THIJKHljAV. NOVKMnKlt 24, 1982 T H E SPRINOHBbn NBW8 FAO» FOUR Gochani Zoo Llamas Have N ew Baby «M H TOW N AND V IC IN IT Y ARMORY MATCH balls and curdy will he »old hut there will be no admission All proceeds will g o to Ihe Improve­ ment of the playshed Miss Margaret Dent of Roseburg visited over the week-end at the home of her aunt. Mrs. J. A. Phelps She attended the Roseburg. Eugene football game in Eugene Friday. Saturday night Mrg. Phelps enter­ tained a few neighbors at cards In her honor. Erma Drew who has been attend­ ing several weeks with her grand mother In Grunts Paas has return ed to Pleasant Hill and will resume tier studies at the high school MRS. M'GEE DIES IN AUTO MISHAP Ill at Hom« — Mrs Herbi Mi­ Drive to Seattle — Leland fray and mother have gone to Seattle Parland is 111 st her home. Broken Stssrlng Gsar Ssttds to speed the Thanksgiving holidays lli at Hospital — Mrs. W. C. Large Crowd« Pack Arena for Motor Into Ditch; Daugh­ Creswell Resident Here— Mrs. S Myers is quite ill at the Pacific Jensen Matches; New In­ ter Livss In Springfisld E. Dresser of Creswell wa a visi­ Christian hospital. terest in Came Shown tor in Springfield Wednesday. Funeral services for Mrs. William Fall Creek Man Here— George Another grudge match will be McGee. Creswell, who was fatally Assists at Office— Mrs Harris Brewer of Pall Creek was a hnsl featured at the Eugene Armory Fri injured Tuesday evening when ihe Hurd of Eugene *.s assisting Dr W. ness visitor In Springfield Tuesday. day night when Herb Owen, match­ auto in which she was riding turn­ C. Rebhan at his office this week Ill at Home— Mrs, D. B Murphy maker of the Eugene Commlselon, ed over Iwo miles East of Creswell during the a b en ce of Miss Jones I • is ill at her home with scarin’ fever. pit« Walter Achiu against Thor will be held from the Sehwerlng Dinner Quest»—Postmaster and The house has been quarantined. Jensen In a return engagement. cliupel In Croswell Friday morning Mr P. B. Hamlin have as th ' r A capacity house Is expected for at in o'clock. He». P. J- Luvaas. Start Basketball Practice— First dinner guests today. Rev. and Mrs, the event. The match last week pu tor of th» Central Lutheran basketball pact Ice for , Isa stored, what kind of storage Stewart and Mrs Walter Uossler Portland Man Here— Frank Tay­ appointed. The bazaar will be held I A. J. Schnetxkey home. ed at (he Pleuaant Hill gymnasium ; places are beet atul what cuudt- were hostesses at the home of the lor. former Lane county sheriff, December 2. last Friday. The boys team was | lions are needed. It then dlscusse« former. Guests at Dinner—Mr. and Mrs was a visitor in Springfield Satur­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sylvester defeated by the Springfield club ihe storage of each Individual vege­ i Nate Jack and family are guests day. He is now connected with Ttlll« Mary says she compares , at Thanksgiving dinner today a’ the United States Marshall's office moved to Springfield Wednesday. team by a score of 26-21 and the table of a fairly long Hat. telling very favorably with Ihe statue of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Jennings have how the ordinary farmer or garden Pleasant Hill girls defeated the Eu­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dav d in Portland. purchased the Sylvester property gene Red Sox girls by a score of < r can make sure of keeping u good Venus de Milo. ________________Springfield. Oregon ____________ Saltsman. j supply of his vegetables for taler Millie—1 suppose she means In ¡and will make their home there. 42 to 19. Dinner at Corvallis—Mr. and Mrs. Cuts Finger in Saw — Woodrow F. B. Flanery. their son. Richard A growing appreciation for our inheritence conies Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Gloss of Deer- weight. • Friday is homecoming for the >ale or home use. Ware cut his finger quite badly and daughter. Dorothy, will spend horn who recently leased a farm Pleasant Hill high school. Friday to us at this Thanksgiving time. In its broader aspects Wednesday when he caught it in Hie afternoon at Corvallis where near Redmond left to make their night there will be two basketball this appreciation develops a greater sense of fellowship a high-speed saw at the high school they will have Thanksgiving dinner residence at Terrebonne Sunday. games. One between the alumni for all American citizens, and a greater desire to serve manual training department. Mrs. Vern Caldwell is entertain­ and active girls; the other between with relatives. humanity in a way that will reflect our gratitude. ing the Walterville Ladles Union the alumni and active boys. A Dinner at Mabel—Mr. and Mrs. Aid society at her home Friday number of old students are expect Dinner at College Crest—Dr. and Marion Adams and son. Bob. and afternoon and on Wednesday of ed back. Mrs. N. W. Emery. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Carson are next week the Workers' society Ralph Laird and family are mov­ spending the day at Mabel as John Ilenderer. P. W. Emery and will meet with Mrs. Zora Potter of 4 , - , l ing into their lovely new home quests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles others from this vicinity are spend Walterville. which has Just been compleled. The Ing Thanksgiving day at the Wil­ , Carson. The Deerhorn school Is giving a new house stands where the old liam Lightfoot home at College Parents are Guests— Mr. and Crest. program Wednesday evening. Nov­ house which was burned to the Mrs. C. A. Swarts and daughter ember 30. Proceeds will be used to ground last December, had stood 3 CANS are entertaining today for Mr. provide Christmas treats for the ! for many years. Swart's parents and sister. Mr. and Christmas program. 1 The Cloverdale community club Mrs. C. E. Swarts and Miss Edna The several schools of the valley women met at the hall at Clover­ Ewarts. are dismissing school from Wed­ dale Thursday of last week for an Mr. and Mrs. Sid Savage moved nesday until Monday. A number all day quilting. Mrs. L. Bauer act­ Health Nurse Here—Mrs. Della Fitzgerald, county health nurse from the Dank’s house last Satur­ of the teachers plan to spend the ing as hostess. A potluck dimer four days' vacation with their home was served at noon. We're thankful this Thanksgiving for the liberal spent the past week in Springfield day to Springfield. Rev. Swanders from Portland, folks at various places. The Helping Hand club of Trent examtrlng children for bad tonsils patronage accorded us this last year by the people Harvey Potter was pleasantly will hold a Christmas bazaar at and investigating reports of com­ secretary of Missionary work. In Oregon, preached at Thurston last surprised Thursday evening when the playshed of the Trent school municable diseases. of Springfield nnd Lane county. Sunday, Rev. E. V. Stivers assist­ about 30 of his neighbors arrived December 1. Two one-act plays will PER POUND Start School Here — Jack and ing. to help him celebrate his birthday. be given "Pearls" and "Cornfed Mrs. Ralph Bonney and James Jerry Clark, former students at Lin­ We appreciate your friendship and are happy to A birthday surprise party was Babies.” Mrs. A. W. Rice has been coln high school in Portland, have Edmiston motored to upper Mc­ also arranged Sunday by Mrs. H. acting as director. The school glee serve you. moved to Springfield and enrolled Kenzie and spent the week-end A. Morris complimenting Earl Craft club will furnish music. Popcorn in the local high school Wednes­ near the Belknap Springs. A. W. Weaver Is seriously ill at day. his home here. To Junction City— Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Vienhouser from J. M. Larson and two sons have Wa-hington. visited Miss Heersma gone to Junction City today to last week. They were here for the spend Thanksgiving with relatives HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT funeral of Mrs. Vienhouser's They will return in time for the brothers, John Hanekamp. which service, provenlorla, and other PER POUND American Legion dance at Thurs­ forms of anti-tuberculosis work. was held last Wednesday. in Jacob Itlls' article tie explained ton this evening. Mr. and Mrs Melvin Buell from how successful the Ideu had proved To Eastern Oregon — Mr and Roseburg are here visiting Miss to be for three years In Denmark Mrs. M. B. Huntly left Tuesday Heersma until after Thanksgiving, He said that other "charity" stamps afternoon for Antelope, Oregon to Mr. and Mr . Felix Sparks from had come and kudo without llndlng continuous public favor. "I think 1 ■spend Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs Blue River are visiting Mrs. Arch can guess the reason," wrote Rlis. i Bolton of Corvallis accompanied i Shough. "They didn't have the right spokes­ them. They expect to return the Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Safely from man. It remained for Hans Chris­ Roseburg spent the week-end here I latter part of the week. tian Andersen's countrymen to en with Mrs. Safely's parents, Mr. and list Santa Claus.” BUT — HERE’S — A — RECORD — WE Returns from Hillsboro— R. L Mrs. Roy Edmiston. M e » V w M Saxo Hwtar "What I want to know," continued I b «Mk. i Sears returned Saturday from Hflls- wax »— « o— " Rlis, "is *l>y we cannot here bor­ ^ u 7 t . i - W | > t w M » Ilk ; boro. With him were his mother, row a leaf from Santa Claus’ Danish j Mrs. Eva Sears, his brother and Mrs. Skjold—What on earth are year book, and do as they have sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mark you applauding that la s 's nger for? done. Why should we not have a Hundreds of People Have Bought Thousands of Christmas stamp, printed by a Sears. They will remain over the 1 think she was terriblp Dollars of Goods at Our tuberculosis committee, not for the Mrs. Bjorn—1 know, but I like ! Thanksgiving holidays. purpose of building a hospital—let the gown she is wearing and I each state or town build Its own — Roseburg People Here Mr. and wan( get another look at It. but (or the purpose of rousing up Mrs. Olenn Radabaugh of Roseburg _________________ M » .h W > iH il'S and educating the people In this JACOB RIIS were in Springfield Sunday even­ T«i M u * ««UM a most important matter? What N O T IC E O F P A Y M E N T ing to visit at the home of Mr. i IE first person In the United might it not mean In revenue to O F D IV ID E N D S and Mrs. W. A. Taylor. Mr. and States to suggest the use of finance the cause that creeps along t4 » n ts R n itto d In B triwd tic h s d««» Staat «X PUm Mrs. Radabaugh are former resi-l IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Christmas Seals to raise money to where It ought to run? Hut. much N S’ sai Siss ) l by >1 m«h»» M an ia « a» P*aH as 21 inrha* THE STATE OF OREGON FOR dents of this city. fight tuborculosls was Jacob Rlis. more than that, what might It not «ta ch as High. 5 .nabas ds«p THE COUNTY OF LANE. the noted author, editor and settle be made to mean as an educating b. 1 io c U o r u i t w r Go to Blue River—Mr. and Mr» In the Matter of the Liquidation of « wH haahsf h i« « » pohtheJ raent worker. In an article In the medium in fighting the White s - m A Height 24 inchss. C. E Wheaton are spending the dav I V10 * otnmerclal State Bank of OUTLOOK for July, 1907. he de­ Plague? Practically every man , Depth 11 .nehse . ... ... i. .u . Springfield, Oregon. scribed a stamp he had received in who saw this stamp on a letter, or E ven in our l»nd o f sunshine there »re times w hen at Blue River where they are guests NOTH'E IS HEREBY GIVEN chilly and rainy w eath er call for heat in the home. the mall from a friend In Denmark, on a postal card—It Is posted on of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vkncent. This That an order has been entered by T h e H u m p h rey R»di»ntfire is sn ide»l source o f where they had been sold to raise both in Denmark—would want to Is an annual custom with these two the Circuit Court of the Slate of healthful »unlike h e*t. It w ill fortify your home. d»y money for a hospital for tubercu­ know what it meant. And when families to meet at Blue River on Oregon, for the < ounty of I-H r>e. or night, against disagreeable w eather. B .i i c' one item has been returned on acoount of lous children. Rlls urged the adop people want to know, half the flghl , , , . authorizing, empowering and di- H u m p hrey Radiantfire heat if juft like the heat Thanksglvlng and at Springfield rf,f,((ng ,hg Superlntendent of tlon of the Idea In the United States. it won. It is because they do noi from the «un Radiating rayf reach out, w arm ing ail Pricos although we Guarantee for the Christmas holidays. Banks to distribute a second divi­ This article came to the attention know a few amazingly simple sot.d object« in the room. But the air remain« cool, dend of 10% on all oridinary de­ things that people die of tuber of Emily Bissell of Wilmington, fresh and active. Power Company Men Here — posit claims filed and approved Delaware, who decided to use seals culosis. Leland Allen, H. H. Hall, Felix against the Commercial Depart­ as a means of raising money for a "I am pleading for the half mil Instant Healthful Haat Surely Our Prices Must Be Right! Kebbe, Lester Cole. L. M. Gossler, ment up to and Including March similar hospital on the banks of the lion poor souls all over the land N o matter h o w quickly the w e a th e r may 24, 1932; and to pay a first dividend i change, the H u m p hrey Radiantfire i> alwaya Ram Black, and Charles Boyd, of 25% on all ordinary deposit Brandywine River. She designed whose faces are set today toward an f ready at the touch o f a match to flood your the first seal, sold during the Christ­ Inevitable grave because of igno- members of the maintenance crew claims filed and approved against rooms w ith sunlike heat. rance, heedless Ignorance, and for mas holidays of 1907. of the Mountain States Power com- the Commercial Department from Remember there is but one Radiamflre. The next year the project became the friends who grieve with them ; pany from Albany were in Spring November 14, 1931 to March 24, Cotton Rib. Our regu­ the H um phrey Radiantfire T h e re are thirty- This is an exceptional 1932. said dividends to be paid on national. After that tuberculosis and for them ” six period models and portable designs to ! field Monday night. lar prices are notorious­ value for growing girls and after December 1, 1932. Since the above was published, associations soon were formed In select from T h e re is a design Io harm onize ly low. What must a buy That said order directed that every state and In many cities and the death rate from tuberculosis in w ith any home furnishings. C o m e tn today Sizes 2^2 to 6 Goes tp Washington— Mrs. Etta this notice be given by publication like thia be. and let us tell you about the H u m p h rey ihe United States has been reduced towns, until today, as the sale of the litgley left the first of the week thereof In one Issue of the Sprlng- Radiantfire and the com fort and beauty it 26th ChrHtmas Seal begins, there almost two-thirds, which means a for Bothwell, Washington, where field News, a newspaper of general w ill bring to your homo. are 2084 such tuberculosis associa­ saving today of 150,000 lives per she will spend the winter with a circulation printed and published tions and committees In the coun­ year. Despjte this fact, one out of daughter. Mrs. Blgley's home is a. '? th,e T"wn of ,Lan'; try. And Instead of less than 200 every five deaths among persons1 j County, Oregon. That the date of Gordonvllle, Minnesota. She is the publication thereof is Novem sanatoria, there are now 633 From between 15 and 45 is due to this 968 planning to spend the winter on her 24, 1932. ■ oast to coast the seal pays for all disease. The war waged with money A. A. SCHRAMM, Superintend year-round local health work, espo from Christmas Seals must go on the Coast and visited here for a Willamette ent of Banks, In charge of the Hally among children, and supports unabated, until tuberculosis la ut few days with her cousin, Mrs. T. liquidation of the Commercial such projects as clinics, nursing terly banished C. Barker. S t a t o Itn n k Yarnall bamilv Meet at Reunion Legion Dance at Thurston Tonight I McKenzie Valley Upper Willamette Irish-Murphy Co. Chilli Concarne 25C Thurston Fresh Roasted Chocolate Peanuts lO c Walnuts Tomato Juice New Crop Letter From Denmark Inspired First Christmas Seal Sale Wright & Sons 15c “EXCUSE OUR BOASTING” Are Proud of HUMPHREY Ridffirtfise WillFortifyYourHome Day orNidht A dainst C old.R ain a n a W in d T LIQUIDATION Sale fLowest Prices or Money Back1 orthwest Cities Cas Co. Sport Oxfords Men’s Unions $1.43 47c C. J. Breier Co.