B SPRINOFIHLD PAO » FOUR Rotter to Show In Eugene Soon Jen»en-Rob Roy, and Achiu- Caxton to Wrestle in Double Main Event Program TOWN AND VICINITY Ilev A M Catholic F a th e r Hsi Marcola Man Here— L ee McKin- bva.- ney of Marcola was a vlsltor lit Haluschyn of Portland w esday nesu visitor in SnringfieW Springfield Tuesday for enoon. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8/1982 NBW8 at the home of Mrs Vern Caldwell on Thrsday. Mr. and Mrs. Del Benson have entertained two church groups at their home this week. The Presby- terlan guild's study night was held at their home TuesdSy lig h t and (he Christian Endeavor socleiv held Ils business meeting there on Wednesday evening LANE AGENT GIVES MM HEPORT Aide Range of Activities Shown in Work Summary; Office is Busy Place Thurston l.lltle Doris Doyer who recently underwent an operation for appetì dlrltis took a relapse and had to he taken hark Io the hospital again but is improving now. Mrs. Richard Hart gave a parly ul her home Thur day afternoon honoring Mrs. Hay Rennie, each lady taking enough pieces for a quill block. Mr. and Mrs. Kdm talon from Co burg visited frien ds here Iasi Sal unlay. The bridge d u b met w ith Mr. n.nl Mrs. Fred Russell Wudhesday even tug. Mr. and Mrs. Fciix Sparks from Blue River are vlsllliig Mrs Arch SWARTS SELLS MEAT BUSINESS Sheriff-Elect Disposes of In- tereet in Local Shop to Man From Washington Visitor from Maroela— Jay Hop-1 Visits Friends— Mias Lucille Mil kins of Marcola vls.ted frlerds in llcan of W altervllle spent Sunday in Springfield visiting with friends. Mickey W alker will be brought Springfield Monday. Sale of his Interest In the Swans NIGHT OFFICER TAKES The multiple functions and a o tl-! to Eugene for a four-round exhibí and Sen meat bus'nsv In Spr.ua- vitlea of the Lane county agricul­ Visitor from Fall Creak — Ira MAN WANTED IN BEND lion match at the Armory on Tue« Baldwin of Fall Creek was a visitor O . E. S. ELECTS NEW field w»» announced Tuesday by C. tural agent for the year 1932 are i Elmo McDonald of V da was ur day, December JO. T h l. Intereet- In Springfield Friday. TUESDAY outlined In a summery of the an-1 A. Swarts, slier If elect of Lane re ted In Springfield Wednesday OFFICERS uual report t sued this week by O . ' tug aporta announcement was made evening by A. J. Cowart and held county. Fall Creek Man H e re - Charles (or slate police who want him on n Wednesday by Herb Owen, bane Nest of Fall Creek transacted bust Mrs, Scha-'to. W ill Be Worthy S. Fletcher, agent. Ills lather. (1. K. Swarts. with Activities In each of the depart­ Matron; Installation and Din­ wairant issued at Bend He is u promoter who aaya he has guaran­ ness In Sprt-.gfleld Tuesday whom lie has been associated In ments of crop improvement, hortl- ner Planned December 20 eused of issuing a had check. 8er teed the vl.ltln g ring veteran a ------------- I culture, soli improvement, rodeut i III at Homs— Beulah Korn is ill ai geanl Mulkey of the slate police business (or the past eight yean, purse of |1000- W alker although ____ __ __ _ mole, New officers of Cascade chapter., control, poultry, dairying and live­ force took custody of th< tuan and often urged by writers to retire, the home of her parents here this has announced hla partnership with by Mrs. Bertha Costello ol Shough. ly E. 8. were chosen here Tuesday ! stock, and miscellaneous are listed I recently took a match away from a week. ^ r w g fir ld Mass., won the crown lodged him in (he county Jail. N J W illiams recently of W in­ evening at the regular meeting o f ; in the report summary younger man who weighed 36 as the best male in the Pig Four Minor Operation — Mrs. E. K. the lodge. Mrs Pearl Schantol will lock. Washington. The name of the During the year Mr. F letcher'a' Point Show »1 New York pounds more in Los Angeles. He is Beautiful Christmas cards at Operation Monday— W. J. Scott ' Pyne underwent a minor operation be the next worthy matron. office has promoted the growing 1 ------------------------------ f.rm will become Hwarie und W II now setting out on an exhibition underwent an operation al the Eu lowest prices. Sen display ai Hie j in Eugene Monday. of alfalfa. Farmers of Lane county [ Other officers elected are R llama. tour. It Is almost certain that Joe News Office. gene ho pi tai Monday. zy / ft Waterman will sponsor his visit to Camp Creek Fsim er Here— O. B. Oldham, worthy patron Mrs. Darr purchased a total of 18.200 pounds at seed which was planted In the ’ M V f l W I a U A C d I I I Portland either before or after the Hardy, farmer in the lower Camp Wilson, associate matron; W. E. Eugene visit. W alker is managed Creek district was a business visi­ Buell, associate patron; Mrs. Lena county this year, bringing the total i Fraederlck. secretary: Mrs. Abbie acreage of this crop to 6500 acres ( by Jack Kearns, one-time manager tor In Springfield Saturday. j _______ Wheaton, treasurer; Mrs. Ida Hol- in the county. of Jack Dempsey. Culture for Inoculation aifaifa Oakridge Folk Here Mr. and verson. conductor; Mrs. Elsie Poll­ The weekly wrestling card at the Mrs. V. R. Jonee of Oakridge were and Other legumes were sold farm Equalizing Function Poorly ard. associate conductor. Eugene armory tonight is also week-end guests at the home of Met Finds O. S. C. Man in Appointive officers w ill be an­ ers at coat. causing quite some excitement. It Mr. and Mrs Donald Toomb. Potato Bags Purchased Comprehensive Study nounced December 20 when newly seems as thougu there will be two New crops promoted were stem- elected officers will be Installed. Fever Victim Improves— Mrs. D. main event numbers and no spe- That the public school revenue I This will be the regular family sup­ rot resistant sweet clover, bent B. Murphy is recovering successful- grass, Bortfield turnips on 300, system of the state of Oregon Is per night meeting. acres in the coast section, fifteen ! unnecessarily complicated and but ' Owen had promised the winner I ly at her home this week following varieties of oats. Hood wheat, pota poorly accomplishes one of the j af the Achtu-Jensen match last I a serious illness with scarlet fever. week a chance at Rob Roy. Achlu toes and pool orders for potato main purposes In view—(hat o f : In from Camp Creek— Marlon won when Jensen got his head Chase of Camp Creek was a busi­ bags. equalising the tax burden between ! tangled up In the ropes and nearly ness visitor in Springfield Satur­ Weed cont.ol was aleo carried district«— la the conclusion of an j strangled himself. Fans, thinking forward with te^ts and demonstra exhaustive study completed by Dr day. back to the week previous, were tions. W. H. Dreesen. agricultural econ , Deerhorn Man Here — Earl still not satisfied with the match W ork in the horticulture field omlat of the Oregon State college and many of them declared that Theines of Deerhorn was a busi- Five Stamps Per Capita Goal included starting of a four-year ex­ experiment station. Jensen was the best and entitled i ness visitor in Springfield Satur­ of Drive Workers in Lañe; periment of the influence of prun | Dr. Dressen's studies, which In i to the main event this week. His day. ing on color and yield of Montmor volved a detailed examination o f , Drive Lasts to Christmas rapid recovery from the injuries ency cherries; various orchard | records from every couni y In the ’ Laundry Manager III — J- W. last Thursday night Influenced demonstrations; experiments with The annual Christmas seal sale is state, have been incorporated In a I Hobbs, manager of the Springfield Owen to put him in the match Austrian winter peas as a cover bulletin Just published by the ex , Laundry is ili at his home this now in full swing in Springfield, tonight. crop as compared to veatcb; straw pertment station and which Is so , as well as in other parts of Lane week. berry experiments with and with­ To satisfy Achiu Owen has se­ complete as to constitute a detailed county and throughout the United Thin Is u chain wide sale to liquidate half a million out fertilisers: irrigation inspec­ Visitor from Roseburg— Hilda cured Billy Caxton to meet him In reference work for legislators or States. The drive, which began on an extra main event preceding the i Longfelt of Roieburg was an over­ Thanksgiving day. has been under tions. and m e of electric hot beds others who may attempt an Im dollar Block before January let. We have not yet Improvement of soils was demon- night visitor in Springfield Mon­ Jenaen-Roy go. provement on present tax laws. way for a fortnight already. reached o'ir goal. Thue In slipping fast. We must make day. Mrs. Frank L. Chambers and strated by the use of various types “The public school revenue law s' Sliver Injures Boy— Delbert Mc­ M r-. J. Bishop Tingle, co-chairman of fertilizers and lime applications. further drastic sacrifice» to attain our object. of Oregon have been amended and A total of 6300 pounds of poison Bee, seven, was painfully injured of the Lane County Health associa­ added to with apparently two ideas M O N E Y R A IS IN G Al, new Xmas Goods thrown in without reservation. Monday when he ran a large spliu tion and directors of the stamp sale barley was distributed at cost in in view." says D r Dreesen. “one to I rodent control campaign ter of wood into his thigh while in the county, have set »heir goal the constrain the people to provide 1 AH other goods make wanted and practical gifts. chopping wood. at five stamps per capita at least, Eighty-six rodent control supervis­ adequate revenue and the other to ors were named and 21 of these Moves to Roseburg— Leota La to be purchased by the 54.000 citi poisoned squirrels on 21.409 acres assist the financially weak districts In the support of their schools. Jole has moved to Roseburg with xers of the district. The Bear Creek school was the of neglected land. her parents where she will attend "The first objective sought eould Brooding and rearing of chicks, _____ w school. She has been a student at first one in the county to repor1 poultry culling demonstrations, a be obtained Just as effectively un­ purchasing its quota of seals, close the Lincoln school. poultrymen's picnic, public meet der a simple law as under a multi ly followed by a similar report ings to discuss fall and winter flock pllctty of Intricate laws. The second Teacher Returns — Miss Helen from the Swisshome school. objective, the equalization of the High has returned to her duties as Mrs. C. O. Wilson, in charge of feeding and turkey Institutes were school tax burdea. has been obtafh- listed among the activities of the teacher at the Brat tain school fol­ the campaign in Springfield, urges ed with but partial If not question­ lowing an absence of four weeks each local resident to buy as many agent in the poultry field. able success.” A directory of purebred stock due to illness. of the Christmas seals as possible. Dr. Dreesen's study revealed that and “for sale” and "exchange" Solicitation on the streets by Visits Family— Guy Gabriel was lists were maintained for the bene mare than 85 percent of the funds school children will close this week here from Tillamook Sunday to • • • • fit of livestock growers. They also raised under the county and ele­ but the children will continue to visit wtth his fam ily. He is employ­ were shown methods of cutting and mentary school fund laws found 42 Eighth Ave. West have stamps for sale at the schools ed by the Southern Pacific railroad curing mutton, the value of clover their way back to the districts Eugene and members of the Girls' League on the Tillamook division for dairy cattle was demonstrated where the money was raised, and w ill offer them for sale to out-of- and 400 cows were tested in the hence took no part in any e q u a ll­ It is compulsory that town people in the store- on Satur­ Returns Home— W. C. Myers re­ dairy herd improvement asocia- ing. Of the remaining 1745.774 money be raised at once turned to his home near Hayden days. The business district has tlon. average annual excels apportion been canvassed during the first bridge Sunday following an opera­ to meet our obligations Has Busy Year ments used to equalize the burden. tion at the Pacific Christian hos­ week of the drive by Mrs. Wilson and in order to do this, During the year the agent has 30 per cent was apportioned to 806 and Mrs. Maude Bryan. pital. received 3395 office calls and 150 districts that already either had all merchandise will be These mall stamps are slowly telephone calls in regard to farm lower general school levies than placed on Sale at un­ Daughter Borr— Mr. and Mrs. but surely helping overcome the problems. He wrote 2.493 indivi­ the average for the county, or had Earl Huberd of Jasper are the par­ dreaded malady of tuberculosis, as heard of prices regard­ dual letters and mailed 15.295 higher-than-average assessed valua­ ents of a baby son born to them at is evident from the reduction of the less of cost. copies of 68 circular letters. He tions per census child for the coun the Pacific Christian hospital in tuberculosis death rate in the state Here Are a Few of the Many Eugene on Thursday. December 1. from 95 per 100.000 population In made 371 farm visits, spending ty, or both. 184 days doing field work and 128 Values Being Offered . • • Under the present law. In fact, 1915 to 42 in 1931. a slash of 60 1932. in the office. the entire excess apportionment per cent in the ravages of the dan­ The agent traveled 13,819 miles constituted less than 4 per cent of Returnse to Work— Mtss Eva Mil gerous ailment. by automobile and 115 by train or the average annual cost of public ler, sister of Mrs. Ren Hollb ter It is the money derived from the who was injured in an auto-train sale of these seals which is financ stage. He secured the services of school education, grade or second­ accident some time ago has return­ ing most of the organized battle specialists from Oregon State col ary, for the years 1927-30. Dr. Dree­ ed to Springfield and resumed her against the white plague In Spring lege for a total of 85 days during sen suggests that betterment will to which time 25 demonstration meet- have to come through Joint action | work In Eugene Monday morning. field and throughout the state. Values to $5.95 logs were held and 122 lecture by school administration and taxa Do your share of the fighting by j At Grant* Paas— Oswald Olson meetings. All Head Sizes purchasing Christmas seals! tion experts. and his mother, Emma Olson, The offices of both Mr. Fletcher In the New Colors spent Sunday with Mr. and M rj and Miss Gertrude Show, home and Styles . . Stnd your Greetings wltfe an in demonstration agent, were abolish C. J. McMurray at Grants Paas. printed and engraved ed for next year If the budget pre­ They tried fishing for steelheads dividual but the water was too muddy ac­ Christmas card. Fine selection at pared by the county budget com­ The News Office. mittee is adopted. cording to Mr. Olson. A Christmas party, annually a 1 Muddled State XMAS SHOPPERS Save Now - at Rreier’s Liquidation Sale Seal Declared health Weapon SALE BR'EIER CO. LADIES’ SHOP 968 Willanett, D EPR ESSIO N S A L E S t o c k 'u p !!! a t these S pecial Prices Hats 5Oc S I.95 Your Christmas Opportunity I McKenzie Valley Free A Hat with a $1.95 Purchase or More Make your Xmas selection now. A small deposit will hold any garment until Xmas. Dresses Values to $9-95 91-00 1 Group $1.98 - $2.98 - S9-90 All «lies and colors - - - Street Dresses, Seml-Formale, Formala, Etc. Bilk, Knit, Wool . . • S U IT S ! Value $10.95 While the Lot Lasts - - - $2-98 Irish-Murphy Co. This big store offers you the best service to be ob­ tained in the Grocery line. Our prices are as low as can be found anywhere on staple quality products. This is a home store whose interest is to serve home- people. When you trade here more of your dollar stays in the community. Per Pkg. 25C BISCUIT CUTTER FREE Daughter Born — Mr. and Mrs Floyd Thompson are the parents of a baby daughter born to them at their home, 833 Fifth street, Spring field. Tuesday, December 6. 1932 feature of the Leaburg Ladles Aid society, will be given for members of the club at their next meeting. December 16. at the home of Mrs. 8. J. Godard. Plans were made at the meeting held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Oray last Thursday. Guests Sunday— Mrs. A. Il Van Mrs. Herbert Platt entertained Valzah had as her guests Sunday the Deerhorn Bridge club at her Mr. and Mrs. L. Munch, and Dr. and home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Mrs. C. G. Van Valzah, all of Rose Royal Qick making high score foi burg. the afternoon, Mrs. W. C. Thlenes Remember all your friends with consolation Mrs. Earl Thlenes will an individual printed and engraved be hostess at their next meeting Christinas card. Beautiful display Mrs. Lew Crow and daughter. Irene were special guests. of cards at the News Office. Miss Belle Millican entertained NO TIC E ( the "W orkers" society at her home REG ISTR ATIO N OF Wednesday afternoon to perfect LAND T IT L E plans for the bazaar which will be ¡IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E given Thursday evening by the S TA TE OF OREGON FOR LANE group. Cake, candy and sandwiches CO UNTY. ¡In the M a'ter of, the Application of w ill be sold. Bazaar articles and a Dewey W. Rust to register the fish pond will also be features. title to Northwest Quarter of sec­ The W altervllle school will give tion 31 In Tp. 1« S. R 7 West of W. M. in Lane County, Oregon a Christmas program at the school excepting the north ten chains house Friday evening, December 23. thereof. ' The W altervllle Grange has post­ versus poned a special chicken supper Fay Brown, Milo Brown, Mrs. Gene Brown, Gordon Brown, Ixinnle planned to be given Friday even­ Brown. Isabelle Brown, Ira C ing, until early In January and cake Parks, Della 1. Park and Tillman and sandwiches substituted for F ri­ Glover and all whom It may con day evening’s supper at the grange cern: Defendants. meeting. T A K E NOTICE The lea b u rg high school’s play, That on the 6th day of December A. I ) , 1932, an application was filed “Two days to M arry,” w ill be given by said Dewey W . Rust In the C ir­ Friday night this week. The pro­ cuit -Court of Lane County for initial registration of the title to gram w ill begin at 7:30. A small the land above described. Now un­ admission will be charged. less you appear on or before the The Leaburg Girl Scout« will 9th day or January A. D. 1932 and present a program Including two show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will plays Friday evening, December 16. Pine Knot Lodge" and he taken as confessed and a decree “The will be entered according to the "Mother Baker's Christmas” have prayer of the application and you been chosen by the girls. will be forever barred from disput­ The Christmas program will be ing the same. given at Leaburg Thursday even W B. D ILLA R D . Clerk C. A. W IN T E R M R IE R , Applicant's Ing December 22. Attorney, Residence: Eugene, Ore­ The W altervllle Ladles Aid so­ gon. ciety will have an all day meeting (D 8-16-22-29 J 6) Royal Club Coffee, 3 lb can 75c Vermont Maid Cane and Maple Syrup, 1 pt. Glass Bottle, Special 23c Kellogg’s Whole Wheat Flakes, 2 for 17c Fishers Biscuit Flour, pkg. for 25c Rice Pops, package ....... ’ ........... 10c Borden’s Milk, tall ean 5c i> Pounds Snow Drift 69c Spltsenberg Apples, box 50c Best Ever Egg Noodles, pkg. 5c Home Grown Walnuts, New Crop, good quality, lb. 15c Almonds, per lb 15c Fresh Roasted Peanuts, 3 lbs........ ...................... 25c Raw, Raw Fresh Peanuts, 3 lbs. .......................... 25c Something New—Little Tom Thumb Pop Corn, on the cob, lb. ..................- .......... 10c Shasta Coffee, 2 lb. ean ................................. 50c MONARCH COCOA, 1 lb. Can, Reg. 40c Val. MONARCH BAKING CHOCOLATE. ’/ 2 lb SUPERIOR TASTY MALT, Chocolate Flavored, Special 49c RUBBER FOOTBALL FREE Both for 26c 3 PALM OLIVE SOAP for ......... 2 Giant Size CRYSTAL W HITE M JUST ARRIVED FRESH CANDIED PINEAPPLE AND CANDIED CHERRIES FOR TH A T FRUIT CAKE FOR CHRISTMAS Make Our Store Your Headquarters While in Town THE HOME OWNED STORE w. a . Tayior White Front Grocery Phone 9 Y our D o lla rs Buy More H ere