V THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1M2 TRIPLE MATCH AT ARMORY TONIGHT T o m of Coin to Determin« Main Event; Two Good Contests on Program WresGlng fan* were so well pleased with the clean match which Rob Roy and "Bunny” M artin put on a t the Armory in Eugene last Thursday evening that Herb Owen has lined up another similar enter­ tainment program for tonight. Eu­ gene has become known as a ‘hard’ wrestling town and seemed to like It. After several mean grudge matches In a row they seemed dis­ satisfied and applauded a couple of fast clean athlete«. Perhaps our wrestling fans are not so blood thirsty a* they think. Roy who defeated M artin two out of three fall* after losing the first one last week is scheduled to meet W alter Achiu, who has a reputa­ tion for clean sport, tonight. These two will share honors with M artin and Billy Coggins of Tacoma. A flip of a coin before the matches start will determine which two will take the main position and which the special. A rt O'Reilly w ill also be back to clown through a match with Louie Weykum if he does not have to resort to straight wrestling to hold him down, as an added attraction. A7Z Fam ilies to E a t Christm as (Continued from First Page) tory manner for everyone, but time was short and action had to be taken rapidly, i f any families have been overlooked any member of this committee should be notified. Mrs. Juetta Taylor asks that members of the N. O. W. leave their contributions to the baskets at the Taylor store where these w ill be made and from which de­ livery w ill be made Saturday. Mrs. Eggfmann asks that a similar plan be followed in respect to the Span­ ish W ar Veterans' baskets, leaving them at Eggimann's confectionary. MUCH BUTTERFAT FROM LANE COWS EACH YEAR I McKenzie Valley The past week has been filled with Christmas activities In ths III at Homs— Mrs. Wanda Barne- Ill at Homs— Mrs. Carl O lo n Is various communities. Christmas programs are being held at Deer- ! and her mother are both III this ill at her home this week. horn Wednesday evening, together week at the Barnes home. Geo. H? Gilmore, of Junction City, III W ith Flu — Mra. Rachel with the regular P. T. A. meeting. had the high herd and also the two W a lte rv llle People He Mr i Thatcher was til at her home with Thursday evening Cedar Mat the ent Lace county dairy h high e r d cows Im nm ia vem association fo r i“ - T * ** !*•« weekend ; „ nd L.aburg are presenting Christ Annual Report of District Teeter Received by County Agent; Gilmore Head* Liat herd Im provem ent assoilatlon for ¥ , „ e wen> visitors In Sprlltgfeld on the year ending October 1, accord p ^ a y . Out of Hospital — Miss Doris ing to County Agent O. 8. Fletcher, j D uller was released from the Pa- who has Just received the annual At Hospital— Asa Tilton and J . clflc Christian hospital Saturday report of W alter Steele, the testet M. Pollette both of D?xter were I following a major operation, for the association. admitted to the Eugene hospital tor Father Diss— Erma Knotts left i t - treatment during the past week. Eleven herds containing 45 ■ Saturday for South Dakota being cows were tested in, the association Attend Club Meet— Mr. and Mrs calk'd there by the d.*ath of her during the year. The average num y p Huntly attended the Gold father. ber of pounds of milk produced per chevron club meeting In Eugene R eturns from M iddle W est— M rs cow was 7,334.3 and the average Friday evening. George ITochnow has returned number of pounds of butter fat per cow was 330.47 Week-.nd Guest _ Major and from Montana where she has been Mr«. M. B. Huntly bad Clarence visiting for several weeks. Owner« of herd« that averagvd Hayes of Reedsport as their guest Dinner Planned— Mr and Mrs. more than 300 pounds per cow, and 4uring ,h . week-end. Satu Miller, and Mr. Charles Toft- the herd average in pounds pet i Family Moves— Mr. and Mrs. Ed dahl ail of Junction City will be year are as follows; Geo. H. Gil­ more, Junction City, 435.4; Chula ward G. Privât and family have Christmas dinner guests at the J. Vista Dairy, R. R. No. 2, Eugene. moved their home from Eighth and M. (.arson home. 382.71; Aage Gribskov, Junction D streets to Fifth and G streets Guests Are Coming — Mr. and City, 381.14; Elmer Harlow. R. R Home from Hospital— Bobby Nes- Mrs. C. E. Wheaton are expecting No. 2, Eugene, 358.98; Cloverleaf : bit was brought home last Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent of Blue Dairy, R. R. No. 2. Eugene. 338; i day from the Pacific Christian hos- River Saturday evening to be their Echo Hollow Dairy, R. R No, 1, I pital where he has been 111. guests over Sunday. Christmas day. Eugene. 325.18; and C. A. School-1 ing. Junction City. 308.88. Retuerta from California — Mrs. To Medford—Glenn Wood, prin­ The two high cows in the associa Rtlev Suodgr* s returned Saturday cipal at the llrattain school will lion, owned by M r Gilmore, pro | from S“ " * * « < • ” «> where she has spend part of his vacation at Med duced 669.75 pounds and gM .g ¡ been visiting with her son. Kenneth ford and w ill also attend the Ore­ gon State Teacher meeting In Port pounds, respectively. ■ Dassus. land. ------------------------------- Dinner at Homs— M r and Mrs. Dinner at Shedd— Mr and Mrs. I J- Nelson will entertain for their Riley Snodgrass and daughter, son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Maxine, and Lloyd Garrison ot Mrs. Roy Worswick of the Lorane Marcóla will spend Christmas day district on Christmas day. at Shedd with the A. M. Snodgrass Class Has Party— Dora Robinson family. I held a party at her home Saturday Injures Foot— Ray Nott severely injured his right foot Wednesday m orrlng when a part of an auto mobile dropped on his foot. No bones were broken, but the tissues of the foot were badly injured. j for the members of her Sunday Visits Parent Miss Ruth M o rri-; school class at the Methodist son spent the week-end at Port I church land visiting with her parents. To Visit Parent»— Mr. and Mrs. Paul 9. Alley ot Moro are expected to arrive this week to spend the holidays visiting with her parents. Mrs, Ella Lombard was absent Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buell. from school Tuesday having sprain­ Ill W ith Flu— Among the many ed ber foot Monday evening. Her daughter, Maurine Lombard, sub local people ill with the influenza stituted for her. this week are Mrs. J. M. Larson. Students at the Lincoln school Mrs. Alex Stevens and her mother, sold a total of 917.65 worth of Mrs. I. E. Baker. Returns from Washington— Mrs. Nellie Jordan, mother ot Mrs. E E. Pyue, returned to Springfield Wednesday evening after a month's visit in Toppenish. Washington with a son, a n d .w ith friends In Portland. Lincoln School Notes mas programs. A l Cedar Elat th< school, Mlsa Marjorie Uranl teacher. ia furnishing the entire program and uslug (or the f r I time their recently Installed lighl ing system. Friday evening the W altervllle school. Miss Veda Gray, prinrl|>ut. is presenting its program. Members of (he Christian church congrega tloo are assisting the school. The W altervllle Community's new church will have Its first tree Saturday evening. The Thurston community tree will also be on Christmas eve. The Christian church will sell the remainder of Its bataar articles, and refreshments at their Christ­ mas party Wednesday evening. A program will also be given. The W altervllle Neighbors ol Woodcraft held a Christmas party with six o'clock supper at their lodge rtxfhis Friday evening. There were 35 present. The Leaburg 1 at diss Aid annual Christmas party was held at the home of Mrs. W alter Carter with Mra. S. J. Goddard hwt*»aa. Mrs. Earl Thlenea entertained the Deerhorn Bridge club al the home of Mra. W. C. Thienes Tues­ day afternoon. Rev. Ralph Clark w ill preach at Leaburg Christmas night. Mr. Clark has Just completed hla four years' pastorate at Leaburg and at W altervllle. His sermon at W altervllle last Sunday and the coming Sunday at Leaburg are Christmas sermons. Upper Willamette iswer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause and , court, within four weeks from the first publication of thia summon« und if you rail so to answer, plain ! I Jit will tuke Judgment against the defendants. Stover, for the sum of 986 with interest thereon al 7 per ( cent since March 14. 1931. the sum 1 of 96 61 tax«« paid by plaintiff with Baptist Choir Members III; I nt-rest al 7 per cent from Dec 11, Abandon Their Cantata ' 1933. the sum of 935 attorney's flaw with the cost of tilts suit, that the Planned for Tonight same be declared a lien on the fol i lowing mortgaged premises: Begin A Christmas Pageant, written nliig al a point North 87 degrees and arranged by Mrs. John F. und five minute« west 430 feel from Ketels, will be given at (he Metho­ the SK corner of the NF. quarter of Section 17 In Tp. 31 »>uih o( Hg, 3 dist church Friday night al 8 cast of the W illamette Meridian, o'clock The music has been pre thence north 976 feet, thence south pared by Kenneth Roduner. Choir 87 degrees 6 minutes east 300 feet, them e south 376 feet to the place director. of begiunlng, being alt of the land The opening scene ot the pageant owned in said section by defendants shows two girls. Faye Parsons and ------------ ■ ■ ■■ Barbara Baruell, one with (he Spirit of Christmas und the other selfish. As they view the tableau scenes of Christmas both Join in bringing their gifts to Christ. PftfitANT FRIDAY n ».E. The parts will be taken by the following people: Joseph and Mary. Mr and Mre. W illis Bert: ch; Herod, Ralph Kaeler; Wise Men. F. 8. Clemo, W. Etuis, M r Anderson Shepherds— L. L. May, F. 8. Pol ter, John Vaughn, Lester Anderson mid Irving Davis. Angela-- Ruth Pollard, Dorris Gerber. Eiien Musc.ip, Beatrice Carson. Marie Robinson, Florence May. and Margaret Jarrett. Cherubs— A let a Burch, Joy lleb- han. Dorothy Ward, Joan Ward. Other Cherubs— Nadene Neet. Bobby Rebhan, Ruth Thompson, Yvon Sneed. Donald Sneed. Dune thy Flanery, Richard Flattery, lxiulse Martin. Florence Tlpp, Anna Tlpp. Barbara Jean Ketels. John E Ketels. Jimmie Shearer. Betty Jean Jarrett. Charles i*olndexter. Jackie Bill Vaughn. Norval, Melvin Freda May and Norma Shannon. Dlan Beeson. Nods Gossler. Anna Marie Dossier, Tommy Putman. Gradeu The women of Pleasant H ill held Coming for Christmas — Elisa beth and Evan Hughes will spend their Christmas meeting at the Christmas with their parents. Mr. home of Mrs. Hammond Wednes­ and Mrs. Wm. Hughes here. Miss day. December 14. The afternoon Hughes is employed In Salem and was spent making oilcloth tags for Eivan is traveling for the Butterlck the Salvation Army. A Christmas publications, coming here from tree with presents for all was an health seals during the recent , , . . Ashland Resident Visits — M.ss W alla W alla. Washington, added attraction of the afternoon. drive. They sold more than any I Clarice Fcnton of Ashland. Oregon, Mrs Hammond was assisted by other group in Springfield and a r e iig herp , o yJslt frlen(l8 dur|ng the Seattle People Coming— Mr. and Mrs E. Y. Swift. Cake, sandwiches proud of their record. Christmas vacation. She is attend- Mrs. Alva Gray of Seattle will stop and tea were served. Pupils at the school are repairing ,ng , he Southern O rtxrn normal here Friday evening at the D. B The Triangle Community Club III W ith Flu— Mrs. M. J. McKlin old toys to give to children who , . . Murphy home enroute to A-shland . in u s«». . „ — school at Ashland of Cloverdale held Its monthly ill at her home with influenza. Santa Claus may forget this year. where .hey will spend the Christ social meeting Friday night with a Dinner for Student* — Dr. and mas holidays with M r. and Mrs. good attendance. Program and re­ Mrs. N. W. Emery entertained at H. T. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Gray freshments were to charge of the 1 their home last Thursday evening are uncle and aunt of Mrs. Murphy. men of the club. The next meeting with a dinner for Maude Long, of will be on New Year's eve, when a Return to Medford— Dr. and Mrs. Tillamook, and Dorothy Heinmar- watch party w ill be held at the che, of Medford, both students at R. P. Mortensen returned to their hall. Mr. Petty, chairman of the home at MedJord Monday after the University of Oregon. pending the week-end here with good eats committee, announced The Christmas cantata which the Returns from Portland — C. A. relatives. They came up to sse that a bachelor supper would be Baptist church had expected to Flu is dangerous. Protect yourself and your loved Swarts returned Saturday from M argart Mortensen who underwent served and for everyone to come give this evening has been dropped ones from it! Keep out of crowded places where pos­ ■ Portland where he had attended, a major operation at the Eugene and bring their appetites. because of Illness of many members sible. Avoid drafts or wet feet. Keep your vitality up to the annual convention of sheriffs I hospital Saturday, The school children of Clover­ of the choir. the highest possible level. Take care of even the slight­ dale under the Instruction of their ■ and district attorneys of the state 1 Large Dinner 8unday— Mr. and teacher, Mrs. Cone will give a ' est cold. If you suspect Flu, call your doctor without Leave fo r M edford— Mr. and Mrs. Mra. W illiam Davis will entertair Christmas program Friday night, i IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E delay. You can get everything here that is needed to W. F. W alker and Mrs. Alice Lorah for a number of their relatives at u December 23 at the community I S T A T E O F OREGON FOR T H E help you ward off Flu; to help you and your doctor CO U N TY O F LANE. left Saturday morning for Medford Christmas dinner Sunday. They wll hall. check it. Antiseptic mouth washes and gargles, nasal J. B. Young. Plaintiff, to spend the Christmas h o lid a y {have as their guests Mr. and Mrs sprays and inhalants. Aspirin. MiJk of Magnesia. Laxa­ Eddie Jacoby, who has been at­ vs. with Mr. and Mrs. Joy Walker, Claude Teague and family of Eu tending high school at Corvallis tives, hot water bottles, etc. Prescriptions accurately Claude C. Stover, also known as gene. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bel knar ; has entered the PleaJknt H ill high brother and sister-in-law of Mr. compounded from fresh, active drugs. 'Phone 15. C. .C. Stover. Ramona Stover, his W alker. Mrs. Lorah came to and fam ily of Creswell, and Mr. anc school. Harry Jacoby who was at- wife, A. C. W alker. Nelson Steele, Springfield Friday evening from Mrs. George Vallier, parents of Mrs tending O. S. C. has been forced und Katherine Stenle, Defendants To the defendant, C. C. W alker: | Portland. Davis. to quit on account of poor health. ' You are hereby summoned to an- is flu .'H I Irish-Murphy Co. We are proud of our Holiday foods which are ready for the Chrlstm us tables of Springfield. They are the finesl quality and ut the lowest prices ever offered In auch a wide selection. MAY CHEER AND GOOD FELLOWSHIP PREVAIL FOR YOU THIS CHRISTMAS Specials For Christinas Dinner CONCORD Bread and Butter Grape Butter Pickles 16 Oz. Glass 15 Ounces 21c 15c Stuffed Olives Libby's — 6 Ounces Sweet Potatoes 21c Libby's, Taylor’s, bawls. The full choir with Cherubs will march to the balcony with lighted candles where the music will be given. The Processional will be Adeste Fidelea. Then follows the song. "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear,” Solo— " The First Noel", Norton Pengra; solo—"Behold a Virgin Shall Convelve," (Messiah I and “ He Shall Feed His Flock," (Messiah), Mra. Ketels; “ Holy Night," “W here is H e f , "Glory to God in the Highest,'' (Messiah) by quartet. Mrs Barnell, Norton Pan- gra. Evelyn Buell and Fred Buell; solo—"Contlque de Noel," Adam. Mrs. Barnell; hymn— "H ark the Herald Angels sing." At the close of the program Sun day school children will bring forward gifts In the form of food and toys for Christmas baskets. Others in the audience are also in­ vited to contribute. ¿Hover whether as above described or otherwise and that the said lien be held superior lu any right claim ml In said premise« by any of the defendMta, that said land be sold according to law Io satisfy said lien, ami that defendants tie debarrer from asserting any right in said land except the right to redeem from such mortgage sate. Thia summmons Is served by pub licatlon persuant to an order of O F . Sklpworth. Circuit Judge, dated Dec. 32. 1932. directing that you. said A. C. W alker, be served by ptibllsblng this summons for four weeks in the Springfield News, ot Springfield. Ore., and (hat you an swer the suine four weeks from the firsl publication thereof, which la made Dec 23, 1932 S. D. ALLEN. Attorney for Plain­ tiff. Residence and P.O. address, Eugene, Ore. D 22 29J5 I1 Marmalade McGrath’s — Large cane Each Orange or Grapefruit 16 Oz. Claes 15c IOC Brown Sliced Pineapple Rice Flakes 14 Oz. Flat Can Rosedale 6 Oz. Package 10c 5c PHILCO ^^F lan er^s^ru g S to re^^^ QUALITY FOODS A Gift that Lasts! X Fo r A real buy t Balanced S u p e rh e te ro d y n e w ith Elec I ru-Dynamic cpeakei -a n d more! Christmas in great abundance, and at the lowest p r ic e s Complete at Fulop’s Department Store Fine foods are here S P R IN G F IE L D , O R E G O N in many CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS FIND THIS SALE A GREAT GIFT OPPORTUNITY— years. Delicious Foods do more th a n a little to m ake Christ­ You can have a new Philco as your own, installed free to your ground and Aerial, by paying only a small amount down, balance in small monthly payments. You’ll Save as You Never Saved Before! m as a memorable day. T hey’re here in abundance. WE REDUCED TH E PRICES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Xmas Hard CANDY IO C Lb. COOKIES, As­ sorted, Superior Quality, Regular 50c. XMAS SPECIAL ALMONDS 2 Lbs. FANCY 25c 35c Soft as Silk CAKE Home Grown FLOUR, Pkg. WALNUTS 1 Cake COOLER FREE 15c Med Log Cabin Cane or PEANUTS, Roasted or Raw, 3 lbs. 25C 25c Maple SYRUP, 49c 1 lb. Log Cabin PAN­ CAKE FLOUR FREE I Lb. Sunshine Hydrox COOKIES 19c I Sunshine Hard Wheat Family FLOUR 98 c AUTOMOBILE FREE POP CORN. Will Pop 5c Borden’s CANNED MILK Tall Can 5c WE WISH ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS White Front Grocery Phone 9 W . A . T aylor Full-aizcd Ixjwboy cabinet Balanced Superheterodyne w it h Electro - I iynamic WE MENTION ONLY A FEW ITEMS 35c Men’s Pure Linen H andkerchiefs 19c $3.50 Men’s Sw eaters ........ S 1 .9 S $4.00 Men’s Bathrobe 5 2 .4 8 $1.75 Men’s Outing or Broadcloth P a ja m a s ............. ..... 9 8 c $1.50 Men’s. Broadcloth Shirt 89c Ladies’ Rayon Pajam as ..................... 89c 69c 98c Ladies’ Rayon Bloomers 23c Ijadies’ Outing Gown 49c 25c Ladies Linen H andkerchiefs ............... - .......... - 10c 50c Extra Large Turkish Towels ....... 29c $5.00 Wool mixed Extra I«arge Blanket 5 2 .4 8 $2.50 Sheet and Pillow Case Set, colored border, C l 19 $1.00 Towel S e t ..................... ...... 69c $1.00 All Wool Children Sw eaters 59C $1 50 All Wool Boys’ Sw eaters 98C 50c Indies' Box H andkerchiefs .......................... 23c $1.00 Ladies’ Box H andkerchiefs 5OC $1.25 Kayser Pure Silk Full Fashion Hose 69C Bedspread, large size ...................................................... 8 9 c Hear (he new 19J3 l ’hilec uuAi- elsl The finest of itxlern radios developed by the world's largest radio manufacturer. T ry one in your own home without cost to you. See for you-sell the sharp selectivity, the amazing distance range and hear the rare purity of tone that I*hilco, and only Philco offer«. Test it in your own home, in your own way, and then you will realize why Philco is die choice of the majority. - KASY TER M S $30.95 (om pi eie Ladies Rayon Dance S e t......................... ...................... Ladies’ Crepe de Chine Dance Set PRICES QUOTED ARE ONLY ON A FEW GIFTS, BUT Long and S h o rt W a v e R a d io A 4 YOU’LL FIND TH E GREATEST BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Fulop’s Department Store Springfield, Oregon Amazing recaption! In eludes Shadow Tuning. 9 Philco High-Efflclenc) Tubes, Twin Electro-Dy­ namic Speakers, Tone Control and host, of other ImprrWemen ts. Complete •95°° Sensational performing R-tube Long and Short Wave Philco. Automatic Volume Control, Balanced Super­ heterodyne. Electro-Dynamic speak­ er. American Watunt Cabinet. Gets all stations, near and far •5 9 ” Complete Also In beautiful Highboy cabinet for .................... 979.96 PHILCO W r ig h t & S o n s