THURSDAY. JANUARY ft l»Z. ■■ - T H E APRINO nBLD NBWB Fir«» Weather Forecast ENTERTAIN FOR CLUB AT THEIR HOME FRIDAY Mrs. Fra Delano Roosevelt mi l h Furocsetln* (rum wuuthi r ¡begun In Holland In HMM). The tirs i' Mr and Mr». M J. Xti Klin an weather forecaata In the United , tertalned Friday at their homo for Siale» were made by l*rofwe»or mam bere of the Two Town < lull '('lereium i Abbe, al Cincinnati, In ¡Thl» wa» the regular monthly n im i. j IMS. i _ ■■ NOTICK IS HER EBY O IVK N: IThtu ll»rb«rt K W alk»r ban boon CRAZY CRYSTALS up puln ted adminlslrator of the A Mineral Water Treatment, | natal.« u( Kdward O. Morgan, da- lirin*» a Health Keaort to You. . . . . . .... „ ____ eeaaad, by the County Court of Lana io k 7th. 31 V\ Nib, hutfeii«. Ph 1704 County, Orngon. AH peraooa bavin* — — —--------- — , claims against aald ratal» are r»- N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S 'tulred to pruaent them, with propier ... »ouchera, within six months from NO TIC E 1« HER EBY O IVKN. That th» 22nd day of Ifc.i »rnbar. 1932 at the underalanml, W. W. Calkin», - th» law office of L. L. Kay, In 'the hue been duly appointed Kxwutor J Miner Building, In Kugun«. Oreaon. of the Last W ill and Teatument of HER BERT K W ALKER. Ad Frank II. Mcttowell, deceased, by 1 mlnlatrator of the Matate of the County Court or the State or, Kdward C. Moraan, deceased. tireio n . for Lane County, and baa | qualified aa such Kxocutor, nml all k- L. KAY, Attorney for Katat« persona haring claims against aald ( *> 22 2»— J J 5121») 6 -13-18 ) eatate are hereby notified and re­ N O T IC E TO CREOITORS quired to present the same, aerified Notice la hereby girmi that ua required by law. with the proper vouchers, to the aald Kaecutor at Henry J llanekamp, on the 8th day the office of Calklna and Calkins, of December, 18.13, waa appointed atlorneya at law, In the llank of »»«cutor with the will annexed. of Commerce Building, at Kugene..1*1" »»late of John Hanekntup, de I .a no County, Oregon, within ulx ceased. by the County Court of montha from the dale of thia notice. | *-an" County, Oregon. Dale of flrat publication and date All peraona haring clalma agalnat of Notice December 8. 1832. aald eatate are hereby required to W W. CA LK IN S. Kxeculor p f , Present them, verified aa by law the laiat W ill and Teatument 1 required, to aald exm-utor at hta of Frank 11 McDowell, De ; residence, at Kugene. Oregon, wlth- In alx months of tl > first publica­ raaaed. tion of thia notice. Date of first C A I.K IN H A CA LK IN S. Attor­ i publication, Dae. 16th. 1832 ney» for the eatate. Henry J. Hanekainp. Executor (D 8 15-32 28 J 61 i Alta King, Atty. (D 15-23 2» - J H I ) T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y Tonsil Operation— Billie Skinner Vida Man Here—Arthur Mlnney underwent a ton ill operation at tbe of Vida was a visitor le Springfield office of a local physician Friday. on Friday. jin *. The group consists of Kugene g|)(| Hprlnafiidd reaident» who hold Dinner Guest— Mrs. A. B. Van j Valxah waa a guest at tbe home of Mrs. C. I. Oorrle on Sunday, New Year's day. meetings. On February IS, 1830, In a banket- ! ball game lie) ween Wenona, III., i and Toluca. 111., at Toluca for the champlonnlllp of M unhall county, ' ten overtime period» were played J Wenona finally won. Drive Up River— Mr. and Mrs. Harris Hurd and Miss Clara Jones drove up the McKenzie highway to the snow Sunday. Vlelta Daughter — Mrs. H. T. Mitchell of Ashland la here this week to visit with her daughter. Mrs. D. B. Murphy. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE REA L PROPERTY week with relatives t the upper McXonslo. ployed to Portland at time. Returns to Homo —> Mrs. John Mauer. mother of Mm. Marlon Hall, Has Flu — Harry W right Is re­ who has been spending the holidays covering now from an attach of her« with Mr. and Mm. Mall, loft * Friday for her uomo In Washing the Influenza. ton. Leaburg People Here— M r. and Student Is Guest— H a rry W ithers Mrs. Pete Finn of Leaburg were Jr., of Boterprtse, Oregon, a stu­ visitors In Springfield Friday. dent at Oregon State college, spent Hand Abscessed— Glen Coltrnn of the Christmas holidays here at the Pengra was In 8prtngfleld Saturday home of Mrs. C. I. Oorrle, Sr , hla to receive medical rare tor an atT grandmother. »cessed hand. NO TIC E la hereby glren that by Brothers Her»— John Cassidy of rlrtu e of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the Circuit Portland and his brother, Lawrence Court of the State of Oregon for Drive to Snow— Mr. and Mrs. Cassidy of Seattle were here last Lane County thia 23rd day of Dee- i James Mitchell drove to the snow Friday to visit frieods. ember, 1932, upon and pursuant to' line on the McKenzie highway Sun­ a decree duly glren and made by i Grove Man Visits— W. A. Hem­ day. said Court the 22nd day of Dec ' ingway of Cottage Grove was a ember. I»32, In a suit pending, A m oil recent informal picture of Mr». Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Home from Visit— Frank Wech- business visitor In Springfield on therein In which Clifford P. Thom - wife of the Frc»idcnt-t!ect, who on March 4, I9JJ become» the “ First son and Ellen M. Thomson w e re ' Lady” of the land Mrs. Roosevelt pul lo rout all rumors that she would ’ ter returned Saturday from Port­ F riday. Lowered Cash Farm Incomes plaintiffs and F. J. Berger. Mary carry on her outside activities after the President-elect takes office, land where he spent a week vlslt- Makes Payments of Fixed E. Berger and others were defend­ but instead will devote her time to hostess duties at the W hite House. ( Ing with frlaods. Tonsils Operated en— Miss Mar­ ants. which execution and orderi Interest Difficult garet Jarrett underwent a tonsil of sale waa to me directed and com-! Vlelta at Ashland — Miss Helen operation Saturday at tbe office of mnnded me to sell the real property I RED CROSS USE MUCH The farm mortgage sltaatloa Is High, teacher at tbe Brattaln a local physician. hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ one of the serious economic pro­ OF SURPLUS COTTON ' school spent part of her Christmas tain liens and charges In aald de blems confronting the country, ac­ cree specified, the Sheriff of Lane ■ vacation visiting at Aahland Ill at Home—T. C. Barker, who cording to a review of the agricul­ County. Oregon will, on Saturday, Many Sweaters Now A vailable In has been quite III at bis home for the 28th day of January. 1»33, at I tural situation by the Oregon State Principal Goes South — Glen Pacific O latrlet; Saak All several weeks is reported to be (he hour of ll:0 o o'clock. A.- college extension service In th« cur­ Wood, principal at the Brattaln Surplus Bales Improving. St the Houthwest door of the Coun­ rent agricultural situation report. , school, spent this Christmas vaca­ ty Court House In Eugene, lame Home from Portland — Bernice Due to the sharp drop In farm In­ County, Oregon, offer for sale and Red Cross chapters in the Paci­ Annual Older Boys' Confer­ tion at Medford and Ashland TREASURY DEPARTM ENT »ell at public auction for cash, sub- fic Aroa now have available 201.- Barnes returned Saturday from come. thia problem le perplexing a Office of the Comptroller of the ence to Be at Y. M. C. A. Returns Home from Portland— Jecl to redemption aa provided by Portland where she baa been visit­ great many farm owners and mort­ 480 cotton swcuters for distribution Currency, Waahlngton. 1). C„ NOTICE TO CREOITORS law, all of the r'ght. title and In­ Miss Nellie Stuart returned Mon­ January 13,14 and 15 gage holders In Oregon. ing for several days. Norember 10. 1832. NOTICK IS HKKKHY O IVKN ter»», of the defendants In aald to dlstresaed boys, girls, men, and day from Portland where she bad Baaed on preliminary data, tbe ault and of all parties claiming by, women, according to word sent out that the undersigned, has by the Notice I» hereby glren to all per Monmouth Girl Here — Shirley Oregon cash farm income Index In Plans for the 27th annual Older spent tbe New Year's holidays. through or under them or any ot sons who may hare clalma against County Court of the State of Or» them. In or to the following des­ by A. L. Schafer, area manager. Drew of Monmouth has been here given at 43 percent of the 1926 1930 Boys' Conference of the W illamette gon for the County of I^ine been The dlatrlbutlon ot sweaters Is Return Home — Mr. and Mrs. for several days this week visiting "The First National Hank of duly appointed Administrator of the cribed real property, to-wit: Valley to be held at tbe Y. M C. A. average. This compare« with the third step In the national Red Springfield,” Oregon, that the auma estate of Julio T. James, deceased Beginning at the Southwest In Eugene on January 13, 14 and 16 Pau! Alley left Monday for their with Miss Barbara Adams. around 66 for 1931, 84 for 1930, and Cross program of providing cloth­ corner of Ixil Five (6) In Block ___ ... all peraona haring clalma home at Moro, Oregon, after spend­ must be presented to Lloyd H At Klamath Falla—Miss Eva M u ­ 10» for 192». Most of the decline In were announced thin week by Stx ( ( ) In Shelton's Addition to ing to needy and destitute and com­ ing the Christmas holidays here ter spent the New Year’s holidays Kelley, Itecelrer, wilb t h e level a , alnat aald estate are hereby No- , . . . . . .u Jl *» present the aame properly Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, pletes the consumption of 500,000 Charles L. Crumly, Corvallis, dis­ Income Is due to low prices, aa proof thereof within three months rerlfled to me at the office of trict executive. Tbe annual con with Mrs. Alley's parents, Mr. and at Klamath Falls with her parents. gross production has been fairly and running thence North 78 und bales ot Farm Board cotton voted from Ibla date or they may be dis- Frank A. I)e]*ue the Attorney for 2-5 feet, thence B u t 45 feet, 9be returned to her work early well maintained. ferencea are held under the aus­ ¡Mrs. W. E. Buell. thence South 78 and 3-5 feet and by congress last July. allowed, , *” ’ eatate In Hprlngfleld, Oregon Tuesday morning. pices of tbe Northwest Council of Tbe report points ont that the thence West 45 feet to the place _ „ .. ,, ,,n or before alx months from the A ttends T eacher M eet — Roy D elivery New Ready tbe Y. M. C. A. and will include F O AW A L T . Acting » otnp- ,]a(e lh |a Notice. of beginning, being the Wqel 46 payment of fixed charges for In­ Qulney, teacher at the Lincoln Recovering from Flu— Mrs. W. C. Throughout the Ka tern. Mid­ delegations from most of tbe high troller of the Currency. Dated thia 30th day of November, fe d of said f-ol Five (6) and tbs terest on Indebtedness out of (arm West 46 feet of the South 11 and western and Pacific Areas approxi­ schools between McMinnville and school spent part of last week In Darr who has been III with intast t F 10 ) ••»>- income la now quite a different Inal influenza and bronchial pneu­ Portland attending the meetings 4-6 feet of said Ixit Four (4) In mately 2,760,000 sweaters will be — —............... \ A F. IIA K I'K R , Administrator. Cottage Grove. An attendance of Block Six (6) In Shelton's Addi­ subject to requisition by the chap­ of the Oregon State Teacher's as- monia for the past two and a half matter than it waa three or four N O T IC E I F R A N K A DK P U K , A ttorney 125 young men is expected. years ago when Income was much tion to Eugene. lame County, O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T for the eatate. weeks Is slowly recovering. soc tätien. ters. Delivery of sweaters will begin Oregon. higher. Frank Bouck of Eugene Is serv­ ID 8 16-23 29 J 5) NO TIC E 1» HEREBY O IVKN Dated thia 23rd day of December, Immediately. Gueate at Hotel— P. J. McNerney ing as general chairman of the I Drive to Portland—Mr. and Mrs. Remedical Action la Uncertain 1932. that tbs undersigned baa filed her N O T IC E Red Cross records show tbe gov­ committee on local details for the W. E. Buell and Mr. and Mrs. Paul of Los Angeles. California, and “W hat can be done Is the ques­ M L. BOWN, Sheriff, Final Account aa Admlulatratrix of O F F IN A L H E A R IN Q ernment cotton was used to pur­ conference assisted by Bill Kidwell Alley were visitors In Portland last George McKillop, Wend ling were tion being asked far and wide. Fore­ By A. E. Hulegaard. Deputy. the estate of Hopltronla A Howe, Notice la hereby given that the (D 29 J 6-13-1» 2<| deceased, In the County Court of chase 50,882,988 yards of cloth of on housing and Dick Strike on re-1 week-end. Mr. Buell attended tbe registered as guests at the Spring- closure' Moratorium! Adjustment! ___________ _ ________________ the State of Oregon for la n e Conn undersigned. Martha Mendnll. Ad field hotel this week. Legislation! A ll are being discuss­ ly. and that said Court has fixed bjlnlslralrlx of the estate of Martha IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T II F varieties suitable for making drees- creation. Ray Torrey on banquets, state teacher convention while i es for girls and women, shirts and Dr. Nelson Bossing on leaders' there, ed and acted upon more or lean." Muuday. the 30th day of January. *,ull,Br. deceased. ha» filed her Attend Party— John Dale Adam» S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E underwear for boys and men. cloth­ meetings, and Eugene Stromberg the statement says. 1933. at the hour of ton o'clock A, *'iml account In the County Court, CO U N TY O F LANE. and Miss Dorothy Mae Potter were M In the County Court Room of °F lame County. State of Oregon.1 ing for Infants, underwear for all; on registration. The chief speak-' Dinner Guests— n r and Mrs. M. “In several atates. county farm J. B. Young, Plaintiff, among those who attended a party the Court House In lame County, “ f“* ***a* January 31st. I»33, at ten' and to acquire 1,597,069 doxens of erg for the conference Include Jas. 8 - Huntly. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Pohl. mortgage adjustment boards have va. Oregon, at Eugene, aa the date, »clock In the forenoon thereof a t : given at her W alterville home last time and place for the hearing of *]** •'«’»rt House In Kugene, Lanei Claude C. Stover, also known as knit underwear and hosiery for W. Palmer and W. P. W alter, aa- and children. Virginia and Maxwell, week-end by Miss Lucille Millican. been set up through which debtors and creditors may obtain assistance aald Final Account and of objec ( »»“ ly. Oregon, at the office o f f - C. Stover, Ramona Stover, h is ! men. women and children. and slstant secretaries of the Portland and N r. and Mrs. Otto Morton were Ilona. If any. thereto, and for the lia,,l court, has been fixed by aald wife, A. C. W alker, Nelson Steele,I overalls, jumpers, trousers and Y. M. C. A .; F. A Crosby of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mor- Dinner Guests — Mr. and Mrs. in making adjustments.” the re­ filia l aelltement of aald estate. ‘ « » « »« 'he time and place for and Katherine Steele. Defendants. kn*i,.ker. fur m,.n „ nd v .,.. Northwest Y. M. C. A. Council, and ton at West Springfield on New Earl H ill of Cottage Grove and port points out. “These county E L IZ A B E TH H. M il.14). Ad hearing and considering and acting To the defendant. C. C. W alker: Orders Assist Factories the district executive, Chas. I. Year’s day. Lloyd Garrison of Marcóla were boards are composed of persons mlnlatratrlx of the Eatate of on aald account. i You are hereby summoned to an- Mophronla A Howe, deceased *>•<» r,t Drat publication Decern- J«wer the complaint filed agnlnst ty o ij. The sweaters will come from fac­ Crumly of Corvallis. Chancellor W. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and who are capable of supplying valu­ Teacher Is III— Miss Alta Mann­ ber 2»th, 1932 ! In the sb-i -e entitled cause a n if'i tories* that had not received any of J. K err has been invited to extend lY lT T E K 4) B A ILEY. Atlor­ able information and suggestions Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. M ARTHA MKNDKLL. Admin-' court, within four weeks from the the Red Cross cotton orders and neya for Administratrix. to both creditors and debtors In his official greetings to the con­ ing was absent from her duties at Istratrlx first publication of this nil mm on« (D 3» J 5-12 19 20) Brattaln school Tuesday. Bhe Portland Man Hera—Theron B. the present emergency.’’ | (D 2»— J 5-12 1926) and If you fall so to answer, plain- will keep a numlier of sweater fac­ ference on Sunday morning. has been ill for some time, but was Sausser of Portland spent New The report also gives data on the tJfT will take Judgment against the tories, which were about to close The conference theme has been able to resume her duties on Wed­ Year’s eve and Sunday in Spring- defendants, Stover, for the sum of down, open for six weeks or longer. amount of farm mortgage Indebted­ N O T IC E announced as "Christian Everyday 686 with Interest thereon at 7 per nesday. Mrs. Mabel Crowe substitu­ field at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ness and the percentage held by Pacific Coast factories also have R E G IS T R A T IO N O F Living." and this topic will be wide­ cent «Ince March 14. 1931. the »urn . . , . , _ . „ Harry M. Stewart. L A N D T IT L E various loaning agencies, and an of »6 61 taxes paid by plaintiff with ,h ‘ rwl *“ “ ''de'-a for Red Cross gar ly discussed in a series of small ted for her during her absence. outline of possible legislative ac­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E ■' 7 per cent from Dec. 12. men's. Mr. Schafer says. groups under the direction of care­ Drive to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Return to California— Mrs. Byron tion by congress. Copies of the re­ Legislation Is now pending In STATE OF OREGON FOR L A N E ' ,h * *'um ot »3R attorney's fee» JEWKLBK fully selected discussion leaders. W illis Bertsch drove to Portland Cowart and son. Jack, and her COUNTY. wl,h *•’ •* •'<*« "f 'hl» suit, that the congress to turn over to the Red port are available from county agri­ Repairing a Specialty Information regarding the confer- Saturday returning Sunday evening, brother-in-law. Ivan Cowart, left In the M atter of the Application of !lun’ ,‘ ,M' ,I®<’la >'ed a lien on the fol- cultural agents. Dew.-y \V. Ru»t to register the ,owln* mortgaged premises: Begin Cross the remainder of 329.000 ence may be secured from the gen Drive to Grove — Mr. and Mrs. last week-end for their home in Springfield, Oregon bales of cotton held by the Farm title to Northwest Quarter of sec- ’'*n8 nt » point North 87 degrees eral chairman. Frank Bouck. oi John Henderer and Miss Mary San Francisco. The spent the Back In 1913 J. M. Burnett. lion 31 In Tp 16 8 R 7 West of ‘ "d r,Te minutes west 430 feet from Board in order to continuée the Through the Eugene Y. M. C. A. Elizabeth Whitney motored to Cot­ Christmas holidays here with rela­ W. M In I-ane County. Oregon ,h,‘ SR c“ r" er of ‘ he NE * of XE U clothing relief work. Australia, skipped rope 11.810 ttm tage Grove Friday afternoon. Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN tives. excepting the north ten chains 8 **<',,on 17 In Tp. 21 Hnuth of Rg. 2 without stopping. O fficial Says More Needed east of the W illam ette Meridian, thereof. Naturopathic Physician John Barton i*ayne. chairman of VALUABLE EQUIPMENT thence north 275 feet, thence south versus Phone 91-J Fay Brown, Milo Brown. Mrs. Gene 87 degrees 6 minutes east 200 feot. the Red Cross, testifying before GIVEN O. S. C. ENGINEERS Office Houre: 1 to 6 P. M. Brown. Gordon Brown, Ixranle thence south 276 feet to the place the House Agriculture Committee, Brown, ______ Isabelle _____ Brown, _ _>w Ira C. of beginning, being all of the land stated that the 500.000 bales of cot­ 406 Fourth Street A gift of further valuable equip­ Parks. Della I. Parks and Tinman '»""ed In aald section by defendants Glover and all whom It may con 8,OT* r «" above described ton already consumed was meeting ment to the communication labora­ cern: Defendants or otherwise anti that the said I en approximately 20 per cent of the tory of the electrical engineering T A K E N O T IC E ,M‘ ""Perlor to any right claim requirements for clothing among General l a v Practice department at Oregon State college That on the 6th day of December 7 ’ ln B,l