THE rW K N T Y -N IN T II YEAH H PR IN O EIEIJ). I j ANE COUNTY. OKKOON. TH LR H O A Y. JANUARY 5. 1931 HIGH WAIER DDES Church Group to LOCAL CREAMERY Two Lodges to HOOP SEASON 10 Continue Socials Install Officers LITTLE DAMAGE -OPENON TUESDAY RUNS AS USUAL ‘ Fugitive” Author Monthly Catharinga Benefit Rebekahs and I. O. O. F. to Hold Joint Installation Nearly Four Inch** of Rain to Chriatian Church, Hara; Leaving of Griffin Not to Springfield Basketball Squad Elactiona Hald at Maat Ceremonies at Local Hall Falla Hara During Twanty- Effect Operation of Plant Meet* U. H. S. Jan. 10; four Hour Period in Springfield, Cottage Grove Jan. 13 H 0. Mushier was elected chair­ Joint Installation of officers of man and K. A. Cole, assistant chair­ BASEMENTS ARE FILLE D 1 man of the Church Hoard of the Operation of the Springfield Creamery will continue under the Chriatian church for 1933 Tuesday management of John D. Pyle and Cold Weather In Mountaina evening. Other routine business of Ilia son, Emory, It was announced and Snowfall in Low Hilla the church wa taken up at the here this week following the de­ meeting of the board which began parture of C. (J. Griffin for latke Aida Flood Condition 6001 J,U",U »<*««« Hprlngfleld I. 0 . O. F. lodge num her 70 will be held at the I. O. O F. hall Monday evening according to announcement made here this week. A special practice for outgoing view where he will become pastor and Incoming officers of the Itoba- of the lluptlst church. Illness made It uoceNsary for Mr.. kuh lodge has been called at the Orlffln to . hang.- hl. vocation and Odd Pe,,owa hsl1 ,or Kr,dMy move to a new climate. In< , l 7:80 Members of the (Kid We Will continue to ..parate the : P""<,W,‘ m“d’’ «’*“ • ,or ,be,r ,M*rt creumery and we hope to retain. In the Inmtallatlon ceremonies at all of our customer* and to continue I their regular meeting Wednesday i evening. expanding our business In thl*{ Elective officers of the Rebekah's city,” declared Mr. Pyle this morn who will be Installed Monday are Ing The creamery ba* built up a lurge Mr*. Harsh Johns, nobla grand; Mrs. Edna Yarnell, vice grand ; valuta» of business here during the few years It has been In operation. Mr* Clarine Putman, financial sec- Milk, butter, cream, Ice-cream, and ' retary; Mrs. Wanda Barnee, re­ ice are distributed by them. All cording secretary; and Mr*. Katella Fnd lev, treasurer. milk is pssteurlx««l and much of The Odd Fellowr*' new officer» the butter which they manufacture are: Noble grand, Krneat Black; Is shipped to outside markets. vice grand, E. E. Pyne; secretary. Oswald Olson, and treasurer, Karl Girard. Appointive officers will be named and installed at the meeting Mon­ day night. Chamber Elects Officers bor Year NEW OFFICEDS Favor Branch Banking Law Include Cities the Size Six New Men En of Springfield Participation in At Lane Governme All officer* of the Hprlngfleld chamber of Commerce were re­ elected for the ensuing year at a DIST. ATT 0 R NCV meeting Wednesday evening In the State Tournament Dates at Taylor hall. The officers are W Poole and Brooke Fli Salem Set for March 15-18; K. Barnell. president; H E. Maxey, quest Awaiting Thom District Meet is Earlier vice president; I M Peterson, sec­ First Official Duty with a potluck dinner In the «hurch retary-treasurer. Director* are W - Threat* of another high water social room* at 7 o’olock. The “A” league basketball season - I C. Wright, H. O. Dibble«, John An­ Tuesday morning saw many a flood in thia vicinity qulrkly sub Il was decided to continue the for Hprlngf.eld high school will offl- j derson. Julius Fulop and W A. faces In the Lane county co »Idl'd late Monday evonlna when monthly Church Night programs clally open Tueeday oi next week ! Taylor. house aa new officers took over the the water* of the Willamette river for soc ial purposes These gather­ ben the local basketball team government of the county. The chamber went on record as began receding and city aewara and ings are hold once each month with meets Jean Eberhart's University favoring changes In proposed The two most Important I ditches began draining water from different groups In charge of en­ High squad. Robert E Buras, author of the ta­ J branch banking law« now before which changed hands this ye street* and Iwaement*. tertainment and provide an oppor ras story, • < J Am a Fugitive from a the legislature to Include cities the This game was scheduled origin. those of sheriff and county Chain Gang," a t? wa* One I l f the heaviest rainfalls, tunUy for social fellowship among ally as the second game of the sea- U New ’"‘" « 'S p r in g fie ld . Members felt C. A. (Tom) Swarts çf 8p members of the congregation. 3 HU Inches In 24 hours, which fell son. one with ( ottuge Grove having for him b < Georgia, from „bid! thM » b«-«n»ctx bank from some moved Into the office of here from Holiday morning until been set for Friday of thia week state’s chain gang he escaped. strong Institution was the solution Bown as the new sheriff, naml: Monday afternoon sent creeks and The dressing room« at the Grove _ _ _ _ _ _ to reestablishing banking nnec- four new assistants and retaintn drainage ditches over their hanks ttchool are still filled with water i tlon In this city. The secretary was five. and Immediately brought the Mr an«l they a»k«-«l for a postponement Instructed to notify the Lane coun­ Mark Hathaway has been named Kenate and Willamette river* tu of the game there Marlon Hall, i ty representative« of the chamber's chief criminal deputy, Foyd Hunt­ Hprlngfleld coach, has agreed to) flood stage. Much a vnndltliin la action. er, Cottage Grove Is cook and night play the game there on Friday,! very uncommon here at thia time Taxation and unemployment re­ Jailer at the county Jail. George of the year, the peak of the high January 13. This I* a lucky day for lief work were discussed by the Canaday, peace officer and night water usually being reached In the Hprlngfleld. he says. chamber. Jailer, la a holdover. A, E. Hule- spring when the warm weather To Be Open Only Two Day* Boys at the high school are being , - — — ..■■■ gaard and Roy Potter, office clerks, sends melting snows Into the rlvera Each Week; Hour* Remain put through stiff practice sessions Death Caused By Heart At- are also being retained from the mountain*. a each evening now. They laid off tack While in California; Same Says Lebrarian in the tax collection department Judkins Point W et one week before Christmas when Neil H. Glllons Is a clerk, «„«t Funeral Held Wednesday No serious damage was caused by Hprlngfleld** city library Is be- many were III with the Influenza, Bid well a bookkeeper. Both are the water here or In West Hprlng^ Ing moved Into a new home this but made up for that time by prac- A. E. Senaeney, a resident of new members In the office and field. The water crossed the I’acl week. Hedslon to make the move tlcing each day during the holidays. Spr,ngfleld for the pa-«t 20 years _______ both are from Springfield. Lloyd fir highway at Judkins Point In the was reached at a special meeting Marshall Assists Hall died Saturday at the home of his I . Howe, was retained ae chief clerk evening Monday hut smiti began of the City Council held Friday Full Attendance Requested at “Charles “Chuck" Marshall of the daughter. Mrs. L. N. Smith. 'n87a" a1'°n Ceremonies to Be and George Houghton aa clerk. Meeting Tuesday; Mr*. receding, moat of the water being evening to discuss library finances University of Oregon la assisting Merced. California, following a Held Tonight at Home overflow from the low region to the F e d F sk became the new coun­ Page to Be Hostess The library will be located In the Hall train his team. Marshall come* heart attack. He was 70 years of of Mrs. R. Sears south. ty judge to succeed C. P. Barnard, Wlnaeareld building formerly oc­ over from the university each after- i age. All members of the Hprlngfleld and Cal Young la the now county School basements and boiler cupied by W. A Taylor's White Mrs. Nellie G. Carr will be In com misa loner. noon for the practice period*. : Mr gen.eney wsa born in Morgan iwmim were flooded as were many Front grocery store on the north Women's Civic Improvement club Three practice games have been county. Indiana, on July 10. 1862. stalled as president of Iuka Circle basements In private homes The side of Main street between Fourth are urged to attend the regular Laurence Moffitt, who has been Former High School Players I Played. two with Santa Clara, and He came to 8p.:«igfield 20 yearn number 37, Ladies Auxiliary of the serving as assistant county school monthly meeting of the group to be fire truck * n used In pumping and Fifth streets. It has been at G. A. R. this evening to succeed water from basement* and boiler the old First National Hank build­ belt! at the home of Mra. L. K. Have Regular Schedule of !one w1lh Cobur* The’' ‘>i»‘«J«‘d ago and wan proprietor of a black­ superintendent for two years, was Mrs. Wanda Barnes, retiring presi­ r,___. . . . _ ¡honors with Santa Clara, each tak room* at the high school and the ing at Viral and Main atrr*U for Page next Tuesday. January IS, at elevtcd to head that office. He re­ Competitive Contests | ln< one w m e. and dpfeated Co smith «hop here for many years dent, when the regular meeting of 2:30, by Mrs D. It Bailsman, presi­ llraltaln building were emptied the past several year*. Surviving are his three daughters. tains Margaret Cutler as his as­ the circle is held at the home of sistant in the office. Monday and regular school work Hprlngfb-ld has one group of ath­ burg on their own floor Tuesday Mrs. Smith of Merced; Mrs. R. E. The change Is being made In the dent. Thia will he a regular business letes who work hard, practice regu­ evening 22-12. Tom Williams was Smith of Portland, and Mra. R. E Mrs. Robert Sears. Mrs. Myrtle started again Tuesday morning fob Interest <>f economy according to Another office where a major meeting and new officers for th<- larly, and play a regular schedule high point, man for Springfield. Boch of Eureka. California; one Egglmann. past state president is lowing the Christmas vacation. I. M Peterson, city recorder. change was made Is that of county expected to be the installing of Tomorrow night at 7:30 Hall and year will be elected. Other buslne s Water at the Lincoln school was son, Carl Senaeney, Springfield; of games. They receive little pub „ . „ „ coroner which passed from the Library hour* will «-ontlnue to be h,Te arra"RPd ,or What one sister. Mrs. Belle Barnett fleer. much deeper and caused postpone from two to five o'clock In the will also he taken up tor discus Hefty, but do much to publicise this | hands of Clarence Simon to Charles rill likely prove a fast and inter­ »Ion. It «a said Other officers to be seated at the ment of opening for one day. The afternoon and from seven to nine Bloomfield, Iowa; and two brothers city. They are the members of thej P. Poole. He has not named a esting game at the high school gym Members of the club have adopt­ Independent basketball. streets about the school were un In the evening.. The library will L. R. Senseney. Bloomfield. Iowa, meeting are Mrs. Mollie Williams deputy. I naalum. They will play their high and John Senseney. Prairie City senior vice-president; Goldie Peter der water most of Tuesday making be open only on Wednesday and ed the policy of holding their meet­ For several years thia group of The final office to change hands son. Junior vice-president; Pearl It difficult to reach the build ng .Saturdays at these hours and* will ings at the home* of the members, boys have practiced and scheduled I ■ school team agalnat an All-star Nebraska. was that of district attorney where Knowler, treasurer; Jolana Putman Heveral cross walk* were washed l>e dosed on Monday. Tuesday, at least during the winter month*. games wherever they could, Htl/ team from the university. This Funeral services were held here W H. Brooks succeeded Alta King. team Is compo-ed of graduated stu­ conductor; Bernice Barnes, chap­ out and had to be replaced Tuea Thursday and Friday of each week not until tlha year have they been the Poole-Cray-Bartholomew He has named John Bryson aa his dents who are back in school tak­ at lain; Ellen Barker, registrar; and day. able to enter the county league. chapel Wednesday morning at 11 deputy. Mr. Brooke has moved the according to Mrs. I). It Bailsman, COURT VACATES OLD ing advanced work. Moat of them Olive Wickham, patriotic instrnc (Cast' of Springfield along the librarian. Such an Independent league was o'clock. Rev. Veltie F u ltt pftici district attorney’s office to his of M c K enzie highway organised highway most of the bridges were In December with three have been teaching athletics and ated and Interment was made in rtor. flee ou Willamette street between The library In doaed this w«wk Appointive officers will be an­ Eighth and Ninth streets. The of­ washed loose and soma floated (luring the change In kx-atlons, but Vnus«aburg The City ter; and Squires and Tom Williams dist church. The evening message ess at h«*r home last Thursday Power Service Normal Poole and Brooke found official reaching their own property. These league la composed of teams in at guard. AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH at 7:30 will be: “The Confessions No difficulty wus experienced evening at a card party honoring latter parts will he maintained. Eugene. duties facing them immediately up­ of a Minister.” Rev. Dean C. Poin Hall also has a number of res­ with light and power service de her daughter, Mra. Theron B. Suus A complete schedule of games The new highway Is In good "The New Birth” will be the sub­ on taking office aa a result of the spite the fart that a strong wind aer, who was a guest here during travel condition now. It la a little for each team has been prepared erve material, some of which has dexter will preach both sermons ject of the morning service at the death of Mrs. A. Bailey In a motor The church school will meet at already demonstrated ability and blew during most of the Sunday the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Harry choppy for about two mllea, the and la now well along. Springfield accident north of Eugene Sunday. other who are showing great pro­ 9:45. The Epworth Leagues meet Christian church with Rev. Veltie rain, according to W. K Barnell, Whitney was aaslstant hostess other three miles of the uncom­ had to postpone the game set for F u ltt. pastor, preaching on that They held an Inquest Tuesday at 6:30. mt»«. Among these are Harry Wil­ Gueala present besides Mra. Hails manager of the Mountain States pleted stretch has been graveled January 2, with Cottage Grove be subject. The choir will sing as spe­ morning and the coroner’* Jury Coburg Methodist son, guard and center; Bob Watson, ser were Mrs. Clayton Barber, Mrs Power company. Chains are advisable for those at­ cause of high water. The remaining cial music "Ye Must Be Born voted to hold Tom Savage, bus The topic for the morning mes- forward and center; Kenneth Cox, Walter Gossler. Mrs. George Green Cottage drove awoke to find driver, on a charge of Involuntary tempting to drive up Into the snow. games on their schedule for the guard Everett Chetwood; Clinton I cage at 9:45 will be: "Christian Again." morn than a foot of water In Its Mrs. John Henderer, Miss Crystal year Include Springfield at Santa manslaughter. Other officers have The Christian Endeavor meets Main street Monday. A part of the Bryan. Mra. K. E. May. Miss Mary MR. AND MRS. J. E. CROSS Clara on January 12; Springfield at Hartman, forward; and Rodney Experience.” TL? church school had only routine business matters at 6:30 with William Cox as leader. meets at 10:30 a. m. Vest, guard. highway north of the city was Ellxabeth Whitney, Mrs. Dwight Rlaehly, January IS; Crow at j to take care of during thetr first Plans for the new year and for the ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Springfield. January 23; Thurston | Tournament It Set washed out and train* were held Keasey. Mrs. N. L. Pollard, Mrs few days in the court house. state convention to be held in Eu­ Dates tor the annual state basket­ I-a yon Wright. Mrs. Henry Fin JUNIOR LEAGUE HAS up on both the Cascade and Siski­ Swarts has announced that he Member* of the 8. B A. club at Springfield, January 30; Spring-1 ball tournament were get as March gene in the spring will be discus­ drem, Mrs. Laurence Moffitt. Mri. you rout os because of slides. plans to Install a short wave radio field at Cottage Grove. February 9; NEW YEAR EVENT were entertalnt-d Monday evening sed. The greater part of the Spring- Clifford Vllson, Mra. Alice Beeson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E and Santa Clara at Springfield on 15. 16. 17 and 18 and all games will in the county jail which will be be played at Willamette university A special evangelistic service la connected with the Portland police field city dump was washed away and the'hostess. Members of the Junior Epworth February 13. Mra. Hausser returned to her Cross at a six o'clock dinner. Bridge It was decided at the meeting of the League of the Methodist church planned for the evening at 7:30 station at all times. a* the river spread over It Monday The boya are meeting at the home In Portland the first of the was enjoyed following the dinner. State High School Athletic board of with the pastor preaching an evan afternoon. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. high school gymnasium each Mon­ control held In Portland last week held th«lr New Year party at the gellstic sermon. Old time gospel week. church F id a y evening. Magic day evening for practice when they George W. Blair, Mr. and Mra. Wil­ during the convention of the Ore­ tricks and stunts were enjoyed. singing will be featured at the ser­ STREET DECORATIONS ENCAMPMENT OF I. 0. O. F. liam Andernnn. Mias Helen Blair. do not have games scheduled. F e- gon Sta^e Teachers' association. COME DOWN T H IS WEEK BAPTIST JUNIOR GUILD Colored lanterns being used In vice. There will be special music Mr. and Mra. Irvin Farris and uenlly they go out and schedule TO INSTALL ON FRIDAY also. The same 16 district divisions of these feats. games with other teams both In NAMES COMMITTEES daughter, Susan. Mr. and Mrs. F. All of the greenery used la deco­ the state will be used again this Mrs. Willis Bertsch and Miss Wlmawbala encampment of Odd L. Poindexter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray and outside of their league. rating Main street during the holi­ year it was decided. M ne and Helen Crandall had charge ot the STAR INSTALLS THREE New committee chairmen for the Naaholm, Mrs. Ruby Elspaas, all Tuesday evening they defeated Fellow* will Inatall new officers at day season was removed early this Douglas counties will comprise dis­ an open meeting for members of Junior World Wide Guild of the of Eugene and Mrs. Cecils Jones the Leaburg Red sides 20-19. This trict 10. with D. A. Emerson, sup­ party which wr.s attended by 25 OFFICERS ON TUESDAY week. The large Christmas tree They served waffles for refresh­ Is an Indication of the results ot that branch of the order and their Baptist church were appointed Fri­ of Springfield. was removed last week. This was most of the games. Springfield does erintendent of the Cottage Grove ments late in the evening. Three officers of Cascade chap­ the first time the streets had been families at the Eugene lodge hall day evening at the regular meeting schools as chairman. not always win, but the score« are ter O. E. S., who were unable to be decorated for the holiday season Friday evening. A potluck supper held at the homo of Mrs. Kenneth WALTERVILLE PEOPLE Only one new rule, one which usually very close If not tied nt the DRILL TEAM GIVEN present at thetr meeting two weeks and many • favorable comments will he held at 7 o’clock preceding Tobias, leader. Fourteen were pres­ provides that all players must now TO HEAR MISSIONARY end of the playing time. the Installation. Smelt may be an ent at the meeting which was pre- PARTY HERE TUESDAY ago were Installed at the meeting were heard from motorists and «reded with a potluck supper. Members of this team are former carry three full and regular sub­ Tuesday evening. addition to the supper. others who visited the city. The New chairman are France: Keel­ Dr. F e d J. Neal, Portland, will high school players who have r e jects and do passing work In each They are Mrs. Jane Cruxan. chap­ project was financed by the Indi­ Miss Barbara Adams was host- Charts* Minturn of Eugene la to speak nt the Waltervllle church was adopted by the board of con­ be Installed ae the chief patriarch. er, educational; Gayle Chns<>, so­ Sunday evening. January 8. He talned their IntereRt In the sport. trol. The old rule provld«»d that ess at her home Tuesday evening lain; Mrs. Carrie Jarrett, Ruth; vidual merchants of the city through the Chamber of Commerce. Elmer I’yne of Hprlngfleld Is the cial; Ixirens Chaus, devotlonala; will discuss the work of the Pres- Their usual starting lineup is each student must carry four hours at a party for members of the drill and Miss Edna Swarts, Martha. nnd Drudlle Ogilvie, service. Squires and Thatcher at forwords; Members of the Past Matrons team of the Neighbors of Wood­ new senior warden. hyterlnn mission at Elat, Kamerun, Ernatlng at center, and Cox and and do passing work In three to be craft. Twenty-two attended and club served refreshments following A short program will follow the MANY ATTEND PARTY AT Africa and will have many curios eligible to play. Leathers at guard. They also have CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR games were played for entertain­ the meeting. Installation ceremonies. which he will display at the church. VAN VALZAH’S FRIDAY a list of substitutes. Walt Schar- ment. Hcvural members of the encamp­ Dr. Neal la on a year's furlough WATCH NIGHT SOCIAL LOCAL MAN FINDS ROAD ron la manager for the team. ment live In this vicinity and they nnd Is being brought to Waltervllle BAPTISTS POSTPONE About twenty-five young people If you wont to see some real good TO NEWPORT VERY SOFT are urged to nttend. Members of the Chriatian En­ by the Christlun Endeavor society METHODIST LADIES AID attended the New Year party which basketball games plan to attend MEETINGS TH IS WEEK deavor sponsored a watchnlght of the church. A silver offering to Mrs. A. B. Van Valsah gave at her HAS MEET WEDNESDAY some of those scheduled for this The state highway leading from party in the social rooms of the defray expenses will he taken. CHURCH MEMBERS GIVE Illness of members of the con­ home F id a y evening for members team. Corvallis to Newport is very soft Christian church Saturday evening. Regular monthly meeting of the gregation with influenta this week of her Sunday school class of the QUILT TO THEIR PASTOR Alta Manning. Dawn Church, and nnd !s breaking in places where Ladles Aid society of the Metho­ caused the postponement of two Methodist church and their friends. HENDERERS ENTERTAIN heavy trucks travel over It accord­ SCHOOL BOARD PLANS A group of Hprlngfleld ladles Jewel Heiterbrand were In charge ing la W. K. Barnell who drove dist church was held Wednesday meetings at the church. The Are- Games and stunts under the direc­ W ITH NEW YEAR PARTY of the affair. Games nnd atunta TO DISCUSS FINANCES over It on his way to Ocean Lake afternoon at the church. Following tania guild meeting to have been tion of Miss Doris Myers provided presented a Friendship wreath quilt the business meeting Mrs. O. H. held Tuesday has been postponed the entertainment. Refreshments to Rev. nnd Mrs. Harry Neat of the were enjoyed and late refreshments Mr. and Mrs. John Henderer en­ A meeting of the Springfield and to «pend New Years with his Jarrett entertained with a silver until a later date, and the quarter­ were served by the hostees. Ughthouae temple at the service were served. tertained at their home Saturday mother. The heavy rains and Waltervllle district school boards tea. there Hun 'ay evening. The quilt ly meeting of the congregation has evening with a New Year pArty for will lie sought In the near future snow has softened the road he LIONS MEET FRIDAY FOR wns mode hern Wednesday of last been indefinitely postponed. n group of their friends. Cards were says. The return trip was made MRS. GOSSLER HOSTESS to work out a new financial struc­ week when the ladles gathered at FIRST TIME IN NEW YEAR the diversion of the evening. RED CROSS GIVES over the Salmon river cut-off to FOR M EETIN G TODAY ture for the two districts It was In- the homo of Mrs. U on Neet. Those Quests were Mr. and Mra. Harry Dallaa. Mrs. Barnell and Misa Bar­ EMPLOYMENT TO MEN AMERICAN LEGION TO dlcat««d at the monthly meeting of present were Mrs. George Wlacar- Hprlngfleld'* Lions club meets Whitney and Mias Mary Elisabeth bara accompanied Mr. Barnell on Members of the Needlecraft sew­ MEET HERE TO NIG HT son, Mrs. O. J. Neet, Mrs. W. H. F ld ay at noon at Taylor hall for Whitney, Mr. and Mts. E. E. May, the Hprlngfleld board held Tuesday the trip. A group of Springfield men are ing club will hold their regwlar evening. The overthrow of the Russell, Mrs. A. T. Brewer, Mrs. their first regular meeting In Janu­ Mr. and Mra. Harry Stewart, Mr. being given employment this week Regular semi-monthly meeting of meeting this afternoon at the home Claude Roper, Mrs. H. E. Morrison, ary. D. H. Murphy nnd John Pyle and Mrs. Theron B. Situsser of Wheeler law has left all school dis­ FORESTER VISITS W ITH on county road projects through the Springfield American Legion of Mrs. W. N. Ooasler They will tricts In somewhat uncertain fin­ Mrs. Alice Loper, Miss Wanetta are In charge of the program and Portland, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Long, the Red Croas agency. The men are post will be held at Taylor hall have a potluck luncheon at 1 ancial situations and revisions of PARENTS; LEAVES MON. entertainment. Neet. and the hostess. Mr. and Mra. N. L. Pollard, and Mr. being used on the South Alder here this evening according to H. o’clock preceding the meeting. the agreement by Springfield to and Mrs. Ralph Hlcka of Eugene. nduente the Waltervllle high sqhool Mr. and Mra. Wallace Halsey, Rai and street road south of Eugene. O. Dtbblee, commander. A potluck MRS. KETELS HOSTESS WANT DRIVER EXAM. vis students must be made. supper will be held preceding the MISS FISH HOSTESS F< Only routine business occupied Ing Mr. Halsey's parents in Spring- MISSION SOCIETY TRY IT JANUARY 13 FOR STAR MEETING MRS. STUART WILL BE meeting at 6:30. PARTY NEW YEAR’S 1 PRISCILLA HOSTESS the meeting of the board this week. field, left Monday afternoon for MEETING IS JAN. 9 If you want to take the driver’s Mrs. Jane Ketels will he hostess their home near Harlem. Montana. New Year Guetta—Mr. and Mrs. Florence Belle Fleh examinations for an auto license at her home Monday for the regu­ Mrs. Enoch Stuart will be hoates t Mr. Halsey Is a graduate of the Anniversary Dinner Monthly meeting of the Mission­ Fred Louk had as their guests New at a New Year wat you can do so on Friday, January lar meeting of the Past Matrons at her home thia afternoon to mem­ Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard will Springfield high sch«>ol and major­ ary society of the Christian church Year's eve. Mr. and Mrs. A. C home Saturday evening, 13, If you are not superstitious. club of Cnacnile chaptor (). E. 8. bers of the Flacllla club. The gath­ entertain at their home thia even­ ed In forestry at Oregon State col­ will he held Monday evening at the Chase and Margaret and Clifford were high school *t Ulen Down, state examiner, will he A business session, cards and re­ ering will start at 2:30. Thia will ing with a dinner for Mr. and Mrs. lege. He la now senior forester In home of Mrs. Carroll Adams. The Chase, all of Myrtle Point, and Mr*. owne age. Games and at the city hall that day to give the freshments will occupy the after­ be the first meeting of (he club Chris llnnsen. This la the wedding the Belknap Indian reservation meeting was scheduled for this Emma Olaon of Eugene. Mrs. Chase featured the noon. since Christina*. examination*. anniversary of the Hanaena. near Harlem. week, but was postponed one week. Is a slater of Mrs. Ixwk. evening. CITY LIBRARY 10 HAVE NEW HOME Civic Club Will Elect Officials CITE HAS STRONG BASKETBALL TEW HOME GAME TOMORROW E. SENSENET DIES SATURDAY Iuka Plans To Install Officers