THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1932 rW K N TV-N IN TH YKAR Gill U K OUItT Tl h o t Dishes hor Students Monday No. 4« SIATE HANK WILL h " rs BASKETBALL10 SEIL S ilt DBIIE * h et<* “* W as homecoming License bee Cut SUM MONDAY 0ETNIN6 TODAY ISSULOIVIDENO C IIÏ PAYS OFF DEFAULT BONDS Eugene Delegation Presents Accept Invitation of New Each Child Expected to Bring Short Play; Other Features Checks to Be Mailed Soon to Health Emblem* to Be Sold Douglas County Chamber Many Lettermen to Greet Ini­ Cold Lunoh From Home; Oldest City Warrants Also Family Dinner* Feature Day; of Entertainment by Children Until Christ­ to Joint Meet at Drain 450 Holder* of Commercial tial Call for Practice at Serving Restricted Paid By Treasurer Wed­ Many Leave for Qatheringa mas; Many Sold in Lane Account* in Institution High School Monday nesday; Finances Better A potluck dinner at 6 30 followed R. Roy Booth, E A. Mctornrck. With Relative* Elaewhere Serving of bol luncliei to xtu- The annual Christmaa seal sale by a program, centered around a NOT CERTAIN OF DATE danta In irada schools of the city Defaulted City of Hprlugfleld and C. F. Catef were appointed SCHEDULE IS PUBLISHED will start in Springfield and othur pla’' were tbe features of NEEDY ARE REMEMBERED | will start Monday. Members of the bondB the sum of »1.000 were of the budget committee M en <«u“ly town, on Thanksglv "nnu“ b«n>ecomlng meeting of ----------- Parent Teacher association work ,BhBll up BIld pB,d thu weeg |t WM of «»>• *-une County C b*n'b‘’r No, erobBr u Tbe BBle> Juanita Rebekah lodge Monday Dividend Totals to Advano* Few Social Events Listed for Ing through the room represents ,„„„„0,.«^ Tuesday by I. M Peter Commerce at thele meeting h Id at Bang-up Football Game Mon- to 35 Percent; Saving* day Officially Closes Sea­ which will last until Christmai, is *»entn« •< ,he I- O. O. F ball, Holiday; Legion Dances at “ *«• t'b«r«* «* ,b8 worb •"*' son. city recorder. Funds for the Wlllekenxe grange hall last Thurs- ’ •’’■•’«“ J» | I are ----— calling for donations of sup Bb, or,rt|„„ * . . . - day evening. They will meet with Ha* Paid 30 Percent sponsored by tbe National Tuber l">m««Hately following tbe dinner son for Local Player* of tbB [„„„u carne from Thurston Tonight , „insis assoc-lathm and Its affiliated * «rouP ” **“" • from tbe EuK”n*- piles of all kinds which can be used B,nklng fund (>r the budget board of the county Notices of a second dividend Basketball will replace football 1<>ta| brBncbeB ln WBg |„ K Its war Pf«5*«"*««! H»e play. "Making will Investigate and disease People of Hprlngfleld are spend-! In preparing Preparing hot no. dlshe msne i. Vegetables, v e g . , a o . e s . , i t b „ . . hBi. bB , f ,B1BB , BXeB. payment to be made here in the a Sister." News clippings telling as major sports activity In Spring (|n ;-ttweukw|j, Bnd BprPBd n(t In« . quiet Thanksgiving day | soup., milk, canned or fr«.h. all ar«, , various expenditures. of the reception accorded W F. near future on commercial accounts field Monday when Coach Marlon i bfcB|, b education and work against The Chamber Instructed Its dele day. Many large family dinners and , «»«’••« “ » *"rk ,o' tb" been planned for the day locally Members were asked to respond cent, cannot be started at thia school gymnasium is being sanded association. The hot dishes are Intended for Hon. but no buyer, were found. “ t SprJngfjeid blgb B<.bool will which have been allowed by tbe Miss Rowena Nlseen. Red Cross tertainment numbers will be pres- gQ to aalem Saturday. December 3 Circuit court, will also receive the bers featured the monthly social each afternoon and some evenings plies and aid ailing persons. Peter Clay Withers. Marcola. worker for this city, spent several I entod at the high school under the and church night program at the Schedule Is Ready to participate in the annual con­ dividend of 26 percent previously days here checking with the differ i suspires of the Hpringfb-ld Par died at the Pacific Christian boa-; | Christian church Friday evening. The schedule prepared this week JOINT INSTALLATION ference of high school girls' league paid on other accounts. pltal In Eugene Monday evening. enl groups to determine which lent Teacher aasoclatlon Tuesday The affair was held bi the social start: with a game against Cottage PLANNED FOR N. O. W. i m1embe" t“ Khe,^ hat day,' families were to receive baskets ' evening. November 2», starting at He was born on a farm near Cor­ hall which has Jest been complete­ Grove in the South Land city on _______ - visors, high school deans of girls vallis on July 12, 1867 and moved Most families which did not receive 7:10. ly finished. A large number of peo­ January 6. Other games are list­ Plans for Annual Chriatmas Party “nd Principals will also hold con them were given larger grocery and -j-bo program will center about to Texas when 1» years old. Later ple attended. ed as follows: • Started; Will Be Held on ferences at that time. meal orders than usual for the oc ' (bB »hurt plays being directed by he lived In Colorado and returned Wednesday, December 14 j Representing Springfield high Program numbers offered during January 10—U. H. 8. there. to Oregon and la k e county when raalon. ; Mrs. Jane Ketels and which have _______ i school girls will be Lillian Trinka, January 13—open. Most business planes and the i BM their caat of characters, mem 30. He has spent the past ten the evening Included: Piano duet. An Invitation from the Eugene freshman; Faye Squires, sopho- Evelyn Harris and Marjorie Wad January 17—Eugene here. years with his son. Roy A. Withers, poatofflee will remain closed during ! h^rs oy the local school organ I la ­ Circle number 1«. Neighbors of mor®: D® Etta Sandgathe, Junior; January 20—open. ths entire day. jtlon. The names of the players at Marcola who survives as does dell; reading, George Stone; tnusl- Woodcraft, to meet with them for and «»rjorie Prochnow. senior. January 31—U. H. S. here. Many Programs Given | Bnd ,|,e characters In each have one sister. Mrs. Charles Hadley of cal interpertutlon. Bobby Rebban; W. E. Buell, principal, and Miss Funeral for Mr*. C. J. Murray vocal solo, Veltle Pruitt; harmonica a Joint installation of officers was February 3—open. The Thanksgiving day spirit ha»!been announced. Other numbers Blue River. Anne Vogel, girls league advisor, to Be Held at Local Chapel and plano solo. B. O. Smith; num accepted here last night by Pine February 10—Cottage Grove here. prevailed at moat gatherings In the j w,|| »ni,obnced later Funeral services were held from February 17—Roseburg here. Circle. The date for the installa­ will attend their respective meet­ on Friday Afternoon city during the past week, and AJ( pru(,(>w)ir from tbc entBr,Bln the Ppole-Oray-Bartholomew chapel bers by the Murphy-Moshler quar February 21—Eugene there. tion will be set later, probably ings many suitable programs have been wl„ u(w4 (or , hB h(>t In Springfield Wednesday after­ let; and a harmonica and guitar Another group of girls has been February 24— Roseburg here. early in January, at which ,.tlme Mrs. C. J. Murray, well-known given. Perhaps the oil.landing ol fu#<| of lhe Bnd noon. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, solo by Roy Pugh. named to prepare an original song resident of West Springfield, pass­ The district tournament will pro the new Woodmen building in Eu these la that held at the Lincoln L tbB education work In pastor of the Methodist church of­ A f« sture of tbe evening was a bably be held starting March 3, gene will be dedicated. It Is ex- to enter in the league contest. Mem­ ed away Monday evening at the school Wednesday afternoon a n d l ^ ,cbooU ficiated. and Interment was made penny drill, proceeds of which were bers of this committee are Mar narltclpaled In by used to pay for materials used lu although this date has not been p--cted that state officers of the garet Jarrett. De Etta Sandgathe, home of Roy Palmer following an pertN-ip* r students In each Names of the plays and , their In Gillespie cemetery. decided yet. Grand Lodge will be present for Illness of four months. grade. completing the social room. tbe Installation and dedication Frances Apger, Ruby Houck, and Their complete program was ‘ “«l» ar*’ Miss Cynthia Lowe was born in Ball Game Interesting Jewel Helterbrand MOFFITT FAMILY HOLDS Itefre hments consisted of pump­ ceremonies. given as follows: "The l-UM* Schoolhouse Komkakee. Illinois on May 26, 1861. Football equipment at the high l>lay—"Fairway of the Pilgrims." Mra. Church. Mrs, Frank Bennett, REUNION EVENT TODAY kin pie with whipped cream and school is being stored away this It was also decided at tbe meet­ She was married to Charles Mur­ pi eh. Miss Alta Manning, Miss Junior high students; selections by Mrs. Ahrs Adams. Mrs. Ray Nott. week. The season closed with a ing last night to hold the annual BASKETBALL TEAM WINS ray on June 24. 1869, and they lived The home of Mr. and Mrs. Laur­ Clara Junes, and Mrs. N. L. Poll­ game between two teams chosen Christmas party at the 1. O. O. F. the glee club, and "Grandmother's Mrs. R. L. Burnett, Mrs. Stella ONE, DROPS TWO GAMES ln Illinois until 1881 when they Surprise I’arty” by all the lower Findley, Edith laxton. and Mrs ence Moffitt Is the scene of a par­ ard were In charge of the affair. i from tbe high school football play- hall on December 14. There will be moved to Webster City, Iowa. Later tial family reunion today with the grades. Bainbridge. Springfield's town basketball they moved to Wright county, Iowa [ ers and others. An interesting fea a big Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Features of thia latter number "Interviewing a Servant"; Mrs arrival from Washington of his ture of this game was an attempt and all the decorations. Each per­ team divided honors with the and on October 26. 1906 they came SERMON “OVERCOMING were piano solos by Blaine Schaf Thomas. Mrs. M A. Pohl. Daisy father and brothers and slater. In­ son attending Is asked to bring a Pleasant Hill team the past week to Oregon making their home at DIFFICULTIES" SUNDAY by one player to score on the old gift, preferably a home made one and lost to the Thurston squad. fenberg and Beryl Robertson; two Pugh, Mrs. Troy. Bessie Endicott, cluded in the visitors art- E. C West Springfield where they re­ "Dead Man’ stunt. The big trouble Moffitt, Spokane, his father; Mr. songs by the lower grades. "Big Mrs. H. H. Schaffenberg but which should not exceed 15c The first game, played last Fri­ sided ever since. .arose in the fact that the player Mrs. Larson Wright will sing at Fat Turkey," "Over the River and "Improving Father’s Mind”; Mrs and Mrs. Wayne Moffitt and child. day evening at Pleasant Hill, went She Is survived by one son, chose to be carried from the field in value. through the Woods"; “Hiawatha Fred Louk. Mrs. Fisher. Mrs Ulas Itoaalta. Washington, a brother; the morning service at the Christ­ for the fake stunt at a time when to Springfield 26-22, with Pleasant George Murray in Oklahoma; a ian church It was announced thia Kills the Red Deer." first grade pey, Rachel Thatcher, and Mrs Elsie Moffitt, Pomeroy, Washing Hill trailing. daughter, Mrs. H. . Rinehart. Puyal­ the opposing team had the ball, FOUR-H PLANS MANY The pastor. Rev. Veltle girls; "Indians’ Thanksgiving," | Emily Peters ton, a alster; and Arnold Moffitt, week. Monday night the local boys went lup. Washington, fifteen grandchil­ thus, leaving his team with a ten Pruitt, will preach on the subject, PROJECTS FOR YEAR to Thurston and played one of the dren and 26 great-grandchildren. brother from Dayton. Washing­ second grade; Pop Corn song, first man team for defense. grade; a skit. "History of tbel P..T. A. HAS INTERESTING ton. One married stater was un­ 'Overcoming Difficulties." most spectacular games seen so far Funeral services will be held Lane county Four-H workers will Christian Endeavor meets at this year. Both teams had scores from the Poole-Gray Bartholomew Pumpkin Pie," second grade; MEETING ON FRIDAY able to be present. D in ner a t Albany be busy with a total of 2600 pro­ An Interesting Incident regarding C:30. An evangelistic service with What Each la Thankful For. sec­ of 14 when the game ended and Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan and jects during the year 1933. County after a five-minute overtime period chapel In Springfield Friday after­ ond grade; "Hiawatha," a play byi ..Nbw Methods In Education' this family Is that all of the chil­ congregational singing and an evan­ noon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Veltle Club agent. R. C. Kuehner, told the third grade; "landing of the | waB tbe aubJa<.t of a talk given he- dren turned to the teaching profes­ gelistic sermon by the pastor will two daughters. Bobby and J^r. are they each had 18. I d three more Pruitt officiating. Interment will be members of the county budget com spending the day with relatives at feature the evening hour. A male minutes Thurston garnered another made in Mount Vernon cemetery. Pilgrims." a reading by Frank An- for# ,be a pr|ngfield Parent Teach sion In which they are now, or have mlttee Monday, 'there will be many basket ending the game 20-18. Albany. derson; "Jerioo Bob’s Thanksglv-1 BBBO(.jBtbin at their meeting Frl been engaged. Mr Moffitt was quartet will sing. times that number engaged In club Tuesday evening the boys went Ing Turkey." fifth grade; a play.jdBy afternoon at the Lincoln school recently elected County School work In the county he stated. Superintendent Tor Ijme county. to Lowell for another game with EPWORTH LEAGUERS AT "I Am.” fourth grade; a ««ng. Mr)l Harriett Harper Every school ln Lane county with Pleasant Hill and were defeated "Father We Thank Thee." first and children of the third grade gave CRESWELL ON FRIDAY the exception of three have Four-H 31-19. second grade; and a reading two p|By|e,Bi "The Trees Autumn BUSINESSMEN TO PLAY work this year. In these schools "Grandmother's Gabs,” Sidney Bnd "The Trial of Jimmy Twenty-two members of the Ep AT GYM NEXT THURSDAY the enrollment Is not sufficient to worth League of the Methodist Ward. Oerm." Four little Pilgrim Maid HEALTH CLINIC SET FOR organise clubs. church here motored to Crcewell ens also gave talks The businessmen's group which WENDLING ON TUESDAY Friday evening to attend a district STATE DROPS BOUNTY Plans |or the serving of hot meets weekly at the High school Unusual Story of Volunteer more weeks the tireless watch was continued with the doctor making C. E. GROUPS START rally of young people of the Metho­ PAYMENTS NEXT MONTH lunches In the schools were talked gymnasium will postpone their Work Given by Professional Toxoid Inoculation for the pre­ frequent calls amd prescribing me­ dist church. Rev. Dean C. Potndox- and refreshments wore served by meeting next Tuesday until Thurs PLANS FOR STATE MEET vention of diphtheria will be given dicines. All this was done with Croup Is Told Here ter, local pastor, and dean of the State bounties on wolves and mothers of the third and fourth day because of the program at the at a clinic at the Wendling Four L the understanding beforehand that Little River institute, and Miss cougars will be dropped December grades under the supervision of the school that evening. Ten were pres Preliminary piano for the state hall next Tuesday by Miss Bessie Sparks of humanity, seldom they were not to receive any re­ Marian Shipley spoke on behalf of 1. according to Frank B. Wire, state room representatives. Mrs. H ent for the meeting Tusday night convention ol Christian Endeavor Williams, county health nurse. heralded, but frequent enough muneration for their efforts other the Springfield delegation. game supervisor who has so notl- Schaffenberg. and Mrs. W. C. this week and enjoyed a volleyball societies to be held In Eugene In Mrs. Leslie Hall, chairman of the every where during times of stress than the satisfaction of having ser­ fled all county clerks. The state | Wright. game. such as the present, often times ved faithfully hi a cause which was April were formulated Saturday Wendling health unit has charge night a the countywide C. E. rally of arrangements and will assist. CHOIR LEADER GIVEN bounty amounted to »26 on each creep out and reveal the humaness not ln vain. and homecoming held at the Pres­ Sadie Orr Dunbar, executive sec­ animal and will be dropped as a LIONS ARE ENTERTAINED of individuals. Today the little boy has almost LOCAL MUSICIANS ON PARTY ON BIRTHDAY byterian church In that city. retary of the Oregon State Tuber­ revenue savin» measure. BY ORCHESTRA FRIDAY 8uch an Instance was uncovered recovered and he and his parents PROGRAM IN EUGENE The Cottage Grove .»elegat on culosis association will be present Action on the county bounty Is right here ln Springfield this week. have the group of willing workers Members of the choir and other won the silver cup for having the and speak at the gathering to start still pending decision of the bud I Music by a four-piece orchestra friends of Norton Pengra gathered Mrs. W. K. Barnell. accompanied The principals Involved are very to thank for this fact. The doctor largest delegation at the meeting gel board with a strong probability the semi-weekly meeting at 1:30. gives the nurses all credit, and the at his home Monday evening to that It will be withdrawn. I , tbe gpringfieid i,|Ons club Friday by her daughter. Barbara, pang sev modest people and It was only by Announcement oi a c I ubb in ex nurses In turn, have only highest conaiderable effort that the details surprise him on the annlver nry of eral solos at the party of the Rust pert Endeavor to be held nt the noon. Members of the group were FEW ROAD DISTRICTS praise for the work of the doctor, his birthday. Mr. Pengra Is dliector neas and Professional Women of were obtained for publication. Presbyterian church in Eugene IUKA PLANS ANNUAL Miss Barbara Barnell, xylophone Dr. W. H. Pollard was the phy­ The Incident Is this. About one of the Baptist choir and was pres­ Eugene at the Chamber of Com WANT TO VOTE LEVIEb CHRISTMAS PARTY ttn<1 tlrumx, Mrs. Jewel »teen- piano merca In that city Tuesday even­ month age a small baby boy, nine sician in the case. Mrs. A. B. Downs each Tuesday evening was ented with a birthday gift. Games made. Mias Bessie Stewart, banjo and Only 21 road districts In Lane and refreshments feathred the ing. Miss Barnell also played a months old, was stricken with headed the group of nurses among Plans for the annual Christman drums, aud Eldred Glaspey violin county will hold elections this evening. group of xylophone solos, having pneumonia and indications were which were the following: Miss Eu­ party of members of Iuka circle and saxaphone. Miss Ruth Morrison as her accom­ that the youngster would not be nice Gerber. Springfield. Miss Mary AUXILIARY DOES SEWING month to vote on proposed special number 28, Ladles auxiliary of the A report of the basket social able to survive the inroads of the Jenkins, Miss Rosaline Pluss. Miss FOR NEEDY CHILDREN levies. It Is expected that many COMMUNION SERVICE panist. O. A. R. were started here last sponsored by the club for the high Vona Gates. Roslna Stebbins, and of these will be defeated by the dlse&ae. AT METHODIST CHURCH week at the regular meeting of the school athletic fund was given at The parents, we need not men­ and Miss Bernice Holland, all of Dresses for needy children of voters as they try to wipe out a.l TEACHER IS GUEST AT circle. Thursday. December 16, the meeting by W. E. Buell, high tion their names, like many others Eugene. expenditures which are not abso­ Springfield were cut at the meeting Holy communion will be observed was chosen as the date for the af-| school principal. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE In all parts of the Untteu States, Many Similar Cases of the American I^eglon Auxiliary lutely necessary. As was said at the start of fn«* sewing club at the home of Mrs. fair which Is to be held at Eggl were unable to pay doctors or The uncertainty of tha cou.ity at the 11 o'clock service at the Miss Ann Wagner was given a nurses. They loved their child more article, this Is only one of numer H. Schaffenberg. Tuesday after­ being willing to match roads funds Methodist church Hunday. Rev. mann's with Mrs. Egglmann x «|GIRL SCOUTS MEETING surprise birthday party Sunday- than their pride and sought assist­ otts cases of this nature which fre­ noon. Further work on the clothes raised locally for work next year Dean C. Rolndexter will preach the hostess. TO BE HELD MONDAY evening at the home of Mrs. Maude The next meeting of the circle I ance from a trained nurse living In quently comes to light everywhere. will be done at the next meeting has led to the abandonment of tax sermon on the subject, "The lord's Desire." The evening service at will be held December 1, at the | There will be no meeting of the Glaspey. Guests Invited were Mil the vicinity of their home. She In Others are doing the same work to be held December 8. at the home levies in several districts. 7:30 will be on the subject, "Bm dred Walkley, Lucille Clearwater. home of Mrs. Clarln„ owtjnan here and elsewhere without praise turn called on a local doctor for The total amount sought by the of Mrs. W. N. Dow on Emerald Springfield Girl Scoift troop this ergency Measures.” 21 districts this year Is »28,334.12. afternss«- vtrxueMup to Miss Eunice Doris Gerber, Carl Wagner. Clinton medical assistance and together or credit. This case was taken as Heights. Gerber, lender. The troop U — i,ed Neavllle, Gordon Wright, Eldred they worked for several days and a specific example of the work SECOND YEAR CLASS Otaane- hts to restore health to the most of these highly trained ad LUMBER EMPLOYEE IN GIVES PROORAM FRIDAY I “» meet at the M®‘bod' " V church BANK PATRONS FILE minlstrators. doctors and nurses SALE OF DOG LICENSES ______ Monday after school for tla strictly a men trained nurses In of the many requests of this nature the lumber mill Tuesday afternoon. day according to Lloyd H. Kelley, an uncertainty as to Just what the Joan Seavey; and selections by the affair. Dr. H. H. Mauldensch I Eugene who agreed which are put to them. Home of Sorenson Id some manner stepp charges under the new Board will receiver. All claims must be en high school quartet, Margarat Jar- Portland waa the principal speak, them have already had to turn fiate nights of watch into one of the saw« and tered and filed to receive dividend be. The present fees set are »1 for rett, Eunice Rhlnewalt, Edna Sev- Several reels of film of Obsldl ulnlsterlng to the con- down requests for aid which they ¡cut and mangled. payments. male and »2 for female dogs. eraon, and M ar«*rat Haack. | outings were shown by Dot Dotin' of the child. For three i were physically unable to render. '.J ■ P. I. A. 10 GIVE OMEJCJ PLAY MANY PRESENT AT CHURCH EVENT H. S. DELEITES CHOSEN TUESDAY EARLY RESIDENT PASSESJOHOAY Nurses Efforts Save Stricken Boy’s Life UOL-fe