THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, DBCBMBBR 8, I M I Where Man Took To Wings Admitted to Hospital — Ruth Hauer and IRiane linger , both of Springfield, were admitted to the Eugene hospital Friday, His “ Parasite” Bank Address NOTICK TO CREDITORS C R A ZY C R Y S T A L S A Mineral W ater Treatment. Bring» a Health Resort to You. 30 K Till, IS W lib . Magana, Ph 1704 Item ember all your friend» wltli aii Individual printed and engraved Christina» card. Beautiful nllaplay of card» at the New» Office. Move» to »prlngllaia— Mia» Mar­ tha Campbell of W altervllle ha» moved to Mprlnatteld. N O T IC I TO C R IO IT O R I NO TICK 18 HEREBY G IVEN lhal the uuduralanod, haa by the County Court of (he State of tiro gnu for Ibe County of Intne been duly appointed Administrator of the eatale of John T. James, deceaaed and all peraona having claim» agaluat aald eetate are hereby No­ tified top reaent the alm e properly . verified to me at the office of Frank A. Delhi» the Attorney for Ih» eatate In Springfield. Oregon on or before ala month» from the dalo of thia Notice. Dated this 30th day of November, 1982 A. F. HA RPER, Administrator FRANK A DK PUK. Attorney for the eetate. (D » -IM S I» J »> TREASURY DEPARTMENT Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, D. C„ November 10, 1133. Notice k hereby gtveu to all per sons who may have claims against "The First National Bank of Springfield," Oregon, that the same must be presented to Lloyd 11. Kelley, Receiver, with the legal proof thereof within three months from this date or they may be dis­ allowed. F. U. A W A LT, Acting Comp­ troller of the Currency, ( F 10) NOTICK OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NO TICK IS HEREBY G IVEN that the undersigned baa filed his Final Account as A D M IN IS T R A ­ TOR of the Estate of Raleigh C. Honey, deceased, In the County Court of the State of Oregon for I sine County, and that said Court has flsed Monday, the tnd day of January. 1333, at the hour of ten o'clock A M., In the County Court Room of Ibe Court House of Lane County. Oregon, In Kugene. Oregon, as the date, time and place for the hearing of said Final Account and of objections thereto, and for the final aett lenient of said estate. I. N. ItONKY. Administrator of the Estate of Italelgh C. Honey, I 4, . , I H I - I I HOTTER A B A ILEY, Attorneys for Administrator. (D 1-8-16 2129) TEACHER»' EXAMINATION» The semi-annual teachers' exami­ nations will be held at the County Court ¿oom commencing Wednes­ day. December H a t at 9:00 o'clock A. M and lasting until tha 23rd. Teachers who are planning to lake the eotlre examinations or sev­ eral subjects for exemption, kindly notify us sud we will send you a schedule when the subjects will he given. E. J. MOORE, Co. School 9upt. ( D 1-4-16) Business Directory Edw. G. Privât JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon Dr. J O S E P H IN E C. B R A U N Naturopathic Fhyalolan Phone 914 Office Honra: I t o l i M. 404 Fourth Street (I- -tarsi Lsw l-Tsctlce I. M. P E T E R S O N Aitcrm-y at-l«aw City Hall Building Hpringfleld, Oregon POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole EUGENE— 11th SP R IN G F IE L D and Charnslton, 228 Main Telephone 733 Phone »14 Lead to Blindness There are damaging eye dia­ mi»' which, If untreated, even tuaily lead to bllndneas. For Inatance, glaucoma la one of the moat Inaldloua eye dlaeaaea. It can bo present and yet give little Indication, at flrat, of Its threat to your night. Recognised early, It lend» Itself favorably to treatment. I t la. therefore, al­ ways advisable for a pera >n more than 46 years old to have periodic examination of the eyea by an expert. DR. E LLA M EA D E O p t»m »tfi«t ■u»ana 41 West Slh NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN , Thai the undersigned. W W. Calkins, haa bei ii duly up'oliiti-il E aii u lo r of the Last W ill and Teatunr’lil o f ’ Frank II McDowell, deceased, by j Ihe County Court of the State of < regnn, for lutno County, and has qualified aa such Eaecutor, and all eraona having claims against said "«late are hereby notified and ra ; qnlred Io present Ib e eame. verified I " required by law. with the proper vouchers, to the aald Executor at th ’ office of Calkins and t'nlkln Itorneya si law, In the Rank of. Commerce Building, at Eugene Lane County, Cregnn. with n nix mouths from the date of this notice Date of flral publication and dale of Notice December 8. 1932. W W CALKINS. Eaecutor of the l,a«t W ill and Teatnment of Frank 11 M< Dowell, De ¡Some Leaders Add T e rm of “Chieelere” to Liquid In sti­ tutions W hich Shave Bank Balances and C urtail Oper­ ating Cash. belief that 90 percent of the bank» of the country, all things consider ’ ad, have done their full duty to j their depositors and borrowers and i the community they serve; and that It was to the other 10 percent he (M r. Pomereoej was paying hla' respects as parasites." * "Truly, from my experience | which haa not been confined to any i ene state or boalnees center, 1 was I of the open Ion that It was just the ! otber way around; tbe 90 percent* which might be termed parasites or cblselers, and tbe 10 percent tha' I have done and are doing their full * Scores "Parasite" Ban1'1 Ill at Home—V. C. chase was III ’ at hia borne Ihe first part of tbe week. L O ST 20 LBS. O F F A T By ROBERT FU LLER New York, Dec. » - D id the ad IN J U S T 4 W E E K S I dress of Atlee Pomeret -, Chairman Mrs. Mae West of St. Loula. Mo., of the Reconstruction Finance Cor­ writes; "I'm only 38 yra. old and poration. before the conference of weighed 170 Iba. until taking ona (he New England Council at Boston box of your Kruschen Salts Just 4 on November 17th, mark an end to weeks ago. 1 now weigh 160 Iba. I asln have more energy and further­ ihe era of "Hush-Hush,” when more I ’ve never bad a hungry mom­ ' backs and banking practices be­ leaaed ent." duty to depositors, borrows and tbo | came the subject of conversation? CALKINS « CALKINS. Attor­ Fat folks should take one halt ! Did his address In effect usher In community they serve. neys for Ihe eatate. teaspoonful of Kruschen Balta In n ( I) H 16131V J 6) j glass of hot water in the morning , the hour when a searchlight might "But get me straight on this," con­ before breakfaat— tt’a the SAFE, be turned upon some bank» and tinued the business leader. "I re­ harmless way to reduce as tens ot Eatate of Charlea E. Brattaln, De­ An unutual view of the W right Memorial at Kitty Hawk N. C , their practice of today, to learn If joice with every otber American in thousands of men and women know. ceased. unveiled thia month to commemorate the apot where Wilbur and thoae Institutions are really doing the fact that our banks aro liqoif For your health's sake as for and Orville W right gave wings to mag in I90J The monument is a magnif­ NOTICK Alice Pomerene. Chairman, Re­ : get Kruschen at any drug store— their bit to assist In the recovery and stand upon tbe solid foundu icent triangular granite »haft, topped by an airway beacon, standing OF FINAL SETTLEMENT construction Finance Corporation, the coat for a bottle that lasts « tlon of being able to meet all obll of business In the United States? 60 feet high upon a hill of »and 90 feet high The architect» were who in a Boston address scored weeks is but a trifle and If after the Notice la hereby given that Elva But I do banks throughout the country Alfred F.aaton Poor and Robert Perry Rodger» The memorial was Mr. Pomerene »aid that bank» gallons of depositors. M Brown, administratrix, with the I first bottle yon are not joyfully authorized by Congress. which boast of their liquidity (75 to object—and I do criticise tbe com which are 75 per cent or more satisfied with results— money back. will annexed of the estate of Charlea K. Hrattaln, deceased, haa 86 percent and more) to solicit mon practice in many banks of liquid, but refuse to make commer­ filed In the County Court of the remainder ranges from fully stoek- depoaltH aad then refui(,. to make chiseling and chiseling commercial cial loans when proper security is N O T IC E State of Oregon, In and for Lano <-d areas of young growth down to |()arw to pay labor, buy goods and and business borrowers' accounts offered. He termed such banks AGAINST STOCK RUNNING AT County, her final report as such “parasite«", at this time bare land. The area of foreat land nue manufacturing and com- and whose collaterals may easily be i administratrix; and that ten . U. . . , LARGE IN OAKRIDGE PRECINCT . . .. . . _ la Increasing, but due In part to : merce are -parasites” and deserve handled by tbe Federal Reserve papers, eligible for discount to th e , o'clock In the forenoon of Satur­ Federal Reserve Bank and get nee-1 appearing from the abatraet day, the »th day of December, 1932, abandonment of cultivated and pas-! aoj veraaj condemnation, bank or the Reconstruction Finance essarv fu n d a '" i ot voteB ca«t at the regular General at the courtroom of aald court In ture lands. Ihe condition of fo rest, q,o gay that business, industrial Corporation, which as Mr. Pomer- ' • « • Election for Lane County. Oregon. Kugene. Oregon, have been by the growth on much of It Is auch ,h a t land commercial leaders throughout ene points out. was created by con­ " If they (the banks) cannot he? 8t.hw court fixed aa the time and place the i Ji , l ( 'al J:an‘ It can not be counted on a» a thc <<(Unty “p.-rked up" In stricteat gress to meet Just such situations." the required accommodations from aDd d* cl“ red of hearing objections to aald re­ tbe Federal Reserve bank they vasslng Board for said Election. port and for the final settlement C hief Forester Advocates Use source for meeting national timber attentlon to the reports of the ad- ran come to the Reconstruction ‘ ha\ t? ® îo U I “ “ ,î*b* r ,of of the eetate of aald deceased of Revised Protection Poli­ needs for many years. drees emanating from Bo-ton, la Finance Corporation, which was in Oakridge Precinct In »aid Coun­ ELVA M BROWN, Admlnla stating facts but mildly. On every Focaat Area Incrsasee created by Congress to meet just ty, on the question "For and cies and Measures tratrla of the Estate of Charles such situations, bring their collat­ Against Stock Running at Large.” E Brat lain. Deceased. The report showed that the are had a virtual barrage of acclaim for eral to us and get the required was and la 260 votes, and that of A. E W H E E L E R . Attorney. Public measures designed to of national forests was Increased Mr. Pomerene's address was loos »aid votes 87 votes were cast for money." (N 10-17-24— D 1-2) stabilise the ba lc forest situation during the last fiscal year by B73,- ened. and thoroughly reliable and stock running at large and 173 • • • votes were cast against stock run­ and adjust forest use to the re­ 094 acres, that the net area on June efficient business men voiced opln- "Christ said: I t Is easier for a C hair-m an, R eco n s tru ctio n NOTICE OF HEARING ning at large In said precinct, with camel to go through the eye of a source are recommended by Chief 30 was 141,340.691 acres. Two new b>na Of their own which did not F in a n c e C o rp o ra tio n OF FINAL ACCOUNT boundaries described aa follows: needle than for a rich man to enter Commencing at the point NO TIC E 1» HER EBY G IVEN Forester Robert Y. tttuart. In the national forests, the Osceola In deal so kindly nor were they so tbe kingdom of God.' ” “Now, my hearers, and I measure That the undersigned admlnlstra annual report of the forest service, J y i„rlila and the Green Mountain In careful In the choice of terms as which if platted and of record, wonder If he had In mind the would be at the mouth of the lor of the estate of W illiam H. which has Just been Issued, accord- Vermont, wore established during applying to some banks and their rehlae’ cent liQUiQ ~ or more &nd rofusoh to ba“ — kor m ’ - h° hank <■ to loaD North Fork of the Middle Fork Roach, deceased, has filed hla ao-;. . , _ . , ' hia bank la 75 percent or count for t h . final settlement of " 1« 10 re«lonal ior" rt* r C J Burk' tbe year by presidential proclama- practices during the last year or make loans when proper security of the W illam ette River and des­ la offered, under the present d r - more 11<,u,dr Portland. Oregon tlon. two. cribed as NE14 SE%. Sec. 7, said estate In the County Court Twp. 21 8. R. 3 E., W. M.. theoce for Lane County. In the State of cumstances, la a paraalte in the “ In comparison with the need. The record of protection and ad- Buaineea Men Knew up the right bank of the W illam ­ Oregon, and that Saturday tbs community and deserves the con- p r u u t d v m f n Q IIP P A D T The high points of Mr. Pomer- demnation far too little Is being done to faci­ ministration of ihe national forests. of every thinking man P O U L T K Y M fc IM b U r r U K I ette River to the month of Sal­ 10th day of December, 1»32, at the accompllshments in forest research, ene'a address are Incorporated elae- litate and encourage private foreat mon Creek; thence up Salmon and woman. Court Room of said Court In the I COU N TY AGENT WORK Creek to the old W illam ette County Court House, in Eugene, management; public policies of and the fire protection and refor- where In thia report. Some of the River to Dunning Road; thence Oregon, at ten o clock In Ihe fore- forest acquisition and adminlalra estatlon work carried on In cooper-j facta dlsclo ed In those concise "Permit me to say that a bank Support for the work of the Coun- up Dunning Road to the South­ noon, has been by aald Court ilxed .... _ has a dual function. One— to be a , > ation with the »tales during the paragraphs were far from being aa the lim e and place for h e a r in g " 0“ ,tiU *«‘ ‘'"din«'r lnad* depository for the surplus funds of I ‘ 7 A«enU “nd of the Home Demon- ern Pacific Railroad; thence down objections thereto, and for final quale; and public restraint of In- fiscal year are reviewed In the r e -1 unknown to a great army of bnsl- the community tt serves; the other stratlon agent waa voiced at a ree-, the Railroad to Salmon Creek; 1 neas men, manufacturers and com- to loan their monies, where it can ent meeting of the Board of Dlrec-1 thence up 8almon Creek to the aetllement of aald eatate. jurlons private practices through port. C. A. Pryor, Administrator at regulatory requirements has barely I ----------------------------- : merclal leaders. They had learned do good to" • tor> of the pacl/ | c Cooperative i Southeast corner of Flat Creak R. S .; thence down Salmon Creek Ihe estate of W illiam H .'. „ .. ' from actual experience In trying to i begun." the report says. ' While Road to Flat Creek; thence np . . . , , , i Poultry Producers when the follow- Roach, deceased. G IL M O R E A G E N T V IS IT S make loans to carry on their buat- ' This is no tim e for financial In I , , policies and measures designed Io F la t Creek to a point where the L. HAY. Attorney for eetate. stltutlons to refuse to loan their >“« resolution was adopted, Brock Road croaaea Flat Creek; (N 10-17-34— D 1-2) I promote conservation have had IN S P R IN G F IE L D F R ID A Y neases. They had learned thoee monies, when .reasonably secured.” I ,.W HEREA S the Ore formal act,on right of way due North of tha day of December. 1932. at 10:00 ground of overexpansinn of govern­ more, and with local dealers. street do not now hesitate to «ay to 85 percent liquid, (and one with of its board of directors as com- point where the North Fork of o'clock In the forenoon In the the Middle Fork empties toto the i that the "chiseling" tactics of some a large surplus says with pride it mending the work of these public mental function." County Court Room In the Court • Gilmore ha» spent nearly three Qf the bBnki n(| quantlU„,, W(M>d , ha, as media for advertising our pro- emp|oyment t„ hunger, and dire iimr« - y duct» haa convinced us that they woung The regular and widespread ad Thus their businesses have s u fe r- -------- -- ------------------------------- banks) - to refuse to loan it (the visions of this act, and such pen­ . Brown, administratrix of the growth and the complete denuda vertising activity of the Gilmore ed terrific Io aes by lack of cash to money) back to the people who J U N IO R C LASS G IV f c a alty shall be for the benefit of, and Batata of Laura L. Brattaln. do- tlon of 60.ll00.000 acres of land be company la regarded by Gilmore aggressively carry on. their de may need It to employ men needing P D O D G C R .D A tM O N N I F - K R I ID A T Y when gthooi collected, into County the com- PR M U UA fund paid of the |b work to keep their wives and chil­ ceased, has filed In the County (.a(we of [tre and bad logging pr c- executives aa an Important factor posits being ' chiseled in retlre- Court of the State of Oregon. In . .. . _ dren from starvation and frees- which such action is brought and for I-sne County her final re- ,h- «H hcem ent of v a lu .b e In the consistent growth of the o i< ment of commercial loans properly i n g r The weekly assembly period pro- November 19th. 1932. port aa such administratrix; and species with those of no or little collateraled and upon which the gram at the high school Friday was w . B. D ILLA R D , County Clerk ganisatlon. McMurphey said. that ten o'clock In the forenoon, of present usability; all these things “There is no excuse for any bank given by members of the Junior bank could obtain funds from the of Lane County, Oregon Saturday the 9th day of December. nnd m W estfir Precinct In said Coun­ ty, on the question "For and Agnlnst Stock Running at I^irge." was and Is 199 votes, and that of aald votes 22 votes were cast for stock running at large, and 1771 lectric votes were cast against stock run-1 nlng at large hi said Precinct, offee akers boundaries described as follows: Beginning at the N W corner SEND YOUR MESSAGE OF HAPPINESS AND Coffee that is always R 2 B. of Section 8, Twp. mellow, rich and satis­ thence run South on the Town­ ship line to the 9E corner of GOOD CHEER WITH OUR fying is easy to make in Section 12 h« Twp. 21. R 1 E; th e C o le tn a n C o ffe e thence East on the Section line to the 8E corner of Section 7, M aker. B re w s it the Twp. 21, R 3 E, thence North ‘‘no-boiT w ay, retaining to the N E corner of Section 7, thence E to tre 8E corner of the all the fragrance and 9W quarter of Section 5 In T wbl flavor. 21. R 3 E, thence diagonally NE to the 8E corner of the N E quar­ The Colonial model la ter of Section 6, Twp. 21. R 3 B, ! thence North to the N E corner; beautiful in design. Fin­ of Section 5 ( If Section was j A FINE ASSORTMENT OF HANDSOMELY ENGRAVED ished in special process» marked) of Twp. 20. R 3 B, ' thence West to the place of be­ e x tr a d u r a b le n ic k e l CARDS — PRINTED WITH YOUR NAME ginning. plate. Six or 9 cup sixes. N O TIC E IB H ER EB Y G IVEN AT that after sixty days fvom the date Ebonized handle. Has of this notice, to-wlt, on and after extra large heating ele­ the 26th day of the January, 1982. It shall be unlawful for stock to m ent. T h e non-spill run at large In aald W E S T F IR ! spout te a feature you’ll PRECINCT above described, under like. Extra quality cord penalty of a fine of not leas than SANTA SAYS — Use Ward’s lay-away plan. Come to 910.00 nor more than 9100.00. and plug. This attrac­ our store, select your Xmas Gift, and pay us a small And, It shall be the duty of each tive coffee maker is an constable In any justice district, deposit and we will hold your Gift until Xmas. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT and of each road aupervlaor In any ideal gift for any occasion. road district, to enforce the pro­ T h e Friendlie»t Store in Tow n visions of this act, and such pen­ i ",99 Y o u r L o cal D e a le r alty shall he for the benefit of, and when collected, paid Into the com­ er •'rite •»» mon school fund of the County In D m Colamaa Luap 4- »4»v» _Ca. which such action la brought. WidMla, Keee Dated November 19th, 1932. W. B. DILLA RD, County Clerk FOREST CONTROL CHANGESNEEDEO SAYS, Altee Pomerene Better Coffee Every Time! Coleman E C Beautiful CHRISTMAS CARDS G ift In su r a n c e Lowest Prices Ever Offered ▲AAA The Springfield News Office M o n tg o m e r y W a r d & C o . of Lane County, Oregon (N 34 — D 1-8) t Business Hails Pomerene On Visiting Parents — Prtn Mrs. Raymond O. PataoM aa nine-months oM daughter, Lorane L illie of Port Towaaaad, Waahlag- ton, are here visiting thia week. I They are vlaltlng with Mr. Patn- old’s parents, Mr and Mrs Otto Petaold. la Eugene, and with Mrs. Petxold'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. H G. Weeby in Rprlngfte.d. Eugene, Oregon M