THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS No, 4» rW B N T Y -N IN T Il YKAlt HONOR ROLLS NT SCHOOLS GIVEN Louk Heads ENNE CHAMBER CONTINUES ¡Streets 1 ake On LANDMARK RAZED MASONS SELECT Mrs. Degree Members holiday Dress TO MEE1JN G in IN S O W FIREl NEW 0EFICER5 GRIP ON CONST Football Dinner ¡COLD A t H. S. Friday I ------------ i 'Largo Community Tree at' Letterman's Club to Initiate —»----- Fourth and Main Promised; R. O. Carr Family Driven Out Dan Sewart Succeeds John Henderer as Worshipful Second Six Week« Period Four New Members: Coach Warmer Night Wednesday of Home Just Before Noon; Light Strings Ready i and Noon Temperature of Hall Directs Stag Affair Shows Decrease in Number Master of Liberty Lodge Nothing Saved from Blaze 34 Brings Hope ___ of Change All ornamental light posts In with Perfect Attendance Annual Election and Chriet- mas Party Held at I. 0. O. Important Problems Listed on Program for Consideration F. Hall Friday Night at Friday Meeting Mrs. Fred Louk was chosen presi­ dent of the Juanita Rebekah Pro­ Dan Stewart was named to sue ttprlngfleld and almost all of the Another of the old Springfield gressive 22 Degree team at their SPRINGFIELD TO BE HOST ,-T tn ICE SKATING 18 POPULAR «tore fronts are taking on a holiday landmarks ceased exlstance here ceed John Henderer as worshipful ALL BUILDINGS LISTED j meeting and party Friday evening. 1 appearance this week In the form Sunday morning about noon when master of Liberty Masonic lodge Mrs Zella Cantrell Is the vice- Quarterly and Monthly Tax Fuel and Food Supplies Suf- t,f stream ers of green rope made firs completely raxed the ft. O. at their election meeting Tuesday president. and Miss Doris Girard Payment Plans and Auto Cold Weather and Scarlet Carr home on West Main street evening. fer During Sudden Change; from branches of cedar trees. 1st the secretary-treasurer. Fees to Be Discussed Fever Scare Blamed for Ab­ between Mill and Second streets. Other officers named are Arthur Many Potatoes Freeze When the work is completed one This was alee the annual Christ-j TgxM r(luggr(,. guto ||c . M e fee.. sences; Honor Lists Good Efforts to save anything from the j Baugh, senior warden; Harold ■" — ¡star fashioned from this same ma # gaUg (gx bouse were futile. ¡Stew art, Junior warden; C. E mas party for members of the drill I m)nln< The weather continues to be the terlal will be placed at the top of Honor rolla for the second six team and they exchanged toys for the state are among the many Defective wiring la believed to j Wheaton, re-elected secretary ; J weeks of work st the Hprlngtleld mo t Important topic of discussion each lamp post. which were later gathered together topics which are sure to be brought schools which ended Friday were here this week on the ninth day Yhe work waa endorsed by the have caused the fire which was not ! E. Cross, treasurer. and will be used by the G rls Lea- up for discussion here Friday night announced this week. after a frigid wind swept the entire Hprlngfleld Chamber of Commerce discovered In tbs bouse until the^ Dan Crites was re-elected truste entire upper part burst Into flames. I Appointive officers for the lodge gue at the high school during their I wben Connty (.hBBabent p,an8 Th« county building, he said. Thursday at Lowell wb“ ,h" eI,#nd'” T O A ID Nfc.fc.OY F A M IL T I ihjg d|Btr,ct> w,„ le „ mem judges and commissioners at their selection on the honor roll proper Insurance to the amount of |10d0 cold will have on food prices re- In the high aehool a student mu»t | l>f.r8 of the Springfield Lions club ‘ annual meeting In Portland Tues- was carried on the building which C Morgan. «». lifelong mains to be seen The United Wtates | exactly what the status of the day went on record in support of . - . . .— — have an average of two or better | Eddie was owned by Henry Stewart of Members pJan to Ca he maintains this average resident of the Coast fork section '¿ J !,,." ' prices for Small Children of City to Be Eugene, and the furnishings were F’ m,,y * ¡needy families Is In this district the monthly tax payment plan snd I f ------------------- . . . . . ______ . . . . . . . . . . . I n.,1 Ì.I1..I .1 h l . h o m e a t Ixtwell late last possibility of higher price, tor during the sem ester he need not died St h l. home st Isiwell late last weU ,.burth Saturd .y after- after family which bad Mrs. R. E. Moshler, who also play- and H. E. Maxey, members of the I confer with members of the Dorothy Stelnmeta. Kathryn Alice o t.lot.k w)lh Oorden C supply stored away In sheds or ,.ri)gr,.KHtye 2, drill team State Game Commission. Governor Thompson. Gerald Uohytll. Jackie Or(ffl|) orfu.tottag. PooleDray liar | have contrltated a number o t toya Resident of Marcola Dies I n ^ 8— i ch rtstm a. son g., Devo- entertainment committee. . . . . . .. o ; tions were directed by Mrs. N. L. lllll Vaughn. A little bit of fun will be injected Meier haa indicated that he will thulomew chapel had charge of ar­ find" that the frost had penetrated the occasion and others will Hospital; Leaves Many Re- PoUard Mrg E r Pyne and Mrs Third Grads into the meeting this week when ge«k the discontinuation of the rangements. this protection. I »* furnl,h, d the «THs. latives In South States Ren Hollister. Attendance—Hester Joan Thomp­ C. F. Barber attempts to hold a Yo ! hounty payments as an economg B S w e r u l « e r v l c e s f o r Richard Acy ! Member8 of the 8Oclety baT® de' 1 , Yo contest among the membership measure. « seem s that the State son. Genevieve Robertson. Ida Much Fuel Consumed This Is nn annual event at the Funeral services for kh naru Acy c4>•• «. thrum . Hldney Ward. l,eona Ware. zx. I u j - . . . The delegatee from the various Members of the Springfield In Colorado and California before Eugene Chapel on Mondey; member werp agged to ag. Funeral services for David H still water In this vicinity are Ideal Peggy Wright. Civic etub will donate canned vege­ coming to Oregon. White, 5«. of Marcóla who died at th((| gpor, now co|d wea Dr. Stivers Preaches certain the sentiment of their con­ Fifth Grade LEGION PLANS PROGRAM He was a member of the Christ­ tables for the hot lunch plan be’ng _ Scholarship __ _ — _____ stituent bodies In the support ot Flora _ Hertsch the Pacific Christian hospital In (her M#ttle4 down quietly without used in the grade schools it was ian church and of the Royal Neigh­ Edward P. Shinn, long time resi- one or another of the fee reduction W ands Burch. Hhlrley Haack. War Eugene* Friday were held Monday ra||) or R|1OW tni, the watPr froxe FOR SESSION TONIGHT decided at their regular meeting bors of America. dent of Marcola. died Friday. Dec- plang deIegat!ong at the m eet. ..... Ingram Marvin O'Quinn. Beryl I from the Brunstetter Hltnon chapel ln(() |ca w,(h a gmootb r|ean sur- Tuesday evening at the home of ember 9. in Oakland. California, at (ng hgre n(ght wffl caUed Survivors include his widow, Robertson. Albsrt Hhesrer. Frank ¡ at 1 ;30. Interment was made Io the A program and potluck dinner Mrs. W. O. Burch. This was the Laurel Grove cemetery. Ie, Skat|nB Available w"> f«*a'«re the regular m eeting of Dorothy Bradburn; two children. Christmas party for the club and the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. pn tQ exprea, tbe sentim ent of th-> Attendance — Frank Andernon.j Mr. White was born In Maine on Skating parties on the Booth- « n ' i l ' T ” hil'l Richard. Jr. 6. and Stacy aged 11 was In charge «f Mrs. Emily Peters R Butler. He was 82 years of age. Kroup8 wb,cb tbey represent th“” - The body was shipped to Eugene by melnberg of the legisla Hhlrley IlM ck. Willard House. War Marrb 187g and bad lived In Kelly mill pond here have ¡ #t months; his motner. Mrs. Lena Talks on foreign observation of where funeral services were held tpre from th(g connty an opportua- Bradburn. Hancock. Kentucky, and ren Ingram. Alberta Keeler. Ju n ior, ¥arloug par„ of lh „ united States held every afternoon and evening , ,o "'s b ’ Tbe "'«nn 7 Christmas were given. the following brothers and sisters; Monday afternoon from the Veatch to MCer4Mln the wishes of th: I A lton . Bobby Pugh. Beryl Robert | bad be«'n a resident of Marcola this week. Many other groups are ■ w ' e ’ ‘ chapel. Dr. E. V. Stivers officiated ^ p ^ making regular visits to nearby Special musical numbers and ¡Jam es and Pearl Bradburn. In Ten- son, llave Bmlth. Emrnn Ixiu Htrat for the last 11 years. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR and Interment was made in the old Minera to Be Present lakes each night. At Leaburg and j other Christmas features have j nessee, Vernon Bradburn In Ken- ton, Frank Stunrt, Valentino Uchy- H e Is survived by his widow, further up the river where the tern- been arranged for the .program and ¡tucky; Newton Bradburn in Arkan- HOLDS DISTRICT RALLY ¡J o. o . F. cemetery. Mining men from Cottage Grove til. Cora W hite; three step-daughters. perature has been even colder than all members are urged to attend sas; Mrs. Ivy Bishop In Colorado; Mr Shinn was born in Illinois amJ other digtrictg of tbe county Júnior High Mra. Ruth Hamilton of Terre In the valley, many skating par j by P. J. Bartholomew, president Rally of all th ristian Endeavor on October 15. 1850. | w„ , preaent to explain the new Mrs. Ethel Britton, Kansas, and Attendance — Bcrnlco Bornea. Mrs. Alice Mil ties have been held. A few of t i l e societies in this district was held, Survlvors tnclude the following mJnera, ^ ^ r y laboratory now In Mrs. Edith Claiborne in Texas. --------------------------- Elpier Chase. Roacoe Colé. Floytl Mare, brath of Marcola and Mrs. O. R. brave ones there are reported to ------------------------- ,a t the Christian church Sunday ; sang gnd dau(thter8. Mrs. T. C. Ren- opergtlon at Cottage Orove wb ,r. Royal Neighbors Meet Oreen. Ellxabeth Johnson. Margaret Mitchell of Macy. W ashington; and have ventured out on tbe Ice on ----------- Son is Born— Mr. and Mrs. Robert afternoon and evening. S terlin g; frow gnd Jameg s b inn of Healds R )g now )n gervtce on Bohem a Meek. Lols Jane Wllson. Genova Wycoff. Jean Daniels. Marvin Oor- »"<> • ‘’ ‘" " " • j ’™ !* ,T W' the lake Just above .h e dam without Mrs. W T. Stearmer was hostess O. Jelllson of toe Mohawk region Cash, president, and M. E. Hayes burg Ca)iforI1ia. Mrs. Butler. John mlne ore? 7 ' 'ton and Orvlllfc Miller of Marcola. 1 at her home Wednesday for the are the parents of a baby son born of Eugene led the afternoon dis E ghinn , n Mexico city. Mrs. Ed Tbere hag ^ p n considerable d '• accident. rle. Bueford Holveraon. Karl House. ty of the Royal to them at the Pacific Christian cussions. A potluck dinner was ser Blegglng Salem; Mrs. Leonard (.uggion a gtate ga)eg tax wbich Blessing. Salem; Mrs. Bo seldom Is Ice-skating possible ' Christmas Jim m ie Grigsby. Dale Robertson. Neighbors of America. Mrs. Ina hospital on Thursday, December 8. ved at 5:16 and the regular C. E Jackson. Eugene; and one. brother. win b)J offered to the legislature as In this country that when the sult- Bob Rodenbough. Scott Wright. | KENSINGTON CLUB PLANS 1932. I program at 6:30. _______________ Till Bhinn In Eugene. a meang of reducing the heavy bur h KI o condition« came Into existence Schrivner was her assistant. June Berg. Elva Boyles. Lillian FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY none of the merchants had stocks --------------------------den on real estate. This Is expected Butler. Ada Johnson. Jaan Lloyd. to be presented and to invoke a Haxel Nenbltt, Ilia L oiloe Putmnn Annual Surprise Event to Be at of skates. A hurried search of sec­ JOINT MISSION GROUPS ond hand stores uncovered many lively discussion, By Albert T. Reid Mabie Hlomaen. Juan Stratton. Home of Mrs. Milton V. Walker HAVE SUCCESSFUL MEET The dinner will be prepared by palrs which had not been used for Jeannlno Withers. Gordon Baldwin. Monday, December 1» the Cooking Club of the Christian eight or ten years. Billy Burnett, Kenneth Cook. Floyd An interesting meeting of the church. 'Cornoll, Harold Foss. Delmas Gias- j Members of the Kensington club Days Become Warmer combined Home and Foreign mis­ Earl Hill, president of the Coun­ Indications are brighter for a pey. Donald House. Joe Keever. nnd th(ltr gu8 ‘b® Chri’ tB,Mg^ y Beholarshlp— Wendell Bartholo- ter, alnment. thetr troubles during this weather. period This book which deals organixatIon and a short pro- slon mew. June Ilerg. Ethel Gott, Sadie l Mrg idary K essey and Mrs Many persons with outdoor ponds held Gott, Muriel Patmore. Dale Rob Harry Whitney will have chnrge of have been chopping holes In the artson,, Clara Brooks. Ulla Weight. (he refregbments Ice and removing surplus Ice. Now Beulah Wllllamn, Jimmie Grigsby, Arrangements for the party were most of the water has turned to Muriel Tyson, Henry Chace. Mild-. compjeted at the meeting held last ice and they are trying to save red Waldrlp, James Hebert, pq-lday at the home of Mrs. E. C. the fish by pouring more water In­ Cogtll, Delorls Nice. BernTe Hmlth atuart M)gg Kdna Swarfs was as to the ponds. Marlon Adams has The members of th«■ society- are i »„«1* p " rtT U Haxel Nesbitt. | ststant hostess and Mrs. Donald been trying to devise some means Sadie Gott should have been In-1 Yoomb was a guest. of heating his pond without harm­ eluded on the scholarship honor ing the fish but has not succeeded' roll for the first six weeks, but was j p j A BAZAAR AND yet. to present a pageant on December have charge_______ ______ omitted through a clerical error. FOOD SALE SATURDAY 23 and those attending will be ask n J IIB O H T O HIGH SCHOOL ed to bring some produce or food CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO Freshmen MAYOR IN HOSPITAL Much Fine Quality Handwork to Be for th© bankets which will be fill- HAVE VISITING PASTORS Lester Anderson, Robert Benson ILL W ITH PNEUMONIA Bold; Prooeede to Benefit ’ ed Saturday morning. Professor C. E. Hoven of the En- Byron Boyles, Charles Clement, Hot Lunch Plan ----------------------- — gene Bible College will deliver the Russell Cooper, Florence Fish, Ed­ W. P. Tyson, mayor of Spring ’ Members of the Springfield Par­ NEEDLECRAFT ANNUAL ¡sermon at the morning servlet S» ward Hensen, I a I s Manley, Flor ent-Teacher association are spon­ field, Is 111 at the Pacific Christian I There will ence May, Warren Vail. PARTY TH IS AFTERNOON soring a bazaar and food sale Bat- hospital with pneumonia which be special music. The Christian En­ -Bophomore „ . , , i urday for the purpose of raising early last week was thought to be Jerry Clark, Charles Cole. Irvin | „ t ) ( arry o|> hot ,unch an attack of Influenza. He has Mrs. Laurence Moffitt will b e , deavor meets at S:30 for a program hostess at her home thl ; afternoon and In the hvenlng Hubert E. teas. Darr, Lucille Davis,. Mary Elkow plnn at the grade schools. The sale spent several restless nights. for the annual Christmas party of pastor of the church at Lorane, Clair Hadley, Malcolm Han en will be held at Egglmann's confec­ The monthly meeting of the City ' the Needlecrafi club. The affair will preach. There wlH be Stedel Margaret Jarrett, Helen Marx, Mar­ tionary starting at 9 o'clock Satur­ Council scheduled for Monday will start at 2:30. i tbto garet Miller, Doris Robinson, Edna day and will continue all during the night was postponed because of the >uiTaaTaA^.« Illness and absence of Mr. Tyson. day. (Concluded on Page 4) Members of tbe LettermaS'e club ‘,f Bl>r|ngfl«id h,* h *•*> b,,ld (htl,r Football Dinner sad program lu (he basement of tb« high school Friday evening accord­ ing to Marlon Hall, coach, who ha« charge of arrangements. New members of the club, those wb() are awarded their first letter t|,ts year will b« properly Initiated »gv'm em bers of the group. T hese Kenneth Cox. John Hale Adams Q ' Kondsll. and Dlsque Hmlth sentatlvcs of the various 'ons of the city have been o , -ivltstlons to attend. It ex. •g affair. Dalton Thur- la to r this year's football •ly preside. i team wi KORGNii’ iGNERIL HELD SATURDAY LIONS TO RENR T RELIEF EFFORTS R.S. GIRLS RNVE CRILGREN'S PIRIT R.N. FRNERNL TODAY ONTID WRITE DIES FUNERAL MONDAY E.P. SHINN DIES Those Little “Whatcha-Call-Ems"