PAOB TWO THE SPRINGFIELD N W S THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1932 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS JENSEN AGAIN ON CARD AT Published E ven Thuwaday at Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, by THE W ILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXEY. Editor ntered as second clan W A SH IN G TO N matter. February 24. IMS. at the postofflri Springfield, Oregon M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE One Tear In A dvance___ »1.60 Six Months Two Years In Advance —_ 13.60 Three Months ___ BY R A 0 F Ô Q D M O M J Y »100 50c County Official Newspaper THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2Í. 1932 THE OUTLOOK FOR 1933 There is something about the beginning of a new year which tends to revive waning hopes. Both literally and figuratively we close our books on the last day of the old year, take account of stock and make our plans for the coming twelve-month. There was more reason for hailing the new year in the old days when the calendar began with the vernal equinox, in late March, and the festival of the year's end was certain to be followed speedily by the revival of vegitation and the beginning afresh of the anuual agri­ cultural cycle. A great deal of the sentimental importance which we attach to New Year's Day is a survival from the pastoral civilizations of the past. We are no better able than anyone else to predict what will happen in 1933. “Who knoweth what a day may bring forth?” We are certain only of one thing; that is that the New Year will be different from the old one. And we hope it will be a better year. We have, at least, put behind us some of the things which made 1932 the hardest year in recent American his­ tory, for most folks, and we are closer to some of the things which promise better for the future. The election is over for one thing; the European debt situation is at least begin­ ning to be carified. We seem to have about reached the end of the procession of bank failures. Farm products touched new all-time low prices in 1932 and we cannot imagine that they will not average higher in 1933. It seems to us that the coming year will necessarily be one of thorough readjustment, not alone in matters of money and trade, but in people's mental outlook. It may have been necessary for us to go through three terrible years of depression to purge our minds of the fallacious notion that the road to universal prosoerity and individual wealth is an easy one. If it turns out by the end of 1933 that everybody has learned that he is entitled only to what he can get by working for it, and to be content with th a t the New Year just beginning will be the greatest success ever recorded on the calendar. Wa hlngtM . D. (’. -Congress hat done nothing toward reducto* gov em m ental expenditures mid lower­ ing taxes ao far, except to struggle w,,b ,b * bl11 ,0 lea*H«» beer, which *“ ***** being hailed as a great reve- nue-producvr. but probably will be vetoed If paaaed. . . . Soventeenth Installm ent I drew the bulky Mwe-covered docu '»me rrupvr form. Civic pride wa., SYNOPSIS Johnny Breen. 16, ,„enl from a desk "Colfax often «uttering a revival, new forc.'s were year.. old. who had spent all of his life aboard a tugboat, plying around tn'il m e ut Hie contili tuns, bul I hail stepping to the fore, new Ideals ol service were ogalu lifting above the, New York City, waa made mother no idea I.d u th o n un « til in n k x .i I • A n i< less t when an explosion sank t the I • "An island completely surround lumull of the town tmat on which ha. his mother anti by sew age,” Harboard remarked, __ . , They paused on the sharp oasis the roan he called father, were llv u mg. He is the only survivor, slrug " htrv bo,H .ba,he run south of Twenty fifth Street be- Prealdeut lloovera recommanda gling n'ibt. . . . . . . through through the the darkness darkness to to **'•* *"*' at night I tween Eirth Avenue and Broadway. .... shore------At dawn, amid surround "New York and vld n .ty, dump- I \ „rooking churning rush of cars f ,b tonsolldatlon of 61 gov In es entirely e n tir e tv unknown, ..» k n e w , his h i- life n t - in i - ing ......... Its wa te uiulerlal . . . . iuh. . . Ita froril . . I s in o a in g tn u r n u ig rusn or *’, cars , b u rea u s “»<* offices Into Ings 7 I‘>r,iw'*nl bur"*u* to r read. “ »’*« >" . New , t - York ■ » > » begins u r a u is . Unable I .it t u .f n> eau . , ......v„................................buM#* . - r , i I1K | , s n a r r o w r i v e r s ! b* . ,“ “ *d v v . ~ — l»maller bureaus, fewer In number, knowing nothing of life, he Is taken ¡ X m x .L R< “ A'"“n a,ld ““<** in by a Jewish family, living and lnlH U“ t»<‘n-S» ope-i cessp ools, it a , ner httd „„.led Its career. On the . officers, has not been disapproved doing a second-hand clothing bust- a crime.” A liuon Strauss ______ paused , _____ i broad stretch of the Avenue, to- ness on the Bowery. . . From the »nd thumbed the pages. , , k h f . . ' ' *° fBF' Wh,*n '* * p****d »»«hor- hour he set foot in the citv he had I ward the park, a n he« of triumph iijn< (he preNldent to work out such to fight his way through against "Tb® greatest danger, sir.” John and of victory reared their fra g ileeco n o m ies by executive order It bullies and toughs. . , and soon be interposed, "He In the absolutely ' forms and only photographs re ' lir,,V|,i„ i ......h . . . J , . came so proficient that he S attracted inadequate sewer system of the'm ail. Dewey from | „ h .lld «S - ’^ ,„k £ r ™ - returned M an,,.. O there re., ktmte ^ c X , S .7 many boxing tournaments. . , .It was here that Pug Malone came In- to young Breen’s life—an old I . ^ h V tZ^k B r e e n ^ e r “ ! w i n ^ >uj»l Flit of Coin Will Date Placet for Two Main ( >nt Match on Weakly Prog' Thor Jen sii , the man «I* wrestles with the loteree slid all others who venture Into th e r'n.- whmi he appears In a a •■•si» match la again the drawing card on the Eugen« Armory bout this even­ ing Jensen will face Bunny Mar­ itin and Walter Arhlu will meet Mary V. Dulje oí Newark, N J rtpug Itim i of 1-os Angeles. A flip«.m.lein.iir # w)|) ,,f America, in the opinion ol judges who paxsed upon the photo- ,h e two men shall lake the long graphs of 6S.OOO girls Irom all parts 1 mulch and which the shorter pro of the U. S. A. Lash prise ol fMO Hmluary. goes with the awaid. Last week Achlu and Ruy draw the short match and went to a draw with oire full each. They offered a tat Ion. It la believed In som e circles that more Interesting inatrli Ihan did Senator Carter Gluaa of Virginia Bunny Marlin und Coggins In lb« can be Secretary of the Treaoiry, main event. the post he held under President ( Achlu seem s lo lie (he only Wllsoti, If he wants II. Ilia poor wrestler In these parts who ha« health may prevent him from ac learned how to master the terrible cepllng. however. Norman Davis J Thor. He left him tangled up In the who waa undersecretary of slate ' ropes In the Eugene armory recent- under Mr. Wilson Is looked upon I) and early Ihla week repealed as the most likely choice for the ; Ills victory liefore a 1‘ortland audl- S late Department; his knowledge ( ence. and experience In foreign affairs la probably greater than lhal of auy other man In (he party. Few other guesses shout these place« are re­ Little Doris Dealer has been re­ garded aa even good. moved from the Pacific Christian conduits fifty and seventy-five of men inarched by In '17—men fy It by an adverse vote during that years old. running to the river. T h e'w ith set faces, young and tense— period. There la a strong movement problem of drainage on Manhattan ' drafted from the youth of the Mel- ” s,n' ple' bu' ,h e f*ct ,hat d r,,n ’ ! 'rampl"B onward In the to do just that, providing again that rongreaa does not really want econ seni him to nigh, school and even *«'' sbou,d al1 b® ln'° «tHpoaal, falling snow. umy but political advantage. lually took him to u health farm he works. Into scientific plants fcr the A great void of doubt had come • • • The senate has refuaed to hold h'lfth avenue is Introduced. . . . pbo,,’’h‘'rk chtorlae, oxide »« Ing doubt To the east, they saw un ixxecutlve aeaalon to act on presi­ Gilbert Van Horn, last of the old lron an<* ,,i, r"K’,n. all combined In ,(,e great clock hands of (he tower dential appointments, except In the family. Is a man about town, who almost Ideal proportions for use as po| ntIn« to seven, and back on case of Roy D. Chapin, who was Malone and Breen at one of fertiliser This seem s'to place the n fth Atwnlw , he rush of motor named as Secretary of Commerce I hidden c h a X in hU Hfe™ | Pr”|bK”,,1 b*,On^ ,h e “b'"1ty *” ; ‘’.r e came to a sudden stop with a during the congreaslonal receas, and All Indications now point lo the hospital to her home. Hhe recently which had to do with his mother’s “ v ‘ ta*®n l- A spoonful may he svreech of brakes when the high whose term will expire In any event largest crowd of office seekers that underwent an operation for appen maid, years ago, who left the family dlppe l ou, here and there and i red light on the traffic towers with that of President Hoover. The Washington has seen In forty yeara. dlcltls. when about to become a mother. It screened, bu, the groat works, the!,,^,,^,, gas-charged street other two-hundred odd vacancies lu beginning to assem ble In (lie Capi­ Mias Lois Malhewa from Toledo was reported that she married an sc|entiflc works that would y ie ld ' , . old captain of a river craft. , John Breen stood, as men have the public service Io be filled by tal City Immediately after New Is spending holidays here with her Van Horn has a ward. Josephine. a for,UBe ,0 ,b e <‘“ y ’ there “rc on‘y I stood In the twilight of thick tropic presidential appointments probably Y<*ars A lot of them are here now. parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Il Mat­ about Breen’s alraus< se no d to waken up from a rance. Harboard struck his can»-1 ence" with the Democratic leaders has been spending the holidays Columbiat’niversity. . „ . John and study. After all, the plan must concrete walk, a loud tap li being besieged with appeals to with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Thoaw War Debts Josephine meet—become attached come first. Le, us ge, the plan.- John lo4)knd help get a federal Job for Tom. Uray. Nearly a hundred million dollar« to each other, love grows and thev ... . . , .. „ .. . become engaged shortly after Breer. 1 have had “ ,heory- Almo,‘ sml,ed w,,h »«’«'•rtelnty. Mr. and Mrs Hugh Safely from of the war debt Installments due to Dirk or Harry Meantime, the one farm relief Roseburg spent Christmas hare. graduates from college. . . Jose Strauss went on. “ a theory that Josephine I-amber had Jusl sped the United States from Europe were phine has another suitor a man of the city will work its way out of by , h,,m bareheaded, her dinner (mid promptly on the nail on Dec­ project which la receiving any sort Mrs. Genevieve • Beaman and X r b e dc„roes ^ “ “^ s as J X ' h“ 8‘° PPe<1- resplendent, her face an! ember 15th. Great Britain paid her ot serious conelderallon la the daughter. Zora. and Mrs. Helen give full attention to his Job and a “ omenu mated, beautiful. She was already share, though protesting that she Domestic Allotment plan, outlined I’eteraou and children from Halem sails for Paris to select her trous- "They say that my people an- far to the south, on her way to must have a reconsideration of the In these dispatches last week, the spent Christmas at Low rance Oog- seau. . . . A, the last moment Ran- natnrai|y dwellers in cities. I, may dinner in one of the tine old survlv- whole subject before the next pay outlook for which does not at the sler’a. toul sails on the same boat. . . . At , Mias Mildred Price who la teach­ sea on the return home the great be *® But ,h e H«br’>* a »re an an Ing hom e, of Washington Square ment com es due In July. Italy, Caec- moment appear very promising. ing at The Dalles la spending (he hoalovakia. Finland. Lithuania and ocean liner crashes Into an Iceberg cient race, a race that has held Its • • • NOTICE Christmas holidays with her par­ and sinks—all passenger, taking to tenets, has kept its faith for cen Thomas Hetherlngton. the great Ijktvia paid up without a murmur OF F IN A L HEA RING the lifeboats. Van Horn per'shes turje„. |f we ar^ be dwellers in ' editor, had pieced together much There was about »36,000,00 more ents here. Hhe has been quite III X r h m e O Br,*eanT? e a in T aihaT'Gn- ' ' “ **• our h“ ’ 1>f lb* " . . y mosaic «jl.tory of the due from France, Belgium. Poland. Notice is hereby given Ibal the with flu. Cecil llarblt who has been al bert Van Horn was his father. Jose to our future habitations. I have c |tjr. He knew and deducted, and Hungary and Estonia. France's undersigned. Martha Mendel), Ad­ UNGRATEFUL phine breaks the engagement and lived In the slums - - ■ I know the imagined, and held in the files of government fell on the question of ministratrix of tbe estate of Martha Scotlaburg for some tim e Is visit Hunter, deceased, has fllsd her We wonder why a great deal of the French loan ever marries Rantoul For years John |ower East S|de-----You may not b*» little office bundles of surprls payment of Its twenty millions ot final account In the County Court log his mother here during the enil™ ,h ? ttn rlrt Th’ S k“0W **• but 1 OnCe »t",M * °" »*** lnr° r">atlon. «Bee. when talk came to be classified as war debts. After the war the United thia sum. and the new government, of lutne County, Slate of Oregon, holidays. Mra. Carey Thompson and son. ami that January 31st, 1933, at ten States loaned that country Liberty bond money to recon­ Josephine sees Breen in France. curb °* H ester Street nnd watch , lnK wltb Judge Kelly, an agreeable when It Is formed, may deride that o'clock In the forenoon thereof al Billy, have been visiting at her he remains cool, unimpressed ed a fight. 1 have known Fighting [ °M gentleman, him self asking more It would be better all around lo struct her railroads, build public buildings, and to buy sur­ but thw Court House In Eugene. Ijine The Armistice is signed. Rantoul L ipvitch!” tbau be Imparted. Thomas Hether pay up. County. Oregon, at the office of parents', Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rua- plus war material like locomotives, rolling stock, automo­ Ih’in» '" » » ? „ ? ! anAivJ° T John «Prang to his feel. Almon Ingtoa was prepared to submit a said court, has been fixed by said sell. She left Tuesday for Toledo lo sues and obtains a divorce. r ... • . Beyond question, there will be Court as the tim e and place for 1 Join her husband, who la managing biles and other equipment on hand in the A. E. F. depots. phine Breen, seven years in South Am Strauss sat silent “L ip v itch - <«rtein train of circumstances, and We did not want to ship this material home and France erica, completes his work and re Channon Ltpvltch?" John asked. ask for the few places where some sort of an International con­ hearing and considering and acting th« oil company at that place. turns to New York. He m eets Joee- ‘-John, I knew you there. I k n ew !tinl® h“'1 failed to fill in facta. He ference on these debts. There will on said account. Mrs. Linn Endicott and son. needed it and she bought it at a bargain. Now in effect Dale of first publication Decern phine again, and discovers that lo v e ,of you when you fought on the Bow-1»«« «« ‘he verge of springing one have to be, If we are going to col­ ber 39th, 1933. Johnnie, arrived Iasi Thursday and she says that she believes we should make her a present of ’ NOW ¿O ON WITH »TORY. - *ry My ° ,d *« ' “f ‘he •®“ “ t'<’“ »* **»« lect any more of them. Europe will MARTHA MENDELL, Admin spent several days here visiting all these things. try to cancel them entirely; Amer­ latratrlx relative«. Mr. Endicott cam e up . . . dead, you know. When the Tri-Plex u ty . (I) 29 J 6 12-192«) Halurday evening. They returned “Here, this way." and in a mom »hlrtwalst factory burned dow n.; "My dear Mr. Hetherlngton. what ica will Insist on payment In some France made this country a present of nothing. We ___ ___ _____________ way, on som e terms Both the out­ paid rent on every foot of trench our armv occupied e v e r v ®nt J °bn Breea Stood close to Al- Lipvitch had locked the door«—th e , you «ay may be »o. And then again going administration and the In­ Pastor's Family III— Both Rev. to Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Belmont Russell barn, chicken coop or other billet our soldiers slept 11?. mnn s,rau89 Harboard had ar !»bock killed him ” it may not. You «ay you haw. talked “Please go on.” Harboard re-, with Mr. Breen. What did he say?” coming seem to be In agreement on anil Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter and and family from Silverton spent freight on her railroads after rebuilding the road beds and m^ to* minded him after a lengthy pause, j “He called It a lot of Interesting the point that the debts cannot be (heir children are III with the flu the holidays here at the home of "I want to shake hands with John canoelled. Some politicians and (his week. Fred Ruasell. even for the privilege of blowing up bridges across rivers Breen." “with your vision of the dty." i conjecture.” « •W — — 1 After a moment or two. Almon “ 'But I believe It’s so.' I Insisted. econom ists think, however, that It being used by the Germans in the march on Paris. Harboard had managed to steer SlraU!(1J continued in low. even “ ‘Well, If It’s so, why don’t I go will be better for this country to grant easier terms than to stand All other countries in the war received territorial con­ them Into a corner near the stair tone„ gee a treraendous city rls- out and claim my own?* he asked (he future „ c„ y , uch “Well, why don', he?’’ Judge pat on existing agreements. cessions out of the German colonies. This country neither Almon Strauss was leaning toward jng BEGINNING WINTER TERM asked nor received anything. We owe no country any debt John, holding his hand. What a magnitude that men today would Kelly looked puzzled. With Congress homely human being he was! (m arvel at the sigh,. The saving marvel In the senate, tbe discussion of and all we ask is that they pay what thev owe us “John I am so glad to see you In heat, in transportation of snp- Day School Night Clattes ------------ «■------------* the bill to grant independence to High School Post Graduate« find an Intensive course Very glad.” Almon Strauss wa- plies, in the w aste motions of life. P. T. A. GETS PRESENT the Philippines Is still under dis­ short, of stocky build, almost hump w,„ coniPen sa ,e for the great con- FROM HARDWARE STORE cussion. The proposal Is lo enact a GOVERNMENT DEBTS DRAG US DOWN In Typing, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, etc. a good backed. gestion of men. Everything will be Investment. If you didn’t get It Get It hen*, and now. law now promising the Filipinos Donation of two six-gallon enamel The great need of cities, school districts, county and "Let’s go upstairs have the key. <-enteralized in zones. People will that they can run their own govern­ state governments is to be able to refinance their debts to You ______ _ the way than „ ye , n know ______ mare about cloge t0 , helr worh ed kettles to the Springfield P. T A. an a Christmas gift from Wright ment after twelve yoars. This has avoid high rates of interest. If they could get away from I. he said; “suppose you lead with parks and playgrounds scat- no particular bearing on govern­ their present high debt service then substantial tax reduc­ As they followed John up to the tered in between. There Is no value and Son's Hardware store was an ment expensea since the Philippines “It's a Good School” tions could be made. The home and other property could be offices of Colfax, up the dust-cover like the value of numbers, no poten nounced last week. They will be Phone ««li A. E. Roberts, President Miner Bldg. pay all the costs of their own gov relieved of this burden. used in the preparation of the soups ed landing and into the inner room, tiality like the mass potentiality of | ernmenl. It has a bearing on some The reconstruction finance corporation instead of loan­ a strong emotion came to John, men. and the city is the natural ' and cocoa for the hot lunches at other matters, however, particularly ing to doubtful projects might better turn its attention to a sen e of loss overpowering. He conclusion to which we must come the Lincoln and Brattaln schools. the competition of Philippine pro­ Mr" L K p**e h“" been named ducts. admitted to the United States this situation. The government can borrow money now switched on the light and waa as we remain longer on this earth much cheaper than these subordinate units are paying for - agreeably surprised to find tbe The city now is crude, cruder than I »«v«*<*ry of the association to sue free of duty, with our domestic pro­ place in excellent order. John had the plumbing in King Alfred's hut cee<* Mr!l- Opal Sherman, resigned, ducts. their bonds, yet refunding bonds can not be sold. had an idea that the Bureau must \y 6 are jUH, beginning to see the of the hot food at the In Springfield this year we are faced with a 41 mill have vanished, like so much of the fa|„test gleams of light. The coun■' *fb 8ervlng There la not very much prospect o° 1* b8« become very popular a be5ause we n,U8t SP«21111 about $32,000 out of nearly p'ast. 1 try fof. food_ for freedom and fo r :and larKe quantities of food are of any Important constructive legls $43,000 to be levied on debt service. Other taxing bodies are “I had them clean up and air the p|ay the c |(y for economy, for con ,,e,nlt u"etl ,n preparation of the lation by this dying congress. The up against the same thing. There can be no relief until rooms." Almon Stranss explained, ,-entratlon. for study and for edu. "oup" and cocoa each week. Soup is general desire Is to pass everything something is done about debts. "I expected you soon, would have , ation And by the clty , mean th„ served on Monday, Tuesday. Thurs of Importance on to the new con­ -------- — >------------ , . called for you, on my return from g reat open-hearted city with tre«H day an