THURSDAY. DHX'BMBKR 16, 1X32 TUR BPtUNOPUBLD NEWS PAQg FOUR Honor Rolls (Continued from Page D Paul Nott. Billie Nesbitt. Leroy Church. Peter Chace, Midge Wilson, Carmel Waddell. Roberta Putmoe, Anita Pugh. Thelma Johns. Nellie Gates. Alice Chase. Severson. Marjorie Hart. Juntera Ruth Button. Erma Eaalon, Bea trice Elmer, Evelyn Klckbuach. De- Etta Bandgathe, Grace Shelley. Another Double Wrestling Card t TOWN AND VICINITY III at Home— Mrs. O, H Jarrett la confined to her ho this week. Ill at Homs -Miai Edith Eaton Is sported to b III a her home Ih » 3,000,090 FAMILIES AIDED BY RED CROSS STUDENT PLH IS WELL PRESENTED COMING OF CHRIST TO BE THEME OF SERMON j" ’Knot Screen Actre«“ M«th odists Distress in All Areas Met by Giving Food, Clothing Ca«t Show« Fine Ability in and Other Help. Humorous Situations; Miss Guest at Hotel — H. E. Croa i ol Portland Man Visits — Frank i Conoly Is Director Prineville was a guest at the Super of Portland was a bualueaa More than 3,000.000 families Elisabeth Vail. Springfield hotel Friday night. throughout the nation were given visitor in Springfield Monday. Seniora Led by Ray Rasmus en In the relief of various types by the Amer Stella Brabham. Donald Brown. .. 1 T L ... I»,-, ' Visits Friende—W. H. Craft spent role of K M. Ralston, members of Iran Red Cross In the past winter, Down from Rainbow—Mrs. F. C ' Name of Thunder Thor Jen- |n Sprln sen Happily Missing from friends the C. I. Inman home here Salur by unemployment, disaster or other presented Ihe Ihree-act comedy. <•* s o î ï «•«»olle» In ate and client. was In progress Roy is said to have ^ ¡g cj,y Richard Martin. Austin McCall. Witchita. Kansas and were enroute “>• Oalted «Mes. and will co- Situations Provoke Fun pinned Jensen junior's shoulders to operate with all agencies Io meet Roger Tobias. Many Interesting and often quite the mat, but what difference doe« Oriw, t0 Ben(, _ Mr and Mr8 to Spokane for the holidays. They distress wuereve foui.u The flour T M rd Grade this make when the official to busy Merle Casteel have gone to Bend plan to hold meetings in that city has proved of great benefit. and Ihe difficult situations arise as the Attendance—Betty Pat Aldrich, watching out for himself Elliott where they wi„ remain OVer the after the first of the year. cotton clothing will be given wide Ihre« men keep prodding Robert Beulah MartlD. Ruth Pha’r, Bob became interested In the advertised holidays visiting Mrs. Casteel’s Kennett. Lanvir Hrutlsln. the distribution." Gardner. Maxwell Pohl. Floyd bout in time to see Jensen on top nlother. While carrying on nation wide maker of the wager, with a serlea SISTER OF MRS. STEWART these unemployment and other re­ of questions (eating his willingness Steele. Mary Alice Bartholomew. and gave him the fall. lief measures, the Red Cross also to tell the truth always even If It Lola Phair. Theresa Ware, Thor , . Roseburg People Hers— Dr C. Q. DIES IN PORTLAND CLINIC was engaged In Its regular peace­ Anyhow many fans are glad that Van and and Mrg L wald Johnson. Fritts Smitaon, cost him many friendships an I the thunder God's name to not con Mu|>jch of R(M>eburg were gueats Mrs. Ethel Bally M cKibben W ell- time activities In public health nearly wrecked the home of hla Tommy Williams. nursing, service to ex-service men nected with the card this week. He >t home o( Mn> A R Van y a , Fourth Grade Known in S p ringfield; Fu­ and their ramllles. teaching home business associate. Scholarship — Dorothy Flanery, has shown consistently in Eugene xah over the week-end. hygiene, life savin,, and first aid Th'ngs wind up rapidly when neral Held Wednesday The Junior Red Cross, composed of Robert wins hl* het and Ralston Iris Kllnfelter, Gloria Green, Ethel for several weeks and has vet to appear In at match in which he I Hand Lanccd_ Ed Spriggs of Mrs Ethel Bally McKibben. 5«. »Imost 7.000.000 school children. who had agreed to match a charity Ruth Fulop. Attendance—Iris Kllnfelter. Bob satisfies even the majority of the chase Gardena had his hand lanced well-known here and a former resi­ also rallied to the support of tl e fund which had reached 360.000 at the office of a local phy ician dent of Springfield, died at the Dr. society's relief efforts, and the through the efforts of his daughter, Adams. Raymon Bainbridge, Rus spectators by his conduct. children aided others of their age I Friday. He had a large splinter in Coffey hospital in Portland Mon­ In practical ways, firmed sewing and Bishop Doran (Bruce Squire«) sell Gatea, Donald Cook. Billy Haek, his hand which was causing an In- Edith Ware. Donald Baldwin. Har day morning. December 1?. and food tanning classes, and were who was very Ignorant about busi­ I fectioc. rison Billings. John Meek. Colt She was born at Bayfield. Wis­ of great assistance In chapter re­ ness and who found that by yelling ! Waldrlp. loud and tong enough he was suc­ consin on September 9. 1877 and lief work. In California — Mrs Riley M leaves two sons. Kay Bally. Eugene While the wheat anj cotton were cessful In recovering money which Fifth Grade Mrs. Ida King and Mrs. Gertrude given by he U. S Government, no Snodgrass is spending Ihe week in and Joe Bally of Cottage Grove be­ he had been Induced to spend for Scholarship—Jane Apger. Gladys Stanbie from Nebraska are Visiting San Francisco visiting with her sides two sisters. Mrs. Harry Stew- money was provided to pa> for the wildcat stock certificates. Cabe, Oscar Farnsworth, Eugene at D. O. and Ray Baugh's. They are necessary work entailed The Red son. Kerneth De Lassus. She is ex­ The players In the cast and art of Springfield and Mrs. Carl Cross will meet this expense of Fulop. Dallas Knight. Jesse Lan­ stoter-in-lawg of Mrs. D. O. Baugh. pected to return to Springfield the Fischer of Bradwood, Oregon; and almost 1500 000 fron Its treasury. their roles were; Clarence Van ning. Ruth Martin. Bruce Maxey, Mrs. Hugh Safely motored up first of next week. her father. Joseph Boutin at Bay- Cltlxena ran aid by joining aa mam Dusen. Everett 1-aJoie; E. M Rai Marion Phair, Bob Pollard. Chester from Roseburg last Friday and bera of the local Red Cross chapter ston, Ray Rasmuasen; field, Wisconsin.- Bishop Schlewe, Jimmie 8tam. James spent the week-end with her par Merchant Cuts Hand—I. D. Mur daring the roll -all from Armlatlce Doran. Bruce Squires; Dick Dens­ Richards. Robert Strand. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmiston phy, better known as (Dad) Mur Funeral services were held from Day to Thankagivlng Day. ely. Carter Hartman; Robert Ben Attendance—Jane Apger. Gladys Mr. Safely came up 9unda> and pj,y cut a aevere gash in his thumr. the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel nett. Lamar Braltaln; Mrs. E. M Cabe. Oacar Farnsworth. Bonny they returned home Sunday even Tuesday evening while slicing in Eugene Wednesday afternoon. Ill Here—Mrs. Carlton A. Wyman Ralston, Marjorie Prochnow; Ethel Findley, Andrew Gott, Earl ' Har­ lng. some meat at the Irish-Murphy Rev. Cecil F. Ristow officiated and wood. Howard Klinfelder. Delbert Professor Jay Grant was ill last store. interment wa; made In the Masonic Is reported to be quite ill at hei Clark. Virginia Christie; Gwendo- home this week. lyn Ralston. Beth Jennings; Mubel Koch, Jeese Lanning. Rnth Martin. week-end bat was able to teach on J cemetery. Jackson. Echo Tom*eth; Babel Marion Phair. Bob Pollard. Arthur Monday. Daughter is Born — Margaret Prochnow, Jerold Slemaen. James Jackson. Dorothy Hart; Martha. Miss Inex Eyler who is taking Shannon is the name which has nurse's training at SL Vincent hos­ been chosen for the eight-ponnd GIRLS BASKETBALL Richard«, Robert Strand. I McKenzie Valley Eva Ixiuk. Sixth Grade Special Music Numbers pital in Portland arrived home a daughter born to Dr. and Mrs. C. G. TEAM GETS COACH Scholarship—Dean Wilson, Frans few days ago convalescing from a Van Valzah at the Pacific Christ Special numbers on the program ----------- The state fish hatcheries have Bennett, Jack Cook. Dean Van severe cold. She will remain home ian hospital in Eugene on Friday Appointment of Ray Murray o f : been having a good deal of dlffl Included the following Introduction , Lydegraf. until after the holidays. December 9. 1932. The mother and Eugene as coach of the Red Sox culty keeping the water supply ran numbers by the high school or Attendance — Mildred Billings. The Ladles' Aid met with Mrs. child expect to leave the hospital basketball team was announced la-t ning for the young fish. All ponds chestra under the direction of Bu Marie Briggs. Waneta Chapman, Arch Shough last Friday. night at Marcóla when the Red Sox are froxen over. A great deal of ford Roach: March. “Bachelor the end of this week. Donald Cook, Jack Cook. Junior and Marcóla girls teams met in work Is necessary to keep Inlets Girls"; Maxurka, “Sparkling Eyes.“ Endicott, Vern Gates, Frank Hoe- Members of the association are Nurse to Return — Miss Clara their first game together. The Red Bnd outlets operating. March, “Cheer Leader.” tin, Billy Johns, Robert Nice, John asked to bring their contributions Jones assumed her duties in the! Sox. made up of Springfield and Eu Tbe temperature of the water la Other selections played between Phillips. Dean Wilson. 'to the sale as early as possible. The office of Dr. W. C. Rebhan on Wed gene young women, won the game reported 78 degrees. At the Vida the first and second act were waltx. Sixth Grade bazaar will consist largely of ne lay of this wee». She has been 32-22. salmon hatchery Walter Carter, act Over the Waves” ; selections from Scholarship — Lawrence Thomp- needlework and will afford an op- quarantined with Mrs. D. B. Mur-' Last Friday they defeated the ing superintendent during nine«« of The Bohemian Girl”; anil Mlnu •on. Paul Nott, Peter Chace, V.olet portnnity to purchase very fine phy for several weeks during h er. Coburg girls at the Baptist church Frank Minney, ha» been caring for ette, “Ye Olden Dance." Steele. Emma Jane Smith, Clarence Christmas gifts at a very low price illness with scarlet fever. Mrs. I in Eugene 19-8. The girls have won the baby »almon at night and Vocal numbers given between Clark. according to Mrs. W. C. Rebhan. a Murphy is recovering now and six and lost seven games so far Archie Donoho In the day time. second and third acts Included Attendance Lawrence Thomp- member of the committee. their home is being fumigated. this sea on. Mrs. Vern Caldwell wax hostess Slave 8ong'* and “The Little to the Ladies' Union Aid aoclety Damozel” by Wilma Lewis, and Tuesday at her home. The group "Just Friends" and an encore by a have been quilting for Mrs. Lester girls trio, Virginia Christie. Blanche Bates, and Juanita Seaman. Millican. Mrs. 8. J. Godard will entertain the Leaburg ladles' Aid society at CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR the home of Mrs. Walter Carter CLASS IS SET FRIDAY Thursday afternoon. The occasion will be the annual Christmas party Miss Evelyn Buell will he hostess given by the group. Io members of Mrs. A. B. Van Val- The Leaburg girl scout troop Is zah's Sunday school class at the giving two plays at the school Methodist church at their annual house Friday evening, “Pine Knot Christmas party to be held Friday Lodge,” and "Mother Baker’s evening at 8 o'clock. Each guest Christmas." Basket social will fol­ Is asked to bring some gift cost­ low. An unique plan will be fol ing not more than 16 cents to be lowed for bidding. Nuts will be exchanged. Miss Doris Myers Is used for the competitive bidding. In charge of the entertainment. These will be forwarded to the CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS FIND THIS SALE A GREAT GIFT OPPORTUNITY— Doernbecher home In Portland. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE REAL PROPERTY NOTICE OF SHERIFF’8 SALE REAL PROPERTY NOTICE Is hereby given that by NOTICE Is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution and order a ag . .. a ¡' ’ "'i1., ' . —- " ; t : - - . . » . - '- ... , ■ 1 — .■■■■_. j virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the Circuit of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of Ihe State of Oregon for WE REDUCED TH E PRICES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County this 11th day of Dec­ Lane County this 13th day of Dec ember, 1932, upon and pursuant to WE MENTION ONLY A FEW ITEMS ember, 1932, upon and pursuant to a decree duly given and made by a Judgment duly given and made said Court the 13th day of Decem­ 35c Men’s Pure Linen Handkerchiefs ■ by said Court this 12th day of Dec- ber. 193*’, In a suit pending therein ember, 1932, In a suit pending In which State Mutual Building and $3.50 Men’s S w e a te rs ........................... therein In which Willamette Col Loan Association of Los Angeles. lection, g Credit Service, a cor­ Calif., a corporation, was plaintiff $4 .00 Men’s B a th ro b e ................ poration was plaintiff and N. J and O. A. Slalger and Hazel Stei­ $1.75 Men's Outing or Broadcloth Pajam as Dahlln, et, ux, were defendants, ger, his wife were defendants, which execution and order of sale which execution and order of sale $1.50 Men’s Broadcloth Shirt was to me directed and commanded was to me directed And commanded Ladies’ Rayon Pajam as me to sell the real property herein me to sell the real property herein­ after described to satisfy certain after described to satisfy certain Ladies Rayon Dance Set ..................... liens and charges In said decree liens and charges In said decree ,u » Ladies’ Crepe de Chine Dance S e t ......................... specified, I will on Friday the 13th specified, the Sheriff of Lane Coun­ day of January. 1933, at the hour ty, Oregon, will, on Saturday, the Ladies’ Rayon Bloomers of 10 o'clock A. M at the southwest 14th day of January, 1933, at the Ladies’ Outing Gown door of the County Court House hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the In Eugene, bane County, Oregon southwest door of the County Court 25c Ladies Linen H an d k erch iefs.................... offer for sale and sell at public House In Eugene, Lane County, 50c Extra Large Turkish Towels auction for cash, subject to redemp­ Oregon, offer for sale and sell at tion as provided by law, all of the public auction for rash, subject to $5.00 Wool mixed Extra Large Blanket right, title and Interest of the de redemption as provided by law, all $2.50 Sheet and Pillow Case Set, colored border, fendants In said suit and of all of Ihe right, title and Interest of parties claiming by, through or un the defendants In said suit and of $1.00 Towel Set der them or any of them, In or to all parties claiming by, through or $1.00 All Wool Children Sw eaters the following described real prop­ under them or any of them since the 18th day of November, 1932, In erty, to-wlt: $1 50 All Wool Boys’ Sw eaters Lot 4, Block 1, George W. Llll’s or to the following de«crlbed real 50c la d ie s ’ Box Handkerchiefs Addition to Eugene, Lane County, property, to-wit: Beginning at a point Fifty (60) Oregon; Also $1.00 Ladles’ Box Handkerchiefs feet South of the Northwest cor­ Beginning at a point 30 feet ner of Ix>t Six (fl) InMiloek Four $1.25 KayHer Pure Silk Full Fashion Hose North and 50 feet 6 Inches East of the Southwest comer of Eu­ teen (14) of Ellas Stewart's Ad­ Bedspread, large size gene F. Skinner’s D. L. C. Noti­ dition to Eugene, thence run East 68 2-3 feet ft) the East line fication 2181 In Township 17, South, Range 4 West of the Wil­ of said Lot Six (6), thence South PRICES QUOTED ARE ONLY ON A FEW GIFTS, BUT YOU’LL FIND TH E GREATEST BARGAINS IN ALL Fifty (60) feet, thence West lamette Meridian, and running 66 2-3 feet to the East line of thence North 217 feet, thence DEPARTMENTS Jefferson street, thence North East 50 feet, South 217 feet, and along East line of Jefferson thence West 50 feet to the place Street Fifty (60) feet to the place of beginning, all being In and a part of the City of Eugene, Ore­ of beginning, all In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. gon. Dated this 14th day of December, | Dated this 14th day of December, 1932 1932. Springfield, Oregon H, L. BOWN, Sheriff, H. L. BOWN, Sheriff, By A. E. HULEOAARD, Deputy.' By A. E. HULEOAARD, Deputy. (D 15-22-29 — J 6-12) (D 15-22-29 — J 6-12) Planning Ila b o ra le Christmas Program; Pageant to Given December 33 Helen Hayes, through her per iormanre in "The Sin of Madelun Claudel" hs» been acclaimed Ihe Ancit sc reen sclress of I9J2 by the A ia d ....... - ' M otion I ’ n ture Ait» Th« theme for Ihe morning wnr •hip service at 11 o'clock at the Mclhndlst church will he *'H» Shall | Suddenly Come In Ills People," The Sunday Church school will meet at 9:48. The young people's m»ellugs will be at 6:30 p m The evening message at 7:30 will he: “When Shall Our Prayer He Heard", He». Ihoin C. Poindexter will preach at both - ervlces. The I’rlmary Department of the Sunday school 1s preparing a pro­ gram Io he presented Christmas Morning nt the 9:46 hour, The church will present a beautiful Chrtotmas pageant on Friday even­ ing. December 33 The choir to pre­ paring special music for Ihe page­ ant and for the worship service on Christmas morning. The Melhoulst church at Coburg will altend th« ChrUliiias services at the Springfield church. MERCHANTS WARNED ABOUT CHECK ARTIST 1 WEEK TO CHRISTMAS 1 Shof< Early ■Mail Early Buy C h ris fm a i Seals Warning to merchants of Lane county to be on the lookout for a woman check artist waa Issued this morning by H. L. Hown, sher­ iff The person In question to about 36 years of age, about 6 feel five Inches In height, light brown hair, light colored eyes, large protruding lips, a pleasing personality and a good talker. Hbe ueually presents checks In the sums of 17.60 and 110 00 She represents hereelf ns slaying with some well-known wo­ man In Ihe community or aa being Ihe wife of a doctor In a neighbor Ing county. When laal seen she was wearing a knit sweater, lavender rolored background with yellow strip« and wa- driving a yellow car. _____________ \ SEAL SALE SHOWING Christmas belongs (o (he children. PROGRESS IN TH IS CITY Desplis prlvallon. undernourish- Save the Children nint and even wsnl, there are fsw Irssldes «hers «onieb-ely's saertflrq, The sum of 926 64 has been raised )r somebody's tnvsmlvs genius, wilt In Ihe health seal sale In this city not make possible a recognition of It was reported Wednesday by Mrs. ’he day so children's voices may be Oertrudn Wlleoa. chairman. Stu­ raised In glsd iess. ChrDlmas Seals belong to Ihe dents at the Lincoln school raised hlldren. loo. The most Important -314 76 and those at the Brnttaln work (hey do Is to protect children 38 23 Merchants contributed >3.66 from tuberculosis. This year the toward> the fund on the opening teal Itself shows two youngsters day. No returns have been received with faces upiurn»d In gladness as from Ihe high school and Junior they sing carols In tbs snow. Each high groups. seal Is a direct appeal for help from (he children of America, who Holds lee Skats Farty"“ suffer newt from the effects of pri­ vation, undernourishment and Member« of Ihe Christian En­ want. deavor of Ihe Christian church hold Chrtotmas comes but once a year, an Ice skating party, at Ihe Booth- and childhood once a lifetime. Kelly pond Tuesday evening. , i ’ 2 Million Dollar Good« to Bn Completely Closed Out In L iq u id ation S a le ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a bi Xmas Shoppers SHOP! WHERE YOU CAN GET STURDY — PRACTICAL rishna ... G/Æ'TÎSee. AT GUARANTEED ------------- LO W E S T------------- ------------- at Fulop’s Department Store SPRINGFIELD, OREGON PRICES ------------- C.J. Breier Co. 968 Willamette You’ll Save as You Never Saved Before! zt s 19c S I .9 8 £ 2 .4 8 98 C 89 C 89c 69c 98c 23c 49c 10c 29c .4 8 S I . 19 69c 59c 98c 23c 50c 69c 89c Fulop’s Department Store ”A TELEPHONE of my Own - * /or CHRISTMAS!” Sons and daughters have so many intereala o f their own! Any telephone employee will take your or­ der, or just tell our business office your wiahea. 1 * • The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company B uh I iiphh Office: 126 -4th S tre e t Telephone 72