THURSDAY. DBCEMBBR1, IBM ........... ...... ■' 1 ■■ THE RPRINOFIBLD NEWS '■ a e Halls Fruit A Produi-e ,230 33; ! Siena J Kdblom ,4 60; Grace M Phillips »142; H K Beuta ,8 * 2 ; Brewer „ . M ; C. T. Ti " It niuat be awful t ba « d »bi ! » ik „ ; Kish Murphy Co. ,322.2»; H. H flutti» ,4 60; Mary J lx>rd ,4.60; Gertrude Palmer »8*2. George 96.00; Oeahen Orange „ .0 0 ; Al­ Margaret collecter. You mual bi unwt icom.' ' Mendenhall ,3.00; Burtels Market Frances L. Nichols ,4.60; Huele Warner »7 28; M W. Edmuneon berta K. Morris Cooley | Ceorge Po< wherever you go," NOVKMSKR, 1232 »2.66; Aa-heson's Grocery ,5 30; Garroute »4 60; Grace Brand »4.60- »7 8»; C. R Lowrv ,7 4 9 ; D J. C a i ter »7 SO; M M Wheeler „ 00; Aaa , „ 0 0 ; "On tbe contrary, praetlcnlly i A D VER TISIN G : Guard Publish Fug<-ne Ambulsna-a- Co. »6 00; Anna Swanson ,v 60- I, Belle Ma-n vert »7 88; O. J Carmony 97 8»; E Tilton ,7 0 8 ; Carl Bllrup 16 00; Jessie M ’ .36; Sprtngf'eld d nhall 94.50; W II everybody Baku ma to call UKUln"i Ing Co »67 16; The Springfield flFa>v«nsa>n's Inc ' strander J H Med*. -« »2 3’ Rufus C. 8tnne- Louise Higgins „ 00; School Dlst. Peery ,20.00; Korea News $56.15; Guard Publishing Co Creamery Co. »33 10; Htate Indus »7.12 Pearl Nelson ,7.13: Mabel field »8.37; Get. F. Stonefleld No. 45 „ 0 00; Lafe Prlndel »150; »„.0 0; Cent - trial Accident Com »10.29; Safe­ Smith ,7 1 2 ; M trnle L W tllltts ,8 37; Viola B Larsen ,8 37 John Thelma Jenkins ,1.00; Elmo Sum­ Gfa Sanders ,20 00; Lulu (12 50 AHHEHSOR' Hlellii Wilkinson way Store ,63.44; Wm Maddaugh <7.13- Cora E. Common »7 13; O. O. L. Baker »4 37: S L. Bond »7*3. mers »100; School Dlst No. 19. Bergman »30 00; Kthel Estate of Charles K. Brattaln. D» 2I17HO; Agnes O'Brien »117.00; ,23 93; t'mphrcy A Mackin ,81 01; Veat-h »4 87: R F W alker ,4 87: W L. Zumwalt ,7 8 8 ; L. C. Ross »25 00; Springfield Library »6 00; Doran ,20 00; Floesle Christi ceased. Jcmse Sylvia Griggs ,4 87; Elisabeth ,7.88; J. E Coldren »7 6», J. W I Ernest E. Schrenk ,6.00; Chas. »30.00; Hilm a Parncworth „ 0 0 0 , Bertha Neat »80 (>0; Adelaide I. Hharp’s Orocerv ,31 90 NOTICK »7 68: J W David Moore. Clerk »6 00; I S Dav ,6 00; Hertha V. Meyer ,30.00; Alma Cartier »36 00; Pacific Tel A T e ll Chrl tensen »8 09 Irish t'ash Store M ila »4.»7; Nellie Pitcher ,4 27; M aiw ell OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T »7 60 O. B ,4.87; Emma A. Chet Vanderberg 22.66; H am Jor­ son Co 17 40; H P Markusen (167 60; »14 »5; On <-e Br>< k Horton Lorane Grange »7 50; W illiam Mad LucIUe Russear ,„ .0 0 ; Lucy Rob- gensen 22 66; Florence Small 98 66; ,4.87; Lena Fries ,4.87; V. L. Spur­ (laugh ,3.50; J Ben Hall ,6.00 btns »20_00L Lottle Moor« OU.M ; Notice Is hereby given that Elva ! O. H. Junes (2320; Cressey» »3.16. Crowe »3 00: M. .1 * rncl >1 21 . CRAZY C R Y S TA LS Bancroft Anita Grannis 9*66 ; Pearl Humph­ geon »4»7; Goldie Grtvey ,4.87; Mamie Knox Heldler »7 00; LRIIe j Hertha W alker »35.0«; Katb?ya C. M Brown, administratrix, with the I A U D ITIN G : C. A. Horton »60 00 CIRCUIT C^’ l 'ItT : A Mineral W ater Treatment, Rae-se Wingard Whitney Co. »8.26; rey 9* 66; Olive L. Rede »4 50; Jens C Larson ,4 60; L illy W W PlUman »5 00; H all A Johnston , Nolan will annexed of the eatate of BO UN TY: David llennlgan ,35.0<); Jennie llrlngs a Health Kaaorl to You. Charles E Brattaln, deceased, ha« »3 00; W P Riggs »200; M It f * r no; American I aw Rook Co Grayce Cruson »4 60; Ruby Wynne Young ,4.60; Annie Lea ,4.60; May 86 00; Mrs. Francia Nlrholw ,6.00; ¡»»6.00; Mary A. Huh 10 E 7th, 31 W 3th, Eugene, Ph 1704 filed In the County Court of the McDonald (2 00; M ike Briggs (3 00; »2.00; R. N . Appl’n r »56 86 M R. *4 60- J e s - |e M s t h e v - •< 20- ^ th e l Gardner ,4 60; Annie Harp »4 60; W J. Holland in.i ,6.00; tr. tu»- n ir Fry ' • Hasel Margaret Allen O. K. Htate of Oregon, In and for Lnn»' It C. Htnnefleld »4 00; Wm Me McDermott 813.50 C C. Pollock Markin ,4.60; Jas F f!af1a»v ,8 76; Ooy W M iller »4.60; Marte R. ,6 00. Thelma M r Peek. Tree« t l i V. Thomaeon »26 00 »46 00; Pacific Tel A Tolg Co R "»i Parker »8 76: E’ ■!« Mae Cur- Williams ,4 50; Abbie E. Uttinger »2.0«; County, her final report aa such j Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Wheeler ,25.00; Ara Mahan (12 00; Otto Briggs »200; Ft ft HALE Standard make piano adm inistratrix; and that ten! Charlas Morris »2 00; W B Patten «13 05 Laura D. Stone 916 46; H rin »2 76; Annie K Pe'rle *276; $4.60; Bertha Nelson ,4.50; Caro­ ,6 00; Geo L. Mast ,5 00; H arry W ,25 00; Mabel Gott ,30.00; uuur Hprlnfflold. W ill uacrlflre O'clock In the forenoon of Hatur-i »2 00; H O. M artin »6 00; W. E M. Hklnworth 821.00; Railway Ex-1 Flovd L. Hunter »2 76-, ton De E line E. Swank »4 50; C. B. Wash Kirk ,2 4 3 ; C. A. Peterson ,6 00; Lou Burch ,35.00; R. K for unpaid balancu. A anap. Easy day. the 2th day of December. 1232. Buchanan (4 00; Elmer Russ »2 00; press Caa. 81.85- Wa-st Publishing Co. Cons 14 60; Hester I It- d $4 60 buree »3.78: Cleta Ray »3 76; Ira Oray ,7.00; W C. Hall <6 00; ,36 00. Mosburg »300; Fred ,6.00: ('. N. Johnston »10.00; Cres •'«-vs P. Harvey $< 60; Mabel E Kathryn E. 11 cks »3 76; C. F. Phil­ A. J. Acheson »6.00; L. H. Der> taruia, W rit« Tallm an Plano at tha courtroom of said court In Rulnti W Twelve-man football ts Kugene. Oregon, have been by the Quinn (3 00; August Idiubh (3 00; eys »3.82; Oregon Motor Stages Chambers $4 50; Jean E Ixing lips ,3.76; Anne Pettarson ,3.76; $6 00; Neva Briggs »3.00; Andrew Store, Ha lout, Oregon. court fixed us the time and place Rodney Husey (4.00; C. Olson $5.00; Osburn Hotel ,32 60; Carl $4 60 Jno Beck $8 82; L ira Miller Levi Berkshire »7.60; Finis Taylor Baker ,5 00; 1. O. O. F Hall »7 60; tried out In a recent game between (N 17 24 — I) 1) of hearing objections to said re (3 00; Cl. 0. Hcott »10 00; Ralph W llaabblns ,6 00; R. N. Appling $8 82; Uertntde Howe $8 *2; Grace ,7 60; Arola Marple ,7 60; Marlon W. A. Ward »1.0«; H. O. Buttle Occidental College and Santa Bar­ B Sedgwick $8*2; Edno M flm>th Wheeler »7.60; Andrew W Graham $2 00; J. M. Vas Binder »5 00; Tom port and for tha final settlement Phillips »2 00; A. A. Whlpps (4 00; $110.00; Thaimss S. Wells $32 00. bera State. The twelfth man, act­ F, I,. Mnurer »3.00; Alva Hwearln "Whenever I aaa you I think of of the estate of said deceased. C O R O N ER : Bob Copenhaver $882; K A. Schwerin« $4.50; J. E. »7.60; Cheater Ayres »9 75; C. A Short »1.50; I. Slayter A Sow. ELVA M BROWN, Adminis­ gen »4 00, 9220; Richard H Hoger-i. M. D Nolan $4 50; Fanny I-eabo $460; Schooling ,0.75; James McMullen ,10.00; Bertha M Durbin ,5 00; ing as a field general, did not enter Jones." tratrix of the Kstate of Charles Presbyterian Church the actual physical contest, but ran CARB O F POOR: V O. A Lulu $260; W J. Ixiokrr $6 00; C. E Ixie Land $4-60; Irm a Ogram $4.60; ,9.76; Gordon Kelso 99.75; I. R Fairmount "Uul I'm not a bit Ilka Jonaa." K. Brattaln. Deceased Hoars »13938; Ivu A Clair Mur Frost. M D. $1000; C. V Simon Ivan H. Ware $2 37; Cornelius Bu­ Howard 99.75; N W. W hite 94 76; "8 00; Bethany Evangelical Church around with the referee as an ob chanan $2.37; Mrs. Jessie I-eaf Frances Patten »0.76; Tlllte B *7.50; Glenada Grange ,4.00; J. C. “Yes, you ara. You both owe nt« A. E W H E E L E R . Attorney. dock $89 38; C. J Breler Co. »2 12; $4915; Ardls Hamilton ,10 00. server, advising his team In the $8.37; Gertrude Baner $2.37; Flor­ Dugan ,8.75; Ina M. Godard „ .7 6 ; K irk ,3.00; Fanny Leabo ,5.00; M (N 10-17-24— D 1-3) Kelly Drug Co, »920; Mrs. M M. »10." C LERK : S. E. Skene ,124 00; huddle before each line-up where ence K Jenkins $6.06; I. O. Storey Emmerich »6.00; Mrs. Welnrlck Ixiulse McDole ,8 75; Mrs. F M His 16.00; Mrs. Heldeman 96 00; L. M Bryson ,11700; Eva L Mrs M. J Beckett »6 00; Jesse C. Duckworth ,10800; Sibyl Westfall $4 60; Fred Smlgley $4 60; J. V. Chapman ,4.50; Mrs. Geo. M. Keb- ,2.50; Arthur B. Mlnney , l . M ; Ar weakness appeared to crop out In Fleck $4.60; O. V. Liles $4 50: Wal elbeck »4 50; Myra Counts ,4 50; •hur W. Frazee »3.00; Mrs. F. A. the opposing team. On defense be NOTICK OF HKARINO Jones »6 00; Mrs. E A W hite ,100.00; Grace M. L. TRKAOUNY O ER A R TM gN T Dawson OF F IN A L ACCOUNT »2.00; C. II Ixtep »200; W. W ,10800; Helen Sorensen ,20.00; lace I I Davis $4.60; E B. Doane Nora Yearoua „ .5 0 ; Mabel M Rus- Titus ’ 5.00; lu lu Shirley «5.00; L stood with the head linesman, tak­ Office of lha Comptroller of tbe NO TIC K IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : Lyon» »2 00; Mrs. N. E. Herbert Sara Allen ,90.00; M. E McDer »2 00; W J Holland 99 00; J. J. 'ell „ 6 0 ; Sam J Godard ,7.60; C. Ackerley »1.00, School LHet. No. ing no active part In the game. McCulloch $9 00; H. J Rlecg $9 00; A. A. Johnston ,7 6 0 ; Sam Swaf­ 91, »6 00. Fred L. Shepard »6 00; Currency, Washington, I). C., That the undersigned admlnlstra (6 00; Charley Young »7.00; Harah mott »95 00; Ethel Thompson • • e F C. Petxold $9 00; Nellie Juhl ford »7.50; Arthur W. Frazee »7.60; H. J. Ehrman »6 00; A. R Christ November 10, 1032. • tor of tha eatate of W illiam H. Wlgle »8 00; Jesse Taylor »8 00; ,8000; Mabel Henry ,90 00; Pact «7 30- Geo. A. Davis »5 06; Vera J. Elmer Pepiot ,7.60; J. W Bemis eases »5.00; Mrs. Lora B Perdew The International Hockey Lea­ Roach, deceasied. has filed his ac­ Frank Mason »»Off; Hattie Bowers flc Tel A Telg Co. »12.00; Bur li hereby given to alt per count for the Bnal settlement of Holland ,7 30; Mary B Estes ,8.26; C. H. Wlnecoff ,8.25; Emma »6.00; Wlllakenxle Grange »5.00; gue season will open November 11. (MOO; Marv W ilbur »8 00; Forreat roughs Adding Machine Co. sons who may have claims agalnat said estate In the County Court Fischer (8 0 0 ; Mrs. E. C Kull »11.26; W B Dtllard »1.75; D. E $7 30; Benjamin ». Estes. Jr. $7.30; G. Kelsey ,8 25; J. W. Massey Mrs. J. R Coleman ,7.50 Each team w ill play 44 games. F R U IT INSPECTO R: C. E. Stew­ "The First National Bank of for lam - County, In the State of (MOO; Mrs. N ettie Haling (K00; Yairsn ,36.00; Anna Huberd ,78 00; Harry W K irk $8 05; Isaac O. ,8.26; L 'llle Sutherland ,8.25; J. Land $8 06; C. D. Van Dine $8.06; W Massey ,8.26; E. L. Edwards art „ 7 51; E. J. Loucks ,55 44; Oregon, and that Saturday the Nell McDonald »8 00; Kllxabeth P. Koke-Chapman Co. ,180.80; The Springfield," Oregon, that the same N O T IC E II. R. Shearer $8.06; C. A. Peterson ,9 00; W. H. Hunt ,9.00; Nell Purk- State Industrial Accident Com. 10th day of Decamber. 1932, at the Chandler (8.00; Lulu Gaddy (10.00; must be preeented to Lloyd II. Court Room of said Court In the Mrs Peter A. King »10 00; C. E W illam ette Press »1.00. $8 06; Peter P. Colgaard $2.75; C. erson ,9.00; Isaac Jones „ 00; H. ,1.38. AG AINST STOCK R U N N IN G A T CO U N TY CO URT: J. N. Chap­ E Duckworth $9.75; Dalton O. Kelley, Itacelver, with the legal County Court House, In Kugene, Adam < »10 00; Adda Klemensrb- C. Bushnell ,9.00; Dale R. Winn HEALTH O FF IC E R : Minnie LARGE IN OAKRIDGE PRECINCT man »3.00; O. E Crowe »2.45; Pa­ proof thereof within three uioolha Oregon, at ten o'clock in the fore­ nelder »10 00; George Savage cific Tel A Telg Co. »17.30; J. N Jean $976; Mark T. Burns $9.75; »825; Mabel Cox ,8.26; R. A. Cox Scott ,1.00; Dr. Geo. P. Edwards It appearing from the abstract E. V. Schiller 29 76; O. B. Pitcher ,8.26; John M allette ,8.25; W. H. from thia data or they may be dla- noon. has been by said Court iixed »10.00; Andrew Erlckaon (10.00; Chapman »3.00: C. P. Barnard $7.00; Edward A. Bond ,4.87; Maloy ,8.25; E. 8. Addison ,9.93; ,1 7 6 ; Mrs. Kathryn Hicks ,6.00; of votes cast at the regular General aa the time and place for hearing Mrs R E Cox »10 00; Florence ,1 5 0 ; Mrs. M artha PDtb ,3 0 0 ; Mrs. Nettle J. Nell »2.00; Wayne Election for Lane County, Oregon, al lowed. Esther De Ross ,4.87; Annie E. E. Farman ,9.93; Martin Foster E. Elliott »3.75; Mrs Mary Gray objections thereto, and for final Armstrong »10.00; Grare Bennett held November 8th. 1032, as made Clinton Hurd ,3.70; McGinty's G. Caley »4.87; E. E. Orton »9.93; Ethel Lynch ,9.93; Nettle »2.26. F. O. A W A L T, Acting Comp­ settlement of said eatate. (10.00; Susan Buttle »10.00; Henry ,2 05; Standard Oil Co. ,17.23; and declared by the Official Can­ C. A. I’ryor, Administrator of Bolin »10 00; Frank Bullis »10 00; Shell Oil Co. ,40.00; Equipment ,4.87; Rosa M LaJole ,4.87; Helen Moore »9 93; Asa E. Tilton ,10.50; troller of the Currency. H E A L T H S ER VIC E : Lane Co. vassing Board for said Election, Sylvester ,14 26; Sylvia Haggart Hosea M. Parvin ,10.60; Ernest the eatate of W illiam H Flora Snyder (10.00; Mrs. I. J Health Unit »712.03; Pacific Christ­ that the total number of votes caat »17.24. 1 F 10) Mooney ,10.60; Malcolm K. Malt- ,14 25; Sylvia Slckafoose ,14.26; Roach, deceased. Estes »1000; Benjamin Parrish ian Hospital ,15.00; Northwest In Oakridge Precinct In «aid Coun­ CO U N TY F A IR : Mabel H. Chad L. L. RAY, Attorney for estate. (10 00; Mrs. Blrhard Cook »10.00; wick ,100.00; Lane Co. Fair Assn Maude Walklnshaw ,14.25; lrva L. zan ,10.50; Robert Mauney ,10.50; Cities Gas Co. ,10.00. ty, on the question "For and NO TICK OF 0 H IR IF F 'S RALE Frank E. Blair ,0.00; R. C. Ed­ Dick »14.25, Edna L. Allison $2 37; (N 10-17-24— D I 2) E L. Pharos »10 00; Mallnds Smith ,46 00 IN D IG E N T SO LDIER; Henrik Against Stock Running at Largo," R IA L P R O P IR T Y wards ,9.00; Orace W alker »9.00; John M. Smlgley 99.37; Mamie E. »10.00; Della Kllnk »10.00; Mrs. Petersen ,10 00; Henry O. Guild was and Is 260 votes, and that of CO URT HOUSE: L. Toll ,44.82; James Gearhart »10.00; II 8 C. C. Pollock »44.75; J. B. Robert Stauffer ,9 3 7 : Marte Eaton ,9 3 7 ; Fay Neet ,9.00; Ellis Edward« ,10.00; Mrs. Thos. R. Follett ,25.00; said votes 87 votes were cast for NOT 1C 1C la hereby given that by »9.00; Joe Morris Jr. »4.87; John C. Laura M. Hulegaard ,9.37; Norah NOTICK Nichols »10 00; W T Davis »12 00; son ,22.76; stock running at large and 173 Mrs. Celia Messer ,25.00. Eugene Robertson virtue of an execution laaued out of OF F IN A L K K TTLK M K N T Jennie Barnard »12 00; Central »74.76; Owl Freight Line 60c; City Starr ,8 43; John R. Welborn ,8.43; Beck ,4.37; Andrew E. Jackson IN SA N E: Dr. B. F. Scaiefe votes were caat against stock run­ the Circuit Court of tba Htate ol ,4.87; Lawrence J. Plowman ,4.87; Mary E. Burgess ,8.43; Nellie »10.00; D. C. Stanard „ .0 0 ; Geo. ning at large In said precinct, with Notice la hereby given that the Hotel »12 00; Bertha Blais »14.00; of Eugene ,17 83; Fuller Bruih Co Oregon for 1-ane County thia 13th Edith McKune (16 00; Frances ,3.00; D D. Higgins ,34.00; Nick Emery ,8.43; Josephine E. Wood Wesley W hittaker „ .8 7 ; Archie O. P. Wlnchell »10 00; McMorran A boundaries described as follows: day of October, 1032. In a suit undersigned, T. K. Edwards. Kxe ,8.43; Iva Sawyer ,9.00; Frank Knowles „ .1 2 ; A. E. Elllngsen Waxhburne ,13.40; Oregon S ta te ! Shields (16.00; Helen Bushnell Commencing at the point Anton »8.25; Bray Bros. »4.50; Hall pending therein In which N. F. rutor of the Kstate of Mary K. Me »16.00; W D. Calkins »1600; C. A Shumway »2.56; M iM orran A Needham »9.00; Lydia W ellnitz ,4.12; Alberta K Morris „ 1 2 ; Bd. of Control ,1.609 00 which If platted and of record, Newbouae waa plaintiff and Robert Phereon, deceased, has filed his $9 00; W hilma Bond $9 00; Ferne Hulda E. Rice ,4.12; Norman Mor­ E Denney »16.00; R C. Shepard JU STICE COURT: W. H. S u lll-• would be at the mouth of the Wasbburne »11.00; R. A. Babb Holmes waa defendant, which axe Final Report and Account as such Henderson $900; Beryl Inman ris ,4.12; W alter Price »4.50; H. B. • utitm waa to me directed and Executor with the Clerk of the »16 00. M 8 Barker »16 00; E D lldwe Co. ,5.72; Williamson A Co.: $7.60; Hattie Gray ,7.60; Emma Smith „ .6 0 ; Ivan Saunders ,4.50; van ,2.75; J. E. Young ,7.50; John; North Fork of the Middle Fork Iaiwell »16 00; Julius A Grow of the W illam ette River and des­ L. Marsh ,3.70; O. E. Baker ,2.00; ,16.70; Eugene W ater Board commanded ma to sell the reel County Court of I juik County, Ore­ »16 00; Mrs. Alice O. Allen (16 00; ,23 63; Shell Oil Co. ,7.43. L. Toil { Monroe ,7.60; Jesse Inman ,7.60; James B. Henderson ,4.50; Her­ David Callantine ,1.60; Richard S cribed as N EM 8E14, Sec. 7. property hereinafter described to gon. and that Saturday, the 17tb man Mason „ .6 0 ; F. M. Mason P. I. Rust »7.60; J. W. Working W alter Baker »16 00; A W Perkins Twp. 31 S. R. 3 E.. W. M., thence Chamberlain ,1.60; Ramey Rngh ,48 60; W R. Fltt ,4.00; State Ind satisfy certain Hens and charges day of December. 1232. at 10:00 ,7.50; F. E. Dorsey ,7.50; Dorah ‘ $».00; Grace A. Hampton »9.00; up the right bank of the W illam ­ I will on Friday the 2nd day of o'clock In the forenoon In the »16.00; Luella Bristow »16.00; J. L. Accident Com. »3.73; A. E Hansen ¡Bessie fl. Hovey ,9.00; Nancy B. Hall »7.50; Darwin A. Neil ,7.50; »1.10; Harry T. Holden »1.10; Car­ ette River to the mouth of Sal­ rie E. Hurd »1.10; Clara Coleman December, 1011, at the hour of 10 County Court Room In the Court Kelly (1600; Minnie O. Smith Co. ,12.26. Nell G. Price »7.50; L. C. Akerley »16 00; Chris V. Tollman »16.00; mon Creek; thence up Salmon »1.10; L. O. Hulln »1.10; C. W Mul­ DIST. A T T O R N E Y : Gladys F. •Christensen »9.00; Martan Wilkins »8 55; H. J. o'clock. A. M at tha southwest House at Eugene. I.ane County, Earle »8.55; Marie 19.00; H. H. Wood »9.75; C. Sulli­ Creek to the old W illamette door of tha County Court llouae Oregon, has been set by the Hon Edith Hurd »16.00; Emma Oram Price »100.00; Kugene V. 8lattery van ,9.75; Margaret Rapp »9.75; Dwyer »8.55; V. E. Dwyer „ 5 5 ; lin »1.10: V irgil Rowland ,1.80; M arietta Bassett »17700; Pacific Tel A Telg Co. River to Dunning Road; thence In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, C. P Barnard. Judge of said Court, (12.00; Mrs. B. 8. 8hlrley »8.55; M. F. Stafford Antone Gill »1 80; George Plummer »1800; Mra. H. L. Anderson »2000; ,14.05. up Dunning Road to the South­ Stevens A Branstetter Hattie A. Gross »9.75; Hulda M ,7.87; Lee. B. Seavey ,7.87; Emma »1.80; T. O. Sanders »1.80; L. W offer for sale and sell at public aa the time and place of hearing Burr »9.75; George W. Graham ern Pacific Railroad; thence down Manerud ,1.00; B. L. Stewart ,1.80; auction fur cash, subject to redemp­ objections to the same, and for Mabel Goodman (16.00; Netta H a rt­ ,23.00. i,4.68; Slgna M Gilleuwater ,4.88; D. Spores »7.87; D. T. Spores »7.87; J. T. M iller »2 50; Dan Johnston the Railroad to Salmon Creak; DIST. SEALER: F. D Antrim tion aa provided by law, all of tha the final settlement of said estate. man (20.00; Good Samaritan Hos J. H. Kennedy »7.87; John Maurei • lla ttie Cordon »4.88; Catherine pltat »26.00; Bertha E. I’eery $43 22 thence up 8almon Creek to the ,18900; M Ethel Taylor »1.10; B. T E. EDW ARDS. Executor right, title and Interest of the i Baird ,4 68; Clara S. Curry ,4.28; »7.12; Arthur Belknap »7.12; Ar­ S. Estes ,1.30; W. O. »wan ,1.10; »26 00; 8 W infrey »25.00; Ixine Southeast corner of F lat Creek DOG F U N D : State Ind Accident Plaintiff lu said suit and of all par­ W E L I 48 A W ELLS. Attorneys. thur Runey ,7.12; John Stoble • Ixira B. Perdow ,11.25; Hulda M County Chapter A It C. »619 37; Com. $5.88; Hugo Brehm $12.60; R. S .; thence down Salmon Creek Elizabeth Beytein ,1.10; Geo. Mc­ (N 17 23 D I 2 16) ties claiming by. through or under It It Allumbaugh »1028; Haxel James E. Wells $2.50; Virgil Liles Roberta ,10.60; Alice F. Mannel ,7.12; Geneva W illiams ,7.12; C. Lean »1.10; Frank A. Tripp »1.10; Road to Flat Creek; thence np him or any of them. In or to tha R. Bailey »7 87; O. W Allison ) , 10.50; Erdine C. Collins ,10.50; Carter »1000; M ilo Hart »3.52; $22.50; S. C. Veatch $3.50; H. R. Flat Creek to a point where the following described real property, »7.87; Farm er Hale »7.87; H. G. C. W. Jury »1.80; Remington Rand »10.50; Ruth E. Pruett »10.50; W. M errill Bennett »17.60; Sella Bolce Brock Road crosses Flat Creek; Co. »13.80. Eatate of Laura L. Brattaln, De­ Nlghswander $133 00; Pacific Coast to-wlt; Suttle »7.87; Harvey Horn »7.87; T Hibbard »4 87; T. J. Callaway »66 00; E R. Schults »6 30; Hud thence up the Brock Road to the J U V E N IL E COURT: John L. ceased. Stamp Works 50c; Owl Fre'ght Beginning at a point 421.2 feet $4.87; Christine Turnbull »4.87; E. T. Templeman ,4.88; H. C. Mc- Marsh ,52.00; State Ind. Accident «on Duncan A Co. »12.82; Mra. F. R Line 50c; W. L Wheeler $129.70. National Forest boundary line; NO TICE North of the Houthweat corner Clane „ .8 8 ; James E. Roberts Hunt »27 25; Kelly Drug Co. »57.12; by said line ts meant the line OF F IN A L K K TTLK M K N T EM ERG ENCY: Leo Decker Sadie L. Tripp »4.87; Nellie M. »4.88; Richard D. Castle „ 8 8 ; Com. »2.50. of D. L. C. No. 43. running thence that separates alienated land SCHOOL S U P E R IN T E N D E N T : Notice Is hereby given that Elva J. C. Penney Co. »4.47; Mountain $50 00; L. Toll $18.37; Nick Anton Richmond »4 87; M ira A. Calef Chas. J. Hills ,4.68; J. B. Hills East 2222.60 feet to place of be- ,9.55; I. S. Day ,9.55; Delta Barger land from the National Forest; Pacific Tel. A Telg Co. »18.70; D. ginning; thence West 124 feet; M. Brown, administratrix of the States Power Co. »22 09; W C. $21.00; Ben Marks $9989; Gertrude »9.55; Cora V W hite »9.66; Nina »7.12; Mary M. Hensen »7.12; Grant E. Yoran »49.00; E. J. Moore thence along said line In a south­ thence Houlh 132.26 feet; thance Estate of Laura L. Brattaln. de­ Hall (1 3 6 ; E. R. S< hultx »6 77; Skow $5.93; Eugene Fruit Growers, Parker »9 55; J. W. Hobbs »10.87; Dean »7.12; Minnie B. W right ,172.08; Margaret E. Cutler ,80.00; westerly direction to the old W il­ South Mt* 44 min. Bast 214.10 ceased. has filed In the County Shields Grocery »22 86; Medo-land A sn. $42.98; State of Oregon Re-' A L. Whlpps »10.87; Anne Whlte- »7.12; Grace W alker »7 12; C. B. Irm a H. Stroud ,81.00; Laurence C. lamette Highway; thence down feet; thence North 14* 20 min. ¡Court of the State of Oregon, In Creamery »3.20; Central Market lief Council $18.48; H. W. Carson aker ,10.87; L. R Bussell ,10.87; Wheeler »8 82; F. O. Lemley »8.62; M offitt »219.38; School Dlst. No. 4. the old W illam ette Highway to Wua'l along the Pacific Highway und for Lane County her Dual re­ »12.80; Dunhams »8 41; Safeway $10.00; c A. Riggs $6 25; Rowena Margaret W. Curtis »10.87; Earle Ixtwrence Laird „ .6 2 ; E. Y. Swift i »3.15; Zellerbach Paper Co. ,2.53; the Southern Pacific railroad right 170.*0 feet to the place of begin­ port aa such adm inistratrix; and 8tor-> (22.85; Henry Cook »4 20; Nissen $115.00; Fendrlcb A Sons; D. Curtis »9.18; Elisabeth C. Joer- »8.62; F. W. Bearer »8.62; Rupert The Cottage Grove Sentinel ,5.25; of way; thence along the ning. all In Section 13 Township * that ten o'clock In the forenoon, of A F Burnet »27 50; Elliott Mer »50.00; B. O. Cram 38.00; O. E. B. Edwards »4.50; Fred Horsell E. J. Moore ,7.08; Cresseys »1.50. right of way to a point on “ beL9.“ Vi Ì 8’ 17 8 It 4 West W M„ I-aue Saturday the 2th day of December, cantlle Co. (28.98; Wm. Hodea Crowe »2 25; R A Babb Hardware ! A Eunice il Bloomfield »9.17; Mary ,4.50; O. N. Peterson »4.50; R. F. right of way due North of the S H E R IF F . Lloyd Howe »124.76; 1232, at the courtroom thereof In »10 00; Mrs. Carey Bailey »2.00; Co. »3 66; Western Box Co. $6 00; County. Oregon. point where the North Fork of Fruit Growers' Ass'n. Near »9.18; F. O. Taylor »10.87; Thom ,4.50; Jesse Harper ,4.50; Geo. F. Houghton »111.75; E. A Dated thia 1st day of November. Eugene. Oregon, have been by the Charlotte H. Stein »15.00; Mra. R. Eugene Orpha Poindexter »9.76: Otto Hor­ R. W. Pitney »6.00; N. L. Purker- the Middle Fork empties into the Holland ,111.75; A. E. Hulegaarc court fixed and appointed as the R. Ramsey »30 00; Mrs. Edna B. $100 46; l-eo Decker 40 00; Natron 1022. ton »9.75; Matte Townsend »9.76; W illam ette River; thence due son »6.00; C. F. M. Ruder »6 00; »111.75 W. W Edmiston »111.75; time and place for hearing objec­ Yarnell »3.00; F. M. Cashman Real­ Printing Co. $41.50; S. H. Robbins H. L. MOWN, Sheriff. Morna D. Eberhart ,9.75; R. H. Harold Edwards »6.00; H. J. Ehr R. W. Potter »111.75; Ethel 8cott South to the place of beginning. By A. K. H l ’ LKGAARD, Deputy. tions to said report and for the ty Co. »5.00; Dwight N. Kesaey »30.00; Ford Nelson M ill Co. $31.25; Townsend »10.87; Frank Poindex­ NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N man ,6.00; Jasper E. Allen »9.75; »81.00; W eltha T ra ile r ,88.00; final settlement of the estate of »600; N A Rowe »14.50; John A The Brund Saw Shop 45c; O. 8 (N S-10-17-22— D 1) E. M llliorn »9.75; Rose E. Sting George Canaday ,111.69; Wm. KIs that after sixty days from the date Bonserman (4.60; Mrs. H. fl Cox Fletcher $6.00; M. J. Thompson ter »9.76; James C. Parker »9.76; said deceanbd . .T i.-g a -'x s— .1 ELVA M. BROWN. Admlnla- »6 00; A. E. Thomas »8.00; Mrs $1.49; H. L. Johnson $3.72; Glen Melford Allen »9.76; Doris A. Hath ley ,9.75; Haxel M. 9m ith ,9.75; Inger »89 69; Pacific Tel A Telg Co. of this notice, to-wlt, on and after trlx of the Eatate of Laura L. E. W. Shelby $3.00; M 8 Barker Montgomery $25.33; L. Krallcek away »9 75; Nellie Brownell »9.00; Elsie E. Brvanh»9.75: Mamie Knox $49.90; J E. Carllle $139.55; Reid's the 25th day of the January, 1933, »8 00; Mra. C. B. Christensen 82 23; Chas. Riggs $5.23; O. Har J. W H uff »9.00; Fannie McAllister Be'dler »7.77; Chas. R. Dean »7.77; Creamery $20.20; Home Baking Co. It shall be unlawful for stock to Brattaln. Deceased. »12.00; J L. Hesse »1000; Mrs. wood 74c; Ray Worden $13.82; $9.00; A. A. Simmons »9.00; Mabel Mary C. Snauer »7.77; Dorothy C. $30.10; Lynn Wheeler $10.82; A. run at large in that part of «aid A. E. W H E E L E R , Attorney. M nnie Scott »6.00; Hansons Dalrv State Industrial Accident Com. J. Selover »9 00; Roxllla- Start Arnest »7.77; Mary C. Arne »7.77; M. Gilbert $4.44; Mrs. L. M Rear OAKRIDGE PRECINCT above de­ (N 10-17-24— I) 1-2) $9.18; Mav B. Cherry »9.18; Bertha Clvde E. W right »7.87; Marlon Le­ ick ,13.16; Ben LeFever $9 38; scribed. under penalty of a fine of »1.80; W J. Llchty »10.00; Mrs $2 62. John Nokes »8.00; Minnie Goulet EL E C T IO N : Shelton - Turnbull- E. Hanson »9.18; Zuda Mtdgley bow »7.87; I-ester G. Porter »7.87; Metropolitan Store $8.97; Crystal not less than ,10.00 nor more than Body F ir Mill Wood »10.00; J. H Hendricks »800; Red Fuller Co. $62.25; Elinor Henry Balch »9 18; Cleo E. Lamb »9.18; Emma M. Jones »7.87; A. B. W ol­ Ice Co. $4.50; Monroe Garage »100.00. NOTICK TO CRKOITORS And. It shall be ‘ he duty of each Agnes M McLean »5.82; G. W. ford »7.87; D. C. Howard »4.87; $53.07; Wm. Kisinger $10.97: Na­ „ 0 0 Cord »3 50 Cord NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : Cross Drug Co. »5.14; Croner’s »28.26; Patty Sylvcr; »90 00; Lydia »6.82; Bessie Terpen Donald W . Shafner »4.87; John L. tron Printing Co. »7.00; H. L. Bown constable in any justice district, Drug fltore 60c; W illis H. Small Krev ,21.00; Virginia Seymour Kinsey That the County Court of the State A R TH U R JACKSON Ing »5.62; Pearl Faust »6.82; Paden »4.87; G. K. Fry »4.87; M »43 43; Valley Printing Co. 76c; and of each road supervisor in any of Oregon for Ijtn e County has ap- Feed Co. »19.64; Pioneer Grocery ,22.50; Ruth Moss ,42.75; L. L. Pearl W alker »5.82; O. A. Faust S. Gum »4.87; Ethel H a rt ,7.12; Coe Stationery Co. ,4.45; Irish road district, to enforce the pro­ Phone 1M-W Springfield pointed Bessie F. Howard aa Ex­ Co. »14.87; Eugene M attre-s Co. Ixvavttt »9 50; H. 0. Suttle ,2 40; ,12.76; Lids W. McGowan »12.75; Arthur Rear (s 75; M ilo H a rt »7.52; Cash fltore »101.81; Pay’n T aklt visions of this act, and such pen­ ecutrix of the Eatate and I.aat W ill »13.50. Ihiritan Drug Co (16.26; Marlon P. Wheeler »1.50; Chester Bertha B. Spicer »12.76; Henry F. W alter Smith „ 76; Haxel Boeh Store »58.27; G. B. Pitcher ,9.10; alty «hall be for the benefit of. and O. C. Caswell »193; Harold Nenow F Flint »1.00; Marlo;i Morris »1.50; and Testament of Jessie B. How­ BeDtel ,12.75; Dean Beistel ,12.76; ringer »6.75; M. M. Wheeler »9.00; Western Union ,4.25; H. L. Bown when collected, paid Into the com- »4 67; D E. Nehergall Meat Co. O. O. Veatch »14.30; J. T. Millet ard. Deceased. All persons having Presa moo school fund of the County In John T. Oenn ,12.00; Viola Page John Overholser »9.00; A. Woolcott »25.82; The W illam ette »7.90; N. Scott Jewett >4.30; Eu­ »1.18; I. M. Peterson »25.70; E. T. claims against said estate are here­ »9.00- W llilam Dorward »9.00: W. ,12.00; Eugene Police Department which such action Is brought. gene Fruit A ITod Co. »1.00; New »12 00; J. S. W ilm ot »12.00; Evan­ Templeman »2.40; C. B Washburne by notified to present the aame. Dated November 19th. 1932. H Medley „ .0 0 ; Maxwell A. Pohl JEWELER duly verified, to the undersigned man's Fish Mnrket »4.77; Dr. Leslie »380; D. W Stolberg »3.50; C. H. geline M. Morrt« »12.00; Katherine »6.87; Mallnda Hawke ,6.55; Geo. ,4.00; National Police Officer ,2.50; W. B. D ILLA R D . County Clerk Stevens A Branstetter 75c; Sim­ ItepnirlnK a Specialty Executrix st the l-aw Offices of 8. Kent »5.00; O. A. Flanigan Sedgwick »5.10; Fred Baner »1.30; Stof’el »12.00; George W. Norris of Lane County, Oregon A. Cox „ 5 6 ; Kate Brummette Harris. Smith A Bryson. Miner »6 20; Christensen's Farm Market George Young »6.10; J. R. Hayden »4.87; Wm. H. Schroeder »4.87; »6.56; Mabel Tyson ,6.55; Cora M mons Co. 90c; Carl J. Johnson (N 24 — D 1-«) Spriugfleld, Oregon Building, Eugene. l>ane County, (7 61; Korn naklng Co. »21 28; Jur­ »1 50; F. W. Marshlk »3.50; Junc­ Isabel W hitesmith »4.87: Mary J. Hinson ,4.87; Elsie Stewart ,4.87; »3.10; Carl Bllrup ,1 0 .„ ; J. F. McFarland ,5.00; Eugene W ater Oregon, within six months from gen's Grocery »48.16; Elliott Im ­ tion City Times »4 48; Joe Morris Helms »4 87; ids Belle Krey »4.87; plement Co. »6.13; Pacific Coast Jr. »1.10; Dena Richardson »1.10; John T. Evans »6.26; Frances E. Olive M. Nice »4.87; Gertrude R. Board ,26.59; Ed’s Market ,62.04; the date of this notice. Wilson »4.87; Nellie G. Carr »4.87; Carl Baker Film Shop »7.82; North­ Dated this 3rd day of November. Borax Co. »16.43; W illiams Self L. C. Akerlev »2.50; Carl McCollum Cook »5.26; Maud D. Rouse »6.26; John Ketels Sr.. »8.89: M. L. Bart Dr JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN west Cities Gas Co. »8.13; Cresseys Service fltore »7.46; Williamson A »1 30 Anelta Grannis »4 10; Peter Ixittle Vogel ,6.25; E. J. M cArthur 1232 lett „ .2 5 ; Elisabeth C. Page ,8.25; Naturspathle Physician BESSIE F. HO W ARD. Execu­ Co. (3.26; Cal Baker »3.00; Pacific P. Colgaard »1.70; W alter Price »6 26: J. W. Pixley »8.62; D. IL Elisabeth Gerlach ,8.25; Sadie Lax- 50c; J. S. Woodard ,3.50; John B. Phons »1-J trix of the Eatate of Jessie B. Christian Hospital »1.309.66; Krem- »8 20; Sam Mitchell »14.00; Wm. H ill »8.02: Ruby Blsposs »8.62; ton ,8.26; Maude T. Bryan ,4.50; Reid ,65.84; Howard Auto Co. »90.25; H. A. Rust ,92.83; State niel Bakery »6.26; Irish Cash fltore K. Klussman »1.20; A. J. Acheson W illis WTiltlock »8.02; Dora P. Howard. Deceased. office Hours: I to I f . M. »54 82; Olson's Grocery ,17.32; T lf »1.90; Rhoda Alkens »2.40; Milo Eastwood »8.82; P. J. Patterson F. P. Thurman ,4.60; George Ger­ Industrial Accident Com. ,48.04. HARRIS. S M IT H A BRYSON. SLA U G H TER ED A N IM A LS : L. fnny Davis Drug Co. »62.65; A. O. H art »3.70; Roy V. Foster »1.80; »5.26; Margaret Allen »5.26; John lach ,4.60; Ida C. Adams »4.50; 4M Fourth Street Attorneys for Executrix. W aller ,12.00; Kerns ,10.70; Irish Ida M. Clapper »6.00; Eugene Print­ Bailey ,6.25; Lena Htltlbrand H attie E. Myers »4.50; H attie B. G, Helterllne ,110.10; C. E. Christy (N 3-10-17-24— D 1) Cash Store ,293.18; H all A Shum­ ing Co. »7.00; Cottage Grove Sen­ ,5.25; Thelma Severson »5.25; Drury ,4.50; Lillian Black ,4.50; »7.50; Chester Chase ,65.12; Vln- way ,2.21; Walters-Bushong Lum tinel ,313.50; W. E. Knott »15.00; L'llls W. Pittman »13.87; W. L. Isaac N. Endicott ,4.50; Alice L. cel H. Davis ,15.00; E. Johnson N O T IC K G-uoral Law Practice AG AINST STOCK R U N N IN G AT bar Co. 50c; Irish Cash Store Valley Printing Co. »70.40; Billm lre Matlock »13.87; Julia Campbell Thompson ,4.50; Blanche D. May ,21.91; C. H. Hartman ,16.90; J. LAROK IN W e S T F IR PREC IN CT ,33.42; Merwin's General fltore Bros. »1.50; C. B. Washburne »3.20; $13.87: JunD Young I.oehr $18.87; »4.50; W. G. Hughes »8.75; Civility A. Flanagan ,7.60. I. M . P E T E R S O N S. M cKlIn »8.75; Alma Whitney SURVEYOR: Pacific Tel A Telg It appearing from the abstract »34 76; Mrs. F R. Hunt »25.00; V Cresseys »24.60; Ixtne County Ab­ Marlon Richardson $13.87: Ger­ »8.75; Genevieve L. Louk »6.75; Co. ,9.60; Olive R. Chamberlain Attcrney at-l-aw of votea caat at the regular General G. Honre ,7.00; J. W. Quackenhush stract Co. »5 00; Natron Printing trude S. Allen $4.87; W. H. Max- Grace Henderer »8.75; Abbie F. ,110.00; Helen F. Burton ,81.00; City Hall Uulldlug Election for Lane County. Oregon, A Son ,8.77; Northwest Hospital Co. »16.26; Twin Oaks Lumber Co. ham $4.87; Mary Hllbura Jackson Wheaton »4.87; H. F. Gordon »4.87; E. N. Thompson ,11.00; Carl Baker Franklin Printing Co. $4.87; Minnie H all $4.87; Martha held November 8th, 1232. as mode ,8.00; Standard Oil Co. ,58.22; $90 05; 8prlngf1e:d, Oregon Elma Halsey »4.87; Lena M. F r e d ­ Film Shop »4.79; R. A. Babb Hdwe and declared by the O fficial Can­ Mrs. I.llllsn Van Dar W ark ,138.00; $46.81; R. A. Babb Hdwe Co. $6.31; E. Oullev $4.87; T. E. Stebno erick »4.87: Elisabeth Olson »4.87; Co. »2.57; Harvey Taylor ,13.60; vassing Board for said Election, C. E. Hayea »6.00; Wm. Kyle A Cottage Grove Sentinel ,11.62; $11.26; Helen K err Maxham $11.26; Marian E. Maxev »7.50; Bernice Morris Chevrolet Co. »8.81; Mc­ that the total number of votes cast Sons Co. »61.10; Fred L. Shepart Koke-Chapman Co. »85.26; E. P. Nellie C. Davis »11.25; Helen Weln- V ar Valxah »7.50; Rachel Thatcher Ginty's Service Station ,26.12; P. to W estfir Precinct In said Coun­ $2 29; Mra. John Adair ,3.10; Wm Saunders »7.12; D. O. Fisher »7.12; wlck »11.26; M yrtle Huck »11.26; »7.60; Alice Doane »7.60; Bertha M. Morse ,5.46; Frank Hampton ty, on the question "For and O. Klussman »8.36; R. M. Rice J. E. Wilson »7.12; Flora M Hofer Carrie A. Day »8.25; B. B. Ellis Rouse »7.60; Ida Gray »9.37; O. A. Against Block Running at I-arge," ,20.00- Purltnn Drug Co. ,83.92; »7.12; Julia P. Adkins »7.12; Harry »8.25; Almeda Marte M iller »8.26; McMahan »9.S7; Haxel M. Russell ,12.00; Keuffel & Esser Co. ,14.22; Scott Jackson ,8.00; Frank A. was and la 199 votes, and that of City W ater Works »3 00; Carl W. L. Chase »7.56; W. H. Anderson Lucy R. Jones »8.26; Edith E. »9.37; Charles H. Taylor »9.37; Ray Tripp »5.00; G. H. Waggoner Shell Oil Co. »6.75; W. L. Coppemoll »8.76; C. Baker »8.26; Fern M. Thompson said votes 22 votes were cast for Robbins ,16.00; ,40.78; Cresseys »7.50; Equipment stock running at large, and 177 »21.01; W alter Price Inc. »16.46; E. Beeter »8.75; J. R. Fish »8.75; »9.37; Elisabeth McFadgen »9.37; C. Baugh ,9.37; W illiam Maddaugh r’ormerly Walker-Poole votes were cast against stock run­ A. R. Sneed »25.15; Golden Rule Frank W. Bartholomew »4.50; T. Etta C. Holbrook »9.37: D. C. Henry »7.50- Portia Gates |7.50; F. W. »8.10- H arry Gerlach »23.18; W il­ lectric M errill »9.37 Marshlk »7.50; W ayne E. Elliott liam ..erlach ,16.20; Elbe L. Sig­ ning at large In said Precinct, With Auto Park ,12.05; Broadway M ar­ J. Maxwell »4.50; M erritt MePber- »9.37; Bayard T nor ,31.08; Adna H. Signor ,31.43; »7.60; I. M. W ard »7.60; Warren ket ,154.63; Safeway Store »43.08; on »4.60; S. A. Rhlnevault »4.50; Rose B. 8helley »9.18; Harriet boundaries described as follows: offee akers C l'U liN B — 11th S P R IN G F IE L D Beginning at the N W corner The Groceteria »171.08; Ideal Gro­ Kenneth H. W ylie »4.50; Joseph H. Crites »9.18: Leta V. Burrell 99.18; Surcamp »7.50; Warren R. Boring J. M. McCausland ,27.45; Earl Roberts »8.48. cery ,57.93; Eugene Farmer's »7.50; Florence Dunbar »7.60; Chamberlain »9.00; Daniel 8, Mc- Florence Ijiffe r ty »9.18; Gladys B. of flection 2, Twp. 20. R 2 E, ind Charnelton. 222 Main Coffee that la always TA X R EB A TE: »W hitten flwaf thence run flouth on the Town­ Creamery ,50.12; Irlah A Swartx collum »9.00; Angle H. Wetson Rosson »9.18; Jessie L. Adams Henry Carllle »7.50: Ada Hurlbntt relrpliono 723 Phone 32-J m ellow, rich and »178.12; A. E. WTieeler »23 33; E. $9.00; Charles G. Rudd »9.00; Rob­ »8.00; Clara Coleman »8.00; Alice »7.50; Diana Abrams »4.50; Elisa­ ford ,132.16; Eunice A. Studley ship line to the BE cornor of flection 12 to Twp. 21. R 1 E; D Furrer M. D. »8.75; Carrie Calley ert O. Dunlop »9.00; C. W. Shu­ F. George »8.00; Kathryn Crum- beth A. Summers ,4.60; Mary A. ,230.50. lying is eaay to I T H IS T L E ; Ira Baker »35.52; B. Percy Patterson ,11.00; maker »7.87; May L. Andrews bnker »6.00; Nora O. Shinn »0.00; Chandler »4.60: Hilda J. Sayles thence East on the flection line »2.00; G. Snyder »6.80; E. C. Cole »1.80. th e C o le m a n C offoo Equipment ,22.24; W. A. Ayres »4.50- Lulu Wicks »4.50; C. R. Ruth L. Ellm aker »10.44; Berenice »7.87; Llxxte Barrell »7.87; Jose­ to the 8E corner of Section 7, TR EASU RER: Valley Printing Twp 21. R 8 B, thence North »1.00; Miller-Sanford Tractor Co. phine Hendricks »7.87; Mrs. Jessie I. Fisher »10.12; Mary B. Glass Wicks »7.87: Chas. W. Evans »7.87; M aker. B re w s it th e to the NE corner of flection 7, »8.76; B. K. Wheeler »16.00; Mra Taylor »7.87; Robert fllayter »8.26; »10.12; Arilla M. Adklson »10.13; Ethel B. Hoefletn ,7.87; Bertha Co. »19.00; Grace Schiska »14.26; “no-boil” w ay, retaining Thelma Blair »80 00; Pacific Tel A M. Sullivan ,54.00; C. L. Olson May Cook »7.87; Edward H. Me- Fava Baker »10.12; L. L. W estfall Ross Myers »8.26; C. G. Abbey thence E to tre BE corner of the a ll th e fragrance and flW quarter of flection 6 In Twp. »7.50; Smith A Short »90.22; Koi »8.26; E. J. Norton »8.25; A. L. »6.26; Aletha L. Carr »6.26; Jessie Burney ,7.87; Elisabeth Louise Telg Co. »8.25; Koke-Chapman Co. 21. R 3 E, thence diagonally NE ker's Grocery ,21.33; W illiams A Taylor »8.26; C. A. Swaggart »9.63; 8. Glck »5.26; Ethel L. Biddle Wharton »8.80; Lucy A. Howard »17.75; Valley Printing Co. »4.00. flavor. U. 8. LABOR: F. L. Armltage to the 8E corner of the NE quar­ Ottman ,81.44; Mrs. C. E. Duck­ Anna B. Orswell »9.37; B. W . Perry »6.26; Stella M. Kennedy »5.26; ,8.80; Estelle A. Bradley ,8.80; ter of Section 6. Twp. 21, R 3 E, worth »5.00; Swartx Market »3.25; $9.37; Irene M. Alboro »9.37; G. L. Dora Hamble »9.60; Van Sververud Bertha D. Rehwalt ,8.80; C. W. »60.00. W ID O W PENSION: Mrs. E. L T he Colonial modal M thence North to the NE corner Mrs. O. Huffman ,14.00; Isaiah Cary »9.37; Albert 8. Lancaster »9.56; J. E. Cupp »9.50: Malena M Fisher »8.80; H arry O. W arren »10.00; Lizzie Adney Velm a Openshaw , 8 . „ ; Chester Conger »8.82; M illie Zelwtck of flection 5 (If flection was Slay ter A Sons »6.26; W. A. Taylor »8.8»; Jas. Lebow »8.82; Iris Frasee Holm 99.60; beautifuhin design. Fin­ »1000; Lillie Owen »10.00; Margie marked) of Twp. 20, R 3 E. $82.98; Cash A Carry »86.82; »8.82; Florence A. Whlpps »8.82; »9.50; M. 8ververud »9.50; L. B. Sutton ,8.82; Rebecca E. Chapman There are damaging eye dis­ ished in special process, thence West to the place of be­ Pay’n T aklt »123.08; W alter Price H arry Ctatle »8.82; L. Millican Payne »10.40; C. E. Gordlneer ,8.62; Christine M. W infrey ,8.82; Bates »10.00; Oolda Viola Reed eases which, if untreated, even Anna Carlson »10.30; C. A. Rice ,10.30; Jacob Gillespie »10.00; Ida Katherine Bartholomy »22.34; Johnson A Noffslnger $5.82; J. W. Fountain »6.82; W . R. »10.30: ginning. e x tr a d u r a b le n ic k e l »10.00; Clara Edith Vogt »10.00; tually lead to blindness. For N O TIC E IB H E R E B Y G IVEN ,16.88; John M. Durham »2.00; Oc W hite »6.82; Minnie M arx »6.82: Blanche McCully »10.30; R.C. Brew ,10.30; J. S W alls ,10.30; R. E. plate. Six or 9 cup o ia oa, that after sixty days from the date cumpaugh Bros. »22.52; Farmer's Virgie A. Reynolds ,6.81; M. J. er »7.50; Maud H. Grimes »7.60; Corum »10 30; M. W. Baker ,10.30; Mollie Gordlneer »10.00; Nora Mor­ Instance, glaucoma Is one of the Fannie Stonehocker Wesrln »4.60; M. Emmerich »4.60; Ada K. Palmer »7.60; Belle Calll- H. F. M iler »9.00; Andrew Baker an ,10.00; Union Store »40.70; L. Qu'mby Rbonized handle. Haa of this notice, to-wlt, on and after most Insidious eye diseases. It the 26th day of the January, 1983, »2.35; Janies McDonald 50c; Ped O. L. Stacy »4.50; E. R. Schwerlng son »7.50; Georgia Shultx »7 50 ,9.00; Lawrence Heltxman ,9.00; »10.00; Viva M iller »10.00; Lillie extra large heating ele­ Tate ,10.00; Jessie Wells Nesbitt esn be present nnd yet give liana Nellaen ,9.00; M. P. Mogen- Elsworth Prlndel »5.6»; Harriet F. It shall be unlawful for stock to arson's Grocery ,23.94; Murray *4.50; H. A. Morris »4.50; J. H. m ent. T h e non-opill llltle Indication, nt first, of Its run at large In said W E S T F IR Drug Co. 40c; J. H. Mathews »4.47; Mathews »7.67; Sally K. Caylor Prlndel »6.62; Grace L. Huffman sen ,9.00; G. T. Stephens ,2.00; J. ,10.00; Flossie Simmons ,10.00; Barbara Stoddard ,10.00; Cora E. threat to your night. Recognlxed I PREC IN CT above described, under E. W. Scott ,14.29; Amoa Yoder $6.98; W. L. Baker $6.93; Elsie M. »5.82; Harrv L. Prlndel »5.82; Lafe T. Taylor »6.00; Albert 8. l-ancas M iller »10.00; Doris Ruth Green «pout is a feature youH ter »1.00; H. O. Warren »24.00; C. Scott' $6.93; Ada Buss $6.93; L. E. Prlndel »5.82; C. C. Behnke »4.50 Glenwood Cash Grocery enrly, It lends Itself favorably to penalty of a fine of not lees than »1.92; like. E xtra quality card ,60.28; D. R. Henderson ,54.94; Parks $9.42; J. M. Lower »7.60; Overton Dowell »4.60; Erma Bos A. Rice ,1.00; J. S. Woodard ,4.00; ,10.00; Edns Muriel Woodle »10.00; »10.00 nor more than »100.00. treatment. It Is, therefore, al­ And, It shall be the duty of each Fred L. Shepard »7.72: Edward E. Riley Petty »7.60; B. F. Roberts ford »4.60; Lillian Kyle »4.50; O C. C. Behnke »2.00; Monroe Garage Amanda L. Rainey -,10.00; Dora and plug. Thia attrac­ ways advisable for a person constable In any Justice district, Smith »7.40; Haten A Strnekmeler $7.60; Maggie Flshwood »7.50; H. T Dudley »4.60; G. W. Millican ,15.29; J. F. McFarland ,25.84; R Alice Boggs ,15.00; Nora Hender- ron »15.00; Cora Belle Grove tive coffee maker ie an »6.00; Jas E. Resides »0.00; Dayton A. Babb Hdwe Co. ,2.84; Chestnut A. Pavne »4.50; Eva Feulner »4.60; »3.26; C. C. Sturtevant »1.24; L. D more than 46 years old to have ¡and of each road supervisor In any Etta Chandler »4.60; Fred T. Men­ C. Thompson »0.00; Carl J. Swan Transfer Co. »2.00; I. O. 3torey »16.00; Mary Hay »16.00; Erma O. ideal gift for any oocaMan. periodic examination of the eyes 'road district, to enforce the pro­ H u ff »4 96; V. Orousheck »7.84; denhall »4.50; Martha Payne »4.50; son »8 00; Arthur B. Mlnney »6.00; »1.00; C. C. Sturtevant 22c; L. L. Fuller »15.00; Grace L. Huffman visions of this act, and such pen Cu hman A H ill ,14.00; Ixindon by an expert. ally nhall be for th« benefit of, and Mercantile Co. »4.36; W illis H Ix»ron F. Ixingcoy »8.62; R. L. Chester F. Flint »0.37; George H I^eavltt ,2.60; John Maurer ,1.00; $16.00; Daisy Lewellyn $1500; Sen Your Local D ealer when collected, paid Into the com­ Small Feed Co. 70c; J. C. Penney Stoneherg »8.82; Lillian C. Jarnl- Coltar »6.37; Elisabeth H. W ard J. T. Taylor „ 0 0 ; A. B. Wolford Mary Papple $15.00; Iowa Laura •r FrWe to mon- school fund of the County In Co. »1297; A. S Aloe Co. »4 88; gan »8.62; Daisy Pirtle »8.62; Syl­ »8.37; Minnie A. Flint »6.37; W »6.00; Mrs. H . L. Plank ,4 0 0 ; Cnlmp $20.00; Mary Phillips $15.00; Ethel Amanda Thurman $15.00; DR. ELLA MEADE Eugene Hospital ,221.39; Black A via Deffenhacher »8.62; E. R. Spen­ Struckmeler »8.37; L. Boring »8.00; School Dlst. No. 17, »3.00; E. J which such action Is brought. The Cslssisa Loom ♦ Eteee Ce. Metta Barrowcllff »16.00; Haael W hite Cab Co. »1.40; W. M. Cof cer »7.52; J. J. Baker »7.12; Mus­ Dena Richardeon »6.00; Coambs Horton ,8.50; London Mercantile : Dated November 12th, 1232. Optometrist W. B. DILLA R D . County Clerk felt »3.50; J. J. Newberry Co. 74c: ette Turner »7.1»; M artha L. Fisk Bolden ,6.00; Ethel 8utton ,0.00; Co. ,3.00; Bethel School Dlst. ,1.60 Haynes »16.00; Ida Grant ,16.00; 41 West 9th Kugane of Lane County, Oregon Jim the flhoe Doctor 86c; H. W. »7.12; Lucille Moor »7.1»; G. W. Lyda Thomas ,0.00; R. B. Oldham Chris C. Beck »6.00; Frank E. Blair Alice E. Kau »16.00; Thelma I (N 22 — D 1») Titus ,12.00; Oranxer's »118.22; Robbins ,4.60; 8. N. Farw ell »4.60; »8.94; R. C. Palmar ,9 .9 ,; Helen ,10.00; Lois TrulHoger ,7.00; R. C. Ano L attin »15.00; Bertha LocM- Lane County Court Business Directory WOOD Edw. G. Privat B e tte r C o f f e e E very T in ime!- ¡POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Coleman E C Lead to Blindness M