T l IVHtfDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1032 T IIB SPR1NOIHKLD NEWS PAGE TWO SEVEN TABLES IN PLAY PRISCILLA MEMBERS PLAY BRIDGE AT MEET AT BENEFIT CARD PARTY THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published B r e n Tbimsday at Sprlnctteid. Laoe County, Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXEY, Editor Entered an K matter, February 24, 1903, at the poaloltU't Springfield, Oregon MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE Ona Yfc*r In Advance _ .... >1.50 Six Month« ------ Two Year« In Advance — >2.50 Three Months ................ »1 00 50c County Official Newspaper THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1M2 LET’S BE UNANIMOUS FOR A 50’, CUT A cut in autom obile license fees will no doubt be made at the next session of the legislature. Three plans are be­ ing discussed widely now. They are the 50 per cent cut, $3 fee and >5 fee. No property tax payer can wisely consider the $3 and $5 fees. Every foot of real property in the state is pledged as security to some $32,000,000 in highway bonds which are now being paid with license fees. It is evident th at if the fee is cut to a point where this obligation can not be taken care of th a t a tax on property will be made. The 50 per cent cut is the one th at we feel should be settled on in Lane county and urged upon our legislators. With a 50 per cent cut the bonds can be paid off as they be­ come due, m aintenance of the present system can be kept up, and there will be $2,000,000 for new construction to m atch like federal appropriations as they come available. Under the 50 per cent cut no increase in the gasoline tax is needed and will rem ain at 4 cents. It has been found in other states that a 4 cent gas tax yields the maximum am ount of revenue. A higher tax results in increased boot­ legging of gasoline, farm ers using tra c to r tax-free gasoline, and evasion of the tax altogether by m any m otorists, with the result th at the revenue falls off ra th e r than increases. W ashington raised her gasoline tax in April. 1931. from 3 to 5 cents. Despite the fact that there were 25,000 more cars registered this year than last the state lost $625,000 in July, August and Septem ber over the same m onths last year, clearly indicating that five cents is to high for the gas tax. Under the present law the counties receive one-third of the plate tax but none of the gasoline tax. Many coun­ ties will object to having their one-third reduced and may lobby before the legislature. In Lane county, it is the sta te ’s worry, for our third has been pledged to the state highway departm ent to pay for roads already built. Since there is no interest it will cost Lane county taxpayers nothing. We have the roads and the state has the debt which it must ultim ately collect from the license fees even if it does take a long time. If we w ant to protect our property from increased tax ­ ation to pay the state road debt, then we should back the 50 per cent cut. We should not be led astray by any cheap fee which will enable the non-property owner to escape a portion of his plate tax and load th a t portion on real pro­ perty which is now greatly overburdened with taxes. --------------- t>--------------- IT MIGHT BE WORSE The LTnited S tates D epartm ent of Labor reports that the average w eek’s wages in the several countries will buy: 561 240 206 150 127 125 pounds of bread and butter in the United States. pounds of bread and butter in England. pounds of bread and butter in Sweden. pounds of bread and b utter in Germany. pounds of bread and b utter in France. pounds of bread and b utter in Italy. Springfield’s tax next year for local purposes will be about 10 per cent of the assessed valuation. In other words we m ust dig up $1 for city and schools for each $10 we are assessed. Regardless of w hat the county and state does about taxes our chief worries will be right here a t home. As soon as the word got out that Judge Barnard called In Fred Fisk to help the court m ake the budget, President Hoover had an idea. He called in President-elect Roosevelt k-elt to take over the money situation. Well the dem ocratic adm inistration of Wilson loaned all this governm ent money to Europe. W hat should be more I roper than they should be the ones to get it back for us? We’re holding our breath for fear the “new deal’ might ce a couple of duces from the bottom of the deck. FELIX PIESENBÊRG j l v i ____ < FRANK PACKER V V V V V J5 l TOC!T3RJIXF Seven laide» of "500' were In First mid second high «cores In play at thè heueflt card party spuli bridge were won by Mrs. William «ored hy luka circi» Frlday evenlug Curtis and Mis J K. Turnbull of I at thè homo of Mra, Wuitda Barnes. Eugene, respi-cllvely nt the meet Severa! others were preaent who I ng of the Priscilla cluh held last dld not tako par’ In thè g.iiv » Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. II Stearmer Mrs Itoy High ecoroa were mad hi M » > Bernlee Bacnes and Mr. Roidnelt, ttteui'llier assist i d the huatnas. whlle low piace» wetlt lo Mi C. F. U ue-ts present were Mrs. Howard Egglitiaun and Grayden laiwl». Freeland, Mrs. Turnbull. Mrs. Ed McKnvitt. all of Kugcuo Members present were Mrs. John Touiseth, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. William Huusii, Mrs. John Parker. Mrs. John See vey. Mrs Riley Rnodgraa», Mrs E with the U. Privat. Mrs. II O. Dibble». Mrs Prank Logan, and Mrs. Ernest Bertach. Mrs. Snodgrass wilt he hunts«» to TOAST O VEN the club at her home on Dccetolo r I, tor their neat meeting arm partly mutfled In the warm wide sleeve of her cloak. Word« DAVIS . . . . a nomination __ __ and ___ , Josephine w v „ , . „___ __ .« Gilbert were in were »«» inadequate, to unnecessary. The writer is not trying to pick S y n o p s is . Johnny Broon. IS yo«i» oW, -* He suddenly drew her to him, who has «pent all hi* l it * aboard a Hudson Pari, in early April. Josephine com­ Pre Merit Roosevelt's eabme1 tor rixer resist Their tugboat plying near Y o rk C ity, fa pleted her trousseau. Rantoul had fiercely nor did »I k him. and he wouldn't let us it w«. made M o tk e ik a a by an «xplooton w k k k »ink* gone on ahead to London. Then eyes flashed a message to each other the tug and tosaes bin* in to the riv er. He wanted to, but we should like to autma and c ra w l* a»bore w hrro atatta a new they were at the Cecil lor a few in the dark above the rushing night, nominate for Secretary of State and »(range life. He fa ignoiant, camtot raau. days. Rantoul had preceded them. above the blur-blark water scarred and kttc'W B nothing of It f< in a great city. with fire. She dropped her lids; his Norman H. Davis. Mr. Davis is a Beaten am i ebaaed by tough« he Is rescued A letter from John reached Van eyes, burning, eager, were on her Horn as they were about to embark by a Jewish fam ily living wfl the Bowery in tk'mocrat who made a fortune in the rear ot th eir second hand clothing store for New York. Pug Malone was own. They seemed to be buoyant, hanking and other enterprises In . . H e re he is openly courted by the young waiting for h is . return. He had her cloak fell apart and he crushed daughter Breen fights bullies in sell defease planned a walking trip through the her to him. Rantoul, utterly out of i Cuba and h a ; been devoting him­ and soon fa picked up by an unscrupu B erk .h ire. "A regular Malone control, kissed her with thr petit-up manager who cheats him — u n til ug self to public service since the be- lous M alone at the saloon hght club, attracted to hike,” lohn had written. "Pug want« yearning of months and years of HOME MAKING PROJECT KimdiiA of the war. He served the boy. takes him usdsr his wing. . . . On to get away from hit work. ». H e’s I had waiting Passionately their lipa met ... ________ _ I A e » . I . ot t k e p i r t u r . . « th * w e .h k j as l*resklent V » n H o r n , o l F ifth A v rn u c. T h e r . is ■ HAS MANY TASKS DONE ilher, V . « Horn. U .« o l the c w l f .m il» , .try of the Treasury, acting aud G a bachelor, in whose life is a hidden chapter ! Undersecretary of State and as an w ith his m other’s maid who leaves th rk e rn e Two thousand, two hundred anil - to be lost in the city U fn-^w hen G ilbert fa ¡expert member of the Peace Con accused____I t was reported r t * maid m arried tasks were eonipletod lit the 4 It an old captain of a riv er tug . . . rather m an ference. Home Making project by II girl ‘ return home and was soon a mothar, . . young Breen carrying the project For the past few years Mr. Davit I'n d e r M »lone’s guardianship - P u g " discovers the boy has served Presidents Coolidge and j ^ ¡ S ^ e a d k - s t a — r t - s him to n ig h t sch«x 1 and The project calls for the comple -------------- ----------------------------------------------- _ -----------cana«< Hoover in Europe in the difficult | thej»*-» ' lion ot ton lessons in home making 2 Slices, Both Sides i calling for the care of the living negotiations arising out of the war. i » h r . it k - f . r m w u u r « — .»kin « B r»«a w ith at O n* Timo! He was a member of the Dawes e’itbevT'v« H « « i ’ jo h a *» < t.» 7 « T v » n K e rn . ‘ room, bedroom, dining room, kit I ehen. bath room. yard, basement, Commission, but was called in by ’ -W N ow you can have store room and fruit closet. In ad the League of Nations to straighten , M « O I M at C o lu m h i. U n iv r r a iy — h« a .lv .n e rs the money. John c o m « to know delicious tonal. . . oven- dillon to this members are required , cut the finances ot several Euro I. .r o h n r . V a n Hoe«'» w .r d , » n t j u r i n . h i. bakevl, |Uflt • rig h t . . . huol yeor. t.t!» in love w ith her G r .2 u .iln « Io plan the family meals for on» ;,ean countries, anil is a member „ a C iv il Engineer he s e t. . Job w ith • week and draw the plan of ar- the kind you like but , of the finance committee of the ra t construction company, working in wew Breen h » . • riv n v a . l fo N r r the love of rangementa of the furniture and League. At present he Is the prin­ Y |, o M rk |‘hine. seldom gut T lw Cole­ « rieh man o f the w etld by «be equipment in the kitchen. The fam ot Rantoul. But John w in . on«. H« cipal representative of the United propuor» man T o n .I Oven toaats .n d .lo.ephinr l o t i p u B r r t o five« lly laundry must also lie taken States in trying to negotiate a dis­ i " h i. ju e n in .ti to h i . job w kich » " t r ie . tw o glic«-n. both aide«, Van U m n Fin ally Josephine M S Io P»rw care of by the member, Ineluding armament treaty and is in charge foi her trousseau. And at the « •< momi tn one ojverniion. It ’g washing and Ironing i of arrangements on behalf of this the finest toaster you N O W GO O N W IT H T i l l STO R Y. country for the forthcoming Inter­ ever auw t national Economic Conference. Guests at Hotel—Glen Johnson As they sailed Josephine, too, Norman Davis knows foreign af­ suddenly glimpsed the essential of Grants Puss and Clair 1-aPon« Th«> Coleman is a fairs more intimately than any quality of John. In fact, if she was of llutte, Montana, were registered compact little o v e n , other American and would be an not engaged, and piqued, and what as guests at the Springfield hotel b e a u tifu lly designed excellent successor to Secretary not, John might very easily have He suddenly drew her to him, fiercely—nor did aha resist no Saturday. and Fin. .lic.l tngl -aming been a hero in her eyes. That hor­ Stimson. In our opinion. tpoctul pio »a chrome rible night at the tunnel shaft, and • • • the frightful garlic smell of the a rotten winter, Greenbough filled in their warm embrace p la te . H u i eboniaad Anil the stars, winked down on with bad livers. I am full of tunnel Mrs. Newcdd I wonder why we L A D I E S .........................new faces acetylene, and the confusion, began handle» on tntya and air and need a change. American them The floodgates were wide can't save anything. One result of the election will be to look less crude. John certainly atdea. Equipped with did carry himself with an air — of .«lust will do you good. And, Gil, I'm open; they unburdened themselves. Mr. Ncwcdd The neighbors are a decided change after March 4th ! confidence and—«nd nd how how easily easily he hr i crazy for Josephine, crazy for her A lounge se.it. used bv shutTle-hoard ■tiding tMMt traya and in in the feminine a p e c ts of poll- ' had assumed the character of a gen again. I never knew what love players, held them a- they gave always doing something we can’t removable crum b tray. tical Washington. Alice Roosevelt tltm an! Josephine noted this espe- meant, until now." Poor John! It themselves up to the common afford. was spring. Gilbert Van Horn care- things. She clung tc him as women Come» complete with Longworth and Mrs. Dolly Garni 1 iallv. Of late Gerrit Rantoul had extra quality cord and will disappear from the picture ' (old her a great deal a b u t j ihn'a tully tolded the letter and ga»^ « t o o , , » . .¡c u l><»> a t « i i i o v c u oy CALL FOR WARRANTS stryng passion She lifted him be­ plug Alice's first cousin. Mrs. Franklin I early life on the Bowery .mJ in the sigh of satistact*. n. l'hank Go they yond all caution shattering his vlab- Ghettc.-and thing« he had picked were homeward bound. He cabled NOTICE is hereby given that Roosevelt, has said that she does up in conversing wish Malone. Il Marvin Kelly "Sailmg u morrow, oratr defenses; both Rantoul and School District No. I>, In latne Sea Y o u r Local Doalor Josephine paid whatever price their County, tiregon, will pay at the not intend to devote much of her • seems John Breen had lifted him elf All well.” •4 to Hallway across, on her maiden dallying entailed. For an hour they oftlce of clerk of said district, all time to Washington, but will con­ far above his normal station in lilc Mt quiet, huddled, barely d o in g oyage, the / m raced through a Ik e Celsatss L . «s 6 - Steve Cei Fortunately, for Rantoul. Van Horn warrants to and Inrluding 3387, tinue her school teaching, her fur-' -mooth sea. a flat flexible sea enam­ more than murmuring. The night dated July 3 0 , 1832. W m W m ». Karn» PK4, interest niture factory, and her ed ito ria l, had no idea of this p use cf his eled in the deepest indigo refle«*: g was velvet black; a secret night. Quit*. Ill t •• conversations with Josephine. «-«aaea after Novemlwr 28, 1*32. magazine work. No doubt she will I * • • "Rantoul's going over on busi­ stars, great facts glinting in the C. F. BARBER, Clark. find her obligations as first lady j ness,” Van Horn remarked to John. sky. But stars have long been ig­ A screaming rocket rote a thou­ "Fine, that'll keep Josephine oc­ nored by men. or they have been sand feet, curving, slow, an increas­ of the land in a highly satisfactory i cupied. He's handy.” John had no conjufed with, it matters very little ing toppling bend. It burst with a manner, however. special reason to accept Rantoul as to the stais and few attended them loud detonation. Showers of stars There are always interesting wo­ anything but a very agreeable old that night. Dinner was over and dropped from the black sky, sud­ ! Gilbert Van Hom busied himself in denly shutting out the firmament “When Cheapn«M comes in a t the door, TJualliy men in the political background at j man. “When you are married, next the smoking room, playing solitaire, with their closer tire The boat deck goes out of the store," *41» often »aid. Washington, and I look to see Ele­ a derm tassc and his pipe keeping was lit by the falling glare. The spring. I'll have.a very important When quality goes out of the drug store It la a anor Patterson, editor of the W ash­ thing to say, John" Van Horn held hun occupied Aunt Wen had re­ speed of the great steamer altered calam ity. Drug» niu»t he pure and full Htrength, «spe­ ington Herald, brilliant, wealthy John's hand, looked steadily into lus tired to her state room, the night perceptibly. Jo rphine hel l to Ran­ as slightly chill, a breath of the toul, her eye dilated What beastly cially those used In preaeriptlona. in her own right and occupying a i eyes. Their glances dimmed mo­ outer voids, a touch of the ethereal hiuuieu was this? Already he had We Fell uh econonticul uh poHHihle hut quality position of commanding influence mentarily. begun to v. i-h himself quietly in his "Gilbert dear, John's mine, not cold. must ulwayn come find. You can huy here with confi­ through her newspaper connection, yours. Give me a chance, please.” A Few were out. but Josephine, on bunk. Josephine was a trifle heavy, dence. as perhaps the most influential sudden mood seized her, there on the arm of Rantoul, both in ample for one so voting and willowy, and figure in the social-political life of the deck she hugged John, his arm steamer coats, walked the deck, all that. Also, it was decidedly cool; -the new administration. She and was over her shoulder, their lips broad and white, like a lighted ave­ cold. nue in a deserted city. Tu a spirit of Another disturbing rocket rote her paper warmly supported Presi­ met. “We Never Suhntitute” Gilbert Van Horn, a smile on his adventure Josephine, nodding at a above them. Those officious fools dent Roosevelt and she has not lost face, stood near them. Suddenly his ladder, pulled her escort. “Let's go on the bridge were signaling, they an opportunity in years to stick a ashen look seemed to wash away. up, Monsieur Gerry." How quickly were always signaling, or some­ pin in Alice Roosevelt Longworth. He became genial agreeable. He he responded to her mischievous thing. Rantoul was irritable. Then looked at Rantoul, but that distin­ spirit. They were on the dcsertrd another . nd another rocket lifted * • « guished cosmopolitan was busy wav­ boat deck and walked aft, far abaft into the blackening sky. It was late. D E B T S .........................and Europe ing at friends on the wharf. A whis­ the funnels. The peculiar spiral of Josephine was unnerved. A loud Europe only waited until the Am : tle was blowing. Visitors were black smoke twisting rapidly over shuddering screech of escaping T here Is more, |>ep. tnllcuge, and better Hturtlug erican elections were over to come | hastily leaving the deck of the the rims of the huge stacks and curl­ steam thundered above them on the in Violet Ray. Motoga» and General Ktliyl gaRolinea ing astern, was the onlp indication funnels, t' e shaking white clouds forward with a general request for , steamer. than uny other ga«es so-called In thelr chuw. They of their speed. They looked down bulging like cotton overhead. Jo­ “Good-by, John, good-by. a revision of international debts over the steep side, from the rail. sephine clung desperately to Ran­ are m otor fuels that have taken the lead because they and the further suspension of pay­ The business of drilling, exploit­ A singing white streak of water toul. What a terrific strength the j ive more m otor satlsfactloii. rushed by the black hull, a seething girl had! The engines were stopped ments until the »'hole subject can ■ ing and mucking out rock, of punch­ M otorists have som ething to be thankful for this phosphorescent band of light. ing a long tunnel, miles and miles and safety valves were lifting on again be revised. 'I hnnksgiving as every year haH seen greater refine­ Rantoul knew that time was get­ I think there is an almost unani- j of it, two and some places four city ting short. He instinctively felt the the tffrtured boilers. blocks, straight down in the rock ment in m otor fuels. The sea had changed, the great mous opposition In this country t o ' crust of the earth, of lining it with moment had come. If the heart of ship was sluggish. Peering off into the cancellation of the debts of concrete, mixed by machinery, Josephine was to be captured he had the dark, Rantoul saw a ghostlike last arrived at the final movement wall, a towering apparition looming Europe to us but I think there is a spaded and tamped behind steel at forms, of fitting monster bronze of assault. He walked with her in 5th and A Streets Springfield very strong and growing sentiment gates and valves, of carrying out silence, holding her close to him. above 0icm , above the funnels, close aboard and drawing slowly astern. in favor of som e readjustment on a > tj,c magnificent details of concep- The rustle of her loose-dinner gown, Ice. of course. How lucky they had tion, all unthought of. unsung, un­ under the folds of her loose warm missed it. fight it was cold. His limbs basis which would be mutually ad known, except in its lists of deaths, cloak, the intimate detachment of ached, he shivered. He wished Jo­ i vantageous. occupied John Breen, C.E., through the sea, her laugh, her evident en­ We should not be a ked to give the winter’ and into'the spring of joyment of the night, gave him reso­ sephine in hell. Perhaps, he had been a them something for noth ng. but if 1912. lution. He too was being somewhat bit hasty. She stirred uneasily, she also saw the ice. A feeling of guilty (er­ some way can be worked out. as A month later, John was visiting carried away. ror seized them. His arms were They had walked back and forth tired; he was no longer as vigorous suggested by Senator Borah, by Harhoard at the University. "I’ve for almost a half hour and were Alfred E. Smith, and many other had a taste of the city work. I’m leaning on the after thwartship rail as he had been in years past. going to stick. This place,” ntxlding Then the boat deck was stirring leaders, whereby we could, as many out of the high window, "is so full again, sheltered by the bulk of a phrased it. “trade debt for pros­ of big things it’s a challenge to a large life-boat, looking down into with men. Far forward on the bridge, lights flashed. It had been in perity,” I think such a solution fellow with a grain of kick in him. the sea. A sigh from Josephine, a darkness before. The radio waa slight shudder, caused Rantoul to That bridge eff there,” pointing to I would be well received by every- Iace his arm about her, a thing he sending. The steamer seemed to the huge new span of massive steel I body In this country. ad never done except when danc­ shake. Seamen with axes and knives rising above Hell Gate, “is enough It Is entirely possible, it eems to to make a man stick. I've had a ing. She rather yielded to the em­ were running aft. An officer, his trousers hastily tucked into short me, to work out some adjustment taste of this for some time, it's full brace. She was thinking of the end hoots, brushed past them. He played of such things. John, grubby, hard, of this situation which will not of chances. Dammit, Jfarboard, this unsympathetic, practical John, al- Jji» fla.hjam p on them, jnom rntar- city is a challenge to a man. You've only help toward the immedia’e im "'* * thought she saw him heard of .............................................. Hammond, the mining en- ways dirty and smelly, in the tunnel,' ily. Josephine smile. Rut why the rushing about.......... provement of international trade. gineer? Well, he said something the ' would be so different. the excitement . . what had happened ? Much of this was.in the sigh ; an ! but which might continue to be of other day 'This is a big man's town,’ | was his advice ‘Go west, or go any- implicit answer to the many days of p «• J M a «7 1 benefit to American industry and when if you feel yourself to he their circumspect intimacy Rantoul V U U l l l l U C U J 1 C A I 4» C C A ; business, and any such solution -i-out the average I ni I f yi n have caught her bare hand, with his free ought to be accepted. If I am any kind of a prophet, Mrs. La De Dahda— Such an ex­ there is going to be definite pro­ quisite gown! How much is it? gress made to that end till < winter. Clerk— Fifty dollars. Mrs. La De Dahda—It's exactly That for every dollar spent for Mahoney—I hear Jake is in the what I have been looking for. I be­ hospital. lieve I’ll take It, although the domestic electricity in the United Baloney—Yes. he got caught In price— S ta te s $1.60 It spent for Ice the rain and tried to economize by Clerk— Pardon me. madam, I Cream? There it no other source not taking a taxi. Now he's got hare made a mistake— this is mark­ pneumonia. ed >15 instead of >50. o f energy at any price that will take the piece of electricity. Mahoney—And Joe is In the hos­ Mrs. La De Dahda-—Oh. I see. Electricity not only produces perfect light hut is the most pital, too. Well, the gown doesn't suit me. Baloney—Yes, he too a taxi. efficient cooking fuel ar well. Electricity it e perfect laun­ Show me something better. Thirteenth Installment X ,pun h " Ncw York“ " d L a tte r Toast Coleman QUALITY FIRST KETELS DR U G STO RE Motor Satisfaction “ A ” S tr e e t S e r v ic e S ta tio n Electricity Z and Ice Crea m R CARE OF THE AGED At this w riting I have eight people under my care who are over eighty years of age—six men and two women. All but two of them are on foot; one woman has had a “stroke” but can get about and help herself. She is 85. The other is just past eighty, and has a sprained hip, using crutches to go about her hotiBe. One old man, 86, is a veteran of the civil w ar; another will be 88 at his next birthday. It is Interesting to w atch these old boys and girls, who have somehow come m ighty close to living the right way, else they could not have achieved all these years with such success; 1 m eet many of half their ages who really complain more than they do. And they know just a little more about w hat is good for them to eat than I do. I never put them on a diet, except to ask them to eat what “agrees” with them. If I caught one old fellow eating salted peanuts and topping off with ice cream , 1 would not stop him. If one has diabetes, I do not by any m eans cu t off a reasonable am ount of sugar from his dietary. I have always been a stickler for letting well enough alone. One of them- just went out my door this m om ent— has a leg ulcer. I keep DRY dressings applied while it heals nicely. He laughs over the situation, not at all like a much younger man would do. And. my old jieople are so appreciative; they make one love them. They have lived all these years, 1 have no doubt, on tliat very principle. The fellow who is eternally finding fault is In a poor way to live out a long and beautiful exist­ ence, because he burns up the good within him. We younger ones m ay learn from this. you KNOW Now You Can Buy a C o le m a n ELECTRIC IRON fo r O N LY What We’re Thankful For... Think of it!. . . a beautifully designed, Chromium Plate fin­ ish Coleman Electric Iron at this new low price. Lessens ir­ oning efiortatleast a third.“But­ ton Bevel** sole plate. Lifetime Guaranteed Heating Element Don’t miss this big valuel “Where the Service la Different” in use today. It even furnithe. the family with entertainment through the radio and to greatly shortens hou>ehold teaks that the housewife «pend« much of her time In ««CMetion and plcasqnt a.iociation with her f-nury inrteed of in t k '«itek * >’» « . , although etc.tricity «he world a -Wwtt perfect servant, M it cheep We wish to express our thanks for the g< nerouB patronage accorded us by the people of this com m un­ ity. Eggiinann's continues to be the headquarters for candy and fine confections and people come from far and near. We w ant you to know we appreciate this support and are thankful for It this Thanksgiving. R G G IM A N N ’S dry servant end gives the moat dependable refrigeration . . . to cheap that the average family spend! much more for lc< Cream then lor UôLfe SEE THI THE C’ Wichits, K« rs . Ckic«ffO, MOUNTAW STATO POWIR