THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rW K N TV -N IN TIl YEAR BPfUNOKIELD, l-ANE COUNTY. OREGON. I l 11 ' it s DA Y, I ) t,n Springfield w ent) away at her home at Oakridge generous donation« of time, pro- Cr8«w *» Tuesday even In« to as- LEGALITY IS UNCERTAIN Monday at the age of 9b year», hav duce. or money, distributed large ------------ •« «*>e Joint installation of Ing been a resident of akridge for quantities of food among the Ma* onlc »nd Eastern Starr officers I 8947,661.16 M utt Be the paat <1 years. needy families and made the hearts there Raised by Taxation; State She waa born In Illinois on Sept of many small children glad when C A- Swart» waa tha Installing Asks fo r T h r o e M i l l , Arthur Roberts was ? - - '* ember 27. 1842 and crossed the they received large package, of o,Hc* ' plains to California In 18<2 where toy», candy and nnts. marshal, and Mlaa Evelyn Buell Despite protests that the tax de- they lived for eight yeara before A total of 662 pounds of beef WM Pianist. llnquency Item of 911«,600 waa un- coming to Oakridge. roasts were distributed among Other» attending the ceremonies Juat and unfair to those who do That same year H arriett Wilcox many families Saturday along with wer# M r and **rs. W. E. Buell, pay taxes, this together with every waa married to Thomas Henry Mc­ more than three hundred stockings c - E Wheaton, Mrs. Lena | other Item of the budget aa drawn Clain. He preceded her In death each containing a half pound of irae<«erick. Mra. C. A. 8 warts. Mra. by the budget committee waa ap- In 1»U. candy, a pound of nute. and an Adams. Mra. Pearl Schantotl. R. B. I proved at the taxpayers meeting Survivors Include one daughter, orange, many loaves of bread, a n d ;Oldhani and M r* El»«e Pollard. .pent Christmas In Medford and Is; M r , „ d R the J held in the Circuit Court rooms of Mr». May Robinette. Shedd; tour nearly 1M0 toy» and treat». All o f' now In Portland attending the State . the court bouse Wednesday. The _ . . who haa been an invalid for many sons. Mike McClain. Shedd. Allie. this waa provided and distributed Teacher, trnma-latlon meeting aa Is , , pr„M)> appr(M, atlon entire meeting lasted less than two Charles ana John all at Oakridge through the efforts of a community I «h l “ « ’ ¡«be following statement: ! hours. and nine grandchildren, and 17 relief organization representative ■'We want the people of Lane The 1933 budget calls for 8947,- of most of the organizations of the I Mr and Mra. Orlfftn and their Ml»» Ina Clement. secretary ai county to know of the Good Hama­ great-grandch I Id ren. ¡««1.18 to be raised by taxation. l, heavy drinking foun- Mra. McClain celebrated her city. th« high school, has gone to Stayton ' rltan who gave ua six pullets and amaller children will leave thia talk Thia la »102,723.74 less than the v one on the atreeta of nlntleth birthday last September Aside from this there were at i weak tor Istkevlew where Mr. Orif Sprit. budget tor 1932, but la less than ’ »» erected In 1*30 to spend Christmas week with her a rooster In place of the ones the with a large cake containing 90 least 28 complete baskets of food; (In will take over tha paatorate of It la u half of the »260,000 reduction pro­ t whether It will be slater mid brother-in law. Mr and meanest man In Oregon stole. The candles. prepared and dtatributed by the Mrs Hen 11 a» I They were here »un Good Samaritan la Mr. Henry the Baptist church. Their oldaat repaired mised by the Incoming County 'seed again. Funeral services were held from day tor Chrlstmaa dinner at the Scbwlnd of Marcola non, Ned. who waa married thia churches end other fraternal o r- . Funeral Services Saturday Court in their preelection .tato the McClain home Wednesday home of Mr» lla s i’a parents, M r . ____________ ganlzatlons of the city. There were - - - - - • - week will occupy the family home afternoon at 1:30. The Poole-Gray also a large number of other pri­ for Mra. Lydia Pika Arnel m«nta and Mrs. 0 . L. Clement. In ICugen». at Odd Fellow* Hall Where Cuts Ara Made Bartholomew chapel In Springfield vate Individuals and families who Classes In all grades and at tbs Mias Margaret Uorrla baa the of­ ------------- The reductions in the budget ei- was in charge. high school will start again on made up baskets tor needy people fice management dutle» at tha Mra. Lydia Pike Arnel died at P*“ «a Included the elimination of Tuesday. January 2, following the in thetr vtclnMy. The Methodist I h er home w T d n e ^ a y ^ t ñ r Creamery. n e a r! ‘ke County Agricultural Agent, church ^ e n t oot boxes of food to ¡Marcóla at the age of 87 year. Home Demon.tratlon Agent, annual winter holiday period. SHETLAND PONY FINDS Just what tha future plana of the 2o families for Christmas. She was countv WARM WELCOME AS GIFT Creamery owners are remain some The majority of the toy. for the ! Iowa on X born p r|, „ In Apalousa ,£ 5 cro. ged « c Patrol, most of the county fair METHODISTS SERMON wbat uncertain It la eipected that appropriation, salary cuts for all A Shetland pony which the J ch .dren 7 ^ 1 . we,« ,n !862 ..ring subordinate employees la all coun­ Mr. Pyle and hla aona will tako over Cast and Audience Praises IS “A WAY APPEARS” M «rut '» California and then at Ben- the ownerahlp and operation of the Mrs. Ketels’ Work in Writ­ ty offices, and cuts In road appro­ Funeral Held Tuesday; Re- Fulop children received aa a Christ­ mas present la oelng warmly re­ school. Theee, together with other ' ton county Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor ■ priations. plant although-no confirmation of ing and Directing Play Mains Shipped to La Farge, ceived by all children of the neigh contributions were taken to E u -1 ~ of the Methodist church will preach« thia can be had thia week aa Mr. Criticism of the budget centered gene where Red Cross workers . * waa married to Clinton Wisconsin for Interment borbood this week. The pony haa The outaandlng dramatic pres hl® New Y e w ’s sermon Sunday' Pyle baa been 111 at hla home all wrapped them and then aent them Afn° “ 1870 ln w * ,co county about the item to cover tax delin­ 'w eak with Influenaa. entatlon In Springfield thia year.'| morn,n« •« 11 ° 'clock on «he auk The ren,a|ng or Mr, r rancM become so much in demand for here tor distribution. Each child I ’' hw e they l,Ted “ “ «> «’ «» when quency which F. C. Führer of Cot­ Thia waa the verdict of those i >*«• ”* Way Appears." The Sun- Bean. m<)ther of Mr> EHa , xjm. riding purposes that alternate days rcelved on an average of five toys. Mr. Urlffln expresses regret at moTed to Mohawk valley. tage Grove and F. O. Reese. Eu­ have been set aside tor the boys I Mr. Arnel died ln 192«. having to leare thia «-ommunlty who attended the Chrlstmaa page , daF «-hool will meet at 9:46. There bard wh„ dled a( lh