two - and W. K. lluell. principal, to the Wlnzenrekl building former­ the school year It waa deck Girard, treasurer. meeting, but sent bis Hat ol 'i. ‘ipersonatlonci and readings during The unplayed portion of tbs sche­ ly occupied by W. A. Taylor’s a Joint meeting of the Mcl Appointive officers are John polntmente to the Council for entertainment period. dule Is as follows: W hite Front grocery between valley end Springfield school proval. January 17—Cottage drove, there. Lorah, right support to the noble Fourth and Fifth or. Main. heM gprln(tfleld Tu„ d«_ grand; Bert G. Senkey. left sup­ Coin in 11 toes of the Council wll January 21— St. Mary's here. Mrs. D. B. Saltsman was assisted | jng port to the noble grand; Fred Him remain the same as they have been January 24— Lowell here. during the moving by Mrs “ N. W. FAS son, warden; J. W. Tanner, con­ It waa derided, . o new member January 21— 0 . H. H. here. The meeting had been called to I E m e ry , .Mrs. C. E. Wheaton. Mrs. ductor; Lee Putman, Inside guard­ ha been elected to the Council February 4— Ht Mary's there. Relieved o f his duties as governor o f the state o f New Y ork a t the begin- ■ Calkins, Mre. L. K. Page, and W il­ seek some means of changing the ian; Hugh lAnsbery, outside guard­ except In Instances where they fill­ financial agreement now existing February 7— Lowell there. aing o f the acw year, President elect Kooeevelt is now giving his fu ll time liam Hancock. ed unexplred terms and assumed to national problems, to the selection o f men fo r bis cabinet and in confer­ between the two schools which was February 10 — Cottage drove ian; Elmer Findley, right support Regular hours for the library will to the vice-grand; M. J. M cKlln.i ence w ith Democratic leaders m apping ont a definite program to be pot the committee appointments of here. be from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 9 on made while the County was oper­ left support to the vice-grand; and - Into effect when he tabes office, M arch 4. According to plans, M r. Roosevelt their predecessor In office. February 17— Rosebug here. Wednesdays and Saturdays of each ating under the Wheeler law. now will go again to W arm Bpriags, Ga., fo r a short vacation da rin g February Roland Mosbler, past noble grand. Officers re-sppolnted were Lum Mr«. W. H. Fales of Pleasant declared unconstitutional. February 21--Eugene there. ; week. All of these officers were installed Anderson, police chief and street Any effort to charge the McKen­ February 24— Roseburg there. Hill Die« of Injuries; except Hugh Lansbery who was commissioner, Hugh Jolllff, fire zie school district a greater sum for March 8 - Eugene here. MISSION CIRCLE HELD Driver Exonorated absent. chief; A. J. Cowart, night watch their student education would be dames with Cottage drove, Eu­ MEETING LAST NIG HT met with disapproval should a ape man; W II Pollard, health officer; Elective officers of the Rebekah Mrs. W II. Fales of Pleasant HUI, gene, Roseburg, and University and I. M Peterson, city recorder. rial meeting be called for this pur­ lodge ere: Mrs. Sarah John«, noble High school are "A" league con­ Mrs. Carroll Adams entertained Committee assignments for the second victim to be «truck down by pose In the valley district the local grand; Mrs. Edna Yarnell, v ic e ' a passing motorist In that vicinity tests. The district tournament w ill members of the Junior Christian hoard was Informed. year are: Judiciary, Fred Free«, grand; Mrs. Clarlne Putman, fin­ within the past few months, died be held the first part of March In Missionary society of the Christian chairman. Free« and Croaa; health The McKenzie district Is now ancial secretary; Mrs. Wanda - I church at her home W’ednesday Sunday night at the Pacific Christ­ Eugene. Taylor; streets, J. R. Cross, chair­ paying the Springfield diatriet In Barnes, recording secretary, and Officer, Re. elected at New officers Installed at evening. Members gathered at the ian hoapltal leas than two hours Hprlngfleld's basketball team suf­ man. Taylor and Frees; fire, Mrs. Estella Findley, treasurer. i . . . — . _ _ Meeting Last Week at the ' Ro,and M<>shler home and from warrants and Is Itself faring a d if­ Meeting Tuesday; P. T. A. water and light. W. A. Taylor, after the accident which took place fered a severe setback this week ficult financial eltuatlon because Appointive officers are: Mrs ! there they were taken to the Adams chairman, F rese and Crass; health. In front of her home at 6:46 Sunday when two of the most promising Lillian Black, warden; Mrs. Mamie Given Canned Goods Home of _______ Mrs. R. Sears * home in automobiles. Mrs. R . M. of failure of many property owners evening. players were missing from prac- > Frees, chairman. Barber and to pay taxes. Under the earlier Mrs. Nellie Carr was Installed as Day' state Prea)deBt ° f Eu«en®- She waa struck down by an auto­ lice«. Tom W illiam *, clever guard, Richmond, conductor; Miss Mary •M r. Paul Brattafn was chosen Taylor; finance. Barber, rhalrman. agreement between the two schools Louk, Inside guardian; Mrs. Stella mobile driven by Henry Bricker, new president of Iuka circle num- ^ e8®nt and spoke Mia8 M arJ « > rle and "Brick" Hawke, forward were president of the Springfield Wo- Frees and Taylor; police. Taylor, Springfield was to receive 230 per route 2, Springfield. Bricker had out of the lineup fur the University Eaton, outside guardian; Mrs. Cora | men's Civic Improvement club at her 37. Lad le, auxiliary of the G WaddeU waa the leader chairman. Frese and Cross. pupil from the other district In ad­ Hinson, chaplain; Mrs. Genevieve j thetr annual meeting held Tuesday A. R. last Thursday evening at a dition to the sum of 236 per pupil Several persons appeared at the Just met another car and was High game Tuesday evening at Mc­ Ix)uk. right support to the noble afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. K. meeting held at the home of Mrs. meeting Monday night to register blinded by the lights, not «eelng Arthur court In Eugene. Williams which was paid under the Wheeler grand; Mrs. Alice Dbane, left sup­ Page. She succeeds Mrs. David Robeit« Sears. complaints about the sewer eye Mrs. Fales who had apparently been has moved back to the family farm law. The law had now been ruled port to the noble grand; Mrs ') Bailsman. out and Springfield must operate tern of the city which caused water watching for traffic from one direc­ near Pleasant H ill and has had to Other officers installed are Mrs. Nellie Pyne, right support to the on proportionately less during the to aland on the streets and In baa» tion only. It was already dark as withdraw from Springfield high All other officers of the club were Mollie W illiams, senior vice-presi­ vice grand; Miss Thelma Sweeney, balance of the year. mcnta for some time following the she stepped Into the path of the school. Hawke has a badly sprain­ left support to the vice grand; and i r* ’e,e<’,ed at the meet,ng. They are dent; Goldie Peterson. Junior vice- recent heavy rain. City officials vehicle on her way »mm the W il­ ed foot, but w ill be In condition for Mrs. Glenn 8tone, past noble grand M™ D ° - F' lsher- viccpresident; president; Pearl Knowler. treasur­ District 19 can charge students further play very soon. who Investigated the problem last lamette highway to a store. coming from outside of any district Dewey McAtpIn. district deputy , U . *5 / T aecreta" : “ <» er; Jolana Putman, conductor: Ber­ B rlrker waa exonerated of bUmn The U. H. 8. team conquered the the cost of educating them, but the week reported that It was plainly a grand master of the I. O. O F I ” ” 1 * Valen,lne' ‘ u s u r e r , nice Barnes, chaplain; Ellen Bar­ Frank Minney Had Establish* board of directors have indicated case of the city not having large following an Investigation made Springfield team 34 21. In a closer lodge was the Installing officer for Neighborline s was stresses at ker. registrar; and Olive Wickham, that they w ill not raise education enough sewers nor adequate facili­ Monday hy Charles Poole, coroner, game than had been expected Tues the Odd Fellows, while M r *. Estelle | ,h<‘ raeetlnK antl »'»th member pres- patriotic instructor. ed High Reputation With W. H. Brooke, district attorney, dnM evening. Stafford, McKenxIe coats against this one group for the ties to carry off flood waters Success at Hatchery Appointive officers of the Circle and Brooke were outstanding men Findley, district deputy president ent anawered ro“ cal1 wlth a 8tate' balance of the year when they are The city Is unable to expend and state police. named and Installed at the meeting installed i mont ot w ,la t a Good Neighbor Kermit Skllbred was In tantly for the Kugene group and Hartman for the Rebekah lodge, unable to do so with all outside funds for new construction work J. Frank Minney. prominent reei are Grace Lan’ bery, secretary; Should Be. Members present also officers of that lodge. students. at thia time so the objections were killed leas than a block further stood out for Springfield. | pledged themselves to use Oregon Mrs. Nellie Helterbrand. assistant deni of the Vida district, died at The Springfield Junior high team About twenty-five visitors attend down the road recently when he Although no official action was received without action. ’ products and manufactured articles conductress; and Stella Lewis, as­ the Eugene hospital Thursday even­ ran acroas the road while returning defeated the Wendllng boys 22-18 ed from Eugene lodges. taken at the meeting efforts were ing following an extended Illness. sistant guard. ! whenever possible. In a preliminary game. from school. • Refreshments were served fol Funeral services were held from made to work out some cooperative Committees will be named at the MOTORISTS TO HAVE A ll of the Civic Club's canned The Second game of the "A ” lowing the Installation ceremonies the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel agreement for the next school year. Mrs. Pale« was born In Clackamas j goods which was accumulated here next meeting to be held January 19, FIRST DRIVER TESTS county on March 2. 1894 and had league for Springfield will be play­ t in Eugene Saturday morning at 10 Definite action Is impossible at this at the home of Mrs. Altec Doane. during the ummer when the ladles Installation ceremonies were pre o clock with Dr. E. V. Stivers offi time because the state legislature lived In Hood lllvor where ahe a t­ ed at Cottage Orove next Tuesday. assisted with the work of the port­ Springfield motorists will have sided over by Mrs. M yrtle Eggt- elating. Interment was made In is now in session and efforts will tended high school. In l*ortland and This game was scheduled for last able county cannery were donated their first opportunity to paaa the Friday and later postponed because be made there to enact a more Greenwood cemetery. Pleasant Hill. to the P. T. A. and wtll be used In mann. pa**t department president. examination now required for a of the weather. equitable law under which high Mr. Minney, the only child of Mr. Members of the Springfeild circle She w i i married to Karl Noble making sours and hot lunches for motor vehicle dlrver's license F ri­ presented a past president pin to Mrs. F. F. Minney. was born at Ur- school districts of the state w ill school children. day when Glen down, examiner, of Hood River In 1912 and to W. H Mrs. Wanda Barnes, retiring officer. ichsville, Ohio, February 4, 1881 and operate. Fales at Vancouver. Washington In will be at the City Hall Io meet ap­ Under the county high school law Members of the circle will spon came to Oregon with his fam ily 1924 She wax a member of the plicants. or a benefit card party at the hom e' a boy of 10. They first settled now operative in Lane county all Friends church at Portland. Under ihe new law II Is compul­ of Mrs. Robert Sears on Friday ln Portland for six years and then property in non-htgh school district] A I 0 • John W. Mackey Funeral Ser- She Is survived by her widower, sory that each driver of a motor evening. January 20. it was decided moved to Vida where they have Is taxed nearly five mills whereas W. 11. Fales; one son. Richard vices to Be Held at Mabel vehicle pass an examination and under the Wheeler law all property at the meeting last week. Mrs. lived since that time. Church on Friday Recure one of the new driver's lic­ Noble; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. tn 1905 he married Miss Peerl was taxed 1.8 mill«. Barnes has been named chairman It M. Stone, at Pleasant H ill; and enses sometime within three fears Rural Line Patron» Hold of the committee in charge of this Moore who survives him, as does John W illiam Mackey, resident of from the time the law was enacted three «latent, Mrs. W. A. Copeland his five children. Arthur, Gladys, function. Meeting and Discuss Vari­ Oregon since 1876 died at his home Creswell. Mrs. H. T Byrd, Corvallis, at the last seaslon of the legislature Several members of Iuka circle Thelma. Harold, and Shirley, all of and Mrs. Catherine Myer.) of Port­ ous Problems of Year at Marcola Wednesday morning It Is not known here whether Mr. Resident of Goshen Since are planning to attend the Installa- Vida, and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. land. after an Illness of 10 days. Bown will return to give the examl- 1916 Passes at Age of 76: tlon exercises for Rich Mountain B F Minney. also of Vida, Annual meetings of rural tele­ Funeral services were held Wed­ Mr. Mackey was born in Bradford nations here again In the future. circle in Eugene Saturday after- M r- Minney had been an active Funeral Was Tuesday nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from phone companies in the McKenzie county, Illinois on April 17. 1864 and noor. at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Barnes wtll Bgure in the affairs of his com- the Pleasant H ill church. Rev. valley are now being held. Several lived In Kansas and Missouri for munity, having served as school di- Mrs. John Hollis, resident of the asslst with the Installation. LEGION HEARS MUSICAL W alter Myers, chancellor of Eugene have already been held and other some time before coming to Oregon Mrs. Abbie Ford of Boston was a rector and clerk, and devoted the Practice Session and Installa* Goshen vicinity since 1916, died at where he married Ida Workman at PROGRAM AT MEETING Bible College, officiated and Inter meetings are being scheduled. her home south of Goshen Satur­ guest at the meeting of Iuka circle latter years of his life to the con­ tion of Officers to Be Held Election of officers, and discus­ Mabel on September 11. 1889 ment waa mude In the Pleasant H ill struction and development of the day at the age of 76 years. She Thursday. at Lodge Hall Here A musical program featuring c-metery. Poole-Gray-Bartholomew sion of telephone problems affect­ They lived at Holly for some Gate Creek salmon hatchery. The violin solos by Mrs. Clayton F. Bar­ chapel In Eugene had charge of the ing various communities such as years, then at Lebanon for 26 years was born at Dyersville, Iowa on Mrs. Fred Louk wtll be Installed modern hatchery was worked out. undlminlshed high rate« for switch and have been living at Marcola for October 10, 1856 and was married CHINA SUBJECT OF ber with Mrs. W alter N. Gossler service. . designed, and constructed under as president of the Progressive 22a, to John Hollis In 1878. service, difficulties of collection and the past 16. He was a farmer. as accompanist, and vocal soloa by MISSION MEETINGS direct supervision of Mr. drill team of Juanita Rebekah local problems are being held. Mrs. (.arson W right waa given at They moved to South Dakota in Survivors Include his widow, Mr**. BAPTISTS TO HOLD lodge, at the I. O. O. F. hall Fri­ . . . . . Minney. The 14 and 15 lines met Monday Ida Mackey, two sons, Guy Mackey, 1879 and came to Oregon In 1895. the regular meeting or Springfield Members of the Home and For- _ ,, . . .. „ day evening. Mrs. Zella Cantrell Is , , , , Pall bearers were Arthur Hen- night at Thurston re-electing the They lived in Roseburg for 21 years American Legion post number 40 QUARTERLY MEETING Lebanon, and Albert Mackey. Mar­ eign Missionary societies of th e , . , „ ,, . . . . . . . . dershott. W alter Carter, Eugene the vice-president, and Mies Doris same officers. The 20 and 23 lines cola; one daughter. Mrs. Maude before moving to their home near Methodist last Friday night at Taylor hall. A chnrch held their com- „ , , ,,, , „ , , . . . , . , , . , Goff, W . I. Howland. Andis Donoho. Girard, secretary-treasurer. Members of the Baptist church met at the home of W. H. Hucka Bates. Lebanon; eight grandchil­ Goshen in 1916. potluck supper preceded the meet­ blned on« o clock luncheon and I , .. _. . and Milo Thompson. Mrs. Edna The Installation w ill he held at will hold their quarterly meeting Monday afternoon. C. E. Jolley, dis­ dren; one sister, Mra. Polly Hen­ ing. Survivors Include her widower. meeting at the church Tuesday _ 7:30 with a practice session and .. .. .. „ „ . . Pearson sang. Members of the I-adles Auxiliary this evening. A potluck supper at trict manager of the Pacific Tele­ nings In Washington; and three John Hollis; four one, Gilbert. Joe. afternoon. Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter ____________ ' social afterwards. Mrs. Glenn Stone which met at the same time made 8:30 will precede the hulness meet­ phone company, and Herschel An­ brothers, Gifford Mackey. Bridge­ Elgin, and Seth, alt of Goshen; one was ln charge of the program for is chairman of the committee in plans for the purchase of a flag for ing. This meeting was postponed derson of Springfield attended this port. Washington; Gilbert Mackey, brother. George Gould. Earlville. the foreign mission group, while METHODIST CHOIR HAS charge of installation. Other mem­ some time ago because of the Ill­ meeting. the auxiliary. Hillsboro, Oregon, and Henry Mac- Iowa; one sister, Mrs. John Darling, Mrs. W illiam Rouse led the pro­ PARTY ON WEDNESDAY bers are Mrs. M arjorie Moshler and This group re-elected Its officers key, Oakland, California. The next meeting will be held at ness of many members of the con­ Dyersville, Iowa; and 10 grandchH- gram of the home mission workers. Miss Mary Louk. gregation. Activities of the church as did the M cKentle valley ccmeoU- W altervllle on January 18. Funeral services w ill be held dren. China was the subject discussed Members of the entertainment Members of the choir at the M. for the past three months will be dated linee. Their meeting was held from the Mabel church Friday at She was a member of the Christ­ at the meeting. Mrs. Poindexter re­ E. church were entertained at a committee are Mr«. Lansbery, Mrs. reviewed at the meeting and future at the home of C. W. Hansen Tues­ 2 o’clock with the Rev. Mr. Rttter viewed a chapter from the mission SENIOR SNEAK DAY IS ian church. party at the home of Miss Evelyn Moshler. and Mrs. Richmond. work will be discussed. day afternoon. The 32 line patrons officiating. Interment will be made hook, “Lady Fourth Daughter” Funeral services were held from Buell immediately following the re­ HELD AT LOST CREEK will meet Saturday night. In the Mabel cemetery. Poole-Gray- which has been chosen as the study the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel hearsal at the church Wednesday RED SOX GIRLS LOSE Bartholomew chapel of Springfield text for this season. The book de­ Members of the senior class at SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS In Springfield Tuesday afternoon evening. Miss Doris Myers and will have charge or tho services. rives Its name from the statement TWO GIVE THEATRE GAME W ITH MAPLETON Hprlngfleld took their annual sneak at 1:30 o'clock. Dr. E. V. Stivers of­ Miss Velda Bartholomew assisted HOLDS TAFFY PULL that every fourth child born In the day outing Wednesday. They choee ficiated and Interment was made In the hostess. PARTY ON BIRTHDAY world is a Chinese. The Red Sox girls basketball PAST MATRONS TAKE IN to upend the day at Lost Creek Members of Mrs. D. C. Poindex­ Pleasant H ill cemetery. team of Eugene and 8pringfleld lost Miss Jewel Helterbrand-and Miss where they enjoyed mow sports ter’« Bunday school class were en­ NEW MEMBER MONDAY their game with the Mapleton girls MRS. GOSSLER HOSTESS WORKERS OF SUNDAY and other outdoor winter recrea­ tertained with a taffy pull last F ri­ Barbara Adams entertained with a last night by the score of 18-16. The tion. Principal Buell, Glen M artin day evening at the home of Mr. and theatre party Flrday evening In Mrs. Lena Fraederlck, retiring SPANISH AUXILIARY FOR NEEDLECRAFT CLUB SCHOOL HAVE MEETING game was played ln the new school and Miss Marguerite Mllhollen, Mrs. Gravden Lewis. Mina Martan honor of their birthdays last week. worthy matron, was Initiated Into HONORS MRS. EGGIMANN at Elmira. The girls are trying to faculty members, accompanied the Shipley was In charge of the affair. Guests Included W ilm a Lewis, Pearl the Past Matrons club of Cascade Members of the Needlecraft club A meeting of all Sunday school Helterbrand, Jean Qcott. Evelyn students on their outing. Thirty-five young people of high chapter at thetr meeting held Mon­ Mrs. M yrtle Eggtmann was given met at the home of Mrs. W. N. workers of the Christian church arrange a game with Harrisburg tn Harris, Bernndlne McFarland, Mr. day at the home of Mrs. J. F. the Triumphal Arch at the installa­ Gossler last Thursday for a one was held Tuesday evening at the the near future. school age attended. and Mrs. Carroll Adams, Nathalie Ketels. Following a short usiness tion meeting of the Ladles Auxi­ o'clock potluck luncheon. Sewing home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Mosh- ZANE TO LECTURE AT Edmlston, Theda Rhodes, Easel session the members enjoyed liary of General Lawton camp. and other entertainment occupied ter. Mr. Moshler is superintendent HAPPY HOUR MEETING KENSINGTON CLUB TO Adams, Mrs. L. R. Haack. and Mr. bridge. Those present were Mrs. pSanish-American war veterans In the guests during the afternoon. 1 of the Sunday school and this wm SCHAFFENBERG’S INVITE I the monthly meeting of the group. HAVE MEETING FRIDAY and Mrs. Noah Helterbrand. Follow­ C. E. Wheaton, Mrs. Gertrude W il­ Eugene Monday evening. Mrs. Eggt- Thirteen werep resent. FRIENDS TO CARD GAME Professor N. B. Zane of the school Next meeting of the club w ill be j ----------------------------- ing the theatre performance the son, Mrs. C. A. »warts, Mrs. C. E. niann ha) been recording secretary of art at the University of Oregon Mrs. Edward Prlvat will enter­ group went to the Helterbrand Swarts, Mrs. Opal Huberts, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Schaffen- of the auxiliary group for many held Thursday, January 19, at th e ' will give a short lecture Illustrated tain at her home at Fifth and G berg entertain at their home home where a social evening with Fraederlek and the hostess. home of Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew POSTAL INSPECTOR years, and is now a member of the with lantorn slides nt the meeting streets Friday afternoon for the nesday evening with a bridge j refreehments was enjoyed. d rill team. Last year she was pres­ Mrs. R. L .Drury will be assistant! EXAMINES SCALES HERE of the Happy Hour club to be held regular meeting of the Kensington honoring Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mitch­ hostess. ented with a six-year jewel pin. BAPTIST MISSION GROUP Monday afternoon at the home of club. Tho meeting will start at ell. Guests were Mr. and Mre. H. O. D. L. Skooge, inspector In charge MRS. MILLER HOSTESS Mrs. Deno C. Poindexter. Mrs. Noah Helterbrand was also 2:30, and Mrs. iAwrence May will Dtbblee, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam HAS MEETING TUESDAY ot postal scales for Oregon*, Wash- GEESE FLYING NORTH Kenneth lloduner, choir director be the assisting hostess. | Installed as a member of the drill FOR R. N. A. NEEDLE CLUB Moyer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank IxJgan. I tngton, and Idaho was in Spring at the Methodist church, will sing. Mrs. W ill fh-hlck entertained for team at the meeting Monday. SPRING MAY COME SOON field Monday testing and examin­ and Mr. and Mrs. A! ttelo. Members of the Needle club of members of the senior Missionary Mra. W alter dossier and Mrs. I Arson W right will be the assistant MASONS PLAN SOCIAL Ihe Royal Neighbors of America circle of the Baptist church at her Several Springfield people watch­ ing the scales at the postoffice. LEGION SEWING CLUB SENIOR MISSION CROUP were guests of Mrs. Dodd M iller hostesses. NIGHT ON JANUARY 26 ed a (urge flock of Canadian geese home at Chase Gardens Tuesday at her home Wedneeday afternoon. evening. Mrs. Mel Rice presided DRILL TEAM. OFFICERS fly north over Springfield at 6 MEETS THIS AFTERNOON MEETING TO BE FRIDAY Plans for a social night at which The afternoon was spent sewing. In the absence of Mrs. Norton Pen- Return from Canada — Mr. and o'clock Wednesday evening. They WILL GO TO EUGENE Mrs. W illiam Goodman returned time wives of Masons will he guests Refreshments were served. gra. circle president. Members of the Sewing club of are wondering whether this is an The regular meeting of the senior Saturday from British Columbia. were discussed at the meeting of Springfield American Legion auxi­ omen that winter Is almost gone Members of the drill team of Missionary society of the Christian Canada where they have been visit­ Liberty bulge held Tuoiday even­ Yaehats Man Here— Frnnk Cas­ Son Is Born— Mr. and Mrs. D. C liary will hold their regular sewing and spring is approaching. lin e Circle, N. O. W „ and all of­ church will be held Friday evening ing for the past few weeks. They ing. A committee consisting of John teel of Yachats was a business visi­ Webster of Fall Creek are the par meeting this afternoon at the home ficers wtll go to Eugene this even- at the home of Mrs. Glenn Robert- were accompanied here hy Mra. Henderer, C. A. Swnvta, and I. M. tor In* Springfield Wednesday. Mr. ents of a son born to them at the I of Mrs. W. II .Pollard. W ork on Has Influenza — Mrs. W . H. ing at 7:30 to participate In a prec- son at 7:80. Thle meeting w m ftaet Goodman’s daughter, Denelda, who Peterson will make necessary ar­ Casteel says that steel head fishing Eugene hospital on Monday. Janu- clothes (or needy people ot this Adrlan is 111 at her home with the .tice for Installation to be held et announced for Tuesday of thle Is very good In Ten Mile creek now. ary 9, 1988. ta visiting In Springfield for a week. rangement«. I vicinity wilt be continued. infitteli xa. I the W. O. W. hall on January 2«. week. ACCIDENT F IT IL IO W IW MRS. BflATIAIN IDKA CIRCLE 10 CIVIC CLUB HEAD! SPONSOR BENEFIT VIDA RESIDENT DIES ATHOSPITAL Phone Croups In A fltlU Q l dCSSlOfl EARLY MARCOLA RESIDENT DIES i. JOHN HOLLIS DIESJATDRDAY Progressive 22 Installs Lridav