THE SPRINGFIELD TW ENTY-NINTH YKAK SPRINOFIRLD, LANK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1932 ALL FAMILIES 10 Main Street Puts SCHOOLS CLOSE Lions Talk Aid OnHolidav Attire to r Needy hoik EAI CHRISTMAS FOR VACATIONS Civic Committe Succeed« in Providing Dinner« for Each Needy Family Here HAVE ANY TOYS? Toys! Toys! Toys! Do you bars any toys about your home which the children have grown tired of and which are still serviceable or which can be worked over and dressed up with a little effort? There are more than 100 small children In Springfield who will not have any Chrlatma t this year unless they receive a toy or gift from the public spirited people of the community. The Christmas (’beer Com- mil tee, representing all organi­ zations of the city, wants to re­ tain that Joyous spirit which Is of Childhood and needs your co­ operation. Gnrlnnd« on Window« and Christmas Cheer Activities! Lightpoata, Star« on Lights Varied Program« Ready for Diccu«sed at Meeting Fri­ and Street Tree* Interest day; Red Cross Work Told Presentation at Schools Here Friday Afternoon With Its garlands of greenery After storting their meeting off reaching from one end of Main .. .. _ , „ . . . . , School vacations In Springfield. Friday noon by raising »8.60 In a TREE PROGRAM DROPPED Street to the Other. Springfield this for (ho cbrbtlniu, aI,d Nt)W Year voluntary collection to be added »tart tom orrow afternoon lo “ ,und bp,M* ral*®d *" P“" “»»* Distribution of Toy«, Candy. holiday T decorations seen here for holidays an(, w(|| (.o„llllUH througb n ct- "What Mean- Dr. W. C. Rebhan were named The pageant will feature the i agency of the Red Cross, so hurry i ®th to Christiansr member» of the committee and combined boys and girls glee cliff)»: along with your contribution There wUI ** apec,aI mna,c b’r the given power to act for the club. In a program of beautiful setting». | I whether it be one small toy or a ‘ holr* Th® e’ en,n« "»> «!’ •» Entertainment for the meeting procession« and responsive singing ' box full, all will be equally appre- oïer ,o an • ’ »»«««•«c servie, by was furnished In the form of a of old favorite Christmas songs . elated A telephone call to the City | 0,0 pa*tor w,th ” * c,al Vo Yo contest. Officially the Miss Wilma Lewis will sing "Birth­ - Hall will bring someone to collect numbers. championship was awarded to Miss day of the King." as a solo and Miss Program for the Sunday school •your contribution. Nlsaen after she had been chosen Barbara Barnell will play all the hour will be as follows; from her side of the table to com­ accompaniments. Christian Program pete with P. J. Bartholomew She Mr«. Pearl Schantol Become« The cast for the play. "Maid of received a Yo Yo a» a prls--. "In as much as ye have done It __________ _ Many Citizens Take to Beds Former Springfield Boy Falls unto the least of these, my breth- New Worthy Matron; Sev­ France" will feature the following: Joan of Arc. Marjorie Prochnow; IM PR O V E S, AT ern, ye have done It unto me.” as Illness Comes On; At­ and Drowns In Caiapooia eral Absent with influenza American soldier. Everett l.ajole; IvlATUK IIY IF K U V t& A I Prelude— Christmas Carola. tacks Are Usually Mild River Near Tangent French soldier, Allen Bneed; Eng HOSPITAL TH IS WEEK i Processional. Installation of offices for Cas­ llsh soldier. George Marx; and I Prayer— Pastor. Atetndance at the local schools cade chapter O. E. H. was held Russell Orville MeLagan, former! R®duction in Receipts and French flower girl. Aly. Thatcher torleus Illness Reaches Climax Song— "Joy to the World,” by here Tuesday evening following the Is gradually increasing this week resident of Springfield, died by Lowered County Budget High school classes will continue^ Dur,"0 W««k-end; Daughter Congregation. regular potluck dinner fos members over that of Friday when more than - drowning in the Calapoofa river Makes Action Necessary during the morning. There will be •• Visiter In City Bible Reading. Luke 2-8-20, by of the Star and their families. Mrs »0 students were marked absent sometime between Wednesday and at the high school alone. The Brat ' Saturday of last week. He left his Gertrude Wilson, Mr«. Hattie Drury I no classes held In the afternoon Drastic salary reductions for city j J0*10 Carrell. Condition of W. P. Tyson. Mayor and Mrs. Georgina Peterson had - although the students are expected of Springfield, who has been seri­ tain school was short 40 pupils and home at Tangent for a walk Wed- employees was ordered last night I Away in a Manger," by I to attend the program. 30 Lincoln students remained at needay afternoon and was not reen at the December meeting of the Primary Department, charge of the dining room. ously III at the Pacific Christian The Brattaln school will hold In home. The number of absentees after that time until his body was - City Council. This action was taken Bible Reading, Matt. 2: 1-11, by Officers Installed were: dividual room program» starting at hospital with plural pneumonia Adams. Schantol, worthy matron; K H 2 o'clock according to Glen B h»* Kre“,1’r ‘mptoved this week had decreased about ten in each | found in an open part of the river to balance the city budget which is Oldham, worthy patron; Mrs. Darr Wood principal Each room w ill1 »«• temperature has been normal school on Monday and has shown j at the foot of a bridge. Indications short some »50« this year due to a i Song— "Silent Night, Holy slight improvement since that day i being that he had fallen from this 25 percent reduction in the road Nikht," by Junior-Intermediate De- Wilson, associate matron; W. E have their Christmas tree and pro Ifor “ *• I**« « hour* Teacher» also have been hard hit Into the water striking his head, d istrict funds due the city. jqext Partment- Buell, associate patron; Mrs. Elsie, Mayor Tyson was taken to the vide their own program. by the epidemic. In the Brattaln Reading— "How far to Bethle­ Funeral services were held from year the budget will contain 25 Pollard. associate conductress; 1 hospital last week In a serious con­ Combine Lincoln School building Miss Alta Manning, Miss the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel percent cut because of action of hem,” by Bernice Smith. I.ena Fraederlck. secretary; Abbie dition which continued to grow All students at the Lincoln grade Song— "O Little Town of Bethle­ Wheaton, treasurer; Bertha Rouse, and Junior t»gn school will unite worse. The use of oxygen tanks Eleanor Smith, Miss Helen High, In Springfield Monday afternoon at the County Budget Board in drastic- marshal; Mrs. Alene Baaford, or In the presentation of the following were resorted to In an effort to aid and William Gantx, the Janlor have 2 o’clock. Interment was made In ally reducing the district road levy. hem.” by Junior-Intermedtete De­ been 111. The Misses Manning and the Rest Haven Memorial cemetery Three salaried employees were partment. ganlst; Mrs. Be»«le Paddock program in the auditorium at 1:16 his breathing. Bible Reading. Matt. 25: Smith resumedt heir work Monday.] He was born at Albany on June•* affected by the results. Lum An warder; Mrs. l,eona Buell. Esther; j Mrs. Wlnlfrld Hover of Phoenix. according to Roy (Julney, principal Mr. Vallier Is substituting as Jani : 11. 1914 and moved with his par derson as chief of police and street by J““*«”' Laxton Thelma Hweeney. Ada; Georgina Arisons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Songs— "Up On the House Top," Song— “O Come All Ye Faithful' tor- |ents to Springfield when lour years commissioner will now receive »90 Peterson. Electa; and M. J. McKlln "Dear Old Santa Claus,” “Jolly Old Tyson, arrived Saturday to be with The high school reported the 111- i l,ld He left In 1931 going to North a month a cut of J35 from the »125 by congregation. sentinel. » her father. She became 1 1 1 with In­ Santa Claus," “Christmas.” by Reading— "The ('hrlstmas Mes- ness during the past week of Miss Bend for a few months, then re-' he ha« been drawing. Hugh Jollff, fluenza but Is now recovering. Four officers were nnable to be lower grades. Jaunlta Demmer. Miss Clara Wag i turning to Springfield where he fire chief, will get »80 instead of sage." by Muriel Tyson. preeent and were not Installed. "The Joke on Santa Claus." First Song— "O Worship tbe King,” ner, and Glenn Martin. They re-'Rved until a few months ago. the »100 formerly received. The They are Mrs. Ida Holverson. con­ Grade boys. LICENSE BUSINESS IS turned to school the first of the ! Survivors include his mother, salary of the assistant was likewise by congregation. ductress; Mrs. Janie t'rusan. chap­ "Why Do Bells for Christman BETTER FOR HOLIDAYS week after several days absence. : Mrs. Maggie Chandler, one brother, i reduced from »50 to »35 monthly. Reading— "A Christmas Legend” lain; Mrs. Carrie Jarrett. Ruth and Ring?” Jackie Robertson and Joane by Irene Anderson. It Is an 111 wind that blowa no- * Robert R. Mi-Lagan; his grand- -------------------------- Miss Edna Swarts. Martha. Marriage license buslne s has Ward. Song— "All Hall the Power,” by body any good proves to be a tru eifa,her. R. A. MeLagan of Tangent; xjinDTCiDIGT XCiDDl r c d i p Several visitors from Blue River "Christmas Candles," and "By been Improving rapidly as the proverb this week also for at th e ! his grandmother, Mrs. Bessie H. ' U r r L t o BIG congregation. and Evangeline chapters la Eugene Lo, Dolly Dear." Second Grade. Christmas season draws closer, ac­ Brattaln school there are not as ' Smith and a large number of other Offertory. CHRISTMAS TREE HERE attended the meeting. These In­ "Candle Drill," Third Grade. cording to W. B. Dillard, county Interlude by Pianist, Miss Jewel relatives in this vicinity. many teachers on the part time list cluded Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hunting-, "Stocking Drill,’' Fourth Grade. clerk. Couples from this vicinity Russell Mi-Lagan Is the second E; B La*«<»>- Pall Creek, sent Cunningham. as there were vacancies, making ton. Mra. Eva Welnrlck, Charles "Farmer Brown's Christmas." who have obtained license to wed member of his family to die by Springfield s big ( hrlstmas tree At Methodist Church doubling of classes necessary. Emery, Mr. and Mra. C. F. Hyde. during the past week include Roy Fifth Grade. drowning. HI father. W. C. Me-;‘-ra»bin< ,o the pavement nt Fourth The primary department of the Schools are not the only places "Christmas Carol.” by Seventh Swensen of Springfield and Bertie Lagan, was drowned in Winchester and Main a‘« * t s Saturday evening Sunday school will give a program Grade girls. Boott of Eugene; Raymond Hills, affected by the flu however. Nearly bay on the south Oregon coast wben *be motor vehicle in which at the 9:46 hour. CARSON FAMILIES TO “A Joke On the Toy Maker," an und Ida Shelley, both of Jasper; each -family in the city has one or more than a year ago when the ¡ **^ and his son were riding ran Into The morning worship service at GATHER ON CHRISTMAS operetta by Eighth Grdo- girls glee and Buster Weeks and Dorothy two persons 111. Most of the cases airplane in which he was riding“ 1® larK® decorated tree. Damage 11 o'clock will be featured by beau­ Pettigrew, both of Springfield j are reported to be quite mild. crashed tn a heavy fog. His body, *n ***® amount of »5.00 was done tiful Christmas music under tbe di­ A Christmas reunion dinner for club. route 2. to the tree lights which were re­ rection of Kenneth Roduner. Tbe I -------------------------- all members of the Carson family was not found for one week. — I Returns to Home— Mrs. W. H. paired and the tree replaced short­ program Is as follows: will be held at the home of Mr. BOYS HAVE BIG FEED Teacher to Portland—Miss Elea- Riddell left Friday for her home ly after the alleged accident. Voluntary — Pilgrims* Chorus, and Mrs. John Carson on Eighth AT H. S. FRIDAY NIGHT nor Smith, teacher at the Brattaln at Detroit after visiting here for IUKA CIRCLE MEMBERS Lawson pleaded that he did not Tannhauser-Wagner-Lisxt. street Sunday. Those who will at­ school, will spend her Chrlatma» ' some time with her daughter, Mrs. HAVE CHRISTMAS PARTY see the tree before hitting it when Processional. Adeste Fldelea. tend «re Mr. and Mr». Charles Car Old and new members of the Gertrude Wilson. brought into city court Monday Doxology. son and family of Mabel. Mrs. Lettermen's club at Springfield vacation In Portland. Members of the Iuka circle num­ morning. His case was dismissed. Invocation. Rev. D. C. Poindexter, Sarah Adams of Junction City. Mr high school held their annual feed ber 37. Ladies auxiliary of the G. A. and Mrs. Pearl Adams of Noraton, and Initiation of new members at pastor. | -'HHH R. held their annual Chris’mas ___ _ Mr. and Mrs. Ertls Larkin and fam­ Use high school Friday evening Meditation, John Stark Evans, party at the Kggimann Kandy B A S K E T B A L L PRACTICE ily of Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. George Letter» for the 1932 football season Kenneth Roduner. Kitchen last Thursday evening TO CONTINUE AT H. S. Hymn—Hark the Herald Angels W. ('arson, senior, Mr. and Mrs. were swarded to the following: with Mrs. Myrtle Eggimann as ----------- Marlon Adams and son. Robert, Harry Wilson. Kenneth Cox, hostess. Games were played and Basketball practice will centim e Sing. Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Mr. and Mra. George Carson, Jr., Wayne Kendall, Dean Anderson, gifts were exchanged. at the high school during the and Mr. and Mrs. J. Malosh. Jimmie West, John Dale Adams, Mrs. Edith Laxton. pa-it presl Christmas vacation says Marion Prayer. "Amen,”’ by the choir. Credo Bruce Squires, Dtsque Smith, Ray dent of the lodge, was presented Hall, coach. Several new men have Rasmussen. Everett (’het wood. METHODISTS CANCEL with a past president's pin In re-' turned out for the squad recently I Gounod). Sanctus—Gounod, by Paul Potter cognition of her services. Mrs. and will add materially to the TWO MEETINGS HERE Rodney Vest. Morris Stewart, and palton Thurman. Alice Doane, a transferred member strength of the school. No games and choir. Christmas Responsive reading. New members of the club were Two Christmas party meetings from the Eugene circle, was Initla- have heen scheduled until early In Gloria Patrl. of the Methodint church hare been Cox, Stewart, Adams. Kendall and ted Into the Iuka circle. j January when the “A” league sche- Offertory— Reclt and Romance, -------------------------- dule will officially start. cancelled thia .week due to the Smith. Wagner-Ltaxt. Unable to eat all of the tasty proximity of the holidays and the TEACHERS TO ATTEND ----------------------- Offertory Solo—The Hold City. Illness of many of the members. food which had been prepared for CONVENTION LEAGUE ENTERTAINS STATE Adam»— Kenneth Roduner. them some of the boys cached some The two organlxa'lon» to cancel Sermon— "A Savior Is Born.” SMALL CHILDREN FRIDAY their meetings are the Men's away until Monday. Another group Among the Springfield teachers Holy Night, by the choir. Brotherhood which was to have of students found and ate the food who will attend the annual con-[ Many 8mal, chll(lren of Trust In the Lord—Handel, choir. before the owners looked for It ac elected officers Monday night, and ventlon of the Oregon State Teach , fleI(, were KUests of (he Olrl!|. Lea. Benediction. the Ergntha Sunday school class cording to a high school report. ers' association at Portland during)gue a, , he b,Rb gchoo, for a chrlgt Dresdon Amen. party which was to have been held the Christmas holidays will be W. mas party Friday afternoon. A pro Recessional—Adeste Fldeles. at the home of Mrs. Pratt Holver­ KENSINGTON CLUB HAS E. Buell, high school principal; and gram, refreshments, games and Postlude, Selection from Lohen son on Wednesday. G. B. Wood, Brattain principal. gifts featured the afternoon. Eva grin. Wagner-LlssL CHRISTMAS MEETING Sessions will be held on Wedres- Louk was general chairman. Vlr- The Methodist church of Coburg Members of tho Kensington club EPWORTH LEAGUE HAS day, Thursday and Friday. Decern g,nla chrigtle ha(, charge of re. Is Joining the Springfield church were entertained at their annual her 28, 29 and 30. j freshments, Essell Adams, games; In this morning worship service. PARTY FOR MEMBERS Christmas party Monday evening and Eva Devine, decorations. Baptists Plan 8ervlee Misses Jeanette and Audrey at the home of Mrs. M. V. Walker HALF-YEAR AUTO TAGS ______________ Baptists held their Christmas Thompson were guests of honor at with Mrs. Paul Baaford as assisting ON SALE W EDNESDAY MOTORISTS HAVE FREAK program for small children In the an Epworth league party at the hostess. primary and beginner’s department The program consisted of a short Methodist church Friday evening. Application» for half-year auto­ ACCIDENT ON SATURDAY Wednesday afternoon at tho The two Thompson sisters left play In which the following ladles mobile license tags are now being! church. Mrs. Wm. G. Taylor and received at the I^ine county court Apparently blinded by the lights Mrs. Wilfred Cook were In charge. Monday for Oakland. California to played parts, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. house starting Wednesday, Decern of an approaching automobile, Mrs. live with their mother, Mrs. Madge Baaford, Mrs. L. May, Mrs. Edward They will have their regular Bun­ her 21. The purchase of a larger i*’*en Stafford, driving along on day school program at «:46. Thia English. They drove to California Prlvat, Mrs. Harry Whitney and number of tags during the next Btre®t Saturday evening turn- has not been announced. The with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Taylor Mrs. W. K. Barnell. IHano solos month than Is usual Is anticipated ' e<* towards the curbing and struck Christmaa service will be held at of Portland who spent Sunday were played by Mrs. Walker. The because of the large numbers of Floyd Thompson ear parked II o’clock with Rev. Taylor preach­ evening at the P. J. Bartholomew balance of the evening was given people who have not purchased the ,n front their home and shoved ing the sermon on the subject, "A over to games, refreshments ano home. i It Into a truck ahead. The Thomp- an exchange of gifts. full year license. Chmrlstmas for Christ." They will i son car was quite badly damaged have no evening services In tbs Mrs. Barnell and Mrs. May hail TW ENTY PRESENT FOR hy the double impact. charge of the program and Mrs. H. S. FACULTY PLANS church. CLASS PARTY FRIDAY Whitney and Mrs. Mary Kessey Young people of the churches ' CHRISTMAS DINNER POSTOFFICE USES TWO will sing carols on Christmaa day. An enjoyable evening of games directed refreshments. Faculty members at the Spring- and stunts was enjoyed by 20 CITY MAIL CARRIERS Those at the Christian church will field high school will entertain with ! gather at tbe home of Barbara young people, members of Mrs. A. N. O. W. JUVENILES a Christmas dinner at the domestic! An additional mall carrier was Adams, 321 E street at 6:20 Sun­ B. Van Valzah's Sunday school PARTY !S SATURDAY science rooms Friday at 2:15 put on at the postoffice this week day morning for their tour of the class of the Methodist church, Fri­ Members of the school board and ; to speed up the delivery of laenmlng city and will return t the chnreb The annual Christmas party of day evening when that group held the principal and their wives will mall. Leroy Nice Is assisting Orson for a breakfast at • o'clock. their annual Christmas party at the the Juvenile circle of the Pine be honored guests at the dinner Vaughn, regular carrier. Business Methodist young home of Evelyn Buell. Prises for Circle, N. O. W. will be held at the of which Miss Ruth Morrison, at the postoffice Is better than hod leave their church Si stunts were won by Mrs. Van Val- I. O. O. F. hall Saturday afternoon domestic scieuco teacher has been expected although not reach­ to serenade an sah, Mrs. Pauline Cline, Crystal under the direction of Mrs. Estella charge. ing the volume of recent year«. sick and shut-ins. Findley, senior guardian. Bryan and Ralph Fullarton. STAR INSTALLS 933 OFFICERS INFLUENZA WAVE R. HIES AE SCHOOLS L City Salaries Cat By Council A W ISH fOR YOU A WISH FOU YOU A S CANDLES shine S upon THE BOUGHS OF F I* . AND PIHf-MAY CHRISTMAS J O Y AMD CHRISTMAS CHEER K ESPT»»T w rm y o u T H R O U G H O U T TH E Y E A R The Springfield News • 0* • **