n iiiltsD A Y . DECEMBER 22. 1932 »AO » TWO »«red for th» prlvtt«*». *«• 4, IMS. at the poatofftc«. Wishing You a Very M«rry Christmas mom wa» crowded Springfield. Oregon__________ ____________ llarboard pulled John by the arm Into an alcove offering an exit to­ MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE ward the door while group» con One Tear in A dvance----- |1 .H Six Months ........................ »* °*> “We Never Substitute’’ Two Tears In Advance — »2.M Three Months ...........- Me tinually blocked the way. Seventeenth Installment 1 In» him a divorce, on talutoryj From time to time John rood the! "For the love of Mike, llarboard. County Official Newspaper SYNOPSIS— Johnny Breen, IS ground». He waa a vendtctlve uaaty paper», off In far camp». Uncertain . let ua get aome air." John waa fum paana old. who had »pent all of his nian without much money. Joae- glimpse« of the Rantoul divorce* tag -the women put hint out of THURSDAY. DBCBMBBR 23. 1»32 New'York City* was made*mot’her pkine'a attorney asked the Jury.' new» came to him. One of his us- tune; the »natehaa of this and that less when an explosion sank the twelve disgruntled married m en.1 acetates had received a paper, seat rolled and goaded him; the smoke boat on which he. hla mother and the historic question. "Why dun't' out by obliging relative«, containing and breath« were oppressive. WISE AUTO LICENSE LEGISLATION the man he called father, were llv you r«K-oinniend aljmony for Mr. teatluiony hearlug on hla own mis­ TO BE CONTINUEO To maintain adequate support of the state highway log. He is the only survivor, strug­ Rantoul" deeds. Was Josephine half aa bad through the darkness to system and also give the automobile owner substantial re­ gling shore. . . . At dawn, amid surroumt- The correapoudents paid the aa Rantoul contended. So far aa he lief It would seem wise for the legislature to pass a bill re­ Ings entirely unknown, his life in Josephine refused to appeal. waa i-oncerned he knew ahe waa blamel«»ss. What waa ahe like, after ducing the license fees not more than one-half on the pres­ e — » h . nine yean? Ha remembered her In in by a Jewish family, living and a very Jealous man,” she added, ent weight basis. doing a second-hand clothing bust- During the trial. He was glided Paris, rather attractive, he thought, Theories about the old car and the new car tax values, Hess on the Bowery. . . . From the , he memory of vanished mil although he waa teal up on uni­ forms. and her air waa too self-con­ h m ’ m ? Gains' "“»»• hl* hon“" “»*' different sharing of a property tax on cars between the !,OU to fight his way through against . Every Imaginable kind of delicious candy la here to county and the Btate, and $5 license fees with increased bullies and toughs. . and soon be- tlons were paraded by Josephines scious. But he would probably see make your Christina« anti the Children's more nothing of her; hr cared very little Mechanical Toys New Factor came so proficient that he attracted counsel. “I don’t want people to gasoline taxes may or may not be all right. But, they are the attention of a would be man think , marrled a dud.” she said, If he did or not. He would take au delightful. in Fire Spread During Holi­ - too radical for the present and require too much readust- ager of fighters who enters him In office. In a high tower, fur a year day Season; Other« Given many boxing tournaments. . . .It Josephine came out of the fire ment to enforce and create a danger that the whole high­ was here that Pug Malone came In smelling slightly of adventurous or two. and enjoy hmself. Then, way department may get into politics and into the hands of ; to young Breen s life—an old < (jigjnfectaat. it also became evident well, then he could go out again, State Fire Marshal, 11. A. Aver­ • A "W here the Bsrvtce Is D iB ereoi” ill, this week Issued hla annual who was square and honest ' wealthy vouna for good. the propertyless tin-can driver who wants the lowest license fighter . . He took Breen under his w in g - ' h,“ she_ John had been In the city all sum­ Christmas season tire warning. sent him to night school and even woman In her own right. Her Rolls. fee at any cost. mer. going out to Greenbough for a Highlights of hla warning thia year tually took hint to a health farm he her Japanese chauffeur and foot­ When It comes to putting a property tax on cars and had acquired. . . , The scene shifts man, her gowns, her friends, her week at a time, but always back are: First of all, the Christmas tree the family of Van Horns of views, her face, her shapely ankle«. again to hl» little office. He had making different re-apportionment to the counties then the and Fifth avenue is Introduced. . . . no sign on his door, had no special should be placed several feet away Gilbert Van Horn, last of the old and her cheerful attitude, quite up cities will come in for a share of this tax money. The coun­ from any heatlug or lighting fix family, is a manabouttown, who set the city and the country at business. He lived at the Knlgneer'a ties point out that not one penny of the license fee money meets ture and fastened securely so It Club, was pointed out, at tlmea. aa Malone and Breen at one of large. She had no Intention of going cannot topple over. Lighted can­ goes to market roads now and that this is an injustice on the boxing shows. . . Van Horn has into the moving pictures, the aw­ the John Breen. hidden chapter In his life. . . . dles. even In this age of eleclrtclly, real property. They fail to take into consideration that a which It waa in the fall that John Breeu had to do with his mother’s ful purple make-up being something there are millions of dollars invested in city pavements maid, years ago. who left the family she would never consent to put on. flrat met Josephne. quite by acci­ »ometlmea are used as ornaments about to become a mother. It Josephine l-ambert. for she at once dent. as simple a meeting as life on trees and In windows, but since which are a direct lien on property in the form of bonds, a when was reported that she married an reverted to her maiden name, took ever arranges for us after it» most (bis Is a hazardous practice It great deal of which are about to be defaulted. When it old captain of a river craft . . . never should bo permitted. Horn has a ward, Josephine, a leading part In the final emanci­ elaborate maneuvers. John was be Ornaments that are either slow comes to property taxes on automobiles then the cities Van coming more and more concerned about Breen's age. . . . Van Horn, pation of her sex. where most of the cars are registered are coming in for now interested In John. . . . pre­ She might have been the second with the tenement» the «lum». if burning or Incombustible are re­ vails upon him to let him finance you wtU. He came upon Josephine commended for trees and room de­ their share too. We wl«h to extend to our many friend« corations Instead of paper, cotton a course in Civil Engineering at (or was It the third?) Princess In Rlvlngton street. Cansandau. only Prince Miguel ' ColumbiaUniversity. . . . John and or other burnable materials. Aa The gasoline goose which has been laying the golden and patron« the season’« greeting«. It 1« our Josephine meet—become attached looked better in uniform than In A settlement near by had en- an additional protection, costume» highway eggs these many years can also be slain, even if to each other, love grows and they hope that the patronage we have enjoyed till« and decorations may be partially some politicians seem to think otherwise. With taxes from become engaged shortly after Breen flrepr»H>fed with the fallowing solu graduates from »college. . . Jose­ punt year lias been Justified In our service to 20 to 30 per cent of the selling price, gasoline producing phine has another suitor, a man of tlon: Two ounces of carbonate of states are becoming alarmed at seeing their natural re­ the world named Rantoul. . . Jose­ soda; two ounces of ammonia car­ our friend«. phine becomes restless as John bonate; two ounces of boric add sources disposed of without adequate return to them. The give full attention to his Job and and five gallons of water. The mix result is going to be continued effort to restrict the produc­ sails for Paris to select her trous­ seau. . . . At the last moment Ran- ture should be allowed tc come to tion of gasoline and no doubt with the help of legislatures. i toul sails on the same boat. . . . At We wish for everyone of you a very a boll and then be strained uud sea on the return home the great This of course will force the price up and with the high tax sprayed upon the material to be Merry Christmas! ocean liner crashes into an iceberg gasoline will become prohibitive. Bootlegging of gasoline and sinks—all passengers taking to protected. the lifeboats. Van Horn perishes Toys sometimes are (be cause ut will become as renumerative as is liquor at present. but Rantoul saves himself—with fires. Mechanical toys that use Josephine. Breen learns that Gil­ Wise legislation would be to grant a reduction in lic­ alcohol, kerosene or gasoline aa a bert Van Horn was his father. Jose­ ense fees based on the present schedules and weights and phine breaks the engagement and source of heat or power are ex­ tremal? dangerous tn the hands of forget for the time being new theories of automobile taxa­ marries Rantoul. For years John buries himself in work. The U. S. an lnezperlenct-d child. They tion or division of taxes between state and county. enters the World War. should be used under close super ----------- <----------- NOW GO ON WITH STORY----- vision of an adult—or better still Rantoul tore the letter in rage outside of the house. Safer toys are HALTING FARM FORECLOSURES and muttered vehement uncouth recommended. The supervision of One of the most practical efforts to stop foreclosures oaths in foreign words. The lettei adults is alto suggested for elec­ of farm mortgages occurred recently in Nebraska, one of i was almost accurate. Josephine had trical toys to Insure safety. Perhaps the most dangerous toy of all Is the solid states that can not be accused of having Commun­ seen John and had wondered where the war medals were. He had worn , the miniature motion picture ma ists tendencies. Most of the farmers in that state belong none. and. in fact, was quite indif-j chine which can use regular nitro­ to the class of “kulaks”, the one class hated the most by the ferent to her. trgpr n ine- years John Breen, C. E.. had worked in Argentine; cellulose film. Usually these toy» Soviet authorities. Kulaks are the most progressive of all “How's the old boy?” he had ask-1 railroads, bridges, dams." come equipped with oue or two “ ... . Russian fanners and their prosperity incites the attacks ed. rather, brutally. Josephine reels of safety film. Child and thought he looked years older and '«thing, as pictures taken as Palm listed herenthualaam. parent» Boon tire of the»e. and of the RedB. w Well, John----- ” She held out twenty times better than when she Beach testified to Interested mil commence renting film» which are Consideration for the nafety of (hose who ride with It is the American “kulaks" who are suffering most saw him last In those dear sopho-. "ons. Josephine war supremely un- her hand, took his frankly and apt to be the dangerou» nitrocellu­ smiled Into his eyes. “You are a you demand« that you keep your car In safe driving nowadays from the em shing load of debts and mortgages. morlc days of the awful aqueduct, concerned. lose type. Not only are these films good sight, after all these years.” “He’s the image of poor dear Gil- “I am opening up the old house condition constantly. Don’t Just think your car 1« highly Inflamable, they also give And It is the Nebraska judges who are trying to meet this "Nice of you to say that. Jose off poisonous gas when burning Josephine kept repeating to again. Marvin,” she Informed Judge «afe. MAKS S U R E ... condition by blocking the flood of foreclosures. Judges bert,” herself, thoughtfully. “The living j Kelly, after the divorce. “It’s about phine.” He returned her handclasp. In attempting to extinguish flames in the Ninth District in that state recently declared a mora­ image of Gilbert Van Hom. He looked his admiration. She was time I settled down to life, my In this type of film, one Is likely torium on all farm debts for an Indefinite period. When it • • • dear.’’ She looked anything but set- certainly a remarkable woman to Inhale the fume», which usually How confoundlngly young she look- When Gerrit Rantoul at last be- tied, is known that one Iowa county recently reported something cause death. Gilbert would have liked to hearisd- He was gray, not that It mat­ Smoking should be discouraged gan his attack on Josephine, intend- i like 660 farm foreclosures during one term of court one can ing to burn and consume her in th e ! that.” Judge Kelly looked at her tered, but he did feel old. compared readily see that unless something is done to stop this trend, public eye, he still believed In a thoughtfullv. "And so would John to her. But the time was late. Jose­ In rooms which are profusely tnm med with quick burning decora­ it will not be long before the ownership of all land in the philosophy outmoded. The Rantoul Breen. He's coming back to New phine was leaving. Her car awaited tions. her at the plaza In Canal Street. United States will revert tothe hands of the favored few. divorce case was photographed and York." Particularly streased by Fire exploited during a semester of pub-, Josephine went to the piano, ran John walked as far as the car and Marshal Averill Is the Importance In opening the November term of the Ninth District lie attention. . i her fingers over the keys, her head hade her good-by. "We muit see of removing the tree and ever-1 court. Judge Clinton Case of Nebraska announced that in The papers. In defense of Jose-1 thrown back, with a saucy toss, each other again, John. There Is so greens from the house shortly after mortgage cases where no defense had been made he would phine. her many poses supplying i “Spring Is coming to town.” she much I would like to talk about. Christmas, before they become neither issue decrees of foreclosure nor confirm foreclosure them with first-class circulation in-j laughed. The new apartment at the Good-by.” dried out. The tree should be burn sales. Another Judge, Charles II. Steward, sitting in an­ terest. raked up the past of Gerrit j Du Barry was coz^ " hope he's It was fully a week before John ed outside—never In the fireplace Inspecting and adjusting brake«. Rantoul. He had no Idea this would , more civilized, now.” Judge Kelly met her again. This time she was on —as the dry. brittle and pitch-fill­ other county, has announced that he will follow suit. Focus headlight«. Replace bulb« if necessary. be done. Jo-ephine, on the other loked out of the window. What a a shopping tour. He saw her on ed foliage, libs and trunk will start The net result will give Nebraska farmers a chance hand, testified, under examination | damnable town it was! But a wo- Fifth Avenue. Judge Kelly had a roaring fire Imperiling the chim­ Check wiring. Check battery. to tHrn themselves. Nobody questions that they will eventu­ by her attorney, Maximilian Sch- j man like Josephine could always mentioned that John would be leav­ ney and producing such Intense Remove front wheel«. Clean bearing«, pack with ally pay their obligations, given time and the chance to_get weitzer, that her husband had al-. survive. Perhaps John Breen might ing the Engineer’s Club at two. He heat as to endanger the house. In new grease. passed Josephine on the Avenue, some foreign countries It Is con ways been true. She Insisted that master her. And If he did? enough for their farm products to be able to pay. The ex­ | he was the essence of uxorious turned and walked with her for a sidered bad luck to keep the Christ­ • • • Align front wheels. Check steering wheel and ample of the Nebraska judges is worth study by those In fidelity. She even conveyed the For nine years John Breen, C. E. few blocks. "I’m going to do some mas tree up after December 31. steering gear. impression that this had been a bit had worked in the Argentine; rail- shopping, dreadful nuisance, John, every other state In the Union. Check and inflate tires. 1 boring to her. ¡road, bridges, dams. He had been but Just have to.” He left her enter­ Numerous correspondents were (called to Paraguay, he had thrown ing a shop displaying things In silk. FIRST DRIVER TESTS TO REGULAR PRICE . . . $3.75 named by Rantoul. George St epans over gorges, had vsted and She looked even more beautiful MINING MAY COME BACK BE GIVEN HERE JAN. 13 James had been shadowed and had reported on great works In Chill, than before. Nothing whatever had A new gravity process for separation of minerals was been caught coming from her) His reconnaissance, surveys, and been said except that she was back Glenn Bewn, deputy lloense ex­ discussed by mining men from Cottage Grove at the county apartment at two a. m. She did reports were on file In London and again In the old house. “It’s verf aminer for the Oregon State Auto­ comfortable, John. So much better I New York. A dozen commissions chamber of commerce meeting last Friday evening in not deny it. mobile registration department will "Bless my eyes.” he remarked, "I j awaited him at the completion of than a flat.” Springfield. This new process which has been tried out on be In Springfield Friday, Junuary never knew It was so late.” As a every work. He was known In the Noonday mine ore shows 100 per cent separation and matter of fact, after the death of Europe and America, he was a And then one day John heard that 13, 1D33, at the City Hall to con­ duct examinations for private oper extracted minerals worth from $10 to $600 from each ton of Aunt Wentworth, Josephine lived member of the great American So- Almon Strauss was back. "Almon 8trauss.” ators and commercial licenses. This J. W. Anderson Ray Nott lndependently. Her servants were (rety of Civil Engineers; a corres- ore. John caught the name above a will be the first of such examina Japanese, little efficient men; she ponding member of the Institution If this process proves successful it will greatly reduee had three of them, apparently not | of Civil Engineers of Great Britain, Jumble of voices In one of those tlons to be held In Springfield. 5th and A St«, Springfield, Oregon the freight and costly smelter charges from the Bohemia afraid of her. The butler, Tashl, an | John Breen was becoming a dis Intermittent calms when earnest Copies of the Oregon Motorist's are available at the City CIoHing at 6 o'clock ChrlHtma« eve, Saturday, Dec. 24 district and no doubt be the means of putting hundreds of adept at JiuJitsu, could toss out an tingnlshed engineer, still n the sun fact-to-face talkers pause almost as Manual Hall and should be studied by one. The long assembly room made men to work. There is no doubt many hundreds of thous­ unwelcome guest with astonishing ny forties; but he was utterly un free to every cult and clique that those expecting to take the tests. ands of tons of low grade ore both in the Bohemia and Blue completeness. “I only wish what known to the public at large. He they say was true,” St. James rue- was out of touch with fame, river districts as well as other parts of Lane county. A pro­ fully remarked, remembering many) John was heavier than when we cess which can separate this ore profitably would soon bring efforts. Haw him last, working with Colfax mining to the forefront as one of our main industries. John Breen was named, In a long, heavier but compact. Years In the ---------- 1---------- purchased affidavit from Paris, but open had tanned him, his hair and he was In South Africa and could ¡eyes were strangely light In con- This 3.2 per cent beer is not strong enough to suitjche not be reached. Some of the corres­ trast. John was still an athlete, In wets, but is too strong to suit the drys. Whether It will yield pondents, afflicted with wives. far camps he hail often amused $6 a barrel tax in competition with home brew is a debat­ .found themselves under double fire hmself by boxing. He had read, as | able subject. Prohibition has reared a crop of hundreds of and fought valiantly, giving the men read who are free. As the Western World neared performance an exciting Interest. thousands of amateur brewers who must now be figured Josephine denied nothing, smiled, Sandy Hook, John noted the In­ into*the picture. It is not like the “good old days” we hear i enjoyed the fuss, spent no money, creasing filth afloat, the slow nut- about when beer was a revenue raiser. ; whatever on her defense, Schwelt- push of accunwlnted sewage, soil- ----------- e----------- zer being retained by a syndicate j Ing the blue sea. Why had he come of the Indignant correspondents. If back? They had called him In Ix»n- Coach Schissler of O. S. C. refuses to take a cut in his Josephlne was guilty of anything, don. Almon Strauss had written $8000 a year salary, which has been imposed on other state I It was not stupidity. She wan clever him from Parts. He could have The Greatest .Toy will accompany an electrical gift. Every dnv in the year will bring officials. If the people of Oregon, whom the coach is sup­ enought not to let Rantoul know started for China, on a work as thoughts of ttpprsoiation from Mother. Tlifije is an electrical gift for every purse. posed to be working for, had their way Mr. Schissler would more than an Ineffective husband great as that of the ancient wall, be cut off completely at the pockets. should know. She may have been as I He wanted to see Pug to again talk , spotless as New York snow, on the wth llarboard. to shake hand» ana * ---------- «---------- , hour of ita fall, or she may have look Into the knowing eyes of Judge A sales tax or something else may he necessary to bal­ ! been a wicked woman. Millions ol Kelly, to walk, once more, on Wash ance the state’s budget but It seems too bad that with 20 | readers debated the subject end­ Ington Heights. It was the city that called him. He wanted again to or 30 per cent of the people out of employment that they lessly and took sides. After a long trial a verdict was ¡feel the Insistent pressure of mil- must be faced with an added tax placed on the necessities I rendered in favor of Rantoul grant- lions. O ilttB. Last M inute Gifts THE SPRINGFIELD NEW S KETELS DRUG STORE H A L L TELLS DANGER OF FIDE -«t € H R W T M A Z J» F G G I M A N N ’S Greetings Wright & Sons Safety First; H ere’s O ur D ecem ber and January S a fe ty First» SPECIAL Special $1.75 Labor ANDERSON MOTORS, he. me M O D E R N G IF T M O D ER N M OTHERS IS E L E C T R IC A L MOUNTAIN STATES ® POWER COMPANY