TH E SPRINOFTOLD NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1832 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Lane County Court NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thai Herbert E. Walker haa hoeii j Dacemusr Term, 1932 »rpoluted administrator of th»| eatale of Edward C. Morgan, d* ; ADVERTIHINU Guard Publish ceased, by the County Court of l,an»| lug Co »82 80, Springfield News County, Oregon. All persons having I SM2 70 clams agalnat aald ealale are re­ Pacific Tel A Telg quired to preaent then* with proper I Co. AKHESHDK. 97.70; 1). E. Yoran 130.00, Bur­ vouchers, within *lx month* from roughs Adding Mui hlfle Co $27 06; the 32nd day of December, 1932, at ! Hheltou-Turnhull-Fuller Co. 939.00; i Ihe law office of L. L. Kay, In the S lslla C. Wilkinson 9117 00; Agnes Miner Hulldlng, In Eugene, Oregon, O Uriel) 9117 00; Bertha Neel FOR KENT Room Now Occupied HERBERT E WALKER, Ad 930 00, Adelaide I. Cartier >85 00; by Keteti Drug »tore, Hu I ph A mlntatralor of the Estate of Eugene Printing Co 962.00; Lane (Munlny, Eilgellfl, Or «null. Co. Abstract Co, 962.00; II, H. Mark- E300; Peter wau a vlallor In Hprli)*fleld Tuee- required, to «aid executor at hla Thorehy 93 00; S O. Martin 913 00; residence, at Eugene, Oregon, with­ Floyd Keeney 92.00; Elmer Keen* day. in six months of tha flrat publica­ 92(10; Orval Klaalnger 92 00; York tion of this notice. Date of first Thomson 97.00; Harold Hart 94.00; Haa Flo— Mr«. William Burnett publication, Dec. 16th. 1932. V»rn Luff (3.00, M. McMullen Henry J. Hanekamp, Executor. 9400; II C. Evans 9800; A G. la III at her homo with lh« Influ Alta King, Atty. Pope 92 00. onia. ID 1623-2» — J 6-12) CAKE OF POOR: Mrs. M M. Hla* 96.00; Mr* Heldemun 9600; NOTICK TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr*. M J Berkett 96.00; Jessie NOTICE IB HEREBY OIVEN C Jones 9600; Mrs. K. A. White NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN, That •lh» und«r«l*ned, W W. Calkin«, ihat the undcralgued, haa by the 91600; C. II. beep 96.00; W W. ha« been duly appointed Executor County Court of the S tale of Ore Lyon* (6 00; Carrie Bailey 96.00; of lh» luul Will and Testament of gun for Ihe County of I-ane been Mrs. N. E. Herbert 9*00; Charley Frank II. McDuwsll, deceased, by duly appointed Administrator of (he Young 97 00; Hurah Wlgle 9800; tha County Court of tbo Htatu uf eatale of John T. James, deceased Ji-sse Taylor 98.00; Frank M uon Oregon, fur Laue County, and haa and all persona having claims 9800; Hattie Bowers 9800; Mary qualified aa aueh Executor, and all against said catate are hereby No­ Wllhul 98 00; Forrest Flsber 9800; poraona having claim« agalnal «aid tified to present the name properly Mr* E C Kull <8 00; Mrs N ellie aalata are hereby notified and re­ verified to me at the office of Haling 9*00; N II McDonald 9800; quired Io preaent the aame, verified Frank A. DePue the Attorney for Mrs Elisabeth P. Chandler *8.00; aa required by law, with the pruper (he estate In Springfield, Oregon Western Christian Hom» 910.00; vuuchera. to the aald Kxecutur at on or before six months from the Lulu Gaddy 910.00; Mrs. Peter A. the office of Calklna and Calkin*, date of thia Notice. Klnx 910 00; C E. Adams 910 00; Dated Oil« 30th day of November, Adda attorney« at law. In the llank ot Kelmenachnelder 910 00; 1932. Commerce Building, at Eugene. George Savage <10.00; Mrs. 11 E. A. F. HAItl’Elt. Admlnlatrator. Cox Lane County, Oregou, within via 910.00; Andrew Erlek«on month« from the dale of thia notice. FRANK A DE PUE. Attorney 910.00; Florence Armstrong 910.00; Date of tlrat publication and date for Ihe estate. Grace Bennett 910 00; l$u*an Hut- ID K-16-22 2» J 6) of Notice December 8, 1932 tie 910.00; Henry Bolin 910.00; W W. CAl.KINH. Executor of Frank llulll* 910.00; Flora Snyder the laisl Will aud Tealumenl 91000; Mrs. I. J Ester ,»?.00; NOTICE uf Frank B. McDowell. De­ Benjamin Parrish $10.00; Mrs REG ISTRATIO N OF ceaaed. Richard Cook $10.00; E. L. Phare* LAND T IT L E CALKIN» A CAl.KINH. A (tor 910.00; Della Kllnk 910.00; Mallnda IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Hmlth 910 00; Mrs. James Gear­ neya for the eatale. STATE OF OREUON FOR LANK hart 910 00; B 8. Nichols 910.00; (D S 16-33 3* J 5) COUNTY. W. T. Davis $12.00; Jennie Barnard In the Matter of Ihe Application of 91200; Central Hotel 912 00; Ber­ TREASU RY DEPA R TM EN T Dewey IV. Rust to register the tha Blais 914 00; Belle Heverson Office of tha Comptroller of the title to Northwest Quarter of sec­ 916.00; Frances Shields 916.00; tion 31 In Tp. 1« 8 It 7 West of Helen Bushnell 916 00; W D. Calk­ Currency. Waablngton. D. C.. W. M In Lane County, Oregon in 91600; C. E. Denny 916.00; R. November 10, 1932 excepting (be north len chains C. Shephard $16.00; M 8. Barber Notice la hereby given to all per thereof. 915 00; E. D. Lowell 915.00; Julius aona who may have clalma against versus A. Grow 916.00; Mrs. Alice U. Allen "The Flrat National Hank of Fay Brown, Milo Brown, Mrs. Gene 916.00; Walter Baker 915.00; A W Brown, Gordon Drown. Ixvnnle Dprlngfleld." Oregon, that the aame Perkin« 916 00; Luella Bristow Brown, Isabelle Urown. Ira C. 91500; J. L Kelly 916.00; Minnie muat be preaenled to Lloyd H. Harks. Della I Harks and Tillman O. Smith $16 00; Chrl» V. Tolman Kelley, Receiver, with the legal tilover aud all whom It may con­ 915.00; H>llth Hurd 916.00; Emma cern: Defendants. proof thereof within three month« Oram 916.00; Mrs. Marlelha Bassett TAKE NOTICE from thia date or they may be dla- 918.00; Mrs. H. L. Anderson 920.00; That on the 6ih day of December Muhel Goodman 916 00; Good Sam allowed. A. D.. 1932, an application was filed arltan Hospital 926.00; Bertha E F. U. A WALT, Acting Comp by aald Dewey W Rust In the Cir­ Pecry 92500; 8. Winfrey $25.00; cuit Court of Lane County for lain» On. Chapter 9*34 48; Daven­ troller of the Currency. Initial registration of the title to port Furniture Co. 91-50; Stella ( F 10 | the land above described. Now nn Balter 96.00; Puritan Drug Co. leas you appear on or before the 937.60: Mrs J. N. Brown *21 00; N. NOTICE 9th day of January A. D. 1932 and A. Rowe 914.50; Nannie Ackle OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T show cause why such application 95.00; William Hodes $10 00: Mrs. NOTICE IH HEREBY OIVEN ahall not be granted, the asme will Belle Seversod 916.00; Mrs. R A. that the underalgned ha* filed hla be taken as confessed and a decree Net'nn 914.00; Harold J W ells Final Account aa ADMINISTRA­ will be entered according to the 92000; Dorothea W. Ford 95.00; TOR of the Ratal» of Raleigh C. prayer ot the application and you Mrs. A. J. Lundattnm 920 80; Carl Honey, deceaaed. In the County will be forever barred from disput­ Bllrup 80c; J. D. Mills 2500; Mra. Court of the State of Oregon for ing the aame C. F. Duckworth 916 06; Halls W B DILLARD. Clerk. Lana County, and that aald Court Frull A Produce Co. $174 86; Mt. hue ftxe6; Mrs. R. H. Ramsey 215,06; unpaid on said Indebtedness the E U- kurrer 97.50; W A. Taylor sum of 9322.40 Dollars. ($77 39; Smith A Short 9114.78; Now. therefore, the properly des-1 Mrs. John Nokee 98.00: Mrs. Lil­ crlbed In said mortgage, as fololws lian Van Darwark 2202.00; H. R. 1 Durant Kd. M. 28, License No. Allumbnugh 932.13; Eugene Ambu­ 1*9 362. Motor No. 678033, or so lance Co. 96.00; E. W Findley JEWELER much therefore aa may be necea- 2816; City Water Works 21-60: Repairing a Specialty sary will be sold pursuant to the Jess Darnellle 76c; Model Grocery power of sale In said mortgage con­ 92 17; Orays Feed A Seed Store Merwin's General Store Springfield, Oregon tained, as set »ul In 54-2ON Oregon $2.16; Code, at public sale, to the highest 944.49; D. R.Henderson 964.74; The bidder for cash, on Friday the 30th Groceteria 9133.88; Crown Drug Co. of December, at 10:30 A. M., 99.16: Cottage Grove Pharmacy Or. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN day which aale will be made at Day- 24 60- Fred L. Shephard 28.46; Naturopathic Physician Nite Garage. Io satisfy the debt W illiams Bakery 91-46; Eugene secured by said chattel mortgage, Bakery Co. $1.66; Eugene Hospital Phone 91-J and (he coats and expenses of and 998 21; Grangers $296 50; Shields Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. growing out of these foreclosure Grocery 932.04; E. E. Smith Gro eery $6.25; Petersen’s Grocery 406 Fourth Street proceedings. 928.02; Pedersen's Grocery 927.26: Dated December 9, 1932. Golden Rule Auto Park $2 40; Sagl- JOHN L. MARSH, Constnble. new Cash Store $7.35; Olsen's Gro­ By VAN SVARVBRUD, Deputy. General la w Practice cery 94.16; W C. Hall 94.10; V. (D 16-22-29) Grousbeck 916.24; H. F. Shults I. M. PETERSON 92.86; E. W. Scott Grocery $12.40; NOTICE OF 8 H E R IF F '8 SALE Irish Self-Service »tore $41.69; Atterney-et-Lnw REAL PROPERTY Perry's Battery Hospital $1.25: City Hall Building Pioneer Grocery Co. $44.47; John NOTICE Is hereby given that by Springfield, Oregon virtue of an execution and order W. Conaway $14 50; O. H. Haugann of sale Issued out of the Circuit $7.00; Walters-Bushong Lumber Co. Court of the State of Oregon for $5.59; Hall A Shumway 9* 00; Wil­ Lane County this 14th day of Dec­ liam Burke 910.00; R. E. Swexy ¡POOLE • GRAY ember. 1932, upon and pursuant to $2 00; Puritan Drug Co. $1.35; Wll a decree duly given and made by Ils H. Small Feed Co. 210.13; Eu­ BARTHOLOMEW said Court the 13lh day o f Decern gene Fruit Grower's Assn 92.00; J. her, 193’ . In a suit pending therein W Quackenbush A Son $18.69; In which Stale Mulnnl Building and Elliott Implement A Seed Co. 98-31; Loan Association of Los Angeles, Newman's Fish Market 93.41; Wil­ Formerly Walker-Poole Cnllf., a corporation, was plnlfftlff liams Self-Seivice Store 91262; O. and (>. A. Stalger and Har-el Slab C. Caswell 9176; Johnson Furnl EUGENE— 11th 8HRINOF1KLD ger, his wife were defendants, lure Co. $14.85; D. E. Nebergall which execution and order of sale Meat Market 97.28; Mannagh's and Charnelton, 228 Main was to me directed and commanded Grocery 9*0.26; Korn Baking Co. Telephone 723 Phone 61-J me to sell Ihe real property herein­ $24.44; Jack Danielson $8.00; Jim after described to satisfy certain the »hoe Doctor 911-70; Dr. J. A. liens and charges In said decree Flanigan $5.00; Branstetter-8lmon specified, the Sheriff of Lane Coun­ Chapel 9141.33; Pacific Christian ty, Oregon, will, on Saturday, the Hospital $1.466 49; Mrs. E. W. Shel­ 14th day of January, 1933, at the by $6.10; Eugene Mill A Elevator 5M A A T FSÎ hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the Co. 92.16; Claude Erwin $2.00; B southwest door of the County Court K Wheeler 915.00; N. Scott Jewett House In Eugene, Lane County, $4.76; L. E. Josephsen $6.00; Char­ Oregon, offer for sale and sell at lotte H. Stein $16.00; Marlon J. public auction for cash, subject to Evans $8.00; Crabtree's Seed A redemption ns provided by law, all Feed Co. $9.70; James McDonald of Ihe right, title and Interest of $3.00; Turner’s Novelty Store 25c; the defendants In said suit and of McKinney's Grocery $2.60; J. H. all parlies claiming by, through or Mnlhews $13.40; A. E. Sharpe under them or any of them since $30 70; Florence Meat Market 68c; O C TAG O N Ihe 18th day of November. 1932, In Red Cross Drug Store $3.89; Speer's or to the following described real Store 91-48; F. & A. Market $1.50; Cushman A HUI $14.00; W. T. property, to-wlt; Beginning at a point Fitly (60) Higgs $3.00; Leo Decker $9.00; C. feet South of the Northwest cor­ C Sturtevant $10.84; Glenwood Defective vision will not lm ner of Lot Six (6) In Block Four­ Cash Grocery $63.74; James Christ­ prove with the passing of time. teen (14) of Ellas Stewart's Ad- ensen $7.18; Orllng's Grocery 9« «0; Sawyer’s Grocery 93.60; Kern's (I neglected, or If the wrong i dltlon to Eugene, thence run $7.96; E. E. Spriggs $2.00; Irish East 8« 2-3 feet to the East line treatment is given, disastrous I of said Lot Six («). thence South Cush Store $18.07; Graham Shoe results may follow. But a mere Fifty (50) feet, thence West Store 96.85; Dunham's $6.57; Wm. 66 2-3 feet to the East line of Kyle A Sons Co. $64.80; Equipment Imperfection In vision l.i not the Jefferson street, thence North 93.97; Shell Oil Co. $20.67; Stand­ most serious thing Ihat can along East line uf Jefferson ard Oil Co. 95.83;; Puritan Drug Co. happen to your eyes. Street Fifty (60) feet to the place $116.16; Western Clinical Labora­ of beginning, all In Eugene, Lane tory $6.00; Union Oil Co. $6.68; Oregon Machinery Co. $1.00; Pay'n County, Oregon. DR. ELLA MEADE Dated this 14th day of December, Taklt $241.32; Safeway Store No. 647 $125.56; W illiams A Ottman 1932. Optometrist $124.28; Mrs. M. C. Sullivan $60.00; H L. BOWN, Sheriff, Bugen« 41 Wsst gth Bv A E HULBOAARD, Deputy. Eugene Water Board 91.79; J. C. Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Funeral Directors (D 16-22-29 — J 6-12) $12 81; Eugene Farmer's Creamery g>ne Fruit Growers Assn $66 41 ; will meet with Montgomery 926.38; Ben $5126, A. O. Waller $10 00; Ache- Glen It Is said her*. soil's Store 914 60; Delight Valley Murks $9976; L Toll $21 00; B C je< tsd him as a Dairy 96 88; Mi-Aloe's Grocery Addison 92 62; Slate Ind Accident date, are known to I 166 41; Mrs. C B. Colcord 9150; Com. $2 12; Mrs. Frank Turner a sneaking liking for him. J. C Penney Co.. C. G 99 64; Oc 916.00 cumpuugh Bros. Grocery $34/1; ELECTION: C. P. Williams recognise his honesty, fairness and S a fe s« ) Store J C. $64 51; Idea) $5 00; William Maddaugh $2 40; J ability to get things don» and now Oroc«Fy 962.10; Amos Yoder 92 40; E Murphy 917 60; Manning l^on- (hat he Is warring against Tam­ M< do land Creamery 9* 8b; I'mph ard 921 (H): Margaret Rupp $17 6«; many hs will become more popular rey A Mackla $56.43, Johnson A Cotta«» Grove Sentinel 99 30; Mr». Noffaluger $13 46; W A. Dogate Clara A. Kirk 60c; Chas. Hadley than ever. The entire country will 116 60; Marcirla Meat Market $1 00; 95 62; 8. R. Scott $6 62; Dexter be for him m Mayor ot New York Edward K. Smith 94.50; Kolker’S Spark* $6.62; Ida M. Clapper $5.62; Washington. D. C.—In these days City, It la freely said here by tha Grocery $14 24; Walter Price Inc. Hartlutt Tale $5 82; Homer A. Gallo­ of "lame duck'' Congressmen the politicians, especially If It will eli­ 916 06; Safeway Store $19896; way 96 75; E A. Gloa*on 3*76; : whole country Is concerned with minate him from an Important post Irish Murphy Co. $363 86; Irish A Anra Graham 96 76; Myrtle McFar­ Hwurts 9132.47; Kreuimel's Bakery land 96.76; Myrtle Vealch 9*76; ; the fate of the men who havs been In the Federal Oovernmsttt. 86 80: Broadway Market $166.84; S*mne| J Seymour $6 76; Edgar E. rejected at the polls. When it comes Al Smith's sudden bid for the Irish Cash Store No. 8 8317.30; Hraltsln $6 76; Alla G Wilson to the Republicans, nobody ques Mayoralty Is baaed upon hit testi­ Drury A Drury >60 96; A. J. Ache- $6 76; Edna Bason $676; Dalsle ! tions what their destination will be. son 918.08; I slab Hlayter A Sons »ey mour 9*75; C. 8 Carlson mony before the Hofatadter Com­ $6.10; Booth Kelly Lumber Co. 9668; Neva Weltv $5*2; Ruth i Oblivion, at least until the next mittee, still probing Into 'em 983 09. J S. Powell Dairy $2.00; L. Urlner 96.62; Stella Ely $6 *8; Bird congressional election, la bound to many's conduct ot the meti . oils. D Griggs 220 00; L. L. Lamb $4 00; een Phoenix 86 62; Mrs Mary Hills C.E. Troyer of La Fontaine, Ind.. ** ,he,r faU The b,«g»»t "lame Smith offered a concrete p gram 8 way era Grocery $14 48; F. M 8712; Grace A. Jones >7 12; Arlo Cashman Realty Co. 86.00; Mrs. C. Jones 97.12; Neva G. Hills 9712; j has been, crowned Corn King of duck’’ of them all, former Governor of economy In running t! j city ‘ 11 Christensen 812.00; J. Ilossor Amy lx>v« $7.12; Charles A. Riggs America for the third time. He won Smith, of New York, however, man 99 00; Olson's Grocery $26.24; 97 12; Wm. It Dlckert $7.12; Her­ the I9J2 award at Ihe International ueem* to have found a berth for government; for ellmlnatlo.i of use loss bureaus, and for grea >r hon­ Live Stock Show, Chicago, with an J. 8. Powell Dairy $2 40; Dwight N man Clum $7.12; J. W. Kinman him elf. Judging by the shift In esty In running city aft >rs. »o Keasey $6 00; Mrs. H S. Cox 97 12; W. F. James 97.12; Harry exhibit of yellow deni corn. New York City politics. |5.00; Stale Industrial Accident Melson $9 00; W C. Romaine sound Is his program that It Is to Commission $10.86; Leo Decker $54 00; C. K Wheaton $17.60; Anna ! I Although Al Smith does not be considered by the legislatu re $75.00; Patty Sylvers $9.00; Tiffany-Davis Drug Co. iluberd qualify under the strictly accepted of the State of New Yoi k In the 991.09; Cottage Grove Pharmacy 990 00; Mrs. Mary Hills 9* 00; Main meaning of a lam e duck, yet he near future and may be offered for 93.50; W J Llchty $10.00; Dr. (Mis River Grange 95 00; Ida M Clapper F, Akin $160.00. $5.00; Western Lumber Co. $6.00; 1 actually comes under that qualifica­ constitutional action, t waa right CIRCUIT COURT: M. E McDer Elmira Lodge No 207 $5 00; H. H. : tion aa he was rejected by the pub­ on the h seis of hla testln on y and moti $13 50; C. C. Pollock 945 00; Ritter $2 00; Central Presbyterian lic at large four years ago when be the offering of his well-constdersd Pacific Tel A Telg Co. $11.46; Church $30.00; W B. Mead 96 00; ban for the Presidency. When Gov­ program that his friend* In both James C. Parker $12 00; American Archie Jeans $6.00; O. H. Hawley Law Hook Co. $16 00; Lawyer's Co­ S S r - T S S - . 1' - Ä S * î * Â £ a ® K f i ü Tj ? . ernor Roosevelt was nominated, parties decided to push him as a operative Publishing Co. $42.60; R against former Gov. »m lth’s wishes, candidate for Mayor to 1*33. Period* This Car Leads in N Appling $80,00; Tho* g. Wells $4.00; Bailey Electric Co. $2.36; the entire country wondered what If former Governor Smith la suc­ 9391*0; Cressey* $3.00; Osburn Clark Electric Co. $4.00; Congre­ Sale* Since 1927, Report the “Happy Warrior" would do. For cessful In his campaign, and few Hotel $49 76; C. A. Van Sf holack gational Church $10.00; Shelton 96 00; Ray Bower $35.40; Elsie Turnbull-Fuller Co. 04.85; C. A M Since 1927 when the Model T. lon« weeks he gave no sign but question his ability to see bis pro­ Bryant $80.30; Helmer Gate* 940.60; Transfer Co. $37.00; Harry L. Prln- car was discontinued. Ford pas- finally, In the closing weeks of the gram through, It will probably lead J. C. T railer $33.00; Dale F. Haw­ del $8.00; Eugene Public Schools kins $44.00; Allan 1. Tyler $3720; $60.00; Mrs. Charles M1.10; M. Ethel Taylor 91.10; Lee until December of that year when dent Wilson for many months dur- sent. There are other measures, William Benner $4.00; David C. Cal-1 roy Woods 91.10; H attie S. Gross the Model A was announced. Ford! ing him administration In having such as farm relief, on which the Iantine $2.10; Worth Mills $1.90; $1.10; Chester Conger $1.10; Jos. Lynn Grubhe 97 90; Walter Milli­ H Kobe $110; Mrs. Ernest Keo. again was out of the market for Bryan in his Cabinet as Secretary two parties radically differ and tt can 24.70; Mr». Cecilia Jones $1.90; nedy $2.60; Mrs. Harold Hen eman the first five months of 1932 until of State, might be duplicated this is here that Mr. Hoover Is expected Carl Swanson 95.20: Harold Hart $2.70; James Anderson $2.70; Carl volume deliveries of the new Fords time by the close association o f ! to exercise his veto power, leaving $4 00; Pearl Bowman 93.40; C. E. Bllrup 92.90; 1. R. Fox $1.60; Lee began last June. Roosevelt and Smith. ithe ueetion np to the Seventy-third Lombard $2.10; Clyde A Ella Smith Murphy $2.90; Albert W aniu 91«0; Ford passenger car sales in Octo- Makes Own Berth : Congrea.) and his successor to 24 30; M rs M. M. Paul $2 10; Mr. 9 L. Singer *1.60; Robert Enright Whether Mr. Smith would h a v e ' decide. and Mrs. I^eonard Bernhardt $18.40; $1 «0; John L. Marsh $24.90; A. M. her were 20.410 units, which was Norman Morris 29.20; Al Taylor Mohreen $1.60; F. M. Meade 91.70; 32.3 per cent of total sales of all , been willing to submerge hlm elf In ! President-elect Roosevelt is re­ 29.20; C. F Bowman 24 00; W E. W B Baker $1.60; Mrs Oma Horn­ make*. The next make registered the personality of the new chief of cognized by all here as the active Dutcher $6 70; Vivian Earle $2.10:1 ing $2 00; Herbert Horning 92.00; Oeeorge J. McMachan 22.10; C llf-! Henrv Rice 92.10; Alfred Ander­ 16,772, or 25.0 per cent of all makes, his party will probably never be dictator of the Democratic Party. ford I). Branlt $2.10; C. M. Iverson ! so n $1.60; Mack McKee *1 60; H. Ford has led in passenger atd com- known now as it is generally con- So far as has been learned, there $2.10; John Darrow 22.10; C. K ' B Ruth 91.10; David Auld 91.10; merclal car sales In the United sldered here that the “Happy War- Is not a angle person in his follow- DeN.-ffo 22 10; B J. Welch $2.10; Geo. McLean 81.10; Hattie S. G r o s s States _____ ______ each ____________ month since June, rlor” has definitely removed h im -, ing who is permitted to speak for Angeline S. Dillard 92.10; Ina Gar­ K,1“ beth. 1B*7te'n when deliveries of new self from the field of national poll-, him on any question, and he is rett $2.10; l-oy W. Rowling 94.20; I H. Schroeder 8110; C. L. Suther-; tics by his recent action in flinging maintaining an even closer silence Wm. H McKelvey $2.10; Roy E laud $2 90; Arthur Kalanquln . Fords began. Morse 92110; Marlon Wòods 94.80; 31.60; Ed Bannick 32.50; Marvin! him self Into the thick of Tammany than Former President Coolidge --------------------------- Ben J. Howard $10.00; John Smith 1-angley 32 80; Merton when It come« to discussing na- politics in New York City. MRS. M O F F IT T HOSTESS 94 80; Clint Smith 94 80; Rer San­ $2.80; Howard Langley $2.80, Mar . Already a powerful organisation ' tional affairs and embarrassing Mr. ford 92.10; William L. Haviland ion P Wheeler 33 35 FOR NEED LEC R A FT CLUB of business men has been formed Hoover. However, It Is known that 92,10; C. E. Croson 92.10; L. E. JUVENILE COURT: John L .: ------------ Byrd 92.10; N. J. Nudelman 92.10; ; Marsh $52.02; Mrs. M. A. Polllj Men-.hers of the Needlecraft held wlth the avowed purpose of making leading members of both Houses of R. C. Simpson 92.10; H. » Simpson $4.00; State Ind. Accident Com. i the)r annuaI chrigtmag meet Mr. Smith the fusion candidate in Congress have been In close touch 92.10; Elisabeth Caney 92.10; Mrs. with him and taken orders from ^*SCHOOl SL’PT Margaret Cutler ,n& laj#t Thursday afternoon at th e ! ior May °r of New York. M. M Rinehart 92.10; George E Yates 92.10; Fern Thompson 92.10; 380 00; Irma H. Stroud $81.00; E. - home o f Mr . Laurence Moffitt. Whether the former governor of the him as to their conduct during ths Herman C. Oaka* 92.10; O. 8 J. Moore 91 68: Laurence C. Moffitt F„rther salad making demonstra- state w,n acCBPt the lower position present “lame duck’’ seeslon. Strome 93 60; D. D. Simpson 92.10; | 9175.84; W. E. Flnser A Co. $3.50; ,, _ o r» hv u - , u , - has not become definitely known In the first month sin ce his elec J. H. Mollxner 916.50; M. D. Moore D. E. Yoran $106.22: Pacific Tel A I,,ons w ire conducted by Mrs. Mar Telg Co. 914.00; C rw seys 93.50; «are! Humsley. Guests at the meet- J > “‘ everybody agrees ‘hat Posl- tlon, Mr; Roosevelt faHed 92.10; Medan Young 32.10; Albert dignity for cate single one -« of *-•- his appoint *•- •— *- a - -• L McGill 9210; E. E. Fitxwater Hoke-Chapman Co. $45.00; S teven s ! ing were the members and Mrs tlon ‘ is one of sufficient • -»« ¡Velma W esterfield of Eugene and aDy man ,0 COTet- n° matter what menls, not even an Ambassador, al- 316.50; Myles R. Oblisk 116.50; Wm. A Brsnstetter $6.00. Wood 314.50; J J. Day 28.20; SHERIFF: I-eo D. Sem $85 '7®' i Mrs. Henry Fandrem. Gifts were ofHce he ““ Y baTe held in th2.20; B. H. gene Police Dept. $26.25; C. A M Ethel Margaret Doran $20.00; Flos Beau $2.20; W Polders $2.20; J. G.l Transfer Co. $1.50; Hall A Shum­ sle Christianson $20.00; Hllma $20.00; Bertha V. Radaltaugh >2.20; E. R. Copenhaver ! way $2.60; Natron Printing Co. Farnsworth $5 50: J. E. Carlile $9.30; J. 8. Meyer $20.00; Alma Lucille Bus- $2.20; C. V. Simon $26 29. Violet Ray and General Ethyl gasoline» in high CLERK: Capital Envelope Co.' Woodard $3.00; G. B. Pitcher $2.90; sear $20.00; Minnie Haugen $20.00; Lottie Moore $25.00; Bertha Walker powered motor care have taken the place of the stage 222.04 ; Pacific Tel A Telg Co. i H L. Bown *82.83; Northwest 925.00; Kathryn C. Nolan 325.00: 913.35; L. H. Ohlson 923.75: 8. E. I Cities Gas Co. $9.33; John Carlile Jennie Morgan $25.00; Mary A. coach, buggy or sleigh which were means of trans­ Skene $134.00; L. M. Bryson 822.50; R eid s Creamery $23.33; Hubbs $25.00; Hasel Margaret portation at the old time Christmas. Irish Cash Store *25.01; Home Bak­ 9117.00; Eva L. Duckworth $108.00; I Allen $25.00; Mel via V. Thomason Now we go places in an hour that heretofore re­ Shyl W estfall $100.00; Grace M L. ing Co. 910.38; Granser's $67 93; $26.00; Minnie Wheeler $25.00; Ara Dawson $108.00; Helen Sorensen Ed's Market $37.37; Weal Bake E. Franklin 925.00; Mabel Gott quired a day or more for the journey. Science, inven­ Shop $15.91; Pioneer Grocery Co. 290.00; Sara Allen $90.00; M. B. $30.00; Kinsey Lou Burch $30.00; tion and discovery have led the way. McDermott $96 00; Ethel Thompson $55.65; Cressey's $12.35; Dr. M. C. R. K. Powell $35.00; Home Gro­ Harris $3.00; Monroe Garage 280 00; Mabel Henry $90.00; June ! cery $10.00; Mrs. Lucy Robbins ton City Times $«.25; D. E. Yoran $47 48; R. A. Babb Hardware Co. $26 00. $2 78; A. M. Gilbert $6.32; Eugene $50.00; The WTlIamette Press 5th and A Streets Springfield $36 00; Office Machinery A Supply Water Board $28.60; Howard Auto Co. $30.30; Coe Stationery Co. NOTICE OF SH E R IFFS 8ALE Co. 42.25; Cresseys 271.80. REAL PROPERTY $4.00; Stake Ind. Accident Com. COUNTY COURT: J. N. Chap­ 958.60. „ . NOTICE Is hereby given that by man 23.00; Pacific Tel A Telg Co. I SLAUGHTERED ANIMALS: L. virtue of an execution and order 214.95; Mrs. Martha Plath $3 00;| G. Helterline $116.00; Hans Nielsen of sale issued out of the Circuit Clinton Hurd 75c; C. P. Barnard $7.50. Court of the State of Oregon for $6 35; O. E. Crowe $21.00; Equip­ SURVEYOR: Olive R. Chamber- Lane County this 13th day of Dec­ ment $12.66; Standard Oil C ol lain $110.00; Helen F. Burton ember, 1932. upon and pursuant to 912.33; J E. Smith 125.00; G. A. I $81.00; Pacific Tel A T elg Co. $8.76; a Judgment duly given and made llalton 912.63. Equipment $6.62; Standard Oil Co. by said Court this 12th day of Dec­ COUNTY FAIR: Lane Co. Fair $2.67; D. E. Yoran $6.00; M cGintys ember, 1932. in a suit pending $39.32; Cresseys 99.96; Morris therein In which W illam ette Col­ Assn. 945.00. COURT HOUSE: Herman Cium Chevrolet Co. $16.68; Frank A. lection A Credit Service, a cor­ 37.50; W. R. Fitts |14 00; L. Toll Tripp $2.50; Bee Line »tatlon poration was plaintiff and N. J. I 373.50; C. C. Pollock >44.76; J. B. $2.60; Eugene IMetxgen Co. $2.58; Dahlin, et, ux. were defendants, Robertson 399.76; Eugene Robert­ G H Waggoner $4.50; Elbe L. Sig­ which execution and order of sale son 374 76;; W’. P. Fell $40.00; Me nor 918.12; J. M. McCausland was to me dlrécted and commanded ! Morran A Washburn« |56.00; Mar­ $37 45- E. N. Thompson $126.27, me to sell the real property herein- ! lon Canaday $35.00; Will Griffith Ead Roberts $4.24; Carl Baker Film after described to satisfy certain T.._— liens and charges In said decree $2.76; Eugene Water Board $96.49; I Shop $1.58 L. S. Hunter $9.28; The Broadway | TAX REBATE: Charles Taylor | gpecined j wU, on p,.tday the 13th day of January, 1933. at the hour $1.74; Bray Bros. $4.50; Irish Caj(h j $39.30; Riley Thomson $6.40 TREASURER: Pacific Tel A of 10 o'clock A. M. at the southwest Store >2.07; A. E. Hansen Co. $18.75; State Ind. Accident Com Teln Co. 17.10; Thelma Blair $26.46 ; door of the County Court House Grace Schlska $10.00; Mabel Pal­ In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, 33.70. offer for sale and sell at public DI8T ATTY: Cresseys 91.16; Eu­ mer $8000; Cresseys *9.30. gene V. Slattery 2177.00; Gladys | U. 8. LABOR: F. L- Armitage auction for cash, subject to redemp­ _ . tion as provided by law, all of the F. Prloe $100.00; The Frank Shep­ 95000. ard Co. $10.00; Pacific Tel A Telg, WIDOW PENSION: Mrs. E. L right, title and Interest of the de­ in osa said L lssle »V Adney 6 fendants Z j O IW IC K f $10.00; iv .v v , T 7 H X l « » » lin SIB sw a o suit sasa « and »ssaa w ot a - all .1 Co. 914.45; Alta King $7.76; J. J. Zelwlck 910.00; Lillie Owen $10.00; Margie parties claiming by. through or un-1 Day $6 95. DIST. SEALER: J. F. Jones Bales $10.00; Golda Viola Reed dpr them or any of them. In or to following described real pr $10.00; Ida Katherine Bart*’°*°I"y the ............................................. $16.13. DOG FUND: State Ind. Accident $10.00; Clara Edith Vogt 91000; erty, to-wlt: Mollie Gordlneer $10.00; Nora Mo­ Lot 4, Block 1, George W. LIll's Com. $5.87; John Haupert $2.50; Addition to Eugene. Lane County, D. O. Hnrlhurt $6.00; John R. Davis ran 910.00; Fannie Stonehocker Oregon: Also >7.50; Ralph Speer $6.00; H. A. $10.00: Viva Miller »10.00; Lillie Beginning at a point 30 feet Schnorenberg $5.00; S. C. Ventch T ate »10.00; Jeaslo W ells Nesbitt North and 50 feet 6 Inches East $2.50; Eugene Printing Co. $24.00; »10.00; Flossie Simmons »10 00; of the Southwest corner of Eu­ L E Parks $19. 92; C. R. Downing Barbara Stoddard »10.00; Cora E. $22.20; W. L. Wheeler $124.76; Wm. Miller »10.00; Doris Ruth Green; gene F. Skinner’s D. L. C. Noti­ fication 2181 In Tokrnehlp 17, Bainbridge $42.06; (Correcting Nov $10.00; Edna Muriel Woodle $10 00; ember list: H. R. Nlghswander Amanda L. Rainey »10.00; Mary I South, Range 4 West of the Wil­ ------A tender, Juicy I-Jtne County Turkey. Turkeys lam ette Meridian, and running $2.50; Pacific Coast Stamp Works People »10.00; Dora Alice Bogg" thence North 217 feet, thence »15.00; Nora Henderson $16.00; have never been cheaper or better than this year. $133.00.) EMERGENCY: J. H. McDonald Cora Belle Grove $15.00; Mary Hay | East 50 feet. South 217 feet, and thence W est 50 feet to the place Fresh oysters to give the dressing just the right $5 00; H. E. Slattery $100.00; *16.00; Erma O. Fuller $16.00; of beginning, all being In and a Arthur S. Benson. Clerk $21.00; Grace L. Huffman $16.00; Daisy ilavor. A pint 25c. part of the City of Eugene, Ore-: Elliott Imp and 9eed Co. 80c; H. O. LeweUyn $15.00; Iowa Laura Crump g ° n- Warren 97.50- Western Lane Co. $20.00; Mary Phillips $15.00; Ethel F. P. A. >230.60; James Tedford Ym anda""Thurman'$15.00; Metta Dated this 14th day of December. 1032. $3.59; Fred Langston $1.49; Twin. Barrowcllff $15.00; Hasel Haynes E. C. STUART, Prop. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff, Oaks Lumber Co. 92.99; Western $16.00; Ida Grant $16.00; Alice E. 4th and Main Sts. Phone 63 By A. E. HULEGAARD. Deputy. Box Co. $6.00; The Brand 8«w Shop Kau »16.00; Thelm a Ann L attln Penney Co. *8.90; E. C. Hart Dairy $8.86; Irish Caah 8toro *88.88; Bn- »16.00; Berth* Lockett »16.0«; Ber- rZ FBRO SALES I I HEAD Of GROUP Christmas Travel Has Changed “ A ” Street Service Station BIG DINNER INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. (D 16-31-39 — J 6-12)