THURSDAY. NOVMHEH 17. 1 «32 Estate of Charles K llrattaln, De­ ceased. NOTICE ‘ ‘ 10; OP FINAL SETTLEMENT CRAZY C R YSTA LS A Mineral Water Treatment. Ilrlugz a Health Keeurt lu Yuu. 30 E 7tli, 38 W Mb. Eugene, I ’h 1704 Notice Is hsreby given that Elva M llrown. administratrix, with the will annexed of the estate of t'harlee E llrattaln.* deceased, ha« filed In the County Court of the Htate ot Oregon, In and for l*ane County, her final report as such adm inistratrix; and that ten o'clock In the forenoon of Malur- day. the Olli day of December. 1031, at the courtroom of aald court In Eugene. Oregon, have been by the court fixed us the linn- and place of hearing objections to said re­ port and for the final settlement of the »state of said deceased ELVA M BROWN, Adminis­ tratrix of the Estate of Charles FOR H A LK -M tandzrd make plauu uear Springfield. W ill eacrlfke fur unpaid balance A anap. Kaey E llrattaln. Deem >-d terme W rite Tallm an I ’lauu A. E W H E E L E R . Attorney. ttlure, Halmu, Dragon. (N 10-17-14— D l - l l (N 1714 - D I ) NO TICE TO CREDITO RS III at Hamo— Loota Barlach la III In the County Court of the Htate at her home thia week. of Oregon, for Lane County. In the M atter of the Estate ot Joseph H. Fergueson, Deceased Notice Is hereby given that NOTICE TO CREDITORS N O T IC E IH IIK ltE IIY G IV E N . Emma Mtayter and Resale W illiam That the County Court of the State have been hy the above entitled of Oregon fur l-ano County has ap­ court appointed as executrices of pointed Ueaale F. Howard a* Ex­ the above entitled matter. All per­ ecutrix of the Estate and lumt W ill s ons having claims against said and Testament or Jessie B. How estate are required to present the ard. IfcM'vaaed. All persons haring same properly verified to said exe­ claims against said estate are here- cutrices at the law office of Howard by notified to present tho same, M Brownell, 713 W illam ette Hlreet. duly verified, to the undersigned Eugene, Oregon within six months Executrix at the Offices of from this 20th day of October, 1031 EMMA HLAYTER. lla r r h . Mmllh * Bryson, Miner HEHHIE W IT IIA M . Executrices Uulldlng, Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, within tU months from HOWARD M B R O W N ELL. At torney for Executrices. the date of this notice. (O 10-17— N 8-10-17) Dated this Ird day of November, 1031 BEHHIE F. HOW ARD, Kxecu NOTICE TO C R ED ITO R » trig of the Estate of Jeaale H Notice Is hernoy given tbst the Howard, Deceased. undersigned. W. W. Calkins, has HARRIS. H M IT II A UltYSON. been duly appointed Executor of Attorneys for Executrix the Last W ill and Testament of _______ IN 8-10-17 34— D 1) Frank It McDowell, deceased, by NOTICE OF S H ER IFF'S SALE the County Court of the State of REAL PROPERTY Oregon, for Lane County, and has qualified as such Executor, and all NO TIC E Is hereby given that by persons having claim« against said virtue of an execution Issued out of estate are hereby notified and re­ the Circuit Court of the Stale ot quested to present the same, veri­ Oregon for Lane County this 13th fied as required by law, with the day ot October. 1133. In a suit proper vouchers, to the said Exe pending therein In which N. F. tu tor at the office of Catkins and Newhouse was plaintiff and Robert Calkins, attorneys at law. In the Holmes was defendant, which ex» Bank of Commerce Building, at cutton wa« to me directed and Eugene, Ijin e County, Oregon, commanded me to sell the real within six months frum the date property hereinafter described to of this notice. satisfy certain Hens and charges Date of first publication and date I will on Friday the 3nd day of of Notice, October 30. 1832 December. 1131, at the hour of 10 W. W. C A LK IN S. Executor of o'clock. A M at the southwest the l.a*t W ill and Testament door of the County Court House of Frank B McDowell, de­ lu Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, ceased. offer for sale and sell at public- CA LK IN S and CALKINfC At­ auction for cash, subject to redemp­ torneys for the Estate. tion as provided by law, all of the (O 2987— N 3 10-17) right, title and Interest of the lla ln tlff In said suit and of all par­ ties claiming by. through or under N O T IC E OF him or any of them. In or to the F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T following described real property, Notice Is hereby given that to-wit: beginning at a point 431.1 feet Bertha Wetxel, Executrix of the North of the Mouth west corner Estate of Mary Ann Barnes, de­ of I). L. C. No. 48, running thence ers- od. has filed her Final Report Ess I 3313.(0 feet to place of be­ and Account an such, and the Court ginning; thence Weal 144 feet; has set Saturday, the 10th day of thence Mouth 141.46 feet; thence November. 1832 at 10:00 o'clock Mouth 3»' 44 rain. East 214 30 In the forenoon, at the County feet; thence North 14* 30 min Court Room In the Court House West along the l*aclflc Highway at Eugene. Ijin e County, Oregon, 170 00 feet to the place of begin­ as the time and place to hear ob- ning. all In Mectlon 11 Township ectlons to the same. If any, and for 17 8 It 4 West W M . Lane the final settlement of said Estate. County, Oregon. BER TH A W E TZ E L . Executrix. Dated Ibis 1st day of November. WELLS A WKLI.8, Attorneys. 1132 (O 20-27— N 3-10-17) II. L. BOWN, Sheriff, By A. E. HU LB OA AltD. Deputy. N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G IN 3-10-17-34— D 1) I . g - 1- " ........... . F IN A L ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that by Order of the Hon. C. I’ . Barnard, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County, Saturday, November 18th. 1032. at ten o'clock A M at the Chambers of tin» County Court In the I» n e Body F ir Mill Wood County Court House, In Eugene. 84.00 Cord (3.50 Cord Lane County. Oregon, has been fixed as the tim e and place for A R T H U R JAC K S O N hearing objections. If any. to the Phons 184-W Springfield settlement and allowance of the final account of the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Floyd Wilson, deceased. F. N. McAlister, Administrator. F ltK l) E. S M IT H . Attorney for JEWELER Administrator. Repairing a Specialty (O 20 27—N 3 10-17) Business Directory WOOD Edw. G. Privat Springfield. Oregon F IN A L HEA RING Dr. J O S E P H IN E C. B R AU N N a tu re p a th k Physician I'hone 81-J Office Hours: 1 to 1 P M. 404 Fourth Mtrest 0-n c ra l I j iw Practice I. M. P E T E R S O N Attorney at-Law City Hall Bulldlug Springfield, Oregon IPOOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole EUGENE— U th 8PRINOFIBLU und L'harnelton, 288 Main Telephone 728 Phone 82-J OPTOMCTRYI Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned as Administrator with W’tll annexed of the estate of Es­ telle L. Dlmond, deceased, has filed In court bis final account as such administrator, and that the court has fixed 10.00 A. M of Friday. November 26. 1932, as the time when said account will be taken up for examination and allowance. Any person Interested In said ac­ count may appear before the coun­ ty court of Lane county, at said time and be heard In reference to said account, and to an assignment of the residue of said estate then to he made. 8. D. A L L E N . Administrator. (O 27— N 3-10-17 NOTICE TO CREDITO RS Notice Is hereby given that the itnuderslgned haa been appointed administrator with the w ill annex­ ed of the loist W ill and Teata- ment and of the estate of Sarah E Hoyle, deceased, by the County County Court for Lane County, In the State of Oregon. All those having bills against said estate are hereby notified to present then, with proper vouchers to the under­ signed at the law office of Donald Young, at room 430 Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon, within b I x months after the date of the first publica­ tion of this notice. Date of first publication October 27th, 1932 J. L. Boyle, Administrator with the W ill annexed. DO NALD YOUNG, Eugene, Ore­ gon, Attorney for estate. (O 27— N 3-10-17 24) NO TIC E TO CREDITO RS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lane County. In the M atter of the Estate of Margaret A. Harris. Deceased Don't take chances with your Notice Is hereby given that H. D. vision or with that of mem Cherry has been by the above en­ hers of your family. Make sure titled court appointed as admlnls that children's eyes are watch­ trntor of the above entitled matter. All persons having claims against ed anil protected. Thirty-five of said estate are required to present the forty-eight states now have the same properly verified to said statutes providing for eye tests administrator at the law office of Howard M. Brownell. 728 Wiliam In schools. ette Street. Eugene. Oregon, w ith­ in six months from th'.t 80th day 'o f October, 1932. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 West »th tugan* H. D. C H ER R Y, Administrator. HO W ARD M. B R O W NELL, A t­ torney for Administrator. (O 10-17— N 8-10-17) NO TIC E OF SH ER IFF*» »A LE IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E 1 CO U N TY OF LANE. I SH ER M A N IIA H K 8 O N . T R U STEE, Plaintiff, -vs HO RTO N LUM HER AND T IM B E R COMPANY. I a Corporation C R E D IT SER VICE COMPANY, a Corporation; feet; tbeoee North 4* 80 mis West. 318 feet to the »oath Mae of tbs Held Kirkland Donation M n d Claim; thence West on said Mouth line 1411.9 feet, to the place of beginning, containing 12 43 acres. In Lane county, Ore­ gon. NOW . T H E R E F O R E . hy virtu« of said execution. JudgmenL order, decree and order of sale and tn compliance with the command* ot »aid writ, 1 will on Saturday, the 34th ddy of November, 1932, at tbs hour of ten o’clock A. M , at the front door of the County Court House In Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, sell at public auction (sub­ ject to redemption, to the high­ est bidder for cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named Defendants and sack and all of them In ths shove en­ titled suit had on the 16th day of March. 1929, the date of the mort­ gage herein foreclosed, or since that date bed in and to the above described property, or any part thereof, to satisfy the said execu­ tion. Judgment order, and decree, Interest, costs and accruing costs Dated this 23nd day of October, 1932 First publication October >7. 1991. M a t publication November 24, 1922. H L. BOW N. Sberjff of Lane County, Oregon. (O «7— N 8-10-1784) TOWN ANO VICINITY Rugane * N O T IC I Aoeeburg Man Here— Fred Fritts Vielte Het««— M ee Hattie M it­ ef Rossburg spent ths wash-end chell stopped In S irin g i leid Friday evening while enroute from Ash­ here visiting with friends. land to Washington to attend a Jasper Resident Mere — Mrs. mlsalonary conference. She was a Mark Serbrlng of Jasper was a guest at tb» home of her stater. visitor In Springfield on Friday. Mrs. D. B. Murphy OP PINAL » IT T L IM I N T I Notice Is hereby given that the und^rtlffned, T K K and to prunes with pears and walnuts Kelley. Receiver, with the legal S«« Your Local m t day of September. 1931. and also and 3llverton. the Southeast quarter of the both about to exceed apples In proof thereof within three months such property as may have been Northeast quarter (S E lk of California People Here Mr. and acreage. THE COLEMAN thereafter acquired by aald de from this date or they may be dis­ N E lk ) of Section Thlrty-eix (S3), Mrs. Darrell Sutton of Ban Diego, fendant. LAM» and STOVE COMPANY More recent data on crop acre­ allowed. all In township flfteeo (16), All interest of the defendant. California were here Thursday and Wtcbrto. Ka8 feet; thence East parallel to ths costs. grandchildren aDd several great­ South line of the Claim 727 test; Dated October 14, 1988. grandchildren. thence South 147 feet; thence First publication, October 1», Funeral services were held at East 742 feet to the Westerly 1982 line of the Southern Pacific Com­ I^ant publication. November 17, Oakridge Tuesday morning at 10 pany'» Railroad right of way; 1931 o'clock with Rev. Westerbout o ffi­ thence Northwesterly along the H L. BOW N. Sheriff of Lane ciating. Interment was made In the Railroad right ot way on a carve County, Oregon. Hebert cemetery. to the right a distance of 190 (O N-17— N 8-19-17) VALUE OF FOUIT, NUT CROP TOLD Instant Lighting 'New Instant-Gas Coleman Radiant H eater Pr?ee$17 4 0 ONLY I f = D WHY YOUR LIGHT BILLS ARE HIGHER IN WINTER THAN IN SUMMER MOUNTAIN STATES fe ÿ POWER COMPANY U