Tl I r Its PA V. I »El 'EM HEH IJ » :I 2 STEIWER BACKS FARM AID PLAN TURKEYS END THISTLES Hugh Lansberv Climbs Mt. Lassen . The President-Elect and His Mod thistles has been developed her«' by ' field on his recent visit to Lasseu Declaring that Oregon's future Volcanic National Park In northern depends on Its ability to keep Its California climbed the steep sides agriculture abreast of scientific de­ of Lassen Peak, the only recently velopments In order to compete active volcano In the continental with other regions. Senator Fred­ United States. This Information rick Stelwer has expressed a deter wgs obtained from the register mlnation to fight hard If necessary that has been located all summer to prevent the crippling of the co­ on the very topmost pinnacle of this operative federal-state research volcanic mountain, and recently work now under way at Oregon brought down by park rangers In State college experiment station. order that a count of the number Senator Stelwer recently Inspect of persons climbing Lassen could ed this work at the experiment sta tlon before returning to Washing­ be made. Results from this count indicate ton for the opening of the short that there is a distinct tendency on session of congress. He said he the part of persons visiting this was greatly Impressed with the park to use the trails and do more Importance and quality of the work hiking. Whereas last year only 6 carried on there. percent of the park visitors enter­ Hany problems that are of more ing over the l-assen Peak Loop than state Importance are being in­ Highway climbed lassen Peak and vestigated in Oregon through a co­ registered, this past season saw operative arrangement whereby the over 14 percent making the climb. federal government of agriculture Thia tendency on the part of the furnishes the trained specialists visiting public is welcomed by the while the college supplies equip­ ment, land and laboratory space Park Service officials, who feel that the very best way to fully see Stelwer viewed personally. and enjoy this, and other National While at the experiment station he Interviewed the man In charge Parks, is by hiking or horseback. of the pea weevil control studies, To this end, trails are rapidly be­ ing improved and constructed here. considered vital to the seed and green pea industry. He viewed the The Lassen Peak trail, which take« work with flax being conducted off from the scenic loop highway, there, the government seed testing a paved and standard first class laboratory, the hop breeding and road, is an example of the type disease control Investigations and of trails now being constructed in the forage plant development work, our national parks. It is 2 S miles in length, four feet wide, of a grade all In the farm corps department. ------------------------ --------- -------- . _ ..__, , LOW DEMAND IS FACTOR III SLUMP Firrt Social Event on Thanks­ Mr W. L. Dunagan who first giving Day Succeaaftil; plants corn over the thistle patch O. A. C. Economist Blame* and then turns turkeys In It late In Decline in Buying Power New Music is Planned l ----------- Ihe summer. The thlstl-s are cut for Low Price Levels 'Steep Slopes Surmounted by Efforts to Cripple Cooper*-! Springfield_Man; Mora Peo- pie Use Trails in Parks tlve Work in Agriculture to Meet State Opposition Mr Hugh Lansbery of Spring w e^ fn v esU w S T h e Legion Plans for ON SILVERTON FARM unique but apparently effec­ Dance Saturday tive A method of eradicating Canada From the family album of Mrs. Sara Delano Roosevelt, mother of the President-Elect, comes picture of mother and son Franklin Delano Roosevelt was 3 months old Left is the picture of mother and son, taken at the Hyde Park, N. Y. home since Mr. Roose­ velt's election to the presidency . , , the two pictures spanning fifty years . . . and fulfilling the dream of every mother—and son. . low, The President-Elect's cottage al Warm Springs, Ga., where Ms. Roosevelt is now spending a vacation, and also conferring Democratic leaders. Visits at Waltervills— Miss Ann McGookin spent Sunday visiting with friends at Waltervllle. Leaburg Man Here—John Wilts lot Leaburg was a business visitor tbe Government »10.000 to con !«» Springfield on Friday WalterviUe Has New Grange head Arthur Frazee Chosen Master at Annual Election Meeting Held Friday Evening Jensen forced Arthur Frazee wus elected mas­ Into Achiu Bout ter; and Kenneth Jennings overseer Unsportamnnahip Last Week BEEKEEPERS LAUNCH BIG Cause Commissioners to Withhold Earnings Friday 5-YEAR PROGRAM WORK TOW N AND VICINITY Yakima Man Here—C. M Jay­ nes of Yakima. Washington was a visitor in Springfield Sunday. | Th > aucceaa with which the off twice late In the summer, then I Thanksgiving dance wan greeted at when the turkeys go In they nip ' the Thurston hall last Thur day off every weed shoot as It emerges , night has resulted In plans lor an from the ground. The method was lother even better dalle.« to be reported to (1. It. Ilyslop. head of (stag tl there Saturday of th s week, farm crops at Oregon State college, according to J. M Larson, finance who say i It holds Interesting poa officer of the Springfield American slbllltlea as a variation of the dean I.eglnu post, sponsors of the cultivation method of eradication dancee. The Thanksgiving day dance was the first of the reason to be held by the local group Others will be announced at Intervals during the I winter months. An entirely differ­ ent orchestra will provide the music Saturday right Beekeepers have adopted a five year program of activities by which Here on Business— A. A. Camp­ It is hoped greatly to strengthen bell, farmer of Waltervllle, was a the Industry In this stale, reports business visitor In Springfield on H. A. 9cullen. bee specialist at Ore- j gon State college who has been re Monday. elected secretary of the state or Collects Bounty— Orval Kissin­ ganlsattoo. ger of Fall Creek collected a *2 This program Is a slx-polnt one bounty on one bob-cat pelt at the and includes Increased membership, office of the county clerk Saturday. better disease control through state Emergency Operation—Miss Doris supervision, standardization and Dozier underwent an emergency grading of Oregon honey, more a 1 operation at the Pacific Christian vertislng of honey as a food, con­ tinued exhibits at the state fair hospital Tuesday evening. and Pacific International, continued Substitute Carrier— LeRoy Nice support and ultimate expansion of carried the city mall route Tuesday work of the Pacific slope bee ex during the vacation of Orson perlment station. Vaughn. J. Skovbo of Hermiston Is Ihe new president and S. D. Williams, Corbett People Here — Mr. and Portland, vice-president. Mrs. George Lusby of Corbett are here visiting with Mr. Lusby's mother. Mrs. C. N. Lusby. Lincoln School Notes Will Thor (Thunder God) Jensen from Elkton behave himself in (he ring this evening when he goes after Walter Achiu again or will he continue his same rough tactics? Many people are wondering and It is sure that a large crowd will be present to see what happens. Jensen Is under a kind of police discipline being administered by the Eugene Wrestling commission. Last week he became unmanage­ able In the ring and after off Harry Elliott's trousers, con­ tinued his activities outside of the bounds of the ropes. The commis­ sioners demanded that ho demon­ strate that he can wrestle clean and that he meet Achiu again this week, It being contended that the Chinaman lost the match unfairly. Jensen's purse last week was held bark until after the match tonight. He has not reacted favorably to this but has agreed to the match and ought to be well-primed for a hard conteat tonight % Billy (Itoughbouse) Coggins of Tacoma will meet Kid Fenton of Edmonton. Canada. In the 45- min­ ute special event Fenton la a new­ comer but Coggins was here before in a match with George Pete. of the Waltervllle grange when Ihai organisation elected new officers Friday evening. Leland Sbroml Is the naw secretary-treasurer. Other officers chosen are Mias Emma Goddard, seeress; Mrs. Cle­ ment, Pomona representative, Mias Grant, flora; Mrs. Frame. chaplain; Mrs. Frank Page, lecturer; Hugh Goddard, steward; Mrs. Becker, lady steward, and Mr. Grant. 8. J. Goddard, and Mr. Clement, mem­ bers of the executive committee. Waltervllle Is Ihe youngest grange organization In tbe county having been organised less Ilian one year. FRUIT. NUT MEN MEET Both the genet nt level of farm prices and Ihe liulex of factory payrolls In the United States hav. dedli wl 60 percent since October, 102«. according Io Ihe monthly summary of the trend of demand, prices gad costa of (arm products just released by the agricultural i xli-nslnn service. In commenting on this fact, L. It. Ilrellbaupt, college extension eco- iiutulal, said, "The decline In (he t.urchaslug power of consumers ap pears Io be much more of a reason for the great decline In farm prices than the slight changes which have occurred In Ihe total supply of (arm I roducls from year to year." The report polnta out that more than the usual seasonal Increase has occurred since August In In­ dustrial production, factory employ- nieul and payrolls, and In general buslnees activity. On the other hand all of the gains made In Ihe general level of wholesale prfi-ea from June to Heptember have beeu lost and the general level of farm prices has declined over 6 percent since mid September. Farm Purchases Start Down The position of Federal Reserve member banka to make loans haa continued to Improve, but actual bank loans oulahle of Naw York City, and New York commercial In tereat rates, have continued to de­ cline. Some encouragement la to be had because the decline In farm prices has I mm - ii imrtly offaet by lower prices for commodities bought by farmers. However, the coal of pro­ ducing farm products haa not de­ clined nearly aa much as farm In­ come, says the report. The Index of Oregon farm prices was given at 45 percent of the aver­ age level from 1*26 to 1*20, with the United States average at 42 Compured with the pre-war level of (arm prices, the Index for the whole country was 6» percent The Index of prices paid by farinera was 107 percent of pre-war compared with 122 a year ago and 163 as the aver­ age from 1*26 to 1*30 culture, small fruit breeding where j *trnct 11 has been found tbat “ Sister Dies - John Cassidy re IN SALEM DECEMBER 6 aa many as 60,000 seedlings and take* average visitor from 1S I ce|vet) word here Friday of the varieties of strawberries have been t0 h®“™ ,0 make tbe a8cent death of a sDter in New York Many Interesting Projects eno and are being investigated; the <” > this trail, and although all agree Probleme to Be Discussed By J. J Cabe of vegetable disease control work, and «“at the climb take, plant, ot Bus.nes. Experts at Meeting energy, none regret the trip or lack Cedar Flat was a business visitor the canning and preserving work in enthusiasm over it on their return, in Springfield Saturday. the products laboratory. Co-opera Tbe annual meeting of tbe West tlve animal disease control work, Wendling Man Hers—Seth Byer eru Nut tiruwers association will and potato and bulb disease investi­ I McKenzie Valley I of Wetdling was a visitor in be held in Salem. December 6 and 7, gations were also viewed. • Springfield Saturday. and the annual meeting of the Thanksgiving gatherings and State Horticultural society, Decem­ Vida Man Here— W. C. Allen. family reunions were numerous ber 7. 8 and V, both meetings at Vida farmer. was a bus'neaa visltor Visitors Here— Mr and Mrs. The play "The Pilgrims and their here the past week. (he Salem Chamber of Commerce. Thurston rngfield S.:turday. Walter Hofstadter of Oregon City Journeys" will be presented at the Among these were Mr. and Mrs. in Senator Sam Brown of Marlon are here visiting at the home of assembly period Friday by the boys county who baa 20 acres of filberts, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mathews William Hucka. who had as their! (n from Blue R ver—Chari s ard girls in the second division of will discuss the growing of Barce­ entertained the Gray family, Mrs. guests Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hucka Gruhuing of Blue River was a bual- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver. the 8-B grade. and children of Fall Creek. ness visitor in Springfield Saturday. lona filberts. Mathews' folks, for Thanksgiving On Coast Trip—-George Vallier BE SURE OF MUSHROOMS Boys in the junior high school are Mr. and Mrs. George WHlian en­ Fred Groner, pioneer English wal­ dinner. Guests numbered 28. Those and Riley Snodgrass returned Tues­ BEFORE EATING. ADVICE tertained Mr and Mrs. Frank Page Jasper People Here — Mr. and now taking regular gymnasium nut grower of Hillsboro will show coming from a distance were Mr. day from Florence. They spent tout "There Just Isn't any such uni­ Mr. and Mrs. Osmer Stacy. Carolyn Hrs. Ralph Forcum of Jasper were work each Monday and Wednes films of a trip to Europe last sum and Mrs. Lum Mays and Frank days on the coast. versal mushroom rule," Is the an­ and Janet Stacy. Mrs. Carolina visitors in Springfield Monday. day. Their -classes are held at the nier and tell how Europeans grow Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley swer that II I*. Ilarzs. head of the Stacy at Thanksgiving dinner. high school gymnasium at eleven Returns Home— Mrs. Ella Frum walnuts. Mr. Groner manages Gray and family from Signal. Mrs Mother Visiting Here — Mrs. W botany department at Oregon State 400 acres of walnuts. Alberta Davenhill and three daugh­ Mrs. Gina Momb and Mrs. John ' ‘ H. Riddell of Detroit is here visit- returned to her home at Junction o'clock. Upper W illam ette college, has to give to the many Girls of the eighth grade cooking Electric hotbeds will be demon­ ters from Lowell, and Miss Lois Holm had several Invited guests for I ing at the home of her daughter. City Sunday. She has been visit­ inqulrlea this (all wanting to know the day. ing here with her daughter, Mrs. club and the girls glee club held a * - strated and discussed. It lisa been Mathews from Toledo. , Mrs. Gertmde Wilson. how Ihey can distinguish (he edible Tire Homecoming for Pleasant Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carter were candy sale at the school Wednes E. C. Stuart. Last Friday evening the teach­ said that hens have been fooled by from the polsunous muabrooms. day noon. Proceeds will be used In Hill high school was held Friday III With Influenza— Miss Irene ers, Misses Hasel Edmiston and host and hostess to a group of 11 Returns from Trip— Mrs. P. J. paying for song books for the Jun­ night In the Pleasant HUI gymnaa extra llgbt, why not seeds and "I think Ihe best plan la to de- including Mrs. Paralee Gibson. Mrs Jeter, nurse In Dr. W. N. Dow's Helen Byler, and students of Mt. plants by extra beat? Bartholomew, her children. Richard pend on somebody 1« ynwr toegFtv ium. There were three games of Vernon school gave a dedication Pleasant Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Chas | dental office, has been 111 this week and Mary Alice, and Misses Audrey ior high school. The development of alse and Listen on the radio between 8 basketball. The high school girls quality prunes and cherries are who really knnwa mush rooms Io program In honor of the new addi­ Carter and family. Mrs. Frank with the influenza. and Jeannette Thompson returned tearh you to recognize certain edl defeated the alumni girls by a core and 8:30 Thursday evening. The tion and remodeling and repainting Moore and Angeline Perry. Sunday from Oregon City and Port­ school will broadcast a program of 47 to 6. After a hard tussle the also on the program for (be three- ble kinds,” says Professor Baras. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ayers' list of i Haa Operation-M E. Mulvey of of the school building. ilay meeting. land where they have been visit­ "There la no bulletin or publication alumni boys defeated the high Arch Shough who is working at Thanksgiving guests included Mrs CoburB »Derwent an operation at ing during tbe Thanksgiving holl over station KORE In Eugene. Every Interested person Is Invited Ayer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas ,he Pac,flc Christian hospital Mon to help the Pacific coast mushroom school team by a score of 27 to 23. Bend spent the week-end with his to attend the meetings. No member days. «»Hector.’’ Loporte of Eugene and aunt. Miss day‘ After these two games were played VERNON OERBER GIVEN family here. ships are required for attendance. "There are hundreds of kinds the boys of '31 played (he boys of At Grant, paw —Dr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell have Laporte of Portland. Endeavor Plans Told— Sterling PARTY ON BIRTHDAY that are not poisonous hut It la un­ '29 defeating them In a very rough Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Slaven’s w . c Rebhan spent the first half returned from a trip to Portland Cash, president of the Lane county TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS safe to eat mushrooms unleaa one and Salem visiting their children guest list included Mrs. Arch John- 0( the week at Grants Pass where Christian Endeavor union spoke at Friends of Vernon Gerber sur- game by the score of 24 to 21 Re The semi-annual teachers' exami­ Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Endicott and ston. three grandchildren, who are they have property interests, the meeting of the local group at prised hint Tuesday evening at the freshments were then served to all nations will be held at the County knows the particular kind gathered present. her houseguests. Hudson Fountain. I Court room commencing Wednes­ la safe, and can Identify It poaltlve- Mr. and Mrs. Belmont Russell. the Christian church Sunday even- heme of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oakridge Man Here—T. C. Max- ing. He explained the plans which H. E. Gerber, with a birthday party. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dent and fam day, December 21st at *:0O o'clock ly among other aorta. If that la not Miss Ella Baugh motored to Cor­ J. W. Fountain and son, Erwin. possible the safest thing 11 to let Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Rauch and wel> of Oakridge was a business are being made to entertain the About 30 were present. Games and lly of Ro: eburg, Oregon spent A M anil lasting until the 23rd. vallis with friends last Thursday Teachers who are planning to them alone.” family of Portland. Mr and Mrs »tsltor in Springfield Monday. He state rally to be held in Eugene light refreshments featured the Thanksgiving day with Mr. and take and spent the day. tbe entire examinations or sev­ Carrol Rauch of Eugene were wa* registered at ihe Springfield next April. Mrs. J. A. Phelps. eral subjects for exemption, kindly evening's program. In defeating the University of There were several parties dur notify us and we will send you a School Meeting Set — Regular Thanksgiving guests at the J. 9. hotel while in the city. inv the Thanksgiving week-end. schedule when the subject« will Rochester by a score of • to 0. Ho­ monthly meeting of the school and Walter Rauch homes. Returns Wednesday— Mis. Eva be given. Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Kooxer's The Intermediate Endeavor gave a board for December will be held E. J. MOORE. Co. School 9upt. bart College football team won It* Miller returned yesterday from Thanksgiving guest list included hard time party at the home of erond victory In 31 starts. ( I) I 8-16) Monday night. „ j „ - . . . , i Klamath Falls. She was injured In ... ------ Mr. and Mrs. Del Benson and chil- . _ Miss Nancy Barnum. All the young . . . . . . -- . ’an automobile-train accident in Eu dren, Mrs. John McNutt. Mr. and folks came dressed in old time HOW ONE WOMAN LOST , . . . .. than Wilbert Robinson did In 14 Is reported to be getting along nice­ Mr. and Mrs. Lester Millican and eiaed rengra o f other m ennfec- surest way to lose fat—your money ture,b uilt to «elletrlctly on price years. daughter, Dorothy, were guests at ly now. gladly returned. the home of her parents. Mr. and CALL FOR WARRANTS Mrs. Z. C. Collins. NOTICE Is hereby given that Mr. and Mrs Hal Jennings have K now ing that Quality, Beauty and PRICE £ 1*tr,Ct ’i?, 1#’ , n, hLM"e moved to the Chas Sylvester prop County, Oregon, will pay at the of _ . . must go hand-in-hand, we have cooperated flee of clerk of said district, a ll, erty they purchased a few weeks w ith the M ONTAG factory to make pos­ warrants to and including 242». aR°- Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester have dated September 30. 1*32. Interest moved to Springfield to make I heir sible these outstanding range values. ceases after December J, 1932. home. Mr. Sylvester has operated C. F. BARBER, Clerk MONTAO quality, beauty and sturdy construction, ] a service station and small store NOW featured at price* which compare favorably at Waltervllle the last few years. NOTICE with undersized merchandise of other manufactuaa. A Thanksgiving dance was held OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN at the W. R. White home. that the undersigned has filed his •S ee our complete display of these The sum of *10.76 was raided Final Account as ADMINISTRA­ beautiful ranges Today. Learn how last night at a program given by TOR of the Estate of Raleigh C. easy we have made it for you to have a Roney, deceased. In the County tbe Deerhorn P. T. A. Proceeds will MONTAG range ia your own kitchen Court of the State of Oregon for be used for a Christmas tree and lame County, and that said Court program In the community. has fixed Monday, the 2nd day of Mrs. Leland Shrode was given January. 1*33. at the hour of ten The Greatest Joy will accompany an electrical ';ift. Every day In the yaar will bring o’clock A. M., to the County Court a shower at her home Wednesday. Room of the Court House of Lane Twelve guests were present and thought« of aMpReoiaUoa from Mother. There ie an electrioal gift for every j purse County. Oregon, in Eugene, Oregon, brought many beautiful and useful aa the date, time and place for the ™ said a«.« Final ru .m zxcvuuai anu i ' Mr' *nd Mr" 9hrode ar