T II l’HSI>AY. 1>F('KMHKH 2». IMS wg. THF flPRINOniCIJ) NEWS N O T IC Í TO CREDITORS NOTICE IH HEMKHY GIVEN Thai Herbert K Walker hu» been «I pointed admlnlslralur of ih» »ulat« or ICI ward C. Moraan, de <«»»«d, by ih» County Court of Lun» County. Oregon All person» havina l'Ialina aaalnat aa Id «alai» ara rt Spend Oay at Salam - Mr. and Cesena People Here— Mr. and OUlred to present Ihoni ____ .. Ith proper M Ira. W. II. Adrian pan Christman Mr Marl McPherson had Mr. and voucher», wllhln «la month» from ,t In Hnlnm with ridati« I ha 23ml day of December, 1922 at Mr». Dalo Ohlaen of Eugene at the'r the law office of I, I, Ita» in t h . suoala Christmas day. Miner Building. In Eugene, Orason w ,n d lln 0 M»" Here—George Me- Klllop of Wendling wau a visitor Returns to Portland — Frank lölnuVrm ^ K. * A LK E,t M - In »prlnsflrld on Friday, Richter who haa be«n vlsICng rela­ itiin Ini m i or of tin. K n I m i «' of tives here aat week returned to Edward C Moraan. d>« *4444 .aw O n n e n » . fia la U .la SA. Moraan, dno.u , ,| l Popcorn Sale H e ld — M e m b er» of !.. L. KAT. Attorney for Kalat» >i... . cla»» i . . at . . Ihu . u. c school u , I j Portend on Haturday. Un« Junior high (D 12 29 J S U lg, held a popcorn »ale at the school Qo to Astoria— Barbara and John NO TICE TO CREDITORS Friday afternoon Dale Adam« »pent the holidays at Nolle» Henry J H ta .'n .h hereby .'m V 'o n fb T itb d iy B l.lh d .y P a r t y - Collene Cornell Aa“ ’r,a * ' “ > ,h '” r Lloyd jm . ember. J9J2. was a p p o in t -ni.-rialned at her home Saturday Adama- ThC)f r " ,rnPd M " n', , y executor with Ib» »m ¡ " i , h„ | h,n "k‘ * 7 ' f4 " 8 ” W,,h a surprise birthday I Family III— The entire fam ily of ceased. by II,e County ^C.o.rt ‘ '» r “ r,y fur 1 1 Dolor»» Casteel, Albert Vlk at Garden Way has been |.a„ B County Oregon “ ”f >unly, Oregon III with Influenza for the past week. All per.on. having’. lain,« again», J“ ’K r P,ople M ,ra ~ Mr and aatd nutate are hereby require,I i„ Mr>l *-loyd Awl,rey of Jasper ware They are recovering now. TOWN AND VICINITY Lane County Court <26 23, Prank Spegner 958.85; Ed New« <6.26; Van, L u « <12<; L. E. Daria <44 85; Cha«. M Darling Aldoo» « 7 2 ; L. H. Porter <1*.M; 2 , *J 1 _ w «» H E Reed <1047; Ernest Read .. n ,8 T N" 33 Eulpmeni <»3 24; <4 47. DIRT. No. 84: Road Dtst No. 34 ¿i1’* ? " * n * * " m m ’ Ô’ u u * ’ Oara«e ° ------ H ------- Haw ,<22.60; J. M Berkshire <1*7 Hey <14 14; Barney Martian « 2 2 ; M A R K 4T a m n . Al Wheeler <2 9»; P E Mead <1 49; NEW ( (»NSTRl V ^ V n ? Ermald Agee <4 47; Wm Lown.y H Signor M « i ,L ’°,N: ,1 4 » ; T. R. Beers ,4.47. Ed DavU « 7 4 ; % . , ^ g e ^ J . 2 ^ A Babb Mountain Western Lurab aan-Jeusan Co. <60 0* •P S C IA L R O A D * DIRT: No I: Equipment <37.1«; Eugen» Rand A Gravel Co. <34 00; Prank P. B r ls « <34 32; J Hopklni »34 2«; W Christensen <174; GORRIE HOME SCENE Lionel Hiratton <4 9a, Axel Thors feldl J2 9»; K L Hloneberg <1 49; OF CHRISTMAS EVENT Jack llodges <4.9»; Kenneth Bar rett <16.68. DIRT No. 33: Guard Publl.hlng ImeJ City sfnd “ >* ” n • 10?1 * 7; Mrs. C. I. Gorrte. Sr. * ,Orayel DIRT. No. 2; Eugene Morning Co. <4.40; Albert B Nel.cn <6 50; « 4 ¿0 at her borne with a large i ’ Concrete P ip , Co. News <540; Clapper's »tore <1.80; >K. J. Mabe <60 24; Ray 8urc.m p <12 4o' CRYSTALS dinner Sunday for the toll, Peter Hchulze <29.79; Joe Wake­ « « ; Evart Kirk « 94; M. L. Pet- Bridge: V D Fogle 149 ta V alar Treat ment. latlvas. Mr. and Mrs. Bllory Puya of field <297»; H. D. Steel-Brooke terson « 9 4 ; Jess Martin <8.19; J. m a in t s -L s m / w V l” HI Resort to You. <26 81; Thoa. Lynn <22.34; H. J. L. Wallace « 9 4 ; Ed Cllnfeltar Brbrg. g o J * * " ! P Portland; Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Vun Rem-k <24.81; W alter Boone <31 28; « 9 4 ; M att Dibble „ 9 4 ; Ed Win- E , K u s ella. I'll 1704 Hofiklm, ,« .7 0 ; , Valxab and daughter. Barbara, of Angus lia r beck <202 68; Floyd Pen­ begler <8.94; Lestm Lake « 6 « ; J » . V ' 4* j Jaaa a * taa I Roseburg; M rr. Lillian Ingram A M nington <26.81; I^onard Black ledge W K A irin g <15 17; Ralph Boring 210 47 vd.C. 1 ' chlldr',n of Engene; Mrs. A. B. Yun n o tice to c r e d it o r * <1937; Randy Leach <1781; R. C « 4 9 ; Grant 19; w Walt S Lindsay -rant Kirk a irs <8 g ai»; a it Rack Kuck g ì » . ° «'■•«’«ay NOTICE IH H EItEB Y GIVENI T h a t l-ewls <19.37; Alvin Grunlng <20.84 H. L. Otson « 1 » ; Henry m . ? ' g ^ f " * 8 l,runk »f W. H. ' Valiah and Jack Jim and Margaret Fred Urunnlng <20.84; R. L J o y n e r Carlll’e _____ , . . - -- -------------- , Gorrle. the undersigned. W W. .t alklaa. L. Austin <11.gg; L- W N e w - , _____________________ — <19.37; Frank Sparks <169.79; ‘ )» «'»; c liff' Ruck <819 ha« Isen duly appointed Earn utor Chas. Neal <106.77; Charley Hart- * of Ih» la u t W ill and Tealament of D.RT No. 34; Porcl. A ..arsen U n V “ »’ d’ 1 X "= " OT’CJ f i2 [ " L“ Frank II McDowell. d»c«a15.58; Johnnie Peterson >39 80* the 28th day of January. 1033, at h a ,"’< , lal,n" ,hB * C“ UU i In Sprit,gf eld on Thur day. D ec Vernon Harper <7.94. • I) 8 15 23 29 J 6) <8.94; H. L. Prindell <4.47; J. P M. Fitch <24.02; R. A. Cox « ¡9 7 ; the hour of 11:00 o'clock. A. M. against said estate are hereby No- ty clerk Friday, DIRT. No. 9: Hills Creek Lumber Vlnlng <1.49; E. Prindel <1.48; H. 1 Ben Kokkeler <7.17; John Kokkeler at the southwest door of the Coun­ ember 22. 1932. lifted to present the same properly! Co. <27.70; W. D Glaspey <30.74; D. Bassonett <7.45; Luther Prln- « « m A k C ' L a k e 231 1 3 : C. D Hale ty Court House in Engene, lx»ne TREASU RY D E P A R T M E N T verified to me at the office of Go to Portland— Mr. and Mrs Hae Operation — S. N. Roberts Frank Sanders <1.49; Eldred Glaa P u e w nt to Portland Prl sell at public auction for cash, sub­ ..... .U .. submitted to an emergency opera- pey <4 84; Virgil Herndon <4.84; Patterson <1.49; Waldo W. Taylor liam Jay <1.28; Gilbert Cook ject to redemption as provided by Currency. Washington. D. <5.. * " • In Springfield. Oregon' day to spend Cbrlatm«« with their u( (hp cbrl), , |an ho>. J. B. Palmer <5.21; John Smith <2.98. <1-12; Martin Montgomery <7.4t; November 10. 1 9 « *J®, " r *^ f"ra a,> »ontha from Ihe law, all of the right, title and In­ <5.21; J. C. Bromley <3.49. DIRT No. 38: Kenneth Nielsen i W illiam Roason <1.85; W. E. Sav­ terest of the defendants In said son. Prank Jr., an a am y. pna| |n Eugene on Christmas eve. „ u . . . . dale of thia Notice. DIRT. No. 10; M L. Wallace <12.55; John Pedersen <101.78. Nol c . la hereby given 1« all per n,,««, , hla jo lh d. y No„ mbKr i age <1.48; L. L. Lake <13.83 Leon- suit and of all parties claiming by, <11.41; Equipment <14.50. Visit at Notl— Mr and Mrs. Hum Haturday night. 74c: 3 » . Calllaon D IST No. 39; Gnard Pnbllahlng < sons who may have claims against 1931. DIRT. No. 11; Shell Oil Co. Co. « 8 0 ; Ira Starr « .4 7 ; W alter; <2.23; Prentice Calllaon <2.23- H through or under them or any of Montgomery and children l^.well, portI>nd _ „ r them. In or to the following des­ "The First National Bank of A. F. HARPER. Administrator. <22.28; T. H. Parks <7.18. L. Parks <2.23; " - ----- John Pedersen cribed real property, to-wit: 8. George <2.40; H arry S w arts. Darrel and Lynetl. spent < hrlslma» DIRT. No. 12: M. L. W allace Springfield." Oregon, that the same FRANK A DE PCK. Attorney <2.20; Herman 8chm ltt <32.29 ; 212 53 ■ T - H Parks <23.33. Mrs. Clifford Wilson and »on, Mac. Beginalng at the Southwest <5.93; Equipment <1.50; Dorris Ross Myers <10.99; Prank Bottles i al Noll with relatives. must be p re s e n te d to Lloyd H. for the salate. GENERAL ROAD« spent Christmas day In Portland at Parvln 74c. corner of Lot Five (5) In Block (I> 8-15 22 29 J 8) 56c; H. O. Slocum 66c; W. 8., M A IN TE N A N C E : Ross Winters Kelley, Receiver, with the legal Six (6) In Sheltoa’s Addition to Eugene People Here— Mr. and the homo of Mrs. Wilson's parent». D I8T . No. 13: Roy Pullen <2.98; George <1.49; C. Benntnger « .9 7 ; M-<7; Road District No. 34, <76.50- Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, proof thereof wllhln three tnonlhs Mrs. Bert McCurry of Eugene were Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Mcl-ean. NOTICE Gerald B. Conner <2.98; J. C. W il­ Post Brothers <33.93. I Southern Pacific Co <5.0*; Equip­ and running thence North 78 and Iron, this dale nr they may be dis liams <2.98; C. E Thornton <2.98; REG ISTRATIO N OF Pedersen dinner gue»U of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Co||eeU Bounty_ Arehle W illiam', D I8 T . No. 40; Roy McDonald ment <1043.93; John 3- 5 feet, thence East 45 feet, M. T. Jackson <2.98; Verne School­ allowed. LAND T IT L E thence South 78 and 3-6 feet and ton P. Barber. Sunday. Kalnbow to iiected <4 county ing <2.23; Chas. C. Conner <7.18; <18.97; O. O. McDonald <19.74; <14.00; Eugene Sand A Gravel Co. F O A W A L T. Acting Comp >** THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE George Jones <3.73; H arry Ryan «3 .00; K. Barrett <14.00; M. L. thence West 45 feet to the place Fred E W itcher <1.49; Donald W it­ Pitch <14.00; Southern Pacific Co. Visit Son__ Mr. and Mr». Dave bounty for one bobcat and one of beginning, being the Went 46 STATE OP OREGON POR LANE <1.49; Earl Scobee <1.49; E. C. (roller of the Currency. cher <1.49; Gerald B. Conner <3.48; <61.27; John M. Beck «3 .92; Fred CO UNTY feet of said Lot Five (5) and the t smith of Grants Pass are here to coyote pelt at the office of the Chas. C. Conner <3.59. ( P 10 > ...................... Holman « .4 7 ; Chas. M. Darling West 45 feet of the South 11 and DIST. No. 41: W. H. Maloy D^Zey ' V r h L ‘| t c ^ S K T t i i ‘ ’h ria tm ., holiday» with j county clerk on Prlday. DIRT. No. 14: M arket Mainten­ <13.87; J. L. Mallette <4.09; Dale 244'7 ,; 0eorFe »17.56; Jack: 4- 5 feet of said Lot Pour (6) In NO TICE Hodges <53.79; Ralph King <89.78; 1 Block Six (6) In Shelton's Addi­ title to Northwest Quarter of sec- *h»lr son, Warnell Smith. Junction People Here— Mr. and ance <27.40; Hiner & Sons <3.25; Winn <2.23. OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Joe McCargar <20.41; Lot Wagner Davis « E « ; Prank Jarvis tion to Eugene. Lane County, D I8T. No. 42: E. J. Ryan Co. w’" M iZ U n e C«uRnly7 D7eUn < h « * » •» D '» « -— •» « M r" , » am M ' " ’ r and , 'har,e'' T ott- <1.49; Roy Dixon <4.49; Tris Nor­ <2.25; Peter Skovbo <7.25; W. H. 220 20: Ray Word«n <19.38; Milton Oregon. N O T IC E IH HER EBY G IVEN ton 74c; Joe Thrasher <1.49; C. A. Dandy <12.25; Ralph Koon <13.50; " ‘ c“ 245 45 : Lake <15.58; | eiceptlng Ihe north ten chains H. W Whitney entertained with a dahl all of Junction ( ity were Dated this 23rd day of December, I hai Ihe undersigned has filed his Schoiack <3.49; Clarence O. W. Brabham <12.54; P. V. Greer John Ped®i^®n <39.60; Nell Buch 1932. thereof. | Christman dinner for Mrs. Mary Christmas day gue»ts at the home Van Pinal Account as A D M IN ISTR A Sears <3.49; Roy Dixon <4.49; <3.72; Herbert Neave <3.72; Ted anan 27-7* ! T J Sweany <44.90;: H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. TOR of the Balate of Raleigh C Keasey and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Larson. <4 49 John F. W illiams 74c. Wayne <5.21; Bill Jeske <5.21; C. • " i^ F lt c h <78.57; Shell OR Co.' By A. E. Hulegaard, Deputy. Roney, deceased. In the Count) ’l"a>‘ Brown, Milo Brown. Mrs. Gene DI& f . No. 15: Thomas Sikes Huddleston <4.47; Ralph Temple- <692.80. (D 29— J 5-12-19-26) Rrown. Gordon Brown. Ixmnie K»a»«y. Court of the State of Oregon for Visits Parent»— Mr». Theran B. <2.90; John Trunnell <4.49; Prank ton <6.70; Robert Filey <5.21; L. J. Brown, Isabelle Brown. Ira C. E Q U IP M E N T : Pacific Tel A Telg laine County, and that said Court Go to Olympia— Mr. and Mr». Sausser and children are visiting Greer <10.47; E. A. Heaton <2.98; Parks. Della I Park« and Tillman Zumwalt <7.81; Orval Paschke Co. <9.55; EdwiD Tullar <149.77- IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OP T H E has fixed Monday, th» 2nd day of Glover and all whom It muy con Karl Oirard and daughters. Doris her»' thl» week at the home of her W alter Murry <4.47; Lowell Ted- «11.21; Silas M offitt <15.70; W ilbur A. A. Martin <149.79; R. H. Smith January. 1*33. at th» hour fit i .- ii STATE OP OREGON FOR T H E cent: Defendants an,j Dorothy, left Saturday for parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. ford <1196 Fred I-angston <6.94; Reetz <7.72; Ralph Koon <26 96; <144.77; C. E. Van Osdol <124.77; I CO UN TY OP LANE. „'clock A. M., In th« County Court Equipment <36.00. i Ira Gilstrap <26.95; G. W. Brabham Ray Worden <88.63; Earl Luckey Room »1 Ihe Court House of l-ane T.^ K uN ? T IC i L Olympia. Washington to spend Stewart. J. B. Young. Plaintiff, DIRT. No. 16: Equipment <5.00; I <10.77; P. V. Greer <3.72; Frank <119.77; W. H. Moyer « 4 .70; A. F. ( ’ounly. Oregon. In Kufcne, Or<*' ,ul»nd above described. Now an law. Ivan Cowart, arrived Prlday and M r W. C. R bhan Mrs. M iller <13.43; Frank Marshall <6.98 ; <2 40: Union Oil Co. <50.50; Har- Vergil Allison 78c. To the defendant. C. C. W alker: DIRT. No. 17: Equipment: jre l A Trask <18.11; Clyde Equip­ You are hereby summoned to an­ the Estate of Raleigh C. Roney, y«w appear on or before the t„ ()rnlng from I-os Angeles Io spend Is a daughter of Dr. Rebhan. DIST. No. 44: John Knmmer <235.75: R. C. Gleason 353.84; A. I 9th day of January A. D. 1932 and ment Co. <4.06; Western Auto Sup­ swer the complaint filed against you 1 f ' f »<< Mf'tl <1656: L. Burkett <6.98: W illiam »how cause why such application j Uhrlaimaa with rila ilv e . Visit W ith Daughter— Mr. and L. Whitman <18.62: G. H. Hcntges Hornshuh »1.49; B. B. Sutton <1.49. ply Co. <4.27; Oregon Machinery In the abo*e entitled cause and POTTER A H A ILEY, Attorneys <18.62; L. W. Conklin <14.15; Roll,, shall not be granted, Ihe same will for Administrator. Goes to Portland— Miss Bernie. Mrs. Harry Stewart and sou. Mor Ward »12 66; Ben Pitcher <12.66; DTST No. 45: Ralph Koon <32.00; Co. <2.25: Standard Oil Co. <19.27; court, within four weeks from the Shell Oil Co. <623.77: R. A. Babb first publication of this summons be taken aa confeaaed and a decree (D 1 8 1 5 - « - « ) L. J. Dennis <6.98; C. Schooling spent Christmas with their J. 8. Carr <13.41: John Carr <8 94: ______ ________ _________ _ _ __________ Monday morning f o r , rls w ill be entered according to the Barnee left Hardware Co. « .3 1 ; Snellstrom and if you fail so to answer, plain- prayer of the application and you , Portland Io visit with her father, daughter and son In-law. Mr. and J. F. Conklin <6.21; W ilbur Pitcher <6.98; George Gilmore <3.49; Earl Bros Inc. <204.62; Lundstrom Bros. tjff will take judgment against the Dwlgaso <1.49; R. Hawkins <4.48; <10 47; W illiam Enrnshaw <2.98. »1.25; Walters-Bushong Co. Lumber will be forever barred from dlsput- , ' a| |tarn r« and with her grand- Mrs. Theron B. Sauaser. in Port DIST. No. 19 C. T. Beach <85.92; J. C. Corbit <2.98; J. J. Meeker ■ Co. <1.57; Carlson Hatton A Hay defendants, Stover, for the sum of Ing the name. land. <85 with interest thereon at 7 per Edward Toftdahl <7.47; Western Lumber Co. <38.16; Stand­ <7.46; W B. DILLA R D . Clerk. mother <22.97; Veltum A Clow Mfg Co. cent since March 14. 1931, the sum Henrv Kelso <4.47; A. R. Tolman ard Oil Co <28.42; E. T. Temple- <20.68; Midgley Planing M ill Co. C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R , Applicant's of <6.51 taxes paid by plaintiff with Visits Parent« — Ml » Lucille Lodge Meeting Held ■— Regular man <4 35; J. E. Paddock <1.32; <50.36; Ted Adams <1.49; P. A. Attorney, Residence: Eugene, Ore- <2.80; Nordllng Parts Co. <13.63; Richmond of Portland «pent the wer|(,y meeting of Rebekah lodge Nelson Motor Co. <1.85: Hills Ser­ W ilkins <1.49; Chas. Thornton 74c; Eugene W ater Board « 4 .90; Miller- Interest at 7 per cent from Dec. 13, 'gon. 1932. the bum of 335 attorney's fees Chrlstmus bolidaya here with her was held at the I. O. O. P. hall vice Station <11.38; J. F. Neal A. E. Kester <1.49; H. P. Marku­ Sanford Tractor Co. « 0 .5 3 ; A ir with the cost of this suit, that the (D 3-15-22-29 J 51 »1.00; Mountain F ir Lumber Co. ses <3.59. Reduction Sales Co. <11.86; Broad- imrents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rich- here Monday night. No special actl DIST. No. 46: City of Creswell | way Service Station <10.87; M ark same be declared a Hen on the fol­ »22.14; Guard Publishing Co. <6.20; NOTICE OF C H A T T E L lowing mortgaged premises: Begin­ mond. . vltles were held, the Christmas . Henry Holt <38.16; W illiam W olf <6904. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE DIST. No. 47: City of Cottage i C. Sanderson Co. 75c: Hathaway ning at a point North 87 degrees : party having been held earlier In <7.96; W. A. Crispin <23.94; A. W. Motor Co. <1.10; The Price Tool and five minute« west 430 feet from Nollco Is hereby given that de- "®e<"'d®'' L a a v a a -M r. and M r * . |hp month Flock <20.86; V. A. Yunck <17.88; Grove <613.89 DIST. No. 48: Town of Spring- Co. »150; Trojan Powder Co. the SE comer of the NE U of N E U F. B Chenoweth <53.94; Gibson fault bun occurred In the conditions I- M. Petemon and «mall child left 8775.00; J. E. Haseitine A Co. Section 17 In Tp. 21 South of Rg. 3 of that cfTtaln mortgage wherein Saturday morning for Htllnboro to. R>inbow p.oole Hare— Mr and Hadley <1.49; J. E. Flock <13.47; field <553.31. DIST. No. 49: Jess Gates <16.36; ‘ »56 83; Danners Service Station east of the W illam ette Meridian, Luther Rogers <1.49; C. A. Hadley E X Z n \ ^ ^ ^ w” h, M Mr; . r , ; * ,i ™ na” ° f »3.20; Southern Pacific Co. 32.03; . ■ thence north 276 feet, thence south Frank Gates <10.47; Lawrence , . „ , <3 73 85J7; Frank Jarvle 87 degrees 6 mlnutee east 200 feet, gage«». Dated Augunt 10. 1931. by * on H P»renl*. Mr. and Mrs. a . n. wpre Christmas eve vlaitors at the D IST No. 20: R. A. Babb Hard­ Crabtree <2.98. «21.31; Ulaire Parks <33.42; O. thence south 375 feet to the place DIST. No. 60: City of Eugene rtMMon of the failure of aaid raort Handler. • q Inman home In Springfield, ware Co. <19.13; Guard Publishing ViBriWO2iJ«.V 3S'.? , 5 ; Con,«T313 <*: of beginning, being all of the land >7 223 Co. <6.40; Equipment <7.13; Ed L. gagnr to pay the debt secured there- * They Hpent Christmas day In Eu- „ 'h a m <11.97; Ray George owned In said section by defendants DIST. No. 51: Guard Publishing Eaton <50.67; Charlie Michaels by. and tl I there Is now due and Goes Home Mrs. i.oian.t nover C7 ®*: George Tolman <16.96: Ben Stover whether as above described <8.47; Emmett Blakely <9 96; Bill Co. <6.80; Equipment <5.76; H. W. W iison <2 99: T. J. Sweanv <21.74; or otherwise and that the said Leo unpaid on said indebtedness the (W lnlfrld Tyson) left Monday night : 6’>ne * '1,n Ber ■n°«*»®r. Rhodes <2.98: Fred Hake <4.47: Carson <20.14; M erl Albro <5.96; J?»» „ sum of <322 40 Dollars. for her h(,mp Bt Phoenix. Arizona. A- E- Davla be held superior to any right claim- At Albany— Mrs. F. S. Apgar and John Pelsel <5.96; Hubert Hyland W ill Schorenberg <2.18. Now. therefore, the P W r t Y * * afM r apendln(f , w„ week, here DIST. 52: City of Junction City 88.96: G. G. Thorpe <72.95; E. O. ed In said premises by any of the rrlbed In said mortgage. ,.» fololws: 'children. Frances. Jane, and Donald <2 48; Floyd E. Kelsay <1.0«; Cur­ Palmer <61.87; Ben Wilson <43.08; defendants, that said land be sold tf> Alb>ny * chr|gtm a8; tis Newman <10.43; Bert Wood Khter. Mary, had as Calllaon 74c; H. L. Parks 74c; C. *27.23; Harley H all <5.96; C. M. <173.09; Simmons Co. <1.50; Hills Creek I.umber Co. «28.22 > S. B. said A. C. W alker, be served by Nite Garage, to satisfy the debt their Christmas dinner guests Mr. L. Westrope <2.98; Bill W estropa, H ill <4.47: James Jones <1.49; Ulla Flnegan <23 93; Marshals Body A publishing this summons for four secured by said chattel mortgage.; Misses Chrletmaa— Mr. and Mrs and Mrs. C. W. Inman and. W arren <3.72; W. C. Thornton <2.98- T. H . Brendel <13.96; John Allen <6.98; Fender Works 312.67; J. C. Ponsler weeks In the Springfield News, of : B p Mlnney «6.67. and the coats and expenses of and K>r, 8taff()rd oj Route 2, Spring and Pearley Inman and Donald Parks <16.15. of Pittsburgh. Pa. DIST. No. 22: V. C. Mowreader DIST. No. 56: Addison Lumber Motor Co. <4.09: Hathaway Motor Springfield, Ore., and that you an- growing out of these foreclosure field Just missed having a Christ-1 Caples all of Elm ira, and Frank I <16.77: Elza E. Mercer <4.47. Co. <22.27; Guard Publishing Co. Oo. <41.80; Walters-Bushong Co. »wer the same four weeks from the proceedings. D IST No. 23: Guard Publishing, »« 40: B- C. Addison <1.18; Ralph «28.80: R. A. Babb Hardware Co. first publication thereof, which Is mas baby when a son was born to ' Caples of Dexter, Dated December 9. 1932. McKenzie Lumber Co. made Dec. 23, 1932. Co. <6.60: Equipment <22.38; R. A . ; Lynch <12.54; Tom Arthur <1.4>; 8136.55; JOHN I,. MARSH. Constable. them at the Pacific Christian hos- I ! 89.42; Cooleys Garage <1.26;. E E. S. D. A L L E N , Attorney for Plaln- Babb Hardware Co. <4.32; Chas. 3- W. King <4.47: Ed Kelly <1.49:, w « n aA. «. n By VAN 8VA RVER UD. Deputy. pltal In Eugene on Saturday, Dec-j Dinner in Eugene— Mr. and Mrs. tlff. Residence and P.O. address, Neet <31.38- Dexter Carter <8.18; Sam Snvder <3.49; Wm. Hoover. }Yyatt 214;40x Pederson 4 Brown Eugene, Ore. (D 15-22-29) Represented By ember 24. 1932. Lum F. Anderson and children. I Calvin Burleson <6 32: Chill WalBh »’ 49 W. H. Anderson 73c. <1.35; J. E. Damewood <14.14; Al- Frank and Irene, Mr. and Mrs. A. <2.98; Delmar Rav <9.67; James DIST. No. 67: Ralph Lynch. hert E. Nelson <1.29: Arthur L. D 23-29-J5-12 T'* ‘ NO TICE OF S H E R IF F ’* 8ALE Salem People Hera— Mr. and Mrs „ Kepnpr E E Kepner. Helen and O'Conner <9.67; Chas. Lee <9 67; <3498; H. W. Wheeler <14.89: a S. Roberts <99.12; V. D. Fogle <53.88; E. H. TURNER REAL PROPERTY Earl Roberts <12.72; A. W. Flock NO TIC E OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE Otto Wilson and son. Otto, Jr., and : Ray-hum and O. C. Rayburn I Clarence McBee <11.16; O. J. N e e t’ Shortrldge <15.64; Ralph Taylor <1.49; V. A. Yunck <2.98: C. T. 846 A Rt. SprlngfloW. Ore. REAL PROPERTY <9.67; 9. 8. McBee <2.98: B. B. i <13 40; Milton Fitch <15.58; B. W. . . ------------------- _ — I NO TIC E Is hereby given that by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson and were ... Christman dinner guests at Carter <4.33; John Farrier <6.21; I Hays 813.95; W. H. Anderson <3.71- i Beach <8.07; F. B. Chenoweth N O TIC E Is hereby given that by virtue of ail execution and order daughter, Pntty, all of Salem were »6.74; M iller Sorensen <23.96; E. virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the Circuit Christmas dinner guests at the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chas. Moonev <4.47; Vern Hucka Ber' W. Hays <2.97. DIST. No. 59: Eugene Morning M. Sanborn <17.95; Ted George of sale Issued out of the Circuit <11.76; 8. M. Wicks <4.48: E. B. C. Parsons In Eugene. Court of the State of Oregon for <5.97; Sanford Hughes <1.49; Wm. Court of the State of Oregon for Lawson <14.68; Jess McBee <4.83; News <5 25; Robert Bums <2.98; Lane County this 14th day of Dec­ home of Mrs. Gertrude Wilson 8un- Edwards <4.98; F. M. Brown <2.36; Christmas Questa— Mr. and Mrs Chnssie Neet <4.47; Fred Leppart N. L. Austin <17.95; Clarence Bur-j A. M. Balfd <28.63; Sandy Leach Lane County this 13th day of Dec­ em ber, 1932. upon and pursuant to day. nett <7.78: Fred Buss <4.47; Ralph ember, 1932. upon end pursuant to a decree duly given and made by I. W. Baker and Mr. and Mrr.. Alex <1.85. D I8 T . No. 25: Fred Bmlgley O rr <14.95; Fred Kneaper <4.47; <2.49: J. W. Pickett <26.14; Clar­ a Judgment duly given and made ' said Court the 13th day of Decern- Relatives Here— Mr. and Mrs. E. Steven« entertained at their home ence Belknap <3.59; Ray Worden by said Court this 12th day of Dec­ <8.96; Joy Englehart <1.49: Oscar N. L. Austin <10.77: Peat Hole» ' Sunday and Monday for Mr. and Swafford <3.15; U. Buck <10.38 anple <4.47; Loval Johnson <1.49: <5 19; J. E. Damewood <71.31; S. A. ember, 1932, In a suit pending In which State Mutual Hulldlng and * . « * . * . » *v Montelth <51.06; W. Earnshaw Formerly Walker-Pool« W ill Berrv <2.98: Dan Mile« <8.52: Ixinn Association of Los Angeles, day guest» Mrs. Stuarts brother Mrs. R. G. W akly of Portland and therein In which W illam ette Col­ DIST. No. 26: Shell Oil Co. <36.07; L. L. Slagle <60.71; C. E. lection A Credit Service, a cor­ Calif., a corporation, was plaintiff and sister-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper and <14.85; Inter-City Sand A G rav el! Fred Woods <3.72. Damewood <45.29; Bob W illiams DIST. No. 60: Guard Publishing and 0. A. Stalger and Hazel Stal- Cecil Frum of Forest Grove, and (laughtor. Elsie, of Kalama. Wash Co. <63.46; R. A. Babb Hardware ’ I, KLUK NK— llt h S P R IN G F IE L D <23.65; J. S. Birch « 4 .80; V. Lewis poration was plaintiff and N. J. Co. »6 60; H. W. Carson <23.74: Dahlln, et, ux. were defendants, Co. <1.80: R. J. Patton <1.49: E. L. ger. his wife were defendants, her mother, Mrs. Ella Frum, of (nKton. <4.98: W alter Sorensen <53.90; C. and Charnelton, 328 Main Mathew» <28.71; Geo. Van Buren Merl Albro <7.45; C. L. Redemer P. McBee « 1 .92; Fred Brown which execution and order of sale which execution and order of sale Teleplioi.e 721 Phone 62-J was to me directed and commanded <4.47; Seth Hollis <8.97; Emery <4.47. was to me directed and commanded Junction City. DIST. No. <1: Engene Sand A <30.81; R. W. H all « 3 .92; Claude me to sell the real property herein­ Family D lnntr— Mr. and Mrs. Gossler <1.49. mo to sell the real property heroin- McMillian <23.92; Herman Schmitt DIST. No. 27: T. J. Neely <3.15; t-Gravel Co. <6.00; J. R. Hayden »19.74: W alter George <7.46; Harry after described to satisfy certain after described to satisfy certain Children Hava Party — Annual i Charles Paddock entertained at liens and charges In said decree D IS T No. 28: Morris A Morris $1.50: H arry Keeler <8.17. Hons nnd rharees In said decree Christmas party for members of the; the|r hon, e Monday with a Christ- Swartx <3.73; John Horton <5.80; D IST No. Ralph Lynch <2.68. specified. I w ill on Friday the IStb specified, the Sheriff of Lane Coun­ Juvenile Circle of N. O. W. was j maa dinner for Dr. and Mrs. N. W. I <10.84: Wm. Kyle A Sons Co. <3.50; Fred Smigley <2.24; B. L. Rankin DIST. No. 66; Lennle Haldorson day of January, 1933, at the hour Eugene Morning News <4.95; Slus- ty. Oregon, will, on Saturday, the <1.74; H. V. Jenkins <34.37; Chas. of 10 o'clock A. M. at the southwest 14th dny of Janunry, 1933, at the hetd at the I. O. O. F. hall Saturday Emory, Mr. and Ms. Wnde Paddock ; law Motor Transport Co. <3.54; <5 59. SM ARTEST Gold <44.87; Herald Luce <1<3<; DST. No. 66: Engene Morning door of the County Court House M. Peteraen hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the afternoon with Mrs. Estella Find- and baby, M. and Mrs. W illiam Claud Erwin <2.00; O rville Lane « .9 8 ; W ill Chase <5.25; Joe Owen 74c: Herald In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, southwest door of the County Court |py) senior guardian. In charge. A Lightfoot. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross- ' <185.88; O. Fosback <19.12; Elmer News I u nee 11- C has G 69 - W A . ¡<^7-88; Joe offer for sale and sell at public c e 81 <1.11. C haa. G old old 82 <2.69, W. A | Owen O rville Johnson Q w <18.62; Lambert Petersen <9.56; H. M. Petersen L House In Eugene, Lane County and Christmas trees was man and son. W illiam , and daugh­ <81.49. Pettit <4.96. auction for cash, subject to redemp­ Oregon, offer for sale and sell at ’ ter. Mavis, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ! DIST. No. 29: Eugene Morning DIST. No. 67; Lonnie Rnbenlt <13.42; James R. KIbbe <1.49; State tion as provided by law, ail of the public auction for cash, subject to enjoyed, Ind. Accident Com. « 7 .38; Shell right, title and Interest of the de­ redemption as provided by law, all Emery and baby. The gronp spent' News <6.25; J. E. Thompson <40.88; 86 80: J. Oldham <10.40; K. Barrett Oil Co. <2.80. of the right, title and Interest of Entertain with Dinner— Mr. and fendants In said suit and of all W. P. McCollum *6.70: Clifford «6 80: M L. Fitch <6.80; Fred Christmas eve at the Lightfoot EM ERG ENCY: Valley Printing Smlalev <15.68; Henry Rieck <1.49; parties claiming by, through or un­ Poole <2.23. the defendants In said suit and of Mrs. C. E. Swarts and daughter, Co. <6.70; Equipment «87.40; 8. home on College Crest. der them or any of them. In or to DIST No. 30: Guard Publishing; L Doan« <1.49; Jay Oldham <16.58. all parties claiming by, through or Edna, entertained with a Chrlst- OCTAGON D IS T No. 71: R. A. Babb Hard B. Flnegan <4.50; R. A. Babb Hard­ the following described real prop Co. <6.60; Combs Bolden <11.03; Ed umler them or any of them "I"®® mas dinner at their home Sunday W hittaker <8.19; R. Glenn, <10.94; ware Co. <20.70: Equipment <61.25; war® Co »« 03; A. E. Sharpe <1.M; erty, to-wlt: the 18th day of November. 19.12, In , , Guard Publishing Co. <6 80 C. Jark J° n 27 00: L - F - Hamer <5.96; or to the following described real having us their guests Mr. and LODGE MEMBERS HOLD Lot 4. Block 1, George W. Llll's J. R. Fowler <7.46; D. W. M cKin­ Davis <26.92; Bert K irk i Adna H. Signor <6.73; Elbe L. 81g- Addition to Eugene. Lane County, property, to wit: Mrs. C. A. Swarts and daughters SHOWER FOR MRS. CARR non <5.21; Lloyd Fisk <8.19; W. T. A. Pickens <8.19; Glen Sroufe <8.19; <4.97; Carrol K irk <4.47; H. B nor I 2-11: Fred B- W itcher <6.70;, Oregon: Also Beginning at a point Fifty (60) Maxine and Helen Swarts and Mrs. Beginning at a point <0 feet Chas. B. Fowler <8.19; J. D. Nichols Griffin <4.47; E. E. Vincent <4.47 Donald W itcher <5.21; Claude WI1-, feet South of the Northwest cor­ Elwood Lee and baby, Nadine, Irene Members of C1n9 Circle number North and 60 feet < Inches East <8.19; Chas Nichols <7.45; Chas. Ilarvev K irk <4.47; W iley Cox >®Y 32 23' Mylon Haight « .7 0 ; Les- ner of Lot Six (6) In Block Four- According to the National teén"‘( Í 4 ) ’ (if Elias "Stewart's Ad- M r" 3 “ «an a,>tl and Lulu 46. Neighbors of Woodcraft, and of Porter <8.19; J. H. Fowler « 6 .92; <6.47; Warren Surcamp <6.97 Aaron >®r Learning <2.98; Chas. C-Conner of the Southwest corner of Eu­ Society for the Prevention of gene F. Skinner’s D. L. C. Noti­ Iuka circle, number 37. ladles of ’ O. W. H ill <9.68; Giles Fbwler Cunningham <4.47; J. D. Shoup• »J« 1B: ¿ia r'ey Thurman <10.39; T .' dltlon to Eugene, thenoe run Oell. <4.47; Kenneth T e rril <4.47; J o e 'H Parka I » - » : M iller Sorensen Blindness, It Is estimated that fication >181 In Township 17. East 6« 2-3 feet to the — East - -- line , Ihe 0 . A. R„ held a surprise shower $26 92; Orville Dutcher <2.98; Ken­ South. Range 4 West of the W il­ Jack Lafferty <4.47. »110.80; E. M. Sanborn <83.06; Ted 114,000 persons In the United of said Lot Six <«). thence South Dinner at Hayden Bridge— Mr. for Mrs. Nellie Carr last Thursday neth Hooker <6.70; John Costella W llcut <3.72; lamette Meridian, and running DIST. No. 76: James Tedford George <84.77; Sanford Hughes »9.68; W. 8. Sutherland <9.68; Fifty (60) feet, thence West, States are blind, and that more 66 2-3 feet to the East line of "'«> Mr« W . C. Myers had as their evening at the home of Mrs. Arthur Henry Rust <9.68; Albert Lake i <39.49; H arry Castle <13.41; Wm. <6053; Wm Edwards <47.91; F. thence North 217 feet, thence than half of them need nol have Brown <11.84; Ray Worden East 60 feet. South 317 feet, sad Jefferson street, thonce North ( Christmas dinner guests Sunday Taylor. Mrs. Carr Is the outgoing <8.19; Irving Higgins <18.68; Ellis i Hamerseley <13.41; H. O. Jackson M <5.19; W alter Sorensen <96.83; C. thence Weet 60 feet to the place lost their sight. along East line of Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. George Carsoq Jr.. senior guardian of the N. O. W. and i Richardson <9.68; O. F. Monroe {<13.41; Dan Quaglia <3.49; Fred O. McBee «1.84; Fred Brown of beginning, all being In aad a Fraaee <6.23; Bert Lancaster <6.47; Street Fifty (60) feet to the place Mr. and Mrs. Russell Myers and Ihe Incoming president of the Iuka <5.96: Charlton Richardson <9.88. part of tho City of Eugene, Ore­ DIST. No. 31: Guard Publishing Everett McCoy $2.98; Lester Span- <73.44- R. W. Hall <43.35; Claude of beginning, all In Eugene, Lane McMillian <43.36; George Homan children, Morris, Russely, Jr., and circle. All her personal effects w e re , gon. Co. <6.80; Shell Oil Co. <8.26; Yel­ genberg <10.48; R. B. Dtxon <26.97; County, Oregon. <1.48; M urk Nichols <1.48; Prank Dated this 14th day of OR. ELLA MEADE Dated this 14th day of December, Betty Joe, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Myers destroyed by fire recently whan low F ir Lumber Co. «1 .83; Maple­ Albert Rlssue <1.49; Fred Langston Jarvis «8 .77; State Ind. Accident 1*89. 1932. and daughter, Lois, and Mr. and their home was burned. Th® Can- ton Garage « .5 0 ; Chas. Sompklns <1.49; Equipment «2.00. Optom*trl*t Com. «01.86. H. L. DIST. No. U : Arthur Granville « .4 7 ; W alter Camp <7.46; Prancla H. L. BOWN. Sheriff, Mrs. C. L. Inman and daugher, family la now making their home on 61 Wait Eth By A. & RIGHT OP WAY: M. D. Nichols Spencer <8.<5; John Doeter <14.90; <3.74 By A. B. HULEGAARD, Deputy. Violet, and aon Iseroy. Fifth street. (D 16 Morata« 9178.7* ; Alex Johnson «S6.M; *. Jess Goudfe «.»4; A lb e it d a m p 1 D18T. No. U : (D 15-21-19 — J <-13) Business Directory Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE• GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors ..1» ” . Ì’.IL »"J -