The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 17, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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    P A G I POUR
Lane Chamber to
Examine Budget
Hy V id o r C ro lty
Special Committee Will Be
Thor Jensen and 'Wildcat' Named at Meeting Tonight Son of Former Springfield
at Willakenzie Grange
Residents Weds Miss Max*
Pete to Meet Each Other
ine Henrietta Kunz
in Main Event at Armory
Members of the Lane County
Two Finnish wrestler» will be
matched kgalnst each other this
even Ina In the weekly wrestling
card at the Eugene Armary when
Thor JeDseo of Elkton, previously
of Astoria, meet George 'Wildcat'
Pete in the main eyent.
Art O'Hellly will be matched in a
46-minute apeclal event with an op­
ponent who has not yet been
Jensen spent the summer travel
Ing about the Willamette valley
with a carnival troup and caused
considerable commotion in Eugene
when he made caustic remarks
about Pete, attempting to draw him
Into a match on the circus lot.
Jensen defeated Walter Achiu
two weeks ago and was. himself,
injured in the rough and tumble af
fair which followed the match in
which Jensen stepped on his op­
ponent’s face after he had been
downed. The crowd clamored into
the ring and Jensen was forced to
remain inactive for two weeks be­
cause of a shoulder injury received
following the match.
Miss Irene Wesby, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wesby. and
Carl Wiltse, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Wiltse, were married here
Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock by
Rer. C. E. Crandall at his home
369 West D. street They are mak
ing their home at 235 South D
t'hambor of Commerce will name a
budget committee tonight to meet
with the county court during the
making of the Lane county budget
for 1833 it was announced this week
by E. G. Harlan, chamber secretary.
The meeting will be held at the
Wiliakensle grange hall and will
start with a dinner to be served at
< 30
Last year a chamber com­
mittee sat with the budget com­
mittee during its deliberations.
Miss Maxin« Henrietta Kunz
and Glen Neet were married in a
pretty ceremony held at l*ort An­
geles, Washington, on November 2.
according to information received
in Springfield yesterday.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs
Lewis Thomas of Leland, Washing
Mr. Neet is the son of Mr. and ,
Mrs. M. A. Neet, former Spring
field residents, and is a private in
Battery G. at Fort Worden. Wash
They were accompanied to Port
Angeles by Mrs. L. Balch and Pri­
vate Corbett, both of Fort Worden
Mr. and Mrs. O. p. Stratton en­
tertained with a wedding dinner
for the couple at their home at
Ella M. Cairns Dies at Home;
Port Townsend where the newly­
Funeral Services Held at weds will reside.
Hesf Springfield
Resident Passes
Veatch Chapel Saturday
Ella M Cairns, resident of West
Springfield, died at her home there
last Thursday at the age of 81
years.. She was born at Jerseyville.
Illinois, on April 19. 1851 and was
married to W. J. Woodstock. The
couple had four children, all of
whom died in infancy.
She came to Eugene in 1889 and
was married to Samuel D. Cairns
who died five years ago. They had
two sons. Roy Cairns at Reedsport,
and Rudolph who died when two
years old.
Funeral services were held from
the Veatch chapel in Eugene on
Saturday at 1:30 p. m. Rev. R. R.
Neet officiated and interment was
made in the Pleasant Hill cemetery.
“W e S hall B e H ealed ”
Branstetter Chapel to Have
Charge of Services in This
City Friday Afternoon
-u a a
Wistful and still, on porches, row on row,
We wait and hop« and watch Ilf* hurry pail;
And it is one with us when shadows fall.
And all the same when morning comes at last.
We know the prize of patience and of rest,
We know that only thus it victory won;
But we are young, and driven by the tires
O f work to do before our webs are spun. . . .
We calm our hearts; we know His way ia best,
And faith become* an all-protecting shield;
For each of us another dawn will break—
Someday we shall be, u d l be healed.
E D IT O R S N O T E ; T h i» puani was w rttta n sxpraaaly for the C h rtatm a *
Seal sate by V ic to r C roley, who was conhned tu bed w ith luberculoele io;
eix years.
A fte r a h a lf-s ta rv a d an d nagloeted childhood. I w ent lo work
a t the ripe a«a of tw e lv e ," he w rites. " I was tortured b\ envy of others
happiness and th e a m b itio n to become rich enough io have a vacation
so th a t a fte r w o rkin g bayond my s treng th all day I spent h a lf lh a night
In public lib rarie s and a t night achnoTe
I was kn aed tui because ;
couldn't stay a w a k e ."
A t one tim e he got a Job tin g in g tn a cheap m ovie show ao ha could au
to high school d u ring tha day. w h e n he was eighteen years old he
weighed under UW pounds, and had alread y entered a prom laing cereal
aa an ad v e rtisin g w rite r tn N ew Y ork C ity . T w o .'»ars la te r he wae
discovered to have a ta r advanced case of tub erculo eta To day, th a n k *
to m odern san ato riu m technique, he w e ig h t 140 pounds, feels b a tte r than
aver before, and Is looking fo rw a rd to a second and happier s ta rt to life
"M y case should ba a w a rn in g to everyone who does not know enough
to ta k e care of h im s e lf," says M r. C ro lty - " W h y cannot young people
be ta u g h t tha need of good health hablta aa a protection against tu b e r­
culosis? 1 h a te to th in k th a t anyone else should have io go Th ro ugh w hat
1 have suffered because he did not kn o w .”
For tw e n ty -flv e years C hristm as Seals have been try in g to prevent
Just such cases aa M r. C ro lay’s by teaching tha facta ha learned throagh
b itte r experience and haa outiin; ad ao concisely f -
----- —
Basket Social
Successful here
nell. Virginia Christie. Dorothy Mae
Putter, and Margaret Jarrett, piano
solo by Margaret Jarrett, vocal
aoloa by Miss Christie, violin solo
by Eldred Giaspey, xylophone aolo
by Barbara Barnell. and acrobat Ic
stunta by two small girls.
A semi pantomime skit given by
high school students under the di­
rection of Mrs Jane Ketels was
well received.
Members of the football team
preeent were introduced to tbe
audience by Harry Wilson, and
Elmer Byrne, advertising manager
of the Reglater-Uuard. and Coach
Marlon Hall gave »hurt (alka.
Thirty-five beautifully decorated
baskets were auctioned off by E. C,
Stuart and W K Barnell. realizing
nearly 835 for the school fund.
Upper Willamette
f A\/r
for Yeur Thanksgiving to Go with the Turkey
Better C offee
Every Time!
° N YOUk
Everything in Good Eats
6 L B. S P E C IA L
J¡n Çracker ßQX 25c B0TH F0R
Package Edgmont
Ginger Snaps
White Front Grocery
Church Party to
Be h idav Night
Members of the Lions club are
i'«Mjueated to meet promptly at II
noon Friday aa several of the mem
Large Audience Enjoy« Pro­ here plan to accompany the foot­ Members of Christian Churoh
to Hold Social Evant In
gram at Taylor Hall Friday; ball team to laibalton for the game
Newly Dacoratad Hall
Good Profit Realized
leave at 18 30 It baa been alt
A large program of readings,
An audience of nearly 200 »tu nounced.
musical numbers and aoloa will tea
dents and townspeople, Including
lure tlta monthly "Church Night"
several visitors front Eugene, were, DRAMA CLUB PLAY TO
l program at the Christian church
at Taylor's hall Friday evening to
ADVERTISE SEAL SALE Friday evening according to mem
attend the program and Imsket ao
rial which the Lions club sponsor j A one-act play to advertise the bora of the committee In charge.
The program will lie held In the
•d tor the benefit of the athletic annual Christmas health seal sale
social room of lbs church which
fund of the high echool
will be given at Springfield high
A committee of the Girls' League school early In Decent I mm - It was lias Just recently beeu completely
bad charge of the program which decided by members of the dub flu» hod and a penny drill wilt be
; was announced by Mrs. W K. Bur­ thia we»k A committee will select held to raise funds with which to
pay the coat of materials used In
Miss Virginia Christie was the play 1« the near future.
the room.
chairman of (he committee and
Miss Alta Manning la chairman
was assisted by Barbara Barnell,
Visits Mother — Mrs Wilbur
I.enore Cooper, and Colleen Cor Lloyd left Tuesday for Creswell to of the program committee for Nov­
ember. Mlaa Clara Jones and Mrs,
spend the day with her mother. Elale Pollard are her assistants.
Program numbers Include«! sev­ Mrs Smith.
Candy will be sold by tbe high
eral selections by the high sehooi
achool girls class of the Bunday
orchestra under the direction of
Flab on Coast — H o»» T h a t ; I t o r '
Buford Roach, a tap dance by Mux
Mrs. Melvin Trailer aud Mrs.
In« Snodgrass with Mrs Carl Steen
Chester Aldrich have charge of
aa accompanist, songs by a high the coast where they ^xpcvtrd to
school girls quartet. Barbara Bar­ spend several days fishing
Charles N. Lusby. 72. resident of
Springfield since 1921. passed away
at his home here on Wednesday
afternoon. He was born on Feb­
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harris
ruary 3. 1860 at Sidney, Iowa. He
have moved to Auburn, California,
moved to Harrisburg. Oregon in
for the winter. Mr. Harris' parents
1903 and lived there until 1921
and other relatives reside near Au­
Ary c ar l w. G e t z burn.
when be came to Springfield.
He was a member of the A. F.
The Deerhorn P. T. A. held Its
Eighteen New Yorkers pay (axes
and A. M. and the A. O. U. W. o f |On ¡ncOmes ranging from 84.000,000 meeting at the school house Wed­ THANKSGIVING MUSIC TO
IS AT TEACHER S HOME Harrisburg, and the Modern Wood- to 810,000,000.
nesday evening. Professor Freder­
Mrs. C. O. Wilson entertained
men of America and the I. O. O. F.
ick 8. Dunn of the U. of O. deliver
Saturday afternoon at her home for
Members of Mrs. A. B. Van Val- of Springfield
The average v (g,tor to New y o r^ ing a lecture.
A short program
The Thanksgiving Sunday morn­
Mrs. George Prochnow. Mrs. Pro xah's Sunday school class of the
Survivors include his widow. Mrs sees more of
# wwk or was given. Pie and salad with
chnow has since left for Havre, Methodist church held a party at Mattie Lusby; six daughters. Mrs tell davg ,han , he average N#w coffee and grape Juice were served ing service at the Methodist church
will be featured by a special musi­
Montana, where she will visit her her home here Friday evening.
as refreshments.
Bessie Grimes. Eugene; Mrs. Sarah Yorker sees in a lifetime.
cal program Mr. Kenneth Roduner
mother and for Minneapolis to About twenty young people parti­ Johns. Springfield. Mrs. Vera Isom
s e e
Will White was host Thursday will sing. "Thanks Be to God." by
visit an aunt. Twenty women were cipated In the evening of games Halsey. Mrs. Robert Brady. Ocean-
, , ...
„ .
lf rWing in a New York subway evening for an Armistice day dance Dickson. The choir will present
present at the party. Mrs. Jane and stunts. Myrna Bartholomew side,
Mrs. R. E. Lesley. Pomona.
. .
The Leaburg young people have the anthem. “O Clapp Your Hands, "
„ .
y°u “ “ almost tell the time of day
Ketels sang a group of songs for was in charge of refreshments, and California, and , Mrs.
R. A. Strawn.
entertainment. Miss Marjory Pro­ Velda Bartholomew and Jean Scott Toledo. Oregon; two sons George by noting the newspapers the pas organized a Christian Endeavor so­ by Greene. Mrs. Barnell and Fred
sengers are reading. The tabloids ciety with Harold Frazee president; Buell will have solo parts. A quar­
chnow assisted Mrs. Wilson.
had charge of entertainment.
Lu by of Corbett, and Tom Lusby
are the most popular with the early Gordon Frazee, secretary; Char­ tet and choir will render the an­
of Bridal Veil; twelve grandchil morning crowds.
lotte Allen, treasurer.
them, “Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul"
Ill at Home— Miss Nellie Stuart
In Southern Oregon— Dr. W. C. dren and one great grandchild. He
by Wright. Other features will be
is ill at her home this week.
Rebhan made a business trip to also leaves one brother, George:
the Processional, singing "Holy,
Lusby at Hamburg, Iowa.
And we “ w a P“lr of bri«ht- ne*
Grants Pass Friday of last week.
The "Fun Night,” held once each Holy, Holy." two choral respenses
Funeral services will be held at V6,low «loves on the hands of a
Recovers from Flu— Fred Clover the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel 'llo,ornian of a street car on lower month by the Presbyterian Guild and the "Dresden Amen." The ser­
was held at the home of Mr. and mon will be: "We Praise Thee, O
The ladies of Pleasant Hill met at is recovering at his home from an in Springfield. Friday afternoon at Broadway.
E. I. Reynolds Tuesday even­ God."
the home of Mrs. E. Giustina Wed­ attack of the influenza.
o'clock with the Branstetter- [
Tbe evening message will be:
and coffee were refresh­
nesday of last week for an all day
Was walking along Fifth Avenue
Salem Man Here— Harold Per­ Simon chapel of Eugene in charge.
People's Bread ” Rev. Dean
meeting. Mrs. Sagger of New York kins of Salem was a business visi­ Dr. E. V. Stivers and Rev. Dean C.. ’be other day when 1 saw an ex- ments served.
C. Poindexter will preach at both
Mrs E. J. Reynolds also enter­ services.
and Miss Gertrude Skow. Lane tor in Springfield Tuesday.
Poindexter will officiate. A Masonic »'Iteel Greek with a pushcart loaded
county home demonstration agent
service will be conducted by the down with bananas having a terrl- tained the Waltervllle* Ladies Aid
Vizit at Salem—Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrisburg lodge and interment bfe time dodging motor vehicular society at her home last Thursday
were present and gave instruction
in testing, judging and dying ma F. Walker returned to Springfield will be made in the Masonic ceme- traffic. How in the world he found evening. The next meeting will be TITH E TO BE SUBJECT
terials and in making over clothes. Monday from Salem where they tery of that city.
his way to Fifth Avenue is a mys­ on Friday afternoon, November 25,
The regular meeting of the Wo­ had spent the week-end.
tery. When I saw him a huge bus at the home of Mrs. M. J. Wearin.
'The Tithe us a Test" will be
man's clnb of Pleasant Hill will
was in front of him and a foreign- The meeting was postponed one
W ill Play a t Lions Club
Drive to Portland—Dr. and Mrs.
meet with Mrs. Jordan Wednesday Milton V. Walker and children, ac­
make automobile at his heels. A day for Thanksgiving. The group the subject of the morning sermon
A quartette consisting of Jewel
and sew for the Red Cross.
, policeman rescued him and directed has announced a bazaar to be held at tbe Christian church Sunday.
companied by Miss Doris Girard, Steen, piano. Bessie Stewart, banjo,
. . .
There will be special music. The
December 15.
Miss Elizabeth Holcomb enter­ motored to Portland Friday to
_ him to a side street.
Christian Endeavor meets at 6:30
tained at a dinner at her home at spend the week-end. They returned Barbara Barnell. xylophone, and El­
The Christian church night will
dred Glaspy, violin, will play at the
Trent last Saturday night. After the on Monday.
There are 4000 idle architects be held at Waltervllle school house with Merton Ferebee as leader.
The evening service will be
the dinner the young folks were
and draftsmen in New York. An Friday evening. November 26. Their
taken to an old time dance six' Attend Rainbow Party — The
organization sponsored by archi­ Workers society will meet with given over to congregational sing
miles above Lowell. The guests of Misses Barbara Barnell and Mar-
Son is Born—Mr. and Mrs. Angus tects is raising money for their re­ Mrs. Zora Potter as hostess at her ing and an evangelistic sermon by
the pastor, Rev. Veltle Pruitt.
Miss Holcomb were Myrna Laird. garet Jarrett attended the party in Harbeck of McKenzie bridge are lief.
home Wednesday P. M. Novem­
• • •
Theda Phibbs, Zella Maunev, Bon­ Eugene Saturday evening which the parents of a baby son born to
ber 30.
Leaves for Eastern Oregon—Mrs.
nie Jeanne Tinker, Lyman Tinker, Miss Wiihemina Gerot gave at her fhem at their home Friday morn­
There is a steamship company
A hard time dance will be held Paul Brattaln left Wednesday after­
Dick Noble, Rex Haley, Jack Doane, home for officers of the Rainbow ing.
president here who has his office
at the Vida community hail, Satur­ noon for eastern Oregon where she
and Sheldon Statz.
girls. Miss Gerot is worthy advisor
so constructed that his desk and
expects to spend the winter at (heir
Del Holcomb has built a new barn for the Rainbow girls.
I FOR SALE—McKenzie River Bot­ chair are placed on a platform a day night, December 3.
Mrs. Francis Elston is entertain­ ranch at Paisley.
on his ranch at Trent.
tom I-and, five miles from town. foot off the ground. He looks looks
ing the Leaburg Aid society at her
A number of friends of Alvin
The first intercollegiate football
25 acres. A real bargain, 81450, down from his seat like a king.
Thursday afternoon this
Olson gathered at his home Tues- j game in the United States was
8750 cash, balance terms. E. N. I
s e e
day night to surprise him for his j piaytd between Princeton and Rut-
Hathaway, 1609 Washington. Eu-
They are trying to revive inter­ week.
'gers in 1869.
gene, Oregon
N24 est in wood-burning at one of New
» —--------- York’« department Btores. It must
be all of twenty years ago that you
watched big sister ply this decora-
George Signor from Dunsmuire,
, tlve art on cigar boxes and leather
sofa cushions. It was rather danger California, was visiting friends
I ous practice over an alcohol lamp here a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Turel from Cot­
in those days. But now It is done
J with a pyrolectric pen and is very tage Grove spent Monday night at
safe and rapid.
John Edmlston's.
Mr. and Mrs. Lum Mays and
Was walking along Lexington Frank Campbell from Signal spent
avenue the other day when I was last Bunday at A. B Mathew’s here.
surprised to hear the sound of or­
Several days vacation are being
gan music. I turned and there on given at the Mt. Vernon school
the curb sat a well dressed man where Misses Hazel Edmiston and
playing a portable orgati. On the Helen Eyler are teaching during
| top of the organ were packages of the time the school board are hay­
chewing gum and peppermint ing an additional room built on the
I lozenges.
building to accommodate the large
E lectric
number of students.
There is a suicide here every six
C offee M akers
Harvey Conley recently return
CRANBERRIES, Large Size, 2 Pounds
ed from a trip to the coast bring­
s e e
Coffee that is always
ing back some salmon.
WALNUTS, New Crop, Home-grown, 1 Pound
mellow, rich and aatia-
"Trust Lordd with your prescrip­
The Ladles' Aid society met with
CHESTNUTS. Homegrown, 1 Pound
tions,” is the slogan of a Long Is­ Mrs. I^eo Tennis at the Waltervllle
fytng ia eaay to mafra in
pharmacist called Lordd power plant last week and quilted
th e C o le m a n C o ffe e
Also - - - -
a quilt for her.
M aker. B re w s it th a
s e e
Mrs. William Weaver returned
S. & W. Fruit Cocktail
“no-boil” w ay, retaining
It is said that fifteen percent of to Portland last Sunday after
all th e fragrance and
Preferred Stock Orange and Grapefruit
New York’s male population goes spending the summer here.
John Hanekamp passed away in
S. <& W. Japanese Mandarin Oranges
uniform. Surface car. elevated train Eugene Monday afternoon. He was
T he Colonial model h
and subway workers, policemen, a brother-in-law of Miss Heersma
firemen, mall carriers, hotel door­ and has visited here many times.
beautiful in design. Fin­
men—all wear uniforms.
Miss Kate and Lawrence Baxter
ished in special prooeea,
e » •
Sweet Spuds for Your Thanksgiving!
motored to Scottsburg last week­
e x tr a d u r a b le n ic k e l
On Sunday night, their only night end.
Local Fresh Vegetables— Pumpkins,
plate. Six or 9 cap shoe.
off, most actors and actresses go to
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmiston mo­
and Squash.
Ebonized handle. Has
the theatre.
tored to Roseburg last Friday and
large heating ele­
spout the week-end with their
American Beauty Oysters, 3 Cans
m ent.
T h e n o n -ap ill
“I don’t see why Senator Frozt daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
got sore because the Morning Mrs. Hugh Safely.
■pout ia a feature yogi'll
Bugle announced he was retiring
like. Extra quality cord
from politics.”
Bonyanl—What are you doing for
and plug. T his attrac­
“Well, the make-up man by mis­ your sinus trouble?
tive coffee maker ia on
Complete Line of Candy for Your
take put the article under the head­
LaCreme- Examining the doctors
ideal gift for any occasion
ing, "Public Improvements."
one after another to aee how much
they don’t know!
See Your Local Dealer
Editor- Strange that this ance
•r W7#o A»
Hi A. Taylor | dote of Lincoln has never been In "You say he's a hold-up man and
The Cel««««* L m »^ & Steve C«.
print before.
still his business Is legitimate?"
WicMta KatM
Phone 9
Contributor—Not at all. You see,
"Oh, sure—he’s a button manu­
••* * * * t e g i
I only thought It up last night.
n a to a g a S B i
LITTLE I McKenzie Valley
Currier’s Tablets
TI i I h Drug Store Has B m o Apixilnted Agent for Thi«
Kumous Btomache Remedy.
Flanery’s Drug Store
Phone 15
Rubber Footwear
...S A L E...
Fulop’s Dept. Store
$ 1 .9 8
$ 1.25
7 5 C and Q g C
Fulop’s Dept. Store
D o n ’t B u y A n y
Until Our
Store Closed Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday to Cut Prices
C.J. Breier Co.