POUR EDUCATION10 Of i l l CLUB THEME THVHSnAY. JANUARY » 1 9 ^ TUR 8PRTNGFTHLD N BW 8 Obsidians Open j Road With Shovel Hollywood’s Baby Stars for 1933 Achievement DORMITORY RATES AT COLLEGES REDUCED JENSEN'ROB ROY Î0 MEET TONIGHT Lkk S t? I CHCeyins Oueps»'] Eugene, Ore. Jan 5 (Special) Students returning this term to live in dormitories of the University of Extra Day of Outing Proves Oregon snd Oregon State college Ait O’Reilly and Stanley were handed a plea utit surprise Value of Activities to Be Hazardous for Member« of this week when they learned (hal Stewart to Tangle In 45- Outdoor Sports Croup Stressed in Series of Na­ rates for board snd room will be re­ Minute Special Evant tional Radio Broadcasts One group of Obsidians who at- i duced tubslaiiltally for the remain der of the year. New rales, adopted Roti Koy, Scotch wrestler Import- "4-H Club work hex «durational tended the New Year's outing at ' e » •e .,f upon the recommendation of Mrs. ed from the M ddle Weal Ity Herb ▼ale«" will be the theme of the their cabins on the McKcnsie above ’ Genevieve Turnlpeeed, director of Dwell aotue weeks sgo. will meet 1*33 4-H radio aeries which will Lost Creek ranch had more of an .unii . ^ sa. dormitories, will be *26 per month open on January 7. During the outing than they had bargained (or Thor Jensen In the main event on J», for both men and women at En program» In thia series, which will and spent one more day up in the the armory card tonight In Eugene gene, and *25 per nionllt al Cor- lloy has met Jenaen lief ore and be broadcast on the first Saturday snow than they had expected to do vallls. of each month, the more important when they left Eugene Saturday was defeated Me has won constd l-asl fall rate at Eugene were *3! phases of 4-H club work that con­ afternoon and evening. el able favor with the followers of tor men and *30 for women ami at A large number of the member- tribute to the education of the the sport here aud In Portland Corvallis were *31 tor men slid *39 club member will be explained by returned to their homes Sunday and climbed into the ring la t week for women. club members, local leaders, ex evening, but many of them decided to challenge Jenaeu io a match An even greater drop in coal Is to remain over Monday for another tension workers, and others. N kl Art O'Reilly la scheduled Io meet »¿AX X . * A. js L' shown from Iasi year. Kates then The 1*32 series of programs day of snow sports and outdoor Blaniey Stewart of Portland In the Fifteen youthful screen aspiraaU were ehoesa for 1*33 achievement In the 11th Annual sditioa at Holly­ spproxlmaiely *38 for men and *36 showed that 4-H club work has life. They retired at 11 o'clock Sun 46-mluute special event on the wood. Niae blondes are la the group, personality, beauty, youth aad flexible talent being the points upon which for women al Eugene, and (34 for economic value. The 1*33 series is day evening and awoke the next ehoiee was based. . aame wrestling program. Seated, left to right: Dorothy Wihon, Mary Carllals, Lena Andre, Eleanor Hohn?Dorothy men and *30 for women nt Cor Intended to show how 4-H club morning to find themselves snow Layton. Standing: Toahia Mori, Boots Mallory, Ruth Hall, Gloria Stuart, Patricia Ellis, Ginger Rogers. LilUaa Jenaen haa proven the beat draw­ vallta. M i» Wanda Guthrie. IB. ol ing card Herb Owen has yet work develops farm boys and girls ed in. Five automobiles left a t ' Bond, Kv»)jn Knapp and Marian Shockley. The annual «avings on present Fulton. Kanta*. won highest honors Intellectually, teaches them to use the cabins could not be moved. brought to Eugene, lie haa won basis over last year will amount and the National 4-H Club Can­ Assistance front the state high-1 modern farming and home econo­ LEGISLATURE STARTS ning championship in the Inter­ all his matches eacnpltng one when to approximately *100 for men and mics methods, stimulates and aids way department wrs sought by , W ITH TWO TAX BILLS *80 for women nt Eugene, and (80 national Show at Chicago A li» became tangled up lit the ropes them to complete their education, members who went to Lost Creek scholarship was a part of the and nearly strangled himself giving for men and ,50 for women al Cor award. and improvea their ability to think ranch on skiis to open the road (be decision lo Walter Aclitu. Sales Tax and Two Percent In­ vallla. constructively and to plan intelli­ up to their property. There still M M ' ,< come Levy Goal of Governor Rooms in dormitories at Eugene gently. The following general remained about a mile of winding in Balancing Budget have more furnishings than those SCRATCHING HENS topics will be discussed during the road from the highway to the I at Corvallis, necessitating a charge cabins which could not he opened monthly programs. MAKE BEST RECORD Oregon's extraordinary session of *1 more per month. Mrs. Turnip with a snow plow. Fifteen shovels Program s S ta rt on Saturday of (he legislature began Its work seed explained The new basis e x p erim ent Shows Most Egga Are January 7, organizing the 4-H were procured and the members at Salem Tuesday morning with a makes the rates at Eugene. Corval Produced By Birds Fed club; February 4, Conductitng the spent Monday and most of Tuesday Footull attendance during the consideration of two measures de­ Ils and the normal school at Mon I season Just ended was 15 per cent 4-H club meeting; April 1, Formu­ shoveling the snow from this G rain In Litter signed to Increase the revenue of mouth approximately the same for lating the 4-H program; May 4. stretch of road that they might t below 1*31 which was ten per cent the state without putting any ad­ all atudenta living in dormitories. Project instruction; June 3. Sum­ drive their automobiles to the high Evidently It still pays lo make below 1930 Yale played this year ditional (ax on real property. (The mer-school instruction; July 1. 4-H way. to 100.000 fewer persona Ilian last laying bean work a bit for at least state tax commission h n already The returned home late Tuesday, Camps; August 5. 4-H tours; Sept­ year; Harvard lo 60.000 leas. Noire part of their feed. Judging from pre­ instruced county assessors to In­ ember 2. 4-H demons! rations and one day late. Dame played lo 440.000 persona liminary report Just made of a clude a three mill state property judging; October 7, Educational A total of 27 inches of snow had year's feeding experiments with tax on all as.-gissiueulsI. Michigan played before 233.000. rewards of 4-H club work; Nov­ fallen there Tuesday morning • • • various methods conducted by the Most outstanding of the measures ember 4. 4-H achievement; and About half of this was old snow. Mr and Mrs. Frank Taylor front in the sales tax bill, designed after Colgate's Red Raiders will play poultry department at Oregon State December 2, 4-H leadership. No No effort had been made to cleat the one used in Mlscslsslppi. and Portland visited Mr and Mrs two football g u ttie s In New York college If results of the first year program has been arranged for the the snow from the road prior t o ) y ..'M ' approved by the conference of of­ Charles Taylor here a few days next fall. New York University will aru borne out by later confirming first Saturday In March, which the Sunday outing when the auto ficials of Washington, Idaho and ago. be met October 21 In Yankee stud teats, then it pays lo feed bena falls on Inauguration Day. mobiles of the party broke opeu a Herold Rennie, who spent Christ tun» and Tulane November II at their grain in the litter where they KW Oregon as a suitable unified plan must acralch tor IL This nation-wide series of 4-H road to a point within three miles for the three states. Much discus­ mas holidays with his parents, has the Polo Grounds. Whether the ecratching haa any programs can be heard over K. G. of Alder Springs. Most of the ski • • • sion is promised on this measure returned to Scio where he is man­ W. Portland. *;3O to 10:30 A. M sports were held at the bowl on thing lo