M THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1982 CHRISTIAN CNDEAVOR DOLL PARTY MONDAY CRAZY CRYSTALS A Mineral W ater Treatment. Ilrlnge u Health Kesurt to You. IV K 7th. Sil W Ith , Eugene, I'h 1704 Nearly 40 members of the Christ­ ian Endeavor soclsty of the Spring field Chrlailan church enjoyed a Doll party In Ibe social rooms Mon day night. The entertainment consisted of games and a skit, "The Wedding of the Painted Doll" In which the following played character roles. Merlon Fere bee, bridegroom; I'earl llelierbrand. bride; W illiam Cox, minister; Dawn Church, mother, Margaret llauck and Bar bars Adams, bridesmaids; Roscoe Col«, Jumping Jack; charle Cols, Buster Brown; (Jladys Tanner, Rod Riding llood Mies W ilma Lewis sang tha vocal solo, "Wttddlng of tha Painted Doll' during the presentation of the aklt. Arrangements (or the parly were directed by Miss Altla Munnlng. Miss Dawn Church and Mlaa Jewel llelterhrand. ENROLLMENT IN HOME RADIO GROUPS BOUGHT FACTS ÎGIVEN III BESEARGH CDS1S ••Vour Home and Veor Child" to Thama of KO AC Study Pro­ g ra m s S ta r tin g January 1 Long-Timo Program Coots Stato Little to Bring Feder­ al Funds, Report Says “ Your Home and Your Child" la (he theme of the family life series of radio club topics arranged through station KOAC for the win ter muntha. according to announce­ ment of Mra. Zelta F. Roden wold, director of home economics radio programs for the station. The new series contemplates six club pro­ grams and six supplementary lec­ tures to he planned and broadcast by Mrs. Vera Haskell Brandoa. member ot Ibe staff of the school of home economics. DAIRY SURVEY OF STATE PRINTED Third Year of Study Com­ pleted Showing Wide Range in Production Cost Figures PAGE SENIOR CLASS WINS THOMPSON SISTERS TO SCHOOL VACATIONS TO START DECEMBER 23 TICKET SALE DRIVE LEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA The Misses Jeanette and Audrey Member: of the senior class at Springfield high school won first Thompson will leave Springfield Saturday for their home at Oak- place In the ticket selling contest | land. California. The two gtrts held for the student body play, have been attending school In "Nothing But the Truth,” It woe an­ Springfield for almost a year, dur nounced this week. The class will Ing which time they have made receive five points towards the their home with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew, their uncle and aunt. activity cup award for their efforts The Junior class wan Aire« points Vls.t on McKsngle— Mrs. H. H. an'1 second place while the third Myers, Mrs. C. 1- Inman and Mrs. P'“ « with one point credit went l.'lara Sleamen spent Tuesday visit­ lo ,h* sophomores. ing with friends on the Upper Mc- j Kenxle. , l r t M , y Dlnn, ^ M r, tn(1 Mr> M (Pher, on ned , t Sailor on Leave— Louis Shipley ta, 1931, by Teachers who are planning to IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E reason of the failure of said mort­ to their story. They called their STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE take the «ntlre examinations or sev­ gagor to pay the debt secured there­ father and he found the lad had CO UNTY. eral subjects for exemption, kindly by, and that there Is now due and GIRLS PUT ON FASHION notify ua and we will send you a In the M atter of the Application of lapsed Into unconsciousness. Modi- j unpaid on said Indebtedness the Dewey W. Rust to register the schedule when the subjects will Will Be in the Auditorium SHOW AT HIGH SCHOOL cal examination revealed nothing sum of *322.40 Dollars. title to Northwest Quarter of sec­ be given. Now, therefore, the property des­ unusual and the boy was token to Saturday, 2 to 5 P. M. — tion 31 In Tp. 15 8. R 7 West of E. J MOORE. Co School 9npl. Sophomore girls of the Girls Lea­ cribed in said mortgage, as fololws: W. M In l-anr County. Oregon the Eugene hospital for observa­ I D 1-9-16) A Gift for You! excepting the north ten chains tion where he awoke late that night gue at the high school sponsored 1 Durant Rd. M. 28. License No. 169 302. Motor No. 578033, or so thereof. apparently none the worse for his a faslon show during the assembly much therefore as may be neces­ versus He returned to his period Monday morning to raise sary will be sold pursuant to the Fay Brown, Milo Brown. Mra. Gene experience. Brown. Gordon Brown. Ixrnnle home Tuesday and shows no signs funds for the league treasury. The power of sale in said mortgage con­ Brown. Isabelle Brown, Ira C of his affliction. Sophomore girls were low In a tained. as set out In 54-208 Oregon Code, at public sale, to the highest Parka. Della 1. Parks and Tillman membership drive recently and bidder for cash, on Friday the 30th Glover and all whom II may con JEWELER were required to do something to day of December, at 10:30 A. M.. cern: Defendant!. lte|iuiiing a Specialty NEW DISCOVERY REACHES aid the finances ot the League for which sale will be made at Day- T A K E NOTICE That on the 8th day of December CAUSE OF STOMACH GAS ' U»*«r negligence during the drive. Nlte Garage, to satisfy the debt Springfield, Oregon secured by said chattel mortgage, A. D.. 1932. an application waa filed ------------ Hats, coats, dresses and other and the costs and expenses of and by aald Dewey W. Rust In the Cir­ Dr. Carl found that poisons In the clothing, some of recent manufac growing out of theee foreclosure cuit Court of Lane County for Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Initial registration of the title to UPPER bowel cause stomach gas. ture and others of more ancient proceedings. the land above described. Now un His simple remedy Adlerlka washes vintage were displayed by mem­ Dated December 9. 1932. Naturopath>e Phyelolwrt JO HN L. M ARSH, Constable. leas you appear on or before the out the upper bowel, bringing out , bers of the class who acted as Bv VA N SVARVERUD. Deputy. There is no doubt about it. I'bone 91-J 9th day of January A. D. 1932 and models. (D 1522-29)__________ show cause why such application all gas. Flanery'a Drug Store. Dfflce Hours: 1 to 5 P. M. Furniture is the most appreci­ «hall not be granted, the same will 4M Fourth Street be taken os confexsed and a decree ated and lasting gift of them will be entered according to the prayer of the application and you all! And you could never be­ will be forever barred from dtsput (leneral Law ITactlce Ing the name. fore buy such really good W. H. DILLA R D , Clerk. I. M. PETERSON C. A. W IN T K K M E IK R . Applicant'! A llc rn e y « l-lJ > w furniture so cheaply. Attorney, Residence: Eugene, Ore­ City Hall Building gon. (D 8-1522-29 J 6) Springfield. Oregon McMorran & Washburne Upper Willamette | The only complete stocks of New Christmas Gift Merchandise in this part of Oregon. S a n ta C la u s Business Directory Edw. G. Privat The Best Present of All... ¡POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Give Furniture W h en th e T herm om eter Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole EUG ENE— 11th S P R IN G F IE L D snd Charnelton. 228 Main Telephone 783 Phone 85J SM ARTEST O u m r t th r w rath « nun «¡¡J « I j V r a w ham« thrae -hilly tb r« - d nuxlete and convenient portable deaifna to harmonhe w ith any » furniahtnga. • 8’ «'« SEND YOU« MESSAGE OF HAPPINESS AND PLEASING PRACTICAL LOW PRICED GOOD CHEER WITH OUR Beautiful CHRISTMAS CARDS A FINE ASSORTMENT OF HANDSOMELY ENGRAVED CARDS — PRINTED WITH YOUR NAME OCTAGON AT Defective vision will not Im prove with the passing of time. 11 neglected, or If the wrong treatment Is given, disastrous results may follow. But a mere Imperfection In vision Is not the most serious thing that can happen to your eyes. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 Weal EM» Butene Lowest Prices Ever Offered O ar X * . I l f * A I* ahown ahm« Lounge Chair $12.95 up Big, luxurious and so com­ Guana In today and sea our display. AÀÀÀ fortable! Upholstered in a choice of coverings. Built for PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT Northwest Cities Gaa Co. The Springfield News Office service! Lovely Lamps $2.98 Lamps as low as $2.98. Our Lamp Department offers you scores of suggestions! Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT