THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW KNTY-NINTH YKAlt HPHINOFIKLD, LANK COUNTY, OBEOON.THURgDAV, DBCBMBER 8, 1832 SCHOOL HEADS Players Will Gat football Letters PONDER PROBLEM STUDENTS' PLAT HEARING DEC. 28 RE N S . M W Thirteen High School Bo7< to Method of Distribution of Receive Reoognit cn for High School Funds Causes Work During Fml Seaso 1 Speculation In County • ■ “IT ■ ■ 1 No. 48 50% License Cat Endorsed Here I NINES OFFICERS Chamber Wants Reduction Without Additional Caa or Annual Buainesa Meeting la Property Taxes Held Monday; Reporta of Dapartmanta Given A fifty percent cat In automobile i Lane Must Raise 8947,661.16 Interesting Comedy chosen By Taxation During 1933 for Fall Presentation by Says Budget Committee Student Bod/ P'ayirs Sprlmf eld football I-iter» will > be presented tu inember« of Hu ’ 'Icenae fees with no additional j . v SMALLER UNITS TO LOSE FAIL TO REACH CUT GOAL MISS CONOLY DIRECTOR high school tenm who were out , SCHOOL CAINS gasoline t u or property ta i ■landing during the season Just as cars was endorsed by the Spring New Budget Meetings Neces­ Wheeler Law Creates Unbal­ Many Musical Interludes Ar­ soon as they arrive It was an field Cham ber of Comm erce at la s t ! Bpeeial Musical Program for sary in Some Districts to nounced this week by Marlon Hall I anced Millage Between Or­ ranged; to Offer Orchestra nights meeting. The chamber dele Sunday Evening Planned; Increase School Millage ganized and Other Districts school coach. and Vocal Selections gate» to the Lane County Chamber Choir to Ba in Charge of Commerce were instructed to re-[ ____ Hall announced that the follow Members of the Lane county hud Operal'na ot the Springfield's first home talent commend the fifty percent license- New officers for the en ulng year Ing men would b« honored with the ' schools wilt rontlnu« n get board have finally completed play of tbe present achool year will fee reduction and communicate the were elected at the annual meeting Colonel Roscoe Turner, who set letters: Harry Wilson. Morris Blew ' ■«me as th«y «re ut the the preparation of the budget for tie given on the high chool stage chamber's desires to the county of the Christian church held In art. Kenneth Col, Dalton Thurman, new Ka.t to West flying record of lime despite the opinion 1*33 and have called the county 12 Hrs,, JJ mins.. New York to Los Friday night starting at 8 o'clock. legislators. the social room Monday evening. John llale Adams, Kverelt Chet- A nudes. The former record of budget meeting for the purpose of Members of the Hprtngfleld high down by Judge Norton of I » A fifty percent cut will allow the A potluck dinner at <:30 preceded wood, Wayne Kendall, Itodney 14 lira., St) mins., was made by hearing arguments and fixing the school student body are presenting In which he declared th state to meet Its bonded obllga the business session. Wheeler law waa unconallti Jj Vest, Jimmy Weet, Itay Rasmussen, Cepuiu Frank Hawks. levy Wednesday morning. Decern the play and constitute the cast of off 20 pounda Hons, maintain existing highways; Officers elected are: Marlon Bruce Hqulres, Dean Anderson and her 28, 1*32 at the courthouse. ■aid F. II Flenary, preside characters. Otaqus Smith. and have nearly *2.000,600 for new Adams, trustee; Melvin Trailer, A total of *103.733.74 was whit District IS arhool hoard, toll« “Nothing But the Truth." Is work to match federal aid money. Russell Myers, and M. Tanner, C-ox, Stewart, Adams, Kendall, tied from the 1*32 budget In pre their monthly merlins Tu« three-act comedy written by James the chamber was Informed More ' eiders; Mrs. Melvin Trailer, flnan- id Smith will receive their first [«ring this year's document. even lag. Montgomery and .a being directed draatic cuts might endanger the I d al secretary; Ren Hollister, ter sward- from Ibe high school. The total amount to be raised by Mia« Bernice Conoly, advisor of Technically we are now «per. The other boys have already won real property having to stand part j treasurer; Fern Richards, church by taxation for tbe county neit the high school dramatic club. Ins under the County High Hrhool honors In one or more branches of of the road bond burden. It was clerk. year will be *»47.681.1* according tuition law, Inti muat wall until a th le tic s The first act la given In the set­ t . Sunday school activities at the to the budget which was adver we know Jual what the county The chamber officers reported I church will contin ue under the dl- ting of the Interior of a brokerage Used Tuesday. court la going to do with tai money rectto. «rf wbo Mrs. Marian Shiells Had Beert Savings have been effected In office In one of the leading uptown City Officers Take Up Two that a membership drive now being paid, which waa aaaeaaed brought In several new members ^ ^ t e d superintendent, with Mr. hotels In New York. The second each of tbe departments ot tbe Resident of Vicinity for 21 under the Wheeler law. We muat Additional Numbers Wed­ UrKan‘“ t,‘“n'’ f l n a n i Tanner . . hl. arslstant. Other of­ budget. Elimination of the two and final acenea are those of the await action of the county court In Years, Funeral Tuesday were now in good condition. summer home of E. M. Ralston on nesday; Warrants Called ficers In the Sunday school are i ounty agents, salary slashes, and the distribution of three funda be A committee was appointed to Esther Adams, corresponding sec­ Long Island. Mrs. Marlon Shields, resident of cuts In the health department made fore we will know Just how Spring confer with merchants on a plan Further“ reduction in the out­ retary and treasurer; Leila Peter The plot is full of humorous in­ I Oregon since 1*11, died at her possible a reduction of *66.686 field will be affected, he added standing defaulted bond obligation for Christmas decorations of the son. librarian with Theda Rhodes cidents such as can only be created from the figure of the 1*32 budget. A meeting of directors of the four Mrs. Nellie Carr la Chosen h‘‘ni‘! Lowell Saturday morning ot Springfield wi# made Wednes­ streets. as asslatan*. Drastic cuts In district road work when one attempts to tell Nothing following Ulne«« of one month. achoola which brought suit against day morning when two additional President; Installation Ex­ But the Truth for a day and has a and the use of O. and C. money to Merton Ferebee will be church Miss Marian Jemison was born the Wheeler law. Eugene. Cottage *600 boDds, numbers 6 and 6. were ercises Set for January 5 chorister for the next year and will at Brantford, Ontario, Canada on build up the general fund has made large wager «taked on bis ability taken up and paid by the treasures, Urove, Junction City and Spring- have Dallas Murphy as assistant. December 34, 1887 »be waa mar­ possible large savings in thia divi­ to do so. To follow the trail of announces I. M. Peterson recorder. field was held In Kugene Monday Members of lukn circle number ried to George Shiells on January sion. Robert Bennett, the young man who Mrs Traxler will be the pianist. night They talked over with Judge feels so truthful. I h to find a splen­ Old outstanding general fund Mrs. Marjorie Moshier will be Red Cross to Continue Harris, their attorney, the action 37. Ladles auxiliary of the G. A. H. I*. 1*11 and they came to Oregon warrants against the city to the superintendent of the primary de­ The Bed Cross will continue to did evening's entertainment. which will be taken following tbe laal Thursday evening elected Mrs. tbe same year, making their home amount to *460 were also called for portment of the Sunday school and The cast In the order In which appeal from the Norton decision Nellie Carr as their president for at ( Creswell until they moved to administer the relief work of the payment Tuesday by W. E. Buell, the year 1*33 county although final control over they will appear la as follows: Lowell 13 years ago. which la being made by tbe Lane u R Haack of the be«lBner« treasurer. All Springfield general Skill of Members to Be Dem- department. tithe» officers namivl are Mrs county court. She was a hl ember of the Crea the county appropriation will re- Clarence Van Dusen, Everett La- fund warrants up to and including onstrated at Luncheon on Reports of all the branches of main In the hands of tbe county Joie; fc. M. Ralston. Ras Rasmus­ Under the Wheeler law a millage Mollie Williams, senior vlce-presl well Presbyterian church. warrant number 13436 have been Dec. 16; Barber is Leader the church were given by the vari­ court members. sen; Bishop Doran, Bruce Squires; for high achool education waa dent; Golole Pi (arson. Junior vice- paid off with the latest receipt of Survivors Include her widower, ons officers. The Sunday school levied on all aaaeaaed property In president; Pearl Knowler. treas­ George Shiells; one brother, J. R. The final budget was signed by Dick Donnely. Carter Hartman; funds. is "This organization has talked report showed that attendance had urer; Jolana Ihitman. conductor; Robert Bennett. Lamar Brattain; the county, whereas under the Fred Fisk, chairman. O. E. Crows, Wright of Vancouver. British Col­ The payment of the two bonds about and sponsored many trivial ,ncreaaad during the paat year and County High School Tuition law tbe Bernice Barnes, guard; Clarlne umbia; two sisters, Mrs. Robert secretary of the county commis­ Mrs. E. M Ralston. Marjorie Pro- thia week brings the total amount ?reTl°"s !hat finances were better than they Putman, chaplain; Ellen Barker chnow; Ethel Clark, Virginia Chris­ levy, whatever la decided upon, will Heney, Raysville. Ontario, and Mies sioners. C. M. Young, and G. W. of defaulted bonds down to *28,600. and now 1 wish to suggest that the were daring the previous year. be made against aaaeaaed property registrar; Olive Wickham, patrio­ Wright of the same place, McFarland. Both Judge Barnard tie; Gwendolyn Ralston, Beth Jen­ Four of these bonds were taken up members turn their attention to Veltle Pruitt, pastor of the tic Instructor. a only In non-hlgb achool districts. and Commissioner Clinton Hurd re­ nings; Mabel Jackson, Echo Tom­ about two weeks ago and general something more Important, a To Yo church, made a short talk during Funeral services were held Mon Pearl Knowler and Orace Lana- larger high achool district« are fused to sign tbe document declar­ seth; Sahel Jackson, Dorothy Hart; fund warrants amounting to *323.61 contest,” said Clayton F. Barber In the evening. He has been pastor of expected to greatly benefit from berry were chosen delegates to the day afternoon at I o'clock at the ing that sufficient reductions had Martha. Eva Louk. addressing the chair at the Lions the local congregation for the past were paid. Lowell church. Rev. Mr. Arthur state convention, and Pearl Hears A number of musical selections the change In laws, while aome of not been made In keeping with the club luncheon Friday noon. three years. the smaller districts are sure to and Bernice Barnes were named Greyell officiated an<| Interment promisea of their successful rivals have been prepared for the enter­ The chair replied. "I appoint Lion The church choir will present «ras made In the Pleasant HUI alternate«. tainment of the audience during lose. If not actual cash, then In the who had been given a free hand In Barber chairman of the contest and the program at the evening service The officers will be Installed on cemetery. The Poole-Gray-Bartho- preparing the budget. Intermissions as follows: /orm of Increased tax millage. suggest that those sitting on oppo­ at 7:30 as follows: Introduction of high school or­ Under tbe Wheeler law high January 6, at which time appoint­ lomew chapel of Springfield had site sides of the table be members Prelude— "Deep River,” Jewel rharge of arrangements. ive officers will be announced. chestra under direction of Buford achool districts were reimbursed of opposing teams.” Cunningham. The neit meeting of the Circle Roach. on a adding scale ranging from »60 And so dignified businessmen ot Two solos—“Il Baccio” March— Bachelor Girls; Maz­ to *30 per student for ihose com­ will be held at Kgglmann's on Dec­ PRISCILLA CLUB PLANS Springfield will devote at least « - q ««, Morning Mister Sunshine,' urka— Sparkling Eyes; March— ing from outside of the district. ember it, at which lime the annual part of their time at their n ext[UWine CHRISTMAS PARTY | Chee Leader. The County law provldea that each Christmas party will be held. meeting to the problem of deter- Negro spirituals by a male quar­ Girls Close Annual Meeting Members of the circle met Tues j Between acts 1 and 2— Waltz. 'achool submit a per capita cost for mining who is the best Yo Yo tet—Dallas Murphy. Merton Fere­ The annual Christmas party for Over the Waves, by orchestra; Saturday; State Session at manipulator In the club. educating students and thia figure day afternoon at the home ot Mrs members of the Priscilla club will bee. Dr. Rebhan and Veltle Prnltt. | Selection from The Bohemian Girl; will be used aa the basis of reim­ Pearl Hears to sew and quilt for a Corvallis in February be held Wedne day, December 21 Music for the luncheon was fur­ Choir numbers—“Onward Christ­ bursement. The larger achoola will needy family which the Circle Is at the home of Mrs. Ernest Bertsch. Henry Swearingen. Florence Mlnu‘‘»e— Ye olden Dance. nished by Kenneth Roduner, direc­ ian Soldiers” by Gonld, “8weet and e _ Between acts 2 and 3— Vocal probably received more money per talcing care of. They will meet who will be hostess. Plana for this Farmer, Dies in Eugene Hol()iJ WUmB Lewl<; S)aTe Song. " Mrs. Jerry Adams was elected tor of the Methodist choir who sang Low” by Alfred Tennyson and J. student for those out of the district again thia afternoon at the home gathering were made here last president of the World Wide Guild Sunday Following Illness The Little Damozel; Just Friends— for the Umpqua association at the two solos. Miss Kelley of the Uni­ Barnby, “The House That 8tood and these unorganised high achool of Mrs. Wanda Barnes to complete Thursday at a meeting at the home Trio. Virginia Christie, Blanche close of their meetings here Friday versity accompanied Mr. Roduner. the Storm" by J. Herbert, and three districts will have to pay the full this sewing. of Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. Henry Swearingen. 71, resident Bates. Juanita Seaman. A request that the Lions club negro spirituals, "Shine on Me", coat of educating their students. and Saturday. She is a member of of Springfield for some years past. sponsor a community singing group “Hush Somebody’s Calling My Guest« at the meeting on Thurs­ Ticket sales have been reported the senior guild of the local Baptist Operation under tbe County Fund which would present an oratorla Name." and “Hear De Church Bella day were Mrs. Howard Freeland, and later a resident of F lorence. satlifactor). ao far wlth many church. plan will not be apt to entail any SWARTS HONORED BY during the spring was made by Mr. Tolling." Eugene; Mrs. J. L. Hayes, of Hal­ Ke"e ” 5 ' reservations being made at the new budget meeting In Springfield MASONS HERE FRIDAY Other officers elected are Mise sey; Mias Eunice Gerber, and Mrs morning. Ren Hollister will give a short high school. Sales are being hand Marjorie Travllllon. Eugene, vice Roduner whe explained the purpose Here the tai will be lower aa will of the organisation and the manner talk to conclude the program. A. B. Downs. Members present Mr. Swearingen wa- born at Edward F. Bailey, district deputy led by Reval Sumner, bus'nes, man- be the income, but It la eipected president; Miss Roberta Crawford, in which It would be handled. The During the morning service Rev that the Income from outside dis In place of Leslie J. Scott, deputy- were Mrs. Ernest Bert-ch, Mrs Drain on September 24. 1861. He ager. Everett LaJoie is in charge of hoeeburg. secretary-treasurer; and proposal was turned over to the Pruitt wiir preach his sermon on William Steamier. Mrs. E. C. had been a farmer all of his life. grand master of the Masonic lodge, the stage. trlcta will be Increased. To do this Arlene Soasey. Eugene, reporter. board of directors for consideration the subject, "Considering Great Survivors Include his widow. It seema aa though It la going to be made the presentation of the 60 Stuart. Mrs. William Curtis. Mrs These officers, together with Mrs. by that body. Howard. Mrs. John »eavey. Mrs Things.” necessary for aome of the smaller year gold Masonic button to C. E Mrs Addle Swearingen; five sons STUDENTS AT LINCOLN W. O. Taylor, wife of the pastor, A Christian Endeavor rally will dtatrlcta Io hold new budget meet Swart* at a special meeting of Lib- John Tomseth. Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee, Roy at Florence. Everett, at Spring will form the executive committee. be held at the church starting t HAVE PROGRAM FRIDAY EGGIMANNS OBSERVE Inga which will mean more delay erty lodge held here Friday even Mrs. John Parker, Mrs. Frank field. Delmer of Florence. Gilford Dates for the state convention o'clock in tbe afternoon. Confer­ In the assessor's office In comput­ Ing. Mr. Scott waa called to East Logan. Mrs. William Rouse. Mrs. of Norfork, Virginia, and Clifford of WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ences and talks will occupy the to be held at Corvallis on February Students at the Lincoln Junior Wm. Moyer. Mrs. Edward lTIvat San Diego; one daughter. Mrs. ing the las levy for each district ern Oregon end could not attend. 18 and 19 were announced. afternoon. A potluck supper will W. J. Darling and John W Pur­ and the hostess. Ralph Kiser of Portland; and two high school. 8-B grade, sponsored thinks Ben F Keeney, assessor. Mr. Springfield Couple Have Been the assembly period at the school Outstanding e.en ts on the pro­ be erved at 6:16 and a Union C. E. First and second prises for brothers. Ora of Drain, and Bert Keeney said that he has already cell, both of Corvallla, attended the Married for 30 Years; Have meeting will be held at <:30. bridge were wón by Mrs. Moyer of Newberg. One sister. Belle Got- Friday afternoon. Numbers In­ gram of the district meeting was granted several districts permission ceremonies. Dinner on Wedneeday . cluded a piano solo by June Berg; the presentation of the mission to present new budgela at a delay­ Horry Stewart, Ix>vl Neet. Jess and Mrs. Norman Howard. Mrs. cher. lives at San Diego. duet by Alice Bates and Beth Ople; play, “Deep Waters.” by the Junior Cross, and William Rouse were In Route and Mrs. Hayes were first ed date. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Eggi I O. O. F. ENTERTAINS Funeral services were held from a skit. "The Angry Ocean”; and a guild, and addresses by Mrs It seems probable that the Spring- rharge of the arrangements. A sup­ and second In guessing contests. the Florence church Tuesday after­ mann yesterday celebrated their play "Deaf Uncle”. The latter two Blanche Hodge, state executive sec FOR DISTRICT OFFICER field district will have to make per served following the meeting noon at 1 o'clock with Rev. Waker thirtieth wedding anniversary wltlr were presented by students of the retary from Portland, and Mies Imo some new arrangement with the was presided over by I. M. Peter­ CRASH IN FOG PROVES a dinner at their confectionary barth officiating 'and Interment In eighth grade. Ruyle, assistant at Hie Baptist Glenn A. Harnden, deputy district McKensle high school district at son. store. They were married at Duluth SERIOUS EVENT SUNDAY the Masonic cemetery. Poole-Gray- church in Eugene. grandmaster of tbe I. O. O. F. lodge Waltervllle In the matter of pay­ Minnesota on December 7, 1*02. Bartholomew chapel of Eugene had for the seventh district, paid his MRS. ADAMS AT SURPRISE ments for educating the 30 or more The weather was very cold at that charge of arrangements. A large number o' serious In­ official visit to Springfield lodge students from that district. The INDEPENDENT TEAM time too recalled Mr. Eggimann BIRTHDAY PARTY SUNDAY MANY ATTEND CHURCH juries sustained to his leg and number 70 Wednesday evening. Mr. present plan calls for the payment PROGRAM SUNDAY NIGHT last night. The thermometer reach­ Harnden has supervision over all HAS EXCITING GAME other parts of his body when the BREAD AND BEER TO BE Friends of Mrs. Elva Adams by the district of *30 per student ed 40 degrees below sero the night motorcycle on which he was riding the 16 lodges of the county which plus the money received from the After trailing during the entire Sunday crashed into a team and DISCUSSED AT CHURCH honored her at a surprise birthday A full church greeted the women of their wedding day. comprises his district. party 9unday at the home of Mrs. of the Christian church Sunday Wheeler law fund which averaged first half period which ended In a wagon may mean the amputation Mr. and Mrs. Eggimann are pro­ A regular lodge session was held "Jesus Again the Savior" is the *36. The Springfield district how 14-8 score for their opponents, the of the leg for Howard Watson. Mary C. Magill. Guests present evening when they presented their bably the best known persons In topic of the morning sermon to be were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Findley annual Women's Day program. The Springfield, meeting their friends and was followed by refreshments ever, remains free under the new Springfield Independent basketball Watson was riding on the Camp given by Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, and son. Bonny, Jewel Hllterbrand, women took complete charge ot at their place of business each day. and a social gathering. law to make whatever Arrange­ team came forward Tuesday even­ Creek road which was shrouded pastor, at the Methodist Episcopal Sam Sweeney. Wilfred Smith. John the program calling on the pastor They are early residents of the ment desired with Waltervllle as ing to within one basket of defeat­ In fog when his motorcycle ran In­ church Sunday morning at 11 Dale, Essell. Oliver, and Barbara only for the Invocation and for a city and Mr. Eggimann has served SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS that Is a high school district and ing their rivals from Oakridge aa to the rear end of the wagon. He o’clock. His evening message at Adams. short talk during the closing part the city as mayor some years back. levies Its own tai for high school the final whistle sounded the end HAS PARTY ON FRIDAY wild given first-aid treatment by a 7:30 will be "The Bible, Bread and of the program. Features of the He is a Mason. Mrs. Eggimann Is purposes. The Waltervllle area will of the game. The score stood 20-18. Springfield physician and taken to program was a mission play. "Re­ active in several fraternal organi­ not receive the *36 per student to Monday night the local boys took the Pacific Christian hospital where Beer." ELK LADIES PLAN BIG The members of Mra. Dean C. Coburg Methodist newing the Flame.” with members zations. apply on education costs under the the Coburg squad 26-18 at tbe high he Is now. Poindexter's Sunday school class BENEFIT CARD PARTY of the Christian Missionary society The theme of the morning ser­ C-ounty Fund plan and will have to school gymnasium. Friday of last at the Methodist church held a as characters, and vocal solos by HIGH SCHOOL BALL TEAM party Friday evening at the Fish vice at the Coburg church will be week they struck a snag and went make up this deficit. Springfield women are invited to "If Christmas Comes?” This ser­ Mrs. Larson Wright. Miss Uldlne down 4*.16 In a game with the PROGRESSIVE 22 HAS attend a large benefit bridge party DEFEATS CRESWELL FIVE home. Thirty-five young people HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Wendllng Cardinals. were present. Marian Shipley, Flor­ CHRISTMAS PARTY FRI. vice will start at *:45 a. m. The which Ladles ot Ate Elks of the Gartln and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Sunday school meets at 10:30. Rev. Eugene lodge will sponsor at their Moshier. ence Bell Fish and Eva Louk wert Springfield high school basketball CO ON AIR TONIGHT The annual Christmas party for Dean C. Poindexter will preach the clubrooms Saturday afternoon, Dec­ team had little difficulty In defeat­ members ot the committee In OPERETTA DATE SET members of Progressive 22 drill sermon. ing the Creawell squad on their own charge. ember 10. at 3 o'clock. The pro­ METHODISTS PLAN FOR Students at Springfield high team of Juanita Rebekah lodge will BY HIGH SCHOOL GROUP ceeds will be used to swell the achool will broadcast a half hour CHRISTMAS PAGEANT floor Wednesday night in a practice be held at the I. O. O. F. hall Friday P.-T. A. PLANNING FOR game. The score was 48-20 with LEGION PLANS PROGRAM program over radio station, KOBE, Elks Christmas ch er fund. The musical operotta "Sylvia" to night. A business meeting and Work on a Christmas Pageant Springfield trying many formations. Kugene, thia evening from 8 to BENEFIT BAZAAR SOON MEETING HERE DEC. 13 Announcement of a change in to be given at the Methodist 8:30. Their program will Include he presented by the combined glee election of officers will precede the MISSION MEETING IS chuich Friday evening. December the high school "A" league sche­ Plans tor a bazaar to be spon orchestra numbers, vocal solos, and cluba and orchestra of Springfield social and drill. Members are re­ POSTPONED FOR WEEK 23, was started this week under dule whereby the game with Eu­ Plans for a program and potluck high achool will be given Friday, quested by Mrs. O. H. Jarrett, cap­ sored by the Parent-Teacher asso­ group songs, and'readings. dinner to precede the business April 21, It waa announced this tain to be present and' bring toys. The radio station owners want ciation of Springfield at an un­ The regular meeting ot the the direction cf Mrs. Jans Ketels gene scheduled for the early part meetings of the American Legion week by Miss Ruth Morrison, di­ The Rebekah Christmas party of January has been shifted to to present a similar program each named date were discussed Mon­ Christian Mission society ot the and Kenneth Roduner. and Auxiliary at their next meet­ The production which has been March 3, Just before the opening of week and have Invited the different rector of music at the high . chool. will ba held Monday. December 1». day afternoon at a meeting of Room ing were discussed when the two Christian church which was to have The orchestra will be presented un­ the district tournament. titled “A Christmas Pageant” was schools to take part In this move. Representatives of the association been held Monday evening has been organisations met at Lowell la it der the direction of Buford Roach. I«st Thursday the program was at the home of Mrs. Elva Adams. postponed until next Tuesday even­ written by Mrs. Ketela and the HAPPY HOUR MEMBERS Thursday. The meeting will ba given by the Lincoln school under Mrs. O. H. Jarrett was named chair­ ing when the group will meet with music has been arranged by Mr. MISSION GROUPS WILL held at Springfield on December HEAR MUSICAL PROGRAM Boduner. the direction of Mrs. Crystal Male. WASHINGTON LIFE FILM man ot the baxaar workers. Mrs. E. E. Pyne. The annual busi­ MEET NEXT TUESDAY 16 at Taylor’s hall. Mias Bernice Smith acted aa an­ Musical numbers by a group from ness meeting of the congregation EXHIBITED AT SCHOOLS nouncer. YOUNGER MISSIONARY the University of Oregon furnished MEN SELECT THURSDAY The combined Foreign and Home was held Monday evening. LEGION SEWING GROUP Films depicting the life of George entertainment for the regular meet­ GROUP DELAYS MEET Mission societies of the Methodlat FOR REGULAR CLASSES METHODIST LADIES AID Washington were exhibited at the ing of the Happy Hour club at the church will hold their second MEETING HERE TODAY Red Cross Funds Raised Monthly meeting ot the Young monthly meeting Tuesday of next A total of *38.60 was raised in «HAS SILVER TEA EVENT high achool Tuesday afternoon and home of Mrs. John Ketels, Monday. Thursday nights of each week Regular meeting of the American at the Lincoln school Wednesday Mrs. W. K. Barnell was assistant have been chosen aa the time tor Springfield during the recent mem­ Women's Mission society of the week It was announced this week. weekly seaHlons of the athletic bership drive between Armistice Christian church set for Monday The meetings of the two groups Legion Auxiliary sewing group win Mrs. W. K. Buell was hostess at afternoon. Wednesday students at hoateaa. a silver tea at the Methodist church the Brattain building were dismiss­ The group will meet again on the group at the high school gymnas­ day and Thanksgiving according to was postponed for one week, to have recently been merged al­ he held this afternoou at the hogM Wednesday afternoon following the ed that they might attend the show­ third Tuesday In January at the ium. All men and young men above P. J. Bartholomew, drive chairman December 12, necause of the Ill­ though each maintains a distinct of Mra. W. N. Dow. They will e e » regular business meeting ot the ing at that school. A lecture was home of Mrs. Walter Gossler with high school age are urged to turn Ladles of the city assisted In the ness of Mrs. D. B Murphy, their organization. A Joint committee ad­ tinue their work on dreeaoa n*4 other garments for needy poop*** given with the showing of the film*. Mrs. Larson Wright aa aaalatant. ministers business affairs. advisor. oat. canvass ot the city. Ladiea* Aid aoclety. no flaa b bat «0» hs ia a rrihwtng | LOWELL AESISENT DIES ON SATDRDAV MORE DEFAULT RONDURE M Officers Named to r Iuka Circle Lion Yo Yo tans To Have Contest FORMER RESIDENT MRS. M INIS NEW W .W .U E M IE R