T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R U , 1982 T H E flP R lN O F lE L D NBW H 311.46; Albert Fin set h 610 36; Tad I J. Birch 132.37: Clarenca Belknap 310.76; J. Hopkins | 3 t M ; Chas. ¡Estala of Charles R. Hraltaln. I * erlhed real properly, situated to ! iTtndel 310 46; Art Pope 3464; 116.76; L. 1. Slagle 644.73; C. E. Neat 14.08; Frank Schults »9.43; (■eased. ¡ ,,1H County of Lane, State ot U ra -1 Albert Berkshire 34 47; W L. Prln Damewood 127 30; Budd Kompp O. J. Neet 61.46; Fred Lappart N O T IC I k’-’»1*- November, 1632 'del 61162; B F. Cameron 84 94; 13 17; Virgil Clover «4.47; U. D. 61.46; A. C. Lake 621 86; Myron OF F IN A L I I T T L I M I N T BPECIAL ROADS 1. Beginning at the quarter ' Andy Camero® >14.43; Hiram Prln Brendel 66 94 B F. Mlnney »10 77; Sailor 113.66; Wayne Hale 66 06; DIST. No I: Frank I*. Briggs gì William Mummers 31 41; Waldo W Tsvh - 61.48. Albert Fin- Kd Mabe -------- - T. H. Parks Nolle« la hereby given thut Rivai section corner, betwuen Sections Maba 614.36; M Brown, adtulolalralrlx, with the I 1 and I, Township 16 Mouth »16 72; J. Hopkins »19 67; Lionel, cha» Follett 3130; Albert F1n-!seth 16 74; Luther Prlndel 3149:,314 38: H. W Carton 323.15; Mart Inland Neely >467; Albert Camp'Alhro 12 88; J. J. Albro 64 47; Jess will enneaed of the «alate of* Range 7, West, W illamette Meri­ Hl ration >B»8; Asci ThorsfeldlUctt, >lJ0O Charles E Hraltaln, deoenaed. has ] dian. Oregon, and running thence ' l l 49 DIHT No. 38. Equipment 3130. 810.41; W alter Camp 82 88; Jeea Oatee 318 66, Frank Oates 31311; 2: It A. Babb Hd West 18.66 chains, lu (he ranter DIET, f lllMT. No. 39 Herman Schmitt' Gouda 810 43; John Poster 88 94; | Joe McCargsr |4.26; Charlie Peter filed In the County Court of the of the main channel ot Lake ¡Co. 14 76 Pelar Schulz 3 *I 7g 0& ’ Myers 174 8« Earl | Uhaa. M Darllcv 833 64; W ill Chase I son 74c; l^o n le Haldorsen 313.67; Vogntablea, Medical Plants, State of Uregon, In and for Lane Creek. Ibenca, along the canter Joe Wakefield 324.81; It (bard Myer« 18.64; W alter George | ; Orvtll I cne »10.43, O rville| John Samuel 88.72 County, her final report aa such Nuraay Stock, Flowar Bulba of said channel, up stream. North Hines 314»- Flovd I' iningtoB Krvln Wolf 327.64; Harry Robert- Johnson f ' l administratrix; and that ten - . A. Davis >14.34; I BRIDOB: Mrs. Ada Cox 218.66; and Seeds Included 322 34; L. J Hlrch 82.23 H H m- 38 degrees 67 min. East 4.83 son 836.31; Elmer Lamb 236 31; • B 8hou-> 24 47; Kenneth T e rrill Equipment 214.33; Florence Lum o'clock In the forenoon of Satur­ C R A ZY C R Y 8 T A L 8 Plisar 86 70; C. Ira Starr 68.70 ; 0. J. Johnson >2 00; *3-38; H M chains, thence North 38 degrees nett 37 45; C Mayhall 84.47; Roy ! her Co. 3108.75; Roy Foster 342.00; day, the 6th day of December, 1612, A Mineral Water Treatment. A sharp upward trend In the pro­ Halril 86 64; W alter Boone W alter Oeorge 34 36; John Horton 8pry 310 47; 16 min. West, 6.18 chains, thence M at the courtroom of «aid court In Clyde Carder 33 46; M iller Sorensen 314-87; B. M 8i.n Urluga a Health Resort to You. North 40 degrees 26 min. Kast 224 07; H. .1 Heock 28 16: Thos 312.36; Oeorge Worthington 86.73; , A»0y Almas: 8148; V D. Fogle born 311.32; Ted Oeorge 36 67; duction of vegetablee for sale, and Kugena. Uregon. have been by the 10 E 7th, I I W Ith , Kugeue. l*h 170« court fixed aa (he lime and place 2.66 chains, thence North 1 de­ Lind 28.19: I W Plcke't 213.80; «'beater Starr 34 98 H.m H o rto n ' 368 37£ Arthur L. Roberto 21M.48; | Wm Tnto 87.48; Wm Edwards In medicinal, nursery, flower bulbs gree 04 min. West 6.18 chains, H. D. Steel Brook» 216 88; Angus 82.46; Clifford Abb-y 813 47; E. E. Karl Roberts ,83.60; J. E Dam«- ,1 3 4 ; W P Sorensen »6.66; C. O. of hearing objections to said re thuuce North 16 degrees I I min. linrbeck 24X63: Chas Neal 2114 84 Harrows 84 22, Lloyd Robertson wood ,48.32; Stout A Germ«® : McBee ,3.66; Jena Bailor ,2.66; R. and seed, and florists crop« lu Ore Port and for the final settlement FtiR MALIC- Standard make plauo West, 1.18 chelas, tbeace North « D ,5 T «N0/u .: 32.88; Charlie Starr 24 22; Harry ,.K 66; State Ind. Accident Com ' W. Hall ,2.66; Budd Kompp 38 6»; go® from 1819 to 1929 la shown by of the estate n< «aid deceased near Sprluafleld. W ill sacrifice 48 degrees 03 min. West. 3.16 ‘ “J I, 1 » ' *ï.°i6k« F^ n k ,M w .rts 34.22 ; 8 Watterbouse ,67.06; J. W. Quackenbuah A Son V. D. Fogle ,42.»4. data Just published by the collect KLVA M HRUWN, Admlnle- P. M. Morse extension service. chains to the Junction of Lake Birch 88.B4 " J 1 " " 1 »n ■ • * , * * * * 36.22; Charlie Popo 36 67; A T. <65 20: K A. Babb Hardware Co I EM ERGENCY: tratrlx of the Fatate of Charlne tor unpaid balance. A auap. Easy Creek with a smaller creek com­ M riorttvick >9 4«, N Bush 213 41; Suni,ch |M .gg; John Suiulch 26.64; ,164.84; Hills Creek Lumber Co. '»176.74; Eugene Concrete Pipe Co. K Hraltaln. Decca ed terms W rite Tullman t'lauo The acreage ot these cro|W 1« ing lu from the North, thence Jea Keeler 26.94; O. E Sinclair Glen Lincoln 35,94; K. J. Horton ,260.6»; Nelson Motor Co. ,1.64; i »64.00; F. J Damewood <43.58;'C. A. B W HKKLKR. Attorney. Htore, Hulein, Oregon. aloug the center of the smaller 413.41; Geo Jeuters >3 72; Alex 38.30. Equipment ,207.84; Yellow F ir M Damewood ,34.74; Chas. Dodds still relatively small, however, be­ IN 10-17-34- D I S) creek North 46 degrees 69 min. Kennedy 34.47: Arnold Atchenson (N 1714 — D I ) DIHT. No. 40: Albert Morgan Lumber Co. ,2138; Cottage Grove 74c; Wm. Sailor »4.22; Clair Dame- ing leas than 1 per cent of the total East, 4.10 chains, thence North 34 47; It K H ill 371 80; Art Sun 339 94; Karl Brown >39 98; Roaa Lumbcr Co. ,131.14; Albert E. Nel- wood »1.11; Darwin Damewood acreage from which crops were har­ del-man 34.33; J. H. Kennedy >6.40. 20 degrees 16 min. Kast 4.28 NOTICK OP HKARINO Myers >39.64; Horen Sorensen son »4.45; C. H. Carson »5 00; *3c; R. W Farmer 74c. F t,It B A LK - McKeuxle River But vested In i929. Their Importance Is DIHT No. 6 Hhell Oil Co 324 I I ; 313.64; George Johnson >13 94. Smith A Watkins »40.26; Johnson uhalns, thence leaving the creek, NEW CO NSTRUCTIO N Equip OP P IN A L ACCOUNT tom Imud, five to Ilea from town, shown by data on rucelpta. which R. A. Halib Hdwe Co. 90c; Miller- Mouth 76 degrees 68 min. East Furniture Co. ,10.04; Ponaler tnc-nt ,1.723 60; Ralph Sears EJnar Thomsen >5 94; U. G. Mc­ NU TIC K IH 11 Kit E11Y U1VEN: 16 acres, A real bargain, 11460, That the undersigned admlnlatra 4.12 chains to the center of the Sanford Tractor Co. 8286; Equip­ Donald >14 38; I I. E Splckler >6.68. Motoi Co. ,18.3»; O. A. H a lto n . »445.60; L. M. Hanklna ,503.35; were reported at ,6.361.300 not In­ county road, thence, along the ment >680. 32 3»; Shell UH Co. »28.63; Alex Tw in Oaks Lumber Co. 76c; Snell- cluding peppermint oil and other 1760 caah, balance terma. 1C. N. tor of the estate of W illiam 11. DIST. No. 42: Fries Hdwe Co. DIST No. 7: Kugene Sand A ceuter of the county roud. Mouth Oarroutte »408.16; E. E. W yatt Strom Bros. ,466.00; Jack Hodges medicinal crop«. This Is nearly 5 Hathaway. 160» Washington, Eu Roach, deceased, has filed Ills ac­ >12.39; Ralph Templeton 33.46; 41 degrees 12 mtn. East 2.90 G ra v e l Co 13160; J. W. Baker >26.00; S. B. Flnegan >16.64; W alt- »1» 40; Ralph King >53.31; A. E. gene, Oregon. N14 count for the final settlement of chains, thence Mouth 60 degrees 87.38; George Saunders 74c; Equip Peter Hkovbo 33 45; Ralph Koon ere-Bushong Lumber Co. »4 47; R. Davis ,26.60; Claire Parks >48 24; percent of the average total cash »aid estate In the County Court 335 64; Ira Gilstrap 326.66; K. V. 07 rnln. Bast 8.87 chains, thence meet 34.94; Ray George 74c; Jack A. Babb Hdwe Co. ,7.74; Peerce George Tolman ,48.24; Milton farm income of the state from 1926 for Leno County, In the State of Barrett 320.78; Harley Forman Service 9totlon ,2.06; Pederson A Fit« h ,110.36; F Roy Smith ,42.86; to 1930.' East 7.67 chains to the East line Hodge« 33 60; Equipment >10 64. T R IA B U R V O IF A R T M IN T Uregon, end that Saturday the 32078- W ilbur Reetx 38.88; Silas DIST No. 8: C. I. Oorrle 374.92; of Section 2, of said Township, brown 38.70; V. 8. Lewis «¿7.50; U n , Oldhau. »14.63, John Peder- 10th day of December, 1632, at the The acreage of vegetables grown Lfflce ot Ibe Comptroller ot the Court Room of aald Court In the. thence North 17.19 chains to the Vernon Harper >11.64; C. E. Fram­ Moffitt 34 98; Orval Pascbke 64.68; Valley Printing Co. »7.60. »on ,20.7»; Frank Jarvis »80 25; Robert Finley 32.68; W. H. Hunt In the open Increased from 6.171 Currency, Waahlngton, D. E Q U IP M E N T : Pacifie Tel A Tel Carl Burkett County Court House, In Kugene, j place of beginning, containing pton 32 23; The Booth Kelly Lum­ 32 68; O. W Brabham >26 11; F. V. 37.68 acrea. together with all ber Co. >11.23. Co. »10.66 D. R. Hamant »1.25; R°y »24-43; Wm. in 191» to 18.264 in 192». The exact Uregon. at ten o’clock In the fore­ November 10, H ill. DIST. No. 6: Hills Creek Lumber Greer >10.43; L. J. Zumwalt 611.46; Mallory Logging Equipment Co. ! buildings and equipment thereon. * 24 4?i D- M Hanklna acreage of vegetables grown under noon, has been by aald Court uxed Not.ce Li hereby given to all per Co. 31 58; W D Olaspey 376.4«; A M. Guyton 37 46; 8. P. Ackerley »13.71; Edwin Tullar ,146.74; A. A. »2*-43; Gerald B. Conner »24.4»; glass and of vegetable seeds was as the time and place for hearing 2. Beginning at the Northeast Eldred Oln»pey 314.60; J. C. Brom­ 35.64; Ralph Templeton >7.46; Her­ M artin ,146.74; aoua who may have elalm i against objections thereto, and for Unal R. H. S m ith , Pred Witcher ,16.37; Donald W it corner ot Section 2, Township 18. ley >33 16; Virgil Harnden 313.41; bert Neave »7.46; Ted Wayne »144.74; C. E. Van Uadol 3124.74; l ^ er »17,88; Leslie Learning ,26.33; not reported. Of the total receipts "The Flral National Hank ot settlement of said estate. South Range 7 West, W illamette J. B Palmer 313 41; John Smith 310.43; Bill Jeske 35.64; Raymond Ray Worden »87.60; W H. Moyer 'yilie y ,2X84; Ray Myers of ,3.139.574 from vegetable crops, 0 . A. Pryor. Administrator of Mprlngfleld," Uregon, that the aame Meridian, Oregon, and running >25 41; O. W. Tilden 213.41; Auldy Huddleston 32.66; O. Huddleston ,44.16; Earl Lackey »116.74; D. D I 11* * 1 Claude Dickens »8.94; Chaa vegetables grown In the open the estate of W illiam H. 36.64; Equipment >126 65; George must be preaented to Lloyd II. thence along the North line of McCumber 213.64. Conley »8.22- Alvin Wltbam »» »»; ’ Z,1'80^ Jack w n u »me brought »3,955.567. vegetables Roach, deceased. Section 2, South 88 degrees 00 Kelley, Kecelver, with the legal DIHT No. 10; Hills Creek Lum­ Tolman 33.36; Ray Worden >3.44; U. Harwood ,2.36; A. F. Willson ?24 43:„ E, * . Thompeon »7.26; L. HAY, Attorney for estate. grown under glass ,173.257 and Roy FI tab 38.68. min. Weat 8.21 chains, to the ber Co. 36 62; M. L. Wallace 314 66; proot I hereof wlthlu three month« IN 10-1724— D 1 -I) DIST. No. 44: Kugene Sand A ,46.46; G. O. Thorpe ,62.12; E. O. Harry Gerlach »11.23; W illiam Oer- vegetable seed* ,10.760. center line of the county road, Equipment 324.08; Dick Schick W.48; Elb® L . . 3 ‘1.50; Joh„ Kommer Palmer »55.82; Ben Wilaon »56.1»; i hence along the center line of 74c- T. J. Forcum 74c. The acreage of medicinal crops, D. D. Conley »38.87; Lee Dugan A^n* H 8 |f ? or, 817 F , 318 38; L. Burkett 34.68; Equip­ allowed. the county road, South 32 de­ DIST. No. 11: Shell Oil Co. »41.84; Curtis Wilaon ,2.69; James Thompson »246; J. M McCaualand principally peppermint for oil. In NOTICK ment >2.10. gree« 00 min West 4.88 chains, >1.13; T. H. Park* 324.23; L. J. Get- F. O A W A LT, Acting Comp »7.1«; John Trunnell »5 4>i E *rl Roberta <4.44.________ creased from 116 In 191, to 2300 OP F IN A L 6K T T L K M K N T DIST No. 46: Robert Hankins Tedford thence South 88 degrees 30 min. chell 74c; Croswell Garage >6.16. troller ot the Currency. ,1.46; Jack Hodges ,6.51; Cnrtia m u t ic e 338 08; A. R. Tolman 682.01; Sam In 1929. No increase wax Indicated East 11.81 chains, to the East Notice la hereby given that the DIST. No. 12: M L Wallace ( F 1«) McMullen 140.13; Chas. Bargee n rii"»i"irî8 7’ i v « î r y n 2 r ” T *,' r , ? 7 î ' i A G A,N8T STOCK RU N N IN G AT by the census In acreage of nurs­ undersigned, T. K. Edward« Kxe-1 line of said Section 2, thence >2 24; Equipment >6.00, Ralph King $2.23, George Tolman l a r g e IN W E S T F IR P R E C IN C T color of the Katate of Mary K. Me , North, along the East line of Hoe­ DIST No. 13: Graber - Gettys 340.13; Cheater Ayres >62.34; J. L. $1.11- Claire Park» $147; A. E W E S T F IR P R E C IN C T ery crops, but receipts Increased NOTICK OF BH KRIFF'K BALK Pheraon, deceased, has filed hla ttua 2, 8.88 chains to the place of Hdwe Co. >1 00; Gerald B Conners Dennis »38.84; Geo. Gilmore »76.03; Hamloth »5.10; Nordling Part« Co. J 1 aPPe*Hng from the abatract very substantially and amounted to RKAL PROPKNTY W Thornton »11.62; L. Hausman Final Report and Account aa aucb \ beginning, containing 8.36 acres. 310.47; Chas. C. Conners 314.87. »20 44; George A. Halton »32.95; ’ ote* c“ t al th® re Kxecutor with the Clerk of the Original Plat of Junction City, Hdwe Co. >4.30; Chestnut Transfer Wilkins »14 60; J. C. Corbet »24.68; Woodbury Co. »24.61; M iller San- held November 8th, 1632. «« made seed production made a very sharp virtue of an elecutloc laaued out ot Connty Court of laute County, Ore­ J. I. Meeker »24.58; C. O. Kemper I he Circuit Court oi the State ot gon, and that Saturday, the 17th, Oregon, together with the lumber Co. 32.00; Cottage Grove Lumber »17.13; C. Schooling »34.86; Ike ford Tractor Co. »64.32; A ir Re »nd declared by the Official Can- gain. In 1929 751 acres of bulbs structures, residences, Co. 36 02; Joe McCargar >24.23; D. Oregon tor Imne County thia 11th day of December. 1632. at 16:00 i yard, ductlon Sale« Co. »18.8»; Broad vaaalng Board for said Election, were produced. Receipts were L. England »3 49; Alfred Plueard Howard 122.34; Raleigh Brown day uf October, 1 I I I , In a ault ''clock In the forenoon In th e 1 building» and other appurtenan­ »4 11; Frank Kelly 74c; Ralph IS O. W Porter »17.46; C. way Service Station «14 48; Ed th“ ‘ ‘ he total number of vote« caat listed at »423,887 for bulbs and ces located thereon. County Court Room In the Court pending therein In which N. F. Jena«® A Co. »2.50; Clark Battery W eatflr Precinct In aald Coun- 4. The Southeast quarter of Black »174; Warren Kelly »3.49; T. Starna »17.46; Fred Rafoth A Electric Co. »12.50; Western »Y. on the question "For and »36,937 for flower seed. Newhuuae waa plaintiff and Hubert House at Kugena, Lane County. »17.45; Lyn Drlakel »17.46; A. Oregon, baa been set by the Hon- ’ Arthur Bales 74c; Melvin McKIb- Section 1, Township 18, South The area under glass, mostly Holmea waa defendant, which ex» »7.45; Ted Jenaen Anto Supply Co. »8.00; Hathaway Against Stock Running at Large." P. Harnard. Judge of aald Court, j Range 7 West, W illamette M eri­ ben 74c; Verlln Ward »8.12; Jack E. Kester cut Ion waa to me directed and and iB votea^ and that of used for florists’ crops Increased ,7.46; Leater Chastain »7.46; Junes Motor Co. ,3.46; John Conaway aa the time and place of hearing I Howard »1 49; Lot Wagner »1.46; dian, In Lane County, Oregon, said votes 22 vote» were cast for commanded me to aell the real Wells »1.4»; J. F Wella »13 16; A. ,1.63; Pacific Macry A Tool Steel stock running at large, and 177 from 373 in 191» to 458 In 192» excepting therefrom that certain Cottage Grove Lumb r Co. »1.28. pruperly hereinafter deacrlbed to objections to the aame, and for D Wella »4 47; H. P. Markuaen Co. »68.81; General Petroleum Co. votes were cast against stock run­ Receipts from flowers and flower­ the final settlement of aald estate.’ DIST. No. 15: J. H Chamber« thirty acres more or leas, hereto­ aatlafy certain liens and chargea »32.94; Marshall Wells Co. »3.00; T E. KDWARDS. Kxecutor. fore conveyed to J. W Slscbo. A Son »7 43; James Tedford »7 18; ,69.23; Equipment ,8.60. ning at large te said Precinct, with ing plants were »941,584 to 1929, ac­ 1 will on Friday the Ind day of DIST. No. 61: Eugene Sand A J. E. Haseltine A Co. »41.00; A. C. boundaries described as follows: and the North half of the North­ John Trunnell »5 68; lxiwell Ted­ December, 1912, at the hour of 10 W KLI-H ft W ELLS. Attorney« cording to the circular. Haag A Co. ,12.93; Simmons Co. Gravel Co. »64.50. IN 17 14— D 1 6 16) east quarter IN K of N E U ), the ford »6 68; Frank Greer »6.98; E. Beginning at the N W corner o'clock. A. M at the southwest The report contains data show­ DIST. No. 55: 8. J. Goddard »8.89; D. A. Lubricant Co. ,63.38; | of Section 6. Twp. 20, R 2 E, North half of the Northwest A. Heaton »5 98; J. D. Clark ,1.4»; door of the County Court Kouao Morris Chevrolet Co. »33.77; S. B. quarter (NVk N W |4 ), and the W alter Murry »2.98; Equipment »40.84; Virgil Clover »14.15; Bill Flnegan »4.8«: Loggers A Con­ thence run South on the Town­ ing the trend in the acreage of eech In Eugene, taaae County, Oregon, Kennedy »12.64; Harry Jonea ship line to the 9E corner of kind of vegetable crop grown for Southeast quarter ot the South ,30.00; A. K. Hamloth ,4 30. offer for aale and aell at public Katate of 1-aera L. llrattaln, De ceased. DIST No 17 Ben Pitcher »2 98; 315.64; Dutch Potter >2.»8. J. D. tractors Machry Co. ,10.95; R. A. Section 12 m Twp. 21. R 1 E; sale and other details concerning east quarter (8E14 of S E I4) ot auction for caah, aubject to redemp­ Babb Hdwe Co. »12.78; Carlson Hollo Ward >13.41; R. C. Olea on ¡ Fraxler >7.45; Leonard Harri« NOTICE thence East on the Section line this Section Thtrty-four (34); the tion aa provided by law, all of the Hatton A Hay ,10.13; Mark C. Interesting and important »1192; L. Ixmg »5 98; Ira I«h«m OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T to the SE corner of Section 7. Northwest quarter of the North­ 335.89; Tom Goddard >7.45 right, title and Interaat of the Sanderson ,94.54; Midgley Planing Notice la hereby given that Klva DIST. No. 16: Shell Oil Co. »5 98; M. Brown »16.70; F. D. Smith Twp. 21. R 3 E. thence North group of horticultural products. west quarter ( N W « of N W U ) Plaintiff In «aid ault and of all par­ Mill Co. »8.15; Model Grocery . Brown, administratrix of the to the NE corner of Section 7, of Section Thirty-five (36); and >128.16; J. E Flock >40.41; Wm. »15.70; D. M erritt »16.70; M att Em­ »6 00; HowardCooper Corporation ties claiming by, through or under merick »16.70; Joe W ilburn »34.66; thence E to tre SE corner of the him or any of them, In or to the Katate of laiura L Hraltaln, de-1 the Kast half of the Southwest W olf »33 83; Henry Holt »82 86; A. Frank Cluster »13.98; Caaey Jonen 351.76; Hills Creek Lbr. Co. »56.23; ceased, has filed In the County W. Flock »38.28; W. A. Crispin SW quarter of Section 5 in Twp. FOUR-H COOK CLUBS DO quarter ( E H of 9 W |( ) , the following dearrllted real proparty. Mallory Logging Equipment Co. Court nt the Htate of Uregon. In ' Southeast quarter (S E I4 ) and »43 89; C. T. Beach »137.34; C. H. ,4.47- Ray Coe »11.92; Arthur Ir ­ 21. R 3 E, thence diagonally NE lo-wM: LARGE VOLUME WORK >52.06; Peerce Service Station to the SE corner of the NE quar the Southeast quarter of the Miller »5 98; John O rr »4.47; C. A. vin <5.98; H. Potter »4.47; B. F. »3.23; Union Oil Co. »51.01; Shell Beginning at a point 411.1 feet and for Lane County her final re­ Mincey »88.21; R. H. P»yne »3.09; port aa such administratrix; and Jones »4 49; V A. Yunck »13.41; ter of Section 5. Twp. 21. R 3 E, Northeast quarter (S B U of North of the Mouthweat corner Oil Co. ,673.6»; Eugene W ater Three hundred thirteen boys and ten o’clock In the forenoon, of thence North to the NE corner N E U ) of Section Tblrty-alx (38), Luther Roger« ,4.47; Wm. Elllfnon Mr». F. E. Clayton »3.82; Equip Board ,60.97; Eugene Auto Top Co. of D. L. C. No. 46. running thence that Saturday the 6th day of December, j all In townahlp fifteen (16), »2.23; F. B. Chenoweth »36 98; J. ment »3.18. of Section 5 ( If Section was girls carrying 4-H cooking projects East 2632.60 feet to place of be ,5.75; Snellstrom Bros. »39.94; H er­ DIST No. 68: Ben Briggs »8.64; marked) of Twp. 20. R 3 E, in Lane county have completed the South of Range Seven (7) west E Paddock »7.40; Mountain F ir ginning; thence Weat 164 feet; 1632. at the courtroom thereof In Lumber Co. »8 6«; Nelson Motor Kenne th Arthur »6 98; Tom Arthur man Clum ,6.00; Standard Oil Co. thence West to the place of be­ of the W illam ette Meridian. thence Mouth 161.66 faet; thence Kugene, Uregon. have been by the required work for the project. ,50.11; Twin Oaks Lumber Co. Co. »5 60; J. F. Neal »4.00; Lawr- »17.43; Clarence Roemhlld »8.94; ginning. South US’ 44 min. Haat 114.30 court fixed and appointed aa the The total value of the work done, 6. All timber of every kind ence Hills »4.54; Clark's Service Edd Kelly »8.94; A. A. Kelly »7.45; »59 97; Harrel A Trask »12.47; NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N feel; thence North 14* 10 mtn. time and place for hearing objec­ and nature situated and located Garage 90c; M iller Sanford Tractor I Roy Caster »20.45; Earl Gowing Fred Ijmgston »6 00; Northwest that after sixty days from the date according to the record books of Weal along the Pacific Highway tions to aald report and for the >23.43: Oeo. Freight A Transport Co. »8.17; of this notice, to-wlt, on and after the members is «2095.86 with a on the following described pre Co. »8.82; Equipment »174.30; Eu >30.19: ° Sam — a Snyder — 170.90 feet to the place of begin­ final settlement of the estate of Ix>ng 322.68; Ralph Lynch >61.13; Spriggs Bros. 50c. mises: The Northwest quarter gene C o n c re te P ip e Co. »88.20. the 25th day of the January. 1933, ning, all In Section I I Townahlp aald deceased. M A IN T E N A N C E ; Ed Davis it shall be unlawful for stock to cost of «1047.93 and a profit to KLVA M HRUW N. Admlnla- uf the Northwest quarter (NW1» DIST No. 20: Hills Creek Lum Chauncy Blosser ,24.43; W. H. 17 M H 4 Weat W. M., Lane ,17.94; Frank Spencer ,21.54; John trlx of the Katate of M u ra L. »17.45; Bill Hoover »5.96; W. H. of N W Q ) of Section Thirty-one her »23.56; R. A Babb Hdwe Co. run at large in said W E S T F IR them for the work done of «1047.93. County. Uregon. llrattaln. Deceased. (31). In Township Fifteen (15) »108; Ed L Eaton »97 75; Charlie Wheeler »10.43: J. W. King »1.4»; M. Beck ,15.98: Fred Holman PREC IN CT above deacrlbed, under Girls carrying division 3 of the Dated thia lat day of November. K W HKKLKR. Attorney. South of Range Six (4) West of Michaels »48.50; Bill Rhodes Jim Aldrich »8 94; Donald Kelly ,2.98; Chaa. M. Darling ,22.36; Ray penalty of a fine of. not less than project prepared and served 863 1011. IN 10-1714— D 1-8) the W illam ette Meridian, In 329 04; Fred Hake >31.28: Fred Pel- »66»; M. H. Brown »2.98; J. W. George »8.97; Jack Hodges »27.06; ,10.00 nor more than ,100.00. H. L BUW N, Sheriff. meals and baked 740 loave3 of Ralph King ,26.94; A. E. Davis Lane County, State of Uregon; r.el And. It shall be the duty of each >35.38; Emmett Blakeley King »4.47; Equipment »8.73. By A. B. H ll.K G A A K I), Deputy. Division I club members ,22.46; George Tolman ,21.32; constable in any Justice district, bread. DIST. No. 59: Shell Oil Co. and the Southwest quarter of the 348.12; Hubert Hyland >9.93; Floyd (N 3-10-1784— D 1) NO TIC E TO CREOITpRB Southern Pacific Co John Morefleld »1.4»; O. Harwood and of each road supervisor in any prepared over 1500 dishes and divi­ Northwest quarter (8W>4 of E Kelsay 33.46; E F Schmidt »77.03; N W « ) of Section Une (1), In >16.45; John Pelxel 35.66; Elmer ,185.t)9: J H. Mathews »1.75; Mor­ »16.3»; C. E. Davla »6.70; C. R. road district, to enforce the pro­ sion 2 members 500 dishes and pre­ NU TIC K IS HER EBY G IVEN : Township Sixteen (14). Sputh of Miller >6 98; Bert Wood 34.47; Cur­ ris ft Morris »2.60; Link Lund M iller »2160; Ben Wilson »2.98; visions of this act. and such pen­ pared and served 100 lunches and That the County Court of the State Range Seven (7) West of the tis Newman 34.47; Frank E Blair »35 38- Lee Calder »38.20; Elmer Curtis Wilson »8.39; C. H. Johnson alty shall be for the benefit of, and of Oregon for Ia n « County haa ap­ Petersen »45.20: Edward Bakke »14.90; Ray Worden ,14.96; Dean when collected, paid into the com­ suppers. W illamette Meridian, In Lane 34.25. pointed Bessie F. Howard aa Ex­ Only 53 of the 366 boys and girls County. State of Uregon; also all D I8 T No. 21: L. Graxer 35.19; ,21.60; Equipment »72.00; N. L. Tennant ,2.23; Ralph Cook ,2.23; mon school fund ot the County in ecutrix of the Estate and M a t W ill Barrett ,15.58; Nell which surh action is brought. Austin »31.41; I^ e ra m Austin Kenneth of the merchantlable timber of T. H. Parks >1.76. and Testament of Jessie B. How- enrolled have so far not turned In Buchanan »20 78; Frank Jarvis Dated November 19th. 1932. every kind and variety situated, DIST. No 22: V. C. Mowreader »15.17; Henry Erickson »11.76: uril. Deceased. All persona having record books of the work done to Body F ir Mill Wood W. B. DILLA RD, County Clerk located and growing on the fol­ >17 95; Elxa E. Mercer >2.98; E. C. Earl Miles »2.39; L. W. Newcomb »3.6»; Roy Fitch ,68.52; Equipment claims against aald estate arc here­ »391.62; Inter City Sand A Gravel 33 59- Homer Austin «13.96; How of Lane County, Oregon the cookery project. lowing described premises, to- W lllsle 34.47. by notified to present the same, 64.00 Cord 63-60 Cord The aim of the cookery projects (N 24 — D 1-8) w lt: The Northeast quarter of duly verified, to the undersigned DIST No. 23: Frank E. Blah ard Moss »1.4»; Z. B. Moss »17.06; Co. ,141.90; Eugene Sand A Gravel AR TH U R JACKSON tho Northwest quarter (NE14 of 36.55; Charles Neet 349.32; Hills C E Jackson »7.46; Floyd Kneaper Co. »18.90; Southern Pacific Co. Executrix at the Law unices of is to teach boys and girls how to N O T IC E Phone 1B4-W Springfield N W (4) of Section Eleven (11), Creek Lumber Co. 36.89; R. C. »5 96; Edd M iller »2.98; Meelle ,138.63; L. Lake 8» «0; H. 8. Fur­ Harris, Smith A Bryson. Miner prepare and serve the most whole­ Hnlldlng, Eugene, la n e County, and the South half of the South­ Adams >18.70; Ellis Edwards >1.49; Christensen ,16.78; Bill Wallace man $4.80; K. V. Barrett »22.40; AG AINST STOCK R U N N IN G AT some and appetizing foods at the J. Pederaoo ,20.80; M. L. Fitch Cone ,2.»8; Robert Uregon, wlihln six months from west quarter (8 Mi of S W I4 ) of Asa Rhlnevault 74c; S. M. Wicks ,2.98: Ray LARGE IN OAKRIDGE PRECINCT least possible cost. the date of this notice. Section Two (3 ); all In Town­ 32 98; Harold Evans >2.98; Chas. Burna »2.88; Roger Anderson »2.98; ,25.60; Eugene Concrete Pipe Co. It appearing from the abstract Dated thia 3rd day of November. ship 14. South Range Seven (7), Lee >1.49; Jess McBee >1.46; Frank Paul Land ware ,6.9«: Jack Jack-j37.2O. EM ERG ENC Y; Max Simonson of votes cast at the regular General 1632 West of the W illam ette Merl Shultx >8.40; E. B Lawson >18.78; son »1.4»; Loval Johnson 81.49; Jasper Man Here— H. A. Robb JEWELER dlan. In I-ane County. State of Vern Hucka >10 47: M E. Golde® George A. Halton »15.67: Miller- «10.00; E. N. Thompson ,24.01; Election for Lane County. Oregon, BESSIE F. HOW ARD. Execu­ of Jasper was a business visitor tn held November 8th. 1932. aa made H arry Gerlach »14.M; W illiam Ger­ Sanford Tractor Co. »11.36. trix of the Estate of Jeasle B. Uregon. and the Northeast quar I le pairing a Specialty 310.47; Tom Cain >4.47; Chas. D IST No. 60: Eugene Sand A lach «18.44; Elbe L. Signor «39.00; and declared by the Official Can­ Springfield Friday. Howard. Deceased. ter of the Northeast quarter Moonev 34 47; Harry Gregory Springfield, Oregon HARRIS, S M IT H ft BRYSON, (N E H of N E U ) of Section Ten >4 47; A. Methenv >4.47; Equip­ Gravel Co. »26.64; H. W. Carson Adna H. Signor ?«.73; F. D. Thomp­ vassing Board for said Election, »26.96; Merl Albro »2.98; Bridge son «16.26; J- M. McCausland that the total number ot votes caat Attorneys tor Executrix. (10). In Township Sixteen (14). ment 321.35. »10.28; Earl Roberta «14.88; Lee In Oakridge Precinct in said Coun­ (N 3-10-17-24— D 1) South of Range Seven (7) West DIST. No. 24: W. J. »rales >18.77. Fund »3.76. DIST No. 61: Harry Keeler Beck »8.00; T. J. Sweeny »11.26; ty, on the question "For and of the W illam ette Meridian. DIST. No. 25: Union Oil Co. 63c; Or. J O S E P H IN E C. B R AU N L. Welse «10.00; W . P. Sorensen Against Stock Running at Large,” 4. That certain auto rail line Snellstrom Bros >1.98; W illiam »19 56: T. R. Keeler 74c. Naturopathie Phyelolan DIST. No. 65: Lenole Haldorsen »107.82; C. O. McBee $81.84; Jese was and Is 260 votes, and that of NO TICE TO CREDITO RS on part of the above described Clark >5.75. Bailor $41.10; O. E. Cox »19.96; said votes 87 votes were cast for DIST. No. 26: Shell Oil Co. ,8.38; John Samuel 35.23. Phoue 91-J Notice la hereby given that the premises together with all right DIST. No. 66: Shell Oil Co. Fred Brown »80.68; R. W . Hall stock running at large and 173 319.58; Standard OU Co. >16 01; unuderalgned ba« been appointed of way thereof, belonging to the office Honra: I to 6 F. »52.32; Sanford Hughes »1.4»; votes were cast against stock run­ administrator with the w ill annex­ mortgagor and rail lines thereof, Harlev Furman >42.85; K. Barrett ,1,1.21; Charles Gold »11.50; R Claude McMlllwu »8.97; Wm. Ed­ ning at large in said precinct, with 406 Fourth Street ed ot the Last W ill and Testa and all easements, pertaining to >37.66; Gilbert Hollis >5.96; Lloyd A Babb Hdwe Co. »4.33: H . V: wards »1.24; Roy Bert »1.99; Ted boundaries described as follows: ment and of the estate of Sarah E. said auto rail lines and logging Hollis 34.47; F. L. Hughes 36 96; Jenkins »53.02: G. W . Lambert Commencing at the point M iller Sorensen Ed Dowdy >6 83; Leo Tucker >6 96; »20.16; Chas. Gold »78.97: W. W. George »1.9»; Boyle, deceased, by the Connty rnilroada. which If platted and of record, E. L. Mathews >32.31; Seth Hollis W alker »2.98; Joe Owen »27.99; W . «».99; E. M. Sanborn «2.24; State County Court for Lane County, G-noral M w Practice would be at the mouth of the 7. All right, title, and Interest 314 36 A. Pettit »2.98; Snellatrom Bros. Ind. Accident Com. ,32».»3; R. A. In the State of Oregon. A ll those North Fork of the Middle Fork Babb Hdwe Co. »16.34; Equipment of the Horton Lumber and T im ­ DIST. No. 27: Yellow F ir Lumber »54.90; Equipment »6.00. having bills against «aid estate are I. M. P E T E R S O N of the W illam ette River and des­ ber Company, of defendants, In Co. >12.60; A. E. Ellingson 37.18; DIST. No. 67: D. R. Henderson «1.70; General Bridge »3.75; Equip­ hereby notified to present them, cribed as N E H SE%. Sec. 7. and to the following described Lon Sweet >2.98; Ellingson Bros. 82 50; Fred Smlgley »11.64; Oeorge ment »4.40; Dan W illiam s »8.26; AlH'inay at-Law with proper vouchers to the under­ Twp. 21 8. R. 3 E.. W. M„ thence real property,' to-wlt: Beginning 34.00; Mack McLellan >1.49. Kappoff »1.4»; Andrew Erickson Gray's Feed A Seed Store »10.00. signed at the law office of Donald City Hall Building up the right bank of the W illam ­ R IG H T OF W A Y : Alva Woodruff nt a point on the South line of DIST. No. 28: Morris ft Morris »2 98; K. Hanson »1.49: J. Oldham Young, at room 430 Miner Building, ette River to the mouth of Sal­ Springfield, Oregon ,100.00; Ernest Lingo «466.42; Mrs. the J. R. Kirkland Donation Land 33.76; H. M Petersen 36072; M. $3 89 Kugene. Oregon, within six months mon Creek: thence up Salmon Claim No. 54, In Township 14 Petersen >12392; Oliver Fosback DIST. No. 71: C. W llcut «1.02; Della Hebert »155.10; Mrs. Della after the date of the flrat publica­ Creek to the old W illam ette South. Ritngo 5 West, W illam ette 319.12; Equipment >12.26. C A. Davis »28.71; Clyde Carder Hebert et al »155.10; V irgil Clover tion of thia notice. River to Dunning Road; thence Meridian, 100 feet East of the DIST. No. 28: J. E. Thompson »17.45 W iley Cox »15.7«: C. J. »5.96; C. M. Reyerlln »6.9»; B. F. Date of first publication October up Dunning Road to the South­ Brabham Southwest corner of the Claim 38.97. Fowler »5.21; Carroll K irk »X98. Mlnney »14.36; O. W 27th. 1832 ern Pacific Railroad; thence down and running thence South 300 No. 30: Equipment H. B. Griffin »7 45; Bert K irk »32.31; F. V. Greer »13.41; T. C. DIST J. L. Boyle, Administrator with the Railroad to 9almon Creek; feet; thence East parallel to the 3120.00; ______ W alter Dennis »22.48 $7 46* W arren Surcamp $13.96; Brywat »14.90; L. Green »2.98; Dale the W ill annexed. thence up Salmon Creek to the South line of the Claim 727 feet; Irving Hlggens »3.72; O. W. HUI Harvey K irk »7.46; E. E. Vincent Cheshire »13.08; Lars Sorensen DONALD YOUNG. Eugene. Ore­ Southeast corner of Flat Creek thence South 187 feet; thence »1.4»; W. E. Dutcher »4.47; Giles ,6.96; Kenneth T e rrill 74c; J. D. «13.96; Even Johnson «13.96; C. L. gon. Attorney for estate. R. 8.; thence down Salmon Creek Cheshire »10.43; Clair Cheshire East 742 feet to the Westerly Fowler »7.18; R. A. Babb Hdwe Shoup 74c; H. M. Mayhall 74c. lectric Formerly Walher-Poole (O 27— N 8-10-17 24) Road to Flat Creek; thence up line of the Southern Pacific Com­ Co. 69c. DIST. No. 76: Overholster Bros. »8.19; Ernest Lingo »4.99; Ted Flat Creek to a point where the Wayne »13.41; Bill Jeske »10.43; pany’s Railroad right of way; offee makers DIST. No. 31; Shell Oil Co. »696; Equipment »49.26: Graber- Brock Road crosses Flat Creek; thenco Northwesterly along the ,27.33; Edwin Bernhardt »10.50; Gettys Hardware Co. »48 M ; P. G- Raymond Huddleston «8.94; O. EUGENIA—llt b SPRINO FIB LU NO TICE OF SH E R IF F 'S BALE thence up the Brock Road to the Huddleston »8.94; W. P. Sorensen Railroad right of way on a curve Scott Yount »4.00; Leland Neely Bush »12.66; Arnold Durst ,12.66; Coffee that is always tmd (h urnrlto n, I I I Main National Forest boundary line; to the right a distance of 160 ,5.98; Ed Davis »6.98; Frank Spen­ Ixiwell Tedford »6.98: W. A. Hen­ «36 94; C. O. McBee «23.94; Jess IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT UF T H E mellow, rich and satis­ by said line Is meant the line Telephone 711 Phone II-J Bailor »17.94; O. E. Cox »19.95; F. feet; thence North 4* 30 min STA TE O F OREGON FOR T H E cer »7.18; Chas M. Darling »11.18; derson »8.94; M errll H. M o rri. that separates alienated land West, 818 feet to the South lina Feenaughty Machinery Co. »19.30; $8.94; Edward Henderson $2.98, B. M. Brown »28.44; R. W. H all CO UNTY OF LANE. fying is easy to make in land from the National Forest; of the Said Kirkland Donation Equipment ,31.26; Miller-Sanford R. Palmer »6.96; J S. Allen »7.46; »17.94; R. A. Babb Hdwe Co. »3.60; SHER M AN HARK&ON, TRUSTEE. the C olem an Coffee thence along said line In a south­ Land Claim; thence Weat on said Tractor Co. ,26.21. Allen K err »4.47; Glen Linebangh W. P. Sorenson »1.51; Equipment Plaintiff, -vs HO RTO N L U M ­ westerly direction to the old W il­ South line 1414.9 feet, to the M ilter. B rew e it the BER A N D T IM B E R COMPANY, DIST. No. 32; Mapleton Garage «3.49: James Tedford «48.87; H w ry »7 92; W. B. Edwards »10.00; Stan­ lamette Highway; thence down place of beginning, containing ,9.36; B. J. M artin ,7.60; Shell Oil Castle »17.13; Fred Fraiee »»7.64: ley Cafe »62.00; C. E. Oordlnler a Corporation; C R E D IT SER­ “no-hoi)” way, retaining tho old W illam ette Highway to 12.88 acres. In Lane county, Ore­ Co. ,26.44; John Taylor »2.4»; Bert Myers »12.66; R«So Bush «140.00- Norman Morris »100.00: VICE COMPANY, a Corporation; the Southern Pacific railroad right R. A. Babb Hdwe Co. »7.06; N. P. all the fragrance and gon. »15 64- H. O. Jackson »16.64; Wm N A TIO N A L H O S P ITA L ASSO­ Ermald Agee »16.64; T. R. Beers of way; thence along the said CIATIO N , a Corporation; STATE NOW . T H E R E F O R E , by virtue «7.46; W. L. Phelps »36.14; Ralph Hamersley »15.64; Lester Spangen Purkerson »25.00. flavor right of way to a point on said O IL IN G : Gerald Wilson «40.00. IN D U S T R IA L AC C ID EN T COM of said execution, Judgment, order, Taylor »14.94; Wm. Lowney »4.47; burg »12.68; Richard Henderson right of way due North of t h e , M A R K E T ROADS M ISSIO N; and EDW ARD decree and order of aale and In O. H. Hawley »»8.17; O. A. Halton ,1 D?8T. No. 82; Equipment $11.36. point where the North Fork of I The Colonial model ie M A IN T E N A N C E : F. A. Moore TRAPP, Defendants. compliance with the commands ot »7.60. the Middle Fork empties toto the ' D IST No. 88: R. A. Babb Hard­ «11.20: Equipment «236.20; Road By virtue of an execution, judg Raid writ, 1 w ill on Saturday, the beautiful in design. Fin­ DIST. No. 33: Ray Snrcamp W illamette River; thence due ment order, decree and order of 28th day of November, 1932, at ,8.18; Henry Carllle »».23; Grant ware Co. «8.48; J. L. Carllle »14.90; Diet. 36 «20.62; Oeorge L. Mast is! uU in special process, South to the place of beginning. . There are damaging eye dia «ale Issued out ot the above entitled the hour or ten o'clock A. M„ at K irk 82.23: W alt Kuck »2.23; Ralph K. M. Hooker »i».»,; J. O. Porter »12.84; R. A. Cox «83.83; Ben Kok- NO TIC E IS HER EBY G IV E N e x tra d u ra b le nickel eases which. If untreated, even Court In the above entitled cause, the front door of the County Court Hooker ,2.23; Ed Cllnfelter ,4.48; »6 21; L. E. Aldoua »18.J1; L- H keler »7.81; Lee Kokkeler »6.21; that after sixty days from the date | to me directed and dated the 22nd House In Eugene, Lane County, John Olson »2.2»; W. R. Boring Porter »50 53; Vern Luff »1117, Louie Kokkeler »5.21; Ed Borgert tunlly load to bllndneaa. For plate. Six or 9 cup sisee. of this notice, to-wlt, on and after (lay of October. 1632, upon a Judg Oregon, aell at public auction (sub­ ,2.88; E. J. Mabe »7.18; A. C. Lake H. E. Reed »24.41; Erneet Reed »2.23; Clive Smith »42.69; Gerald Inatance, glaucoma la one of the the 26th day of the January, 1933, Ebonized handle. H as ment rendered and entered In said ject to redemption, to the high­ »3.4»; Myron Sailor »8.48; D. Hale ^ 'n iS T . No. 86: Rd. Diet. No. 36 Templeton »6 28; Fred 8mlgley moat Insidious eye dlaeaaea. It «27.80: J. Cldham «48.04; C. W. It shall be unlawful for stock t o 1 Court on the 22nd day of October, est bidder for cash In hand, all the ,2.00. estia large heating ele­ run at large In that part of said Petti John »2.98; U. Buck »16.58; can ho preaent and yet give 1932. In favor of Sherman Harkson right, title and Interest which the DIST. No. 84: Equipment »9.01. «6.56; Oeorge L. Mast »3 90 OAKRIDGE PREC IN CT above de­ m ent. The non-spill W. B. Edwards »2.28; Fred Smtg GENERAL R O A D t. , , a , r DIST. No. 36: Shell Oil Co. little Indication, at flrat, of Ita Trustee, Plaintiff, and against the within named Defendants and each BRIDGE; A. C. Striker ,1 **7 S ; ley 37.15; J. Oldham »11.88; Cleo scribed. under penalty of a fine of | Horton Lumber and T lm H fiu Com 816.20; R. A. Babb Hdwe Co. »7.7»; spout is a feature you’ll and nil of them In the above en­ threat to your .light. Recognised 56c; James Tedford not less than »10.00 nor more than pany, a Corporation; Credit - Vice titled suit had on the 16th day of T. M. Hendricks »2.26; Wm. G. R A Babb Hardware Co. »164.80; Smlgley like. Extra quality cord ; early, It lends Itself favorably to Company, a Corporation; National March, 1626, the date of the mort­ Klussman »1.61; Eugene Sand A C. 1. Oorrle »5.38; C. E. Frampton »34.11; Mallle M iller »2.98; Guy »100.00. And, it shall be ‘ he duty of each treatment. It la, therefore, al­ Hospital Association, a Corpora gage herein foreclosed, or s'nca Gravel Co. »4.05; Clark Battery ft »2 23; M iller Sorensen »134.76; E. Ross »1.49; A. M. Perlnl »».»8; W. and plug. Thia attrac­ constable In any Justice district, tlon; State Industrial Accident that date had In and to the above Electric Co. 60c; Walters-Bushong M Sanborn «101.01; Ted George L. Towses »2 23; Lowell Tedford and of each road supervisor In any ways ndvlaable for a person tive coffee maker la an »8.97; H O. Jackson »1.4»; John «85.78; Wm. Tate ,6J1.81; W P. Commission, and Edward Trapp, described property, or any part Lbr. Co. »».»1; 8. C. Harnden more than 46 years old to huve road district, to enforce the pro- ‘ ideal gift for any occa aia n Defendants, for the sum of »60,000 thereof, to satisfy the said execu »34.62: Oeo. L. Mast »49.32 u J M Sorensen »6.98; C. O. McBee »6.98; Trunnell »70.32; M. L. W allace visions of this act. and such pen- ! 1 erlodlc examination of the eyes together with the Interest thereon tlon, judgment order, and decree, Berkshire »7.46; Scott E Foster Jess Bailor »4.48; Fred Brown «42.91- Equipment »76.50; John alty shall be for the benefit of, and by an expert. at the rate of seven per cent per Interest, costs and accruing coats »2.61; Frank Barber »2.81; Leater »7.10; R. W . H all »4.48; O. E. Cox Pederson »20.78; Jess W allace when collected, paid Into the com-) S«e Your Local Dealer annum from the 16th day of March, Dated this 22nd day of October, Barber »1.4»; Chas. Wilkerson »3.99; Wm. Edwards »57.26; Sau »7.98; G. W. Hills »4.47; T. J. For­ mon school fund of the County In ,1.49; Joe H uftlle 74c; Gus Jelllson ford Hughes «64.28; F. M. Brown cum »7.45; Dick Schick »4.47; C. which such action Is brought. 1829, until paid; and the further 1632. DR. ELLA MEADE sum of 12.600.00 Attorney's fees, Flrat publication October 17, 191». 74c; Equipment ,8.34; MillerJ3an »7.10- Budd Kompp »13.47; Henry E. Duckworth ,1».»7; L. W. New­ Dated November 19th. 1932. Plronl »5.98; J. K. Damewood comb ,15.»5; Homer Austin ,17.46; and the cost» and disbursements ot Last publication November 14, 1982. ford Tractor Co. »1.60. W. B. DILLA RD, County Clerk Optomstrlst Floyd Kneaper ,6.»1; Edd M iller »94.01; ». A. Montelth «»1.6»; W H. L. BOW N, Sheriff ot Lana DIST. No. 87: Shell Oil Co. »7.16; this suit, and the costs of and up­ of Lane County, Oregon «2.98; Henry Erickson «1.98; N. L. Eraehaw »48.63; Corbet Smith R. A. Babb Hdwe Co. ,1.36; Waldo County, Uregon. on this w rit commanding me to (N 84 — D 1-8) Austin »7.1»; Frank P. Briggs «88.33; Robert W illiams «84.88; L. Taylor »8.M; Luthar Prlndel (O ,7— N S-10-17-M) make sale ot the following dee- Lane County Court SHALL CROPS Of STRIE MURBIE > *i6 S8: Business Directory WOOD Edw. G. Privat B e tte r C o ffe e E very T im e ! POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Coieman E C Lead to Blindness