The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 15, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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Mr« Ed
Maybe returned to her home here
Tuesday from the Pacific U h rlallan
hoapllal where «he h a . been a pall
l*\iblithed E very Thuoaday at
gprlncneld. Lana County, Oregon. by
ent for »everal week».
Fall« on lee— T h e non of M r and
Mr«, J. W Fountain of M a b lirg
received a bad cut ou hl« head Hat
urday when he fell ou the lea near
I hl* home.
H. E. M A X E Y , E d ito r
Entered u
M other, Father, Sister, Frother
second e ta « m atter, February 24, l»03, at the postonici
Springfield. Oregon
One Tear In Advance ----- »160
Two Y ea n In Advance — »2.50
Six Month«
Three Month«
County Official Newspaper
T H U R S D A Y . D E C E M B E R 16, t»32
CUT THE $116.000 OUT
The $116,500 delinquency tax fund placed in the Ijine
county budget estim ates is to our mind not justified and im­
poses a burden upon those who pay their taxes th at they
have never had to face before. It practically nullifies all the
savings the budget com m ittee made by salary slashes and
other economies as far as the benefits to the taxpayers. This
year’s budget estim ates are $102,733 less than last y e a rs
budget passed a t the taxpayer’s meeting. Since the school
funds and election expenses autom atically cut over $90.000
from the budget this year there will be little saying made by
the budget comm ittee if this large delinquency item is allow­
ed to remain.
The levying of a tax to take the place of delinquent tax
collection shortages is to our mind double taxation since
these delinquent taxes m ust ultim ately come in or the pro­
perty be sold. We can see no justification in placing any
item in the budget for delinquent taxes except perhaps a
small sum to take care of interest on w arrants drawn
against delinquent taxes
There are no w arrants registered against the county
In other
without money to pay at the present time. —
----- words
all the delinquent taxes, which may be 30 per cent at the
end of the year, are security against the county s budget
this year, in addition to all the property the county has
taken title to and may sell.
It is desirable to keep the county's budget balanced as
as nossible
But ___
to _____
and acquire
n e a r rlv
____ .
» it - balanced
i ly
i y <BD
____ ___________________________
.» .„ -
property and delinquent tax funds a t the same time over and
above the budget is an unjust burden on the willing tax-
navers a t this tim e who a r e ' struggling to raise their own
taxes and are not able to assum e the load of those Who are
The-new county court was elected on a tax reduction
platform and as such are entitled to all our support. But
when Mr. Average taxpayer gets his tax statem ent and finds
it just as high, or only a few cents lower than last year, w hat
is he to think?
Let’s take out the $116,000 delinquency item before it
is too late.
M IS S IO N A R IE S . . . . »hair value
Mrs. Pearl Buck, who w rote the
great novol of Chinese life . ‘ The
Good E arth ." confirm s fro m her
own in tim ate knowledge of condl
tions in China what many good
Am ericans have long believed, that
a great deal of the C hristian mis
sionarv w ork in the O rient Is not
only wasted e ffo rt, but actu ally dot-
i rim en tal both to the cause of
¡C h ristia n ity and the reputation of
Am erica In the Chinese minds.
Im p ortan t religious leaders and
¡bodies have been m aking a study
of the missionary situation
report that too many persons a re
sent out as missionaries who are
tn d o e t
n tw c rc u t a m i e n t i r e
, narrow minded, bigoted and en tire
! ly sectarian In th e ir outlook, and
who have not the educational and
tem peram ental equipment for the
1 Job.
M agnificent social work has been
, done by many missionaries, but
when the Chinese observe so-called
Chrl.-tians quarreling among them
selves over Inconsequential points
« tney
o f aoctrin
they not umy
only <uim
Rnow wh<( j( fg
about bu, ^ glll
the professed motives
m|sgioUiirie8 themgelrew
—- of
- - the fundam ental leaching
,of C h ris tia n ity 1« the duty to "go
, forth into a ll the world and preach
a v .r v
o r u a H ir e "
the gospel to every creature." but
it tsr t everybody who wants to be
{a missionary who is qualified to
preach the gospel to those who
have never heard it.
, larceny against a lew lucky simrlet nu
who b,-light before the upwar r l trend
S Y N O P S IS : . . . Johnny ilrean, 1» year») I war. W ith the a 1 vent of St. James
old. wh h a ' »Vent all 1 h it tile ahoari* a and Kantoul. an-1 the influx o( foilow-
lu g ts a t. «lying ataund New V i r k C ity , waa ,w
ney> ( a m e , c l * » » It U | ward dash
I h e ile » »h e n «a M f lx u c «
1 Safety— the name itself gave security
b>at n which
hi» m.-lher an J I t » man
-Irs a n tc scar »nJ Ituched a foint
he ,'a U c l ta ih e r, w ets lo w « . U e ia the • n lr
a u iv i. -r, »truggiotg thr nah the 4.,rhncaa tn where the sleek c.-uld not be I ought
ah m * . . . . A t dawn, auu J »urixiinduig» en
m r ly unknown, h u file in New 1 erh »-eeinn at any trice. Five hundred dollars a
C n a ile t , read, ka.-wing n thin « i f l i l t he share was .ifferr-4 but few were wise
o take« »a by a Jewish tanuly, being and enrugh Io sell.
d a n « a aeeuod hand cl thio« dnalneaa - a the
t k w e r j . . . . F r . m the k i u r he net too: in
Rantoul's new place at Southampton.
the city he had o tight hi» way through I ought lock, sleek, and cellar from a
againM boibea a n l t ugha . . . aa.1 anon he
u r - .f a
r r jh c ie n t that he a ttra .te u the German dye man. under suspicion anti
attention t f a w -nid-be manager ot tig h te n there! re subject to forced sale, ap-
who enter» him in m any >uamg tournam ents l»eared in pictures in the Sunday papers
. . . I t waa here that I h e M alone came Into
Sixteenth Instalment
have been »cross loo.’’
John Breen had tier «tied H r the war.
John had n't particular desire to fight,
or to live. His utter carelessness, as it
i (ten the case was »et c?, wn as trans­
cendent courage H r was decorated
with the Crocr dr («aerrr. A month
later he forgt t it somewhere, and never
mrntione I it. He concentrated on
"John has been wounded." Marvin
Kelly mel Josephine in the S t Bololph
The war was on its last legs John had
survived. "H e'll probably never gel
back Io the fro n t" A look of great
concern came into Josephine's eves
,-u n g " re e n t b fa — an
hghter who waa
a .u a re and h>neat. . . . H e t»-'k Breen u n le r
hta w in « — »ent him to night achool and eeen
tu ally t r o t him t . a health la tm ha had ac
qulrrd . . T h e »<ene .h ifta and the fam ily
S S tX .
a man ah ut town, wh meet» Malone anil
B teen at cae o f the hoeing »how«. , c • ' » "
H . V t,
• We Never Subetltute”
Violet Ray. acid free, and General Ethyl, double-
powered gasolliK'H are appreciated tnsae cold iiiornliign
when autom obiles are hard to Mart. The suprem e test
of good gasoline Is In eold w eather and the wise m otor­
ist uses Violet Hay uml Ifthyl.
Thin station is prepared Io keep your cur In good
running order. Expert repairing ut reasonable prices
will be found here.
5th and A Streets
*‘ «'««J’"
M ine boat
: n the
»*** return.hem»
re tu rn nem r tb
the «rest
ocean lin er craahes into m
» .« e n c rrt takinc
ta k in tf to
e life
ll rv
to th
life b ! o a ts . y . * n
H e m tenshes but R snloul M ves > » « • * " - -
* ' ttn
th J I* 4 SCpflt'a^
* F hin< ».«W
-W»» l<ar" * . thAl
" a A T t m • * * »
j hn , M ne!
“A” Street Service Station
h id d e n c h a r w r i n , h i . M .
which had lc d . w ith fcl« m «her» « » id . y e a r,
ago. wfc> le tt A c fam ily when » H u t to
become « m.-tber I t w m rcpcrtw l that »he
m arried an eld cay««»« <1 « riv e r c ra ft
. .
V a n H r » ha» a w ard. J(wc;tn«e. about
B reen’. aga.
V a n H o rn , now t a l k e d
in Jvhn . . . rr« *a t!a uj» n him to
finance a c ru ra * to C iv il EnwtneennK at
Colum bia V n .v r r .it y
John and
meet — her .-me »«ached to rweb other. love
«row» and they become engaged ahortly after
Breen gradu ate, fro m c.lleg e
Joteyb in.
ha» » n i t e r e u ir-r. a mao of the world named
Bant.-ul . . ■ j ' «eyhlne became realle»» aa
i n ,i»
s ir e „ , f„ii
fu ll atiemioa
m e n tio n ««
t i hia
Job *■
»nJ w d »
»« i°°
Tills store Is prepared to furnish benutlful C hrist’
m as boxes or bulk candy for the holidays Our candy
for Christm as is the sam e high quality that h^glm ann
sells every «lay of the year. It Just Isn i Christm as
without one has lots of candy.
»«m» hmmeit m hi. woe*
and riaea r a n ly.
Thu drug store >■ the flrnt place ft» look for useful
glflH for «he whole family. Our gift* are not play­
thing»« today and uaeleoa tomorrow but som ething th at
will be appreciated the whole year through.
S ta rt ut the drug store If you w ant to bring pleasure
on ChrlatmuM duy.
_________________ _
Almon Strauss. caUinir from Pans.
urged Johni Breen to continue the work
Men hung at h«r «Ibow, b«nt over her. pursued h«r w ith th« intensity
o f j - Jl,a x .
f w ild infatuation.'*
You have never met mt, out I Know
T E L E P H O N E S -------- »"d distance
Ci,nfi<!ence in ym . W e must
T h e dream of telephoned conver- not' ¿ „p a ir, ao matter hew dark the It was a very ria l orate place an! be- “And they've pinned a few medal» nn
sat ion between a ll parts o f the night. W e must g j forward wherever came the •c-ne cf the famvus Allied him. the C roix dc (.'»err/.“ he adi'ed.
That night Josephine dressed in » >m-
Fair, the great open air charity fete
h „ . . » « I co™ in » . T » . „ - - „ X S
under the Management of the notor- ber black her blond hair gleaming
are now 168.000 miles of in te rn a
n we *in know wh>, ,o j,,
irtis Fulgence
T rpillier. the Scciety Collar ami cuffs of fine while lace gave
tion al telephone circuit i which con-
p rrrn didn’t know what to do. > Are Seventy-five percent of the money her rhe severe air of a very high da»»
nect w ith almost a ll the land - —
line The
pay he was getting was --------------
neccrsap1 taken was clear pr .fit, for Trepillier. demeatic; a simple gown, close lilting
t nt Ji »e; hine, in very bee».-wing wn ! expensive.
telephone« in the world, so that I f only the insatiable city w u t ’
down How it tossed and squeesed an I frocks, things with the new military
’’Gfr«-'«;, I ’“'
* ' » * * • I <««»«• j
telephone conversation between the
m is ii M d its w r l c
ertect, dawn gray, and sky blur, car- my duty
n her flirtations w llh an ever
Then the armtstice uproar swep« thj I
rem otest part of South Am erica misused its people.^ *
N orthern
whelmed by >thc myth. Hylau, when am ,ng a ‘. m irers. she never made the d e ln g c d the avenues and crus» streets
{South A fric a and Chicago, or any
the shaky city was being p unde? fatal mistake o f being bound up in with living ticker tape and scraps o f]
in North Am erica, be-
The sales tax is being widely talked as a m eans of sup­ ¡other point
IS. „1.^
and M n -iln hourly by rumors, in that time when any . ne man. P a -r kant»ul, chanting ■'»?«■«*'■ The town was wild, craiy^ Joae-
rain, k . hu little -riv a te ditty, at time« c m «..« phine, in a becoming
uniform of oliv«
plementing the s ta te ’s revenue. This tax Is used in Mississ­ tw een San F r a n e i . c o . n d M a r ita
o r Japan across the Pacific, in fact. jn
Josephine Rant ml ¡lecherous eyes at b o ll telepKne tarts. drab, with a shiny Sam Browne belt, I
iris whe to ked uptn him as a pros sailed from the scene of her triumphs .
between almost any two parts of splurged in a splendid >rgy f waste,
leaving a trail of bills and an array of
Under the Mississippi sales tax, the tax on retail stores the world, is not in only practical She even wusde m aiey. and she Jem >n- ,-ective sugar papa, t ” em.dcy terse domestic
servants to the tender dispo- ]
terms ?f the time, nursed a ’.u ra in j
but is in almost daily use.
strated her ability t> spend it
is 2% of their gross sales.
teal usy. The sad , a r t ot his predica­ sition o f her aged spxiuse.
i e~w_,
a « w
The war c a m e ! G ernt Kant ul int
Jui'ije M arvin Kelly, as trustee of j
This telephone Is one o f those financial w hiripCJis where he navn’ate-! ment was his real love f : r Josephine.
The newspaper which sells advertising to the retailer
her private fortune, smiled at the c o m - .
ased uj> n n thing tu t futility.
¡incredible marvels which we have with much skill. Munitions s;ecuta-
Is only taxed one-fourth of one per cent on the revenue accepted as commonplace because tions sent his star t - Jiszy altitu let, The splurge she made, the tills she plete and thorough manner in which '
from th a t advertising, for newspapers are classified as we have got used to the Idea of shot him upward on a rise f values ran. the e- untless worthless f II wers this very capable and practical woman
Rantoul, at last, was many times a mil- wh > role in his cars, drank hit lieu r, had built up the resources of the fo r­
m anufacturers.
talkin g w ith people a t a distance
ate his f ''d, legan to tell on him Men tune of Van Horn.
Mrs Wentworth left for Kentucky.
Oregon with few m anufacturers can not afford to I can w ell rem em ber the very firs t
Rantoul, at a dollar a year, als» hung at her elbow, bent over her. pur­
hegven, for a rest,” she said.
place a sales tax on them and let their com petitors in other telephone and the skepticism w ith served his country while his New Y rk sue ! her with the intensity of wild Thank
"When you see John, give him my -
which Professor B ell’s announce­ office, in Pine Street, burne' w ith ac­ infatuH i'n . Then things began to get regards." Judge Kelly had approved |
states send goods in free.
tivity. A t the very beginning f the a little cut f hand. St. James, in the
ment that he could talk over a wire wild time, a Russian Commissi n. . r cess
f squeezing ‘■ag h itlers, certain arrangements as to real estate.
"Dear Mars in, h >w lovely of y ju to I
was received.
Nobody believed headed by a Grand Duke an carrying nippei Gerrit Kant ml fcr a million; it
think of him." She kissed the solid old |
was a start Ji.-e;ihine ha I jilted St.
th a t it could ever be true, no more an unlimited credit, fell t lh - wile
and was gone.
than they believed that some of the of losephine. A neoteric cult t v hn I lames Then T ri-B u ll was ciindemrte I
Gerrit Rantoul, always the gentle­
The joker in Hal Hoss' $3 automobile license fee is th a t other thing which I have seen
who. in .eturn for lavish emer- Artnv w. uH have none of it. Th-- man. to all outward appearances, took I
it provides no money for the county which is now getting come tru e w ere possible, such as sians,
tainment, inducted the Grand .ouke Navy refuse ! even t use it in depth her to the steamer and then turned |
one-third the fee. In other words he tells the county to levy the electric lig h t, the phonograph, and his advisers to the genial atmos­ bombs. It was re • >r»e • as an unjhtHf back tc the city to survey the wreck
cur Si. James, was a rotter.
a property tax on autom obiles at a tim e when half the pro­ the motion picture, and especially phere of St. Botolfh and the tender explosive. G errit k m til I- - t heaviS Th»t
mercies of the great St. James Ran­ in T ri-3 u ll, finding hunsrlf , - ssed Jas-’ii. Fillmore, and Jones, a paper I
perty taxes in the state is delinquent and everywhere gov­ the airplane.
toul after this killing, in which if of St. James’ hi ldii"s, ex­ company, was on the edge of complets
ernm ents are trying to get away from property taxes. Mr.
ati " 1 ,-rrii Rantoul strug
I ’d like to come back in a hund­ Josephine felt she held a charter in­ changed fc r value before the had new s
Hoss merely w ants to get the higher license fees out of the red years and see the new miracles terest, fell into the expanding scheme» seeped thr ugh that the stud -w.. gled like a Christian to unload his
w rthless. It was one vf the little for- itoek on other* before the inevitable |
s ta te ’s trouble bag by passing it back to the county to get that our grandchildren w ill then be : of George St. James.
Almost without trying, and because g .ttrn tragedies among the big men, crasii.
the additional money required.
regarding as commonplace.
h jn f ‘"Clever, you know.” he well behind the front.
The Southampton place went at a I
B I R T H ............................. a certific a te {twnd tim self oo the inside in Shell
The expiensive apartment at the St. sacrifice The luxurious apartment in
I had occasion the o th e r day to Case Consolidated a fifty million dol- 3 -it'lp h had been succeeded by a mere the Du B a rr- followed. Kant.iul could
hardly keep ten feet ahead of the
Germany did not grant France any m oratorium in the apply for a passport to enable me tar combination of enterprises previ- lavish suite covering two floors of the wolvei.
ously defunct. Tri-N itro-E u lho n also new Du Barry. A supier-flat with pri­
Franco-Prussian war. We are inclined to think th at if the to
leave the U nited States and
„ p,„ jive
“O ld R. ntoul’t on the run.” The |
vate elevators and exclusive service, an
Americans had stayed a t home European nations would be make a trip to Europe. But my firs t worjtg ¡n New Jersey, manufacturing expensive nest bordering on the eastern word wa* on the street His credit
paying their w ar debts on the dot-— —but not to Uncle Sam. attem pt wan blocked when the pass- an unstable compound with
edge t f Central Park. Poor Rantoul evaporated By the most desperate e f­
port bureau demanded proof th a t 1 rapidity as its chemists lcam e« the fairlv groaned when he began to realize fort he saved a few thousands, here and
was born in the United States. I
in. <=uant.i, y ? rod2 ‘5, !5Ln
the drain of this establishment. He was there, and hv moving bark to his fra ­
club a rather stuffv place, with
After all the little m atter of 30 million Chinamen living Just didn’t have any such proof. I Rantoul, who rook on a strange ficti­ worn down by his excitement, irritable ternity
importance, was made Chairman through his worries, and Josephine. college trir-m ire *. he managed to hold
in M anuchuria is worrying Japan more than the League of i was born long before any of the tious
in the city. O re thing he did n-it
of the Board. T ri-N itr o soared t» sp»ending his money and hanking her
do. H e never cried for help. H e might
Nations commission.
states required the registration of dizzy heights with the booking cf own. rode on the necks of her admirers
further Russian orders. Jotephine did W hat a flaming time of lurid patriotism he a c- ward, a -ratter, a rotter, and
i births.
much to reconcile Gerrit Rant -ul f or it was! In the great hotels, foremost in al! if the things people thought af him,
I fin a lly succeeded, by means of her many annoying traits. T ri-B ull, as the vast entertainment fcr charitv hot he neve- 1-outad for assistance
It cost 22 cents a vote for each vote cast in the election
hi* rich wife.
in Lane county- The stay a t homes may say th a t they saved i an a ffid a v it from my sister and »he it was called on the curb, led Rantcul Josephine lived on high. I t was at this f.-cm
“Damn her
Gerrit Rantoul hated
the county some money while the rest of us were m aking in which rav b irth had been record business engineered by St lames,
Josephine. Hated her to he could not
scent, ParfwH J o tfrh tru l
the country “safe for the dem ocrats.”
find word* to express his aversion.
ed. to convince the U. S. D e p a r t - ¡ S t James, swinging R anf-ul with
■ I
. 1 1 <^111 l.ll—
Judge Marvin Kelly, white, ruddy of Yet, when at last a letter came from
„ ,1«. h«” at l h '
a Br ' ,u? 'J ,he more
ment of State th a t I was a native 4>rjn(f nfwef.
a fleet
face, still the solid substantia, figure of her, he t-embled, trembled, as he tor«
it open, and cursed her.
The property tax is obsolete we hear on every hand. citizen
lake steamers and founded the world unshakable intenritv read the lists r-f
Dr.«« G. I have just seen John The
Yet there are some who now propose to place it on au to ­
They told me a t the passport of- trading corporation cf Jason, F ill- can salties in the club, the same Cub
¿tar b o\ looks so splendid in hi* uni­
re th a t only tw enty-six states more, and Jones, with pretenti us where he had so often sat with his
mobiles, the only item of personal property not now so ta x ­
friend, Gilbert Van H e m . The Cd form. H e it so fit and brown and has
ed. Sounds inconsistent to us.
make registration of births com
name4 after thrM )ikable rha?, in hi, Avenue had seen many stirring completely recovered from his wound
pulsory, o th a t there Is s till a large riffice
¡ „ ue wa, |jrte,j
the marches, and the day when the great H e it in Paris with a commission, an
engineering expert. H e says that great
projtortion of native born citizens Stock Exchange and skyr ckrted from Liberty L ia n Parade swept up the Ave­
man, Almon Strauss, had them send
who have no means of proving, ex- the start. The world was hun/ry for nue he had marched. But his eyes
lor,ked d. wn the columns of killings.
b im -T h .n k of it. Almon Strauss
down the lists of the lost, the lists of '»’’ ’ man you once o/mort got Interested
w.unded. and then he found it.
I '"
ia" ,nL'
h" ‘» *
th a t they were actually born here. ¡Ifge o f giving away jts m nry
, J
, h
J»» “ J
* a “" '
In Europe every citizen is re-1
But St. Janies’ greatest achievement
was Safety Submarine, selling rn the ] Wjunded at Argonne Forest.
quired to ca rry his b irth certifi
“F -w r Gilbert. I can almost feel him
N a t ! I V aa I t
cate and all other documents t o ) curb at ten. with few buyers, while
jobber, washed the stock it» petty here, l. oking at this, but no, he would V U U U U U C U I Y C A I YY C C B |
prove his iden tity, n atio n ality and
occupation, whenever he travels i —
even from one town to another or Ploneer" o f the n,o‘ l(’n Plcture ‘ n' BROTHERHOOD MEETING REBEKAH CHRISTMAS
m ove, into a d iffe re n t house. T h a t
anrt ‘
* ; er a8,‘ ,,
« » s i ,ii .-.i....i you who b uilt the firs t movie
sort of supervision of the individual ’
Somehow, I can ’t get away from the good old plan of
' theatre, of which there are some
Juan ita Rebekah lodge w ill hold ]
T h e annual Christm as party and
eating because I am hungry—the best reason on earth, can eaaily be carried too far, but th irty thousand now. Ju t rem em ­ election of officers ot the M en’s Ita annual Christm as party M on­
It seems to me th a t we don't carry
Isn’t it? If you are not hungry—and have no appetite when
ber his name.
Methodist day evening at the I. O. O. F. hall I
you should have one— then som ething may be wrong; it fa r enough in Am erica.
church w ill be held next Monday It wa« announced follow ing the re­
M O V I E S .................. and Moe M ark
better see a doctor.—th a t’s what he’s for. It may be an
evening In the church basement It g ular lodge meeting of Monday
An old friend of m ine named MRS. SWARTS HOSTESS
easy tim e to set you right.
Moe M ark died the other day at
FOR PAST MATRON CLUB was announced by P. J. B artholo­ thts week at which tim e final plan*
and arrangem ent» fo r the a ffa ir |
mew, president.
Then—I still cling to the ancient plan of eating things the age of aizty. W hen I f i r i t knew 1
F. B. H a m lin , W . E. Buell and w ere completed.
th a t taste good. W hat's wrong with th at? Ju st why should Moe he wa» tun nin g a little n ic k e l- M em bers of the Past M atrons
Holiday confections of all kinds are waiting for
you here. This is S an ta's official sweet headquarters.
“Whera th» Sarrica 1» Diltarani
For Springfield Only
Bring this adv with you and
get a pair of these for
Serve Yourself and Save!
Williams’ Sell Service Store
7AÍ m 7T()
I be obliged to force down stuff th a t I despise? Eating is
part of my rew ard for being a good, industrious boy. T hat
also applies to you, dear reader. If you are a girl, simply
change genders in this letter and go ahead. Boys are not
so different from girls, when it comes to living and eating.
Those two good old ru le s- ^ a t because you are hungry,
and eat w hat tastes good. It will take a lot of theory to
scare up better ones.
But . . . people get to figuring on “balanced ration,”
and “calories,” and they fuss around about them, with an
air of superior learning. First thing you know, you are off
on the trail of "vitam ines,” and then you don’t lack much
of being in over your head! You get afraid to eat white
bread -really the most nutritious, best tasting bread in the
world. Are you scared of white bread? One of my con­
tem poraries refers to certain bread alarm s as “the vitamin
fad." T h a t’s not far from right.
I’ve written thousands of words on diet and eating —
yes, millions. After all, Iebeileve I feel better by practicing
plain horse sense, th at tells me not to eat too much -h u t
what I like.
Mb -
odeon In Buffalo, the kind of a show
where you could put your eye up
against a peep hole and see M r
Edison's firs t attem pt at motion
Pretty soon Moe M ark had a
theatre showing the early prim i
tlve motion picture plays. Before
club of Cascade chapter, O. E. 9.
were entertained Monday afternoon
at th® home of Mrs. ( . E. Swarts.
Follow ing the business meeting
tables of bridge were enjoyed.
Mrs. Jane Ketels w ill entertain
members of the club at their
next meeting.
long he had a num ber of theatres
in d iffe re n t U p State N ew Yo rk IUKA CHRISTMAS PARTY
towns. T hey w eren’t theatres real
ly, they were m erely stores w ith ;
ehairs In them.
The annual Christm as party of
Moe M ark got the Idea that a Iu k a circle, Ladles aux ilia ry of the
real theatre built especially to run G. A. R. w ill be held this evening
motion pictures would be profit- at the Egglmann Kandy Kitchen
able. H e found it d iffic u lt to make w ith M rs. Egglm ann as hostess. A
anyone else believe it, but he fin g ift exchange w ill be held a fte r the
ally raided money to build the very , program and the social w ill con-
firs t the a tre in the world for the elude w ith a la te potluck supper,
movies. It is called the Strand and
- —
is on Broadw ay In N ew York.
, III at W a lta rv illa — J. D. M cA rth u r
Moe M a rk was one of the real la 111 nt his home at W a lterv ille .
F ran k Bartholom ew were named
O iw a ld Oleon, M r». Ada M cP her
on a nom inating com m ittee to sug­ »on and M r». W llla M cK lIn w ere I
gest officers at the meeting held named on a com m ittee to have |
In Novem ber. N ew ly elected offlc- churge o f refreshm ent«. T hey w ill |
er» w ill take over th e ir duties at
a»«tfited by all memlter» whose
the first meeting the third Monday name» begin w ith eith er "O " or
in January.
E lm e r F in dley and Roland Mo-
Nurse Inju red — Miss M ary Jen­ »hler w ill get the Christm an tre e |
kins was painfully burned and and decorate It for the party.
scald-ed S aturday
. . . . . m . orning
: Music at the m eeting thin week I
w orking at the D. B M urphy home.
She wan taken to the
congl((tln, of M r. and M ra. P la y e r,
C hristian hospital.
Minn Conaway and M r. Conaway of |
M em orial nervlcen were alno held j
W ln b e rry Resident H ere— Mrs.
M. T. Evans of W ln b e rry was a Monday for M m . Maude W illiam « |
visitor In Springfield Friday.
and M rs. E th yl M cK lbbin.
Ill at Hom»—T. C. Barker wan
Coburg Man Hare— M. E. Mulvey
of Coburg was a business visitor In quite ill at hl« home the flrnt part |
of the week.
Springfield Saturday.
No other gift eno bring the vp«ra of
freedom from household drudgery
that electrical gifts bring. Visit the
various stores and inspect the elec­
trical appliances on displav. You will
be surprised at the many new and
useful articles vour friends would re­
ceive so joyfully. An electrical gift
nmv be found for every purse. The
¡deni electrical gift for mothers is an
electric refrigerator or rpnge. There
arc special Christmas offers on both.
Phone for further particulars.