THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HI’llINGKTELt), LANE COUNTY, OREGON. TWENTY-NINTH YKAH HOI LUNCHES IDE SUCCESSRIL HERE Roosevelt Assistant Masons to Give Hfty-Year Pin Unusual Lodge Record of Soup Served to Grade Stu­ Charles E. Swart« to Bs Re- ‘ cognized Here Fiday Night dent! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Fifty year* of active work In < MORE THAN 100 BENFIT Generous Contributions by Local People Indicates That Work Will Be Lasting llu t lunch»« for children In the grad» schools of Springfield have proven very «uceesful Ih l* week following the Inauguration of thia work Monday of thia week accord Ins to Mr« W. O. Burch, P.-T. A. preeldenl. More than 100 student* at the Llaeoln and Itrattaln schools have beeu acrvtel dally thia week. The average consumption being slg gal Iona each day. Ilo t soup Is served four lime« each week on Monday. Tuesday. Thursday and Friday. Cocoa la ser­ ved on Wedneadaya. One chairman la appointed from the P.-T. A. mam- herahlp for each school tor a week at a lime. She select« her aastst- wet« and they prepare the warm four at their homes or In the school and serve It. usually with different workers each day. Mr*. Burch has «Men named general chairman at the Lincoln school and Mra. Church at the Brattaln. The P.T. A. depend* on contribu­ tions of food products for the ooo tlnuallon of the work Ho far they have received more than sufficient supplies and the surplus la being stored In a room at the Uncoln school. Two soup ladles have been donated by the W right Hardware and Furniture store. Another was donated by Mra. A. B. Van Valsab The Springfield creamery I* con­ tributing a gallon of fresh milk twice each week. There has been plenty of freeh milk each day thl* week, the cook* not having to use canned milk W K. Barnell at the Mountain States Power company ha« donated the use of an electric hot plate for use at' the Lincoln school In preparing the food*. . Mr. and Mrs. Shannon prepared and served the soup on Monday. Tuesday Mra. Schaffenberg had charge at the Lincoln school, and Mra. Levi Neet at the Brattaln. Wednesday Mrs ° H. Jarrell prepared lt-1 Llnooln eebool and Mra. Chester Aldrich had charge at the Brattaln. Next week Mr*. W. C. Rebhm will be chairman of the work at the Lincoln building and Mrs. Aid- rich at the Brattaln. The committee la still accepting gift* and donation* of food to be used In tholr serving. HurjUu* stiM-ka now will be needed later on they say. such recogm Idealle M. k IS Ç* 'eputy <5. grand also chair- V com rais­ on. I), make the official pr. from R Cheney, grand s»ci her Portland, will also be h grand officers may all« but have not »o notified Clark Wheaton, local secretary. Following the presentation of the pin, which Is furnished only by the Masonic lodge Itself, light refresh­ ments and a social evening will be enjoyed. The lodge ceremony la scheduled to start at 7: SO. Charles E Sw art* will have been a member of the Masonic lodge for to years on Friday night. He be­ came a Mason al Cabry. Illinois on December 2. 1833. He was later a member at Uoodland, Kansas for several year* before moving to Eu gene when he became a member of the lodge there, NATIONAL IN SCOPE Miaaion Play, Special Music Features; Regular Service Sunday Morning Climaxing the church activities Prof. Raymond Moley, of Co­ al tbu Christian church Bunday will lumbia University, is the man be tbe Woman'* I Jay program to be called upon by President-Elect given at 7:30 by tbe Women’* Roosevelt to assist him in confer­ ence with President Hoover on Christian m lalo nary society, taking the place of tbe regular evening W v Debts at Washington worship hour. 13134629 master for Greg man of the Hlale . WOMEN IR CHARGE R.I.A. PLEASES IR P U I PROGRAM w VW • w w w w^w w w w w wv 1 PASSES SUNDAY Funeral Held on Wedneeday From Local Chapel; Inter­ ment at Laurel Grove Charles Pearce, resident of this city for the past year, died at hla home 1185 Main «tree! Bunday afternoon following a long lllneai. Mr. Pearce waa born at Providence, Rhode (aland, In 1851*. He haa lived In (be East and Mlddleweitern stales before coming Io Springfield from Shell, Illinois. Rurvlvora Include three sons. Harold and W illiam In California, and Clarence, at home; one daugh­ ter, Cora, at home; and one brother, Warren Pearce, In Rhode Island. Funeral services were held from the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel In Springfield Wednesday morning a l 10 o'clock. He*. Dean C. Poin­ dexter, pastor of the Methodist church officiated, and Interment was made In Laurel Grove ceme­ In 1919 eleven members of the Eugene lodge organised Liberty lodge In Springfield and elected Mr. 8w arls a* their first worshipful master. The entire Swart* family Is at tery- filiated with the Masonic lodge. The elder Mr Rwarts had the privilege of making his son, C. A. Swarta, a Mason In 1*20. Mr. Wheaton wm worshipful master at that time, but relinquished the position temporar­ ily to Mr Rwarts. DEATH CLAIMS JASPER PIONEER The Woman'* Day program la an annual event In churches where the United Christian Missionary society function*. Once each year an en­ tire church hour la taken over by member* of the group* In their res­ pective churches and program* demonstrative of the work being done la presented to tbe public. Tbe program committee In charge of tbe local observation Includes Mra. Roland Mushier and Mrs. Elm er Pyne. Mrs. D. B. Murpby, first named to function on the committee la III and unable to be present. Proceeds from the offering go to the United Christian Ml»»lon*»ry aoclety. Roam of laughter greeted mem bers of tbe Springfield P. T. A. at (be high school Tuesday night when they presented their group of three one-act playa. The program was in­ terspersed with other short skit* and numbers By far tbe most entertaining of the gfotip of plays w ai the final presentation. "The L ittle Hwl School House," In which a popular radio presentation wa* mocked. L ittle Benny Flclal and hla group of fellow students provided many humorous Incidents both by tbelr remarks and action*. Tbe cast In­ cluded Mr*. Church. Mrs. Frank Bennett. Mr*. Elva Adams, Mrs. Ray Nott. Mrs. Htella Eaton. Mrs Stella Findley, Mrs. Edith I-axton. Mrs. Bainbridge, and Mr*. Burch. "Interviewing a Servant", with Mrs. Thoma* as the tired house­ wife who bad grand visions of a life of ease with a houaegirl to wait on her at her beck and call wa* also very humorous. Mrs. Thomas finally gave up In disgust, having decided that It would be easier to do her own work than to have to meet the demands of the various applicant* for the position who call­ ed In response to a newspaper want-ad. Characters assisting her were Mrs. M. A. Pohl. Mra. Daisy Pugh, Mr.:. Troy, Mra. Endicott, Mrs. H. H. Schaffenberg. The program for tbe evening ser­ vices Bunday ha» been prepared a» follow*, prelude. M l** Jewel Cun nlnghain at the piano; hymn, "I Love to Tell (he Story” ; Invocation, The third play, first on the pro­ Rev. Veltle Pruitt; scripture read­ gram. "Improving Father's Mem ing. Mra. N. L. Pollard. ory." wa* well presen' -d and was Tho second part of the program the story of the average husband will consist of a mlssonary play, and father who I* beaieged with re­ "Renewing the Flame." directed by quests to do this and that every M r*. Mo*hler and Mr*. Pyne and time he goes to town and who In­ which ha» tbe following cast of variably forget- something. He fin­ ally brought home each person's character*: Christianity. M r*. Marlon Adama; request, only to discover at the last Love, Mr*. Alvin Sorenson; Bervlce, moment that he had left his wife Mrs. W alter l^axton; intellectual In town. The cast was M r*. Fred Christian. Mra. Melvin T ra ile r ; Louk. Mrs. Fred Fisher. Mrs. Gia* Ambitious Christian, Mrs. Arthur pey, M r*. Emily Peters and Rachel Taylor; Society-loving Christian. Thatcher. Mr». Ella Lombard; Money-loj^ng Chriatlan. Mrs. Nlel Pollard; Pleas­ ure-loving Christian. Miss Alta Manning; Faint-hearted Christian, Mr». Georgia Nettleton; Represent­ ative from India. M r*. Harvey Eaton; Representative from Japan. Mra. Re*a Thatcher; Representa­ tive from China. Mrs. W illiam Bur­ nett; Representative from Latin America, Mr«. Ren Hollister; Rep­ resentative from Africa, Mr». Glen Robertson; Representative of the New America. Mrs. Ed Cole. twi No. A Candidate Bant Dividend Checks Sent Out BAPTIST GUILD GIRLS TO MEET Total of >9,570.73 to Bo Dis­ tributed Among 450 Credi­ Annual Association of Ump­ tor« of Institution Today qua World Witte Guild« In Springfield Thia Weak Dividend rheck* from the Com­ Christian Missionary Society Mothers of Students Show to Present Annual Program Unusual Talent on Stage; Here Sunday Night Bright Lights i o Bother Ma ionlc lodges In Illinois, Kansas and Oregon will be crowned bore Friday night with the presentation of a special 60-year gold Masonic button to Charles E. Swarfs. Ho far as Is known here Mr. Hwarls will be the only living Mason In this part of l,ane county to be so honored. C. N. Lusby, who died recently, was a 60-year Mason and had looked forward for some time to witnessing the ceremony to lake place Friday evening. One ; other Mason Ing near Junction City la hl I* d have received THURSDAY DECEMBER 1, 1932 f*. mercial State Bank, now In liqul i datlon. totaling 39.670 73 will be , BANQUET FRIDAY NIGHT placed In the mails today It waa announced at the bank office Local Congregation to Entar- The dividend check* fa the *ec-, tain Visiting Delegatee from ond return to , person« having an- Churchee in District counts In the commercial depart-, _____ ment. It amount to 10 percent, a Delegate» from all churches In prevlou* dividend of 25 percent the Umpqua association of the Bap The conteit among Democrats i having been Issued. Approximately! t ilt church will start assembling lor Speakership of the House, give* promise of much actio« be­ 450 Individual* will ben fit from |n Springfield tomorrow afternoon fore March 4. Here is f-w grrso tbe distribution of tbe fund* at (or the annual association meeting man Rainey of IUinota, who thia til (of tbe World Wide Guild chapters. aspire* to the seat Dividend* amounting I,. 20 per­ Registration will start at 6:30 fol­ cent have already been paid on ac­ lowed by a large banquet In the count* In the saving* department. basement at 6:30. Reservations tor : 75 have been assured at this ban­ quet. H I 10 ATTEND Rebekahs Elect CHURCH MEETING Officers Monday Mid-Year Institute, Epworth League to Convene at Leb­ Mrs. Sarah Johns New Noble Grand; Installation to Bs anon for Discussions Announced Later Eight young people from the Springfield Methodist church will leave Friday for Lebanon to at­ tend the mid-year institute of the Epworth League. Registration will start Friday aftern<-"> and discus­ sion* and lecture* will be held that evening and all day Saturday. Rev. Cecil F. Rlstow. pastor of the E ug ene Methodist church is dean of the Institute, and Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor of the Spring- field Methodist church. Is a mem­ ber of tho faculty. The young people will leave F ri­ day In automobile« driven by Rev. Poindexter and O. H. Jarrett. Those planning to attend are Margaret Jarrett, Barbara Barnell. Florence May. Rulh Pollard. Faye Parsons, Marian Shipley, Doris Myers, and Colleen Cornell. Problems of the local League* will be tbe principal subject of dis­ cussion during the meeting. O ther Numbers Given Opening the association meeting Friday evening will be the pres­ entation of the miaaion play, "Deop Waters." to be given by tbe girls of the Junior World Wide Guild, I under the direction of their leader, Mr,. Kenneth Tobias The Eugene senior guild will have charge of tbe cloetng devotional» at this meeting. China, will be the general Mrs. Sarah Johns was elected theme of the meeting. Noble Grand of Juanita Rebekah State O fficers Coming lodge here Monday night at their Outstanding among the visitors regular meeting. Other officers coming to Springfield for the event choeen are Mrs. Edna Yarnall, vice- Is Mrs. Blanche Hodge of Portland. grand; Mrs. Wanda Barnes, record­ Mr*. Hodge is state executive see ing secretary; Clarine Putman, retary of tbe Guild group. She will financial secretary; and Mrs. Ea- give the principal address of the tella Fled ley. treasurer. Installation gathering Saturday morning. Other will be announced later and ap­ speakers will be Mrs. Frank M at­ pointive officers w ill be named at thews of Corvallis who will have tbe installation. charge of opening devotional* Sat­ Mrs. Findley. Mrs. Lillian Black, urday and Mias Imo Ruyle, assist­ and Mrs. Wanda Barnes are on the ant at the Baptist church In Eugene program committee for December. who will direct the closing exer­ Following the meeting Monday cises. night Mrs. Pearl Schantol led in Part of the Saturday morning the playing of game«. session w ill be given over to a NIGHT PRACTISE FOR P L O W S business meeting at which time reports of the various group* w ill be given and officers for the new year will be elected. A luncheon at noon for all dele­ gates will follow the closing of the gathering. Churches represented at the Intermission numbers included meeting w ill be those at Eugene, two health plays by tbe fourth High School to Offer Unusual Mr. Rwarts' daaghter. Edna. Is Roeeburg, Coquille, Junction City grade at the Lincoln under the di­ active In Cascade chapter. O. E. H Comedy December 9; Miss and Springfield. The Eugene chnrpfc rection of Miss Eva Phetteplace ana as Is Mra. C. A. Rwarts and her Robert C. Vaughn Passes on Conoly is Directing has three Guild groups, Roaeharg by tbe sixth grade of the Brattaln Monday Following Brief daughter, Maxine. and Springfield each two, and the school under the direction of Mis* Night rehearsals have been the others one. Illness; Native of State Masonic offices which Mr. Eleanor Smith. An Illustrated read­ order for some time now at the Rwarts have held Include past mas- ing by Mrs. Jane Betels required a Mrs. W illiam G. Taylor is sec­ The death of Robert C. Vaughn ter of the Blue lodge. A. F. A. M.; preliminary search of all the attics Mohawk Resident Was Born high school a* Miss Bernice Cono­ retary of the Umpqua association, at hl* home at Jasper Monday past high priest. Royal Arch chap­ in Ireland; Funeral to Be ly completes the training of the and is In charge of arrangement* of tbe city for ultra headwear fash cast of "Nothing But the Truth,” ter; and past eminent commander, morning following a brief Illness Ions of bygone days. "Jerlco Bob s in Washington Today here. Members of the local congre­ a three-act comedy to be presented Knights Templar. He I* also a mark* the passing of another of Thanksgiving Turkey" given by the gation will house the visitors dur­ the early aettler* of (his part of Rhrlner. Thomas Watson, resident of the n‘ the high school auditorium F ri­ ing their overnight stay. fifth grade boy* was a clever bit Lane county. Mohawk valley for the past five day evening next .--eek by the stu­ of mimic acting for youngsters. Special music will be furnished Mr. Vaughn waa born In Linn dent body of the rchool. Mrs. Ira Nice was general chair­ years, died Saturday afternoon at NEEDLECRAFT PLANS county on October 4. 1853, and lived by Mra. Larson W right, Ml»» Uldine the home of his son. James Watson The story of this delightful com­ man of the affair. Mrs. Daisy Pugh Uartln. and Mr. and Mr». Roland CHRISTMAS EXCHANGE there for five years before moving edy Is that of a young man who had charge of the plays, Reval He was 88 years of age. to Lane county where hj* parents R. Moahler, Born in Ireland, at Donegall. on makes a wager that he w ill tell Methods of arranging salads were The program w ill close with a Sumner. Morris Stewart, and Ever­ were members of old pioneer fam i­ July 8. 1844, Mr. Watson married nothing but the truth for a given demonstrated ett LaJole assisted In ticket selling here Wednesday DEXTER COMMUNITY prayer, tbe offering, a short talk lies. and stage work. Mrs. P. J. Bartho­ Catherine Cunningham and came to time. The circumstances which this afternoon to members of the by tbe pastor, and the benediction. REMEMBERS PASTOR Surviving is his widow. Mrs. lomew and Roland Moshter had the United States in 1873. settling leads him into causes a most hum­ Needlecraft club at the home of The morning services will be held Della Vaughn; two daughter*. Mrs. charge of advertising and window at Couyahoga Falls. Ohio. He be­ orous continuity for the story. Mrs. W. N. Long. Mrs. Marian A large community Thanksgiving Many Get Merit Badges; Oscar Drury, Fall Creek, and Mrs. at 11 o'clock with the sermon on cards. came a naturalised cltlxen the fol­ Ticket sales for the play began Hnnsley. demonstrator for a salad dinner was held at the Dexter Greater Thing»" being preached this week. Reservations are being oil Nurse Training Course is Lydia Goff. Medford; four sons. by Rev. Veltle Pruitt, pastor. There Mrs. W. O. Burch. P. T. A. presi­ lowing year. company showed several church last Thursday Immediately Thomas and Bert of Fall Creek. In 1884 the fam ily moved to made at the high school. Regal methods of arrangment at the meet­ dent. announced Wedneeday that following the Thanksgiving ser­ Announced for Ten Weeks Verne of W aterm ill, New York, and lan Endeavor w ill meet at 6:30. Washington. living Sumner is business manager for ing the receipt* for the evening were Snohomish. vices conducted by Rev. Gordon C. James of Jasper, and one brother the production. Four gueeti, Mrs. Margaret Ken­ Parents of Girl Scouts and others 317.10 from ticket salee and the there until 1898. G riffin. At Z:SO In the afternoou In Washington. GROUP OF MAIL BOXES yon, Mrs. F. A. DePue. Mrs. Lawr­ who are Interested In this work Girls League took in 31.90 from » a program was given by the young He Is survived by two sons. Funeral services were held from ence May. and Mrs. George Green people. The pastor of the church are Invited to attend tho first Court SOLD TO MAPLETON candy sale. The proceeds will be Thomas Watson. Wenatchee, and SEAL SALE DRIVE IS (he Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel were present. Sixteen members at­ divided between' the hot lunch fund James was showered with fruits, vege­ of Award* of the Springfield troop Watson. Marcóla; two STARTED DOWN TOWN tended. In thia city Wednesday afternoon One unit of 100 mall boxes at the and the religious education work In daughters. Mrs. W illiam McKeough tables and other farm produce dur­ to be held at the Methodist church at 2 o'clock. Rev. Veltle Pruitt, Springfield postoffice were sold on the schools. Plans for a Christmas party and ing the afternoon. He was also pre­ Friday evening. Wenatchee, and Mrs. John Treloar School Children to Sell Health (MiHtor of the Christian church, of­ Tuesday to Linn A. Wheeler, post­ gift exchange to be held at the next Second class scout pins will be sented with a quilt which had been of Tacoma; also 17 grandchildren Stampe to Parents; Mrs. Ger­ ficiated and Interment was made master at Mapleton. The petition meeting at the home of M ri. Laar- pieced by the ladles of the con­ awarded to Jean Stratton. Jean and 16 great grandchildren. APPRECIATION IS SENT trude Wilson Chairman In Mt. Vernon cemetery. ence M offitt, club president on Dec­ Lloyd. Colleen Cornell, Hatel Nee- and order of sale was filed Nov­ gregation. FOR SCOUT SCRAPBOOK He was a member of the Episco­ ember 5, were announced. Mrs. blit, and Ilia Putman. ember 29 In Circuit Court at Eu­ Christmas health seals were put pal church and of the I. O. O. F. Hunsley will demonstrate method* The following girls will receive LIVESTOCK DIE IN gene. A letter of appreciation from the lodge at Snohomish. on sale In Springfield this week RED SOX GIRLS LOSE of preparing salads and salad dress­ Merit badges for the activities The group of boxes were prop children at the Memorial hospital EARLY BARN BLAZE under the direction of Mrs. Ger­ TWO GAMES; WIN ONE named after ihelr names: Teddy Funeral services will be held at erty of the Commercial State bank, In Portland has been received by trude Wilson, chairman of the ings at this meeting. W right, first aid. observer, bird Three cows, three calves and the now In liquidation. They have been MI bs Eunice Gerber expressing Snohomish this afternoon at 2 Springfield health unit and In The Red Box b a k e tb a ll team finder, needlewoman, Inundre-'s, winter's supply of hay were all lost stored In the postoffice here for thanks for scrapbooks which the o'clock. The I. O. O. F. lodge will charge of the seal sale. HIGH SCHOOL DELEGATES comprising g irl* of Springfield and dancer, housekeeper, swimmer and In a late fire Saturday night which some time, not being needed here local Scout troop made and sent have charge. Poole-Gray-Bartholo- Children In the schools will sell Eugene defeated the Bt. Mary's TO ATTEND SALEM MEET cook. completely destroyed the barn on since the Inauguration of the free to these children on Thanksgiving. mew chapel of Springfield shipped the stamp* to their parents and high school team here last Friday the body north Tuesday. Leota McCracken, bird finder, the McCroasIn farm In the Jasper delivery service says F. B. Hamlin, The letter read as follows: others while Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. W. E. Buell, principal. Miss Anne Monday they went to Oakridge and hoatess, rhlhl nurse, handywoman. area. The barn was locafed In a postmaster. "W e received the very charming Maude Bryan are making a can­ Vogel, dean of girls, and members lost to last year’s county champion­ and scribe; Faye Holverson. cook, low spot near the river and neigh scrapbooks and papers this morn SURPRISE PARTY FOR vass of the business district. The of the Girls' League will go to ship team 34-18. Wednesday night bird finder, housekeeper, swimmer, bora did not see the fire until It Ing. We sent them up to the chil­ DOCTORS TO HEAR TALK sale continues until Christmas. Salem Saturday morning to attend a practice game was lost to the WM. LONG IS MONDAY health winner, needlewoman, life had a good start. Mr. Jacoby hur dren for their Thanksgiving. W ill the annual conference of Girls' Coburg girls team. ON MEDICAL ECONOMICS aaver and observer. rled over and turned the pig* and you please tell your G irl Scouts Friends of W illiam Long gather­ League members and high school LIONS TO HEAR SONGS Florence May, first aid; Ilia Put­ chickens loose. how much we appreciate these ed at his home Monday evening officials. League representatives Springfield doctors w ill attend METHODISTS TO HEAR man. first aid, dancer, bird finder, Mr. and Mra. McCroasIn were BY KENNETH RODUNER from Springfield w ill be Lillian hooks?" for a surprise potluck dinner on a meeting tonight In Eugene of the and observer; Hasel Nesbitt, OVERCOMING OF EVIL away at the time of the fire and the occasion of his birthday anni­ Trlnka, Faye Squires. De Etta Sand needlewoman; Jean Stratton, bird returned late Saturday night to Central W illam ette Medical so­ Kenneth Roduner, graduate of the gathe, and M arjorie Prochnow. ciety at the Osburn hotel. They MRS. TINKER WINNER OF versary. The guests came dressed "A Day W ith God” Is the theme finder, obaerver and first aid. school of music at the University find their barn destroyed. H I* In humorous costumee and caused will hold a dinner meeting begin­ of the morning worship service at Bernice Barnes, cooking; Colleen father waa asleep In the hou-e. but ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR many humorous Incidents. The of Oregon and director of the choir ning at 6:80. Dr. A. M. Webster. nleven o'clock at the Methodist Cornell, first aid. JAMES W. MOTT TO BE did not see the tire until neighbor* dinner table was beautifully deco­ of the Methodist church, will be a Portland, w ill be the principal Notification that she had been church. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter Faye Holverson, Ilia Putman. awakened him. guest at the weekly meeting of tbe LUMBERMEN'S SPEAKER speaker. He la a prominent medi­ nwarded the electric refrigerator, rated with a large birthday cake will preach. The evening message Rose Odgen, Maxine Valller, Col Lions club Friday noon and will and candles. cal man having been called Into given for writing the beet letter Is: "Overcoming Evil." The hour Is leen Cornell, Frances Cornell, and sing several solo numbers. Mr. James W. Mott, congressman- conference with governmental during the week ending November Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ckrl 7:30. The Leagues meet at 3:80. Teddy W rlghi will take a ten weeks ANNUAL CHURCH MEET Roduner ha» won considerable elect from the flrat Oregon district. heads at various times to give ad­ 11, on the topic. “W hy I like to Olson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Whitney, The Bunday Church school meet* course to be given by Mrs. Della praise for his solo work in several Is to be the main speaker on the SET FOR MONDAY NIGHT vice. Trade nt My Favorite Grocery Mr. and Mrs. John Henderer, Mr. presentations In Eugene during the program at the meeting of the W il­ Fltsgerald which will qualify them at 3:43. Officers w ill also be elected at 8tore." was received thia week by and Mrs. Harry Stewart, Mr. and for the home nurse merit badge. past few years. Annual meeting of the Christian lamette Valley Lumbermen’* a so- Mrs. E. B. Tinker of Pleasant HUI Mrs. N. L. Pollard, the honor guest Tenderfoot award* will be mode church will be held at the church the meeting. TWO CARS DAMAGED IN F. B. Hamlin and John Henderer clatton and the West Coast group and Mrs. Long. Elmo Long, and Mra. T in ker wrote of the Jurgena at the regular scout meeting this Mondny evening at 5:30. A covered to be held at the Osburn hotel In are on the program committee. ACCIDENT HERE FRIDAY tore In Eugene In entering the Mr. and Mrs. George Green and afternoon. dl*h dinner will be served before “B" LEAGUE BASKETBALL Eugene Friday evening a t 3:30. daughter. Gloria. contest which was sponsored by Miss Eunice Gerber Is captain the business session. New officers T a riff problems and other national Two cars driven by John 8. GAMES START ON FRIDAY A larse number of Yo Yo's of CLASS HOLDS ANNUAL the Golden West coffee company of the troop and has*Evelyn aa her for the year will be elected, re­ problems relating to lumber will Davis, route 1, and Lee Davis, were various sixes were presented to at Portland. lieutenant. REUNION DINNER EVENT be discussed. ports will be given by the different First games on the "B" league badly damaged here Friday morn the honor guest. Members of the troop committee organisation* of the church, the an­ basketball schedule (or schools In Ing when they collided at the Inter Sixteen member* of the Spring- are Mrs. W. K Barnell, Mra. O. H COOKING CLUB PLANS nual budget w ill be considered and this vicinity w ill start Friday night. section of Fifth and E. streets field high school class of 1929 at GOSPEL MISSION HOST AT Pleasant H ill and Lowell team* None of the person* Involved In Jarrett, M r*. L. E. May. Mra. W the year's work discussed. PARTY DECEMBER 22 BUSINESSMEN ATHLETES tended their reunion dinner and C. W right. Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter, FELLOWSHIP MEETING meet at Lowell for what promise* the accident were Injured. WILL PLAY TONIGHT party at Chicken Inn north of Eu and Mrs. Wanda Barnes. to be a hard-fought game. The boys Members of the cooking club of METHODISTS HOLD Memberfs of the Full Gospel mis­ The weekly meeting of the ath­ gene Friday morning. Those pres LEGION TO MEET AT QUARTERLY MEETING and girls teams from Creswell will the Christian church w ill sponsor a go to Oakridge the same evening large Christmas party In the social letic class of Springfield business­ ent were Audrey Moskop, Evelyn sion of Springfield were hoot* on IUKA CIRCLE TO ELECT Jacobsen, Paul Potter, Norman Monday to visitor* from other LOWELL HALL TONIGHT Dr. M. A. Marcy, district superln to play a double-header game with rooms of the church on Thursday men will be hold at the high school Roth. Louise Robinson, Jack Dan NEW OFFICERS TONIGHT churche* In the district at a fellow­ December 32, It was decided at the gymnasium tonight at 8 o'clock. tendent, was the principal speaker the high school teams there. Regular semi-monthly meeting of ner, LeRoy, Inman, Mr. and Mrs ship meeting and dinner at the Considerable Interest has been meeting held Friday at the home of Officers for the next year w ill be at the first quarterly conference the Springfield American l-eglon developed In the activities of this Keith Kendall, Wayne Townsend Methodist church. Se*elona «ran Mrs. John Morehouse. Priscilla Club Hostess post number 40 and the auxiliary elected tonight by Iuka circle num meeting of the Methodist church group, hut a larger attendano« is Dale Summers. O. Perry and Mrs held during the afternoon and «arm­ Twenty-two attended the meet Members of the Priscilla club will be held tonight at the Lowell her 37 when they meet at the home held here Tuesday evening. Reports ing with a dinner at 3 o'clock. Mm. desired. Any man who want* to Donald Meaklns. Ing Friday. Two gue«ts were Mrs hsH starting at 8 o’clock. A potluck of Mrx. Lee Putmnn. The officers of the various organisations of the w ill be entertained thl« afternoon M r*. Meaklns and Mr. Danner Raymond Mercian waa in i play for an hour or two each week A. B. Downs and Mra. W alter Me at 3:30 at the home of Mrs. Riley luncheon w ill be held Immediately w ill not take their places until the church were also given at the meet arcangemaata. were In charge of the affair. Is urged to be present. Pherson. Snodgrass. first meeting In January. In«- following the meeting. SCOUT CORRI PDR GIRLS IS FRIDAY T. WATSON DIES. IT ROME OF SDN